Nairobi Chapel; Oscar Awards Brochure

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Congratulations “His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!’ Matthew 25:21 You had better believe that the day is coming when we will all gather before our Father’s throne in heaven, and an “Oscar Ceremony” will be held as God judges each man’s work; how they fulfilled their mission on earth, how they conducted themselves, and how they used the spiritual gifts, opportunities and resources God gave them while they were “on the field”. On that day many will be commended for their sacrifice, love, care and dedication in serving the Lord. Some will receive a reward, while others will be invited to sit on the seats of honour at the right hand of God. And then the Oscars will be followed by a great feast! Sadly the work of others will be judged and found wanting, maybe because God gave them everything they needed to fulfil his commission, but they did nothing. Today’s Oscars are our way of giving special honour to those volunteers who have served with excellence here at the Chapel. Seeing that we have over 300 volunteers engaged each Sunday; and an additional 200 engaged during the course of the week, we simply can’t honour everyone at one go. So each year we hold an end of year dinner in December for all volunteers, and thank them that way; but we also ask each ministry department to pick out the 2 or 3 volunteers who stood out that year, and we hand out a total of 20 Oscars. Just 20. And once you get an Oscar, your name is not eligible for another 3 years. Selecting those 20 is about the hardest thing the pastor’s have to do, because we want to honour everyone who served in a big or small way. We can’t. Our consolation however, is knowing that this “Oscar Award” ceremony is but a shadow of what will happen in heaven when God will honour everyone who served, and their works will be displayed for all to see. No-one will be left out. These ones listed here have gone over and above their call of duty and used their spiritual gifts in an exemplary fashion. Many of them have spent hours preparing children’s and teenagers lessons, mobilizing teams for Sunday service, using their time away from home to counsel and to guide couples on their walk towards marriage, visiting the sick and needy, praying for grace into people’s lives and serving in many countless, unseen ways. It is these ones that we honour today. We encourage you to follow the example set by them.

Pst Oscar Muriu

Dr. Elizabeth Bukusi

Maryanne Kabura

John Damiano




Dr. Liz is a Co-Director at the Center for Microbiology Research at the Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI). Since 1996, she has been involved with Club Xpressions, our Youth Ministry, discipling and guiding hundreds of teenagers through the ROPES course; a rite of passage program from teenage to adulthood. Despite her busy schedule, she was instrumental in the writing and development of the ROPES curriculum which is used till today. For her incredible passion and dedication to seeing our young people discipled, we give her an Oscar.

Maryanne, an administrator working in Lavington, has diligently served as a Crossroads facilitator since 2008. Her involvement in the ROPES camps, where she takes her annual leave days from work to plan and attend the same is a great example of using her spiritual gift to serve God. At camp, she is often in charge of the physical exercises and also serves as a counsellor to the teens. Her desire to see young people engage in Christ and grow in their faith is admirable.

Damiano is synonymous with the formation of DICE, the Dance Ministry at Club Xpressions which has become a way of life and mission for many of its members. In 2011 / 2012, John came on board the Kinara Leadership Program for a season on a personal quest for spiritual growth. He also serves in our high school outreach program. His consistency and passion in ministry is a great example to many of our teenagers and we celebrate him for this.

Eric Onyango

Kennedy Wakoba

Sharon Chakava - Banda




As a teenager attending Club XP, Eric became interested in Kuhani, the Worship team, where he was taught to play instruments and mentored by other band members. He eventually rose to lead Kuhani as band leader and has steered the team through different seasons, particularly when members would transition to college and he would have to raise up others in their place. He has brought about growth, cohesion and continuity within the team, in order for them to offer engaging worship at XP. For using his gifts of worship and as our longest serving XP leader, we give him an Oscar.

It is highly likely that you have shaken Ken’s hand as you walk in through the back door. Ken’s commitment to the work of God is exemplary. He has displayed great passion and love for his service as an usher week in and out. Ken continued to serve God even at a moment when he did not hold down a job, a great testament of true service and for which we award him an Oscar. He is married to Lydia Wakoba.

Sharon is the Managing Director of Vintage Travel and Tours Limited. She is married to Tim Banda and they are both active in the life of the church. For the last three years, Sharon has been one of our faithful Sunday-by-Sunday ushers, specifically overseeing the 9.00 service and the team that works with her. She displays great commitment to the work of God, whether in her duty as an Usher, or as a member of her eGroup which meets weekly. Sharon is passionate about standards and excellence at her workplace and in Ministry and therefore strives to do her best for God. For her faithfulness, we award her an Oscar.

Charles Bury (Chip) SOCIAL JUSTICE

Chip is the Regional Strategy & Management Advisor and Public Funding Coordinator at SOS Children’s Village International. Since 2011, he has served in the Social Justice Department, spent numerous hours and used his professional expertise to help launch and provide strategy for Haki Trust – our fundraising vehicle – which finally came into being this year. For this we award him an Oscar. Chip has energized the Trustees and Board members, causing many introspective discussions that have renewed commitment in each of these people.

Victor Mbugua

Nancy Mucira



Victor runs a mentoring program called the Refiner’s House which works with national schools promoting mentorship and skills training for better performance. He is married to Maureen and they have two children. He joined the Nairobi Chapel in 2010 and thereafter Plugged –In, then became one of our facilitators. He was later introduced to the Jubilee Program where he has been serving as a board member offering capacity in academic docket, where he has helped us customize our mentorship program to suit our situation. For this we award him an Oscar today.

Nancy works for Standard Chartered bank as Head, Investors and Intermediaries Service Management. She has led the Riara eGroup, which comprises 6 couples of different nationalities and ethnicities for the last five years. Nancy faithfully steered this group even when some couples had to transition out of the country, they would set up Skype meetings to allow them to keep the fellowship. When she was asked to step up to a Zone Shepherd Leader and oversee other eGroups under her care, the group requested that she remain in charge, a true testament to her strong shepherding ability. We celebrate her for her small group leadership.

Jennifer Odera eGROUPS


Mwangi & Joyce Mbogo

Roselyn Amadi

Jennifer works as a project Manager at Mobile Decisioning (MoDe), a business solutions company. As one of our most consistent eGroup leaders, she shepherds one of the largest eGroups here at Chapel with 25 members and a 90% attendance rate. Through her leading, her group fully understands the mission and vision of the Chapel and understands that eGroups are a place for nurture and care. Today they are involved in service at the Jamuhuri Short Prison. We thank her for using her gifts of leadership amongst us.

Mwangi and Joyce lead an eGroup in UpperHill. Their leadership of this group during the Kenya 47-21-21 campaign set a benchmark for group engagement in the activities of the church. We celebrate the way they mobilized the group towards the Bomet county visit where they held a medical camp in conjunction with Tenwek Mission Hospital, outdoor crusades, and organized a football tournament for the locals, among other activities.

Roselyn is our longest serving eGroup Leader. She has thrice overseen the multiplication of the group and grown leaders who have gone on to lead others successfully. Her eGroup has met consistently at her home for the last 7 years, attracting people from the neighborhood who have been touched by her generosity and faith. Her passion for the Word of God and her desire to live by it is admirable.


Elvis Otieno QUEST


Maryanne Muingo

Rose Koros

Elvis wears many hats at Quest; he has been a shepherd for our 6-7 year class and a football coach for our Quest boys team where he combines the training with instruction in the faith. We celebrate his commitment and support for the Quest feeding program, where he helps with the administrative side during the week and mobilizing them on Sunday. He is also involved in the outreach program to primary schools. Elvis’ love and passion for ministering to the children is clearly evident. Thank you for unwavering service from a place of humility.

Maryanne works at Safaricom as a Quality Analyst. She is passionate about impacting children with the Gospel and her love for them is obvious. For 10 years, Maryanne has been an outstanding teacher who has also mentored other Quest volunteers and modelled excellence for them. Her lesson preparations begin on Monday morning as she prays through her classes each day of the week. In those years her enthusiasm and passion to be a faithful minister to the Children has been incredible.

Rose holds a music background and is a London Montessori trained teacher who currently runs her own school – Diamond Academy located in Athi River. Her commitment to detail and her amazing teaching skill has been a gift to the Children’s Ministry where she leads the two year olds. Rose has been a trainer and role model at many of our Teacher Training Retreats. Her high standards of preparation, delivery and class control has impressed both teachers and parents alike.


Wambui Mwariri

Tina & Mutua Kivuitu

James & Lucy Kairu




Teacher Wambui is that teacher who knows all her students by name. With over 8 years of service at Quest, she has faithfully discipled the girls in the 10-11 year age group and promted their commitment to Scripture. Through her, the girls have grown in faith and taken their Bible studies seriously. Wambui has also been instrumental in training other teachers on how to creatively teach the children and we celebrate her for this. She works in Stores inventory management at a Mission based agency.

Tina and Mutua celebrate their 12th year of marriage this December and have recently relocated to Emali as farmers. They have three children. They love serving together and for the last four years, have served as mentors and facilitators in the Premarital Counselling Class (PMCC). They have overseen over 150 couples through PMCC in that time and their dedication, love and passion for their own marriage and that of others deserves mention.

James works as a Principal Revenue Officer at the Kenya Revenue Authority while Lucy is a Program Manager at the Strathmore Business School. They have been married for 10 years and have two beautiful daughters. They work alongside three other couples who form a team called “4 Seasons� that oversees our Pre-marital Counselling Class. Their desire to see other marriages keep going for the long haul, to begin with young couples and walk with them through life is noteworthy.

Jonathan Mwangi Njine

Sammy Onkoba



Jonathan is a businessman working in the Oil Industry. In 2011, he and his wife Susan, Plugged-in to the Chapel, having come from an Anglican church where they were equally active. He has since served as a committed Plug-In facilitator. Jonathan was instrumental in our branching out Plug-In to the Anglican Church when he introduced us to the Bishop of the Nairobi Diocese. An initial 5 churches took on this mode of discipleship with many others seeking to follow suit in the coming years.

A specialist in web and mobile applications, Sammy works at Asilia Creative. His personal desire to make a difference in the lives of others is seen in his weekly ministry to the prisoners at the Jamuhuri Short Term Prison alongside the Missions team. Sammy has grown in his faith as a result of this ministry and gone on to befriend many of the prisoners whom He now sees through the eyes of faith. For his service to the least of this at the Jamuhuri Prison, we give him an Oscar today.

Robert Asimba

Basil Andala

Robert is a telecom engineering graduate and is currently a freelance producer / director and scriptwriter for various media outlets. He is our longest serving video director, training up and taking charge of our audio-visual team. His personal work ethic stems from the knowledge that our Creator is perfect, therefore we must strive to do things perfectly. We celebrate the influence he has had on the quality of the video work in our Sunday Services.

Basil is a Customer Service graduate of the Nairobi Institute of Business Studies (NIBS). Combining humour and wit, he often livens up our services team who arrive long before the Sunday Worship begins. On numerous occasions, he has brought back new insights on how we can improve our stage dĂŠcor, lighting and effects after his travels outside. Today we celebrate him with an Oscar award, for his desire to help provide solutions to our services team.



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