Raphine Virginia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 24472

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Raphine Virginia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 24472 Raphine Virginia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 24472 Related

Another car insurance question to British drivers!? My brother's car was written off yesterday [was the other party's fault]. He was told today the car wasn't redeemable so that's that! So he is waiting to see how much they are going to pay him for the loss, but the question is does he have to keep paying full comprehensive insurance when he no longer has a car to drive? Can he now pay a reduced rate until the insurance is sorted out? It seems unfair to continue paying out for fully comp insurance when there is no car to insure!" UK Car Insurance for young drivers? Hi, well i have been driving for almost a year now and i was paying 4500(Extremely Expensive i know) for insurance with Hughes. I am just wondering how to get the bare minimum cheapest insurance possible for an 18 year old with 1 year no claims. I recently got quoted again for 1500. It would be greatly appreciated if anyone could tell me how to make the insurance as cheap as possible (In my own name) Thanks!" Car insurance -- help!? So im 19, dont know nothing about how car insurance works.... im trying to get an online quote to see how much id be paying roughly and i came across this question.... Collision Deductible Specific dollar amount your insurance company requires you to pay when you are involved in an accident. the options are $500, $1000, or decline what does that mean? and what would probably be the safest route to go.." Where can I find affordable health insurance for my daughters? Where can I find affordable health insurance for my daughters? How does car insurance work? do u have to pay for it monthly? i'm buying my first car and am confused as to how car insurance works. i know its better to have insurance before driving your car off the lot but how does insurance work? do you pay insurance monthly liek you do for a car note? "I need family medical/dental insurance, where do people get this if they are self employed? We currently have very good insurance through my husband's work. He is in the process of starting his own business and will be leaving his current job soon. I am very concerned about finding affordable insurance they provides good coverage for my family. Any suggestion would be greatly appreciated.

Would you be in favor of health insurance plans that cost less but force you to make lifestyle changes? I saw somewhere that an estimated 90% of diabetes, 70% of heart disease, and 60% of cancer cases are directly related to either obesity, sedentary lifestyle, tobacco use, or drinking outside of moderation. For the amount of people that whine about drug prices, insurance costs, and drug bills, 1 out of 3 americans is overweight, something like 1 in 5 americans over 50 or 60 or something are diabetic or prediabetic (each case of diabetes costs an average of $10k per year in treatment and complications), and about 1 in 3 die of heart disease. People do not take personal responsibility for themselves, and they cost society a lot of money. Would you support an insurance plan that would be lower cost, but would drop your coverage if you developed a chronic disease like diabetes or something, and failed to get your weight down to a certain goal, mange you condition, etc. or maybe COPD and maybe you would have to quit smoking within 6 months, etc etc? Would you join the plan? Is it fair?" How can i drive a car from florida to ny with temporary plates? i want to buy a car in the state of florida. iam a ny resident with ny license and was wondering if i buy a car in florida how can i get tags and all that to drive to ny. i dont have insurance as of now What is auto insurance? what is auto insurance? and.. Auto Insurance Homeowners Insurance Health Insurance Renters Insurance Life Insurance can someone explain these to me? INSURANCE QUESTION ?!? 18 year old, male, 2010 camaro ss with 4000 miles on it. had a few speeding tickets, no wrecks LOOKING FOR INSURANCE QUOTES PLEASE" "If my annual premium is 6043.23, what is monthy car insurance cost?" If my annual premium is 6043.23, what is monthy car insurance cost?" Question about buying a car without insurance? Hey everyone, I need answers without criticism as Im new to this and know as much as you did when you bought your first car. I live in Texas and I have my learners permit but will get my license in around a month or so. We found a great deal on a car I love, and my parents want to buy it. However, as I said, I dont have my license yet, therfore, I dont have insurance. I was wondering, if my parents want to buy the car and keep it at home in the garage until i get my license and can get insurance, how would it work from the moment I buy the car until I drive it home. My parents have full-cover insurance with State Farm in both their cars, each pays their own insurance, would their insurance cover a second (technically third) car? What would be the step to take? How can I drive the car in peace without being nervous about getting pulled over or something? Please no rude answers, im trying to do things right, thus im here asking, Thanks"

I can't afford my car insurance...? I need transportation so I can work. But why should I have to choose between car insurance or food and medicine? Shouldn't the Government come up with a single payer plan for automotive insurance too! Its not fair that I have to pay for this out of my own pocket. Insurance Quote on WRX for 19 Year Old? Hi im just curious if anyone out there could tell me what im probably going to be paying for a 2009 Subaru WRX. Im 19, male, and in my second year of college no tickets only one accident which WASNT my fault. Progressive wants to charge me $466 a MONTH. car would be payed off after 1 month and i live at home with parents HELP ME!" Whats the best insurance company for a young driver? just passed my driving test and was wondering what the cheapest insurance company for young drivers is? Does my financed car absolutely require full coverage? Hi, i just put a down payment on a new car, and I've had it for about a month now; they told me that I have to keep full coverage insurance on it but I really can't afford it. But I read through the papers, and it says just to keep basic insurance on it. Is the car realty trying to make more money by making me think that I have no choice but to do premium insurance, or are they right? My boyfriend told me that if it's not stated officially in writing, they're probably lying. Im 21 and imI've never been in an accident or had a driving offense of any kind, and im in college so need to save as much money as possible. Please give me serious answers only!! Thanks!" What Are Some Good Health Insurance Companies? I used to be a 1099 worker but just recently got switched over to a salary but i still do not have health insurance. Are there any affordable health insurance companies out there that ...show more How much would the in insurance be on a 1985 CHEVROLET CAMARO Z28? i just turend 16 and ill get my licenes in about 3 months and i saw a 1985 CHEVROLET CAMARO Z28 the other day that im thinking about buying and i was wondering about how much the ...show more What is the best insurance policy for a child age 6.5 year? What is the best insurance policy for a child age 6.5 year? First car for teenage girl? Insurance...?

Need a car 17 year old girl 1.0 ltr engine. Cheap petrol and cheap insurance please? I also read getting the box fitted where you can drive between certain times also makes it cheaper? "Hai, i need to go to Muscat by car is it possible to get insurance from hatta border for this car which is registered under my friend's name?" Hai, i need to go to Muscat by car is it possible to get insurance from hatta border for this car which is registered under my friend's name?" Child custody in california? my husband wants me to have full custody of child but is it possible for him to have visitation rights for child in summers? and the non-custodial parent doenst want to pay any child support? is this allowed in california? "Health insurance, pre existing condition?" what is the difference between a pre existing condition in health insurance and pre existing condition exclusion period. im reading from howstuffworks, health insurance but still confuse. i understand employer waiting period. here is the link for pre existing condition http://health.howstuffworks.com/health-insurance12.htm here is the link for pre existing condition exclusion period http://health.howstuffworks.com/health-insurance13.htm" Why does another persons driving record affect my insurance? sharing a residence with other people doesn't mean sharing vehicles or the responsibilities, so why should their driving record affect my insurance rates?" Can i take out two seperate care insurances for two different cars? im looking to insurance another car in my name, but looking i have found cheaper quotes, i was wondering if i can have two different cars, on two different insurance poilcys? many thanks." Raphine Virginia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 24472 Raphine Virginia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 24472 What's Toronto cheap auto insurance/Broker? This city is pure Bull sh*t! I can't find a affordable insurance. If anyone have a good car insurance, please leave their name of contact #? Thanks" "Just got a speeding ticket with my uncles car, will his insurance raise?" I just received a speeding ticket while driving my uncles car, i don't have car insurance nor a car. Will his insurance go up from this."

"Where can i get the cheapest car insurance on a peugeot 206, toyota yaris, vauxhaul corsa or honda jazz?" Im 17, learning to drive and need as cheap car insurance as possible. Ideally i'd like any of the cars above, though if there are others that are similar and have really cheap insurance, i'd be grateful to know Also if you have any useful information about any of these cars... thanks" 3.0 GPA car insurance discount? I applied for the discount during high school, back then my gpa was 4.2 so it was more than fine. Now I fked up my college life and only have a 2.9, so would they require me to submit the GPA again? or if I continued using their car insurance, they won't ask?" How to insure a used car off of the lot with no previous insurance? I have never had insurance in my name before (my parents had me under their insurance within the past 6 months, but I am now not insured, nor driving a vehicle). I am interested in buying a car from a buy here, pay here lot and I don't quite understand how it works as far as insuring the vehicle off of the lot goes. I was told that the dealer would give me a few options of insurance (usually crappy) and I would use that insurance for the drive home, and subsequently get my own insurance. This is so ridiculous to me, to pay for insurance twice?! I just want to know the legal & affordable & practical way of insuring this vehicle. Is it not possible to be at the dealership, buy the car, get insurance over the phone while still on the lot, and then drive it home? Because I realize that the dealer will not let you drive it off of the lot if you don't have insurance. Also, how will they know I have the insurance? Since I currently do not have any, I won't have an insurance card or anything material to provide as proof... will they accept an over-the-phone affirmation by the insurance company as proof?" Car accident question and if I need to report to insurance company? Ok so here's the scene, I'm backing out of my driveway from my garage. My friend parked his car at the end of driveway (he was leaving but parked there to answer a phone call). My driveway is a downhill so when I backed I couldn't see his car there. Anyway, I backed into his car and caused a minor scatch. Unfortunately, his car is a new BMW and he needs to fix it. The police came and said it is under $1000 fix and it is up to us if we report to our insurance company or not. So now I am waiting him to get a estimate to fix. What do I need to do? I guess it is my full responsibility since I am moving and he is still. If the fix fee is under $1000, do I need to report to my insurance company? How much does the insurance usually increase due to this kind accident? thanks What is the Average Insurance cost on a Snowmobile? I was going to buy a 1972 moto ski Snowmobile, And i'm 14 and inexperienced on them.. How much do you Figure the Insurance would cost? (I'm not going to call, you don't need to know why.) And i'm in southern Canada." How much would the insurance cost on a 50 cc moped for an 18 year old?

I know that insurance can vary dramatically.....but it would be good if someone had a rough estimate...and are there and insurance compare sites that don't require the number plate of the bike and the liscence number and stuff ? Is aviva car insurance website down? aviva car insurance says its unable to process your quote? Its been doing this since yesterday:s I'm just looking at quotes for different cars, just looking what will be better for me, i don't actually want to get insured yet until I've found the best price! It just keeps telling me to ring them up!! Any ideas? Oh and btw ive tried changing my email address to see if i was just doing too many but it still comes up with it? And its not because its too high for me to be insured which ive seen from looking into it because some cars ive put in again because i lost the quote reference? Nothing works:/" Car Insurance Question (regarding insurance)? Hello, I have an insurance question. Last December, my wife, 2 y/o daughter, & I were involved in a car accident. The other driver was at fault, this was noted on the police report. My wife & daughter both required medical attention. My daughter suffered a broken leg & has since recovered. Unfortunately, my wife's recovery is taking a little longer. She required immediate surgery on her wrist & needs daily physical therapy. Although I have a laywer, car insurance & health insurance, I've had to front enormous amounts of money to cover medical expenses. My health insurance will not reimburse me for expenses. Can I ask my car insurance company to help me out with expenses? They know the other party is at fault (police report says so). I've had to liquidate stocks & savings to make ends meet. I'm now out of money. I was not at fault, yet I'm being punished. Any advice on how to get reimbursed ASAP? My settlement probably will not occur until next July." How long after not having sr22 insurance does your license gets suspended? My boyfriend is required to have sr22 but the guy that he was getting insurance from hasnt been in his office for weeks and we cant get a hold of him. Its been like four or five days since he hasnt had it and im just wondering if his license would be suspended by now and what do we do about this? Because it wasnt even my boyfriends fault. Car insurance excess? My car is now only worth between 200 - 300 so if it was involved in an accident I doubt the insurance would repair...& write it off. Insurance is due for renewal & I have a 250 voluntary excess, which means that I would end up with nothing in the event of a crash. If I increase my vol. excess to 500 the premium goes down by about 30 which looks like a good idea to me but. If my car was written off due to an accident with another vehicle would I still have to pay the 500 vol. excess towards repair of the other vehicle or does the excess relate only to my car in this situation?" I am looking for federal court cases related to insurance claims? I am looking for federal court cases related to insurance claims?

Bike insurance? im getting a 125cc scooter soon and was wondering how much my insurance will be,im 26,the scooter will be stored in a garage,ive 8 years driving cars,and with a cbt" How much would motorcycle insurance be? I am a 16 year old caucasian male. Want to know how much insurance would be in TORRANCE, CALIFORNIA for my first bike, a 2001 Honda CBR600F4i." What does health insurance cover? i recently turned 18 and am in need of Knee surgury. if i got health insurance right now, would it cover the surgury? or would it be like trying to get a totaled car insured? if insurance doesn't cover it, what should i do? i live in NJ." Are there any car insurance companies that only look back 2 years instead of 3? Are there any car insurance companies that only look back 2 years instead of 3? What kind of cars are good for teens insurance wise? I know it depends on where I live and many other variables but I'd like to know in general what gets the best rates. I'm looking at a 1993 chevrolet s10 5speed with a 4.3l v6 right now but I don't know how the insurance would be on it yet. I'm 18 years old in Canada and I've been driving for 2 years total (1 year g1/permit 1 year g2 class license) and now I'm about to go for my full g license. What should I be looking for? import/domestic? engine size? number of cylinders? cars or light trucks? size of engine in relation to size of car? I thought I might get some relief on the s10 since it's domestic, manual (less people want to steal?), I can make some extra money at work, and since only 3 people can fit (originally a 2 seater) less people would be injured in an accident? I don't know, what do you think i should be looking for?" 17 UK Good insurance car... Please Help...? Hello, I am 17 and live in the UK. I am learning to drive and hope to pass my test soon. I am looking to get a car when I pass my test. I do like larger cars like SUV's and pickups and compact crossovers but that is not to say that I do not like smaller cars. The problem is the fact that insurance cost a hell of a lot, ridiculous costs. There are many cars that I like but I would like a car that does not look to bad and that has good insurance for teens. I understand that SUV's/trucks will have higher MPG and higher insurance. So far my lowest and best insurance price is for a corsa from youngmarmalade (4.5k insurance but only pay 1.5k as I get cash back on car to put to insurance). Please can you help me with advise on cars pref suv/trucks that would be good for me and good on insurance. Thanks" Insurance.............? cheap bike insurance for a scooter in uk,any ideas?"

Life Insurance? If I sign up for term life insurance $75,000 for 30 years, and I die in lets say 5-10 years would my family receive the $75,000 or would they receive whatever I paid into the insurance?" What is the least expensive color of car to insure? I know red is the most expensive. I've heard that white is the least from one person and green is the least from another. 16 Year Old Car Insurance!? Whats up! Im 15 right now and looking at cars cause im excited about driving. Im probably going to get a 2005-07 mazda3 cause im going to be paying for it. Question: How much did YOU pay for insurance and how much do you suppose i will pay for insurance? Also is the mazda3 a good car. Plz i dont need links and i dont need trolls. How much Insurance do I need to pay for a 2.5 million hause.? How much Insurance do I need to pay for a 2.5 million hause.? How long do accidents stay on your car insurance? I got new car insurance this summer and noticed an accident where I had my car repaired when it was hit while parked in 2008 showed up on my driving record. Since, my car was hit and totaled while parked. The driver was covered so his insurance paid for the car, but my policy still went up. How long will these instances be on my record to affect my insurance?" Raphine Virginia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 24472 Raphine Virginia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 24472 Health Insurance for part timers? Does anyone have any recommendations for affordable health insurance? My fiance and I work part time and places that don't provide us with health insurance. I'll be off my parent's in December and he hasn't been to the dentist in 10 years. We think he has about 8 cavaties and his wisdom teeth are coming in and pushing the rest of his teeth together. I don't know if we can pick up insurance for a year, get his teeth taken care of, then drop it if it's too expensive. But I feel like we need to do something! So if you have any suggestions for good health insurance companies, I'd really appreciate it!" Motorcycle insurance? i have seen things that say motorcycle insurance is ALOT more then car insurance and things that say car inurance is ALOT more then motorcycle insurance and i dont really know if any one will be able to give me accurate answer to my question but i just want an idea of how much the insurance would be for an 18 year old, with a Honda

Rebel, in south texas ((or if there is some where i can find out, that would help to))" "Attention young driver's, where did you get insurance from?" My 17th is coming up soon and I really want to be able to drive however every time I look for insurance the cheapest ones I can get are in excess of 2500 at least! Also are there any cars or small hatchbacks that are best to insure, keep and drive in your opinion???? Is it best to get my own car and have my parents as named drivers or the other way round? Thanks! :)" "As a male with an excellent driving record, why am I forced to pay more for auto insurance because of others?" who have a poor driving record, and who happen to be the same gender as me? Why does having male chromosomes make me responsible for the poor driving record of other people just because they happen to be the same gender? Why does having a uterus make women NOT responsible for those same people? Why is there so much gender discrimination in auto insurance?" Is there a difference between homeowner's insurance and mortgage insurance? Is there a difference between homeowner's insurance and mortgage insurance? Insurance billing question? If I were to get birth control and use my insurance card, will it show up on the bill? This includes if insurance does or does not cover the entire cost." HOW MUCH can my insurance rate rise up after hitting another car? backing up i hit the front right bumper/ligh I live in California and I have full coverage on my vehicle currently I am 26yrs old and have about 6 yrs with my Dirvers license and NO accidents or tickets on my record. BUT a lot of people mention that my insurance rates will go really high whn an accident happens. I hit the car behind me it donsnt seem to me a a major accident, but a small one. I need help just an advise to know what to expect, please!! maybe in an expert can advise.or other personal experience by someone?" How is the Hillary Clinton helth plan version 2 anything like car insurance? Car insurance: 1) Need to get it if you choose to drive. 2) Government bureaucracy does not force you to choose only in-state car insurance. 3) Coverage is meant to protect others from damages. 4) You choose how much coverage you want. 5) Does not violate freedom of religion. 6) Taxpayers don't pay for people who can't afford car insurance. Hillary Care: 1) Need to get if you choose to live. 2) Government bureaucracy limits the choice of provider. 3) Coverage only protects you and not others from damages 4) Government mandates what is covered, not you. 5) Violates freedom of religion for those whose beliefs prevent them from getting hospital care. 6) Government steals taxpayer money to supplement those who cry poor. Hillary supporters: Is it even possible to argue this? Go ahead and try. See you after Hillary loses the general election!"

Car insurance: Hybrid or conventional? For a vehicle that is available in hybrid HEV and conventional drive train, which one costs more in vehicle insurance? and what is the difference?" Need help picking car insurance? I'm 18 years old and live on my own with no dependants. Which method of car insurance is most dependable and best choice cost wise (Basically .. what can I afford haha) Would you let me collect on your life insurance? What would I have to do to collect on your life insurance? If I bought you life insurance and paid the premium on it and paid your funeral costs and paid your family 20% on the insurance policy would you let me collect on your insurance?? This is considering that you cannot afford life insurance yourself. What is the best car insurance company for a graduate student? What is the best car insurance company for a graduate student? Who offers the cheapest auto insurance? Who offers the cheapest auto insurance? Which car insurance can i get ONLY GAP INSURANCE!? I wanna switch insurance company bec I got cheaper quote but they don't offer gap insurance. Agent suggested to go find an insurance company where I can purchase only gap insurance, might still be cheaper if I purchase my full coverage insurance from him plus the gap insurance from another company vs my current one. thanks!" How much would car insurance be monthly for an 18 year old girl? Who's never gotten a ticket or pulled over. Had my license for seven months now and also has not took drivers ed....an estimate? Does Amica raise your insurance rates after first speeding ticket? I live and am licensed in MA but got a speeding ticket in NH. I believe NH and MA share information so it will be treated as if it happened in Massachusetts. I am on a family plan with Amica car insurance, does anyone know if they will raise my rates? It is my first traffic violation of any kind. Will I lose any discounts like safe driving discount? I heard Massachusetts has a law where the first speeding ticket does not add insurance points? Is this true? If it is true, can Amica still raise your rates if they want to? Thanks"

What is the toll free phone number for Travelers Insurance? I am looking for a toll free phone number with Travelers Insurance that is dedicated to new customer quotes not existing customer service. Can i switch my health insurance policy -? hello, i work for a small consulting firm , < 10 employees..on their w2. they provide me a group health insurance for my family (me ,wife and < 1yr old kid) and i pay around $900 every month without vision and dental coverage..all my contribution..and it is with united health care group now - with this new obamacare what options do i have 1. if i switch , will i get a cheaper coverage ? 2. what is that policy exchange ..i hear this a lot these days 3. if i had to switch my policy.who should i approach.. what would you advise for me..pleae advise me on getting a cheaper coverage" How much is it for car insurance for a 16 yrs old in long island ny? i am gonna be driving a ford station wagon 1989 escort "How much will it cost per month to pay for gas fees, and auto insurance in Toronto?" How much will it cost per month to pay for gas fees, and auto insurance in Toronto?" How much is Ferrari insurance? How much would it cost to insure a 16 year old for a 308 Ferrari that is worth $20,000" If im a named driver on a car what isnt mine do i need my own insurance or can i drive it along as im named? if im a named driver on a car what isnt mine do i need my own insurance to drive it or can i drive it along as im named on the policy?? How much would car insurance be on a 2004 mustang? i just recently bought a red 2004 Mustang V-6 convertible and i was wondering how much insurance would cost ? im pretty sure its over 100 but how much ? im 16 and its my first car , no rude comments please." "Is there any health insurance programs, other than Medi-Cal or Medicare to help the nearly indigent in Calif.?" Is there any health insurance programs, other than Medi-Cal or Medicare to help the nearly indigent in Calif.?" How much is the insurance for a fiat 500 for a 17 year old?

I am getting a new car. I am oping to get the Fiat 500. But i'm not sure how much on average the insurance for it will be for a 17 year old. xcheerss lovelys x Raphine Virginia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 24472 Raphine Virginia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 24472 Whats a good price for a 17 year old car insurance ? Uk? Whats a good price for a 17 year old car insurance ? Uk? How much car insurance will rise after an aciddent? I'm 23 years old, and currently paying $100 per month on my car insurance. But earlier today I crash into the guard rail by mistake. I have a clean driving (no ticket ever) record with only 4 other accident prior to it. I guess my car would take maybe $1000 to fix but I'm not sure how much my insurance rate will increase. I'm thinking that if I were to pay for the entire damage instead of paying a $500 deduction would not increase my rate." How much MORE can you expect to pay on insurance for this car? I know every person will have there own prices, but if i purchase a g35 coupe rather than a sedan, will the insurance skyrocket? I'm 20 yrs old, like 2 tickets, you think i should just go with the sedan?" What would be the cost of a doctor visit for a pregnant woman who doesn't have health insurance? its for a health project and if you could also help answer these other questions -does the baby have to get vaccines their first year of life? if so, what are the vaccines required, and what are they for? -what does it cost for a week of child care at a daycare center or a private day care facility? -What doctor specializes in the prenatal care of babies and also in the delivery of babies? Does this take extra training? If so, what? -What is the average cost per week for providing for and taking care of a baby? - List 10 reasons why teens should not be parents. - It is mostly the responsibility for the mother to provide care for the baby. Is this statement true or false?" How much is it to include your teenage child in your car insurance plan? My daughter is going to get her license soon and will be driving the family car with us.. how much will it cost to add her to our insurance plan? What to do when health insurance company won't cover surgery? We just recently got health insurance a few weeks ago. My husband was diagnosed with a double inguinal hernia yesterday and is scheduled for surgery Friday. Our insurance company will not cover the surgery., They said that hernia surgery has a 6 month waiting period and he can not wait another week let alone 6 months. They will only cover it if it is a life or death situation.I could take him back out to the ER, but who's to say that they will say that it is an emergency and do it within 24 hours? I put a call in to the financial aid counselor to see about getting help with the surgery bill,

although we are most likely going to be unable to pay big amounts of money. Is there any insurance companies we can sign up for in order to have health insurance and be able to have him get the surgery by Friday? Or is there anything else we can do? We are not eligible for MDCD, already tried that!! Please help with any suggestions." The Car insurance company gave me a low estimate on repairs? Long story short. Not my fault. I can not take this up with my insurance company because I don't have one. We got his info. My car has 140K miles on it. It's worth about 2K. It wouldn't be worth it to fix it. I decided to get the estimate and put the cash to another car. I have not signed anything yet. Insurance Company Quoted $1013.76 Auto Body Shop $1162.04 Ford Dealership $1284.90 271.14 difference. I asked to split the difference between the auto body shop and the Ford dealership. The Insurance compnay ofcourse said no. What should I do? If I had gone to an auto body repair shop of my choice with 1013.76 in hand they would have called the insurance compnay and asked for them to kick down more money. So I think it's fair that I get more cash. Don't even get me started on the medical. My health insurance is getting billed. Not the insurance company. Car insurance before uni this september? hi, i'm 18 and my car insurance has recently expired, and now i'm looking to get it insured short-term, for about 3 months because i'm hopefully going to university this september. could anyone recommend me a car insurance firm which will insure under 21s at a competitive price? thanks!" How much does your insurance go up after getting a underage? does anyone know how much the rates will go up? I didn't have my license when i received the underage and i still don't. I've never drove a vehicle. i don't have my license yet and im most likely not going to because my parents have told me the car insurance goes up now. I've looked online and it says that rates can double or triple. thank you for your answers. Question about life insurance? I have life insurance and went to update my insurance today. In 2003 I became disabled and did not know about the disability clause. Where I don't have to pay the premiums anymore. Can I change my term life to whole life? Will I get back pay from 2003? I want to know this before my agent calls me next week with the answers. Please don't try and sell me insurance for as I won't qualify anyways just the answers please. How i can get cheap insurance for my children? How i can get cheap insurance for my children? Insurance on a 06 mustang? I'm going to be 18 soon and I'm interested in an 06 mustang.. Even though I'm legally an adult, I'm pretty sure my insurance will be as high as a 16 year old. This would be

my very first car.. How much do you think the insurance would be? I have AAA. Any other cars you could suggest to me?" How much does it cost to replace the windshield on a 2003 Chevy Tracker? I think my windshield need to be replaced, a small crack is spreading, I think its 20 in now, is it repairable or do I have to replace it? how much does it cost to replace it. If I do it through my insurance, will this change my premium? Thank you (I'm broke, if any one know a cheap place in Austin,TX to replace it, I would really appreciate it)" "I wrecked my new car , insurance is liability? i wrecked my car . my car was new 2009 car and my insurance was liabilty. police decided that was my fault. And also i am still paying monthly payment on that car. Does anybody know what should i do next . i been using that car to work now i am unemployee . should i just bankrufcy Toronto best cheap auto insurance? Toronto best cheap auto insurance? Question on car insurance? My grandmother passed away, and on her car insurance, my uncle was the primary driver. Since my grandmother died and my uncle was on the policy as the primary driver, would it be ok to leave her name on the policy? We want to leave her name on it cause its the last thing that she got in her name, kind of a sentimental thing. But would it be ok to leave her name on the policy since my uncle is the primary driver? i have State Farm insurance if you need to know." Is there any way i can get cheaper car insurance? ok so I have not long passed my test im looking at buying a car im looking at a ford fiesta I have 1000 to spend on a car but now the problem is the insurance which is sky high and the deposit well ... and the insurance is like 2-3 times more than what I would actually be spending on what the car is worth Pay the Extra Premiums for Whole Life Insurance Quotes? I currently have a term life insurance policy and am considering converting it to a whole life policy. I'm married with no kids. My wife has her own life insurance and retirements already in place. We are not going to have children. The main reason I was interested in the Whole Life was the investing portion to supplement my current mutual fund retirement. Should I pay the extra premiums for the Whole life or should I keep the term life and put the extra money into a Roth IRA? Any advice would be great. Thank you Do car insurance rate drop when one turns 25? If so, how much? I'll be 25 in 3 weeks."

I am going to drive in a few years can somebody list some cars that are sporty but low on insurance? please add if you can the insurance rates and the car name thanks!! Why do you think insurance is important? I am writing and essay on why insurance is important and the consequences of not having it. I just wanted to know some of your thoughts of why you think insurance is important to help me get a better understanding ! thanks in advance ! USAA Full coverage auto insurance covering theft? Last night my husband and I were hanging out with some friends and someone broke into all of our vehicles and stole stuff. However, my husband and I drive a 2009 Mitsubishi Lancer and it was locked, yet someone managed to get in without causing any damage whatsoever and stealing our xbox 360. Weird thing is, my purse was in the car with everything in it, and so were the guitars for guitar hero and our entire CD case, and the only thing that was stolen was the xbox...Weird I know. We go through USAA and have full coverage. My question for anybody who knows or has a good guess is, do you think that our insurance would cover that? We don't have a receipt or anything since it was bought so long ago. Thanks for all your answers in advance and remember best answer gets 10 points =] Happy answering! Amberly" How much would Safe Auto basic liability insurance be for my 2000 ford focus? I need a basic/ cheap insurance.. i'm a college student that's all i can afford so please no LECTURES... I just need an answer THANKS :) "If you had an extra car that was paid off and cheap on insurance, would you sell it or keep it for a back up?" If you had an extra car that was paid off and cheap on insurance, would you sell it or keep it for a back up?" Exactly what is a car insurance supplement? After the accident, my adjuster originally estimated the damage to be around 3,400 dollars. With my 500 dollar deductible, they sent me a check of 2,900 dollars. But at the body shop, they estimated the cost of damage to be around 7,700 dollars so now the body shop called over an appraiser to look over the car again. Since the body shop's estimate is a lot higher, would the insurance company issue me a new check with the higher amount to cover for the damage? Is that what a supplement is? And what do I do with the 2,900 dollar check? Do I send it back and or have it voided and get a new check with the higher amount?" Raphine Virginia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 24472 Raphine Virginia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 24472

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