My Creative Images - September 2018

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Welcome to My Creative Images All artwork is created with passion, dedication and emotion. In some cases the work started off as something very personal which was inspired by a feeling or a craving to create. One thing you can be assured of, is that all the artists featured this month create work that has meaning and they pour their passion into every pixel. This will become clear when you spend time looking and exploring each image. Ensure you look at the details, the textures and the brushwork (yes Photoshop has a digital paintbrush). Many of the artists embed a story or a message in their work, sometimes it’s obvious, other times it is so subtle that it only becomes clear from the title of the work or from asking the artist. Take a look at the featured work and if something jumps out at you or makes you pause and take a second look reach out to the artist via their website or social media page. They would love to hear from you! This months magazine is the first one with cover artwork created by one of the Featured artists, Tiyana Marjanovic. You will find more of her work in this magazine and on her website, make sure you check it out. Anyway enough from me, grab a brew and enjoy the artwork featured on the following pages.

The cover image on the right was created by me (James Hurley) using stock images and textures. All images in this publication are sourced / created by the artists, unless otherwise stated on their websites, or social media pages and as such must not be copied or sold without the express consent of the artist. This publication is created and owned by James Hurley, © 2018. Please feel free to share the magazine but do not make changes to any of the content.

“Fairy Pool” By James Hurley



Vivien Capper 4 Mike Gaskin 6 Tiyana Marjanovic - Cover Artist (September ‘18) 8 David Walker 10 Philip Hunter 12 Claude Trew 14 Jo Walsh 16 Margaret Rainey 18 Alison Bailey 20 Calum McDonald 22 Vivien Buckley 24 Pauline Fisher 26 Dawn Spears 28 Susan Jones 30 Norma Slack 32 Samantha Wells 34 Linda Rodger 36 James Hurley 38 Help Preserve the Cumbrian Fells 41 Become a Featured Artist 42 Promote your Artwork 42 Cover Competition 43 Previous Issues 44 - Promoting Digital Artists

Vivien Capper Hello. My name’s Vivien and I’m from the beautiful county of Kent, England though currently living and working near Rome in delightful Italy with its exciting, lively way of life and vibrant colours and designs. I started out as an artist in 1982 developing Indian ink artwork of a variety of subjects especially figurative artwork and abstract floral designs, then progressed into creative photography and digital artistry thanks to Sebastian Michael’s courses at ‘Photoshop Artistry’ and the advanced course ‘Awake’. My inspiration is drawn from my love of nature, figurative artwork and Italian design and I love using many textures, patterns and colours. I’m thrilled to have some of my artwork in various publications including: Living the Photo Artistic Life no.38, April 2018, My Creative Images issue one – issue five (April-August 2018) and I also gained an ‘honourable mention’ in the Shift Art Challenge in April 2018. More recently I was the winner of the Shift Art Challenge with a piece ‘The Mysterious Cobbled Street. If you would like to see some more of my art visit my Website

Psychedelic Dancer

Painting Parasols

Lady in pastel shades


Mike Gaskin My artistic name is NorfolkMike and my love is Photo Artistry. I mainly studied under Sebastian Michaels, starting with his Black and White course and then moved on to Photoshop artistry. This was followed by joining the more advanced AWAKE group and finally the very advanced group Kaizen. I love SteamPunk and turning landscapes into works of art. Web and social media sites: Website 500px Flickr Facebook

Sun Rider

The Fire Dancer

Sunrise over the lake

Hunstanton Cliffs


Tiyana Marjanovic - Cover Artist (September ‘18) Historian of Film and Art, Photographer, Painter, Gamer and above all a dreamer. Best described in words of others: “Through vivid colours and intuitive painterly sophistication, Tiyana’s work transcends the viewer to an imagined world that bleeds with nostalgic undertones. She has managed to arrest sacred moments whilst maintaining delicate movements of the details - something so slight as flowers dancing in a light breeze. The escape is familiarity created for a place existing without reference.” Dea Vanagan See more of Tiyana’s work on her website

Fire Horse


White Freedom 1

Barges galore

Votes for women

David Walker David Walker is a PhotoArt digital artist based in Yoxall, Staffordshire in the United Kingdom. He has been involved in PhotoArt since 2014 and photography since his teenage years. David exclusively uses his own photographs for the main subject of his original PhotoArt works. His passion is in landscape works, whether in the city or the countryside. He endeavours to soften the cold precision of photography by the introduction of a warmer artistic interpretation. Careful attention is paid to the importance of the intricacies and subtleness of the scene bringing to life a piece of art from what originally may have looked to be no more than a routine digital photograph. He uses many techniques, and many different programs to produce his unique works but he stresses that the original quality of the digital photograph is paramount in producing quality PhotoArt. A significant amount of development time is spent at the “front end” of the artistic process establishing using the preparation maxim of “Tone, Colour & Artistic Effects” as the primary route of preparing his works. In common with many of the exponents of this art form David uses the expression “Photo Art… pushing photography further” to most accurately describe the genre. See more artwork on his website.

Guarding the Honister Pass

Peaky Blinders


Philip Hunter Hi everyone, my name is Phil, I currently live with my wife in a pretty little village called Chipperfield in Hertfordshire. I’ve been interested in photography for many years but due to my work I moved around Europe over a 24 year period and it has only been in the last three years after moving back to UK that I now have time to indulge my passion and have made it a part of my daily routine. The Digital learning curve has been a steep one but also a very rewarding one, my digital knowledge three years ago was non-existent. I was very fortunate in being introduced to the Photoshop artistry course, Black-and-white photo shop artistry course and during the last year the Awake course which has added a whole new range of techniques to my repertoire. I am slowly and surely building up my portfolio. I try when able to create as much art as I can and am very drawn to the sea but living in the countryside north of London have limited occasion to do this. I also find cities with their hustle and bustle very intoxicating and try to capture this movement in as many ways as possible. However I do also shoot landscapes, occasional portraits, cars, plants and have been known to take pictures of paint splats on walls! Much to the bemusement of people around me. I have not forgotten my analogue roots and still regularly shoot film, which I process myself and digitise, enabling me to do a hybrid version of photographic art. The medium of digital has enabled me to extend my imagination into creating images of how I see the world and hopefully being able to turn these images into more painterly abstract art forms. I hope you enjoy looking.



By the Sea

My Backyard

New York Foggy


Claude Trew I am a retired lady who is a keen photographer and I belong to a local camera club. However, while I enjoy entering the competitions organised by the club, I feel that the style of photographs that are most successful in club competitions is inhibiting my creative output. I am following some online courses to try to improve the artist in me. So far I have enjoyed every course I have done and hope to share my work with a bigger audience. This is an ongoing process.

Lion Stare

Testing the Leadership

Tiger Stare


War Party

Jo Walsh Jo Walsh is a digital and mixed media artist with a love of Dark Fantasy, Grunge, Surreal Art and Native American history and culture. See more of Jo’s work on her website

One Feather



Margaret Rainey M. M. Rainey lives behind a computer keyboard in Middlesex creating digital artworks, and also creates premade and custom book covers for selfpublishing authors. The full range of these covers may be purchased at The book cover designer Self Publisher Book Covers Other digital artworks including those displayed here may be seen and purchased at Website Artwork

Steampunk Unicorn

Steampunk Lion 1

Alison Bailey I am a hobby photographer and photo-artist from North West England. I have done various types of photography but always felt that I wanted to give my photos a little something more. I retired early to help manage my health and am enjoying both my photography and my photoart. To see more of my work please visit: Website Facebook Twitter Instagram Blog



Calum McDonald I am a photographer / digital artist based in the United Kingdom. I love creating new photographic images and developing some of these as enhanced works of art. My digital artistic work incorporates many of my other interests which include landscapes, people and history. I am an active member of a worldwide Digital Artistry Group. I also have been very honoured to have had some of my digital artwork featured in the highly acclaimed international digital art magazine ‘Living the Photo Artistic Life’. See more artwork on my Website

A Moment in Time

A Moment in Time



Vivien Buckley I enjoy all genres of photography but over the last few years I got really interested in digital art and began to use my images as composites. Joining an International group of similar minded photographers and digital artists through Photoshop Artistry, Awake and Kaizen opened up new horizons and exposed me to so many amazing artists. I enjoy taking portraits and setting up photo shoots and trying out new techniques. This set of images were part of a photographic project I undertook in collaboration with dancers, then digitally enhanced in Photoshop to create these pieces. Despair View my work by visiting these sites: Website ArtBoja






Pauline Fisher I live on the coast in a picturesque seaside town in the north east of Scotland. Photography is my hobby but over the last couple of years I have gotten more into the digital art side of things. I take my photographs and look to develop them further, put my slant on them so to speak. I want people to look at my work and wonder: is it photo or is it a painting, how was that done, I like it or I don’t like it, hopefully evoking a reaction when viewing my images. I am always looking for the next project or challenge. View more art by visiting my Facebook page.





Watercolour Face

Urban Ballerina

Dawn Spears I have been producing art in various forms for over 30 years. I have worked in many different media, from watercolour to ink, graphite, and coloured pencil. More recently I have turned to photography and digital art and used these skills to branch out into book covers as well. I absolutely love coming up with ideas to do authors’ words justice. Every one of my book covers are original art pieces. I create them using a mixture of my own photographs and artwork which I blend with my own 3D renders. I try to avoid the use of stock images, meaning my buyers can be 100% assured that their book cover is completely and utterly unique. You can view all my currently available, pre-made, covers at: Book Covers For bespoke work I can be contacted through my: Website A small selection of my fine art pieces are available here: Fine Art

Resting Angel

Dragons Fire

Forest Archer

Good Reflecting Evil 1

Susan Jones My name is Susan Jones. I live a short train ride from London and love to spend time up there with my sister and our cameras. I love studio photography with models dressed up, and having fun playing with the images in Photoshop. My new ambition is take the models on to the street and start doing shoots on location. You can see more of my work at these sites: Website Behance Flickr

Model - Amber Rickard

Model - Amber Rickard


Beach Pillars

Norma Slack I am a digital artist, writer and poet from beautiful Northern Ireland. I currently live in County Down, within view of the majestic Mourne Mountains. I have been an enthusiastic photographer for many years but it was only when I discovered digital art that I finally felt able to create images that reflected both my emotion and vision. Every day I work towards improving my skills within the fascinating world of the digital workspace. For me it’s a place of magic, a place where I can give free reign to my imagination and create the type of art I feel connected to. About eighteen months ago I began to combine my new digital skills with my poetry and have recently published my first illustrated poetry book, Thunder In My Soul: a collection of illustrated poems. The book is now available at Amazon. It is a project I feel a strong emotional connection to and has been a labour of love. A free sample, along with a selection of my art, can be viewed on my website. You will also find me on Instagram @artbynormasue or on my Website

St John’s Point

Boats on Corbet Lake


Samantha Wells Hi, my name is Sam, and I live on a lovely little island in the U.K. called the Isle of Wight. I’m not good with words, images are my thing. So this will be short and sweet. I started with photography 4 years ago. Then 2 years ago I found 3D art which I am totally addicted to as it gives me so much more freedom to make any art I can imagine. I tend to flit from one technique/subject to another as I find new and exciting ways to enhance my art work. I pour everything I have into each and every image I create. Facebook is my preferred social platform: I would love to see you there, and I hope you will enjoy my art work and stay with me on my art journey.

The Dreamers Dream

Nature Calls

The Sound Of My Wishes


Linda Rodger I’m Linda Rodger and as a portrait photographer I wanted to offer something different from the normal portrait to prospective clients. This led me into the wonderful world of digital artistry. I love taking an ordinary image and making it extraordinary. Creating something special for someone to treasure always, is a privilege and gives me so much pleasure. My travels provide opportunities to photograph iconic buildings as well as unusual subjects to use in my digital art to create beautiful Fine Art prints. You can see more of my work on my Facebook page.


James Hurley I’m drawn to colours, nature, textures, shapes, movement and the oddities that we sometimes miss in our busy lives. This I hope you will see reflected in my work, which is a mix of traditional landscapes, bursting with vibrancy and colour, and digital art that just pops off the page. I spend hours stood in one place taking photographs looking for the right lighting and the right reflection or colour. During July I spent a week up In Ullswater. I stood in the lovely cool water of my most favourite corner of Patterdale. The sun was burning hot, the “mozzies” were hungry and the light filtering through the rich green leaves was just amazing. Some of my digital photo art can be seen below and on the following pages. As you can see from the work featured here, I’m passionate about “trapping” the essence of this magical place in my camera. Each image is planned in my mind and it takes multiple visits back to that same spot to wait for the sun to be in the right place and for the leaves on the water to be visible so I can capture their movement as a series of swirls on the water. Once I have the image captured in my camera my mind is already starting to work overtime on the steps required to achieve the artistic image that is dancing around inside my head and screaming to be set free. At the first opportunity the creative process begins with brighenting the shadows, adding vibrance to the colours (or desaturating) and moulding the photograph into the artwork I had in my minds eye. I’m currently working on adding these images to my website, Facebook page and Instagram as limited edition prints framed and unframed, why not pop over and take a look.

Waterfall Wood Walk - Patterdale

Waterfall Wood Walk - Patterdale

Waterfall Wood Walk - Patterdale


Waterfall Wood Walk - Patterdale

Waterfall Wood Walk - Patterdale

The Boat House - Patterdale

Buy Framed Prints and Help Preserve the Cumbrian Fells

Patterdale, Cumbria One of my favourite places for photography and relaxing is Patterdale in Cumbria. It’s so quiet off season and the scenery is just stunning! From broad mountainous views with Lakes and Tarns, to colourful secluded walks through managed forests and open fells. Key to a great location is somewhere to stay. Patterdale Hall Estate is not just another holiday home, its simply the best place to stay when you visit Ullswater. It’s a private estate with plenty of walks that unless you are staying on the Estate you may never find. A key example would be the “Waterfall Wood Walk”, one of my favourites. Its a mixture of fast running water and managed woodland. I’ve lost count of the hours I’ve spent wandering up and down this short stretch of the Estate, and watched as the conservation work has stripped out invasive Rhododendrons that were choking out the natural ferns and mosses and the clearing of fallen trees and rock debris that hinder the natural flow of the Beck. I’m so much in love with the Estate and the work they do to conserve their grounds I’ve offered to donate 50% of the profits of the Lake District based artwork I produce. Help the Estate team to conserve the fells and woodland and bring a small piece of the magical landscape into your home by purchasing one or more of my Ullswater prints.

Help me raise funds to conserve the Waterfall Wood Walk in Patterdale. Buy a framed landscape print so I can donate to the Patterdale Estate Trust. This way we can help to keep this magical place looking like this for many years to come. Visit today 1

Become a Featured Artist • Do you want your artwork featured on two pages in My Creative Images? • Do you want to show a maximum of 6 images to everyone that opens and reads the magazine? • Do you want your work added to the My Creative Images website and featured on all our social media platforms?

How to submit your art - Featured Artist Currently the submission process is manual: 1. Drop me an email with a short Bio, a link to your portfolio and send a low resolution sample of your artwork that represents you. 2. Once I have had the chance to review your Bio and work and if I will contact you to discuss the next steps. 3. I personally review all requests for submissions at the earliest opportunity and reply within 14 days of receipt. Email to submit your work for the next magazine

The small print • Please note I reserve the right not to publish artwork I feel is unsuitable for “My Creative Images”. • By submitting artwork you are confirming that you have the right to publish the images and that they are your own work. As an artist you are responsible for ensuring you are following copyright laws. • The artwork remains your property, by submitting your artwork you are agreeing to allow me to publish your images in the magazine, on my website and social media pages and any other sites that offer exposure for artists.

Cover Competition ??

Are you a photo digital artist?


Do you create digital art using stock photographs or your own creations?


Do you want your work shown on the cover of this magazine?


Do you think your artwork stands head and shoulders above everything else you have seen in this magazine?


The Rules • As owner, editor and curator of My Creative Images I reserve the right to use the winners artwork on the cover of the magazine and for promotional purposes, these may include email campaigns, social media, blog posts or printed publications. • All suitable entries will be published in the magazine and on the website as a way of showcasing the individual artists work. • To enter the competition email a low rez image of your artwork to the above address. Include a paragraph explaining your work, what inspired it and include a link to your web-page / social media account. Within your submission please clearly state the source of the images used and advise if model releases have been obtained. • Once I have reviewed your entry I will contact you and request a portrait oriented image at full resolution, a full bio (in Word format) with links to your website and social media pages and written confirmation that you produced the artwork and all items used are under licence and or have model releases that can be viewed if requested. • Images must not have appeared in this magazine before. • Submissions must be eye-popping, awe-inspiring and formatted to fit a portrait A4 sheet. • I will not publish anything that I personally find offensive or pornographic. • I will judge the best entry and my decision is final. • There is no monetary prize, no physical prize or alternative prize. • I don’t like rules but they are a requirement of a competition, sorry. By entering, you are 1 agreeing to these rules.

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