lowest auto insurance quote primary use

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lowest auto insurance quote primary use lowest auto insurance quote primary use Related

Can you have two insurance policies on one car? My Dad has a classis car, I would like to use this car for a weekend, but as i am only 19 I cannot have classic car insurance so I cant go on as a named driver. Is there anyway I can insure this car for a weekend?" What is the average car insurance for an 18 year old male who is just starting to drive? I just want to know how much car insurance will cost me i know a lot has to do with the cost such as what type of car and such. I want an estimate because no insurance website has a quote for new drivers. What is the AVERAGE cost of surgery to fix a varicocele without insurance in the midwest? I have a varicocele in my left testicle. I have no medical insurance. How much does this operation cost to fix it? I know it will vary, but i want to know the AVERAGE out of pocket cost. This is in a midwest state.. Also, would doctors offer a payment option?" Why do we have to pay car insurance? Unless you are a really bad driver car insurance is a total joke. I mean how many reckss does a person get into in his life time. im saying on average about 2 or 3. and if your paying 600 bucks or more every 6 months thats one thousand plus dollars a year. in 30 years you could buy your self a new mustang. It really makes no sense that its a law to have car insurance when you could just put 600 bucks in a savings account if you ever need it. I think the insurance companies should give us our money back every 10 years or so if we are good drivers Would I need insurance? Ok so I'm thinking about getting an iPhone 4s. I want one so badly. It's 29 a month but insurance is 10 a month and I can't afford to pay another 10 a month, would I need insurance? The handset price (how much you pay on the day for the actual phone) is 29, so if I break or loose or someone steals the phone, would I pay 29 and get another headset, or will they make me pay 29 for a phone I don't even have? I live in England btw :)" What is the expected value for a 21-yr old who buys insurance?

The ABC Insurance company charges a 21-year old male a premium of $250 for a one year $100,000 life insurance policy. A 21-year old male has a 0.9985 probability of living for a year (based on data from the National Center for health Statistics.) A. What is the expected value for a 21-yearold male who buys the insurance? B. B. What would be the cost of the insurance polity if the company just breaks even?" Passing a drug test for life insurance? I smoked weed rather heavily for about 5 weeks over the summer, and now i havent touched it all for about 5 weeks, am i going to be clear for it? Before those 5 weeks i smoked VERY rarely (once every month or 2 months). Also i smoked a couple packs of cigarettes in the past couple weeks...how long will it take for me to get the nicotine out of my system (also smoked VERY rarely before last couple weeks)" What are the best life insurances for under $50 a month for family? I am looking to get life insurance for my family since I am newly married this plays an important role. Does anyone know any affordable life insurances for families? Ive searched and haven't found any. I live in the little rock Arkansas area. 600cc sports bike good for a beginner? gsxr600 or zx6r? ive never ridin a motorrcycle before and im looking at getting a gsx-r600 or zx6r. Im taking the safety course which is 10 hours of riding and 5 of classes which i realize isnt a lot. I drive stick shift cars so i get the point of shifting the bike. Ive ridin a dirtbike once and quads once but i seem to be a natural on anything with a motor so im not nervous at all about getting a racing bike starting. A lot of people say a 600 is to big for a first bike but i know people that have them and say they arent that bad as long as you dont drive it like an asshole. I plan on really taking it veryyyyy easy the first summer out and not pushing anything untill i feel extremly comfortable with it. My question is should i get this for a first bike? Im not getting a 250 dont even bother with that. Ive seen the 650's which are more begginer friendly but i just feel ill outgrow that within the first year and ill lose my money by selling it and buying a 600 instead of getting the 600 in the first place Flight connection insurance? Does anyone know of a company I can buy flight connection insurance from? I am taking a trip with two separate airline tickets. If the first flight is delayed, I might forfeit the second ticket and be forced to buy a very expensive last minute ticket. All the policies I have found online are packages that include medical, lost baggage etc. which I'm not interested in. Also, the companies I've found that offer missed connection insurance only offer meals and accomodation (not transportation) or have a limit too low to cover buying a new ticket." Health insurance questions...? My health insurance is provided by and paid for by my employee. They are changing insurances effective Sept 1st; I'm scheduled for surgery on Sept 8th through the other company. How does this work? Do my deductibles that I've paid roll over?

Is motorcycle insurance usually more costly than auto insurance? whats usually the median cost? I want to get a motorcycle and I have a car. I am selling my car and buying the bike. Am not worried about passing the licensing test or anything like that. Am wondering about how much motorcycle insurance runs. Anyone that can help with some examples or ratios in their personal life of how much a bike costs compared to a car? Auto Insurance? i need to renew my auto insurance next month i drive a Infiniti G35 and a Subaru wrx (not STI) can anyone tell me if they have ever purchased insurance for any of these vehicles and where was the cheapest i need full cov. on both. Or just anywhere its cheap, i live in central california (bakersfield) THANKS" Does anyone know where a couple in their early 60's might find affordable insurance.? We had really great insurance but, it went up from a little less than $600.00 to over $1000.00. We cannot afford that." How to get health insurance? how does a student (college) go about getting health insurance? i used to be on my sisters insurance but she is currently not working there anymore and has lost her insurance, therefore am not covered anymore. How do i get health insurance?? thanks" I got an unbelievably low quote from Response Wordwide Auto Insurance.Should I switch from StateFarm? Their quote is about 1/2 that of all others I want to buy a car insurance on my own and i am 18 years old.? I want to buy a car insurance on my own and i am 18 years old. and i am going buy an used car (130,000miles). I get just have my driving license. i am a no experience driver. I live in EDISON NJ 08837, is it possible my car insurance is high than $2000/ year?" What are some cheap cars to insure for an 18 Year old? What are some cheap cars to insure for an 18 Year old? I am learning to drive at the moment but I want to know what some cheap cars are to insure? Cheap cars and places to get car insurance for 17 year old ? My 17 year old son has recently passed his driving test, we live in england in surrey and i want to know what the cheapest cars to insure are and what companies are cheapest to insure with?"

Who has best price on motorcylcle insurance? I have a harley davidson ultra - its 800 yearly - my cars cost less. I am with geico Am I covered on my dad's insurance? I am 18, graduated from highschool, and leaving for the Marines in two months. I want to make a trip to Pensacola with some friends today. The only problem is the only way I can go is with my dad's truck. He is not letting me use it because he said I am not covered with insurance if I happen to get into a wreck. I have my own insurance for my truck and he has his own insurance for his own truck. So with me having my own insurance and his truck being covered with his insurance, if i got into a wreck or accident would my insurance cover me or how would that hole situation work out?" How much increase will I expect in my car insurance premium after an accident that was my fault? I rear-ended a car that in turn rear-ended another car. Damage to my car cost $6500, liability claims against my policy at $5000. Also one driver claimed for bodily injury amounting to $2000. I am insured under Progressive in Texas" Cheap cars to insure? 17 Year old female that has just passed my test and needs a car. What cars are really cheap to insure? If possible can you also add the engine size, year released, 3 or 5 door and any other details that will be useful :) Thank you :)" "When getting a car insurance quote, do I disclose a speeding ticket, if I already took traffic school for it?" I had a speeding ticket, but the judge lowered my citation to 99mph so I could take traffic school. I am getting an insurance quote from progressive.com and they want me to provide information on tickets I've received in the last 3 years. Do I tell them about my speeding ticket, since traffic school is supposed to prevent a point from being added to my driving record? I've already finished my traffic school and I live in California." Can anyone give examples of how much their auto insurance went up in New Jersey (or another state) after a DWI I recently received a DWI conviction in S. Jersey (my first offense) and was wondering how much local insurance companies will raise my rate? If anyone has experienced this I'd really appreciate knowing how much their rates rose. Also, is there any certain companies that give better rates to those who have DWI convictions? I appreciate any help. Thanks!" lowest auto insurance quote primary use lowest auto insurance quote primary use Car insurance vs the law?

If I was driving at 100 mph in my car and a police officer caught me on radar and i started to pull over and then lost control and flipped and totaled the car would my insurance still cover it? I have the fullest of full coverage also, if I was still making payments and the car got impounded would the car be repossessed FROM the cops? thanks" Cheap insurance for new drivers? Low premiums, Cheap Car insurance, Savings" Cheap insurance for a 95 reg 4.6 litre Range Rover as a young driver.? I am aged 18, have had my license for over a year & have one years no claims discount. I have recently purchased a Range Rover with cost nothing to transfer over from the car already on my policy, however upon renewal it will cost me a whopping 4K to insure! Does anybody know of any companies which either specialise in this department or will be able to get me a cheaper quote? Currently I have tried both confused.com & comparethemarket.com but was wondering if there are some other cheaper companies which are a little more unknown. Would be really grateful if someone helps me find a cheaper quote as that is just daylight robbery." I NEED legal help...(home owners insurance will not pay for this why?)? I am posting this on behalf of my mother in law. She has a car that was damaged at her sisters house (my mother-in-law lived with her sister) during the wind storm Cincinnati had last year. My mother had the car parked in the driveway and a tree fell on it and totalled the car. But guess what would have not been a problem if she had Car insurance on it but at the time she was in between insurance companys but she did not drive the car at the time anyway. So now she has found out she has GAP so I did the claim and they said that they can give her 5000 (hopefully) toward the loan. She went to the home owners insurance and they said they wont pay. If it was her sisters car they would have though. I am really not sure but it doesnt sound right to me. If that tree would have hit a person but not her sister would they have had to pay? That just doesn't make since to me because my mother-in-law lived in the house aswell. Can someone help me. What are non-required auto insurances?I need information? I need information about 4 non-mandatory vehicle insurances. 10 Points for the Best answer! "Why is it that despite public and private health insurance programs, some US citizens are without any coverage? health insurance AAA vs. Farmers for home and auto insurance? I'm looking to get a combined homeowners and auto insurance policy. Right now, the package that Farmers is offering based on my specs is 10% cheaper than AAA's. Any

thoughts? Thanks!" I live in New York City and I want to get a car for one month during the summer. Any Suggestions? I know there are cheap deals for monthly rentals, but I'm a poor college student and I need the cheapest deal. I could purchase a cheap car but I don't know how much insurance would be. I just want as many responses a I can get so I know what's out there and what I should consider." How can I get a California Health & Life Insurance License ? I would like to find an online course or a study at home course if possible. Also, how long does the course take ? Thank you for your help" Have you ever heard of a Car Insurance doing this? Have you ever heard of this before: I know a person who has car insurance with Allstate and they claim the following reason for jacking up their prices every 6 months when you pay the bill for the next 6 months. The Reasons from them are: 1-Because since you have allstate and when anyone else that has allstate also in your area has an accident where them and someone else is involved this will make your payment go up. 2-All insurance companies do this also where if anyone not involved in an accident say at home and someone else with the same insurance company as you have, if they have an accident even if your at home when this happens your payments will go up. My Father has had direct for i don't know how long but a long time and every time someone has a wreck that has direct and he is not involved in it he still pays the same amount he did last time before the other direct insurance people have a wreck. Please also provide the name of your insurance company as I want to make a chart of how many people answered and what insurance company they currently have or had. Thank you I'd greatly appreciate the insurance info that's all I would like for the chart not your name." How much are geckos i found one for 7.00. at petco i thought they were a lot more money.? a while back i went to petco and seen it. It was a bright green gecko. it looked like the one from the car insurance place and it was like 3-4 inches but it was 7.00 so i was just wondering. How much is a moped? Test and insurance? Struggling to afford a car, so looking at buying a mope until I have a decent wage to afford a car. How much would the test be and on average how much would insurance be?" Best home Insurance in Texas? I'm a first time homer buyer and I'm about to gets quotes for home insurance and I was wondering what are some of the best and affordable companies to go with????

What is the best health insurance in CA right now? I need help. I don't have health insurance right now and I want to find an affordable one. I live in San Francisco, and I work part-time. I look at Athem insurance and it was around 60 bucks a month. I can't really afford that right now. Is there any other health insurance that is affordable and good?" M2 and G1 car insurance? As I noticed in drivertest.ca site that if you a holder of M2 you can drive G class vehicle under the condition of getting G1. So that means M2+G1 == G2 in one way (I mean G2 won't equal M2 + G1) So anyone have an idea how much insurance I have to pay for getting a car (i know a lot of details here but consider cheap car and no experience at all)? This info about M2 + G1 = G2 is from here: http://www.mto.gov.on.ca/english/dandv/driver/gradu/index.shtml Note: Class M2 and Class M licence holders may also drive Class G vehicles under the conditions that apply to a Class G1 licence holder. Thanks in advance Do I need a canceled registration receipt from my license plates to get better car insurance rates? My wife got into a car accident and totaled our car. i bent the license plates in half and canceled our policy. its been about 3-4 months and now we bought a new car and were trying to register again, but all the car insurance places are giving us high rates. i think its just cause we've gone so long without insurance but my wife thinks its because we didnt send the registry or the insurance place the receipt for canceling my plates (which i did online). so which is it?" How can you avoid paying for expensive car rental insurance? I drive a rental car, but the insurance is very expensive. I have to pay a daily price. I have non owners insurance, but that does not cover collision. Is there a way to avoid paying these prices as they are so expensive but still have full coverage? I tried to insure the car but I couldn't being that it isn't minds. The non owners policy is legal but it doesn't cover the car. Thanks for any suggestions." Are you required to pay car insurance even if you're not driving? I'm 17 about to turn 18, I have my level 2 license and live in michigan, I have insurance with AAA and they said I have to pay car insurance even if I'm not driving, I'm trying to save for a car and don't want to pay for something every month that I don't need. So if I'm not driving and don't own a car do I have to pay or is the insurance company just wanting my money?" I have no insurance how much does it cost to fix a broken windshield (the back windshield).? I have no insurance how much does it cost to fix a broken windshield (the back windshield).?

What is the average monthly car insurance payment for a 29 yr old male in illinois? Full auto coverage,and have only had one speeding ticket in my life." How much would my insurance on average be for a 2007 V6 mustang with allstate? Im calling tomorrow to get a quote but, i was wondering if anybody had an idea. Its a V6 so that makes a huge difference since its not a V8 GT. Im just unsure how much allstate wants for a V6 mustang. if anybody has a price range they could give me it would be greatly appreciated. thank you!!" Car insurance in Massachusetts? What happens in the state of Massachusetts if you get pulled over and have no insurance but there is insurance on the car and I'm 17 years of age. Can you keep your old insurance if your getting a new car? I have to get a new car (old car broke down and it will cost more to get it fixed than what's its worth) and I just paid my insurance for my old car this month. I was wondering if ...show more "If someone is living with my, gets in a car wreck without insurance, can I get sued?" That sounds weird, but with all the stupid laws out there, I thought I would ask because im facing this situation. I live in Washington state. My brother in law lives with us with my sister, and he recently got fired from his job. He pays no insurance, has no contracts with us, but lives here and uses my address as his own. He was talking about letting his car insurance go because he was no money. If this happens, and he gets in a wreck, can the person whom he hit come after my property? Or is my brother in law just screwed if that happens?" What should I do I hate insurance company? This is frustrating I got involve an accident was going straight and suddenly a lady turned in front of me I could have ran into to her but I choose to go around and I wrecked my car to a fire pole she ddnt stop I spoke to geico they gonna fix my car as I had full coverage but they said they gonna analyse if my policy will increase or not at renewal cause they putting me at fault as there's nobody else to blame and the funny thing is that same thing happen to me a year ago I turned in front of a lady she could have went around but she ran right into me where the accident happen there was camera if I'm able to get them the videos to show that I didn't intentionally wreck my car would they take that in consideration ? Now they making me think bad like I should have run into her car and let her take the blame I could have get injured and probably everybody in her car? This is bs lowest auto insurance quote primary use lowest auto insurance quote primary use Insurance quote on nissan navra ?

in febuary i will be 17 is there any chance i would be able to get a quote on a truck like that or am i living in a dream world New Insurance Law in Illinois? Can anyone tell me what is the penalty for driving without insurance in Illinois and getting into an accident. I was driving my friend's car and got into an accident, it was my fault because i was changing lanes. I have already paid the other guy for his damages and have gotten a release from him. This is a first time offense, what will happen to me." Car insurance in my name? My mom gave me a car afew yrs back and it is still in her name. She's had insurance in her name but wasn't able to make the payment this month. Can I get insurance on the car in my name even with car still in her name? What would be a good affordable car for a first time driver ? What would be a good affordable first car, i'm 19 and how much would the insurance be for a first time driver ?" How much would insurance for a 16 year old male in Illinois cost? I live in Chicago and I have a 2001 Toyota Echo that has been paid off already. I turn 16 in a couple of weeks and was wondering how much insurance would cost for me> HELP! What's the cheapest car insurance for a young pizza delivery driver?!? I have allstate, and it's $300 a month for me! I can NOT do this anymore! I need a new insurance plan that is actually AFFORDABLE! Thank you so much for your help I really do appreciate it!" "I bought a car off the lot, and two days later on my way to get insurance I got in an accident (my fault)? In california isn't there a law that states you have to have insurance before u leave the lot? Anyone in PA know about the car insurance discount? Supposedly you can get about 7% to 8% off car insurance if you have an Emergency vehicle Certificate. Does anyone know anything about this? Does insurance go up for out of state speeding ticket? I hae a New York drivers license, i was pulled over going 45 in a 30.....$150 ticket....................i looked it up and i know i do not get points on my record, but does my insurance go up? does anyone knoow and have a good source they can provide?

Thanks" Can a lie about having historical plates for cheaper insurance? When trying to get a quote from progressive online, it asks whether the motorcycle is registered as a historical vehicle. If I click yes the insurance is 50% cheaper than normal. Can I just click yes and buy then insurance, then register my bike? I don't have much money, and I only want to ride it for 2 months before I move." My car insurance premiums why are they so expensive? low mileage driver 28 years old 5 years no claims 5 years held full license Car 1.2 Clio worth under 2K completed PASS plus after driving test I would think all the above would suggest low premium. But because my postcode is just inside Greater London, all my premium quotes seem to fall in 55-60 when in a previous town I was paying less than 40, This surely can't be fair or right can it? Can anybody suggest a good but cheap insurance company?" About how much money a month do you think it would cost a 16 year old to get a mustang gt ? Including insurance and how much do you think the down payment will be Non owners insurance? what is the best non-owners insurance business (or agency) in Houston? I received a speeding ticket while driving my parents car does that affect there insurance rates.? I was also issused a ticket for driving without insurance, what should I do about that?" Is the amount you paid for your car covered by full insurance if an uninsured motorist hits you? A friend was stopped at a light when some idiot hit her car and totalled it! Although, she has full coverage on the car(she just recently finished paying off), the idiot who hit her did not have any insurance! The total she paid on her car was $13K. The insurance company only wants to give her the blue book value of $3000! The situation is even worse because the offending party have no insurance! Is the insurance company trying to rip her off?! What should she do to get back at least close to the total amount she paid for her car?" How will my speeding ticket affect my insurance? I am a Florida resident. I am temporarily in Colorado for work. Today I got a ticket for 80 in a 55 (looks like it's 6 points in CO). Currently, I pay around $100 per month for insurance (125k/250k) on two vehicles (2000 Chevrolet Blazer and 2011 Subaru Forester). How will this ticket affect my insurance?"

"Hit and run accident, should insurance pay for my auto damage? Here is my situation that I'm confused about. About a week ago I went to church and parked my car. Next thing I know is that someone was driving stolen (Yukon) car and has hit the ...show more Whats a cheap affordable classic for a young man? im 20 had my lisence for over two years but i can never afford insurance! i dont live with my mummy and daddy so i cant blag there insurance, and i also cant borrow money from them! so if you have ideaas for me i would prefer a TAX exempt classic? any ideas? thanks" How will universial health affect the insurance industry? How will universial health affect the insurance industry? Should i get a '94-'2000 toyota camry for my first car? I'm trying to be reasonable, i know i need an older car so my insurance is cheap (i cant be on my parents). and i know toyotas are good cars, i like the look of the camry 4-door. and ive seen alot for under 7,000.. any other ideas for good cars that are cheap?" How much is car insurance for a brand new HS 250h Premium Luxury lexus? I'm 17, female, I live in St.John's NL and might do driving school" Im pregnant and need insurance. Is there affordable prenatal insurance besides medicaid? Medicaid denied me because I make 25 cents more than the allowed amount. I am 4 months pregnant and have not had any prenatal care due to lack of insurance and fighting with medicaid. Is there AFFORDABLE coverage that anyone knows about? Is it true the you can get car insurance thru Medicaid or Medicare? I heard this is true but I don't know because my parents are disabled they are 51 and 56 they own a car but no insurance they need it to get to there doctor's appointment's and hospital visits. So is this true if anybody knows please help by giving info on this by giving a link or number. Or you can help by referring to a place that will help them out because they only live on the disability checks and food stamps. Thanks for helping BEST AFFORDABLE MEDICAL INSURANCE FOR NEWLYWEDS (NO KIDS)? HUSBAND MAKES MORE, SO NOW NO LONGER QUALIFY FOR MY INSURANCE. WHICH IS THE BEST INSURANCE FOR PEOPLE WITH NO KIDS, AND WHICH IS THE BEST WHEN WE DECIDE TO HAVE KIDS? AND WHY? THANKS SO MUCH,

THIS IS A PAIN IN THE REAR..." WIll my mom know if i go to planned parenthood under her insurance? I am 18 years old and under my mom's insurance. I want to go to planned parenthood, but don't want her to find out. I can't afford to pay on my own, but if i use the insurance, would the insurance company notify her?" lowest auto insurance quote primary use lowest auto insurance quote primary use WHere casn i get cheap insurance in toronto canada? Hi guys i need help, where can iu get real cheap insurance for my car thanks" Best health insurance in colorado? Best health insurance in colorado? What would insurance cost for a 16 year old? I turn 16 in two weeks and i might be getting an Infiniti G35 coupe. We have state farm and i can't due a quote since i don't have my license yet. Can anyone give me an idea of how much the insurance would cost? Car insurance claim? Around a month ago already my passenger side car window got shattered. It's still intact, just completely spidered out. I had been on my thirty minute break from work and parked near the grass side of my apartments. My window was actually rolled down half way too. While inside my apartments ( we live on the first floor very near to where my car was parked) I remember a guy mowing the lawn around the apartments. When I went back outside to go back to work I had saw my window. We know for a fact that the lawn mowing guy ran over a rock and it had hit my window, but we didn't actually see it. Again, my window was rolled down a bit so if someone wanted to break in they could have. I have called the apartments on several occasions and they said they would get back to me on the lawn mowing company so I can make a claim. Still never have. This was almost a month ago. What can I do? If anything since I didn't physically see it? I also only have liability coverage on that car." Do I need to Insure my project cars? I am planning on restoring classic cars and I would plan to do this on a garage, so would I legally need to insure them in Nj if I am not driving them on the road? Just trying to get some information about all the technical things of doing restorations at home. Thanks" Where can i get cheap sr-22 insurance? Where can i get cheap sr-22 insurance?

Will my insurance be through the roof? I am 16 years of age, and I own a '85 2.8L V6 Fiero GT. It's of course 2 door and a sports car. I have the title and plates all ready in my name. I was wondering before I go to get insurance Monday, do you guys think it will be expensive for me? My mother is adding me as a second driver and sadly I am not carrying a B average for that discount. I tried getting some quotes from Progressive it was 650 and Nationwide it was 800, and my mother uses Nationwide. I am not sure if I did the quote correctly though because it shouldnt be that much! Please any helpful idea's or thoughts! Thanks." Is it worth taking a risk of driving without Insurance..? I'm looking for insurance but it's too expensive.. so i don't drive much. but sometimes i want to make quick local runs like going to the supermarket, picking up a friend etc. is it worth taking this risk without an insurance ??" I need insurance. Im 18 What do I do? I turned 18 about 4 months ago and ive been trying to get my licence but my mom won't let me because she thinks I need to be insured as soon as i get my licence. I live in OR. they can't afford my insurrance and i dont have time for a job im an honors student in High school. next year im going away and would like to be driving by then. so my questions are. 1. do i need insurance as soon as i get my license? 2. can i drive my moms car (for example to the store and back) without insurance? How about someone elses car? 3. What is the best insurance for me to get? The quotes ive gotten are about 250 PER MONTH. I want to have a car next year but i wont have time to work with the courses im taking in college. how do i pay for my insurance next year. Insurance Premium Increase? I got into a car accident last month..i hit a BMW that caused it to bump into a Mercedes in the accident. (The accident was on the highway) The Mercedes just has a scratch on the back bumper, and I'm pretty sure the BMW needs to replace the back bumper i hit, and probably some scratches in the front... does anyone know about how much this will all cost for repairs? And does anyone know how high my insurance premium will go up? I'm 18 years old living in CA, with Mercury Insurance." Insurance on small cars example punto ? hey everyone iv just passed my theory test today and i want to buy a punto for my fist car i need advice on de price off tax and insurance like for example i would probably purchase any punto from 1997 -2001 and im 19 does anyone av any advice for me cause i don wanna be ripped off thanks for readin you guys xxxxxxxxxxx I just found out I was pregnant and have no insurance. What do I do? Due to my husbands green card status we have been warned not to use Medicaid as they don't have to renew his green card. We make a combined income of 36k which

isn't much and already have a lil one. Are there any options out there. I am expecting to need another c-section...which means $20k... this isn't exactly the time I want to stress. This should be a happy time!!! Buying a Car and Insurance Question!? Im getting a car this weekend (hopefully) and my dad said he will set a date to go to a friend of his that sells good cars for cheap, but my dad wants it under his name. I don't trust my dad and I want the car under MY name, but he said that the insurance will cost more. If I put the car under MY name, but put the car under his insurance, will it cost more because the car is under my name or will it cost the same? I don't want to pay for the car and then when its finished, he takes the car saying that its under his name and I cant do anything about it. How much would I pay for insurance?" Car insurance for teenage girl?!? I'm an a student. How much would the average cost be for car insurance if I'm under my parents insurance? I'm also 16 and a female! Also on the bill is the payment combined or would I be able to see how much my payment is individually?? Please and thank you! Massachusetts Health Insurance Premiums highest in country? I live in MA and i pay $14K a year for Tufts Health Insurance. BCBS of MA wanted nearly $20K. Is this just a preview of what's to come for the rest of the USA? The report by the Commonwealth Fund, a nonprofit health care foundation, showed that the average family premium for plans offered by employers in Massachusetts was $13,788 in 2008, 40 percent higher than in 2003. Over the same period, premiums nationwide rose an average of 33 percent. Now, the Commonwealth Fund report projects that without significant cost reforms, an annual family premium in Massachusetts will soar to $26,730 by 2020. http://www.boston.com/news/health/artic les/2009/08/22/bay_state_health_insurance_premiums_highest_in_country/ America are you ready for Hope and Change?" "CHEAPER for car insurance, a Acura rsx 2006 or a Honda Civic coupe 2010? im just trying to save up the extra money "Getting my own car, insurance and registration.?" I'm getting my own car, but I don't have a license yet. So I was just wondering should I put it under my dad's name first? And also the registration and insurance. Should it be under my dad's name first or can I put it under my name? They were thinking about getting the insurance for me because it would be cheaper but would it be possible for them to get the insurance if the car is under my name?" Is there a cheap insurance company for teen driver? My mom cant drive... so she doesnt know much about insurance. Im about to get my license and I was wondering if there's a type of insurance that is cheap and not too pricey... specially with a mom who doesn't have a high paying job?!?! I live in Texas if

that helps Cost to insure 2013 honda civic si? Cost to insure 2013 honda civic si? Car insurance for a 16 year old? What would an estimated car insurance amount be for a 16 year olds first car being a 2000 BMW 323 i? Bicycle insurance? i bought a new bike yesterday from JJB and i just called in JJB today to find out if they do bike insurance and the lady told me that they dont! where can i get bike insurance from? Where to get cheap public liability insurance? Please help !!! need cheap public liability insurance Cheap Life Insurance? So I need a life insurance, and I don't know what term, universal, and whole life insurance is. I don't really have a budget, just under 300 dollars per year I guess. By the way I'm 13." What is the best life insurance for seniors? age 53, will retire in 2010 - federal employee" Health ins. companies can't deny people for pre-existing conditions. Should the same be true of car insurance? I ask because my car has some pre-existing problems: 1. The brake pedal only works about 1/3 of the time 2. The engine is currently on fire How can these greedy car insurance companies declare that my car is unsafe to drive? lowest auto insurance quote primary use lowest auto insurance quote primary use

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