SLPKC - Conference Edition 2013

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Conference Edition


Welcome to Orlando!

Welcome from THE SLPKC CHAIRs It is with great excitement that we welcome our over 4,000 SLPKC members to Orlando!

This is one of our most important newsletter issues. In Orlando, we hope you take advantage of the opportunities to engage with SLP KC members, our leadership team, and volunteer to become more involved with the KC. In addition, we welcome you to inquire about becoming a leadership team co-coordinator or team member. At each conference, we host an annual member meeting where we disseminate our annual awards, showcase our leadership team, and brainstorm about leadership practices “Think Tank” style. We also welcome you to speak with us at the communities fair and attend our social co-hosted with the Student Affairs Partnering with Academic Affairs KC and the Sustainability KC. This is an exceptional opportunity to network with three KCs in a short amount of time! Each year I look forward to meeting our members and this year is no exception.

include us in your tweets during NASPA and ACPA (@naspaSLPKC or #SALead) and like us on facebook.

This year we are committed to a social networking collaborative effort with ACPA’s Commission for Student Involvement (CSI). Whether you are in Orlando or Las Vegas…You will be in the “know” if you follow either or both of our twitter accounts. We are committed to sharing meetings and social opportunities with our membership for both conferences. In the spirit of leadership, our organizations believe in the power of collaboration as opposed to competition. Our challenge to you is to

Michael Baumhardt University of Scranton

Prior to the conference, there are a few things we want to share with you. Please consider completing our OrgSync form to be a mentor or mentee through participating in our mentorship program. We welcome you to submit an article, review of literature, leadership program/practice, and share your interactions with students (case studies) in our SLP KC newsletter, and enroll as a participant in one of our FREE webinars. So, please check out our NASPA website for more details. Please do not hesitate to contact us before the conference at Sherry Lynn Early Bowling Green State University

Adam Cebulski works with OrgSync and holds his MSEd degree in Higher Education Administration and Policy (concentrating


on strategic planning and leadership development)



University. His background has focused on strategic planning and assessment for student affairs divisions and departments

Meet your Editors During the NASPA conference in Phoenix last year, Tom realized that in order to preach the benefits of leadership and involvement to students, he should also be involved. He looks forward to working with you. As Newsletter Co-Coordinator, he will work to solicit, edit, and compile content as well as assist with the layout and design of the newsletter. He hopes that you will be willing to submit content regularly and encourage others to do so.

apply to lead

at a variety of institutions.

Leadership Positions Open Get even more involved with the SLPKC by applying for a leadeship position!

SLP KC Leadership Team strives We currently have open positions for: to fulfill it’s mission by dissemi- Committee Co-Coordinators: nating knowledge to its members. Pre-Conference: Each year we submit a In order to fulfill this charge we have a select team of qualified professionals that put this vision into action. If you are interested

1/2 or full day workshop proposal for the NASPA National Conference and individuals on this committee are asked to plan and facilitate this. The committee coordinator would facilitate the program proposal process and presentation at the annual conference, while overseeing a small team of individuals.

in applying for one of these posi- NASPA Conference Community Fair tions, please complete the application at: forms/67981 For more information or if you have questions, please contact Sherry Early or Micahel Baumhardt at

and Graduate Support: Coordinates special events, more specifically, the community fair booth highlighting opportunities for individuals to get involved with the SLPKC, at the annual NASPA Conference as well as outreach efforts for graduate students and new professionals. Newsletter: Develops quarterly newsletter to be disseminated to membership. (newsletter design experience is not required, but preferred). Spotlight Series and Awards: Coordinates a quarterly Spotlight Series to recognize exemplary college leadership programs. Additionally, assists with marketing and selection of SLP KC awards.

Transcending Boundaries to Connect Students in Leadership


Congratulations to our Program Spotlight for this quarter.


Students participating in the institutions partner students participating LINK Ascend program within the in their respective leadership programs,

Center for Student Leadership providing students an opportunity to interact (CSL) at Kennesaw State Univer- with peers at another institution, develop

sity (KSU) gain valuable skill sets, relationships and build resources and inforimmerse themselves in learning mation around a social issue, and share in

focused around a salient social an impactful facilitated visit to their peers to issue, and explore the topics of investigate the issue from a new context. group dynamics, community, civic engagement, information literacy, power, and privilege.

Immersing students in complex social

issues provides a context to explore leadership while promoting personally respon-

Now a model for a national consortium of sible, participatory, and justice-oriented citi-

similar leadership exchange programs, the zenship. Additionally, students develop CSL embraced this program as the corner- relationships and enhance their network

stone experience within the second-year of in meeting a peer from another institutheir three-year leadership program. The tion across the country to both discuss

foundation of these exchanges are simple: their experience in the program, and also

support one another as fellow college students. Ivanna Tate, a student at KSU, commented, “Not only did I learn a lot about homelessness and how it affects our cultures, but I developed a long lasting friendship with my USC partner. We have similar majors and continue to help each other by exchanging ideas and offering different perspectives on life, academics, and our future plans” (Tate, personal communication, 2010). Now in it’s fourth year, KSU continues to engage students from University of Southern California (USC) in exploring the issue of homelessness in Los Angeles and Atlanta. Students interact with primary stakeholders from a number of perspectives; from individuals who are homeless on Skid Row, to local officials, to police officers responsible for the safety and security of all affected. Students are then charged to apply the leadership skills and knowledge gained through their experiences to make a positive change. “We hope that they are able to look at homelessness from different sides and find out where they fit in to create change.” described Lily ChowanaBandhu, Interim Director of Campus Activities at USC (Young, 2012, p.1). Shelby Harris, Director of the Office of Student Activities and Leadership at the University of Massachusetts (UMASS)- Boston describes “It is rewarding to see the commitment of these [Guilford Technical Community College and UMASS- Boston] students to the issues of hunger and homelessness, especially their personal motivation for taking part in this program. Many have experienced these issues firsthand and it is humbling to be with them on their journey of learning leadership through service.” (Harris, personal communication, December 13, 2012). Now in its third year, the Leadership in Action Summit convenes annually to discuss the domestic exchange program and assist new schools in developing their own exchanges, share challenges and success, and advance the sharing of resources on partner campuses. This year, the Summit will take place from July 24-26, 2013 in Kennesaw, GA. References Young, A. (2012, February 3). USC students immerse themselves in homelessness. USC News. Retrieved from http://news.!/article/29642/USC-Students-Immerse-Themselves-in-Homelessness

Brian LeDuc, Manager for Leadership Programs, Center for Student Leadership Adjunct Instructor, Department of First-Year Programs, Kennesaw State University

Share Power To Create Power


An editorial from Matthew Clifford, Wake Forest University I’ve always claimed to be collaborator in

of discussing ideas openly and gath-

my work. I like to bring people together

ering various viewpoints on a challenging

to discuss an organizational problem,

issue, once settled on an outcome, I carry

generate ideas on a new program, or

that forward. I’m glad to share ideas with

work through a difficult issue. Usually,

others, but not power. Sharing power

what comes of those brainstorming

creates power. If I recommend a valued,

sessions is a decision or concept that is

competent, and deserving staff member

far greater than the solution I (or anyone

or student to sit on a committee or lead

else) could have created behind closed

a project, their work will cast a favorable

doors. Notwithstanding the quality of

outlook not only on my organization, but

the outcome, collaborative gather-

on me as a leader, mentor, and super-

ings between colleagues also help to

visor. It’s really scary to share power. You

engender a sense of shared goals,

might have fought really hard to earn that

values, and influence. Recently, though,

power, or given something valuable up to

I have come to realize that my claims

receive it. Ultimately, I’m afraid to share

of being a collaborative leader have

power because I might not get it back. We

been dashed. Although I enjoy the idea

might see students in similar (cont. pg 9)

(continued from previous page) situations, especially in highly functioning organizations. Some of our students might be experiencing power for the first time, especially with peers. My goal for 2013 is to share more opportunities with colleagues, friends, and students. Joseph Badaracco, Professor of Business Ethics

at Harvard Business School, wrote, “In today’s environment, hoarding knowledge ultimately erodes your power. If you know something very important, the way to get power is by actually sharing it.” Perhaps the knowledge I thought was mine should be shared, so that knowledge will grow tenfold.

NEW ILA LIaison A message from Dan Jenkins, University of Southern Maine’s Lewiston-Auburn College I am excited about serving the NASPA SLPKC in the capacity of an International Leadership Association (ILA) liaison. As the current chair-elect of the ILA Leadership Education Member Interest Group (MIG), I will serve a three-year term with ILA beginning as chair elect from 2012-2013, as currentchair of the ILA MIG in 2013-14, and finally as past-chair from 2014-15. Like the SLPKC, the ILA MIG is the largest interest group (AKA, knowledge

• Promoting shared ideas such as opportunities for research and scholarship • Promoting events and conferences geared towards leadership educators • Offering collaborative opportunities for conference proposals, papers, and workshops • Promoting SLPKC to ILA and other interested organizations, associations, and potential members • Securing an ILA representative to attend and speak at the member meeting at our annual NASPA conference

community) in the umbrella organization. Thus, it

• Serving as the SLPKC representative at conferences to speak about our KC

is integral that NASPA and ILA stay connected and

I am excited about his new role and the opportu-

even more specifically, that our largest and most

nity to service the SLPKC in this capacity. If you

“leadership education centered” groups have open

have any suggestions or ideas for expanding this

lines of communication. I see my NASPA-SLPKC/

role, please let me know.

ILA-MIG role perpetuating the following:

A Word from our sponsors

thank you


Jossey-Bass is proud to sponsor the NASPA Student Leadership Programs Knowledge Community because we believe that helping young people understand their own capacity to lead is the single greatest thing we can do to improve our world. Jossey-Bass publishes a variety of student leadership models by the foremost student leadership educators including Susan Komives, Barry Posner, and Jim Kouzes, as well as new voices who are leading change, helping students to fulfill their potential, and working toward creating a better, more sustainable world for all of us. Visit to learn more.

OrgSync is incredibly excited to start working with the NASPA SLPKC to help empower administrators to think holistically about creating new and innovative involvement opportunities for students. In the age of data and documentation, OrgSync is proud to provide the world of higher education a suite of online tools to be able to manage, measure, and assess the co-curricular experience and all the learning that happens outside of the classroom. For more informa-

tion on OrgSync, please visit

region I Colleen Powers Central Connecticut State University Follow us on Twitter @NASPAR1SLPKC Like us on Facebook If you would like to get more involved or want to send us any feedback, email us at:

region I updates


The Region I Student Leadership Programs Knowledge Community has been hard at work since Spring 2012 establishing goals, developing their leadership team and sharing knowledge amongst the Region. Some of the highlights include: • Publishing the first of two bi-annual newsletters in November 2012 which was shared via multiple online venues as well as in print. The Newsletter included a program spotlight, student reflection, event review and intro to the leadership team. You can find a copy on the NASPA website: • Hosting a Drive-In Conference with the GLBT KC in Region I called Let’s Talk: Conversations about Allyship and Leadership in Student Affairs on November 30th at Clark University. We had over 50 attendees at the conference which offered 4 sessions ranging from Holistic Leadership Development, to Allyship and personal Reflection. • Conducting a survey of our members in the region to gain more knowledge about the experience levels, functional areas and specific interests for future programming. The results gave us a good sense of our membership demographics and shared that some main topics of interest include interdisciplinary leadership programming, assessment and learning outcomes for leadership development, and leadership certificate programs. • Recently growing our leadership team to include 7 professionals in the region whose primary responsibilities include leadership development on their campus. Their roles on the leadership team encompass all of our major goals and focus on building community, networking as well as creating and sharing knowledge


Sponsored Sessions We’re sponsoring several session this year so please check them out!

Monday, March 18, 2013 Creating Positive Outcomes When Conflict Occurs Roger Sorochty & Craig Runde, Director, Center for Conflict Dynamics, Eckerd College 12:15 PM - 1:15 PM, Marco Island - Marriott Craig Runde, Director, Center for Conflict Dynamics, Eckerd College The presenters for this program will share an approach to improve staff and student responses to conflict. They will incorporate cognitive, emotional, behavioral, and normative elements to improve campus-wide conflict competence. Participants will take the Conflict Dynamics Profile instrument which will help them understand their own responses to conflict and “hot buttons”. They will also learn key emotional self-management techniques and constructive communications processes that can foster productive outcomes in conflicts.

Developing the Leader by Engaging the Spirit Paul Stonecipher & Kathy Guthrie, Assistant Professor of Higher Education, Florida State University 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM, Marco Island - Marriott In this session, we will start with findings using data from the Multi-Institutional Study of Leadership which, when combined with prior research findings, demonstrate a relationship between the leadership development and a student’s spiritual quest. The spiritual quest is defined as “an engagement in the search for meaning and purpose in life (Astin, Astin, and Lindholm, 2011).” This presentation will further explore how leadership education and development programs can enhance spiritual development. Finally, reflection, journaling, and other techniques will be discussed that utilize a students’ exploration of spiritual quest to encourage their growth as leaders while staying inclusive of the student’s own belief-system or spiritual path.

Creating Student Leadership Programs Lisa Bardill Moscaritolo, Rachel Carpenter, Director for Student Development and Campus Activities, Pace University - Pleasantville, & Mark Allen Poisel, Associate Provost for Student Success, Pace University 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM,

Marco Island - Marriott

Pace University in Pleasantville, NY will describe its process for developing two leadership initiatives without additional funding. These initiatives were created by collaborative efforts of Student Affairs, Academic Affairs and the campus community to tie leadership, service, and engagement to recruitment, retention, and student success. The presenters will discuss two leadership initiatives and how to develop institutional leadership programs while asking the participants to share their experiences.

If you have visited our Facebook page and Twitter account, you have probably noticed there is a lot of activity. Well, get ready! We will have a highly interactive facebook page and will happily tweet our hearts out during the upcoming conference in Orlando. So, stay in the leadership loop by “liking” our facebook page, following us on twitter (@naspaSLPKC), and including #SALead on your NASPA 2013 tweets! We have a social media partnership with ACPA’s Commission for Student Involvement for both conferences. We’ll be tweeting and tagging CSI from Orlando and CSI will tweet and tag SLP KC from Vegas. So, regardless of which conference you attend—CSI and SLP KC will keep you informed of meetings, events, socials, and more! But, we can only do that if you follow us.

Monday, March 18, 2013 Learning Vicariously: Using TV’s Parks & Rec for Leader Education


Laurie Marks 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Grand Ballroom - 7B - Marriott

The presenter of this session will explore how episodes of the TV show Parks & Recreation can be incorporated into a leadership curriculum aimed at engaging students in an analysis of leadership theories as they develop their own civic and leader identities. Session participants will be given the course syllabus and worksheets used in conjunction with particular episodes, which serve as tools to encourage students to apply the models learned from assigned readings and class discussion to what is demonstrated on the show. Breaking News: The Student Newspaper Is Here For An Interview Mac Pitts 4:15 PM - 5:15 PM

Vinoy - Marriott

Even the most seasoned college administrator develops a knot in their stomach when the campus student media wants an interview, but fear no more. This session will help you know how to better work with your student media organizations to develop positive relationships with those covering your campus news and avoid being ambushed by eager student reporters. Leadership Identity Development: Do Gender or Ethnicity Matter? Suzanne Onorato 4:15 PM - 5:15 PM

Canary - 2 - Marriott

Participants in this general interest session will be introduced to the doctoral research conducted by the presenter which explored how a select group of Hispanic women at a Hispanic Serving Institution (HSI) developed a leadership identity. Key findings and implications of the study for professionals who work with and educate student leaders will be discussed. In addition, participants will be encouraged to think about and discuss the applicability of this research to their professional roles.

NASPA Communities Fair

7:00 PM – 9:00 PM, Sheraton - Phoenix - A-C

SLPKC/AAPSA KC/Sustainability KC Social 7:00PM - 8:00PM, Grand Cayman-Marriot

Tuesday, March 19, 2013 Espousing, Enacting & Assessing a Leadership Framework J. Matthew Garrett, Natasha Hopkins, Assistant Director, Bridget Riordan, Dean of Students, Andy Wilson, Director of Residence Life, Frank Gaertner, Director of the Clairmont Campus, Residence Life (Emory University, all) 10:15 AM - 11:15 AM, Grand Ballroom - 1 - Marriott Emory University undertook a multi-year process to connect leadership theory to institutional values, mission, and vision. The development of Leadership Emory serves multiple functions: (1) provide a common language about the values of leadership the institution believes are important, (2) provide a comprehensive framework for assessment, and (3) guide program development across the institution to connect leadership learning and help students make meaning of their experiences across campus. This session focuses on the process, development, assessment, and learning from this journey.

Financial Literacy and Peer Mentoring - Students Helping Students Coordinating Presenter: Carmen Panlilio, Mack Do, NASPA Undergraduate Fellow, New Jersey City University, & Michael Bennett, Associate Vice President Financial Assistance Services, St. Petersburg College (FL) 10:15 AM - 11:15 AM, Grand Ballroom - 12 - Marriott Student affairs professionals are critical in bridging the academic, financial, and social worlds of students as they experience college and prepare for the rest of their lives. Financial literacy and student loan management are fundamental skills that students need in order to access opportunities and be successful. The presenters of this session will share experiences in the creation and institutionalization of successful peer-led financial literacy programs that rely on collaboration between faculty, staff, students, and external organizations. The session will discuss the role of executive sponsorship and partnerships with the university community and external organizations and the importance of these roles in the success and institutionalization of the program. The session will demonstrate how tapping into the creativeness and enthusiasm of students, the subject matter expertise of faculty, the organizational skill of administrators, and the mission of both the university and the external organizations allow for a collaboration that creates opportunities for student leadership development as well as opportunities for the promotion of financial literacy in the university community.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013


Increasing Student Leadership Capacity Through Outdoor Leadership Nathan Williams & Amy Derringer, Graduate Assistant for Academic Student Services , Loyola University Chicago 12:45 PM - 1:45 PM, Sawgrass - Marriott Challenge courses and outdoor trips are often used to promote teamwork and challenge among participants, but less is known about the experiences of students who lead these activities. The presenters will use current leadership research and theory as a lens to explore the leadership opportunities available to students who lead outdoor activities. The presenters will share methods for assessing outdoor leadership and collaborating across campus. The presenters will lead a discussion on the challenges and opportunities of this type of experiential leadership.

The aB Site Leader Experience: An Engaged Leadership Approach Patricia Lopez-Guerrero & Crystel D Dawson, Coordinator, Florida International University 12:45 PM - 1:45 PM, Marco Island - Marriott During this session, the presenters will examine leadership models and training influences to build leadership capacity among Alternative Breaks (aB) site leaders. The Center for Leadership & Service at Florida International University (FIU) focus was to build leadership training surrounding Break Away’s - 9 Components of a Quality Break. The aB Site Leader Competency Model was born out of the desire to have an assessment plan tailored specifically to the Alternative Breaks program and Site Leader training, with the student leaders and their development at the forefront. The aB Site Leader Competency Model was created as a way to assess the effectiveness of the training program for these student leaders, especially because of their critical value to aB. The program coordinators also wanted the ability to evaluate the level of preparedness for leading the aB experience for their participants, and for themselves in a leadership position, before and after their service trips. In addition, the program coordinators wanted to create a comprehensive model for the student leaders that would provide them the opportunity to selfexamine their progress from the beginning of the aB experience to their service trips.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013 Crossing Boundaries Through Experiential Social Justice Education Diana Sims-Harris, Erin Thomas, Coordinaor for Leadership and Service, Illinois State University, Yvonne Pena, Assistant Dean of Students, University of Texas at San Antonio, David Russell, Graduate Assistant for Leadership and Service, Illinois State University, & Jillian Van Auken, Coordinator for Student Activities, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis 3:15 PM - 4:15 PM,

Grand Ballroom - 8A - Marriott

Do your social justice programs feel confined or lacking depth? Use experiential trips to change the context and the outcome. Three institutions will share how they researched, created, funded, executed, and supported leadership and social justice education in experiential interstate trips. The presenters will share outcomes and assessment to demonstrate student learning. Participants will be able to apply information the presenters share to their unique campus environments.

SLPKC Think Tank & Awards Reception (Open) 3:30 PM - 4:45PM, Miami - Marriott Wednesday, March 20, 2013 Syracuse Community Ambassadors: Off-Campus Community Leaders Kerry Heckman 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM

Grand Ballroom - 12 - Marriott

The Community Ambassador Program at Syracuse University (SU) was created to enhance the connection between off-campus students, the university, and the neighborhood in which they reside. Community Ambassadors serve as ambassadors and role-models to the off-campus community. They act as point-of-contact, provide access to resources, and build community on their assigned streets. Since its creation in 2009, the Community Ambassador Program has tripled in size and now serves nearly 8,000 off-campus students. This session highlights the key goals, strategies and lessons learned for linking and aligning students’ learning experiences, leadership theory, and the emergent field of town-gown issues.


The SLPKC Graduate Student Mentor Program is designed to connect

Mentor Requirements:


Join the SLPKC Mentor Program graduate students who are inter-

- Currently working in an area of Leadership at an institution of higher education

ested in student leadership with

- Minimum of 2 years professional experience

current professionals in the field.

- Commitment to attend conference events with mentee

Each graduate student (mentee) will be matched with a professional (mentor) during the national confer-

Mentee Requirements:

- Currently enrolled in a graduate program

ence and will be encouraged to

- Commitment to attend conference events with mentor

network during the course of the

Sign Up Process:


Please click on the link to visit the following form to sign up:

There is an expectation that the mentor and mentee attend SLPKC and Conference social events together. It will be up to the discretion of both the mentor and mentee if they wish to continue to communicate after the conference. The purpose of the program is to connect the mentee to the SLPKC and NASPA, provide the mentee with networking opportunities during the conference, and allow the mentee to learn more about working with student leadership programs.


Please contact either of the SLPKC Mentorship Program Coordinators:

Dave Borgealt, Director, Student Leadership Institute, DePaul University,

Gabby Mora, Asst. Director of Leadership, Involvement, & Community Development, Drexel University,

Remember these helpful conference tips! 1. Always carry your business cards. If you don’t have them, make them! 2. Be open to new opportunities. You never know when a casual conversation could lead to an interview or research collaboration. 3. Always pick out a back-up session - just in case of last minute cancelations. 4. Actively participate in sessions. Ask questions, add comments! 5. Meet people, meet people, meet people. The conference is not just about the sessions.

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