2011 NAOP Annual Report

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How YOUR gifts help Nyaka Thanks to the generosity of volunteers and donors like you, NAOP was able to and Kutamba students, exist without paid staff for 9 years in the United States. In 2011, in addition to an Executive Director working full‐time, NAOP also invested in both a graduates in secondary bookkeeper, administrative assistant, and full‐time Director of Development. school, and grandmothers This was a critical step toward organizational sustainability and increased infrastructure. Donors like YOU are the very best. Fourteen percent of the increased administrative costs outlined below were covered thanks to an anonymous donor. This allowed 87% of every dollar you donated to directly support the students! NAOP is slated to spend $.80 for every $1.00 donated in 2012 on the programs you love: education of students, clean water at Kutamba Primary School, Desire Farm, Blue Lupin Library, the Grandmother Program, and the medical clinic. Every year we count on your support, love, and care of students make it all possible. THANK YOU! For more detailed financial information please visit www.nyakaschool.org . Please note this chart includes CAD 186,000 from the Stephen Lewis Foundation. These funds were sent directly to Uganda and do not appear on STSAD 2011, Form 990.

Photo credits: Betty Londergan, Tashmica Torok, and John Brewster

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