We Have A Voice

Page 23

Class 12 3-5-13 Class 7 2-13-13

Class 8 2-20-13

Class 9 2-22-13

Class 10 2-25-13

Violence Why do people bring violence to schools? What are our Challenges?

What is the reason for violence?

Why is this challenge important to solve?

So that we can bring the violence to an end.

Who needs to be involved to solve it?

The city of Savannah, Church people, Police, People who want to see others change, Teachers, Parents, Instigators, Gangs, and younger peers.

Class 11 2-27-13

Class 13 3-6-13


Why do people not exercise?

Why do sTUDENTS NOT use the exercise classes at school?*

Because people can be healthy and in shape, fight with obesity, it will help everyone

Because people can be healthy and in shape, fight with obesity, it will help everyone


Nutrition teacher, School store

When do we want to resolve it?

22 What hurdles stand in our way?

How can we remove those hurdles?

Movies, and TV shows, Games, Make videos, Encourage people, Do interview with teachers and students

Lower self-steam, more technology, jobs, games, busy life, depressed, time, kids, lazy

It is mandatory, kids have to participate in gym, students just go there and sit there to escape classes.

Kids K-12 (Park), anti depressions, stop using technology, no electricity, schedule, baby sitter

4th block people who pass go and help people who fails study for test, healthy food from school store, Zumba * The students decided to change their topic from “Why does the school not have a class that helps people get in shape?� to the above question.


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