Mystikway mag 28

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The Celtic Cycle of Light - Part 2 Have you lost your spark?

Heaven on Earth

-Chalice Well Gardens

We are the Gods - Part 2

inspired writing, Totems, Tarot, Artwork, herbs, Eating for ENlightenment and more...



Welcome to issue twentyeight


Project Avalon Update


We are the Gods Part 2

8 Heaven on Earth, Chalice Well Gardens 11

Mystik Way Healing Link


The Celtic Cycle of Light - Part 2

16 Inspired Writing - Clarity

Tarot - A spread for spiritual development | 18

17 Book Review - The Haunting of Willow Tree Court 18 Tarot - A Spread for spiritual development 20

Tarot Card of the Month - The Devil


Breakthrough with Alma


Have you lost your spark?

23 Animal and Plant of the month Cougar and Poppy 25 Magikal Herbs: Thyme 26

Heaven on Earth - Chalice Well GArdens | 8 If you enjoy reading the Mystik Way Magazine, please consider a small donation of $1 or £1 to help us with our running costs.

Cover Art: Elizabeth Zaikowski 2 |


Artwork by Christine Carlson

27 Enlightened Living and Eating - old world Lammas Feast

EDITOR Ed Mystikmaster | CO EDITOR & DESIGN Simone Schreck ADVERTISING Ed Mystikmaster WEB PRODUCER Simone Schreck CONTRIBUTIONS: Ed Mystikmaster, Elizabeth Zaikowski, James Middleditch, Richard Hayes, Sue Hayes, Alma Delacruz Gossman, Peta Panos, Jennifer Adele, William C. Snider, Christine Carlson, Ama’ritday,

Welcome to issue 28 August

Yet another wonderful month has passed as we travel along this Magikal Highway we call Life, we have passed the halfway point of the Wheel of the Year in both the northern & southern hemisphere. After many years of waiting, we here in England have & are experiencing a real summer which has indeed lifted the spirits of the people despite the so called recession, everything has taken on a far brighter energy, the plants, the gardens, the animals, all in all the Spiritual energy has been raised. Worldwide there is still the continued struggle of the people to gain their freedom with many riots & demonstrations. Fear and greed alas still rides rampant but this is part of the great divide as the Light grows brighter so indeed does the dark grow darker & will fight as hard as it knows to retain its foothold of control. This is where our work is…. to build the evening healing link which now has about 3000 people linking nightly to send light around the world and as we grow stronger the further the Light will spread forcing the darkness out so greed… selfishness… hate & fear have nowhere to hide. So keep those Lights burning brightly, bless everyone & everything you meet along the pathway…. treat the Animals & Mother Earth as very dear friends…and we all shine on like the Sun and the Moon and the Stars.

Blessings MystikMaster


If you enjoy reading the Mystik Way magazine, please give consideration to making a small donation of $1 or £1 towards the running costs. Although Ed and Simi give their time freely, it is only right that they should be reimbursed for their out-of-pocket expenses. To achieve this, the Mystik Way requires regular donations so that it can meet these expenses. If you can help, please donate to ‘Mystik Way’ by using the Donate Button. Many thanks to those who have contributed in the past, we appreciate your generostiy. Warlockway – Treasurer to Mystik Way.

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Project Avalon Update Project Avalon is a task I have set myself with the help of some of my ritual group to turn my old courtyard into a haven of Organic Herbs, vegetables, fruit & flowers grown on the Moon & Sun cycles, meditation & mantra. See also previous issues of the magazine. After many years of waiting we have at last here in England a real & proper hot sunny summer which is helping all the plants catch up after such a horrible & prolonged winter. My new grapevine is really charging along now (Merlot grape style) & has grown at least three feet in as many weeks. The Blackberries are actually turning black and ripening (made three gallons from it last year so I am hoping it will at least yield the same amount this year) we have two gallons of Elderflower brewing at the moment, so stocks are building. The tri colour Sage has flowered & I have started to pick them ready to dry to produce some rather gorgeous smudge sticks (good for cleansing & protection) I experimented with the Eaude-cologne Mint by infusing and making some very refreshing tea (can be drunk hot with a drop of honey or iced) and found it really tasty, also good for the digestive system. The Catnip Mint I have had to put in a hanging basket and hang high on a wall as not only my cat but every cat in the area decided to attack it. The really funny part is watching my cat sitting under it looking as though he is praying it will fall off the wall.



I am continuing to spend some time every night performing a ritual, playing some meditation music and chanting mantra with the plants…it certainly is boosting the energies & at the same time changing my perception about the consciousness of plants….they are certainly giving me plenty of power/ healing….it has now become very much part of my life in all aspects. I do hope that this project does encourage others to try something similar as the benefits are more than worth it and certainly not a chore…. being in tune with the cycles of nature and mother earth, the sun &moon energies brings peace…harmony…wellbeing which in turn is pure Magik.

Blessings MystikMaster 5

We are the Gods (part two) The power of thought and sound


here has been far too much placed on belief’s that there is a set of Supreme Beings/Gods etc that are deemed to be far superior to ourselves. This is entirely false as it is merely a control system devised by the few to keep the many under subjugation & over the millennia the people themselves have become so insecure through lack of knowledge that they cannot survive without someone to solve their lives & problems for them. As I stated in my previous article, we are powerful beyond measure, we came to the earth plane to evolve & develop our powers further. We have the ability to cure & heal ourselves of any disease, we are not meant to die in the physical unless we wish to do so, furthermore we have greater powers that most can ever dream of, these powers can be released and harnessed once we start realise these facts. First of all it is really quite simple as the only thing preventing you is your disbelief & the other is the indoctrination of your mind telling you that you are an inferior being led by superior beings. There are many ways to re awaken this long lost wisdom….So I will start with the power of thought & sound…. As everything that exists, either seen or unseen is pure vibration, sound plays the most important role. We must also consider thought, as a thought forms a resonant vibration within ourselves & works its way through to our outer Aura which in turn emits out into the ether or etheric (the space we see and relate too between ourselves, 6 | MYSTIK WAY MAGAZINE

others and objects, sometimes known as the mass unconscious) This in turn vibrates very similar to the way water or liquid does in a glass when tapped with a spoon or another implement & dependent on the strength of the thought will extend to a greater or lesser distance which will in turn affect everything it comes into contact with, luckily most of our thoughts are of little or no importance & do not travel very far….thank goodness. Once we come to understand & realise this fact by adding intention and visualization it then becomes a very potent tool for either positive or negative results. (We actually visualise when we are thinking but mostly do not realise it) So sooner or later depending on the strength of the thought it will bring about a result, positive or negative. The first step to empowerment is to learn to control our thoughts through discipline because as I stated earlier most of those thoughts are of a negative nature…for example…can I pay bill that or get that job or worse still fearing that you will not…why can I not win the lottery etc. We must learn to erase these stupid and inane mundane energy wasting thoughts & change them to the exact opposite because they will come back to us exactly as we have thought. We are the Gods & Goddess’s in the making as we have the power to create whatsoever we want, but through either some perverse fear of responsibility or indoctrination by society/ religion we deny this fact or possibly have just forgotten it. Firstly we must start to take full responsibility for our own thoughts & actions not blaming others or situations for whatever happens…If we are ill or poor it is because we

& we alone have drawn these things to us by incorrect thinking, it’s no one else’s fault or just fate & destiny or even because some deity has not ruled in your favour…The fault lies within ourselves & not the stars. I hear you say what if we are in a plane crash for instance, surely that is not our fault…If you are trained in thought control & using the higher mind your inner voice and your intuition would have warned you not to fly but you thought it was just your old fears. So we must learn to feel with the inner self not the thinking self and this will come when we can train ourselves to understand the difference. As I stated earlier, we are evolving not just physically & mentally but spiritually also…we must learn to take control of our thinking & be the master of it, not the other way around. All the while we are allowing ourselves to be influenced by outside distractions we will

remain merely a physical & mental oriented humanoid. Next issue… Bringing the physical & mental bodies in alignment with the Etheric body… Taking that huge step forward on the road to spiritual power.

“I am strong, mighty and with the Immortal fire. I am the voice of the eternal Gods on earth Even though I am clothed with a body of flesh. I am purified, I stand upon the Universe. There is no part of me that is not of the Gods.”





“Many Paths, One Source� Experiencing Chalice Well

which the spring water first rises from the depths to meet the air. It has also been built into the physical design of the garden, with a large pool made in this design to be found in the open space at the bottom of the Gardens.

The Chalice Well is one of the most sacred places in Glastonbury. From a single point, at which the pure spring waters emerge, a distinct energy radiates outwards. In the immediate vicinity, the Gardens, the most beautiful flowers and trees grow, providing places of peace and meditation. The water from the spring flows down various channels and falls, staining the stone a deep orange-red. On one side the Gardens are dominated by the imposing Tor, topped by its iconic tower. On another the land falls away into the sweep of the Vale of Avalon; a patchwork of fields that stretch out and disappear into the mists of the horizon.

The symbol, which is made from two overlapping circles, represents the union of two things; this is a Universal and multi-purpose symbol, which links to many of the values held dear by seekers of the old ways and the New Age. Linking to the place itself, it represents the union of Water with the other elements, particularly Air and Earth. It can also represent the union of the masculine and feminine sides of human nature; an ideal balance. In a wider spiritual sense, it also represents the union of Spirit with Matter, in which all physical things on Earth are invested with spiritual, magical or mystical significance.

This place is an essential part of any Glastonbury visit, and those who have been will recognise the difficulty of putting the unique beauty of the place into words. In this article, I aim to provide some insight that will be of use to those who wish to imagine, or re-imagine being there, and to communicate some of the magic that can be gained from such a place; this is possible no matter how near or far from that central point we live.

The Vesica Piscis The most common symbol associated with Chalice Well is known as the Vesica Piscis. Understanding it and visualising it can allow you to tap in to the energies of the location. It is found on the Well Head, the circular wooden cover of the point at 8 |


ALICE WELL GARDENS by James Middleditch

Inspiration for Meditation One of the most striking features of the Gardens is the way in which meditation occurs naturally, spontaneously, and without self-consciousness. This may be very different from the more urban places in which we live, where to openly meditate may cause some raised eyebrows. It is a beautiful thing to see people sitting with their eyes closed, sometimes in meditational positions, without any concern, and completely tuned in to the environment. People can be found meditating in many of the spots around the Gardens. The Well Head is a focal point, but there are many seats and walls, sometimes tucked away amid the plants. There is also a high spot overlooking the Gardens and within sight of the Tor where people lay down, surrendering their physical bodies to the supporting earth. The Gardens can provide a wonderful bridge into your own meditations; you may wish to visualise walking through the Gardens, perhaps to the Well Head, before your mind joins your body in its complete relaxation and openness to meditation and vision.

A Garden of Eden? Combining these ideas leads us to a bold conclusion; that Chalice Well Gardens can be seen as a ‘Heaven on Earth’. Many spiritual belief systems do not see Heaven as a separate, distant place which can only be reached after a virtuous life, and death. Instead, the aim is to find locations on Earth, within our human lifetimes, in which ‘Heaven’ can be experienced.

One theory is that Gardens, tended by people with spiritual intent, are the places most likely to become ‘heavenly’. They are a fusion of Nature and Humankind, in the best way possible; Nature provides the abundance through its cycles of growth and rebirth, while people shape and tend this Nature to its most beautiful forms. In a world in which Man and Nature are so often in conflict, this is the pinnacle of the relationship between them, and a Utopian vision for possible future societies. This idea may seem far fetched, but after a number of visits, I personally am content with the idea that Chalice Well Gardens are as close a place to ‘heaven’ as you can find on Earth. This was my first impression, one chilly but bright September morning many years ago. Through visiting in different months and weathers ever since, I have never wavered in that belief. I hope you can visit; if not in this physical reality, then in your mind’s eye, so that your spirit can wonder the pathways along with the water, plants and people who dwell there.

Seeing More The garden’s website is at http://www.chalicewell. Our Facebook group and Page regularly post photos from the Gardens and Well. We would also be interested in other special places that could be described as ‘heavenly’… let us know if you would like to share these with our members and readers.


The Path of Magik

Walk gently upon the Earth, she is your Mother….Talk peacefully with great respect to the Trees, they are your Teachers. Befriend all the Animals as they are your Brothers and Sisters & therefore command respect…. Admire our feathered friends the Birds as they see things & reach places we can only dream of….. Listen to the Rain fall & the Earth drink the Nectar….Feel the Power of the Sun warm your face & see the comfort the Earth derives from those warm rays…Listen to the grass grow..….Hear the crisp sound of the Snow under your feet as you tread upon its icy blanket and hear the Earth sleeping gently beneath. You dwell in a Magikal Realm an Enchanted World, it is all around you… you learn to understand and become one with Mother Earth you will know true Magik & the workings of the Universe.


MYSTIK WAY HEALING LINK Every evening at 9pm GMT (UK time) we hold a Global healing link where spent a few moments or more sending out LIGHT and healing thoughts around the world and to the various trouble spots. We are joined by several other groups and individuals from facebook with numbers well over the thousand mark. Join us when you are able and add your light and energy. “WHERE YOUR THOUGHT GOES YOUR ENERGY FLOWS” The Universe is pure energy and is continuously flowing, it is manipulated by thought….the vibrations of our feelings and thoughts become reality according to the power of them. By sheer number we can effect change in the situations with the influence of all thinking exactly the same thing. Light a candle send your thoughts out on the flame around the world and join over a thousand people seeking peace, abundance and happiness for everyone including all creatures and mother earth. We must give healing to the sick…. comfort to the weary…. solace to the bereaved….knowledge to the ignorant……illumination to all those that engulfed in the darkness….and break the chains that bind their minds… their bodies….and their souls. This is our mission….our work. Blessings MystikMaster.




The Search for Stellar Consciousness By Richard Hayes (Warlockway) A few months ago I wrote an article on The Celtic Cycle of Light (Mystik Way Magazine 21 – January 2013) within which I described the Celtic Festivals of the year, which are celebrated by Pagans, Witches and all those interested in Natural Magic. This second part deals with the relationship of our Celtic Ancestors to Planet Earth and the Starry Heavens, and the effect these bodies have on human consciousness. At the time of the original article, I painted five cards representing the Elements and the Seasons, and I subsequently painted five more cards depicting the Earth and the Heavens, and it is these cards which are the basis of this article.


and other people’s will. On the earth plane, we often operate either sub-consciously or by habit, and our minds have not been opened to any form of spiritual awareness. We live day to day, fulfilling our biological duty as human beings, without any awareness of our unique place in creation and the extent of our spiritual potential. Such people often take the earth for granted, and are quite happy to plunder its resources – regardless of long-term consequences. Such disregard puts the survival of the human race in jeopardy, and severely damages the biosphere, which is Mother Earth. For spiritually minded people, the earth is a living entity on which we depend for our physical existence. We should live in harmony with the natural world.

The lesson of Earth Consciousness is Our human consciousness is deeply to live in harmony with nature and the rest of rooted in Mother Earth, who provides for our humanity, appreciating the bounty of Mother physical wellbeing, and it is deeply connected Earth. to our instincts and our need to survive in the physical world. This is the realm of everyday consciousness which relates to our work, our CARD OF THE MOON relationships to others, our hobbies and the Just as the Earth is related to our physiway we make progress in life. This form of consciousness we share with the rest of hu- cal body, the Moon is related to our emotional manity, as it is collective and often conditioned body. This is the next level of consciousness, by accepted social patterns. It reflects our bat- which explores our relationship to the world tle to survive in a sometimes hostile world, through our senses, using our intuition and where we are at the mercy of circumstances psychic awareness. The energy of the Moon 12 | MYSTIK WAY MAGAZINE


is continually waxing and waning, moving in cycles, and our emotions can likewise fluctuate from elation to depression. Many sensitive people are acutely aware of the Phases of the Moon, and plan their activities to take account of the different energies. The Moon also rules the Astral Plane, which is the dimension closest to the earth consciousness, and within which we make contact with other beings who do not have physical form.

to life, and encourages us to develop a greater spiritual awareness, which will guide us through our physical life. Just as the Moon was related to psychic development, the Sun is related to spiritual development, and we are encouraged to read extensively to expand our spiritual understanding, and to develop our own personal philosophy. The Sun, due to its power and focusing energy, has through the ages been associated with male energy, and men have traditionally been stronger on the The Moon, due to its relationship with mental plane. the tides, water and our emotions, has been seen through the ages to embody the essence Many of the Ancient Gods of power of Female Spirituality, and traditionally wom- were Sun Gods, who for the ancients conen have been stronger on the emotional plane. trolled the heavens and influenced the pattern They are more easily able to link with their of human existence on earth. Men are natumore sensitive side, use their intuition, and are rally more assertive and seek power, and this naturally more psychic. The Moon is the plane natural energy must be controlled and harof the Sixth Sense, and relates to all forms of nessed in order that it can be used positively divination, dousing, psychometry, spiritual at- to expand spiritual consciousness and provide tunement and all forms of mediumship. The the impetus for spiritual growth and developpowers of the Moon are also celebrated in ment. The energy of the Sun is the power beNatural Magic, and form the basis of Modern hind Ceremonial Magic, and is celebrated in Witchcraft, where psychic energies are tapped Druidry, where the intellect is used to control into, and the emotions are used to control the the forces of magic. forces of magic. The lesson of Sun consciousness is to The lesson of Moon Consciousness is to use our mind and intellect to logically explore work with moon energy, to develop a relation- the meaning of life on earth and the true extent ship with our sensitive side, use our intuition of our spiritual potential, by tapping into the and develop our psychic potential. We can written wisdom which has been passed down then tap into the unseen powers of nature, and through the ages for the benefit of mankind. become aware of other worlds - other than the physical world. CARD OF THE STAR CARD OF THE SUN The Sun rules the mental level of human consciousness and relates to our ability to think rationally and objectively, using our powers of reason to make sense of the physical world. The power of the Sun is constant, bringing enlightenment to humanity through clear thinking and the development of spiritual ideas. It is the basis of an ethical attitude 14 | MYSTIK WAY MAGAZINE

Star Consciousness relates to the highest spiritual level of awareness that we can encounter as individual human beings. It is born out of the integration of Moon Consciousness and Sun Consciousness, and contains both male and female energies blended together. It is represented in human existence by our Higher Consciousness, which when developed can become a major guiding influence in our lives. It is related to the plane of pure

spirit, and is the spark of the divine contained understanding of the many paths of spiritual in every human being, sometimes known as development, leading to eventual Spiritual the Monad, which flowers to full potential in Enlightenment. spiritual development. Universal Spiritual Consciousness can This Higher Consciousness can only be be seen as part of the Divine Mind which is embraced after many years of spiritual study manifesting in creation, and which is guidand development, and is the flowering of hu- ing humanity through its evolutionary jourman spirituality - when we are truly in tune ney. Humanity has a special relationship to with ourselves, humanity at large and the nat- creation, in that man is both a physical being ural world. It is through Star Consciousness which exists on earth, and a spiritual being that we link to our inner wisdom, and receive whose natural home is in the world of spirit. It guidance from the world of spirit, and perfect is sometimes said that man has his feet firmly our psychic and spiritual gifts. We become a planted on earth but his head is in the stars, complete human being, and through our in- and that his destiny on earth is to discover his ner knowledge and wisdom and our ability to true spiritual potential. link with our higher consciousness, we act as The lesson of Universal Consciousa channel to bring enlightenment to humanity. We are now able to link with the highest spir- ness, sometimes called Stellar Consciousness, itual powers, and make contact with the An- is to recognize the importance of the spiritual gels and Arch-angels, and become a vehicle contribution of each person to the collective by which advanced spiritual knowledge can consciousness, as we all play our part in the spiritual evolution of humanity. be transmitted to earth. The lesson of Star Consciousness is to develop spiritual abilities to their full potenI conclude this article with a quotation tial, and make contact with our Higher Con- from the magic of Aleister Crowley – sciousness, tapping into its innate wisdom, and using that wisdom as guidance in our “Every man and woman is a star, a universe in the making.” spiritual life.

CARD OF THE UNIVERSE Just as the universe is made up of a myriad of stars, so the Universal Consciousness is made up of the collective Star Consciousness of innumerable enlightened souls, both past and present. Their influence continues to inspire humanity by their writings and their communication from the spirit realms, and they form a collective consciousness which covers every aspect of human spirituality. It is from this body of knowledge that we obtain personal wisdom, and enhance our 15

As a Spiritualist Medium, I channel inspired writings dictated to me from the Spirit World, usually in the form of Spiritual Guidance.


have previously been hidden by the clouds in your mind, and that you will be able to perceive possible solutions or directions for We note at times that you are unclear your life’s pathway with clarity, knowing that in your thinking and intention, not knowing guidance and help surrounds you from those what to do in a given situation, or not knowing in the spirit realms – should you only seek it. which direction you should follow in your You will find that if you choose each life. We say to you, to sit down in stillness day to sit quietly and find the peace within and quietude, centring yourself on the power yourself, those who love you from the spirit of love and light. Empty your mind of all your side of life can come close to you to converse cares and worries, and just be at peace. Allow with you. They can help to guide you each day the divine light to penetrate your whole being, of your earthly life, helping you to focus on and feel cleansed with that blessing. what you will be doing in the day ahead, or Now think of what it is that concerns you. Is it a concern for your self in a situation, or is it for another being? Spread out the situation clearly in your mind, and ask for clarity, that we may be able to shine a light into the situation for your consideration. Hopefully we can bring new ideas to you that


even the weeks, the months or the years ahead, giving you the opportunity to find the way forward in life with clarity and understanding. You have to make your own decisions, but we can bring clarity to you when you attune to us, so that you take the right decisions or pathway for you at this time.

Book Review

The Haunting of Willow Tree Court

A Ghost Story By our very own Jennifer Adele Be afraid, very afraid…..A wonderful ghost story with a twist as the story leads you through thrilling & scary moments….with romantic overtones. A must read for all avid ghost story readers, brilliantly clever in the way it leads you through a web of intrigue. Sometimes I really felt that I was there living the story & finding reality and non- reality, blending so fine I really could not tell the difference any longer. A fantastic book for reading at bedtime by candlelight if you are not to easily spooked…A wonderful story, wonderfully narrated.

You can follow Jennifer’s Animal and Plant Totems every day on the Mystik Way Group page. MystikMASTER


ennifer ADELE Author of the Breakthrough Novel, “The Haunting of Willow Tree Court” ... as well as numerous short stories and articles.




SAMPLE SPREAD – I will again use the Major Arcana of the Tarot, and this time I will shuffle the cards face down, thinking of my need to progress spiritually in life, and then cut the cards three times with my left hand, prior to dealing out Six Cards from the top of the pack. Place the cards in the order of the spread.

This month I would like to show you how to use the Tarot Cards to help you with the pattern of your life and your spiritual development. The spread I have chosen is one I took from a book about the Runes, and it is a This spread is based on my spiritual good example of a simple layout to use for the journey, and I can see at a glance that it has Tarot. much to teach me.

The spread has Six Positions for the CARD 1 – The Chariot – The Charioteer is on cards, and the meaning of the layout of the a spiritual journey, using his intuition to guide cards is as follows :the pattern of his life, and this card represents CARD 1 - The Root of the Issue, the card the primary pattern of my life. For the last which is the reason why we are asking the thirty years I have been committed to Spiritual Development, exploring every aspect of question. spirituality, and now in my retirement I dediCARD 2, 3 & 4 - are respectively the Past, cate my time to spiritual growth, teaching and Present and the Future influences, which are writing and to the practice of Mediumship. being experienced in our lives, and which rep- This card represents the true purpose of my resent the effect of outside influences on our existence, as I am always working on my spirlives. itual development. CARD 5 - This is the card which we must explore if we are to make the best use of our CARD 2 – The World – In the past I have had Spiritual Potential. a successful career, and have been successful CARD 6 - The Final Outcome, and the pattern in earthly terms. The card of The World balof our future growth and development. ances the spiritual energy of The Fool with the 18 | MYSTIK WAY MAGAZINE

security of the Four Elements. I feel that my life has developed in such a way that I have balanced my spiritual life with my physical existence.

CARD 5 – The Devil – In order to advance my spirituality to its full potential, I should become more involved with the forces of nature, practice natural magic and tap into my own vitality as a basis for my magical practice. I now have the experience to be advenCARD 3 – The Tower – At this time, change is turous in all aspects of spiritual development, taking place, and my old patterns of thinking and should not allow the restrictions of the are being broken down so that I can explore past to prevent my progress. new avenues of spiritual growth. I must be CARD 6 – The Magician – If I learn the lesflexible and respond to change as it presents sons of this spread, and use the power generitself to me. ated by the Devil Card to explore every aspect of spiritual and magical practice, I will eventually achieve my ambition to become The CARD 4 – The Emperor – In the future, I Magus, who is the spiritually evolved Adept, must be strong and confident in my beliefs, and whose existence is dedicated to the spiriand be prepared to take on responsibility in tual advancement of humanity. the physical world. Even though I often immerse myself in female mysteries, I should Conclusion – When I sat down to do this spread, I didn’t realize how I would be chalnot lose contact with masculine spirituality. lenged, and it makes me even more aware of the power of the Tarot Cards.



Card of the Month - The Devil Many misconceptions surround the Devil and this card, firstly there is no such creature, it is a being created by our own fears & perpetuated by those that wish to control us.

The meaning of this card is one of beware of placing yourself in the bondage of fear or allowing others or situations to do so, being trapped by doubt and fear….recalling past hurts….enslavement to old outdated ideas. The advice and lesson here is to see the fears/doubts as illusions, not real or with foundation, breaking free, enjoying the now, being a bit of a Devil and having fun without hurting another, seeing life as the Fool would (see previous card of the month issue 27)

Key words…let go of that which no longer serves you…..break free of your own fears they are illusions. Be careful not to do anything rash out of fear or to hurt anyone or anything.

MystikMaster Card is from the Thoth Tarot Deck by A.Crowley


Breakthrough So many nights I could not understand Why I was incapable of writing a single word It was as if, my mind was just totally blocked Frozen like the vast tundra in a deep freeze Being speechless is hardly my mode of being As I typically speak and write with some ease So many days I am distracted so easily Not knowing if I am coming or going Yet I am still drawn to your glowing light Taken aback by the black and luminous white There is such duality in the sky above the sea For it took the Sun to break through for me Staring at you with no fear any possible threat I lift my head and gaze at your amazing amber light No wonder I was lost and in such deep depression I sought the moon at night instead clearing my sight Now I see with such clarity and brilliance as I now look It was you that opened my heart and soul to truly be Such lessons to be learned from you and not a book I will never abuse your light for that I can guarantee For you have set a new standard of living and loving for me Praise to you oh most glorious Sun up above us all I look up and out as your rays of light come down So many bask soaking up all your radiant energy As I too am now recharged to the ultimate degree Like the tallest beacon of light reaching out to sea To shine out to a path to your heart andsoul Never again to feel as if the darkness is within. . . Alma Joyce De La Cruz July 28, 2011 (written 2 years ago)



Have you lost your spark?? Rediscover your inner Mojo


by Peta Panos

e have all revelled in life when our Mojo is strong – those magical times when nothing and no one can keep us down; we are fired up with enthusiasm for life and everything falls easily into place.

you have lost your spark for a period of time or cannot even remember having any Mojo at all, it does exist in all of us and once you have accessed your inner Mojo again, you can build it up until you can access it at will.

Some of us harness our Mojo easily, some less so and all of us have lost it completely at one time or another. The hardest realization is when we call on our Mojo and we can’t seem to find it. The trick is to understand what your Mojo is and how to access it at will.

Can you imagine what would happen in all aspects of your life if you felt your Mojo more often? Look back and compare your experience of life when your Mojo is strong versus the times when you had no Mojo at all and you will agree that there are so many benefits to tapping into it, including:

Your Mojo is your inner vibrancy, vitality or aliveness. You feel it when you stand in your own personal power; when you are in God/Goddess energy; when you feel totally confident and strong; when you believe in yourself and your own worth; when you feel excited and motivated. Your Mojo is that spark of awesomeness that is the real unique you – unlimited, free, powerful, creative, attractive, totally present and fully alive. When you connect to your Mojo, those around you can sense your authenticity and presence more fully than at any other time. Your Mojo is the determining factor in all aspects of your life: your relationships, your health, your career and even your core values. The basis of great Mojo is a strong positive self-image and belief in your view of the world. Your Mojo can only be authentic when you know, like and accept who you are. Every time you communicate with people, they sense your Mojo and your confidence – in yourself and what you are communicating. Despite starting off in life with powerful Mojo: our formative years, life experience and social conditioning whittle away at it until it is only apparent when we are able to express ourselves fully. If you have continuously downplayed parts of yourself to fit in, it can be scary to unleash your Mojo fully. The good news is that regardless of whether 22 | MYSTIK WAY MAGAZINE

· Getting the results that you want · Overcoming fear · Nurturing and nourishing yourself better (when you feel crap, you eat crap) · The world around you responding to you more and in a better way · Moving into greatness · Feeling more confidence and less stress · Improving your relationships · Feeling excitement, joy, gratitude and contentment · Struggling less So, how do we get there? Ask yourself the following questions and write down the answers (read them often until you have a better sense of what your special brand of Mojo is all about) · What makes you unique? · Who are you at your core?

· What is your message or personal mission statement? · What do you have to share with the world? · What is important to you? · What qualities do you imbue? · What is your passion and your purpose? · What can you do that benefits other people? · What are your unique skills and talents? · How do people benefit by being with you and knowing you? Everything is woven together in how you present yourself, what you do and how you do it. Know that you are perfect in your imperfection and the only things holding you back are your own limitations, resistance and fear. Now that you have a better idea of what your Mojo is, try this energetic process to rediscover and build your Mojo: Take a few deep breaths and ground yourself (imagine roots growing from the souls of your feet deep into the centre of the earth and wrapping around a huge rose quartz crystal). Now that you are grounded, centre yourself and focus on being fully present. You can do this by imagining you have a magnet in the centre of your head and pull all of your scattered energy and thoughts from the past and the future into the present moment. Now scan your body and find the home of your Mojo (another way of doing this if you have blocked your Mojo for a long time and cant find it - is to look for the spark of the creator/divine within you) for many people, it is in their heart or solar plexus.

in breath, feel your Mojo expanding and on the out breath, allow the energy to permeate your cells and dissolve any blocks until your whole body is vibrating with your Mojo and it expands into your aura. Now, imagine you have a Mojo volume dial and turn up the volume as much as you can within your comfort zone. If you feel fear, dial it back a bit until you feel comfortable and at home. Come up with a word or phrase that most expresses how you feel when you are experiencing your authentic and most powerful Mojo and set the intention that when you use this word or phrase to connect to your Mojo in the future, it will trigger you back to this energy. Repeat this energetic exercise on a regular basis and if you find yourself in a situation where you need to find your Mojo quickly, take a moment (in a restroom if necessary) and pretend for a moment that you have just won a race or the lottery and exclaim your Mojo word or phrase. Let your dreams be bigger than your fears, your actions louder than your words and your faith stronger than your feelings.

Where will you be going in 2013? We have an exciting range of Spiritual Quest Journeys to Sacred Sites and magical places all around the world. For more information and an overview of the journeys on offer, please click here

Written by: Peta Panos – Spiritual Quest Journeys Email: Website: Spiritual Quest Journeys Facebook: Spiritual Quest Journeys Twitter: questjourneys

Now imagine a tube from the centre of your head into your Mojo´s home and pull down your fully present focus and energy from the magnet in the centre of your head into the home of your Mojo. Once you have energised your Mojo, take some deep breaths. On the 23

Animal and plant of the month with Jennifer Adele

Cougar The cougar has many names and is also known as the puma, mountain lion, panther, cat concolor, or catamount... to name but a few. It is a large cat of the family Felidae native to the Americas. Its range, from the Canadian Yukon to the southern Andes of South America, is the greatest of any large wild terrestrial mammal in the Western Hemisphere. An adaptable, generalist species, the cougar is found in every major American habitat type. Solitary by nature and nocturnal, the cougar is most closely related to smaller felines and is nearer genetically to the domestic cat, and surprisingly cheetahs, than true lions. An excellent stalk-and-ambush predator, the cougar pursues a wide variety of prey. Primary food sources include ungulates such as deer, elk, moose, and bighorn sheep, as well as domestic cattle, horses and sheep, particularly in the northern part of its range. It will also hunt species as small as insects and rodents! This cat is very, very adaptable. This cat also tends to prefer habitats with dense underbrush and rocky areas for stalking, but can live well in open areas. The cougar is territorial and survives at low population densities. Individual territory sizes depend on terrain, vegetation, and abundance of prey. While large, it is not always the apex predator 24 | MYSTIK WAY MAGAZINE

in its range, yielding to the jaguar, grey wolf, American black bear, and grizzly bear. It is reclusive and usually avoids people. Fatal attacks on humans are rare, but have been trending upward in recent years as more people enter their territory. As for symbolic interpretations, it is said that the medicine of this animal involves lessons on the use of power in regards to leadership. It is ultimately the ability to lead without insisting that others follow. It is then understanding that all beings are potential leaders in their own way, and that you should have the strength to at least lead yourself, if nothing and no one else. The use and abuse of power in a position of influence are part of this great cat’s medicine. It teaches how not to be abusive but also how to be firm with your boundaries. By observing the graceful pounce of the cougar, you will learn how to balance power, intention, physical strength, and grace. This relates in human terms, to the balance of body, mind, and spirit. The giant feline never wastes anything. It only kills what it needs for survival. And, the female cougar is the hunter who graces her table in a style akin to a great mother earth energy. Symbolism: personal power, passion, secrecy, solitary endeavors, predatory nature, ascension, courage, strength, well developed capabilities, nocturnal energy cycles, mother earth energy.

Poppy A poppy is one of a group of flowering plants in the poppy family, many of which are grown in gardens for their colorful flowers. They denote the thriving summer, abundance, and good luck. Poppy flowers have 4 to 6 petals. The petals may be almost any color, and some even have markings. Before blooming, the petals are crumpled in the bud, and as blooming finishes, the petals often lie flat before falling away. A whorl of stamens is in the center of the flower.

Symbolism: summer’s zenith, solar energy, abundance, good luck, beauty, magic, consolation, fertility, remembrance, rest, and eternal life.



MAGIKAL HERBS by William C. Snider

e m y Th Thyme-why we need more of it in our lives...

These reasons are enough to use the herb, as it may give us all a little more time on this sphere.

Thyme is another ancient herb used more for its medicinal purposes over its culinary uses. With over a 100 varieties, the evergreen shrub has an almost sweetish to savoury flavour. Bees love it and insects hate it. Thyme has been noted in use by the Egyptians (embalming), Greeks (incense), Romans (flavours for wine and cheese), and Globally today (essential oil for Listerine).


Thyme is a member of the mint family and likes well drained soil. To grow, the herb may be sown from seed, cuttings, or spliced roots. Warmer sunnier climates will have the herb thriving best. Thyme, when planted in spring, is a perennial thereafter. Thyme may be used fresh or dried. Keep in mind the shelf life of fresh thyme is about a week.

Medicinal uses are varied and noted throughout the historical documents. Following are many noted medicinal uses for thyme. It has been used to treat whooping cough, stomach upset. Tea made from thyme is used to treat bronchitis, colds as they start. Gout, acne, rheumatism, warts, sciatica and other skin diseases have been treated with thyme. It has been used in soap, used as a fungicide, mouth wash, etc. The essential oil, thymol, is a very effective antiseptic for the insides and out.


Wil Snider

Artwork by Christine Carlson “Tree Spirit” 27


Enlightened living and eating with Ama’ritday

Ama’ritday here! I am always amazed how quickly it is time to write this article! I am blessed and honoured to be able to spend some time sharing this amazing journey of life with you. We are most of the way through summer enjoy our summer bounty and preparing for late summer and fall, beginning to harvest for that long winter ahead. We have been preparing for Lammas since last month and now all the fruits of our labour are finally beginning to pay off. I wanted to bring us back to a part of that which I introduced last month. Lammas is a time of sacrifice, harvest, redemption, renewal, death, mourning and protection. Lammas is a festival of regrets and farewells, of harvest and preserves. Reflect on this alone or with others around a fire. Lughnasadh is one of the great Celtic firefestivals, if you can feast around a bonfire, tell stories and love one another and be grateful for one another. Regrets: Think of the things you meant to do this summer or this year that are not coming to fruition. You can project your regrets onto natural objects like pine cones and throw them into the fire, releasing them. Farewells: What is passing from your life? What is over? Say good-bye to it. As with regrets, you can find visual symbols and throw them into the fire.


Harvest: What have you harvested this year? What seeds have your planted that are sprouting? Find a visual way to represent these, perhaps creating a decoration in your house or altar which represents the harvest to you. Preserves: This is also a good time for making preserves, either literally or symbolically. As you turn the summer’s fruit into jams, jellies and chutneys for winter, think about the fruits that you have gathered this year and how you can hold onto them. How can you keep them sweet in the store of your memory? The Romans celebrated this time as the Festival of Demeter and Persephone, and their reunion of this Grain Goddess and her daughter. What to eat on Lammas and the rest of the August then? How many different sorts of cereals did you know of? Wheat, corn, barley, oat, rye, rice... any more? There is buckwheat(tattari), quinoa and spelt, amaranth, sorghum(hirssi) and millet and teff, then there is durum wheat and Kamut wheat and there is triticale (ryewheat-cross) Traditional foods for Lammas include the fruits and vegetables peaking in late summer to early fall. However, primary emphasis falls on grains and all things made from grains. Meat is not usually included as Lammas fare for it is the hottest time of the year, and meat gets easily bad. — but if you wish to serve meat try poultry. As rooster is Lugh’s bird, serv-

ing chicken or even fish as it is sacred to this season as well — ideal holiday for vegetarians. Grains formed the mainstay of Lammas food, especially wheat, oats, barley, and rye. Whole, cracked, or rolled grains appear in stuffing and many other dishes. Bread and other whole grain foods stand out on the Lammas table. Kneading and baking bread is a traditional for this time of year and if you have never baked bread before - there’s no better time to start practicing magic. Foods to include in the festivities would be fresh herbs, fruits and veggies. Bake corn bread sticks, collect blackberries and make a pie marked with a solar cross. Sprout wheat to add to homemade bread. Drink cider. Gather berries for use in recipes or wine-making. (Delish) Rose petal wine would be amazing. Summer fruits and vegetables have reached their peak: tomatoes, sweet corn, melons, blackberries, peaches, etc. In some areas, early grain is ready but in most places it’s in the precarious “almost ripe” stage. Earth medicine and magic galore herbs to include

for Lammas(there are many): goldenrod, peony, nasturtium, clover blossom, yarrow, heliotrope, boneset, vervain, Queen Anne’s lace, myrtle, rose, sunflower, poppy, milkweed, Irish moss, mushroom, wheat, corn, rye, oat, barley, rice, garlic, onion, basil, mint, aloe, acacia, meadowsweet, apple leaf, raspberry leaf, strawberry leaf, bilberry leaf, blueberry leaf, mugwort, hops, holly, comfrey, marigold, grape vine, ivy, hazelnut, blackthorn, elder, bee pollen.

Some Lammas Recipes may include: Any recipes on bread Blueberry pie & anything made with berries Try making some beer. Try cooking with beer Anything with pasta, rice and noodles - try out some Jewish Kugels Epicurious - the world’s greatest recipe collection Just search (recipes - browse - search) with “beer” “kugel” “bread” or “blueberries”, “blackberries” or just “berries” Also search with any of the grains mentioned earlier ;-) Try a thirst quenching Lammas Bowl - blend 1 part lemonade, 1 part vodka and 1 part beer - a lot of ice Try your hand and find some recipes that you love: Grains/ In being mindful about what grows abundantly around us, lets celebrate Lammas and the rest of the summer and our, Sun God return to rest, for yet another season with these simple easy recipes! 29

Old World Lamm Frytour of Erbes (Herb Fitters)

Blackberry Vinegar

Recipe from Julie R.- Pacific Northwest,14th Century England. Use fresh herbs.

Often used as a beverage this makes a nice salad dressing.

Makes about 3 dozen 2-1/2� fritters. 3 cups all-purpose flour

Blackberries, clean and dry

2-1/4 cups water

Malt vinegar

1/4 teaspoon yeast

granulated sugar

1/8 teaspoon salt Vegetable oil for frying 2-1/2 teaspoons chopped sage 1-1/2 teaspoons chopped thyme 6 tablespoons chopped parsley 1 tablespoon chopped oregano Honey to top fritters

Place berries in an earthenware vessel. Cover with vinegar. Let stand three days (this will draw out the juice from the berries). To strain place cheesecloth over a bowl, pour in the mixture. Let strain several hours.

Dissolve yeast in 1/2 cup water. Add salt to flour; when yeast is foamy, add yeast and rest of flour to water. Let sit while you chop and ground the herbs. Divide batter in 4 portions. Add one kind of herb to each portion, (or add four times as much of any one of the herbs to the whole batter). Fry in 1/4� deep oil by the 1/2 tablespoonful. Serve with honey.


Measure the amount of liquid you have (discard berries). You will need 1 pound of sugar for every pint of liquid. In a pan boil vinegar with sugar gently for 5 minutes. Cool.

mas Feast Armoured Turnips

Covenstead Bread

Recipe from Julie R. - Pacific Northwest, 15th Century Italy.

Printed with permission from Spirit Online. If you don’t have citron available use a combination orange and lemon peels.

3/4 cup water 1 pound turnips (about 5 little)

1/2 cup honey

10 ounce cheddar cheese, sliced

1/2 cup finely chopped citron

2 tablespoons butter

1/2 cup granulated sugar

1/2 teaspoon cinnamon

2 tablespoons anise seeds

1/4 teaspoon ginger

2-1/3 cups all-purpose flour

1/4 teaspoon pepper

1-1/2 teaspoons baking soda 1 teaspoon nutmeg

Preheat oven to 350°F. Boil turnips about 30 minutes.

1 teaspoon cinnamon 1 teaspoon allspice

Peel and slice thin.

Preheat oven to 350°F.

Layer turnips and cheese in a 9” x 5” baking dish.

Bring the water to a boil in a saucepan.

Sprinkle each layer with spices and dot with little butter. Bake 30 minutes.

Add honey, citron, sugar, and anise seeds. Stir until the sugar completely dissolves and then remove from heat. Sift together flour, baking soda, salt, and spices, and fold into the hot honey mixture. Turn the batter into a well-greased 9 x 5 x 3-inch loaf pan. Bake one hour. Turn out on a wire rack to cool. This recipe yields one loaf of bread, and improves in taste if allowed to stand for 24 hours. 31

Fig Pudding with a Red Wine Sauce

Stir in the dry ingredients.


Pour into baking pan and bake about 1 hour or until done.

2-1/2 cup sifted all-purpose flour 1/2 teaspoon baking soda

Make the sauce: Cream butter and sugar until light.

2 teaspoon baking powder

Beat in the eggs.

1 teaspoon ground cinnamon

Stir in the red wine, lemon zest and nutmeg.

1 teaspoon salt 1/2 cup butter

Just before serving, beat sauce over hot water in double boiler. Heat thoroughly.

2 eggs

Serve over hot pudding

1 teaspoon vanilla 1 cup molasses 2 cup finely chopped dried figs grated zest of 1/2 lemon or orange

Let’s bring the magic back to all we do especially in our cooking! Let’s be enlightened in our eating. Until next month!

1 cup buttermilk sauce

Much love and bright blessing!

1/2 cup butter


1 cup granulated sugar 2 eggs 3/4 cups dry red wine grated zest of 1/2 lemon or orange 1/4 teaspoon nutmeg

Ama’ritday Rodriguez Montero Come visit me online at~ My website: Le Blog: Facebook:

Make the pudding: Preheat oven to 325°F. Grease a baking pan. Combine baking soda, baking powder, cinnamon and salt, set aside. Cream the butter until soft. Beat in eggs, vanilla, and molasses until fluffy. Stir in figs, lemon zest and buttermilk.


hi simi, can you add to the credits page at the back.

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Shamballa Bracelets

Special offer for Mystik Way readers Get one custom made!

If you would like a trendy handmade Shamballa Bracelet as pictured below, made with semi-precious beads, email me and let me know which beads you would like from a choice of – Black Onyx, Tiger Eye, Rose Quartz, Haematite or Amethyst. All beads are 8mm and are woven on 2mm nylon cord. You can have the bracelet all one stone (like the tigers eye pictured below) or a mixture of beads from the list above. Just email me at spiritdesigns@hotmail. your bracelet will be hand made and then listed for you to purchase in my on-line shop. Cost per bracelet is £9 plus shipping. Enjoy the power of Shamballa! Jenny Spirit x


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...Issue 29 will be out in September 2013


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