Mystik way magazine 26

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Spiritual Progress on the Tree of Life

The Art of Meditation Lama Mark Webberon meditation retreats inspired writing, Totems, Tarot, Artwork, herbs, Eating for ENlightenment and more...


Spiritual Progress on the Tree of Life | 18


Welcome to issue twentysix


Midsommer Solstice


Project Avalon


Enlightened Living


The Art of Meditation - Part 3 of 3


Mystik Way Healing Link


An urban dharma meditation retreat


God is in the details


Spiritual Progress on the Tree of Life


Inspired Writing - Change Part 2


Book Review - The Divine Mother Speaks


Poem - Nature Serenades


Enrich your life by cultivating your passion

27 Artwork 28

Tarot: How to determine your purpose


Tarot: June’s Card: The waiting game

32 Animal and Plant of the month - Golden Eagle and Rose 34

Magikal Herbs: Basil


Healing Herbs: Dandelion Part 2

36 Enlightened Living and Eating: Super Nourishing Salads, Essene Bread and Raw Food 42

A view on laws and regulations


True Life Experiences

Lama Mark Webber | 14 If you enjoy reading the Mystik Way Magazine, please consider a small donation of $1 or £1 to help us with our running costs. cover shot: Lance MdKirdy

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EDITOR Ed Mystikmaster | CO EDITOR & DESIGN Simone Schreck ADVERTISING Ed Mystikmaster WEB PRODUCER Simone Schreck CONTRIBUTIONS: Ed Mystikmaster, James Middleditch, Simone Schreck, Lame Mark Webber Richard Hayes, Sue Hayes, Rashmi Khilnani, Alma Delacruz Gossman, Peta Panos, Christine Carlson, Michelle Mahoney, Terssa Welsh, Jennifer Adele, William C. Snider, Jennette Stevenson, Ama’ritday, Lance McKirdy, Christopher Wesselingh, Kirsty Scott

Welcome to issue 26 June 2013


ummer Solstice, Litha is nearly upon us, Winter-Yule if you live in the southern hemisphere, either way a good excuse for yet more celebrations not that we at the Mystik Way need any excuses. This issue we have a review of Rashmi Khilnani’s powerful book, the Divine Mother speaks. A powerful book offering important help & advice for those on the Spiritual pathway. We have also extended our Meditation section and get an insight into Buddha Dharma and Retreat work through Lama Mark Webber. We were in Glastonbury for the full Moon (The Flower Moon) & Luna Eclipse of May the 25th to build energies. There are some beautiful pictures further in the magazine of the Sunset & the Moon rise over the Glastonbury Tor, plus some wonderful light/orb pictures. I feel for certain that great changes worldwide are now occurring as even people of all walks of life are opening up to the Spiritual awareness, people who until a few months ago wouldn’t have even entertained the idea. More & more people are coming to me seeking advice and answers or help regarding this as well as a very large surge in membership of the Mystik Way….The Light is getting brighter at last. Keep those Lights burning brightly in your corner of the Universe & we all shine on like the Sun and the Moon and the Stars.

Blessings. MystikMaster


Midsummer Solstice 21st June Also known by the name of Litha. & of course those in the southern hemisphere will be celebrating Midwinter, Yule. A time for joyous celebrations, the Sun is at its most powerful & the land is green with the crops growing their bounty. The countryside has burst into full swing, there will be abundance for everyone. The Celtic Moon month symbolises the mighty Oak tree, strength power wisdom and long life. Decorate your Altar with Oak leaves, yellow candles symbolising the Sun add many bright flowers and burn heavy incense such as sage & sandlewood, light a fire, invite your friends to join you & spend the evening feasting with fine wine and food, sing, laugh, dance & make merry whilst remembering to be thankful to Mother Nature & the Universe for such wonderful gifts, revel in the full power of the Sun. There are many different versions of Solstice rituals and celebrations and whichever you choose or whether you decide to join a commercial one enjoy every moment, I will be in my favourite place Kingley Vale a thousand year old Yew tree forest for the night.

Blessings to all in both hemispheres on your celebrations. MystikMaster

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Project Avalon Update Project Avalon is a task I have set myself with the help of some of my ritual group to turn my old courtyard into a haven of Organic Herbs, vegetables, fruit & flowers grown on the Moon & Sun cycles, meditation & mantra. See issue 23.24.25 of the magazine. At long last we have had some summer type weather & already the plants are starting to play catch up, the ones that are really doing well are the new grape vines (yes we two now) both Merlot style grapes ideal for a great full bodied wine…The Blackberry bush is also flourishing, wonderful when you consider that it has grown under the concrete from two gardens along and surfaced in mine…Last year it produced four gallons of excellent wine (about 24 bottles of wine) and several pies & crumbles….The Sage bush is also about to flower, this is great news as it makes fantastic incense smudge sticks….The Lavender has been flowering for a week or so now & attracting I am pleased to say many Bees & Butterflies.



of you however small a space you have for planting to follow this & start to enjoy not just the benefits of the harvest but the Magikal energies/healing whilst working on it. After all being Spiritual is not just about rituals…prayers etc, it is about Enlightened living…looking after the Planet as well as yourself…growing & eating the correct food….not throwing things away but recycling them…..respecting all things and leading a balanced life style….we must walk our talk. Blessings MystikMaster

This month work on the wall mural will begin, a picture of Glastonbury Tor with the Goddess and a surround of Celtic knot work with plans to get the cast Iron Chimnea, adding to that classic friendly touch for evening Rituals. The Tomato plant I have grown from seed and only feeding water whilst it sits by the radio listening to classical music all day is amazing & utter prove that plants are sensitive with feelings. I sincerely hope that this will inspire many 5

Extending the M Enlighte


ou will only see Magik if you believe Magik exists. It is an Enlightened way of Living… To experience Love you must first believe that Love exists… To experience peace & happiness you must first acknowledge the peace & happiness exist and furthermore realise that they all exist in great Abundance. In my previous articles about creating a magical persona I stressed the need to recreate & reinvent ourselves to become the person we really are and want to be, not the one that has been created by society. There is more, much more…It is of no use just paying lip service to Spirituality, we need to walk our talk… As once

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we step onto that path we must realise it is about learning to live in peace & harmony with the Earth & all things. Therefore how as spiritual beings can we act out the rituals & propound the philosophy but still carry on living as non-spiritual people do? For instance we keep household pets, so how can we justify eating other animals? Millions of people in the world are starving so how can we justify the amount of food we throw away as well as goods... if you see what I mean. True Enlightenment comes from changing our self to become more aware of eating the correct food…fresh alive food like fruit & vegetables,

Magikal Persona ened Living salads, pulses etc not dead food such as meat, attempting to grow as much as possible ourselves (of course where physically able) making sure we do not over buy and therefore waste precious food & if we do to share that food or goods with others, recycle as much as is possible.

So slowly & surely start to create your Magikal persona…..start to change the way you think… the way you feel…..begin to see things in a different way….see things as you did as a child where everything is a great source of wonderment & adventure. Give it a try as you have nothing to lose & everything to gain.

It is all about living in harmony with the Earth & once we start to live this way our life becomes Magikal, we draw all the powers of natural Law around us… wonderful energies become every day realities…..we draw the correct situations & people into our lives, the one’s that will enhance our Spiritual path.

Blessings on your Quest MystikMaster



THE ART OF M Part 3 of 3

Introduction This is the final part of a series called The Art of‌, which aims to show how art and creativity can be ritualistic, magical, and can focus the mind in a way that allows us to reach our potential. The first part demonstrated how creative pursuits can encourage the manifestation of positive influences in our lives. The second part looked at how memory can become the basis of art, and how we can discover patterns and meanings in the symbols we encounter in our lives. We now turn our attention to the art of meditation, going beyond the practice itself to look at how art can be used beforehand to prompt particular benefits, and how art can emerge as the result of quietening the mind, to further explore the results.

Before Meditation In order to aid meditation, images can be used to stimulate the mind in a particular direction, especially if there is an intended goal. Tranquil nature pictures can be used to calm and relax the mind, while bold, fiery imagery can inspire and energise. Abstract pictures which blend colours in organic ways can encourage the imagination to roam free, while geometric designs have been used for centuries in the form of mandalas.

Mandalas are associated with Hinduism and Buddhism, in which they are used to represent the Universe, presented in systems of circles within squares. These complex patterns can contain a multitude of symbols and smaller designs, which the brain is said to recognise

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on a subconscious level. Many of these can be brought from spiritual suppliers, or these days, found on the internet. However it is very powerful for a person to design their own, perhaps inspired by existing forms but with unique, personal variations. Books can be purchased to aid this process, which include template designs and ones to colour in according to instinct and preference (a good way to get back to the happy, childlike pursuit of colouring in!)

Modern photographic and computer technology can also be used to create your own mandalas. I have experimented with this using photographs taken in natural surroundings, which can be manipulated into a kaleidoscopic patterns. These produce extraordinary and sometimes surprising designs, revealing previously hidden patterns which the mind imposes recognition upon, such as faces or figures. The benefit to meditation is that they structure the seemingly chaotic, random formations of nature, bringing symmetry, order and balance; often, this is what we turn to meditation to provide.

Using a mandala is simple; stare at it at the start of your meditation, and allow the experience to unfold. It may hold your attention, and the sensations and insights might stem from the direct visual stimulation. You may also feel your eyes closing, and the mandala may then be your mind’s springboard for further imagery or experience. It is good to return to it at the end to provide completion and closure; it is also good to keep a piece of paper handy, in case you have been inspired to make notes, or even produce further art, as a result of your visions.

MEDITATION by James Middleditch

After Meditation Meditation can be extraordinarily conducive to the creation of art. Often we need to be in a particular state of mind – relaxed yet focused, rested yet energised – in order to access our creative sides, and meditation produces this state most reliably. Therefore it is useful to set aside some time to follow up on our meditations with a creative pursuit.

Painting on a fresh piece of paper is an ideal medium, as the freedom is appropriate for the type of abstract imagery that may have been experienced in the peace and quiet. However there are many other forms of art that can follow just as well. Collage is good, particularly if your visions included real world or natural images that are easily accessed. Photographs can be adapted either physically or on a computer; more spiritual or supernatural elements can be overlaid onto the ‘ordinary world’; a dragon can be brought into your favourite forest, or an angel can arrive in your own garden.

Words and symbols can of course be added, particularly if any phrases were particularly vivid and worth remembering. Often such phrases are short and simple, drawn from our own subconscious, or from higher wisdom


depending on your belief (if indeed these are separate things…) They can be added using text cut from existing sources, or overlaid onto computer designs. One good medium for this is known as encaustic art, which involves melting wax onto a special iron, which is then spread across heatproof paper. The beautifully organic designs produced by this can then be scratched away using tools, to reveal the white paper underneath and form words.

Keeping a record of your meditation art is a great way to track your spiritual journeys. A special scrapbook is ideal, and can act in the same way as a photo album which records your ‘real life’ journey. Whatever is experienced in meditation has a positive benefit on our ordinary lives, but sometimes the images can fade and the lessons become forgotten again, sinking back into the subconscious. By keeping visual records, we can benefit more permanently and instantly from the valuable lessons we teach ourselves when we quieten our minds.

The Art of… Conclusion I hope this series has inspired some ways in which art can be thought of and experienced as a complement to your spiritual life. I hope also that it is clear that anyone can do these things, no matter their supposed artistic ability. I certainly cannot claim to be a great artist (as my friends will testify on Art Day!), but I believe that doing it with a sense of fun and freedom, being as unselfconscious as we were when we were children, is the way forward. This will always produce art that is genuine, meaningful and special beyond words. My photographic mandalas are available to purchase; contact me via Facebook or email james_a_ A recommended set of cards that can act as mandalas is Michael Eastwood’s Crystal Oversouls Healing Cards, which are available from Amazon or As always, we encourage you to share your spiritual art on The Mystik Way Facebook group page. But most of all, enjoy.


MYSTIK WAY HEALING LINK Every evening at 9pm GMT (UK time) we hold a Global healing link where spent a few moments or more sending out LIGHT and healing thoughts around the world and to the various trouble spots. We are joined by several other groups and individuals from facebook with numbers well over the thousand mark. Join us when you are able and add your light and energy. “WHERE YOUR THOUGHT GOES YOUR ENERGY FLOWS” The Universe is pure energy and is continuously flowing, it is manipulated by thought….the vibrations of our feelings and thoughts become reality according to the power of them. By sheer number we can effect change in the situations with the influence of all thinking exactly the same thing. Light a candle send your thoughts out on the flame around the world and join over a thousand people seeking peace, abundance and happiness for everyone including all creatures and mother earth. We must give healing to the sick…. comfort to the weary…. solace to the bereaved….knowledge to the ignorant……illumination to all those that engulfed in the darkness….and break the chains that bind their minds… their bodies….and their souls. This is our mission….our work. Blessings MystikMaster.



An urban dharma meditation retreat

by Simone Schreck

What is an urban retreat? The basic idea of an urban retreat is to participate in a retreat from the comfort of your home. There you learn to practice in every day life, intensify your practice of meditation and dharma and gain confidence that all you learn is achievable in your current life situation. The specific retreat I have attended was a 11 day long “silent” retreat, which means no talking or communicating in any form with anyone other than the retreat teacher. This means no phone, no computer, no distractions, only yourself, the daily teachings and meditation practice. The general day started with a morning dharma teaching and meditation “homework” and an evening dharma session. The retreat was organised by the Dharma House in Queenstown, New Zealand through the visiting teacher Lama Mark Webber.

Three Stages of ever deepening mindfulness taught by Lama Mark Webber The focus of the retreat was on the many facets of classic Buddhist mindfulness training and how the teachings relate to some discoveries in neuropsychology. We studied the Buddha’s classic discourse called The Four Foundations of mindfulness and used it as a basis to develop ever deeper sensitivity in body, feelings and mind through a mix of awake awareness in doing ordinary tasks, walking and sitting meditation and Feldenkreis exercises. 12 | MYSTIK WAY MAGAZINE

This all served as a guideline to slow down from the speed of our normal lives to a pace where it is possible to pick up deeper sensations in body and mind. To start with we exercised a whole day of very slow, very aware movement only. We walked at snail speed, to feel every muscle, every sensation of the body on the way. This way we learnt to discern what sensations come from our body, and to not identify your “self” emotionally with these sensations. I.e. when your left finger hurts, does your “self” hurt? Are you your finger? This discernment is important, as how often do we blame physical symptoms for our well being without even realising it? Subsequently we connected in meditation with our breath and from there started our journey into mindfulness and ever-deeper stages of meditation throughout the retreat. The first thing that became clear was that the “normal” brain activity revolves around daydreaming, discursive thoughts and fretting over small things. It is estimated that we have about 10,000 – 30,000 self-referencing thoughts per day, or four to seven million per year. This way we become a bunch of made up stories! And these thoughts are actually the ones that shape our whole being! This “toxic brew” that leads to suffering in our society, is a combination of greed, hatred, delusion, pride and jealousy (traditionally referd to as the 5 poisons). By involving our thoughts and feelings in any of those emotions, we literally hurt our body. We are poisoning our system with the hormones that our body releases when we are engaged with these toxic emotions.

The reason that we are made to believe it is ok to feel this way is because it is advertised to us this way. Our society promotes this toxic brew in movies, magazines, the news, parental upbringing, etc. However, what we should drink from and engage in, is the “wisdom nectar” that sustains our being, which is generosity, love, wisdom, compassion and loving kindness. It is through meditation practice that we have the power to change all those negative thoughts and patterns into clear awareness and turn the toxic thoughts and emotions into a “wisdom nectar” of generosity, love, wisdom compassion and loving kindness. Meditation is now scientifically proven to reduce hypertension, anxiety, insomnia, diabetes,

rheumatoid arthritis and it even slows down ageing. Just imagine how it would feel like to have a body/mind full of the wisdom nectar all day long? How free would your mind be, if it would let go of all the unnecessary repetitive thoughts? Through his teachings within the retreat, Lama Mark has clearly outlined a path through the Buddhist system how to reach a liberated state of mind that brings with it complete freedom and outlined all the benefits on the way. I am blown away by the simple and direct approach and am surely motivated to keep on studying dharma and it was a great step to get comfortable with the retreat system. 11 days just didn’t seem long enough and surely I will be back for another retreat experience to speed up the inner process towards purifying the mind. Taking part in an urban retreat was a great way to bring deeper spirituality into everyday living and to become closer to your own being. And for those of you who don’t have the chance to participate in a retreat, I am happy that Lama Mark Webber freely gave the Mystik Way Magazine the allowance to print one of his texts on making your whole life a meditation retreat. Namaste, Simone

What is dharma? dharma (Skt.) or dhamma (Pali) – a major term in Buddhism. It has many different meanings, depending on the context in which it is used. It can mean law, or truth, or even phenomena, thing or process. The Dharma, with a capital ‘D’, often refers to the teachings given by the historic Buddha.



God is in the Details –

Make Your Whole Life a Meditation Retreat by Lama Mark Webber


reetings, Ah, how to live life when not in retreat or meditating? Consider whatever you do, the whole day long, even in sleep and dreams to be in a meditation retreat! Live your whole life as a full meditation retreat. That is the short answer, but this really says it all. What does this mean? It does not mean that you are in some sort of retreat from the world of activities. It does not mean that you can not have relationships or have a job. It does not mean that you can not go dancing or singing or shopping or kayaking, parties and read a magazine. However, every event in the day is a great opportunity to be aware (present and mindful), friendly, compassionate and interested. It is very important to not be dissociated from one’s body sensations, as if the body sensations and mind are split. The more that you can sustain the mindfulness and interest, without going off into dialogue, fantasy and daydream; the speedier and greater is the unfolding to liberation. Try with everyone you encounter to be genuinely open, interested and friendly. That does not mean you have to do

what everyone wants or expects of you, or go to every party or supper to act friendly. Just like in a formal meditation retreat, observe the things that you have resistance to doing and the things that you habitually move to or sustain your interest. What activities drain energy, what gives good 14 | MYSTIK WAY MAGAZINE

energy? Is the environment draining or is it the mental resistance and turmoil, perhaps both? If they appear to drain energy, how could you make changes so that there is more good feeling, groundedness and aliveness in your being? Watch for those many things in a day that act like narcotics, to put you asleep, wake you up and above all keep you stimulated and distracted from being present, bright and naturally alive. There is so much to do in a day that can help build an awake being. Imagine that the whole day is a grand opportunity to build a Buddha Body, like Tara or Chenresig; a body of awakened body sensations and aliveness, a body of awakened speech and communication, energy and feelings and a body of mind that is lucid, bright, interested and friendly. Then eventually all these three bodies communicate together and manifest to the world, for others. This is why we say mantras and visualize our bodies as Tara or Chenresig – the Yidam practices. The more that you can see and try to make every day a full day of meditation retreat, the stronger will be the shorter “official retreats”. I have heard people say: “When I do this next retreat, perhaps then I will become enlightened. “ This is preposterous! This is a poor attitude and defeats the potential for deep strength and richness that one needs to be liberated from mental afflictions. Now is the time to be fully awake, as much as possible! One has to build a full life of awareness

artwork by tun


and meditation to make the transition from painful or obstructive habitual patterns to very free, joyous and life affirming actions. We build bit by bit, step by step, with firm resolve and lots of patience and generosity. This is the traditional way and it works. Gustave Flaubert (1821-80), said, ‘Le bon Dieu est dans le detail’ (God is in the details) and the Buddha reportedly said something like the path is in the details or pay attention to details. In the details are universes of discovery and in this vast complexity is the utter simplicity and freedom of the innate mind. The word uses in Thailand and Burma, for meditation, from the Pali language is kammatthana or kammabhavana. It really means mental culture, working ground or subjects of meditation. It was translated as meditation. Mental culture is a good translation and it takes the practice away from always having to be doing a technique. The mental culture one is cultivating, like helping rice growing in a patty field, is a natural and interesting continuum of mindfulness. Sustaining mindfulness, supported by interest and joy, will take time, because one has to move through the habitual resistances to be open and friendly to oneself and the world. And our teachers help with getting through these resistances. Also one has to learn bit by bit to leave aside the actions, speech and thoughts that are harmful or blocking growth in our being. One needs to learn step by step what qualities of body, speech and mind support more awakeness and lucidity in our being. A characteristic of the liberated being is that they are naturally curious and interested, from waking in the morning until sleep, even through sleep and dreams, in all things, even if it is “not your thing.” Surprisingly, this takes no extra energy and is not exhausting. One will eventually find this is how the mind is all day, naturally, underneath the clouds of thoughts and fantasies. It takes more energy to frown, and so too it takes more energy to maintain a state of un-interest and confusion; a state of un-love. To be interested in activities that are “not your thing”, or what “you dig” is a sign of increasing generosity, the root of fall good meditation and growth. 16 | MYSTIK WAY MAGAZINE

The “working ground” is where ever we are, right now. Ultimately the “working ground” is the nature of the mind, since all experience, from apparently outer to inner experience, is in the theatre of the mind. What you experience, how you experience it, takes place nowhere else; right here, right now – in your mind. If the mind is unhappy and depressed, so too the world looks and feels that way. If the mind is friendly, clear and open, all appears that way, even challenging situations. One does not have to wait for a meditation retreat to start a life’s meditation retreat. I prefer a phrase such as, “enjoyable study”, instead of meditation. As an alternative to always talking about meditation, think of the subject of meditation as really cultivating, as if one was tending and growing a magnificent garden, the innate natural state of freedom within each of us. Look carefully for signs of health and illumination, space and freedom; weed out the strangling vines in your garden. Then, with this attitude, there are meditation retreats of daily living and more focussed and disciplined meditation retreats with a retreat master and Dharma teacher, for many years, to gain confidence, depth, and many good qualities that will blossom and be naturally sustained throughout all of life. This is how we practice. All my best wishes, May all your good activities blossom quickly, for the great benefits to you and countless beings. May the Bodhicitta flower within you fully and with speed.

Warm regards, Mark

Lama Mark Webber - Biography Lama Mark’s (L. Karma Tenpa Lekshe Yongdu) style of teaching is non-sectarian and universalist in nature, displaying for beings the wondrous unity, uniqueness and intrinsic freedom of all life. His teaching is classically founded, but well integrated with science, art and nature. Mr. Webber’s work with people demonstrates a profound commitment to freeing beings from innumerable suffering states, whether through meditation, study, art, travel or science. He has been studying and teaching Buddha Dharma (the Teachings of Liberation) and meditation for thirty-five years. He was born in 1956 in Toronto and he started practicing meditation at the age of 16. His root teacher was the late Venerable Namgyal Rinpoche, a Canadian, who was a great meditation master and superb Dharma teacher. Lama Mark is also engaged in the study and research of marine and freshwater algae and plankton. When travelling he usually carries a portable Swift microscope, a stereo-zoom microscope, digital camera and laptop, sharing his interest and knowledge in microscopic life through courses and via the internet. Presently his microscopic images, including images from scanning electron microscopes, with taxonomic and ecological information are being stored and are publicly accessible on the University of British Columbia’s Biomedia Image and Movie Database. His current area of research is the environmental and life cycle causes of cellular stress, stages of stress or acclimation, recovery, resting cells and resting spores of the coastal marine diatom Ditylum brightwellii. Lama Mark Webber is a Visiting and Resident Teacher for a number of retreat and Dharma Centres worldwide; for example the Crystal Mountain Retreat Centre, Galiano Island, B.C. and the Queenstown Dharma Centre, New Zealand. For a number of years, during the past 25 years Lama Mark has served as the Resident Teacher at the retreat property of the Dharma Centre of Canada in Kinmount, Ontario. Lama Mark also teaches at many other centres in Canada and internationally. He is the author of the books, “Why Meditate? A Heart Song of Vast Release”, “Union of Loving-kindness and Emptiness” and editor and author of two booklets, “A Basket of Gems” and most recently the “Progress of Insight”. For more information, his teaching and retreat schedule visit 17


The Tree of Life is a diagram which attempts to depict the spiritual nature of creation and mankind’s relationship to it. This pattern embraces the wisdom of the Jewish Kabalah, and provides us with a map on which we can see the pattern of our spiritual progress. The Tree of Life contains Ten Spheres (Sephiroth) which are the primary levels of spiritual manifestation, and these spheres are connected by Twenty Two Paths of spiritual development. The Tree first manifests at Keter (1) – At the highest level of spiritual consciousness, and then descends through different levels of manifestation to finally arrive at the lowest sphere of Malkut (10) situated in the physical world. The First Sphere of Keter is traditionally depicted by the image of an elderly man (The Holy One – The Ancient of Days) seen in the picture as standing at the highest level of the Tree. By tradition, his hidden face is the other side of his countenance, and is female (The Shekinah – the female face of God). The Second and Third Spheres of Hokmar and Binar are represented by the Gods and Goddesses, who with the Divine Being at Keter forms the spiritual level (coloured Pink) of the Tree of Life. Below this level is the Abyss (coloured Grey), which separates the world of the gods from the world of men, and can only be crossed in this life by the enlightened Adept using his elevated spiritual consciousness. Below the Abyss are the Fourth and Fifth Spheres of Hesed (4) and Geburar (5) (Mercy and Severity) which exist in the higher levels of human consciousness, and occupy the higher mental plane. At the center of the Tree is the Sphere of Tifaret (6) which is the highest level of human consciousness, and this sphere is situated between the Mental Plane (coloured Yellow) and the Astral Plane (coloured Blue) which is the plane of the Emotions. The lower four spheres of the Tree of Life (7 -10) represents normal human consciousness, experienced by all of those who have not opened their mind to spiritual development, and these spheres are shown situated in an earthly landscape. 18 | MYSTIK WAY MAGAZINE

The lowest figure on the Tree represents ordinary humanity, and this figure is dressed in green trousers to represent the Element of Earth, the physical part of human beings, with a yellow tunic – the colour of the Element of Air, which represents their latent spiritual potential. This figure stands securely rooted in the Sphere of Malcut (10) which represents the Earth Plane, and their centre is in the Sphere of Yesod (9) the sphere of formation and the lower emotions. They are mainly driven by their instincts and the need for survival, and have little time for spirituality. Their arms are raised up to the Spheres of Hod (8) and Netzak (7), linking them to the powers of Intellect and Intuition. This is the higher aspect of the Astral level, which enables the ordinary person to begin to develop their individual consciousness and rise above the level of ordinary basic existence. When we begin our spiritual development, we rise up the Tree with our feet firmly in Yesod (9), holding down our emotions and instincts, and rising up above normal physical existence. This is the position of the potential Adept, who is shown in a gold robe in the picture. We now travel up the 9/6 Path of spiritual awareness to centre ourselves in Tifaret (6), the sphere which is situated at the centre of the tree, representing balance and spiritual harmony. At this stage, the Aspirant has progressed up the 10/8 and 10/7 Paths of the everyday world, and has developed his Intellect and Intuition, and also become psychically aware by progression up the 10/9 Path. They have now begun their magical development and have the skills to begin their serious spiritual development. The Adept, centered in Tifaret (6) raises up their arms to reach the 5th & 4th Spheres of Geburar (5) and Hesod (4), which exist in the higher mental plane (sometimes called the ethical plane) and which represents the higher spiritual values of Severity and Mercy. They now link the lower spheres of the Tree with the mental level, and exist as a bridge between everyday existence and evolved spiritual consciousness. As part of their spiritual development, the Adept learns to integrate the energies of the


elements experienced on the 8/6, 7/6, 5/6 & 4/6 of Tifaret (6). The Left Hand Pillar is surmounted Paths, and to balance the male and female energies encountered on the 8/5 and 7/4 Paths.

This is the highest level humanity can reach in normal consciousness, as humanity cannot cross the Abyss in physical form, and contact with the spiritual world above the Abyss can only be obtained by the Adept projecting his spirit body above the mental plane, to cross the Abyss and reach up to the 3rd and 2nd Spheres of Binar (3) and Hokmar (2) – the realm of the Gods and Goddesses. The spirit body of the Adept is shown as a grey form rising out of their crown chakra. This form is centered in Dart (the Hidden Sphere of the Tree of Life), which is seen as the source of absolute spiritual knowledge, and which is situation at the heart of the Abyss. The spirit form rises up its arms to reach up above the Abyss to the 3rd and 2nd Spheres of Binar and Hokmar. In crossing theAbyss in spiritual consciousness, the Adept has to experience in his human life many difficulties, as he progresses along the Destructive Paths 5/3, 6/3, 6/2 and 4/2, which transform his earthly consciousness into divine consciousness. He has now become the Arisen Adept who has parity with the Gods, and is an enlightened soul able to bring higher spiritual teachings to humanity. At the Apex of the Tree stands the Ancient of Days, representing the pure spiritual expression of Keter (1). He is shown as a crowned figure in a grey robe, and his influence stretches down the Tree on the Central Pillar to link with mankind in the Sphere

by a Goddess robed in black, situated at Binar (3), and the Right Hand Pillar is surmounted by a God robed in white, situated at Hokmar (2). These three God Forms link together to rule the spirit world, and they are the true meaning of the Trinity of the Gods. Beyond the Gods lies the Unmanifest, from which all consciousness evolves, and this can be seen by the Great Creatrix, the womb of the Great Mother, from which all has evolved, and who is the female hidden face of Keter (1). As a diagram, the Tree of Life connects the absolute source of All Being to everyday human existence on earth, and provides a series of Paths, by which human consciousness can be transformed into divine consciousness. The key figure in this process is the Adept, who can, through spiritual growth and development, lift their spirit consciousness to cross the Abyss and link the World of the Gods with Humanity. We are all Adepts in the making, for this role is our true spiritual purpose on earth, as we lift our consciousness to its highest level by exploring the many lessons encountered on the Tree of Life. FOOTNOTE In the picture, the driving energy of spiritual growth rising up the chakras is shown by the Twin Serpents of the Kundalini. This power is activated in the Adept as a natural part of development, and its fulfillment is shown by the Wings surmounting Tifaret (6), which represents the power of the Adept’s spirit consciousness, to rise up to the highest levels of the Tree.

Heal the Earth Day June 20-22 and Dec 20-22 I had this great Idea to have the Midsummer solstice and Yule not only as a holiday but also as heal the earth day. How much better do you think the earth would be if we started pumping her full of healing energy, to help her unlock her full potential and power, twice a year for 6 days Let us make it a national holiday, please help me make this dream come true.

Calling all Druid, Wiccans, Pagans, Christians, Mormons, Reiki students/masters, Atheists, all religions and faiths. Place your hands on the ground at high noon for the 3 days and send the core healing loving energy. For more information & join…. contact: Erin Montoya


As a Spiritualist Medium, I channel inspired writings dictated to me from the Spirit World, usually in the form of Spiritual Guidance.

Change - part 2 As you develop your link with us in the spirit realms, you will find that it will bring change to your life. Firstly, you will begin to see your life and those around you in a different light, perhaps understanding them more fully. In so doing, you may have to learn to be more tolerant and caring of those others who do not see life as you do! In turn, they may see your change in attitude and action as threatening, making them insecure, not sure of what these changes mean to them! When you open up your heart and mind to us in the spirit world, you will learn to trust us, so that as you develop your sensitivity and link with us and your mediumship unfolds and changes, you will know that whatever experiences and experiments take place through that link, it is in our control, and that you are safe. As you learn to link with us, so we learn to link with you, and we try to find the person in spirit who will be able to work most closely with you.

As you develop, so your understanding will change. When you are ready for more powerful energies, we will bring them to you. When you are ready to channel higher teachings and philosophy, we will be able to bring those teachers close to you. The whole of life is evolution and change. You are part of that, and without change you will stagnate, become fixed and rigid in your thoughts and beliefs, and close down your being to the fullness of life on earth and life eternal. We encourage you to remain open to our promptings, open to the changes that come in your development - which is ongoing. It will bring you closer and closer to the Divine Light and Love of the Great Creator, and you will be more able to bring that enlightenment to the earth, thus giving love, comfort and healing to all who wish to receive it.


Rashmi Khilnani - a Modern Mystik

The Divine Mother Speaks

The Healing of the Human Heart Rashmi Khilnani A powerful book & a must for all those who are walking “The Path” as it indeed answers all the many questions that are needed to be asked, offering very sound advice/ wisdom on all spiritually related matters. The Divine Mother Speaks through her heartfelt aspect: The Goddess Hathor. As we know, the divine mother takes on myriad forms, i.e., Durga, Laxmi,Venus, Mother Mary, Kwan, Yin, and so many others. Here the Goddess Hathor becomes the Divine Mothers sacred vehicle to deliver this profound message on heart healing for humanity. Channelled by Rashmi Khilnani


As Rashmi says…..I believe that nothing in life is by chance. Something moved you to read these words. You have a deep knowing that you have been honoured by doing so. Prepare yourself to receive a blessing of healing energy contained within these pages. The Goddess Hathor, the Goddess of unconditional Love, celebration and joy- the sky Goddess-the fertility Goddess of the Mystery school of Ancient Egypt brings you this wisdom with a view to healing your human heart. Rashmi works as a healer & an energy master teacher, a channel for unseen beings such as Archangels, Sri 1008 Babaji, also various aspects of the Divine Mother energy and ascended Masters. Next Issue 27 July we will have a questions & answers page with Rashmi, so if there is anything you would like me to ask her concerning…Healing….Ascension, Channelling or the Goddess please message me.

Alma Delacruz Gossman

Nature Serenades tasked to charm nature attracted to the waters finds an audience harp gently caressed even the fish are entranced shimmer as they dance brook lushly babbles crescendos sweet harmony swirling ripples shift constancy and change metamorphic impact nothingness becomes as Heaven’s reply source erupts from core acceptance a must gifts we so embrace clair-sentience blooms in full spirits now ascend emerge without fear salvation bestowed to all savor as meant to not hushed in despair waters no longer murky nature serenades Alma DeLaCruz Gossman Š July 2, 2012



Enrich your life by cultivating and following your passion and your by Peta Panos purpose.


n a world where we are overwhelmed by the constant bombardment of technology, responsibilities and relentless pursuit of our goals, it is critical that we regularly take some time to step back from our day to day lives and objectively reassess our purpose in life and where we are on our life path; who we have become, and more importantly, who we choose to be in the future. Our purpose is to honor our authentic selves and our passion is what fuels excellence. When life gets tough and exhausting or when the odds seem stacked against us and it seems we will never succeed or achieve, our passion motivates us to continue pursuing our dreams and reaching our full potential. When we cultivate and follow our passion, we align with our purpose and become more attuned to the higher levels of vibration and wisdom, which is reflected in our experience of life through less fear and struggle. To illustrate my point, I would like to share my passion and how by firstly cultivating it and then following it, I changed my life into a more authentic expression. I grew up in South Africa and coming from a tourism family, my love of traveling took hold at a very early age. At the same time my interest in the unexplained mysteries, sacred sites and metaphysics began by borrowing library books in primary school and soon led to a fascination with energy; understanding the spiritual laws; self empowerment and healing; the non physical world and how to enhance my own life by working with


energy. For many years, I believed my light work was in the corporate world and through the 21 years I spent in the Southern African tourism industry, while my career went from strength to strength, I was very proud of how many people I had helped onto and along their spiritual path. Although I didnt have any ambitions in climbing the corporate ladder and didn’t apply for any of the jobs I was offered, synchronistic events and hard work led to me being appointed as Managing Director of two businesses and then CEO of the largest inbound tourism company in Southern Africa, a 5 year role which allowed me to travel the world and have a positive impact on the 450 staff the company employed. Life was grand until one day in 2007. I was at a trade show in Berlin and had taken a quick break so was sitting away from the crowds looking for a moment of peace and the realisation dawned on me that my job was no longer my passion. A sick feeling washed over me as I realised the implications of this – my whole world was wrapped up in my job. I travelled for more than 200 days in the year, all my friends were tourism people, I enjoyed the financial rewards and industry perks and if I wasn´t going to continue, then what would I do and who would I be? Of course, I didn’t do anything immediately although over the next year I analyzed what I enjoyed about my life and what I wanted to change. In the meantime, I extended many of my business trips to spend time in

sacred sites and spiritual retreats and during the process fell in love with a man from Norway (Kris) that I had become friends with at a High Priestess course and pilgrimage in Glastonbury in 2006. I had done a 3-year Reiki apprenticeship and had been attuned as a Reiki Master and knew that I was passionate about my spiritual work and experiential travel although still unclear how to combine them or what to do. Kris and I took a 3-month sabbatical early 2009 and travelled around Cambodia, Thailand, Indonesia, Australia and Fiji and it was on a beach on one of the Gili Islands, off Bali that I declared to the universe that I wanted to change my fast paced corporate lifestyle to one of more authentic living. 2 months after returning to South Africa, I had moved to Europe and despite not knowing exactly what I wanted to do, toyed with the idea of reviving a concept I had at the back of my mind for 15 years and started researching opening a spiritually based tour operator specializing in conscious and life changing travel experiences. In 2010, I was meditating in a crop circle in Wilshire and I received a strong message that the time was right and Spiritual Quest Journeys was born. The re-evaluation, transition and rebirth I went through personally before starting the company wasn’t always easy. Even after taking the leap of faith, I still had moments of despair and regret although slowly but surely, I emerged refreshed, stronger and more grounded. I wouldn’t change a thing and in retrospect know that this was the greatest learning period in my life to date.

co-create with the universe to manifest a magical life. In my experience, one of the best ways of achieving life enhancing breakthroughs and shifts in perspective is by visiting sacred sites with an intention in mind. Just as our physical bodies have a life force running through them, so does the Earth, and all sacred sites are located on power points (where the Ley lines of the Earth´s energy grid meet) and as there is a vortex of energy at these points, whatever energy is anchored there, is sent out along the Ley Lines - effecting our own energetic field and the mass consciousness on the planet. Once you have physically connected to a sacred site, you carry its energy and sacred geometry within your own energy field. Many people experience a physical, mental and spiritual awakening and return open hearted, enriched, recharged and resonating to a higher vibration. I have found the experience to be even more powerful when you travel to the Sacred Sites with like-minded people and benefit from the shared group consciousness, ceremonies and meditations. Having followed my passion for light work and travel (combined with the power of the Sacred Sites) I feel that I am realizing my purpose again. Every day brings new

I have realized that my passion is helping people become conscious, to take responsibility for their lives and to empower them to create a magical life through using the tools that I have learned and used myself successfully. I have always believed that we lead two journeys – our inner and outer journey and that our outer journey is a reflection of our inner journey. I believe that it is possible to manifest all that you want to experience in life and once you understand how energy works, you are able to


opportunities to grow and share and the payoff comes from knowing that I have an impact on more people in a more profound way. I can also look back at all of the doubt, fear and limiting belief systems that I have cleared and marvel at how everything aligned, slowly but surely, once I had identified what I was passionate about. Now, I am not suggesting that you change your whole life, just that when you realise what your passion is and cultivate it, even if it is just a hobby, you fulfil a part of you that helps you live a more authentic life. We are most effective when we do what we love (and love what we do) Here are some ways to help you identify and awaken your passion and purpose:

1. Reflect on your past experiences and make a list: When did you felt most alive, peaceful and fully present? How did you made a difference? What gifts and talents are unique to you? Who do you admire and why? What are you doing when you feel “in the flow” and totally focused? Now look for the common denominator. You may well find that there are a few items on your list that initially don’t seem to add up although the more you work with it, you will start to notice a common thread. 2. Write your personal mission statement. Start by writing down a simple and yet profound question - “What is my purpose is in this life?” then write down everything that you can think of that could be your purpose until it resonates with you deeply. Ideally, your mission statement should include how you would like to live; what you want to do for others and what you want your legacy to be. Read your mission statement often and evolve it as you see fit until you have aligned your behaviour and your decision making process to your mission statement.

My personal mission statement is as follows: To live a conscious, healthy, magical life of joy, exploration, love and abundance; inspiring others to find their own magic though my books, courses, counseling and facilitating life changing Spiritual Quest Journeys; to leave this lifetime having lived life to the full and having contributed to humanity and the planet as best I can.

3. Visualise attending your own funeral, as it would be now. Who would be there and what would your eulogy be about? Which achievements and aspects of your personality mentioned would you be most proud? Then, do the same exercise about your own funeral in the distant future and this time visualise what you would like to see. Take note of where your visualisations are different. My hope is that you cultivate your passion and purpose by developing your skills, leverage your value and shape your life incorporating your passion and purpose. Where will you be going in 2013? We have an exciting range of Spiritual Quest Journeys to Sacred Sites and magical places all around the world. For more information and an overview of the journeys on offer, please click here

Written by: Peta Panos – Spiritual Quest Journeys Email: Website: Spiritual Quest Journeys Facebook: Spiritual Quest Journeys Twitter: questjourneys


Artwork by Christine Carlson 27


How to Determine Your Purpose Journey Through the Minors by Michelle Amethyst Mahoney Tarot Art:


he Tarot is made up of 78 cards, 56 of which are referred to as the Minor Arcana (much resembling today’s playing cards with 4 suits) and 22 which are called the Major Arcana.

meet are playing in a School that does not actually hold their true life purpose. This can have devastating effects on your life, including depression, anxiety, and health issues.

When focusing on your life purpose and your journey through life, the majority of people focus on the Major Arcana and the neverending spiraling journey of 0 The Fool to 21 The World.

For example, several of my clients are what are known as “Degree Collectors.” They believe that the next degree, certification, or training they take will be “the key” to finally feeling confident and complete. But it never happens.

However, there is another way to view your journey that will help you bring out your life purpose and have a more satisfying and fulfilling existence. The Minor Arcana cards correspond to the four Schools of Purpose. What are the Schools of Purpose? They are the School of Wisdom (represented by the Swords), the School of Love and Communication (represented by the Cups), the School of Service (represented by the Wands), and the School of Peace (represented by the Pentacles or Discs). It is critical to know your School of Purpose for a variety of reasons so that you can finally learn the lessons you came forth to learn in this lifetime. Many of the people I 28 | MYSTIK WAY MAGAZINE

I know, because I played at the School of Wisdom for a very long time, and I was never satisfied. Even after two Master’s Degrees and a PhD, I didn’t feel worthy until I switched to the School where my true purpose lies. Once I began interacting with people from that different level, everything began to fall into place, and I didn’t feel the need to spend thousands of dollars on useless degrees anymore. Training and learning is one thing, and many people pursue this as a life-long hobby. However, placing stock in that as your purpose is an issue if you are not in the School of Wisdom. Incidentally, the School of Wisdom is the least common School of

Purpose, indicating that just learning and knowledge are not the most important things in life, despite what society tells you. Once you learn your School of Purpose, you can start taking action right away and finally face your biggest challenges. For example, if you are in the School of Service, you may struggle to balance helping others without feeling like a doormat. You may find that people continually try to take advantage of you. If this is true, congratulations! Your life purpose includes the lesson of service versus servitude, and you are exactly where you are supposed to be. How exciting is it to know that the very things you may be struggling with are the things that you are supposed to be struggling with in this life? You are on the right track to learning the correct lessons and fulfilling your purpose. How do you learn these lessons? By embracing the wisdom from your School of Purpose! So how do you determine your School of Purpose? It’s easier than you think. Your School of Purpose is actually written on your fingertips. Your fingerprints are formed four to five months before you are even born. Unlike the lines on your palm, your

fingerprints do not change throughout your entire life. If your eyes are the window to the soul, then your fingerprints are the road map to get there. They point the way to what will satisfy you most in life, as well as the main challenges you are here to overcome. You can get your free guide to unlock your purpose and learn to read your fingerprints at This free guide will show you examples of different types of fingerprints, and you will learn how to determine your School of Purpose based on your fingerprints. Pick up your copy today, and let me know which School of Purpose you are in.



June’s card: The waiting game with Terssa Welsh Psychic Medium

Rosalind’s Inspiration

You have worked hard towards your goals achieving many things now you’re just waiting for the fruits of your labor to truly come in. Fear used to hold you back before from achieving your goals but not anymore The number 2 on this card is all about choices and decisions and indicate that you are no longer held back by fear or belief constraints Keep your thoughts positive, expecting the best and realize that your intuition has limitless power. Trust it and use it. Achievement and success can change a person, Remember who you are and where you came from the effort that it took for these achievements to come about. Remember to thank those who helped you to get there.


It is through the heart that we experience the truth, beauty comes from within, and is so very true the prettiest of faces can yield a heart which does not suit but this heart can be shown to mirror that what is on the outside, but true beauty comes from within, and shines through, and those who’s eyes are able to see what truly beautiful is are on the right path to understanding the depth of who and what we are. Beauty and love are two words that need to be understood for their true meaning.... Love for another should be unconditional, without expectation , there are many forms of love and when we are able to express our emotion of love to another and mean it from our very being without a want to hear it back or need to hear it back we love unconditionally.. it is not a weakness to express a feeling of love, mans concept of love needs to change because many love with condition.. many only understand one form of love when there are so many more.. when another expresses a love for you of an unconditional love they speak from their true being.. there spiritual being.. all that we are.. and that is love.

If you enjoy reading the Mystik Way magazine, please give consideration to making a small donation of $1 or £1 towards the running costs. Although Ed and Simi give their time freely, it is only right that they should be reimbursed for their out-of-pocket expenses. To achieve this, the Mystik Way requires regular donations so that it can meet these expenses. If you can help, please donate to ‘Mystik Way’ by using the Donate Button. Many thanks to those who have contributed in the past, we appreciate your generostiy. Warlockway – Treasurer to Mystik Way.


Animal and plant of the month with Jennifer Adele

Golden Eagle With a wingspan of up to 7.5 feet, this bird is one of the largest land eagles in the Northern Hemisphere. Its plumage is generally dark brown in color, but its name and reputation for solar energies and enlightenment comes from the golden or tawny feathers on its neck and crown. Eagles of all sorts have always been symbols of power and opportunities. They will take advantage of any opportunity life presents to them. With keen eyes they scan their area for an opportunity, an opportunity to hunt or to take the kill and nourishment of another with the use of their power. Soaring to great heights and dipping down to touch the surface of Earth’s face makes them golden messengers of the gods and carriers of vivid illuminations in life for all those seeking their wisdom. As the element of air is important to all flighted birds, eagles bring their message first to the head of the seeker, and then it is received by the heart and soul. Creation and exploration are also held within their lofty domain.


Meditate on the golden eagle throughout the solar dominated month of June. Hear its call over and over... “Create your vision. Believe in your own power to bring it all about. Soar to the heavens for your inspiration and then touch the earthen realm to manifest that which is rightfully yours.”

Symbolism: solar energy, illumination, power, enlightenment, opportunities, creation, exploration. 32 | MYSTIK WAY MAGAZINE

A rose is a woody perennial of the genus Rosa, within the family Rosaceae. There are over 100 species and they form a group of plants are erect shrubs, climbing or trailing with stems that are often

armed with sharp prickles. Flowers vary in size and shape and are usually large and showy. The colors range wildly from white through yellows and all reds. Most species are native to Asia, with smaller numbers native to Europe, North America, and northwest Africa.

Red - love and passion

Rose symbolism is a very long and diverse story, having been used in a large number of societies. Used for hundreds of years to convey messages without words, roses have long been a symbol of confidentiality. The Latin expression sub rosa (literally “under the rose�) means something told in secret. And, regardless of color, their unique beauty and subtle fragrance convey a message guaranteed to elicit delight from the recipient and envy from others. However, for the sake of being thorough, here is a list of color and associations for the rose:

Orange - enthusiasm and desire

White - humility, purity, and innocence Yellow - jealousy (in Victorian times); friendship, joy and caring (today) Pink - gratitude, gentility, femininity, elegance, and refinement

Purple - enchantment, mysticism, and desire

Symbolism: communication, secrecy, beauty, affection, love, and beauty. 33


MAGIKAL HERBS by William C. Snider

l i s a B

Basil - A King among Herbs


his month the herb of selection is Basil. Basil has been harvested and collected throughout the Mediterranean and Asia for approximately 5,000 years. This herb has a rich history and has many uses as do many of the herbs we feature. The varieties are varied with a few additional qualities based upon the type used. Basil is a member of the mint family. The mint family has a square stem, and Basil is no exception. The leaves and flowers are edible and can easily be dried for later use. This is an annual and easily grown indoors or out and is best harvested in the morning. The medicinal qualities associated with basil range from uses as an: anti-inflammatory, as an anti-oxidant, cancer treatment, for arthritic relief, to treat irritable bowel syndrome, and for the protection from scorpions. Basil, and oregano, interact with one of the cannabinoid pathways thereby producing anti-inflammatory results without the sleepy effects of cannabis. Also called Saint Joseph’s Wort, basil has many different varieties. Holy Basil, Lemon Basil, 34 | MYSTIK WAY MAGAZINE

Thai Basil, Cinnamon Basil. Each variety has slightly different properties and flavours. I highly recommend trying the different flavours and varieties not just for cooking, but for tea as well. Enjoy!! As next month is the first official full month of summer, Mint is on for July. Wil Snider

healing herbs with Jennette Stevenson Dandelion Part 2 DANDELION (Taraxacum officinale) SALVE

Dandelion Tea Recipe

Ingredients: sterilised mason /baby food jar slightly wilted dandelions olive oil bees wax pellets 2 OZ GLASS JARS /TIN

Another month has gone by and I made the dandelion salve this week. It was so enjoyable to do squidging the dandelion oil and getting Like last month a brilliant benefits of dandelion taraxacum are it can be used for chapped sore skin, people working with their hands outdoors or excema ( I tried a little bit last night on my elbows, the skin is a LOT softer now).


Benefits As Taraxacum has lots of benefits from vitamins A B C D zinc and pottasium. It is a brilliant diuretic also, as stated last month if you are sensitive to herbal remedies some can cause a reaction. DO NOT USE if Pregnant or breastfeeding IT IS ALSO USED IN MAGIKAL WORK Keep a cup of boiled dandelion roots and equal coffee grounds beside your bed for prophetic dreams & astral visits. RECIPE 1) wash and dry your dandelions 2) pull away petals from the base and discard rest of flower 3) put a handful of petals in cup 4) pour boiling water over and let steep for 3 minutes


5) add honey to taste





SuperNourishing S


alf way through the year and it’s time for another instalment... As always I feel so blessed to share my pearls with you..

June has many themes but they are run a common thread - self-care, self preservation and honouring thy process. Taking the time to check in with thyself then with one another. The crops are heartily growing and need water to flourish - always a delicate dance - a formula to glow by. Solstice approaches - the day the sun stands still - marking the longest day of the year. Yet another turn of the mighty wheel. Litha is upon us. It is a celebration of the power of the Sun - a Solar celebration! We are working with the element of fire and its power to transform. We are also working to heal strengthen and open our hearts, small intestines, and reproductive organs. As we begin to honour ourselves through self-care and seek out support during transformation and the strengthening of healthy relationships by making a sacred connection with ourselves, our beloved Mother Earth, our communities, our families and one another. Flowing from our core, like the fire within a sacred hearth, always pointing home, no matter where in the world we are. We are always OMMM. 36 | MYSTIK WAY MAGAZINE

Summer is a time to grow your own food, get to a farmers market or join a CSA! Eating seasonally appropriate foods helps you detoxify through the summer months so you don’t become ill in the fall. The themes for June are - protecting the marriage and family, the Sacred Heart of your home and temple, protector defender of women, love and fertility, and social activism a new moon for sowing our dreams and desires, a full moon for releasing what no longer serves us and Beloved Father’s Day.... Dont forget to honor those amazing elder men in your life even if they are not really dads. Strong awesome respectful men deserve to be recognized. Over the summer try to use all five flavours to stay nourished. The best cook cooking methods for summer would be quick stir-fry, sauteéing or just eating raw. If you’re making soups use minimal processing, made quickly. Use things like summer squash, fresh tomatoes, blended avocado, or soup lots of bitter greens Eat lots of salads using bitter greens, fresh herbs, seaweeds, fruits, seeds, and nuts. I encourage you to experiment with flavours. You’ll be surprised and delighted with the amazing results that you will savour every time. No salad will ever be the same! Bitter Greens like kale, collards, lettuces, watercress, frissee, radicchio, chicory, dandelion, beet greens, artichokes, broccoli, amaranth, quinoa and dark chocolate.

Summer Salads with Ama’ritday

Sweet flavours like rice, corn, carrots, beets, green beans, summer squash, avocado, mushrooms, berries. Pungent flavours like cabbage, daikon, mustard leaf, leeks, onions, garlic, peppers, watercress, chilies, fresh herbs such as rosemary, basil, cilantro, ginger, pepper, oregano, sage, mints, jasmine. Salty flavours like tamari, fresh herbs, kelp, nori, seaweed, mineral salt, seasonal of fish from the sea. Sour flavours like tomatoes, olives, vinegars, berries, pomegranates, grapes, lemon balm, raspberry leaf, rosehips. Try your hand at a super simple summer salad using the flavors above and below, pick and choose, you’ll be divinely amazed. The flavours starting with bitter THINK arugula, watercress, endive, frisés, radicchio, some blue cheese or red or green onions thinly

sliced or walnuts Adding in a sour flavour you can use - vinegar, fresh lime or lemon juice, grapefruit or blood orange segments, tomatoes, fresh goat cheese, buttermilk, yogurt or aged balsamic vinegar For a sweet flavour - how about some roasted red peppers, fresh corn, orange segments, blanched green beans, caramelized onions, dried cranberries or maybe some candied nuts For your salty flavour maybe think about using some sea or kosher salt, capers or olives, feta cheese and so some soy sauce or even anchovies if you’re adventurous To add pungent flavours think about using some cilantro, scallions, watercress, onions, garlic, mustard, pepper, parsley. Now to add some texture: Soft - something like, avocado, nut or vegetable oils, hard cooked eggs, or some soft cheeses. Another texture you could use Crispy/Juicy - things like romaine, lettuce, cucumbers, apple and maybe to add some pizazz at the end a toasty texture like croutons, almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts, pumpkin seeds, or sesame seeds. If you are part of a CSA or grow your own food, Please -Please- Please, don’t forget to preserve –preserve- preserve your beautiful bounty so when the dog days of winter are upon us, we can remember how abundant our summer was and is in that moment..... Namaste! Bright Blessings, Ama’ritday

Ama’ritday Rodriguez Montero Come visit me online at~ My website: Le Blog: Facebook:



Essene Bread

by Lance McKirdy


aw / live food is the foundation of a high energy diet, full of vibrating energy, vitality and succulence. Many people now live not only vegan and vegetarian but include a diet uncooked by oven or flame. The principles of energy intake through food is not a new age extreme diet, but rooted in the ethos of the Essenes people, a mystical Hebrew tribe the flourished from the 2nd century BC to the 1st century AD. These people practiced spiritual disciplines in every aspect of their daily lives and are renowned for having extremely long lives. Some evidence suggests that the historical Christ was influenced by their teachings and taught among them. To say high energy food would give this bread full credit and is a true bench mark of what the term means, eating this bread for the first time was to awaken a party in my stomach, the whole system was loving it…thank you thank you oh so good! More! More! Thank you oh feeder! No joke it was that good, beautiful taste, simple and completely whole. Steps for “Essene bread” 1. Visit your local organic shop and purchase a quantity of organic whole wheat grain ( 500gm per loaf ). 2. Soak grain over night in water filled bowl 3. Drain water and bowl of grain somewhere out of the way...rinse daily for two to three days until the wheat sprouts are similar length to grain.

4. Blend wheat with as little water as needed for the blender or food processor to pulp your grain, if very moist you can use a minimal amount of stone ground 38 | MYSTIK WAY MAGAZINE

wholemeal flour (this flour is neither cooked nor bleached...yes most normal flours are bleached!) 5. Two ways of “cooking” optional: a) live in a hot desert like JC did in which case use the instructions as above from the man himself. b) use a food dehydrator as we do, this way the wheat mix is never cooked preserving all the live nutrients, flatten into cracker breads...and let the gentle drying heat take effect.

Many organic health food stores sell commercially made Essene bread which will be more like a loaf style, it’s moist and tastes beautiful, spread a little avocado (aka natures butter ) for a creamy taste sensation. So there is Essene bread, raw, live and as endorsed by The Gnostic GrandMaster of old, Enjoy.

From the historical account of the Essene people “The Essene gospel of peace” comes an instruction on enlightened eating from JC himself... “Let the angels of God prepare your bread. Moisten your wheat, that the angels of water may enter it. Then set it in the air, that the angel of air may embrace it. And leave it from morning to evening beneath the sun, that the angel of sunshine may descend upon it. And the blessings of the three angels will soon make the germ of life to sprout in your wheat. Then crush your grain, and make thin wafers, as did your forefathers when they departed out of Egypt, the house of bondage. Put them back again beneath the sun from its appearing, and when it is risen to its highest in the heavens, turn them over on the other side that they may be embraced there also by the angel of sunshine, and leave them there until the sun sets. For the angels of water, and air and of sunshine fed and ripened the wheat in the field, and they likewise must prepare also your bread. And the same sun which, with the fire of life, made the wheat to grow and ripen, must cook your bread with the same fire. For the fire of the sun gives life to the wheat, to the bread, and to the body. But the fire of death kills the wheat, the bread, and the body. And the living angels of the living God serve only living men. For God is the God of the living, and not the God of the dead”.

39 sprouted wheat


Raw Food Recipe -

Super Spice Coconut Satay This dish is a basic vegetarian dish warmed at minor heat to set a beautiful thick sauce of young coconut flesh, raw peanuts, chilli and tomato blended gently to make a creamy high energy sauce with a spicy tang, a little squeezed lemon or lime or a touch of ground bee pollen gives a sweet and sour undertone. The capsicum, tomato, and lemon/ lime is providing high levels of vitamin C and this is the secret to getting you strength from green vegtables. As the iron in plant foods require vitamin C to help with the absorption. Any raw food dishes are an energy awakener. A small serving of this rich dish will leave you light on the stomach..this allows for clearer thoughts, ease of meditation practices, high physical strength, weight reduction and buzzing on the after taste.

Ingredients: Sauce:


• • • • • • • •

Most vegetables work here, in this recipe we used a mix of:

Young Coconut flesh 2 Tomatoes 1 cup raw peanuts fresh chili pepers to your spice comfort 2 squeezed limes or lemons few cloves of garlic 1 tsp smoked paprika powder 1 tsp bee pollen (if available)

• • • • • •

2 capsicums 1 red onion 2 carrots small head of broccoli cup of grean beans handful of sliced dates to sweeten (raisons work great also)

Preparation: Cut vegetalbes, place in oven dish, blend sauce in blender, pour on vegetables and mix, place in oven at a temperature at 40 degrees celcius (104 Fahrenheit). Warm for 1 hour and enjoy straight from the dish. Remember you are not cooking the vegetables, merely warming, to keep all the living energy. If you are a raw foodie yourself, we would love to hear your favorite recipe... either email Ed or join us on our facebook group.



A view on laws and regulations by Christopher Wesselingh

The Amnesty site reveals, “This year New Zealand was named one of the freest countries on earth”. I found this interesting and nice to know. At the same time I am aware we are making more laws to restrict people’s freedom and the more laws we make the less freedom we have.

negotiate or to understand, and teach, we make laws to stop people doing things. Becoming more constricted, and confined in the process. Instead of making so many laws we should be looking at society as a whole and teach people how to get along. To do this we need to understand ourselves first. Which means somewhere along the line the society as a whole is going to have to learn to teach us how to become self aware, which means learning it ourselves.

Once we are self aware, we learn how to teach people what is important about getting along, respecting the environment and our world, being ecologically minded. An empowered and aware person makes decisions and knows where and why they are making those decisions. Once we fully understand ourselves, we learn to communicate this to the world around us, as we see the interaction we have with the world and how it interacts with us. Understanding the relationship of the two is important, and part of the one and same process. I also see another tendency of the more laws we have to tell people what they are, or are not allowed to do. The more fearful we become, and therefore expect a law to deal with something, we subtly give up our own energy and consciousness of being able to deal with that experience. So when it does happen, we react from this “not knowing and unskilled place”, as we gave our control to the law to take care of. Often laws are made to protect people from their fears, or things they do not know how to deal with, so instead of learning and becoming wiser, in how to deal with things, learning how to


From here we understand, once we understand, we can explain, once we can explain, learning takes place. Once we all understand, conflict ceases and we all work on the same page. This is a process of learning, development and growth. Laws are a process of holding things in place, which stops or prevents growth. It causes stagnation, which is why so many want to flaunt the laws, nobody likes stagnation or being held down or restricted, unless they are fearful. Even then they do not like fear, they are just so caught up in it they have not seen the way out of it yet. Most people like growth, learning, the sense of expansion and feeling alive, which comes with movement, which is growth, which brings a

feeling of life and vitality.

So learn and grow, so let go of laws and start social development and understanding, see how we work together and why. And when we do this we also have room for people to go on their own journey and self explore, which brings that creativity back to the group at some point. We learn not only from our own experience, but also from others.

One of the crazy things I see happening with laws nowadays is the movement towards making ‘getting hurt’ wrong. Like if we think someone is going to get hurt or might get hurt we try and legislate against it. To make sure it doesn’t happen to us, we then work to stop it happening to others. Which starts us on the path fearing it rather than understanding it. One example is a pathway around a hill, which is narrow and has steep drop offs. Option 1.

We could, bring a digger around, make a nice wide track, digging into the hill and leaving lots of rubble this detracting from the naturalness of the environment, put up barriers, guardrails, signs to warn people, (steep drop offs, falls possible and injury may occur beyond this point, stay behind guardrail) explaining it in intricate detail, as people are so disempowered they don’t know how to figure it out for themselves any more, as they have learnt that somebody else does that for them. They don’t know how to be self-aware. Like: “Am I at a safe distance from the edge for my skill level and surface quality?”, ie: is it solid footing or is it slippery).

People forgot how to assess information for themselves. Like: “What are the potential useful features of this walk?” “There is a form of track, there are bushes that may be hand holds if required, and my skill level is matched to this quality of the track, and what may occur is... and I am aware enough to be able to deal with those outcomes, and my training is sufficient, if training is needed.” “What are the hazards of the track, like

slippery in places, narrow, steep drop offs?”

Learning to deal with those hazards and how to keep ourselves safe as we can minimise hazards while we can still experience the environment.

Some people do not even start to look at these things, as they think I can do that because I want to. They have a perception of being bullet proof, immune from harm, they are so wrapped in cotton wool, they do not know how to consider it, as someone else takes care of that for them. When something does happen they look at who is to blame because they are so used to being taken care of, by the laws or someone else. This is the ultimate disempowered person. They perceive they are not involved with the decision making process, or the looking after themselves process. Someone else does that for them.

Laws and regulations are made to keep them safe, but instead they stop the self-awareness and analysis process. Laws eventually keep people safe, not from the hazards, but from their own ignorance. It is all done for me, before I get here, I do not have to think, I do not have to assess I do not have to be aware of my environment and my own skill and ability level. I am magically going to be taken through this and it will all be perfect. (The fantasy).

The ultimate disempowered person thinks: “I don’t have to do anything, It is all done for me.” This is what too many laws are conditioning us to. Option 2.

The track such as it may or may not be is left alone. People going on it assess the viability of the track for the time of day the weather and what equipment they may need, they see their involvement in the process and do what they need to do to equip themselves with all the resources they will need, some of these will be knowledge resources, some will be equipment, clothing, food, water etc. These people are skilled resourced and empowered and knowledgeable.

They are aware of hazards and assets, and feel 43

able to deal with them, as they have whatever they need to deal with them, and they are prepared to learn along the way.

Their greatest resource is their own empowerment and ability to think and operate outside the box, and dare I say it they like pushing the edge to learn outside the box. To discover that new skill, that new sensation, that next thrill, that next piece of nature. To find that undiscovered piece of nature or view or experience from that place that no one has ever been before. This person or persons will feel like they have grown from their experience, and are better for it. They will appreciate how they were able to problem solve and come out victorious. Come out so much better for the experience and learning, they will have grown and feel that sense of continuing to grow.

Self-empowered, self-motivated, and selfsucceeding.

They don’t need anybody else, they are complete in and of themselves. Making laws to protect us even from ourselves stops the learning process, and stops or slows down a persons and a societal growth, to a point we could stop it completely I am grateful for individually motivated people who will always think outside the box. Laws restrict growth, develop fear, in some or many cases and keep us from learning for ourselves.

Where as an education and experience process allows us to become part of the process and learn from it. Becoming empowered and involved and a functioning contributing part of society.

Laws that stop experience tend to negate the benefits gained by that experience.

The school of experience, and some may call it the school of hard knocks, is a quick teacher. We learn from our experiences not from our avoidances. Laws are a guidance or should be.

Laws should be an acknowledgement of common sense and if we are all-aware and learn to understand and see the sense of things we would not need laws as we would all see the sense of it.

It makes sense not to drive on the opposite side of the road. At our deepest core we all want harmony.

If anyone was hurt along the way they will learn from that and see what they did or did not do, and see it as an opportunity to grow. Seeing what they were considering and / or ignoring that lead to this, and learning from this.


We don’t need laws we need to listen to ourselves, our own inner guidance is better than any laws will ever be. Freedom is the lack of laws and the presence of our own inner guidance, which will lead us to be who we fully are. In this place we are whole. Best Wishes Love Christopher.

hi simi, can you add to the credits page at the back.

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Shamballa Bracelets

Special offer for Mystik Way readers Get one custom made!

If you would like a trendy handmade Shamballa Bracelet as pictured below, made with semi-precious beads, email me and let me know which beads you would like from a choice of – Black Onyx, Tiger Eye, Rose Quartz, Haematite or Amethyst. All beads are 8mm and are woven on 2mm nylon cord. You can have the bracelet all one stone (like the tigers eye pictured below) or a mixture of beads from the list above. Just email me at spiritdesigns@hotmail. your bracelet will be hand made and then listed for you to purchase in my on-line shop. Cost per bracelet is £9 plus shipping. Enjoy the power of Shamballa! Jenny Spirit x


True Life Experiences by psychic & medium Kirsty Scott


ver since I had my youngest daughter I knew that there was something different about her. The day she was born, she came into the world without making a peep, she just opened one eye slowly then opened the other, looking around her taking it all in. Not a single tear or cry, she just lay there in my arms looking around. Although I was slightly away with the fairies that day (too much pethadine) I remember thinking to myself “it’s like she has been here before”.

My daughter never slept lol she kept me up all day and for most of the night. She just wanted to play and interact all the time. When she was two years old I separated from her father. Although she was too young to understand fully she really struggled to come to terms with the fact that her dad was no longer around all the time. Because of this she formed an even closer bond with me, she became my shadow and still is to this day. When it came to her starting school I knew we were going to have problems, although she had gone to nursery that had only been for a few hours a week. Unfortunately ruby was not moving to full time school with any friends from nursery, so this made the move even more traumatic for her. The first week was awful, on the first day the teacher took her off me and my daughter looked at me like I had thrown her to the wolves. My heart was breaking, not only for me but for her too . I had lost my shadow, I am sure those of you who have children can relate to this. Although this was my youngest child I knew she would be my last. On the second day of dropping her off at school she refused to get out of the car, it was like a scene from Matilda . I was pulling her by her ankles and she was holding on to the steering wheel, all the time she was banging the horn. I can laugh now but at the time anyone passing must have been horrified, It looked like I was abducting a poor child.


I managed to get her into school, and thought no more about it . At about 11.00am I noticed that I had a missed call on my mobile from her school, I thought “that’s odd I never heard the phone ringing” , so i called the school and they said “ No one here has tried to contact you today”. I though well how very odd, my phone said they had, but the school said they had not.

, with trembling hands I scrolled down my call list and have you guessed yet ???? …. the time of the “missed calls” from the school both at 11.00am !!!!!! You can contact Kirsty at: scott.963?fref=ts

I could not work it out, and became distracted and forgot all about it. I collected my daughter at the end of school , as she came out the teacher said “ she got a bit tearful this morning , but we managed to cheer her up and she was fine after that” I thanked her and then went home . The next day I dropped her off at school and went home to do my housework. Later on in the morning I went to make a cuppa , happened to check my mobile and there again was another missed call from the school . I thought “not again that’s twice now”. Again I phoned the school to see why they had called me. They must have thought I was crazy as they informed me again that no one had tried to contact me. I thought I was crazy, this was very strange, twice in two days but there was no explanation so I had no choice but to let it go. As usual I collected her from school that day, the teacher again stopped me and said the same as the day before “Ruby got upset today but we managed to console her” OMG it hit me like a bolt of lightning, I asked the teacher what time this was, she said “about 11.00am”, well I nearly fell over, could it be & how could it be? The teacher asked me if I was ok, I stammered and said “yes i am fine”. As I walked off I pulled my phone out of my pocked


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...Issue 27 will be out in July 2013


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