NAGC 59th Annual Convention Program Book

Page 44

NCSSSMST Sessions November 15, 2012 Mathematics Readiness Assessment for Physics

Jennifer Allard, Marianne Razzino, Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology, Alexandria, VA


TJHSST math teachers share experiences with a collaborative math-science effort to assess student readiness for an 11th grade required physics course. We describe the process of developing and administering the tool as a collaborative, discuss lessons learned in analyzing the results, and share the process by which we communicated the results to students and their parents as well as some of the strategies for remediation for students who were found to be less prepared than their peers. Finally, we suggest ideas for how to develop and implement standards-based readiness assessments for other math and science courses.

Administrators Roundtable

Tim Gott, Gatton Academy, Bowling Green, KY Have you ever just wanted to pick the brains of experts on best ways to handle the problems which you face as an administrator in one of the Consortium schools? If you have this is your chance. We are offering the expertise of experts who “have been there and done that” in your job. If you are currently an administrator or if you someday aspire to be one, then join us for this informative session, lead by one of our Consortium Board of Directors. We may not have all the answers but as either the Japanese proverb or Charlie Brown mused -- “none of us is as smart as all of us.” Come and let’s explore. Room: Grand Hyatt Mt. Princeton

Room: Grand Hyatt Mt. Evans A

Let us think of education as the means of developing our greatest abilities, because in each of us there is a private hope and dream which, fulfilled, can be translated into benefit for everyone and greater strength for our nation. — John F. Kennedy


National Association for Gifted Children | Reaching Beyond the Summit

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