Lifelines - Fall/Winter 2012

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MUSC IS PART OF THE SOLUTION The MUSC College of Nursing is the largest educator of doctorally prepared primary

and safety in health care, influence patient

care nurse practitioners in South Carolina. Our Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)

care outcomes by incorporating evidence

program currently enrolls 166 students, and 75 percent of them are residents of

based practice into every day care, and

South Carolina (see map). All of these graduates are educated as primary care

serve in leadership and executive level

practitioners as either pediatric nurse practitioners, adult/geriatric nurse practitioners

positions in major health care organizations

or family nurse practitioners and could significantly increase access to primary care

to impact change. This degree focuses

services in our state.

on the implementation of evidence from

The purpose of the program is to prepare graduates who will practice nursing

research, and provides the graduate with a

at the highest clinical level. Our DNP program is offered online and addresses the

framework for process improvement that will

most contemporary aspects of expert clinical practice and in-depth knowledge and

allow them to lead initiatives to improve the

experience in leadership, health systems design and evaluation, evidence-based

quality, safety and cost of care in any health

practice, health policy, and applied research. If nurses enter the program with a

care setting. In an era of health care reform,

Bachelor of Science in Nursing, the course of study is three years. If students enter

the DNP graduate will be well prepared to

with a Master of Science in Nursing, the course of study is one year.

both navigate and lead a rapidly changing

According to Robin Bissinger, PhD, APRN, NNP-BC, associate dean for

health care system.�

academics, “The DNP is the degree of choice for those who wish to impact quality


Did You Know? The Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) is the terminal clinical degree in nursing. The Doctor of Medicine (MD) is the terminal clinical degree for physicians. Thus the DNP is to nursing what the MD is to medicine.

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ACCOUNTABLE Advanced practice nurses practice under their own license and are fully accountable for the care they provide. Physician assistants, however, do not practice independently and their supervising physicians are responsible for all services they provide. Lifelines



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