My Creative Images

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Welcome to My Creative Images Digital art comes in many shapes and forms, it can include digital photographs that have been suitably enhanced to bring out the colours and details that may have been hidden in the shadows, hand painted digital landscapes, portraits, and abstract art or it may be a complex composition created using stock images. Digital art is just amazing, the creative talent and time that goes into all of the images that you will see in this publication is just outstanding. Many of the artisits shown here are hobbiests trying to break into the commercial world and are looking to sell their art, some are extablished professionals. All of them are passionate about their work and are seeking to find a wider audiance, thats were My Creative Images comes in. The purpose of this publication is to offer another method of sharing artists work via Social Media and other web based promotional tools. So please visit the website / blogs / shops / portfolios listed by each piece of art and share this publication via your social media pages so your friends and their contacts can enjoy this work. Doing this will help the artists gain the recognition they deserve and possibly help them generate som sales. Thank you for taking the time to open and read this publication, please feel free to leave a comment or sign up to the mailing list on

The cover image was produced by me using Public domain images and stock images, see my blog for more details. The images on the right of this page are again created by me, using my own photographs and applying licenced textures, actions or brushes. All images in this publication are sourced / created by the artisits, unless otherwise stated on their websites, and as such must not be copied or sold without the express consent of the artist.



James Hurley 4 Vivien Capper 5 Philip Hunter 6 Jo Walsh 7 Richard Anderson 8 Susan Jones 9 Alison Bailey 10 Tiana Everett 11 Carol Graham 12 Vivien Buckley 13 David Walker 14 Linda Rodger 15 Bernie Tuffs 16 Yvonne Benting 17 Judith Flacke 18 - Promoting UK Digital Artisits

James Hurley I’m drawn to colours, nature, textures, shapes, movement and the oddities that we sometimes miss in our busy lives. This I hope you will see reflected in my work, which is a mix of traditional landscapes, bursting with vibrancy and colour, and digital art that just pops off the page. I’m very passionate about my work and can spend hours stood in one place taking photographs looking for the right lighting and the right reflection or colour. I’m even more passionate about the creative process how you can change an image into art and make it into vision you had in your minds eye. This short introduction hopefully will explain the mix of art that you will see on my website:

Ive got butterflies,have you? Promoting UK Digital Artisits

Waterfall Wood Walk - Patterdale”

“Time and Tide”

Vivien Capper I’m currently living in delightful Italy, although from Kent, UK. My artistic inspiration is drawn from Italy with its exciting, lively way of life, vibrant colours and designs so naturally, my digitally enhanced artworks reflect this. I also work on original ink drawings and often incorporate them into totally new compositions of a variety of designs and textures. In my photographs, artwork and designs I try to find new ways of expressing my love of nature, textures and colours. I hope you enjoy my work as much as I enjoy the creative process. If you would like to see some more of my art please visit:

Philip Hunter I’ve been interested in photography for many years, but due to moving around Europe with my work over a 24 year period, it has only been in the last few years after moving back to the UK that my interest has been re-kindled and become a part of my daily routine. It was shortly after joining my camera club two years ago that i was introduced to a Photoshop Artistry Course. I had been looking for a creative outlet and also a way of learning Lightroom and Photoshop so this seemed the perfect antidote to my dilemma. My digital knowledge was non-existant at the time so i embarked on the course and was blown away by the myriad of possibilities opened up to me in how to create some fantastic pieces of individual artwork. After this initial steep learning curve i added the Black and White Photoshop Artistry course and more recently the Awake course to my repertoire. Working in the corporate Import/ Export world i decided to take an extended leave of absence from my work in order to pursue my passion for creating art. Now, i have time to indulge myself and am slowly building up my portfolio which is a mixture of Landscapes, Cityscapes and Seascapes, however, as i am keen to expand my knowledge have also undertaken projects in portraits and still life. ( My website is currently under construction ). Through the medium of digital art, this has enabled me to expand my creativity into making images which are my interpretation of how i see the world and also in some cases being able to turn these images into a more painterly / abstract art form. Alongside this world of digital art i am also a keen darkroom specialist in Lith printing ( which is a very creative form of darkroom work ) and i still own and shoot film cameras, either on my medium format 6 x 7, 6 x 4.5 and 35mm equipment. Philip Hunter

Jo Walsh Im a a digital and mixed media artist with a love of Dark fantasy, Grunge, Steampunk, surreal art and photography. Vist one of my website for more examples of my work The Other Side: Bears Belly: Paintbrush Pixels:

Richard Anderson I am a photographer and a digital artist, I embrace opportunities to create images that inspire, delight and challenge preconceptions about the topic, photography or photoartistry as well as images that simply provide lasting enjoyment. Ever since I can remember I have had a camera in my hand. My father was an ardent photographer, I still remember being given my very first camera when I was just five years old. The technology and skill levels have changed, but the passion remains, all these years later. I was brought up with the discipline of film and I learned from a young age how to coax an image out of my camera and put it on to a piece of paper. At school I relished working in the darkroom with the smell of chemicals and the mystique of emptying a cartridge of film into a developing tank. But today’s dry darkrooms are no less inspiring... the flexibility and creativity digital has unleashed never stops giving me enormous pleasure. And it is that flexibility and creativity that has enabled me to move on towards becoming a true digital artist. I love my camera, I love my digital darkroom, but above all I love the ability to bring all my skills to creating images. Visit ny website:

Susan Jones My name is Susan Jones, I live a short train ride from London and love to spend time up there with my sister and our cameras. I love studio photography with models dressed up and having fun playing with the images in photoshop. My new ambition is take the models on to the street and start doing shoots on location. Visit my websites:

Alison Bailey I am a hobby photographer and photoartist from North West England. I am have Fibromyalgia and Epilepsy and I use art to help manage my conditions. I retired at the end of October last year and decided that now was a good time to do the AWAKE course. To see more of my work please visit my site:

Tiana Everett Historian of Film and Art, Photographer, Painter, Gamer and above all a dreamer. Best described in the words of others: ”She’s a brilliant artist, she’s a loyal ally, she’s an honest friend and she’s a proud Belgradian. If she is painting then I am happy, and if she remains in my life I will be all the better for it.... oh, and we met in the late eighties, so when it comes to writing a biography on Tiyana Marjanovic, I consider myself a trustworthy source!” Joseph Rye, Actor, Writer, Voice over artist.

Visit my website to view more of my artwork:

Carol Graham I live in Glasgow, Scotland, and my inspirations come from the landscape around me, from the hard urban environment to the beauty of nature and from my love of music. I trained as a scientist, but my passion is photography and I’m rarely without a camera in my hand. My love of art led me to study fine art photography, which fuses digital techniques with traditional photography. I try to capture atmosphere and mood, and often use textures and watercolour paints to creatively enhance my images. Find me on and

Vivien Buckley My interest in photography began about 8 years ago when I joined a camera club in Mallow County Cork Ireland where I am still a member. I enjoy all genres of photography but over the last few years I got really interested in digital art and began to use my images as composites. Joining an International group of similar minded photographers and digital artists on a Photoshop Artistry course opened up new horizons and exposed me to so many amazing artists. I enjoy taking portraits and setting up photoshoots and trying out new techniques. View my work by visiting these sites:

David Walker David Walker developed his interest after retiring from the medical device industry. David initially honed his photographic skills and then ventured into the emerging genre of PhotoArt. For more than five years he has been developing the artistic and computer skills that the evolving PhotoArt genre demands. David uses many different programs and methodologies to create his art and in the majority his work he relies entirely on his own original photographs. David uses the mantra “PhotoArt‌pushing photography furtherâ€? to describe his work. Vista-Foto website: Artbojo Website: art/9zpbui/

Vista-Foto B&W website:

http://www.fotolibra. com/gallery/user/26887/ David-walker

Linda Rodger As a portrait photographer I wanted to offer something different from the normal portrait to prospective clients. This led me into the world of digital artistry. I love taking an ordanary image and making it extraordinary. Creating something special for someone to treasure is a privalege and gives me such pleasure. Check out my website: and my facebook page:

Bernie Tuffs Hello! I’m Bernie and I live in the little seaside town of Margate and having lived here all my life, I couldn’t live anywhere else now! I’m continually inspired by the scenery here, with skies and light that so excited famous artist J. W. Turner, who said of this area, “… the skies over Thanet are the loveliest in all Europe”. Apparently, a love of the sea stayed with him all his life and I can well understand that! Painting with light holds a real attraction for me - the gentle light that is still strong enough to dispel darkness. I’ve always been arty, progressing from childhood sketching, through gouache and then oil painting, then paper crafting and scrapbooking which led me to digital scrapbooking and finally to Photo Artistry. Now I feel I’m home and am having so much fun with my art! Link to store:

Yvonne Benting A lifelong photographer now specialising in digital art, bird and landscape photography. Originally from Shropshire, Yvonne has been based in the Outer Hebrides of Scotland since 2001, setting up her art and photography business, Hebridean Imaging in 2004. The wild landscapes and fabulous birdlife of the islands are the constant inspirations for Yvonne’s work. Images have been published in British, European and North American books, magazines, newspapers and web articles. Further afield, annual travel to Spain or the USA revitalises Yvonne’s creativity where she spends her time bird watching, walking, sketching and taking photographs. Creative imagery has been part of Yvonne’s repertoire even in the days before digital photography. Now fully digital she has embraced the creative and experimental nature of the medium. Yvonne’s website: Twitter: Instagram: Facebook:

Judith Flacke Judith Flacke is a photographer and digital artist currently living as an expat in Italy, and she has branched out into one-off custom and pre made book covers. She says “ I enjoy a wide range of artistic styles and ‘Eclectic’ could be my middle name!” Her work covers many genres, from sci-fi to horror, inspirational to surreal. Here two of her covers are based around fractals which she creates herself. More of her work can be seen at: http://www.selfpubbookcovers. com/JayF

Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.