Living dfree®: Vol 5 January 2019 Special Edition

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VOL. 5 E-MAGAZINE, 4th Quarter Edition








Jumpstart the Journey to Financial Freedom dfree Young Money is a movement designed to awaken and educate youth and young adults ages 12–27 on the importance of incorporating financial freedom as a daily lifestyle. ®

Our goal is to reach youth and young adults where they are, through mediums and with messaging that is age — and interest — appropriate in order to authentically jumpstart their journey to Financial Freedom.




rg/youngm mydfree.o



Dear Readers, Welcome to a special edition of Living dfree®. We are focusing the entire magazine on our Annual National Conference: Homecoming! that took place at the First Baptist Church of Lincoln Gardens in October 2018. This was our biggest event yet with an action-packed four days of personal empowerment, financial growth and entrepreneurial development. We brought together pastors, financial leaders, athletes, entertainers, nonprofits, youth and everyday people to educate, fellowship and have fun with each other. The panel discussions and solo presentations covered a broad spectrum of topics: the power of investments, credit myths and misconceptions, entrepreneurial opportunities, revitalizing communities, and more. Then there was our entire dfree® Young Money program. We created an excitement around financial education that our 800+ students had never experienced before. We infused music, lights and entertainment into an action-packed extravaganza. We organized an event that educated and utilized all the senses, so much so that the youth didn’t want to leave.

Dr. DeForest B. Soaries, Jr. dfree® Founder and CEO


As with every homecoming, there were plenty of activities to keep everyone energized and excited. The incomparable Bishop Hezekiah Walker and the Love Fellowship Choir, and the angelic Kierra Sheard provided a gospel concert of a lifetime. Concert-goers were on their feet, and the spirit was active in the air. We also had our Laugh-Out-Loud comedy show with Laughalujah’s Rod Allison and Lisa Mills. There was also a tailgating party and fish fry. If you missed Homecoming or just want to reflect on what we shared, you’ll enjoy the photos and recap in this magazine. If this is your first exposure to us, know that we are currently in more than 3,000 churches, more than 100 Delta Sigma Theta chapters and thousands of individuals have taken our classes. We want to be your partner on your financial journey. We ask you to stay engaged, share your financial victories and help us shape the future of the dfree® movement. Please share your thoughts and triumphs with us on your social networks using #mydfree, #livedfree, and #intheblack. We hold numerous events throughout the year and we don’t want you to miss any of them. Stay connected by visiting our website at to stay current on all things dfree®. God Bless You,

Tamika Stembridge, Esq. dfree® Executive Director






10. Book Club: Exponential Living with Sheri Riley 16. Money Tips from the Money Coach® 40. Q&A with Diggy SImmons

LIFE 6. Meet dfree® 8. Book Club: Exponential Living with Sheri RIley



14. The Money Coach Advice for 2019


10. Heard Around the dfree® Conference

19. Pru Empowers: Change Your Mind, Change Your Money 22. Q&A with Stacey Tisdale 24. Ballin’ On a Budget 30. eBay Presents: The Seller’s Perspective

GENERATIONAL WEALTH 34. Best Financial Advice 4 | LIVING

37. Diggy Takes on Fame & Fortune Without Losing His Faith 40. Q&A with Diggy Simmons 41. Jr. Flips Takes Motivational Advice and Start Building an Empire 45. Youth Book Club 25 Businesses Kids Can Start for Under $500 by Alianna V. Hines


16 WOMEN EMPOWERMENT 46. The Secret to Sisterhood Success: A Legacy of Future-Forward Thinking 49. Living dfree速 with Tamika Talks

INSPIRATION 50. Leading the Pack: Lessons from the dfree速 Champions

NEST EGG 57. Stop Dreaming and Start Planning for Retirement

OUR PEOPLE 60. Social Media 101 with dfree速 Digital and Social Media Marketing Specialist Chloe Adams 63. Final Word with Tamika Stembridge


Diggy Simmons explains why he refuses to be constrained by social constructs and embraces a frugal lifestyle.

54. A dfree速 Prayer LIVING



dfree速 is a faith-based, wealth-building system specifically designed with the black community in mind, to help deliver access to financial freedom. The program includes a variety of tools to educate, motivate and support people who make the choice to achieve and sustain financial freedom. It utilizes a 12-step process that allows the individual to address the emotional and psychological issues that contribute to their financial situation.

MISSION dfree速 is a transformational, lifestyle movement that promotes financial freedom through values-based principles and practical approaches to financial management and increasing income.


dfree速 WEBSITE



PHILOSOPHY dfree® is about managing your life, not just your money. Every person’s financial story is different, but they all have similar components. Our proven system provides the framework for individuals to experience life-changing results. To achieve the greatest benefit, you must take an active role in your personal transformation.

VISION dfree® is a leading strategy in the creation of an economic and cultural shift that increases consumer participation in savings, insurance, and investments.


dfree® NATIONAL TEAM 1.844.mydfree (693-3733) LIVING



Often the things we are chasing in life are the

and living courageously. Designed with busy

opposite of what will bring us happiness. We can


become so focused on achieving a professional

integrate into a professional life plan. They

goal that the rest of our life is literally slipping

focus on personal development because Riley


believes developing yourself will fuel your





Exponential Living -- Stop Spending 100%






professional growth.

of Your Time on 10% of Who You Are, warns us to find our true power, which contrary to

Riley provides wisdom that was developed

conventional wisdom is peace.

by doing the hard work in her personal life. She learned how to use her positive mind to

Riley knows what she is speaking about as

find possibilities that always existed, but most

she worked for and reached the pinnacle in

people miss due to lack of time. The next

her field. As a child, she dreamed of a career

problem is in a lack of definitions regarding

at a record label, which she later realized by

what we want, what it should look like and lastly

becoming the senior director of marketing at

how it should feel.

LaFace Records in Atlanta. Riley introduced the world to some of the most well-known artists

As an empowerment speaker and life strategist

of the nineties including TLC, Toni Braxton and

Riley has worked with African American pop

Usher. However, achieving her dream didn’t

culture powerhouses. Her sage advice has

equate to the happiness she imagined.

helped them develop their presence, service and power to choose happiness. Let Riley assist

In Exponential Living , you will learn about ®

you in developing your best life.

Riley’s nine practical principles, which were created to guide you toward peace, clarity












HEARD AROUND the dfree® HOMECOMING CONFERENCE The energy at conference was electric. Information and ideas were being shared at the speed of sound. Following, find snippets from some of those interactions that occurred during sessions, meals and even in the hallways.

Our hope is to integrate the [dfree®] program into our high schools so that the youth may be financially free and dfree®. NICOLE CARMICHAEL


Part of the misconception about credit cards is that people don’t understand the system. They think some of the things they are doing are actually smart, but don’t realize they are shooting themselves in the foot.


“ ”



I would tell my younger self to save 10 percent of everything I earned. When your grandmother tells you this or your parents tell you this, you’re like, ‘NO! I made $10, and I’m going to spend all $10.’ The simple concept of putting away $1 out of $10 over time becomes so normal you don’t even think about it. DOMINIQUE HOLLINS


The dfree® movement is culturally centered to talk about things that happen in our community. Understanding that in some cases our knowledge of financial things is not as progressed as some of the other communities, so it starts us at a basic level and that’s what I appreciate about it.


My dad tells me to be frugal. There is nothing wrong with focusing on what you have. Be frugal. DIGGY SIMMONS


Face your finances. CAYLA COUSINS



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Seeing what my mother went through has influenced the way I handle my bills. I remember the struggling and the stretching of the dollar and I didn’t want to experience that in my life. So, I started learning about finances at an early age. I’ve been helping other individuals become financially free through my organization and dfree® is such an awesome fit for what we already do; we are so excited to partner with Dr. Soaries.


Great opportunity for people from all walks of life to get back in order. May have made mistakes in the past. It helps to get back on track. For those on track it provides the reassurance you are doing the right thing. The hard part is realizing you need to forgive yourself. It’s okay to do so you can move on.


“ “

dfree® is a critical initiative to help save, heal and revitalize our communities. Whether it be through credit repair, business development or personal development. It’s a means by which we can look towards giving financial freedom. PAT BARKSDALE



There is so much more than meets the eye. I thought dfree® was about increasing wealth. I also thought it was consumer based for consumer debt. I didn’t realize it was about community building, wealth and legacy building.


As the matriarch in my family, it is my duty to be fiscally sound for my future and to create a future that is fiscally sound for my children as well.

It’s ok to ‘Ball on a Budget,’ and it’s okay to not keep up with the Joneses. Our society is so social media heavy that we think what we see is how it should be.





“ “

Recognize that your spending habits are a reflection of not only your spiritual life but who you are as an emotional being. dfree® talks about compensatory spending. I think our spending habits talk a lot about our priorities as humans. REV. DR. DANTE QUICK

It is incredibly empowering once you realize how to manage your own finances. It’s not always going to be easy. You see a lot of people taking pay cuts or taking no pay at all to do what they love, but so long as you find a financial strategy that works for you, that is one of the most freeing moments in a person’s life.






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THE MONEY COACH® ADVICE FOR 2019 “Put some respect on that,” she said. “The

had my car repossessed.”

Money Coach . Lynnette Khalfani-Cox: The ®

Money Coach® with a trademark after it.”

However, with a score now in the 800s, Khalfani-Cox is the embodiment of an excellent






credit rating.

engaging and fact-filled session on how to achieve excellent credit, at the dfree®

“I’m here to tell you that you can have perfect

Homecoming Conference held in October. As

credit even if you have been less than perfect,”

Khalfani-Cox stated, credit really does matter

she said.

in so many ways. It opens up financial doors

“Credit and debt are opposite sides of the

and enables more advantages and choices

same coin,” she said.

that go beyond just being able to get a loan. Learning to navigate the credit scoring system Before offering the tips to improve our scores,

is the key to Khalfani-Cox’s perfect rating

Khalfani-Cox was sure to let the audience

today. Before addressing the fundamentals

know that she herself was no stranger to the

of achieving good credit, she defined perfect

woes and consequences of poor credit. From

credit as having a credit score in the 760-

a car repossession to collection accounts to

850 range. According to Khalfani-Cox, there

$100, 000 in credit card debt, her credit score,

are hundreds of credit scores, but she drew

at its lowest, was in the 400s.

attention to two in particular.

“I was a hot credit mess,” she said. “I had so


many problems. I ran up credit-card debt. I

The gold standard, and most popular, is


as 619 and below. The average U.S. rating for

Fair Isaac Corporation, a Minneapolis-based

FICO is 704 and 671 for Vantage.


the FICO score. The acronym stands for the

company that developed the scoring system in the 1950s. The FICO score is much like your


financial grade point average. It is an indication

Existing or future employers can and do pull

of how well you’ve handled various credit

your credit reports, although not the credit

obligations, she said.

score. A nationwide survey by the Society for Human Resources Management found


that 58 percent of all employers in every

According to Khalfani-Cox, the VantageScore

industry conducted employment-based credit

is a rival of FICO, and was developed more than


a decade ago by the three credit reporting agencies: Equifax, Experian and TransUnion.

According to Khalfani-Cox, it’s not just those



who are in government or financial positions

propriety scoring systems so now you have an

who are likely to be screened for good credit

insurance score, a risk score and bankruptcy











competes with the FICO to help lenders gauge

“In every industry now, credit screening is

your level of risk numerically.

growing,” she said. “So, you don’t want to be out of the running for a job just because you

“How likely is this person to repay a loan?” she

have bad credit.”

said. “That’s literally all that a credit score was developed to do – to tell lenders who’s going

Other people or institutions that can see your

to be risky and who’s not going to be risky.”

credit include landlords, insurance companies and lenders.

Breaking down the values attached to the FICO and VantageScore ratings, Khalfani-Cox said

Even beyond that, good financial health

that if you fall into the 760-850 range, your

impacts our relationships as well. Khalfani-Cox

credit rating is perfect; 759-700 is considered

cited a study from the Federal Reserve that

good while 699-650 is average. However,

found that couples that had disparate credit

you are considered so-so if you are 659-620.

scores, for example, one had a 750 and the

A poor or subprime credit rating is classified

other had a 610, were more likely to divorce or


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break up. According to the same study, couples

more reflective of what’s going on with your

who had high credit scores were statistically

credit score.”

more likely to stay together and have longerlasting relationships.


“FICO has revealed the secret sauce,” KhalfaniKhalfani-Cox said that these results make

Cox said. “They have told us the formula.”

sense. The formula helps us to infer the actions we “I’ve been through all the ‘dreaded Ds.’

should take to help us boost our scores, as



well as know those that would be detrimental.

through all that,” she said. “When you have

As she put it, the following are the keys to the

financial stressors in your life, it will impact

perfect credit score kingdom.




your relationships.” 1. Payment history – This category counts for INFORMATION






35 percent and is the number one determinative


factor in your credit score. In essence, are you

There are myths and misconceptions about

paying your bills on time? So, your age, race or


gender has no bearing from a computational







score. People mistakenly think that race,

standpoint on your score.

income, gender, nationality, employer, sexual orientation and other factors impact one’s

2. Total debt – Thirty percent of your credit

credit score. However, there is a law that helps

score is based on the amount of debt that

to prevent bias in the process.

you’re carrying, specifically the amount of credit card debt.

“I talk to many African American audiences,” she said. “And, sometimes, black people will

3. Length of credit history – The longer and

tell me ‘you know, they ding us. …Yeah! The

more established your credit history, the

man is dinging us.’ ”

better. This category accounts for 15 percent of your credit score.

Her response? 4. Types of credit – Ten percent of your score “Did you pay your bills on time? That’s really


is based on the mix or different types of credit


that you have. Having a healthy mix of credit

different viewpoint.

gives you a higher credit score. “Any form of debt can be ‘bad’ debt,” she 5. New inquiries – The final 10 percent is based

said. “Any form of debt can become excessive.

on inquiries or new applications for credit.

Any form of debt can keep you in bondage. Any form of debt, if you don’t have a strategy


around repayment, is bad debt.”

First and foremost, pay your bills on time. Remember that thirty-five percent of your

She emphasized the need for a strategy around

score is based on this category. Khalfani- Cox

repayment, not a payment plan. Lenders will

warned against missing payments.

always have a plan for repayment that works in their favor, once interest is applied. Therefore,

Keep credit card balances low. Credit card

you should have a payment strategy for how

debt is the place to which we should apply

you will most quickly get yourself out of debt


and reduce the interest you pay over time.






Additionally, don’t “max out” the credit cards, and try to not to go over 30 percent of the

Only apply for credit when you truly need it.

available limit.

A single inquiry stays on your account for two years, and it counts against your FICO score

Keep older and established accounts open.

for a year. An inquiry can lower your score

Even when you have paid off a card, you should

one-to-35 points on average.

still keep the account open because having a longer, robust history is more favorable to your

You can request the presentation slides by emailing

score. In fact, closing accounts often lowers

Khalfani-Cox at For

your FICO score, Khalfani-Cox said. And, once

more information, visit

you’ve closed them, it’s a done deal.

Avoid “Bad” Forms of Credit. In the popular view, there is good debt and bad debt. For example, people often consider mortgage and student loans as good debt and credit card debt bad. However, Khalfani-Cox has a

You can have perfect credit even if you have been less than perfect. LIVING

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The best thing about the beginning of a new year

4. Use your tax return to pay off debt or to add

is the opportunity to start over. It is the perfect

to your emergency fund. No one expects to be

time to review or create resolutions and goals.

laid off, to experience a government shutdown or

This clean slate provides a definite beginning and

to get sick. However, these things happen. Having

ending for us to determine our growth.

a fund to assist when they do is priceless.

We have compiled a list of suggestions to help

5. Talk to your family about your finances. If you

you set this year up to end it in the black.

are working on staying in the black, make sure it doesn’t happen in a vacuum. Make changes as

1. Create a budget and a plan to help you stick

a family so that everyone is working together to

with it. Understanding your income and expenses

achieve the goals.

is critical to developing wealth. If you are not living with a budget, build one now. If you have

6. Get an accountability partner. Find a friend

one, update and tweak. For more information on

or family member that is willing to help you stay

creating a budget visit or read

on track financially. This person needs to remind

Say Yes to No Debt: 12 Steps to Financial Freedom

you of your goals, help you stick to your budget

by dfreeÂŽ Founder Dr. DeForest B. Soaries.

and celebrate your accomplishments along the way. You can do for this for them as well which

2. Develop financial goals. Consider the life you

will reinforce the importance of this relationship

want to live and how much it will cost. When

for both of you.

developing your goals consider that there are three types: short-term, which are less than one

7. Cancel unused subscriptions. Stop throwing

year; mid-term, longer than a year and less than

money down a black hole and use those funds to

five years; and long-term greater than five years.

pay off debt or to add to your savings. This can

Review your goals every six months and adjust as

often feel like found money because you are not


giving up anything that you regularly use.

3. Check your credit reports for accuracy. You

8. Increase your financial education weekly. Join

are entitled to a free credit report from each of

us at and read our blogs, news,

the three credit reporting agencies (Equifax,

listen to our podcasts, take a class and follow us

Experian, and TransUnion) annually. You can

on social media. We are continually providing new

request all three reports at once, or space them

content to educate and inform.

out throughout the year. Get your free reports at

18 | LIVING action.

We wish you a prosperous 2019!













the economic gap that exists between races, Walker said.

Your Money panel during the 2018 dfree® Homecoming





Joining Walker to further this conversation

audience. Walker, who is the vice president for

were panelists Stacy Tisdale and Delvin Joyce.

Cultural Insights, Activation Brand Marketing & Advertising at Prudential, asked participants

Tisdale is the author of The True Cost of

how many of them expected to receive some

Happiness: The Real Story Behind Managing

form of inheritance from a parent or family

Your Money and serves as the CEO and

member. Thirty-eight percent of the largely

president at Mind Money Media Inc. She has

black audience responded yes.

worked as a financial journalist for over 20 years with organizations such as Wall Street

However, this number does not represent the

Journal Television, CNN, CBS and many others.

larger population. Among college-educated

She believes that these positions provided her

black families, about 13 percent will receive an

a unique vantage point to witness how people

inheritance of more than $10,000, as opposed

relate to money.

to about 41 percent of white, college-educated families. Eliminating this disparity must be a

“Few things work as simply as money,” Tisdale

key part of the discussion if we hope to shrink

said. “Don’t spend more than you have, don’t


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borrow more than you can afford to pay back.

group, and black women are the fastest growing demographic of entrepreneurs. This means that

“Yet money is a leading cause of substance

an extremely large amount of accumulated

abuse, divorce, depression, and anxiety,” she

wealth can potentially be transferred to future


generations. Yet, this also requires working with professionals to determine the best course of

Such realizations led her on a journey to


educate others about the emotional aspects of money and how our culture, race, gender and

“Everybody has an estate plan,” Joyce said.

self-perceptions affect our financial decisions.

If we don’t create a plan for ourselves, the state or government will determine how our

Coming from the world of sports, Delvin Joyce

possessions are distributed to our heirs.

is a former running-back for the New York Giants. However, his college background in economics and business provided him with a different skillset in the locker room; he often found himself advising teammates about their financial affairs. After leaving the NFL, he furthered his education before joining Prudential as a financial planner specializing in fee-based strategies. Joyce said that he believes that estate planning is one way to build a meaningful legacy for our children.

Because African Americans have historically been taken advantage of by financial institutions in America, many are reluctant to work with financial advisors. This trend is problematic because African Americans also represent some of the fastest growing segments of the

That planning process should start with making a will. Creating a will is usually inexpensive and saves your loved ones the time and heartache of having to make tough decisions after you have passed.

economy. Black households earning more than $200,000 are increasing faster than any other


According to Walker, only 32 percent of African

Fortunately, for those of us just starting out

people choose not to engage in this process

with an estate plan, technology is making this

because they believe that they have nothing

process much easier. Computers, smartphones

substantial to leave their heirs. However, as

and the internet make it simple to contact

Joyce pointed out, getting started with a real

professionals for advice and find information

plan is easier than most people think. Many

that can inform your decisions. If you don’t

of us think of life insurance as a resource to

have a will already in place, it is time to make

handle final expenses. In reality, life insurance

one. If you don’t know what strategy will work

can be used as a wealth-building tool. It can

best for you, talk to a planner. The most crucial

be one of the most accessible ways to transfer

part of the process is deciding to create a plan

wealth because it allows you to pay into it over

for the future, and then taking those first steps.


Americans have any kind of estate plan. Many

time like a savings account.

For instance, Tisdale purchased a life insurance policy for her son known as a VUL (variable universal life) plan. This kind of policy carries a cash value that can be used for emergencies, or large investments such as the down payment on a home. Strategies like these make beginning to plan for your estate seem more within reach.

The panel also spoke about the impact that retirement planning can have on your estate. For example, they reiterated that it is important to save for retirement even before your child’s education. Without a solid retirement plan, your economic burden will eventually land on your child’s shoulders. Joyce says, “They give student loans for college, but not for retirement”.

Don’t spend more than you have, don’t borrow more than you can afford to pay back. LIVING

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Q&A with STACEY TISDALE How did you hear about dfree®? “Through a relationship with Prudential, and

Were you taught about finances as a child? “We are all taught about finances as children;

through my work at Black Enterprise as a

it’s what we are taught and how we absorb

financial journalist. I really learned about

it. My first lessons about money were very

dfree® from being a part of the financial

unique because I was a young figure skater.

media and behavioral finance that looks to help people move out of destructive patterns they might have that don’t serve their wellbeing. Pastor Soaries is really the embodiment of that. So, his story, and his work, and the

At 11 years-old I moved away from my parents to work with different coaches. So, really, my first messaging was don’t worry about it. It was, you just worry about the skating and we will worry about the money. This has been a

inspiration that it can provide people, to

blessing and a curse. The blessing in it has

remember that they have that power within

been my own work to help people identify

themselves, really drew me to the message.”

their messages, and it was very helpful to see that message in myself. It’s also a blessing because I don’t naturally worry about money. It’s just a matter of understanding these messages so you can step away from them when they don’t serve you or embrace them when they are good.”


Who will you share the dfree® message with?

ever been given?

“Everybody; dfree® is a state of mind! It’s your

“It is a quote from the spiritual advisor named

attitude about debt that will really make you

Muktananda, ‘You are already perfect. If you

dfree®. I work hard to help people remove the

don’t believe that its due to a poverty of your

stigma around debt. The number one reasons

understanding. Get rid of that understanding

people go into debt are health concerns and

and you will be rich.’”


What is the best financial advice you have

divorce; it’s life, it can happen to anybody. The stigma we have that being in debt makes you

What financial tips or strategies would you like to share? “Use technology to get you to places you thought you couldn’t go. There are apps out there that let you invest your spare change

a bad person is simply not true. Freeing yourself from that stigma emotionally and psychologically is extremely important if you truly want to call yourself dfree®.”

like Stash or Acorn. They are bringing people who thought they could not afford to invest into the markets. Understand that it’s not the

What do you want your legacy to be? “That I helped people be dfree® mentally.”

amount of money you have, but what you do with the money that comes through your life. Understand that self-worth has nothing to do with net-worth, and it’s only money.” Do you have a financial accountability partner? “I do, I have a financial advisor, my exhusband and he is an excellent financial accountability partner. I also have friends that I speak openly with. I know that Pastor Soaries and dfree® speak a lot about this, but when you tell someone about your goals you have an 80 percent higher chance of attaining those goals. That’s why that helping relationship is such a critical component to creating financial wellness”.


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From left to right: Cappie Pondexter, Denise Pyfrom, Sheri Riley, Dana Brown

Think living off of a multimillion-dollar sports or entertainment contract sounds amazing? Well, OK, we agree, it does sound fabulous. Our dfree® conference attendees were treated to a panel discussion with professional athletes and behind-the-scenes magic makers from the entertainment industry who helped pull back the curtain and gave us a peek into the lifestyles of the rich and famous. So, whether you are already a millionaire or a proud member of the dfree® pre-rich movement, we have some tips to help you live within your budget and retain your wealth for years to come. 24 | LIVING

Sheri Riley, author of Exponential Living and entrepreneur with more than 30 years of experience in the entertainment industry.

borrow money can be a problem because if

at any age, our panelists harnessed their God-

you are not careful, “the money goes really

given talents and skills to become financially



While becoming instantly wealthy can happen

successful early in their careers. When Cappie Pondexter signed her contract with the WNBA, she was just 23 years old and became her family’s first-generation millionaire. Growing up in a single-family household, she was fortunate to have her mother to help guide her. However, when it came to instant wealth, she said, “we never experienced anything like this. It all came so fast. It was kind of like trial and error for us. Along the way, we had to learn, and we are still learning.”

Dana Brown was drafted by the Philadelphia Phillies after attending Seton Hall and has spent his entire career in professional baseball. With nearly 30 years’ experience in the major leagues, he now works with high school athletes who have just signed their first bigleague contracts and tries to help them avoid “an entourage of mess.” According to Dana, “the minimum contract is $550,000 and the highest paid player is currently from New Jersey and is earning $36 million per year. The contracts are guaranteed, so players who lack financial discipline tend to go crazy and invite unnecessary problems into their lives.” He warns that with money comes power and prestige where women and sex can be a problem. Even family members who want to

Cappie Pondexter, a 13-year veteran of the WNBA, currently with Indiana Fever, and an entrepreneur. When it comes to the entertainment industry, Sheri Riley uses her marketing skills to help clients land mega-contracts and her compassion to help them avoid some costly financial mistakes. We’ve all seen advertisements where a celebrity musician or athlete is driving a Rolls-Royce, drinking champagne in their infinity pool or walking down Rodeo Drive carrying a $10,000 handbag. That’s the marketing part of Sheri’s job – getting clients to appear in ads alongside high-end luxury brands. The luxury brands benefit because fans see their favorite celebrity living that lifestyle and want to be a part of it. The singer or athlete benefits because they get additional exposure and a lucrative paycheck. Sounds perfect – right? Unfortunately, not LIVING

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everything is as it seems. The ads create a

artists, entertainers and athletes they don’t

perception that the celebrity can afford to

know the importance of building a solid team

drive an exotic car or live in a multimillion-

around them. A team can help propel an

dollar mansion. However, the reality might be

individual forward and not only gain wealth

that the artist’s recording contract is worth

but to sustain it – especially when the ball

$600,000, not $10 million. Not surprisingly,

has stopped bouncing or the music has

problems begin to arise when the artist wants

stopped playing.” She continued, “it’s OK to

to live up to their perceived image even when

be on a budget. It’s OK to not live a crazy

it is vastly outside of their actual means.

lifestyle. It took me some time to gain the right

That’s where Sheri’s compassion comes in.

perspective and realize that I would not be in

She invests in her clients, as individuals, and

this position forever. The ability to maintain

helps them separate perception from reality.

and live a certain lifestyle is more important

She helps her clients understand that when

than living a pretentious life.”

the cameras are turned off, they need to live within a lifestyle that is consistent with their fiscal reality.


Denise recommends the same advice she gives





she interacts with – “do not make your own personal, financial and life decisions based on what you see your peers do. Just because your peers may be flashing their cars and flashing their material items does not mean that’s what you should be doing. Don’t try to live

Dana Brown, Special Assistant to the General Manager of the Toronto Blue Jays.

off of their reality. You have to be honest with yourself and what will work for you both in the long term and the short term.”






collaboration are vital. You need to be educated and informed about your finances and business.

For Cappie, “the most important thing an individual can do is to build a team. For many


She recommends ensuring you have the right team around you including attorneys and

accountants and be sure to vet them carefully.

With a smile, Dana says, “when the individual

And, most importantly don’t leave your finances

made his first $40 million, he was initially

up to your team!

pretty loose with his finances, but then after he made $100 million, he got smarter.” The friend finally took control of his finances and ran his life like a business, including signing off on all of his expenses. While he had accountants and lawyers, he knew how important it was to check his finances and didn’t delegate away that critical responsibility.

To avoid problems, he “strongly encourages players to have a strong spiritual background, take advantage of programs like dfree®, and Denise Pyfrom, Associate Manager, Global Partnerships at the NBA.

have an accountability partner. Whether your accountability partner is your wife, your best friend or God without one, you are fixin’ to see

“There are too many examples where professional

a train wreck!”

athletes and entertainers have focused on being on the court, on the field or the microphone and they stopped educating themselves, or they didn’t educate themselves. And, consequently, in those instances, decisions have been made that were not in the individual’s best interest. So, to protect your interests, it is important to constantly educate yourself and work with others who have your best interests in mind.”

Dana recommends you Plan, Invest, and Check (PIC) – with an emphasis on checking to help protect your finances. He recalls a friend who earned more than $100 million in his career.

Despite what The Notorious B.I.G. said, Mo Money does not have to mean Mo Problems. By using the skills you have obtained through the dfree® program, keeping a strong moral compass and by incorporating the advice of our experts you can enjoy your wealth without the headache!

Don’t make your own financial decisions based on your peers. LIVING

| 27

SPEAKER PROFILE DENISE PYFROM Denise grew up attending First Baptist Church of Lincoln Gardens with an incredible family. Her parents are firstgeneration college graduates and pushed for her and her brother to strive to be the best. The lessons paid off and Denise graduated Boston College in 2014 and her brother graduated the Naval Academy and is currently serving as a Lt. Commander. In her current role with the NBA, she manages the relationships for the biggest sponsorship accounts. In this capacity, she

CAPPIE PONDEXTER A 13-year veteran of the WNBA and a winner of two championships and a gold

deals with multimillion-dollar contracts and helps bring organizations together to promote shared values and convey their brands in the most authentic way.

medal. She also is an entrepreneur who started an image consulting company in New York and has been working with Capital Records for the past year and a half. She even has a few movie credits on her very impressive resume!

For Denise’s family, her parents attending college was a big deal. It broke the cycle and introduced the possibility of education and





instilled many values in her life that she still holds near and dear to her heart. One

In her own words, “I’m fine with budgeting myself. I’m fine with not being able to shop every single day or try to keep up with the Joneses. I think that, at the end of the day, we are all born to die; and, once we realize that we are way bigger than what we are associated with - then I think we will be able to live a prosperous life.” 28 | LIVING

of the biggest lessons was illustrating how education can provide a solid foundation for the future.

DANA BROWN Dana has been in professional baseball for nearly 30 years. A native of New Brunswick, New Jersey, he attended Seton Hall University and was drafted by the Philadelphia Phillies before becoming a coach. Dana spent several seasons working as a scout for the Pittsburgh Pirates, Montreal Expos and the Washington


Nationals. As a member of the front office

Sheri was a marketing executive working

staff for the Toronto Blue Jays, he helps

with top performers including Usher,

young players stay grounded and coaches

Toni Braxton and Outcast, to name a

them to make wise decisions in all aspects

few. In her twenties, she landed a very

of their lives.

lucrative position in the entertainment industry working at LaFace Records

He says, “our challenge is once these guys

in Atlanta. Sheri had the career, the

start to get paid; you have all kinds of

money and was even able to buy her

things coming down the track. And if they

mother a home at just 27 years old. And

don’t have the spiritual background and

despite her professional success, she

the program of debt free, dfree® like the

was miserable … absolutely miserable.

Pastor (Soaries) is putting out; we have an

Sheri realized she was spending 100

entourage of mess coming down the pike.”

percent of her time on only 10 percent of who she was.

She made the difficult decision to leave LaFace records and began her journey to live debt free and stress-free. On her journey, Sheri learned to live free in the pursuit of peace, clarity and courage. She truly believes that when you can achieve this, the wealth you obtain becomes a bonus and not the end goal. LIVING

| 29

eBay PRESENTS: the SELLERS PERSPECTIVE African Americans make up 14 percent of the

access and opportunity. He founded eBay with

U.S. economy and spend approximately $1.2

the mission to allow people around the world

trillion annually. Yet, while they comprise such

to connect with each other and create new

a strong force within the economy, on average

businesses. That was in 1995; now about 23

their accumulated wealth is staggeringly low.

years later, there are 175 million buyers on the

The average white person in America has a

platform in 190 markets around the world. This

median net worth of $118,000, but for their

platform allows everyday people to change

black counterpart, this number is $1,700.

their lives by making significant revenue. What eBay is doing is acknowledging that African

In October 2018, Dominique Hollins, Sellers

Americans are not only a large consumer base

Diversity Ambassador at eBay, chaired a

but are also capable of building real wealth.

panel at the dfree® Homecoming Conference to discuss ways her company is bridging this

The panel’s guests came from a diverse

income gap and working to make financial


opportunities available to everyone.

experiences. While each person had their own






reason for coming to eBay, they have all been Pierre Omidyar, a French born Iranian-American

able to make it a reliable source of income that

immigrant, founded eBay when he was only 28

has helped them successfully eliminate debt

years old. Hollins told of Omidyar’s belief that

and improve their lives.

while we are all born equally capable, we are not born with equal 30 | LIVING

Kimberly Bocchi, a single-mother from Pittsburgh

week. The most recent item that Mr. Cirilli sold

48. The most obscure things she ever sold on

was an empty iPhone box for $20. He stresses

eBay were six White Castle mugs that she bought

the importance of looking for value where

from a yard sale for $5 and then sold for $139.

others might not see it.


operates an eBay store called, LOVE VINTAGE

Last year, she made $30,000 working part time on the platform. She is using this money to invest

Back in 1995 the first item that ever sold on

in her family; these funds allow her to pay for her

eBay was a broken laser pointer. When Pierre

children’s college education without taking on

Omidyar saw the order, he was concerned and

additional debt.

called the customer to make sure he knew the item didn’t work. Sure enough, the purchaser

Imogene Harvey-Armstrong started selling on

collected broken laser pointers. Recently, a

eBay in 1999 with the same goal many of us

tattered teddy bear was sold on eBay to a

have - to reduce debt. She wanted to pay down

survivor who carried a similar bear through

her car loan while she continued working her

the worst years of the Holocaust. Just like the

IT job. In 2009 she was laid off, but by that

laser pointer, to most people the teddy bear

time, she had paid off her debt and was able

would appear to have no value. However, to

to make eBay her full-time career. Imogene

another person it might be a treasure. For this

sells all kinds of products but, most recently,

reason, the laser pointer was bought back

used shoes. She says that it is not uncommon

from the original purchaser and now sits at the

to pay $5 for a pair of shoes that will later sell

eBay headquarters.

on eBay for over $100. In the week before the To get started on eBay all the panelists share a

conference, she made $1200 on eBay.

few simple recommendations: Domenico






background, and lives in Hoboken, New Jersey.

First, take action. If you don’t have the eBay app,

He has been operating DNCs BAZAAR on

download it. One of the biggest advantages to

eBay for more than six years, where he sells a

selling on eBay is that you can make money

variety of goods. Cirilli came to eBay because

any time, even while you are sleeping- but

it does not cost a lot of capital to get in to

not if you aren’t using the platform. The eBay

the business, just a desire to work and build a

community is eager to offer help with any

solid reputation. Currently he works full time

questions that you might have when you are

on eBay and makes an average of $1000 each

getting started. LIVING

| 31

Next, look for things that you are interested in or knowledgeable about. If you have a passion for fashion, try selling clothes.

Finally, keep at it! Don’t think that your first sale on eBay will allow you to retire. Making money on eBay requires hard work, dedication and organization. Each person on the panel reports working several hours each day doing research, responding to buyers and shipping items. However, they all say they were surprised how easy it was to get started and begin making real money.

The new technology-based economy allows for opportunities that have not always been accessible to people of color. eBay’s mission to empower individuals with access to sell goods on a worldwide market intersects perfectly with the dfree® vision to reduce debt, gain financial freedom and empower ourselves.


Take action. Keep at it!



| 33

BEST FINANCIAL ADVICE One of the steps to building generational wealth is teaching your family members about finances so they are keenly aware of how to make smart money moves. During the dfree® Homecoming Conference we asked people if their families discussed finances with them when they were young or ever. Their responses appear below.

Money goes where you tell it. Money does what you make it do. If you want it to grow, you put it where it can grow. If you want it to disappear you spend it on things that will not return any sense of value to your life. PASTOR TREVOR HYDE ASSOCIATE PASTOR,BEREAN BAPTIST CHURCH

Proper saving, proper planning and proper insurance coverage. A little of me and a little of dfree®. SANDRA DELMONTE


The best financial advice I’ve ever received is to do today what my future self will thank me for. DOMINIQUE HOLLINS SELLERS DIVERSITY AMBASSADOR,


Your 401K should not be considered liquid money. In terms of self-preservation, have an emergency fund. Start small and build it up.



Be sure you can really retire. You must know how to budget. You think you have money but then someone gets sick. The rainy day will come.


The best financial advice given to me is a formula from my mom: 10, 10, 8, 72. Those numbers are for investing in yourself, investing in others, saving and spending.


As a kid, I was told to save a certain percentage of money. Even from gift cards. It became a rule and a habit through life. I didn’t understand that you could get money and not save it.


“ “

If you can’t pay for it in cash, you can’t afford it. Other than a mortgage, day-to-day items are something you should be able to buy in cash.


From the time I was a little kid my grandmother told me that I could never go wrong saving. It disciplines you in all aspects of your life. This was from old people who didn’t have a lot of money or education. Don’t spend it, save it.




| 35

YOU ASKED, WE ANSWERED. A brand new site, innovative features, completely free. It’s never been easier to pay down debt and save money. For more information, visit





DIGGY TAKES ON FAME & FORTUNE WITHOUT LOSING FAITH Being born into a famous, wealthy family does

he said he still looks to others for guidance.

not define how Diggy Simmons (aka Daniel Dwayne Simmons III) conducts himself. Even

For example, there are some powerful lyrics

as his career as a rapper, actor and model has

found in his first single “It Is What It Is” on his

started blowing up exponentially, he follows

new album Lighten Up from Empire Records.

the life lessons -- faith, music, frugalness and

“We put God before dollar signs,” Diggy told

fashion -- handed down by his loved ones. The

the youth audience, during the recent dfree®

head of the household and Diggy’s role model

Homecoming conference, and explained that

is Reverend Run (aka Joseph Ward Simmons),

it means “Whatever it is that you believe in,

one of the founding members of the hip hop

you’re putting that first; we’re not putting God

group Run–D.M.C. and a practicing minister.

aside. That’s what I’m about.”

With a new album dropping, a recurring role

Diggy said he received that message loudly

on the television show grown-ish and modeling

and clearly when he heard a recent Quincy

gigs for the likes of Dolce & Gabbana, you’d

Jones interview: “’As soon as you start thinking

think Diggy, age 23, has it all figured out. Nah;

about money, God walks out of the room.’ It is LIVING

| 37

what that lyric is based on.”


Rev. Run instilled the idea of keeping faith and frugality in his life, he said “I don’t let the unnecessary things catch my attention for too long,” Diggy noted. “I might invest if I see something that would be a great investment or has longevity…But with a big purchase, I’ll ask myself, is it something I need or is it trendy?”

they know what’s possible. SMART MONEY MOVES

Saving is one of Diggy’s smart money moves to protect his future. He counts on having people like his dad and financial partners who really care. They continue to teach him what to do with his money…and to avoid doing the wrong things with it, he said. One of Diggy’s passions is about where he invests his money and the lessons he shares with others, especially young people.

It’s fine to say no and not to purchase things just

“Put money into yourself; invest in your future

because people on Instagram are telling you to

and what you believe in,” he stressed.

do so, Diggy continued. His idea – buy something that you think will be “dope or fly forever, not just because it’s fly for the moment.” Immediate gratification is a waste, he said.

Another one of Diggy’s favorite things about being in a position of celebrity is that he can share some life lessons. “I love speaking to kids,” he said. Diggy still relates to younger people

As far as living his life on a budget, even for

because he felt inexperienced and unsure of his

Diggy, it’s an ongoing process. “I am learning

path when he was younger. “Feel better about

to budget myself. When you are young and

yourself; you don’t have to overthink; keep

frivolous, you tend to do whatever,” Diggy said.

God in tow when you can be a vessel to other

But, he also has financial accountability partners

people,” he said.

and accountants who have helped him budget and invest his money since he was 16.

He thinks it is important for students to know about financial behaviors, even at this early point

Philanthropy runs in the family, which has its

in their lives. Habits start when you are young,

own foundation, Art For Life. Diggy said the

he said. “Whatever habits you start to fall into

foundation brings the arts to schools in lower

right now, is the way you are going to start living

income areas that don’t have funding for a music

your life,” Diggy told the crowd of more than

or art program. “One of my favorite things is that

800 mostly high school students. “They need to

it gives kids an opportunity to explore,” he said,

know what it is to be responsible. Save for the

adding that their talent can stretch further if

things that are actually necessities, like having


food or somewhere to live.”

That goes for life choices as well. Diggy’s dad encouraged him to follow his own career path.

Diggy said his legacy is to help people. What does that look like? He hears from individuals about how his music or lyrics have helped them through a rough patch, difficulties in school,

He said, “I had a really specific vision for myself, (not exactly like dad) and I didn’t let people get in front of my vision. Don’t let the outside noise crowd you.”

in the military serving in the Middle East, or a family member’s passing. “Those are full circle moments and why I do what I do, for real,” he said. Diggy also has let go of the idea of perfection. For young people who feel trapped by perfection, his best advice is to have fun with your craft. “A lot of my perfectionism came from worrying. I thought too much about what other people think, the business aspect [of my career] and who was going to accept or like it,” he explains. “I worried too much about perception. With social media, that’s all we’re worrying about. That’s a distraction. Go back to the root about what you’re doing and that’s the love.” DON’T FEEL THE PRESSURE; BE FREE TO BE UNIQUE

Today, Diggy doesn’t feel the pressure to live an extravagant lifestyle. “I like to wear a lot of vintage clothing; my own style. It looks really cool but didn’t cost more than $50 to $60.” He isn’t opposed to getting designer clothing, which

We put God before dollar signs.

is nice if you want to treat yourself, “but I don’t let social constructs define me,” he explained.


| 39

Q&A with DIGGY SIMMONS How do you balance everything in your life? “Planning. Everything needs management. Family time, work, do things for health and body. You have to make time; you can’t just wing it. Something I had to learn.” What is an inspiration for you? What made you go into acting/music?

Where do you see yourself in 10 years? “In 10 years, I want a family. I want to tour a lot more, do more films with actors/directors who inspire me. Do more with people I love and who inspire me.” What one person (alive or dead) who you would want to meet?

“A lot of my new music was how I got into my

“James Baldwin. If you haven’t seen the

head too much. I had to tell myself that I need

film ‘I Am Not Your Negro’, it is a great

to do this for me. Take something that may


be a struggle or challenge to me and make it inspiring.”

Where did you grow up? “In Saddle River, New Jersey, which is not

What would you study if and when you go to college?

like Hollywood.” As Diggy says, I grew up “somewhere grounded.”

“I would study African American Studies in the next two to three years.”

What is the hardest obstacle you had to overcome?

What advice would you give to someone who wants to be in the acting industry? “Focus on your craft, acting classes, facilities that have group acting class. Do your research on classic films; watch people act.”


“Myself. Being able to get over not feeling good enough that I could do something. Selfsabotage. Getting in my own way.”

Oprah Winfrey famously said, “Luck is preparation

started a profitable house-flipping business in

meeting opportunity. If you hadn’t been prepared

Washington, D.C. and Maryland called Jr. Flips.

when the opportunity came along, you wouldn’t

Their dedicated work ethic has earned these

have been lucky.” Now imagine two people on

youngsters $250,000 profit after flipping their

vacation having a chance meeting with Oprah.

second home.

They ask her for some advice and decide to take it to heart. With six friends they started what

Jr. Flips is also the dfree® Young Money

would become a successful business. It sounds

Entrepreneurship Award recipient, and senior

like the beginning of a superstar business story,

executives include Co-CEO Dominic Hines

but here’s the twist. The six friends range in age

(eight), Co-CEO and designated boss and

from 8 to 14. That’s right, a group of encouraged

author Alianna V. Hines (nine), Heavy Lifter

kids with determination took an idea and

Amari Thomas (13), Architect Zamir Thomas




| 41


(13), the Brains and author Skylar M. Hines (14),

given to us, and the rest was put aside for the

and Mentor Monique Hines, who is also mom to

next house for us to buy,” replied Alianna.

some of the young people. In financial terms, an angel investor can provide They joined dfree® Founder Dr. DeForest B.

money to get an organization started, or they

Soaries, Jr. for a one-on-one conversation. Dr.

can receive a startup loan. Soaries shared that

Soaries shared how impressed he was by this

“At 9- and 14- years-old you didn’t have your

incredible group of young people and considers

own money, so you used what we call OPM or

himself the president of the Jr. Flips Fan Club.

Other People’s Money.” In this case, the money

He wanted everyone to know that at the age of

was provided by “Alicia Hines the lead mentor,

nine, he didn’t want to rake leaves, let alone take

real estate agent, investor, and my sister. She

on the heavy work of flipping a house. This type

has been flipping homes for four years and has

of endeavor requires a strong work ethic and

flipped 45 homes … Praise God,” said Monique

lots of effort, money management, teamwork,

Hines. Getting money to start a project can be

focus, and dedication.

a challenge. “You need money to make money,” offered Soaries.

People are fascinated with Jr. Flips and want to know more about the company. Alianna

Dr. Soaries shared how the last home he bought

explained, “We flip houses to make the world

and sold had the plumbing stolen from it. That

and community a better place. We try to inspire

seemed to be work beyond the youths’ abilities.

the world and the children to help us make the

Dominic shared that they completed some of

world a better place.” Dominic went on to say,

the work, “And we also have contractors who

“Basically we flip houses and make a profit. We

come in and help us with the work. We do a

sell homes to first-time homebuyers.”

good percentage, and the contractors do a good percentage.”

When people hear about Jr. Flips, the number one question they have is where do they get

During the renovation phase, these youngsters

their money to buy the houses? “You can always

tackle real-world adult issues of conflict, theft,

get investors. You can work,” offered Amir. “Our

deadlines, and inspections, all while they race

mentor started us off by giving us a loan for

to complete their flips before they run out of

our first house. We paid it back in less than six


months. Then once we sold the house some was


You can always get investors. You can work.

Mr. Harvey shared that the check was one of their larger ones that his foundation receives. Usually, people are asking him for money, and these kids were giving money to others. He was impressed.

Jr. Flips complete their work after school and on weekends. They give up traditional afterschool activities such as video games and hanging out in favor of investing in their future. To say they are not typical is an understatement. When asked how long they plan on flipping houses Alianna explained, “I plan to do this until I’m 16, 17, 18. After I finish with Jr. Flips and I’ve completed my mission that God has given me, I plan to go after my other dream job of being a fashion designer.”

This work is more than about just making money. Jr. Flips established a mission of 100 Homes for 100 Families, developed after returning home from taping the Steve Harvey television show. “People started reaching out to us and giving us job offers across the nation. That’s when we came up with the mission… so we didn’t leave anyone out,” said Amari.

The Jr. Flips were on Steve Harvey explaining who they are and discussing their business. You can see the segment at: com/watch?v=NEecXIjvInc& They were even able to shock Mr. Harvey during the interview. “We gave him a $3,000 check for his foundation for single moms,” said Dominic.

“A lot of people want to get rich so that they can have more for themselves. At dfree® we talk about the levels to financial freedom: you need to get started, get control, get ahead and then give back. In our history when slaves were freed, like Harriett Tubman, they always went back to get other people out of slavery into freedom, and that’s what I admire about Jr. Flips. You are giving back already,” said Dr. Soaries.

Not only did they give Steve Harvey $3,000 for his foundation, “They gave me $100 Macy gift certificate,” replied Dr. Soaries. He promised to use the card to purchase some socks. Soaries shared that the Jr. Flips’ passion is to help people, and the members of the company want to assist other young people in other cities that are interested in flipping.

“Along with our mission of 100 homes for 100 families we want to create affordable housing. We want to inspire other children who might want to get into flipping houses for themselves,” said Hines. They are in the process of launching their initiative with the hope that families will flip together.


| 43

Expect to hear more from Jr. Flips soon. They have been approached by eight television production companies and are looking to franchise their model to others. Also, they are partnering with dfreeÂŽ to bring their 100 homes into fruition within the next three to five years.


We want to inspire other children who might want to get into fipping houses for themselves.


Learn from a young entrepreneur the secrets of running a successful business. Discover the vital steps regarding starting, funding, growing, developing and promoting a venture. Take stock of your interests and skill set



while you review 25 possible business ideas. Understanding the different project phases is crucial to a thriving business.

Alianna V. Hines is the Co-CEO and boss of Jr. Flips, a house flipping business in Washington, D.C. Although only nine years old her business has made more than $250,000 in profit after flipping its second home. She has a passion to see other young people thrive and help the community.

You can purchase her book at Amazon or LIVING

| 45


A LEGACY OF FUTURE-FORWARD THINKING How do you erase three million in debt

lead the charge.

quickly? How do you empower the incredible women in your organization and throughout

Carmen McClendon, a member of Delta

your community to do just that?

Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. (DST), was selected from among members across the entire

The short answer is a partnership with dfreeÂŽ,

organization to head its national initiative,

which will help you provide those members a

Financial Fortitude. The initiative aims to

solid blueprint of tools and information needed

support members in all aspects of financial

to get the job done, and a powerhouse with a


passion for generational wealth building will

leadership recognized the widening economic






disparity gap throughout the country, and even

accessible support provided to members by

more acutely in its neighborhoods, as well as

dfree® is a key ingredient in that success.

ongoing threats to the sustainability of Social Security. So it sought to create an actionable

A proud daughter of Dallas, Texas, she was

plan of economic development for members

raised in a family with a strong prosperity

in both its alumni and collegiate chapters,

mindset. She can remember from a young age

and the communities they serve, believing

her grandparents owned property and worked

economic stability to be critical to community

it to create income and economic security for

strength and viability.

the family’s future. Rather than just enjoy the metaphoric and literal (peach) fruits of their

Ms. McClendon shared the DST success story

labor, they were always focused on working

at the recent dfree® National Homecoming

hard at accumulating wealth and assiduously

Conference in Somerset, New Jersey. She also

avoiding the distractions and trappings of

noted her family had a solid grounding in the

wasteful spending. They were deeply intent

principles of disciplined asset building, where

on being disciplined in building up wealth so

she observed and absorbed their drive to be

that each future generation following would


have less struggle, and, in so doing create a continuity of asset expansion. She went on to

Through its partnership with dfree®, DST’s

explain she holds this legacy vision for DST and

Billion Dollar Debt and Billion Dollar Wealth

community participants in the program. “We

challenges launched with respective aims of

want to see our children’s children be financially

financial freedom and wealth and property

free,” going on to explain the endgame is not


just debt repayment, but long-term property





successfully motivating chapter members to

ownership and good investments.

identify and customize needs and goals, and to leverage friendly rivalries between chapters







all across the nation to goal setting and

selected by DST leadership to helm the

achievement. McClendon notes the success of

financial empowerment initiatives in no small

these initiatives “demonstrates what you can

part because she has more than 30 years

achieve if you apply yourself. dfree® helps

of experience in finance. She has a clear

us in that mission of serving the communities

understanding of the role building individual

where we live.” She also credits the practical

capacity and accountability plays in the end

approach to financial empowerment and

result. Her first entree into the world of finance LIVING


| 47


came quite by coincidence. She took a part time job at a bank because her parents told her she could not graduate from college with debt. McClendon turned this goal into a challenge for the current DST collegiate chapters. Not one to step there she turned her family’s philosophy of future focus with financial literacy. Through it, she also recognized the vital importance of mentorship. Ms. McClendon said, “I was mentored by strong people [to see] something in me I perhaps did not see in myself at such an early age.” Mentorship is powerful in lifting up individuals to realize their potential and goals. Providing access to financial knowledge and support for members and the community via the dfree® partnership is fulfilling a critical role in providing financial mentorship.

The dfree® partnership with DST is an exciting innovation. However, it’s not exclusive to this organization, they just responded first to the dfree® challenge given to nine prominent African American Greek organizations in this country, and the first to see its members realize great benefit from that engagement. If your sorority, fraternity, or other organization is interested in receiving customized strategies or solutions to assist its members in achieving financial stability and empowerment, please contact our engagement team at or 1.844.mydfree (693-3733) for more information.


I was mentored by strong people to see something in me I perhaps did not see in myself at such an early age.

LIVING dfree速 with TAMIKA TALKS Our fearless leader, Tamika Stembridge, Esq.,

African American women are the most educated

executive director of dfree

is embarking on

and the most likely to start a new business of

a new role to assist African American women

all African Americans, she considers the legal,

to live an authentic and financially free life.

cultural, emotional and spiritual implications

Premiering in early 2019 exclusively on YouTube,

that need to be discussed. All while keeping you

Tamika will bring the Living dfree e-magazine

entertained and inspired.

to life. Realize what is possible when you have the Prepare to celebrate the strength and culture

correct tools and knowledge. Tamika acts as

of African American women on their journey.

your mentor in the world. She introduces you

Discover new tools as you learn and invest in

to the right people, helps you avoid pitfalls, and

yourself. Be inspired by people who have dealt

provides advice on what to do when the worst

with extreme situations and turned their lives

happens. She gives insider tips and information

around to thrive and grow. All while enjoying the

to assist you with not just having a life, but living

wit, wisdom and compassion that Tamika has to

it dfree速 and with purpose.

offer. Join Tamika as she helps you to stay in the black. Expect Tamika to ask the pertinent questions

Stay tuned for release dates.

that matter to viewers. Understanding that LIVING

| 49

LEADING THE PACK: LESSONS FROM THE dfree® CHAMPIONS Cham·pi·on. (noun). A person who fights

the audience, and moderator Chaney, the

on behalf of others.

importance of dfree® and the ways in which they have used the program to fight the

Before its modern usage to epitomize sports a




champion for


was and

advocacy. And, it is exactly on this note that Pastor Wayne Chaney, radio host, television personality and senior pastor of Antioch Church in Long Beach, California, opened the Leading the Pack: Lessons from dfree® Champions panel session at the dfree® Homecoming conference.

influences of popular and consumer culture while




and economic advancement in the lives of their congregations and communities. According to Bishop Horace E. Smith, M.D., senior pastor of Apostolic Faith Church in Chicago, it is a theological responsibility for pastors to work on improving the financial capacity of the congregation. Smith’s congregation has a history of positive financial stewardship and has purchased

For 40 minutes, the five panelists from churches around the country shared with 50 | LIVING

about 1,000 of the dfree® books.

justified in learning how to feed ourselves.”

church does not address becomes a major

For Quick, this meant making dfree® an

snare for those people,” Smith said. “In our

implicit part of his church’s theological

churches, we run from the issue of money

landscape through which he challenged his

and finances as if it’s carnal. We have made

congregation to become debt free.


“My theology is that any area that the

money carnal because we have not dealt with it from a Christ perspective. … We have to stop soft-pedaling money.”

“They’re not going to give us anything,” he said. “So, we have to create with imagination and theological integrity – ministries that

Without argument, external factors underscore

empower and enable. That’s why we’re

the importance of financial literacy for

important to dfree® and dfree® is important

churches. Pastor Dr. Dante Quick is the senior

to us.”

pastor of Friendship Missionary Baptist Church located in Vallejo, California – the first city in America to declare bankruptcy.

The high cost of living and gentrification changes are not unique to California or its residents.

“It’s important for us from the Bay Area because you’re considered poor, lower income at $116, 400 a year. A 600-square foot condominium in San Francisco is $1.8 million,” Quick said. “It would be theological malpractice not to do economic literacy in my church.”

Pastor Trevor Hyde, associate pastor of Berean Baptist Church in Brooklyn, N.Y., spoke to precisely the same issues affecting the young adults of his church. “From gentrification to $2000-a-month studio apartments, the financial struggle is real for young people. With all these worries,

Framing the issue in frank terms, Quick

church becomes an afterthought,” Hyde

acknowledged that reverse migration to


the South where the cost of living is more affordable is also affecting churches.

“You find now that young adults have to work one, two, three jobs, which means that ‘I can’t

“If I don’t teach my people how to live, I’m

come to church because I’m trying to survive,’”

unemployed,” Quick said. “And so, it was

said Hyde, the youngest member of the

important for us to let the church know

pastors’ panel. “And in our generation, we want

that God fed hungry people, but we are

to see whether or not the church cares about


| 51

where we are and what we’re struggling with.”

time the dfree® program was introduced, the concepts had become normalized and

Hyde said he made a commitment to God to pursue financial literacy as a ministry after

part of the church system. There was no pushback, Hyde said.

observing the CEO of the bank at which he was employed busing in children from all

In fact, he said that he was able to shepherd

over the city to teach them about finances

one of his congregants through paying off

and banking.

four credit cards within a year and a half, while having no income.

“One day, as I was walking upstairs, they had them around the conference room

“I took all of the person’s credit cards. They

table and I realized that none of the children

no longer had access to their credit cards,

looked like my children,” he said. “None of

and they allowed me to do that because I

the children looked like the people that I

represent the generation,” he said. “What it


did was break the habits before there was a real need for them to dig down deeper into

So, when he was in the position to act, Hyde started out with a school until he

the habits that had driven them deeper into debt.”

found dfree® and the work of Dr. DeForest B. Soaries, Jr.

Even as we work to break the bones of financial slavery, as described by Dr. Soaries and many

So far, Hyde has found success with young adults, and with his congregation. First, he

of the adult members of congregations, some are beginning the education much younger.

worked on changing the culture around money and financial literacy – a problem

To applause from conference attendees,

that Bishop Smith said is endemic to Black

Bishop Mark Tolbert, senior pastor of Victorious

churches. Hyde said that he began to prime

Life Church in Kansas City, Missouri, said that

his congregation with quarterly workshops

entrepreneurship education plays an integral

featuring experts, so that the members

role in the charter schools his church manages.

became acquainted with financial terms and concepts. Additionally, he used the pulpit to underscore the importance of financial education. Consequently, by the

“From kindergarten to eighth grade, every grade level has to have a business class,” he said. Tolbert is not above using creative tactics with his congregation. Describing


a Bible study group uneasy with money

“We are slaves to Nike. We are slaves to

discussions, he incentivized the group

Gucci,” Quick warned. “White people aren’t

by putting 25 percent of every offering

doing it to you as much as you’re doing it to


throughout the dfree sessions into a pot to

yourself and I think we have got to learn as

split between two congregants at the end.

pastors to not be afraid of losing members by not preaching a gospel that will offend

“Attendance went up dramatically,” he said

them while growing them.”

loudly, and to much laughter. Thomas continued the truth-telling. For all the panelists, the key to beginning the journey with their congregations was first

“You just have to change the way people think

working on changing the mindset toward

and realize that if I only have a little, I can only

financial literacy, while addressing reluctant

use a little,” he said. “Everybody wants to be

attitudes toward discussing money and

a millionaire, but nobody has mastered being

its concepts. Pastor Frank Thomas, senior

a thousand-aire or a hundred-aire even.

pastor of Mount Zion Baptist Church in High Point, North Carolina, warned against misplaced consumerist priorities. “One thing dfree® talks about is identifying your spending leaks,” Thomas said. “You ever walked out your house with $20 in your pocket and came home and don’t know where the $20 went? Those are spending leaks. You buy coffee. You buy chips. You buy … and before you know it, you don’t have any money.” Pastor Quick doubled down on this message by tying the legacy of slavery to a persistent emotional and psychological enslavement that has permeated every facet of African American life and culture.

“Master the level where you are,” Thomas emphasized to an eruption of applause. As for Quick, he is progressing rapidly within the dfree® program as he discussed moving from being a consumer to a producer so that he could own and build his own brand for the purposes of his legacy. “Because we are called to make our seed not have to beg for bread and that’s what we have to start to do generationally,” he said. The panel concluded with a reaffirmation of the role of preacher and the Black church, and an examination of Bishop Smith’s work in Chicago.


| 53

INSPIRATION A dfree® prayer was provided by Pastor

Lord God that you are changing our mind,

Antonia Winstead, Director of Pastoral Care at

you’re changing our life. When you change our

First Baptist Church of Lincoln Gardens.

life, you change our money; when you change our money, you change our lives.

Father God in the mighty name of Jesus, we are grateful to you because you are good all the

Gracious God our father, we thank you because

time. There’s not one thing we can do without

you enabled us to be in this house today. We

you. It is in you that we live and move and have

thank you that generations will be changed.


our very being. Lord, thank you for this dfree

We thank you for legacy changes in the earth.

Homecoming Conference. God, we are excited

We thank you for the Jr. Flips that at such an

about what this day is going to do for us. We

early age are establishing themselves in the

will never have another broke day in our lives

earth. We thank you for that knowledge, O

if we follow these rules. We thank you for the

God. We thank you that we are not in slavery

visionary that you gave this plan to. We thank

to the credit bureaus, but you are changing our

you that it’s global, worldwide.

destiny. We are excited even ahead of time. Your word says to recall those things that be

We thank you that you are repositioning your

not, as though they were. So even before we

people on the earth. Money is needed to get

leave, we call ourselves dfree®. We are dfree®

things done. We don’t love money; we love

because we are calling it into existence.

what money can do. We need money to live, and we need money to give. We thank you





We salute all of our (s)heroes and encourage you to make a difference by joining the Financial Freedom Movement. TO LEARN HOW VISIT MYDFREE.ORG 56 | LIVING

by DeForest B. Soaries, Jr.

Have you ever considered where you want to

that everything will work out, even with no

retire? Can your mind conjure up a specific

plan. The problem is that “We don’t put

place where your favorite things surround

action and motion into place to take care

you, and you’re living your best life? Salene

of things. Buying a lottery ticket is not a

Hitchcock-Gear, President, Individual Life

financial plan,” said Gear.



Insurance for Prudential, shared her vision for retirement with the attendees of the

Some people are great at stretching money

dfree® Homecoming Conference. Gear’s

to the point of making a dollar scream

plan is to retire somewhere on a beach near

because it has been taken further than

a coffee shop and a bookstore. If she finds

initially thought possible. Unfortunately, it

the ultimate beach without access to a

doesn’t earn anything for you. “We need

coffee shop or bookstore than she plans to

to get our mind around what is going to

open them herself. Meaning her retirement

matter. Don’t pay interest, earn interest.

must be well funded.

You don’t have to have a lot of money to live well,” said Gear.

Financial wellness is a term that is often used, but not always understood. “It is more

Start by planning for simple things that

than finances. It’s how you feel about your

make a difference. “Take care of what you

finances,” said Gear. In a 2016 Prudential

have, plan for your future and educate

survey, they discovered that 78% of people

yourself as much as you can about how

didn’t feel financially secure. That affects

to maximize what you have,” said Gear.

your health as well as your professional

Consider putting your money into three

performance. The question becomes how

buckets, “One, for now, one for later and

to do something about it.

one for much, much later,” explained Gear. Also, get help from a partner that can turn

The irony regarding our worry around

your daydreams into reality. The single

money is that while our fear may throw

biggest difference between people who

us off base, we continue to be optimistic

have more money saved and those who


| 57

don’t is a financial advisor. “Research shows a 40% differential,” said Gear.

Without a financial advisor when the market is hot, most people buy. Conversely, when the market is soft, people sell. “Financial professionals remind you that goals are long-term, markets are long-term,” said Gear. Your professional will educate you regarding changing markets and help you address the anxiety that can result in a fear mindset.

Financial professionals help you develop your plan, outline your goals and reach them. They are beside you every step of the way. Gear said, “Set up your plan, stick with your plan and realize your goals with Prudential.”

Go back to your dream of retirement. Are you ready to move it from the dream to reality category?

Set up your plan, stick with your plan and realize your goals with Prudential.


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| 59

SOCIAL MEDIA 101 with dfree®

DIGITAL AND SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING SPECIALIST CHLOE ADAMS dfree® has a thriving and engaged social media

marketing channel which refers to a channel of

presence. We are frequently asked about the

communication. It has been said there are over

importance of it to our movement and the role it

100 marketing channels and they include items

plays in our communications strategy. To answer

such as television, billboards, postal mailers,

our most frequent inquiries we put together

desktop apps, etc.

a session at conference to assist all interested parties.

Since social media is not a strategy it cannot be the only tool used for communicating with your

Social media is a form of electronic communication

audiences. Consider how people like to receive

found on the internet or mobile phones that allows

information from you. If you haven’t asked them

large groups of people to share information,

in a while develop a method for finding out.

ideas, personal messages and other content

Contemplate what they want to receive and how

(such as videos). This interaction allows for the

often. Develop a survey and present it to your

development of relationships around people,

audiences in numerous formats. For example, in

brands, products, services and the like.

an email message, in a newsletter, in a mailing, at an event (electronically or on paper), and if

A great misconception is that social media is a strategy. However social media is a 60 | LIVING

necessary, by phone.

considering expanding, analyze if you have the

happening in your organization on a regular

bandwidth to adequately support the outlets. If

basis. Keep your messages brief and on point.

not, it is better to excel on one channel than only

Additionally, your social media should always

do so-so on multiple channels.

connect to your overall marketing goals. If you haven’t developed marketing goals, they can be

Create a content strategy by focusing on telling

as simple as a statement of the results you want

your story. Be careful that it doesn’t get mixed

to achieve with your marketing. Be certain to

up with too many voices or different messages.

make your goals specific, measurable, attainable,

Be clear about who you are and what you are

realistic and timely (SMART).

trying to accomplish. Also, consider what types


Social media should be used to share what is

of content you want to share. Don’t plan a video Choosing the right networks is crucial. If your

campaign if no one on your team is comfortable

audience is on Facebook and you’re on Instagram,

working in the medium.

you are not connecting with them and they are not going to be informed of the great work being

Aside from knowing what to post, you will

accomplished by your organization. It would be

also need to determine how often to post. We

the same as holding a party at the park and all

suggest one to two times a day when getting

your guests showed up at the local movie theater

started. Increase that to three to five times a day

instead. The audience would still be entertained,

when comfortable and active. If you are a large

but your message wouldn’t be received.

organization, consider posting upwards of nine times a day. That can be across multiple platforms.

Once you are connecting with your audience determine if your message is resonating. If not,

Utilize a social media management tool that

tweak it. This can be easy to regulate by watching

allows you to preplan your posts and adjust them

your audience’s engagement with you. When

as necessary. The smaller your team, the more

they are liking, sharing and responding to you

vital this tool is to maintain a vibrant presence.

directly you know you are on the right track to

The most popular tool is Buffer and it supports

growing and retaining your audience.

Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and more.

The idea of connecting can be exciting and fun,


but plan against spreading yourself too thin. To

publication of content across different media,

start with pick one or two channels. If you are

such as, newspapers, newsletters, blogs and







| 61

social media outlets. This process will allow you

won’t to miss your opportunity to connect. Your

to appropriately space out how often you are

response schedule should provide answers at

connecting to your audiences and ensuring that

minimum once a day.

you don’t create gaps. We hope this information provides you with a Once you have started posting, track and

basic understanding of starting a social media

measure your results. This will allow you to see

presence for your organization. We wish you

your growth and or decline. Additionally, data

great success with your social endeavors!

can help you with potential partners. For some people your social presence is a sign of a strong

Uncovering Dark Social: The Essential Guide to


Dark Social in 2018. Uncovering Dark Social: The Essential Guide to Dark Social in 2018, GetSocial,

You may not have heard about Dark Social, but it

2018. Whitepaper

does matter. Dark Social is the sharing of content

that occurs outside of what can be measured by


web analytics programs. As of 2018, more than


2/3 of all content sharing occurs through Dark

Social. In other words, this content is shared


privately and not publicly through channels such

as instant messaging, email platforms, and social


smart phone applications. It’s hard to track, but not impossible.

One way to gather information is by using shortened URLs that allow clicks to be moved from the dark into the light. Another way is to ensure that your websites have easy to find and use share buttons. This is easier to track than if someone copies and pastes the direct URL. Lastly, ensure that your team regularly responds to questions posted on your social sites. People in the dark may reach out directly and you don’t




Well, 2018, it was real....really busy, really

loss) will require a more steady, long-term

fast, really productive, and really, really


enlightening. Meanwhile, understanding the goals for your By now we’ve prayerfully taken a deep

job or your business will require you to pace

breath and spent time with family and friends

your workload and flow accordingly.

to celebrate the holiday season. It is my hope that you’ve had time to pause, reflect, and

While time does fly, you don’t have to run to

consider setting your own personal pace for

catch it.

the new year. There will be periods of running, walking, It is very easy to run when everyone and

waiting, and resting depending on what

everything seems to be running.

you’re doing at each moment of each season,

But I’ve

experienced the most success when I’ve

even down to the day, of the year.

approached my life with a flow that matched the demands of my goals for the season.

But it starts with setting the goal, setting the pace, doing the work, and then prayerfully

Aggressive goals, like paying off something

seeing the fruits of your labor.

before tax time or securing a new client by the spring will require a more aggressive

Happy New Year and best wishes for a fruitful



Losing 50 pounds (and sustaining the weight LIVING

| 63


Prudential is here to help you make the decisions that will have a lasting impact on your financial wellness. For more information, please visit us at #PruEmpowers

dfree™ and Financial Freedom Movement™ are trademarks of the Corporate Community Connections, Inc., which is not affiliated with The Prudential Insurance Company of America or its affiliates, Newark, NJ. Each company is solely responsible for its own financial condition, content, liabilities and contractual obligations. 0317582-00001-00


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