Musings of a Fatshionista's March 2010 Fatshion Recap

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MATRON-jo nana









AMANDA Age: 24 Size: 22/24 Location: Sunny California

FASHION PHILOSOPHY: I don’t let my weight or size dictate my personal style. Fellow fatshionistas should do the same. If anything, let your weight and size enhance your style. Tell the world, “Yes, I am fat, but I can wear stilettos with the best of them!”

bethan Age: 24 Size: Mostly 20/22 Location: Aberystwyth, Wales

FASHION PHILOSOPHY: If you’re happy with your body, you really can make anything work. Nothing you’ve ever been told is “slimming” or “flattering” will ever look as good on you as an abundance of confidence and a smile.

cid Age: 34 Size: 20/22 Location: Long Beach, California

FASHION PHILOSOPHY: My fashion philosophy is a little bit of country & a little bit of rock n roll. I love many different styles and try to embrace them all. I basically wear what I like, what makes me feel good & what is comfortable. Sometimes I like to be girly & feminine, some times I want to be tough rocker chic, sometimes I want simple and basic. I don’t think any one should be limited to one style definition, why can’t I be all of them! My style varies from season to season or year to year. It’s my party and I will wear what I want!

em Age: 30 Location: London, UK

FASHION PHILOSOPHY: I have great curves and I know how to wear them. That is a key statement for me and it isn’t about wearing what looks the best, but instead wearing what I like the best. It took me a long time to know myself and my style. Before becoming the clothes-confidant girl I am today, I went through tomboy, grunge, gothic and then jeans... jeans for years! Today, I love feminine touches mashed together with biker jackets and scuffed boots. Take your time, explore your style, embrace your curves.

gabby Age: 27 Size: 16/18 Location: Los Angeles, California

FASHION PHILOSOPHY: Make a mark in this world not only through what you do and say, but also with your clothes and style!

gabi Age: 23 Size: 18/20 Location: Detroit, Michigan

FASHION PHILOSOPHY: Wear what makes you happy, regardless of what others say. Try on everything, even if it’s not marked your size! And when all else fails, wear a black mini dress and a blazer.


georgina Age: 20 Size: 30 Location: Hertfordshire, UK

FASHION PHILOSOPHY: I don’t really have a “philosophy” per se, but don’t limit yourself! I used to feel I had to dress to fit in, and didn’t let myself like things I secretly did, because I thought I had to fit in with my (tunnel) vision of how I should look. Now I just dress for myself, and I feel a lot more body confident because of it.

j Age: 25 Size: 16 Location: San Francisco, California

FASHION PHILOSOPHY: My fashion philosophy consists of three points. I value style that is unapologetically luxurious. I think you can be fashionable at every size. Life is too short to wear ugly shoes.

jennifer Age: 22 Location: Sweden

FASHION PHILOSOPHY: Always been a big girl, but have today learned to accept my body size and work it! :) I love colorful and pattern clothes, but also basic, comfy, over size tops and dresses. I like to play around a little with my style. I like simplicity but also to stand out a little, or at least I try. Everyday is a learning experience when it comes to finding my own style and what goes and fits my body, but also personality.

kat Size: 20/22 Location: UK

FASHION PHILOSOPHY: I may be a fat girl, but I still want to look good! To me, this means taking risks. I like to break the rules!

katrin Age: 20 Size: 26 Location: Germany

FASHION PHILOSOPHY: Try as much things as possible, get inspired by the trends, but don’t just copy them, try to make them your own thing. I don’t think that we should just get specified on one special style or trend, it is much more important, that we do our own thing that we feel great in and love for some reason, cause than we can transform everything into a new trend.

keisha Age: 26 Size: 18/20 Location: Huntsville, Alabama

FASHION PHILOSOPHY: I hate it when someone says, “You dress nice to be a big girl.” Am I not supposed to be stylish? I wear what I like and feel comfortable in. No matter what I put on to complete an outfit - earrings, bangles, shoes, or my FAVORITE PATTERNED TIGHTS - I never forget self-confidence because it’s the best accessory yet!

leti Age: 26 Size: 14/16 From: Belgium

FASHION PHILOSOPHY: I think that above all, we must feel good in what we wore and have selfconfidence. Its not important to be trendy, the most important thing is to love what we wear and find our own sense of style. I like color so I don’t hesitate to wear them in all circumstances. I think it represents my character well. I know what I can wear, I know what looks good on me and I have my own style. Having self confidence and being yourself in clothes is most important to me.

luanne Age: 23 Size: 12/14 Location: Dubai, United Arab Emirates

FASHION PHILOSOPHY: Fashion is about fun, creativity, self expression, identity and making yourself feel good, no matter what your size is.

matron-jo Age: 26 Location: Wales, UK

FASHION PHILOSOPHY: Fashion has no boundaries. Skinny or fat, there’s something for everyone! You just have to learn your body shape and embrace the curves! Dress in what YOU want to wear and don’t let anyone dictate to you what you should and shouldnt wear!

nana Age: 20 Size: 12-15 top, 16 bottom Location: Accra, Ghana

FASHION PHILOSOPHY: Its pretty hard to define my fashion philosophy because I’m a walking contradiction and my fashion reflects this. I play rugby so I have tomboyish qualities but i also like dressing up and being very girly, so fashion is a fun way for me to marry my tom boyish and feminine sides. I dress for comfort but I also love highlighting my hourglass shape cause fat girls are just as sexy and fashionable as skinny girls!

nik Age: 26 Location: Nacogdoches,TX

FASHION PHILOSOPHY: I believe that fashion is one of the greatest art forms because it can literally live with and on you. Therefore, I think it is important for a person to not limit themselves when it comes to expressing themselves through their clothing. Clothing can be used to empower,inspire,or even revolt. I don’t want to ever be afraid to explore the power of great style... no matter what my body type may be at the time.

nikki Age: 24 Size: 16/18 Location: Brooklyn, New York

FASHION PHILOSOPHY: I spent over 10 years hating my body; my feet were too big, glasses too thick and my hips were too wide. I started making my own clothes in HS after being depressed with the frumpy options available to big girls. In the spring of 2008 I made my first collection and Decadent Designs was born. Fashion is confidence and being Decadent is allowing yourself to be happy as you are. Live Life. Be Decadent!

olivia Age: 22 Size: 14-18 Location: Chicago, IL

FASHION PHILOSOPHY: Having a good understanding of who you are, your interests, and what works for your lifestyle is essential to great style. Always have a wandering eye because you never know what might inspire you. Shop everywhere! Accessorize wisely and pay attention to detail. And whether you like to experiment with fashion or have a signature style, always be confident and own your look!

ragini Age: 24 Size: 12/14 Location: Calcutta, India

FASHION PHILOSOPHY: Wear what you want. It doesn’t matter if it doesn’t highlight your best feature or makes you look larger. If you have an idea in your head, execute it and don’t second guess.

sarah Age: 26 Size: 18 Location: Barrie, Ontario, Canada

FASHION PHILOSOPHY: Anyone that claims “fat people are lazy” can’t be taking about us Fatshionistas. We have to work 5 times harder to make it work. Sometimes the things that restrict us can force us to think outside the box though. I believe in having fun with fashion. Fashion is a way to express yourself to the world. I like looking feminine and celebrating my curves. I like lots of colour. I like things that are bold, quirkey and a little bit odd. I would much rather veer towards batshit crazy then veer towards boring.

stiletto Age: 24 Size: 20/22 Location:Boise, Idaho

FASHION PHILOSOPHY: Life is too short to not live up to your fashion potential! My personal style is uniquely me and a bit rocker chic with some classic details. I am always watching the trends, taking notes from the sphere and putting my own flare into different looks. My advice is to always give trends your own spin because being well dressed in a look that enhances your personal style is the best way to live a happy life in the body you were given. Never say no to prints, bold colors, classic pieces or anything that scares you. Your potential favorite outfit could be just one fitting room away!

tiana Age: 27 Size: 16/18 Bottom 20/22 Top Location: Bay Area

FASHION PHILOSOPHY: A pretty girl can wear anything. Wear anything that makes you feel pretty.

tiffany Age: 27 Size: 20 Location: Brooklyn, New York

FASHION PHILOSOPHY: Don’t limit yourself to how others define you; Dress how you feel, love the feel of your dress.

tracy Age: 28 Location: Santa Ana, CA

FASHION PHILOSOPHY: Start with amazing fitting basics and add accessories...the more the better. I always put on what would be considered too many pieces and then add 1 more!

YVETTE Age: 21 Location: Brooklyn, New York

FASHION PHILOSOPHY: She is from a Caribbean background and it plays a huge part in her fashion sense. She loves bright colors, african-inspired items and kooky bags. She loves to shop in stores that arent intended for plus sizes and like Tim Gunn says “make it work�. She was always taught to be proud of her size from our mom and to exercise great style no matter your weight.

XTINA Age: 24 Size: 22/24 Location: Takoma Park, Maryland

FASHION PHILOSOPHY: I like pushing the boundaries of what is acceptable in terms of plus size fashion. The fun in fashion is in the experimentation. Its in the pushing of the boundaries. Every morning, getting dressed is another chance to try out something new and become someone different.



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