Gonzales Louisiana Cheap car insurance quotes zip 70737

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Gonzales Louisiana Cheap car insurance quotes zip 70737 Gonzales Louisiana Cheap car insurance quotes zip 70737 Related

Should we have whole life insurance? My husband is 26 yrs old and he bought whole life insurance. I tried to tell him to get term sicne we are so young, but he wouldn't listen. Can anyone help me?" How can insurance companies make money by selling life insurance? Everybody will die eventually. But will insurance company pay the beneficiary all the time? Are we covered with liability insurance? if we got in a car accident no 2nd party or whatever its just us 3 in the car 2 of us got sent to the hospital .. the driver that was at fault only has liability insurance .. are we covered with the medical expenses? like if we file a complaint to their insurance can they do something about it since we goin to need therapy and such? Person A driving person B's car and hits my car. Who's insurance pays? Person A driving Person B's car. Person A backed up into my car. Who's insurance pays? Person A because he was driving? Person B because it's her car? Or my insurance because I have full coverage? What are the consequences if I file through my insurance company? Will my insurance go up even if it's not my fault? I think not but if you know for sure that would be helpful. Any and all information is helpful!! Thanks! Affordable health insurance? how does health insurance work? what are we really paying monthly? what are deductibles and premiums? my boyfriend needs health insurance he is 22 and a smoker and lives in nj he graduated from college already so he cannot get the school insurance and his job does not offer him insurance where can i find affordable heatlh insurance for him Cheapest Car Insurance Companies For A 17 Year Old Boy? i got given a quote for 1307 for a 1.1L Peugeot 206 2004. that is for when i get my full license , is that a reasonable price??" Does this letter help explain why insurance is expensive?

This is a letter from Anthem to Sec. Sebelius back on February 11th, almost a month ago. It explains why insurance in California is high and what factors have led to the increase. It seems pretty clear to me and yet the President claims that he has asked for and has yet to receive a cogent response from the insurance company for this increase. Seems pretty cogent to me. Maybe the President is just a slow learner or the fact that he doesn't have any education or experience in business or economics make the concepts difficult for him to grasp. http://www.wellpoint.com/pdf/SebeliusLetter02112010.pdf Notice that they mention that their rates are less than the 'not for profits' and that much of their increase is the result of Medicare patients needing supplementary insurance because Medicare won't cover them. Notice, too, that the cost of insurance is directly associated with the cost of health care. You can't reduce the cost of insurance without reducing the cost of health care. Obama's initiative does nothing to reduce the cost of CARE. Wonder why that is. Could there be an ulterior motive? So what do you think? Do you have any questions? And please don't waste our time. Read the thing before you respond." 50cc motorcycle insurance? I have a 1982 honda mb5 street bike. Its 50cc and has a 5 speed gearbox. I live in indiana and i want to get my motorcycles endorsment but it requires that i have insurance for the bike. How much would that be? Learner's Permit and Car Insurance? If I didn't live with my parents, had my learner permit and had my own car, would I be able to drive it if in the presence of a licensed insured driver? Like say my friend came over and I drove him in my car, would his insurance cover me?" Will health insurance cover existing medical bills? I have a kidney stone that is unbearable and I want to get it checked out. I just applied for health insurance but I have to wait to find out if it's approved. Can I go to the hospital today and have it be covered when my insurance application is approved? "I am 21, and have been driving since I was 16. How much will my insurance be? My parents always paid for my insurance (dont hate) and now I want to use the car for a courier service. How much do you think my insurance will cost me? "Any opinions on good home insurance companies in Anchorage, AK?" Just shopping around for good home insurance. Currently have accepted offer for our first home, and want to get the best home insurance rates." How much would it cost to insure a Volkswagen Golf 1.4L? I'm 17 in a couple of months, I'm thinking of getting a car now and refurbishing it, make it look nice, you know? I've came across this one car, a VW Golf 1.4L 5 door, obviously it will be my first car. How much ROUGHLY would this cost to insure per year and is it a good car to get? It's done 139,000 Miles and is the 2001 model, its a petrol engine and will cost me just short of 600. How would I go about the insurance

and how would I buy this car? How can i check its not stolen and stuff? and is it a good buy for my first car? Any help shall be much appreciated!" Anyone no how to make insurance cheaper for a first time driver?(with out going on parents insurance)? Anyone no how to make insurance cheaper for a first time driver?(with out going on parents insurance)? Paying to transfer insurance? I brought a car a few years ago and I'm still not sure how state farm insurance works. Do you have to pay to have your insurance transfer over? I'm under my mothers policy still and our bill is combined. Can someone please help me? I'm buying a new car tomorrow and want to be prepared before. Thank you Only reason I'm asking is because when I first brought a car earlier this year state farm wanted 350 bucks on the spot while I was at the dealer ship. I don't want that to happen again. 28 minutes ago Who has the cheapest auto insurance? I'm about to come back from active duty overseas and I just bought a 2004 Ford F150 4x4. I'm 28 and havent had any accidents or driving infractions in the past 5 years. Which provider is generally the best to use? Thanks. Is lowering ur car high for insurance? So I'm in a situation with my dad in buying a car which is my first car. It's an 96 integra. First ima start off saying I'm interested in import cars just the way it looks. And I find this car on Craigslist that's already been lowered. I'm Tryna convince him about it. But he thinks its gunna be high insurance. Can someone tell me what he's worried about? He thinks I like low cars so I could hug turns but I just like the style. Someone help me!!!! Car insurance student help? Hey guys, I want to ask, is it possible to get a Mini Cooper convertible with car insurance. I'm 20 and I passed my test in November 2012. I'm planning to buy a mini but will they let me have the insurance ? All answers would be very helpful, thank you X" "How much would insurance be on a peugeot 106, female, 17?" Hi, im 17 and should be passed my driving test by christmas. I want a peugeot 106 and was wondering does anybody know how much (roughly) insurance would be? i live in a small town, in a quiet cul de sac and the car will be parked in my driveway (if this narrows it down)! thanks" Got in accident. not my fault. will my insurance rates go up?

this is in reference to my other question but basically i got in a minor accident and it was the other drivers fault. i just called my insurance and reported but i have to wait until tuesday to talk to an agent. just to alleviate my nerves i need to know now, is it likely my rates will go up? it's not my fault. also all the damage costs will be taken care of by my insurance company right? or the other drivers..?? thank you." Can car insurance sue you if you are 18 and just have a permit and if its under my cousin insurance? I was driving in a parking lot with my cousin and my cousin has her driver license and she over 21 and i was driving. Im 18 and i only have my permit. Well accidentally i was driving and i was trying to park and i hit the car next to me. Well they put it under my cousin car insurance and they didn't call the police on us. Well my mom saying the insurance can go after me to what ever how much it cost. What should i expect if i don't have a job and what is the percent that they will sue me if i have my permit and what should i expect if they do..... Peugeot 206 gti insurance cost? Does anyone know roughly how much it would cost for first time insurance? I'm 18 by the way. Which car insurance company is cheapest for 18 years old? hi i live in texas and i was wondering which car insurance company is cheapest for me no car accident and no ticket at all if it is possible can you tell me how much you pay Whats a good price for a 17 year old car insurance ? Uk? Whats a good price for a 17 year old car insurance ? Uk? Car insurance rate for a 16 year old? i'm going for my license in a couple months, but maybe trying to prepare a little in advance, but i was just wondering the average cost of car insurance per month? i know the younger you are, the more it will be. if it helps, the car i'll use is a ford fusion, and i'm pretty sure my dads insurance is allstate, if that matters much." Gonzales Louisiana Cheap car insurance quotes zip 70737 Gonzales Louisiana Cheap car insurance quotes zip 70737 How do I get car insurance if my car was stolen? I wrecked my car recently & was given a ticket for no insurance. My car was stolen shortly after & now I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do about the ticket or getting insurance. The court date is approaching very quickly! HELP PLEASE! Car insurance help please!!?

Basically i passed my test in may and it is my 19th in 2 weeks, my mum just bought a car for my birthday which is in perfect running order and good condition as it was owned my an old bloke. It is a ford fiesta lx 1.2 s plate (98), Ive been searching around and have come to the conclusion that haggling on the phone will get the cheapest quotes. Just wanted to ask if anyone has the same car and how they got on insuring it, and if anyone has any suggestions for the cheapest way of insuring the car and the cheapest providers for all types of cover. All suggestions are welcome apart from the ones about tracking devices as i have seen people being billed incorrectly and in some cases that i have seen, increased the insurance to well over other quotes! Cheers for the help!! :) Mike" Car Insurance -- Hail damage? Just wanted to come here to ask a question. My car is an '03 model and was caught in a hail storm a few weeks ago. I have probably around 30-45 dents in my hood, roof, and a large dent on the rear passenger side door that I believe is a result of the wind blowing things around, etc. I have an appointment to get it looked at tomorrow and the people at the insurance company said that they'd write me a check for the cost of the repairs. BUT, i asked her if she knew about how much I'd be expecting and she said that it depends on if the costs exceed the deductible? That's where I'm having problems. There is no lien holder on the car. And from what I've read on the internet, these repairs could cost over 1k. If that's the case, would they just say that we need to pay the deductible and they'd fix it? Or would they write me a check for the repair amount? If someone could answer I'd really appreciate it. Thanks" I want to add an extra driver on to my car insurance for 7 days what would be the average price of this? I want to add an extra driver on to my car insurance for 7 days what would be the average price of this? Should I include collision on my car insurance? I have a 2002 Honda Civic sedan with 99,000+ miles on it. In shopping around for better car insurance (my old policy expires next month), most agents I interacted with included collision for around a $300 annual premium. Some people I told about my insurance shopping said that to carry collision on such an old car is not necessary. I'm seeking an unbiased opinion as to what are the advantages, if any, about including collision, or any other info on what to look for in a good policy. Thanks." Car insurance cost for a Infiniti g35 coupe? I'm 18 and think of getting one, anyone know how much it might be? Oh and btw I live in Hawaii." I just turned 19 and just got my first speeding ticket. im under my dads insurance will rates go up? I live in Ohio this is my first ticket and we have state farm, he has been with state farm since he was like 18. How can I prevent my insurance from going up or rates from increasing. What is state farms policy on all this?"

"I have taken out car insurance last month,i have found a cheaper insurance,i want to find out if i can cancel ?" my previous insurance,i took it out on installments" DUI for minors and the effects on car insurance? What is the effect on car insurance premiums of a first, second and third offense for a minor who drives under the influence of alcohol." Massachusetts Health insurance? Massachusetts Health insurance? I am in fifties and currently living in California. Due to the California high cost of medical insurance, My wife and I are thinking of moving to Massachusetts state, get a small home there and retire there eventually. The reason that we are thinking about is that we overheard Massachusetts have a much lower health insurance cost ($50/month ?). Please advise us if you are currently living in Massachusetts state or other states that have less expensive health care insurance and housing cost. You advise is greatly appreciated. Jo" Why are my insurance quotes so high? I have tried searching for insurance on my moms car which is a Suzuki Swift GL 1.3 and I'm getting back quotes of 10,949.50 cheapest fully comprehensive and 6,404.20 Third Part, Fire and Theft. I passed my test january this year and I'm 18, I had temporary insurance on the car for a month in april and a week in june, the month in april cost 55 with Tesco and the week in june cost 70 with another company. I've also tried searching for insurance on other smaller engined cars like a citroen saxo 1.1i SX and got cheapest price coming back at 4,777.63 I live in Birmingham and have set it as the car being parked in the garage over night. Am I doing something wrong?" What is the difference between renters insurance vs. homeowners insurance? I've consulted my insurance company about insuring my personal property and said I need a renters insurance, but I own my home. I am confused. Isn't it what I need is a homeowners insurance? or renters insurance applies with owning a home too?" What is a cheap car insurance company in New Jersey? I am only 20 yrs old. How do you calculate the prices of car insurance? where do all these companies get their prices for car insurance from? "I'm looking for car insurance, is the General a good car insurance? Are they reliable?"

I have 21st century and my premium is high, so I looked into the General and they're only charging me half of what I'm used to, but in case of an accident, do they really back you up. I have heard of some crooked companies, would this be one among them." Need help finding health insurance? I am currently looking for health insurance for my son and I. He is only 2 months old. I make too much money for medicaid, but still not enough to have expensive monthly payments on health insurance. Im not planning on having a baby anytime soon, maybe in the next 2 years. BUT, just in case something happens and I do become pregnant...I want insurance that covers maternity too. But I cant find any. I live in Indiana." How much would insurance be on a 2006 Dodge Charger SE? im graduating next year and i was just curious about how much insurance would be for a 17 year old with a charger. Insurance Cost For 16 Year Old Boy 2008 Nissan Rogue? Im a 16 year old boy with a 2008 nissan rogue, my parents aren't letting me drive without them in the car yet because we still need to get car insurance for me. About how much would it be to insure me? I have a 3.75 highschool GPA and Im an honor roll/mostly A average student. no driving incidents either" Will my son be turned down for insurance? I have an autistic son, and I have decided he needs better hospital insurance than what he has (I have regular health insurance, but his hospital coverage is not great). So I applied for extra hospital insurance. Aside from being pretty severely autistic, he's physically a pretty healthy kid, no major problems, no ongoing treatment. However, recently he needed to have a dental procedure, and they decided it was best that it be done in the hospital, and that he be fully knocked out. A few years back, he also needed to be knocked out for an MRI (he had a seizure, but none since). Anesthesia is expensive, and when he had the dental procedure, it maxed out the hospital coverage on my current plan and I got stuck with a $9000 bill. Hence, the decision for better hospital insurance. When applying for health insurance, they do 5 year medical records check, and those two things are going to come up. What's going to happen... Will I have higher premiums? will they refuse to cover anything they deem is caused by his autism? Or will they flat out reject him? Or will it not be a problem?" Car accident happens when the car's insurance is not your name? If Car accident happens, and the car that you were driving the car's insurance is not your name. If call 911,will you get arrested or what? and will that car insurance company pay for the damage that you did to other car?" What is the average car insurance cost for a 20 year old in Maryland?

I tried doing quotes but it asks for too much information. I dont wanna keep receiving calls from car insurance places annoying me to get it with them. I have a 1998 Chrysler ...show more Home hazard insurance vs. home owners insurance? What is the difference? What's the minimum auto insurance coverage I should have in california? I'm not talking about the minimum required by law, but what's a good idea to have? Is 100/300/50 BIPD overkill? Are we just throwing our money away?" Im 17 make minimum wage and want a car. parents wont help pay car insurance or car payment. what can i d? im 17 years old and make minimum wage. i want a car but my parents wont help pay for car insurance or car payment. i also need gas money and lunch money. i only make $6 an hour at my job and my insurance $115 and the car payment is $98. is i possible for me to get a car at all? How long will my car insurance company take to pay out and how much will I get? On Saturday my car caught fire while I was driving it (apparently the fuel line came out). It's a Peugeot 206 1999 and has done 87,000 miles. It wasn't in bad condition either. It's blatently a write-off, the engine looks like one big bit of plastic. My question basically is 1) how long do insurance companies usually take to pay out on this kind of thing, and 2) what will I get? I've looked on parkers and stuff, but you have to pay to find out... so I thought I'd see if any of you lovely people know first! :)" Gonzales Louisiana Cheap car insurance quotes zip 70737 Gonzales Louisiana Cheap car insurance quotes zip 70737 How much would my car insurance cost? If i were to leave my parents insurance plan, how much would it cost me for insurance per year or month? I am 18 years old with no accident records, no criminal records, and a drivers ed discount. My car is a 1997 Plymouth Breeze with 150k miles and its red. I still live at home. If someone is in the same kind of situation can I just get an estimate...I think this covers everything that effects car insurance for college students, and I don't have a good grade discount. Oh yeah, I am on Liberty Mutual insurance under my fathers plan." What happens if i get hit by a car and i dont have insurance my car was parked i didnt drive it? i was parked and a car backed up to park and had a mecahnical problem hit my front bumper and literaly dragged it to the sidewalk. i dont have insurance i always left my car parked ...show more

Average rate of malpractice insurance for nurses? So I want to be a nurse and I was wondering how much it costs. And do most nurses have it or not? Also I live in TX and will be a nurse here so any info will be appreciated thanks :) Car Insurance moving from one state to another? I'm moving to TX from PA. My car got inspected in pa a couple months ago. When i move to TX im going to need to get new insurance because my company doesnt cover in that state. When i go to get new insurance does my car have to be inspected in TX to get insurance? "What is the best car alarm system, that would also lower my insurance?" I own a 2003 Toyota Corolla CE. My car insurance is moderately expensive, and I've been told that installing an alarm system would help lower my insurance. But I don't want a cheap alarm that can be easily set off by someone's sound system." How come I haven't been forced to buy car insurance? I keep hearing from some people on here that the government forces us to buy car insurance. How come nobody has forced me to buy it?? My roommate also doesn't have car insurance. We live in the city and take public transportation so we always thought we didn't need to buy car insurance. Are we breaking the law? Also, my brother lives in New Hampshire and he drives a car but said he doesn't have car insurance!! Is he breaking the law?" Where can I get affordable health insurance? I need health insurance thats less than $50 a month. Im not eligible for medicare or medicaid. Im only 25 and in good health.. I mostly need it for routine stuff and in case I need emergency care. I live in Ohio. My work offers insurance, but its way too expensive!" Car insurance for teens !! Help? So I live in Benton Louisiana and I'm 15. I'm about to turn 16 and my mon said that she won't let me drive or get me a car because insurance is expensive. How much is insurance for 16 year olds?! It just really makes me mad because at first she was all for it and said that she would get me a car since she ruined my 15th birthday. Now, she just let my hopes down once again. That's why I want to know like about how much is car insurance for teens. Thank you!!" Question about driving a car with motorcycle insurance? My mother wants to know if I can drive her car even though I'm not under her insurance. I have motorcycle insurance. I live in Florida. Young drivers (17-18) - What is your insurance?

Hey! Im starting driving and shocked at the cost of insurance! Can't get lower than 3000 on a 1999 1.0 Vauxhall Corsa! Must be doing something wrong. So yeah , 3 questions : 1) What is your age? 2) How much is your insurance? 3) What insurance company are you with and what car? Thanks!" Affordable Insurance for Teens? Looking to get my first car soon and I got to pay for my own insurance and I need some help for an affordable insurance. Please and Thank You NO CLAIMS BONUS ON CAR INSURANCE? I've just got insured on a car and I paid the deposit over the phone with the card I was then insured driving the car. the insurance company asked me to send a copy of my licence which 6 months down the line I havent got around in doing but I'm still insured I was wondering if they ask me to send my no claims certificate and I never sent it would I still be insured until I have an accident in which case they request a no claims bonus or would they cancel the policy strait away? Im 16 and im wondering what is the cheapest insurance for the following cars? im thinking about getting a used car probably a 2005-2007 scion tc or ford mustang 2005-2006 or a nissan 350z 2003-2007 How much does insurance cost for a 17 year old on a kawasaki ninja 250? please don't tell me to go to an online calculator or quote site. Will my parents' Geico insurance rate go up if I (uninsured) get into an accident? I got into an accident today which was my fault and damaged the front lights area. The car I was in is my mom's who is covered with Geico. Geico will cover all the damages done for this car and the other one involved, but will the insurance go way up? By how much?" Is american family insurance cheaper when you take drivers ed? i know how to drive, but my mom is worried abbout the price, is american family insurance cheaper when you take drivers ed?" Temporary Car Insurance? I want to pick up a car, i live in manchester uk and the car i am buying is in sheffield, what do i do about insurance when driving it back." Car insurance cost for expat?

Hi I am a 37y old male married moving to London from india soon. I checked som online quotes and it seems to be very expensive even if I buy a 10 yr old vw golf. I intend to get a uk license when I arrive, but will I be considered a new driver even though I have held a license in the us and India and have driven for close to 15 yrs" Whats the best way to sell life insurance without being a sleazy salesman? Whats the best way to sell life insurance without being a sleazy salesman? Question about motorcycle insurance? Ok... I know that insurance is different from person to person but in general who is the best company to be with for motorcycle insurance. What is the average lowest price, who actually will do their job when its time for a claim. Who has the best or most coverages for a cycle. All these different things. So who is the best..." Why do comparision websites have cheaper prices than if you go to the insurer direct? On some comparison websites like http://www.quotezone.co.uk/dial-direct.htm the prices are cheaper than if you go straight to the insurance company. Why is this? Can I afford to get pregnant? My husband and I are both in school and working part time. We currently don't have health insurance because we can't get it through our jobs and can't afford any outside insurance. We really want to have a baby, but are worried about paying for all of the pre/postnatal care. Is there a way to get help without putting us in tons of debt?" (for people in america) how much does the average 17-18 year old pay for insurance? im from ireland and was just wondering approx How much can i spend on a car with the money i make? im 17 years old and i have a job that pays $8.30 an hour and i work about 16 hrs per week, and i also tutor afterschool, for $20 dollars an hour, for 6 hours, so i make about $240 a week, and im planning to get a car, but i dont know what car i could afford. how much money can i spend in a car if i have monthly car payments?, oh yea plus insurance. thanks" Will Rental Car Accident increase insurance rates? Hi, I rented enterprise car but unfortunately bumped into a tree.I had full insurance coverage on the vehicle. So I would like to know if that accident will effect my insurance which I have on my personal car?" Gonzales Louisiana Cheap car insurance quotes zip 70737 Gonzales Louisiana Cheap car insurance quotes zip 70737

Given an inaccurate insurance quote? So, in the process of getting a new vehicle I took two VIN numbers to a man at the insurance agency I've used for the past three years. The two numbers were for an '08 and an '09 car (the '08 first just to get a reference). He tells me the approximate increase in my monthly bill will be around $47.50 (for the '09). I go ahead and buy the car, my monthly bill has gone up just right over $200 more. I have already bought the car, paid for the tax, title, licensing and registration... and there is no way I can pay that much more in insurance (college kid here), so I'm going to have to get rid of the car, pay insurance on it for a portion of a month, and pay all the necessary fees on another vehicle. I will easily have lost $1000 because of this guy's inability to do his job. Of course, I didn't get anything in writing (having gone there for three years and never having any other problems...). I really don't know what to do and I'm quite upset about it. Any suggestions?" "How can i set up my own Car Insurance, that i can sell to people....?" Hi were i live there is this guy that sells day car insurance to youngsters for 40 a day. He insures anybody under any car for 40 as long as they have a driving license, and i really wanted to know how i can get into some of this action. This guys is making a hell of a lot of money, his office is rammed with people everyday wanting day insurance. I wanted to buy my own policy that could sell to people for a day, for a fee of course. Could anyone help on how i can set this up, and what kind of money i would need to set it up. Thanks You" Do I need insurance to drive my father's car? recently i have passed my driving test and my father have a comprehensive car insurances!!! i can't effort to buy a car or car insurance? do you think is legal to drive it? thanks Is no fault insurance the cheapest coverage possible.? I don't get it my dads insurance agent told him no fault is the least amount of money paid to the insurerer that why he got me no fault but when I look it up on the Internet they say it's expensive. Can someone tell me if no fault is cheaper than collision, comprehensive, or the other types of insurance coverage. Also I live in Michigan and I'm 19 if any of that matters." How to get best car insurance for teenager? What is the best way to get insurance for 18 years old girl, A-student?" Estimate how much will car insurance cost me? Im 16 and will be getting my license soon. I was thinking about buying a 1998-2002 pontiac trans am V8. Im a male driver. About how much will it cost me for full coverage or liability(spell check) "What is the difference between term, universal and whole life insurance? Which is the best way to go?"

What is the difference between term, universal and whole life insurance? Which is the best way to go?" How to get quotes from insurance providers for a new comparison website? I am creating an insurance comparison website such as moneysupermarket.com, confused.com, or insurance.com.. I want to access the quotes of all the insurance providers and provde these quotes to my customers. How can I get the APIs used by the insurance comparison websites? I am interested in any of the Life Insurance, Medical Insurance and Dental Insurance." Another insurance question for you...? I'm 16, and soon I'll be getting my first car. When my mom checked out how much my insurance would be on a black Honda Civic 2-door from 1997 they told her it would be $100 a month. Needless to say, that car is gone and I now have my eyes on a silver Chrysler Sebring 2-door convertible from 1998. Judging by the price of the insurance on the Civic, how much would it be on the Sebring? Thanks in advance." "When you are geting health insurance, what does coin insurance mean?" i am comparing insurances right now and some have coininsurance, some say 20% after deductible and some say 20% coininsurance after deductible.. what is coininsurance?" How much is a 2010 Jeep Sahara cost a month for insurance? How much is a 2010 Jeep Sahara cost a month for insurance? What is the difference between life insurance and health insurance? What is the difference between life insurance and health insurance? How much car insurance do you pay? - public survey? What kind of car do you have, and how much insurance do you pay? (( General interest ))" What car insurance can i get with no down payment? What car insurance can i get with no down payment? How much will previous drink driving ban cost company insurance? Hi, hope someone can help. I had a drink driving ban about 2 years ago. I am now applying for a job which would like a clean driving license (dont they all). What i want to know is how much extra money would it cost the company insurance to put someone on their books with a previous d/d ban. The job im applying for would require

me to drive their vehicles, would it cost the company alot ? Thanks for any answers" How much is State Farm Car Insurance per month? How much is State Farm Car Insurance per month? What cars have cheap insurance for a teen? Not looking for some online thing with only a couple new cars. In YOUR experience what cars have the cheapest insurance? Right now I'm looking for any beater as looks really don't matter too much as I'm only gonna pay like $500 or a little more depending on the car and only going to drive it for 3-4 months or so (unless its a classic) because with the job I am getting next month Ill be able to afford a much nicer car and insurance in no time. I got a quote for an 03 civic si coupe at 400 bucks a month (while on my dads insurance) I am 17 and thats too much for me right now heck i could buy an old beater civic for that much. So I'm thinking going back as 90's and up (I'm all for classic cars but I dont think the insurance will be any less because they think all old cars have massive and fast motors and are death traps. I like this 87 monte carlo ss that isnt too old but again the insurance sees ss and adds another $100 -_- ) theres also a 76 camaro with a 305 that I really like and its already yellow! (bumble bee anyone?) though i dont know how the insurance would be for that. It's just a regular one as there was no z28 option in 76. Now I'm thinking what about the early 90s civics such as the hatch? though I would guess insurance would still be high because they are easy to steal see my frustration no matter what cheap car i think of insurance finds a reason to skyrocket rates What cars can you recommend me that I can get for a grand? cheap insurance and cheap gas would be good too but if the fbodys arent too bad on insurance then i dont care about the gas. Car Insurance? I got a new car (2001 Toyota Corolla, 90k) to replace my old car, (1995 Honda Civic, 123k) and my insurance company tells me that my premier will go up by $125. Is that a fair increase in the value, or is it too expensive?" Can I insure a motorcycle at age 16.? I am 16 and my parents are not ok with me getting a motorcycle. They were, but now they're not. I have a motorcycle permit and want to buy a motorcycle and I want to know if I can insure it with just that. Can I? EXPERTS ONLY" Know of somewhere cheap which will let me drive a car for only a few months for people under 21? I've recently passed my driving test and would like to drive a car for a few months before I go to Uni but there's no where I can find with a few months insurance (fairly cheap) and a car I don't need to buy in full. I'm 18 which makes it more difficult Any help would be appreciated! Where can i find the cheapest car insurance? Where can i find the cheapest car insurance?

Car Insurance Groups? I've noticed that Car's fall into different Insurance Groups. For example a Peugeot 206 (2001 reg) falls into Insurance Group 8. What do the different Insurance Groups define? The Cost.. or are they just to categorize the car? How much does auto insurance cost for a 16 year old male with Erie? I just got my license and now I want to get a car but my dad wont pay for insurance, I was wondering what the possible prices might be. I would like a Jeep Wrangler or a VW ...show more" "I just got my m2 on the weekend and i need to find the best motorcycle insurance rate I can, 18 M in Ontario? recieved my motorcycle m1 in march this year and m2 lastweekend. I hold my G license since january 2011 and have a perfect driving record. I need to find a insurance company that will insure me. 18 year old male in Ontario looking at a bike between 250 and 500cc. Thanks Health insurance HELP!? okay so hears the problem. im 19 just moved away from home no parental support pretty much on my own attending school and working full time. i need to find a cheap health plan any suggestions? no deductible? HELP PLEASE!! Gonzales Louisiana Cheap car insurance quotes zip 70737 Gonzales Louisiana Cheap car insurance quotes zip 70737

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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.