Lifelines Spring | Summer 2014

Page 24

Focus on Faculty


Kelechi appointed endowed chair


eresa Kelechi’s,

and this will be the college’s third

University to develop a device that


endowed chair. The appointment of Dr.

measures minute foot movements,

early experience

Kelechi will allow MUSC to continue

which strengthen the calf muscle in

with the Future

its leadership role as innovators,

patients with leg ulcers, and promote

Nurses of America

knowledge brokers and community

better lower leg functioning in hopes

Society blossomed

partners,” said Dean Gail Stuart.

that it will promote ulcer healing. She

into her successful

With a solid record of funding by the

also is developing an innovative heat

career as a nurse scientist and has

National Institute of Nursing Research,

sensing device to detect heat changes

culminated with her appointment as

Dr. Kelechi’s primary research focus is

in the skin on the lower legs affected

the College of Nursing’s David R. and

venous leg ulcer prevention. She also

by chronic venous disease. The device

Margaret C. Clare Endowed Chair in

studies self-monitoring methods using

will be used by patients to monitor the


infrared thermometry technology to

skin for a temperature increase, which

detect subclinical evidence of ulcer

can be a signal of an impending ulcer.


She also designed a novel cooling

Endowed chairs hold tremendous prestige in the academic community. To be named to an endowed chair

As a member of the Future Nurses

prevention strategy that targets the

means that one has achieved national

of America Society in the late 1970s,

elevated skin temperature with the

or international recognition for

Dr. Kelechi regularly visited a nursing

goal of preventing the ulcer. In another

excellence in their field. “I am proud

home in a small rural town in Ohio

collaborative effort with researchers

that MUSC had the first endowed chair

where residents received very few

at University of West Virginia, she is

in nursing in the state. Our second

visitors. An older man anxiously

studying biomarkers in chronic wound

endowed chair is with the SmartState

awaited her visit each week. She


Centers of Economic Excellence,

explains, “His legs were very swollen

The appointment as the David R.

and bandaged, but he

and Margaret C. Clare Endowed Chair

never complained except

assures that she will be able to continue

to report that his legs

to study ways to prevent venous leg

didn’t work anymore. One

ulcers, which affect 1 to 2 percent of

day he asked me what

the population worldwide and account

kind of nurse I wanted to

for 600,000 new leg ulcers each year

be. I replied that I wasn’t

in the US alone. By interacting with

quite sure. He suggested

wound experts around the world

that I study treatments for

to share knowledge and research

leg sores to help people

opportunities, she also hopes to learn

like him be able to walk

more about the genetics and genomics

again. From the very

related to chronic venous ulcers and

beginning, now over 30

study ways to enhance wound healing

years ago, I sought to

through nutrition and small movement

unravel the mysteries of


the healing complexities of leg ulcers associated with chronic venous disorders, also known as venous stasis or venous insufficiency.” Dr. Kelechi has garnered over $3 million in research funding to study chronic venous disorders. Currently she is collaborating with researchers from Clemson




“The appointment of Dr. Kelechi will allow MUSC to continue its leadership role as innovators, knowledge brokers and community partners.” - DEAN STUART

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