Lifelines Spring | Summer 2014

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Quality Improvement in Research Consistent with the quality

and other schools, who are not

improvement approach, a plan was

involved directly in the proposal,

created that included garnering

provide feedback on a research

important professional resources and

proposal’s significance, innovation

hen one hears the phrase

equipping the college with the

and methodology. This is enhanced

“quality improvement,” the first

needed expertise. One such resource

by a more structured process to advise

thought is to associate it with

is Jane Zapka, ScD, who brought to

investigators and their mentors, as their

quality of patient care. Yet it is applica-

the college her expert guidance in

proposals undergo development but

ble to any program, service or organi-

research methods, grant development,

are not yet ready for a mock review.

zation. In recent years, the College of

proposal writing and manuscript

Such consultation, with proposals in

Nursing has placed an importance on


progress, help once a working shell of


improving the quality and outcomes of its research activities. According to the college’s strategic plan, an important goal or outcome related to research is “to attain national recognition as nurse scholars reflected in metrics such as achieving a “top 25”

Ten years ago, the college had no ranking in NIH funding. Today, the college is ranked 17th in NIH research funding among all schools of nursing nationally.

NIH ranking among colleges of nursing, improving individual faculty research productivity, and providing core

Think Tank

the proposal is underway. Yet another

resource centers to support research”.

So what do quality improvement

quality improvement strategy is the

activities look like in the realm of

provision of educational sessions for

to make impressive progress on these

research? Working with the associate

skill development that are offered on a

metrics. Ten years ago, the college had

deans and the research committee, Dr.

variety of methodological topics.

no ranking in NIH funding. In 2013, the

Zapka championed the processes and

college ranked 17th in NIH research

procedures that were needed to achieve

Evaluating Outcomes

funding among all schools of nursing

our goals. These included a Think

Finally, an essential part of the quality


Tank in which faculty can brainstorm

improvement process is evaluation of

The College of Nursing continues

with others about a potential research

outcomes. For the College of Nursing

pen by chance or luck. It is a result of

project. Getting feedback and ideas

these activities have contributed

focused attention to a problem, inter-

early on sparks consideration of

to building a climate that

vention and outcome.

research question clarity, potential

cultivates faculty motivation

Such dramatic change does not hap-

best methods and appropriateness

and confidence. In addition

clearly a team sport. It starts with cham-

to available funding priorities.

to the NIH ranking metric,

pionship and leadership at the execu-

In addition to a faculty mentor’s

the proportion of faculty

tive level, and strategic goals that set

assistance, Dr. Zapka is available to

submitting proposals has

the bar high. Over the past decade the

provide consultation and examples of

increased, as has the number

infrastructure to support the research

successful grants.

of submissions and successful

Quality improvement in research is

mission has been built and enhanced.


awards. Two strong resource

The “heavy lifting” was led over the

Research for Lunch

years by those who served as associ-

Another process is Research for Lunch,

Technology Applications

ate deans for research and the talented

which is a mock review opportunity

Center for Healthful Lifestyles

faculty and staff who were responsible

for proposals near submission.

(TACHL) and the Center

for actualizing the research mission of

Independent interdisciplinary

for Community Health

the College of Nursing.

reviewers, and faculty in the college

Partnerships (CCHP). Equally



centers have developed, the

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