Busy Mums Mag: Spring Fashion and Mother Guilt

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Busy Mums Mag

Volume 22 2018


Fashion Special*

Lake Macquarie Special

Baking with Kids

Stop Mother Guilt

Editors Note Thank you for reading the Busy Mums Magazine! With three young children, my life is generally spent running from one activity to another with time in-between to ‘try to’ focus on work, housework and occasionally a little me time. I am not alone in this struggle and due to the chaotic nature of the lives of most mums; the Busy Mums Magazine was born. Devoted to helping busy, stressed mums find interesting, quick and easy solutions to their family and personal dramas. We would love to hear from you with suggestions and feedback so that we can continue to evolve and growth to best meet your needs. Best wishes,


Get in touch: Editor: Lorraine Salvi lorraine@mumsdelivery.com.au Advertising Enquiries: info@mumsdelivery.com.au Office: (02) 9940 3097 2

Would you like to become a contributor for Busy Mums Magazine? We are always on the look out for stories and mums wanting to share their experiences & tips Stay Connected


Table of Contents


Coping with Big Changes Get more done by managing attitude Real life lessons on Mother Guilt Toy Corner


Children’s Spring Fashion Trends Trending Items this Spring Spring Fashion Trends The No BS Guide to Swimwear What to look for when buying Swimwear


Kids in the Kitchen - Baking Tips Crazy Cake Smart Cookies Berry Smoothie


Natural Herbs to help mum destress 10 Spring Cleaning Hacks DIY Sugar Scrub


8 Tips & Tricks for Camping with Kids Exploring Lake Macquarie


Coping with Big Changes

The last couple of weeks have seen us inundated with clients whose children ranging in age from 3 to 16 are presenting with aggressive, uncooperative or regressing behaviour. The common thread has been that a change has recently occurred or is about to happen in their lives. This change could be as simple as a new class teacher or as profound as moving countries but there is no question that change affects children even if on the surface they appear to be coping very well.

To help parents through the changes in their child’s life , here are 5 tips that may help calm your children’s anxieties during this time . 1) CREATE CONSISTENCY WHERE YOU CAN: No matter what is happening in your family’s life that is creating a state of flux for your child, it is helpful to create some consistent patterns through the day or week that are reliable. These can be used to remind your child that not EVERYTHING is changing and some things stay the same, there are lots of practical ways to do this depending on the age of your child. Visual schedules of after school activities or chores around the house or expected behaviours are one idea that can be easily adapted to suit your family and one child could have several different ones on the go! Consistent rules can also be helpful as long as you are able to implement the consequences and don’t threaten things that don’t happen. Parents and caregivers are their child’s biggest source of security even when they don’t have the time to be and so ensuring that each day your child has set time with you which they can look forward to and know when it will occur is another tool that can be used. 2) POSITIVE REINFORCEMENT: It is incredible what a little bit of positive feedback can do to help centre someone when they are feeling lost. Even adults on a bad day will be likely to take comfort in knowing that they have done something right. Therefore, when a change is on the horizon, in process of occurring or is very recent, try to focus as much as possible on rewarding your child for what they do well rather than focusing on the regression in their behaviour and what you wish they had done better. 3) MAKING YOUR CHILD FEEL INVOLVED: Whether the change in question is affecting the whole family or just the child who is demonstrating difficult behaviour, it is important to give your child some control over a situation which is probably not entirely of their choosing or that they are unable to fully understand. Going out of your way to include and involve them in an age appropriate way can help. Examples could include allowing toddlers to help bring you things you need for your new baby’s nappy change; allowing a teenager to decorate their own room in a new house or inviting your school age child to choose which friends from their new school they want to invite and when before they ask.




4) PREPARATION PREPARATION PREPARATION: Whilst some change in life comes with no warning, many changes are things that we build up to over a period of time. Every parent needs to judge how much warning and preparation their children need but if they are not warned at all, the behaviour regression is likely to be more profound and longer lasting. For many children and teenagers, the preparation needs to be more than just talking about it. You might try and allow them to visit a new house or school; meet a new babysitter or read books about gaining a new sibling. When a change occurs that no one is prepared for e.g.: an illness or death in the family - it is about allowing your child to have opportunities to deal with how their life has changed after the event using similar strategies. 5) TALK ABOUT IT: It is vital that children understand that it is ok to ask questions and let you know that they are struggling. The change that has occurred is unlikely to be a circumstance that will change e.g.: a new school or new sibling but they need to feel that they are being heard when they raise concerns. For older children you may be able to actually ask them how they are feeling but with younger ones, reading books about the topic in the style of conversational reading where they are given an opportunity to process the change can help as well. Drawing pictures or building the new thing out of Lego can also help. The reality is that even as adults choosing to change things in our lives, when that change comes, we often feel displaced or out of our depth. Therefore, we need to allow children to express their feelings and the expectations we have of them when it comes to their capacity to manage change needs to be realistic. We hope that all changes coming your family’s way are positive ones! Article from: Ariella Lew is a highly qualified paediatric nurse and Director of Kids on Track Consultancy, a private practice based in Melbourne. Ariella consults both locally and overseas, providing expert advice and management strategies for families requiring support with their childs behavior, sleep and toilet training and family dynamics as well as providing strategies and advice for families of children with special needs. Find out more at Facebook: @kidsontrackconsultancy or contact Ariella directly on info@ kidsontrackconsultancy.com




Get more done by managing your attention, not your time I used to say “I don’t have enough time” ALL the time. I said it to myself and others. It definitely felt true. It was the perfect complement to other well-used phrases like “I’m so busy”, “there’s always more to do” and “there aren’t enough hours in the day”. Add to the mix a toddler who (naturally) doesn’t care for schedules and sleep deprivation, and I was a mumma in need of a new approach to managing her time. That new approach came to me when I reflected on how we actually all have exactly the same amount of time. Constantly telling myself that I don’t have enough time, just made me feel stressed and sabotaged my efforts to be productive. I realised I was focusing on the wrong thing. There’s something much more limited and valuable than my time, that I needed to manage and protect.

My attention. Many times, I’ve sat down at 8pm, with a few good hours ahead of me to get through my long to do list, but my brain feels like it’s in slow motion. I can’t give my full attention to anything because I’m so tired.

Can you relate? Managing your attention involves choosing what to give your attention to and includes taking action to look after yourself, so you can focus when you need to. When you know that your attention is on the right things, you’ll feel calmer and get more done. You can’t control how quickly time passes, when emails come in or how frequently people post on social media. You can’t eliminate every interruption. You can’t control when your children will need something that changes the plan. But you can control how much attention you choose to give these things. You can control your response. Time is external to you, whereas your attention is all yours to manage and protect.

Here are 5 ways you can start managing your attention to get more done. 6



1. Check (and probably lower) your expectations

Your attention is finite. Be realistic about how much you can actually manage. If you keep pushing yourself to reach unattainable standards you’ll experience much more stress, worry, overwhelm and potentially burnout. Are you holding yourself to higher standards than those you hold everyone else to? Can you afford to lower your expectations of yourself, feel less stressed and still get the important things done?

2. Know what’s important to you

If you know what’s important to you, then at any time, you can make a purposeful decision about what to focus on. Everything else is a distraction and can be attended to after the most important things. If you have to do something that isn’t that important to you, minimise the attention you give it; get help, take an acceptable shortcut or aim for a lower, yet still acceptable standard. Are you giving your attention to what’s most important or are you spending it on what’s easier, habitual, fun, or convenient? What could you stop doing right now without any negative impact on your life?

3. Allocate attention to downtime

Downtime creates more energy and attention, so it’s an essential part of your attention management strategy. For your downtime to be effective you need to actually stop and be present, so your mind can be refreshed (scrolling through social media constantly doesn’t allow your mind to rest). What can you do to allow your mind and body to rest?

4. Record and schedule

Remembering things requires your attention. Instead, have a system to record things you need to do, ideas, appointments and anything else that you’re working hard to remember, somewhere safe and accessible. Then allocate your attention to the next most important thing, and leave the rest safely recorded for later. A schedule gives you confidence that there will be time for the important things. You won’t need to be thinking about the calls you have to make while you’re playing with your children, because you made time for them later.

5. Know when you’re at your best

We all have times of the day when we’re more productive and focused. This is when to tackle the most important things or those that require the most brainpower. Focus on one thing at a time. Remove as many distractions as possible and take short breaks if you’re focusing for a long time.

Lastly, when you’re not at your best, consider how you might refresh yourself so you can give your full attention later.

Author Bio: Louise East is a wife, mum of a toddler and step mum of 3 young adults. She loves strong black tea, travelling, running and personal development. Louise founded More to Mum, through which she helps mums live happier and more confident lives by developing a helpful mindset, realistic self-care habits and by making the practical things in life easier. www.moretomum.com.au




Real Life Lessons on Mother Guilt I used to suffer terribly with “mother guilt”. Having children can be one big guilt trip and I felt guilty about everything I did and did not do, about my not-so-lovely thoughts, and just about the way I was. I was a working mother, and was single for a while, with no support, and that was the worst time of all, when my self-esteem was very low. Having two very small children, putting them in long day care while I worked, then having to pick them up and organise shopping, cooking, dinner, bath and bed on my own was not an easy time… I was usually exhausted, often short with them, and did not look after myself at all. They were (and still are) beautiful kids, but we can all be exasperating when we are tired and hungry, and evenings in our house were not always fun. When I finally got them to sleep I would look at my sleeping angels and my heart would melt and I would feel terrible if I had been less than loving with them during the day. Because I felt so guilty about having to work and leave them in care, and about being less than loving with them at times, when I had the opportunity to treat them, I would. I ended up raising two spoilt, entitled children who thought they could say, do and have whatever they wanted, and I felt guilty about that too. I now have a beautiful husband, five children, and four grandchildren with another on the way. We all have great relationships with each other now and love each other to bits. Along the way I have learned some things about having children and I felt to share them with you, in case they may help you to be more loving with yourself as a person and a parent, and more loving with your kids.

Twelve top tips for dealing with “mother guilt”: 1.

You can only care for others as much as you care for yourself.

This is not a concept that many of us are familiar with. We have been raised to think that we are selfish if we look after ourselves first, but this is not true. There is a practical reality to having children, especially when they are very little, in that they have to be fed and cared for physically, but this is for a very short time, and they don’t have to be waited on hand and foot forever! We are worth caring for, just as much as anyone else, and we are our first responsibility, for if we don’t care for ourselves, who will?





You are a woman first and a mother second.

Never forget who you are. And why you had children in the first place. Honour yourself deeply as a woman, and make time for yourself and for your partner. You had children together because you love each other deeply and want to spend your lives together… never forget that… nurture yourself and your relationship as well as your children. The way you are with yourself models how to be a person in life for your children: if you are living in a way that is loving and caring, you are giving permission to your children to be loving and caring too. And if you are hard on yourself and don’t take care of yourself, what is that teaching your children? You cannot expect them to honour you or themselves, if you do not first honour yourself deeply. And the way you are in your relationship models how they are to be with other people too. 3.

What you do and the way you do it matters far more than what you say.

There is no point telling kids what to do if you are not doing it yourself. Don’t sit on the couch having a drink and checking your Instagram feed while yelling at them to get off their phones. If they are fighting, don’t shout at them from another room to stop. It makes no sense and does not work! If you want them to stop doing it, you stop doing it! And if you want to communicate with them, stop whatever you are doing and connect with them first. This can be hard for us to learn, because we want what we want, when we want it, but having kids is an awesome opportunity for us all to be more responsible and aware of how our actions affect other people, which they do, all the time. 4.

Children are adults in little bodies.

Never underestimate your children. They know exactly what is going on. They read everything and are aware of everything, sometimes far more than we are. Treat them as adults in little bodies… there are some things they physically cannot do yet, which we need to support them with, but they understand everything they need to know. Speak to them in plain English, and give them responsibilities according to their age and abilities. They love it. 5.

Saying no can be a loving thing to do.

We want our children to like us, but that is not our job. We are not their friends; we are their parents. Our job is to raise them to be the loving, caring responsible adults the world so desperately needs. And we can only do that by being loving, caring and responsible adults ourselves. Sometimes the most loving thing we can do is to say no: no to what is not loving for them, whether it be certain foods, drinks, activities or hanging out with certain people. We need to help them discern what is true for them and what is not. It is much easier to say no to a two-year-old and to deal with their tantrum than keep allowing them to have their own way and watch the tantrums and behaviours get bigger and more serious and more out of control as they grow older… you will have to say no eventually, so why not start now?





Your children are special, but they are no more special than anyone else.

We think our children are special and they are, but treating them as more special than other people is a recipe for disaster. Treat your children as you would any other person, and that will help you to not raise spoilt entitled brats! Do not let them demand things from you, or abuse you in any way, be it speaking disrespectfully or being physically abusive, or take you for granted and expect things from you. If you are not sure whether to give them something, or allow them to do something, ask yourself whether you would let anyone else do that, and there is your answer. 7.

Learn from your children.

Having children is a two-way street: we learn as much from them as they do from us. Teach your children to be open, honest and expressive and let them call you out and pull you back when you are off track, just as you do to them. My kids are quick to tell me when I am off track now, and I love the pull-up they offer me. 8.

Look in the mirror.

Our children are a perfect reflection. They show us exactly where we are at, which is why we sometimes struggle with them so much. If their behaviour is off, chances are that ours is too. I know I used to take my kids out for cake, because I wanted a treat, and then go off at them when they went off from the sugar (because I was off too) ‌ridiculous, looking back, but that is how we roll‌ 9.

Enjoy yourself.

Children are amazing. They are so much fun. Enjoy them! If you had a great childhood, you will know how to do that, and if you did not, this is your chance to raise your kids the way you would have loved to be raised; not in reaction to how your parents did it, or did not do it, but in a way



Parenting that is truly loving and caring, for you and for them. It is a great chance to reimprint your own childhood, celebrating it if it was joyful, and making life joyful now if it was not then. One of the greatest things about having children is that you have permission to do fun kid stuff as an adult. 10.

Heal your childhood hurts.

The more you can heal what hurt you as a child, the more free you will be to raise your children, free of reaction. Many of us raise our kids the opposite to the way we were raised… if we were spoilt, and know how this played out, maybe we are too strict with our own kids… or if our parents were strict, maybe we are over-indulgent… either way is not true. Deal with your own stuff, so you don’t end up hurting your children in the same way that you were hurt, or doing the opposite, which may hurt them in a different way. 11.

They are only mistakes if you don’t learn from them.

We all get it wrong at times, but they are only mistakes if you don’t learn from them. Find your own way with your own children… you know them better than anyone and remember, they chose you… not your mum, sister, friend or next-door neighbour, but you. They love and adore you and think you are the best person ever… be that person… the one that they adore. If you stuff up, say sorry, not in a poor-me or poor-them guilty way, but just as a matter of fact, so that they learn it is ok to make mistakes too, that no human being can be perfect, and that is not expected of them. 12.

Be yourself

All you have to be is yourself… that is more than enough. Let out all the love you have for them and let in all the love they have for you and let that love sustain you through the tough times and light your way… Being all of you is much more than we think. We are more than merely physical and have been around this block called life on earth more than once. Remember, that your child may once have been your parent, or your sister, and that we are wise beyond imagining, in whatever body we are in… Enjoy this life together, knowing that we have been here before and we will be here again… and make the most of all the opportunities to learn and grown and deepen in love that come your way… Article by Anne Malatt. Anne is a woman in her late 50’s, a happily married mother of five and grandmother of four, with another on the way. She has also been a doctor for over 30 years and knows all too well the challenges of juggling relationships and career, and of raising children. Anne loves to share her lived experience and wisdom, that others too may find their way home.





Revolutionary new toy, Scruff-a-Luvs is sponsoring PetRescue Australia and aims to teach children the importance of nurturing, recuing and caring for animals. Beginning as a mysterious matted coloured ball, children must nurture their new Scruff-a-Luv by washing, towel drying, brushing and styling its fur to reveal an adorable cat, dog or bunny. Scruff-a-Luv owners also receive a grooming brush, hair clips, name tag, collar and adoption certificate for their new furry friend and will feel like pet owners, able to wash their furry companion over and over again. Available from: All major toy retaillers RRP: $30


More of your favorite characters have been OOSHED! Find the Ooshies versions of your favorite superheroes from DC Comics and Marvel, such as Wonder Woman, Batman, Iron Man and Captain America! Watch your pencils transform with Transformer Ooshies and accessorize your school supplies by collecting Barbie in all her favorite outfits! There are so many Ooshies to collect with RARE and LIMITED EDITION Ooshies in each series! Launching in September at Big W, Kmart, Toyworld, Mr Toys, Coles, Woolworths (DC and Marvel) RRP: $3 for Blind Bags and $15 for 7 Packs




Wahu Tropikool

Be the coolest in the pool this summer! Check out our all new Wahu exclusive print across the Malibu Raft, Beach Ball, Lounger and Tube! Ideal for lazy days at the lake, river or beach! Beach Ball: RRP $9.95, Tube RRP $24.95, Lounger RRP $29.95 & Raft RRP $29.95. Suitable for ages 6+ & available at all leading retailers.


Available at all leading retailers The next generation of Phlat Ball is tricked up with a light display fit for a sci-fi flick! The Phlat Ball Flash is fitted with bright LED modules that shine and shimmer. So squash it, toss it, watch it pop into a ball and be entranced by the light show. It’s made from soft, flexible plastic and comes in assorted colours! Suitable for ages 6+, RRP $24.95

Nightball Pro Soccer & Nightball Pro Footy

Shoot and score with the Nightball Pro Soccer and Nightball Pro Footy! With super bright LED’s built into each ball, it will amaze you as it bounces and travels through the air! Nightball allows you to play anytime, anywhere- Day or night! Suitable for ages 6+, RRP $39.95 each.

WAHU Mermaid Cove Range

Available at all leading retailers Cool off with the Wahu Mermaid Cove range this summer! These awesome new prints feature on the Swim Vest ($39.95), Heart Float ($24.95), Beach Ball ($9.95) & Hop N Splash ($29.95) and make for the perfect mermaid inspired summer accessories! Suitable for ages 6+.

Zoom Ball Hydro provides H2-Oh so

much summer fun! Hold on to one set of handles, while your friend holds the other. Open your arms quickly to send the Zoom Ball over to your friend. Be ready to send the Zoom Ball back- you never know when the balloons will pop and soak you in water! RRP $20.00. Suitable for ages 8+ & available exclusively at Kmart.




Children’s Spring Fashion Trends 2018

The sun is out for longer and the days are brighter… Shorts are back in, as are short sleeve clothing and dresses. So as children start to play outside for longer; enjoying the warmer weather, we look into the upcoming Children’s Spring Fashion Trends for 2018.


As always; pastel colours are perfect for Spring and Summer as their gentle colours give a fresh, summery feel. Blue, red, pink and yellow are hot while Orange and Green is also going to be popular.

Large Graphics and Quotes

Shirts and Babygrows with quotes like “Daddy’s little Princess” and other cute quotes are hot right now. Finding one that is cute, funny or suitable for your child is key to getting the overall look of the outfit right. Meanwhile clothing with graphics of animals, prints or summer items like surfing/umbrellas are going to be popular as well.


Denim once again is in, providing a cool look to boys clothing. Plain denim parred with patterned shirts perfectly balance out the look providing a cool dude. For girls; denim skirts and pinafores will feature a lot throughout this Spring Summer Fashion Season. Denim skirts with embroidered graphics will create a gorgeous fashionista while Demin pinafores will also be popular.

Bold and Stripes

Stripes are still super trendy for boys this season. Pair a stripped top with a denim pair of shorts to a cool fashionable look. Bold Colours mixed with shaped prints for boys will be popular this spring as well.

Strappy or Frilly

Soft, sweet and gorgeous. Girls will look perfect for any occasion with the spring fashion trend of strappy dresses and tops alongside frilly ones.

Ombre or Patchwork

Hot this season for girls are Ombre styled clothes or Patchwork dresses. Ombre shorts, shirts and dresses generally in a striking colour and toning down into a pastel colour are super trendy for girls fashion this spring. Patchwork dresses and skirts create a sweet, innocent look for your little girl and will also be seen more. These Children’s Spring Fashion Trends are uber cute and cater for all types of personalities. Turn your little one into a style master with these 2018


Spring Fashion Items.


2018 Children’s Spring Fashion Items.


Marty PK Shoes Strap yourself in, for this is going to be an eye popping, jaw dropping safari ride! With their crisp monochrome zebra print and light grey suede toe details, with accents of electrifying yellow on the lining, laces and rubber soles (midi and flexi only), these stripey kicks are a must have for every young and wild mini fashionista!

Dogues PK Shoes Pardon our Frenchie, but these DOGUES cute as fluff! Featuring beige, tan and grey French Bulldogs on a bright blue background, perfectly finished with neutral beige suede toe and heel details and gum rubber soles (midi and flexi only), you’d be barking mad to miss out on these!

Budgie Smugglers PK Shoes The ONLY budgie smuggler getup that won’t have you flying for (eye) cover! With their most dazzling bright pink background, splashed with brilliant green and yellow budgies, and finished with hot pink leather toe and heel details and white rubber soles (midi and flexi only), they’re sure to be at the top of the pecking order of any cool kicks collection!

PKs' are designed with foot health at the forefront, whilst seamlessly combining this with fashion forwardness. PKs are ultra light and flexible, using only natural rubber, and they come in many eye popping and funky designs. With each style available in 3 types of soles - Softi (soft suede soles for newborns and small infants), Midi (ultra thin and lightweight flat rubber half sole, perfect for older babies and new walkers), and Flexi (full rubber soles for more active and older children), they are perfect for developing children. Prices from $43 and vary depending on the sole you require. Find out more at: www.paperkrane.com.au



Fun in the Sun Cactus Baby Boy Long Sleeve Sunsuit:Cactus Baby Long Sleeve All-in-One Sunsuit. This sporty kids UPF50+ sunsuit is perfect for hitting the beach, catching some waves, or just running wild! Sizes 0-6, RRP$59.95 Available from www.platypusaustralia.com

Sherbet Shore Tankini with Frill Sherbet Shore Tank Top and Kini Bottom with Frill. Super cute, popular and stylish, this UPF50+ skirted little tankini bathing suit features adjustable cross back straps and pattern mixing. Sizes 0-8, RRP$54.95. Available from www.platypusaustralia.com

Pineapple Crush Baby Sunskirt Short Sleeve Pineapple Crush Short Sleeve All-in-One Sunskirt. This great all in one UPF50+ Baby Sunskirt is the complete solution and Baby is ready to go! The double frill makes it super cute for the active baby and toddler. Sizes 0-8, RRP$59.95. Available from www.platypusaustralia.com

Sunnies.com.au has a large range of Sunglasses for the family ready for Summer. The bright new Children’s range includes RV, polarised and our new branded sunnies, all styles the kids will love. All sunglasses sold comply with Australian Standards and provide high levels of UV protection. To browse the range jump online to www.sunnies.com.au.



Bougainvilliea Summer Dress Amp up the fun factor in her summer collection with this fabulous pretty in pink party dress. The colourful Indian inspired print will instantly brighten up her everyday wardrobe! RRP: $ $54 Available from: https://www.eternalcreation.com

Eternal Creation Aztec Top Make a statement with this Aztec inspired colourful, bold top. Made of a combination of super soft cotton and a hand woven bold yellow frill trim, this style is a fun, funky must have summer piece. RRP $55 Available from: https://www.eternalcreation.com

Lemon Frill Sundress Ideal for any occasion, this soft cotton dress with an elasticated waistband is easy to wear all day long. A wonderfully girly dress complete with a pretty frill neckline and a beautiful bow tie at the back. RRP: $ $60 Available from: https://www.eternalcreation.com




Trending Items this Spring 2018

Spring is in the air! Spring is everywhere! What I love about spring is coming out of the dark (and cold) & into the light (and Sun). The same can be said about fashion. From dark to light colours from solids to florals. Spring 2018 is all about prints, colour and making a statement.


Colours like pastels are usually popular in spring and this spring is no different. Blush and all shades of pink, lilac, white, yellow, mustard, navy and any shade of blue are popular. Have fun with colour. Tonal is wearing all one colour can elongate your figure and make you look taller. White is white hot this spring but is not an ideal choice for mothers. Image breast milk stains and vomit from your new born and finger painting on your skirt by your two year old. I don’t think any mother needs to spend more time soaking and washing more than she needs too. If you love white invest in a pair of white ankle boots and or white belt or belt bag (where at least you can wipe off any marks from the leather). Statement tees are big this season. Pair with a blazer and jeans and you take your bus run to the next level. Pick a slogan that you can relate to or inspire you like ‘Boss Mumma’ or ‘Adore’. Have fun with it and wear it with pride. Resin earrings make a big statement this spring. They are bright and colourful and an easy way to add colour into your wardrobe. Team these with any outfit and it will instantly make you feel amazing and incredible. A statement earring will take your look from day to night and draw attention to your beautiful face. Add some lipstick and a smile even if you are tired, to brighten your day and others around you. Floral has been around for some seasons and continues into spring 2018. Floral prints are everywhere from dresses to tops to skirts and pants. My favourite is a floral dress teamed with an ankle boot. Also wide leg pants a back in a big way. A wide leg floral pant looks amazing on most




body shapes. Floral or any print is also perfect for hiding any stains or marks children may leave behind while out and about. Stripes and polka dots are also back in season with dresses, pants skirts and tops. Vertical stripes will enhance your body’s length making you appear taller. Horizontal stripes will add curve and width to your body. So be careful when choosing stripes and think about what you are trying to achieve. Whether that be adding curves or length to your body. Ankle boots are still number one on my list. They can be worn with everything from jeans, skirts and dresses and add a fun and functional element to your outfit. Choose a heel height that is comfortable for you. Personally, low to mid heel is best when chasing children around all day. Sparkles are everywhere this season. Anything that sparkles will bring joy to your day shoes, earrings, jewellery but clothing is big this year. Linen is everywhere this spring. It is a versatile material that is perfect for the Australian climate. Similar to cotton it stays cool in the hotter months and ideal for travel. If you don’t like the crushed or unironed look then linen may not be for you. Add a simple linen dress or linen shirt to your wardrobe, will help you step out to your next BBQ looking relaxed and effortless. Finally don’t be hard on yourself. Have fun with fashion. Find a trend that suits you; add one or two key pieces to update your wardrobe for spring. Style is all about expressing yourself and your personality. Even if is just one new pair of resin earrings this season. Article from Ema Smith @ STYLE REBELLION info@stylerebellion.com.au




Spring Fashion Trends 2018 Spring has sprung! Here are a few comfortable and versatile pieces for the upcoming season to help you look your best and freshen your wardrobe whilst still keeping it practical enough to run after a young family. It’s typical in the spring and summer to see a few lighter colours play a main part in new styles and this year it’s no different. Blush and lavender are the colours this spring along with sage green, muted oat, Egyptian blue, and auburn red. These springy tones can easily be incorporated into your wardrobe. A basic top is a particularly easy way to do this, but don’t be afraid to try a dress or even some casual pants.

Patterns are out in strength this spring and because of their diverse style, polka dots, checks, stripes, tassels can all be very classy, but also super fun! Everything from shoes to purses, from blouses to swimsuits! Obviously, denim jeans are a staple in most people’s closet, but there is denim in almost every piece this season including overalls, dresses, tops and utility style jackets.

Jumpsuits and rompers are all the rage right now with many styles to choose from. If you know your body shape there is a variety to choose from tanks, sleeves, slim cut, wide leg.

Ruffles. So many ruffles!!!. You will see ruffled tees, blouses, ruffles on swimsuits, ruffles on dresses and especially on sleeves. Bell sleeves are also popular this season. You may want to look for some less pronounced or more fitted sleeves that will work from a practical point of view. Throwing on a neck scarf “can really tie things together” it is a great way to add some colour and texture to your everyday look without overdoing it. A leather belt, bangle or a simple long




necklace is also a good go-to when you want to add a little extra to an otherwise plain outfit. A statement handbag has the same affect.

A midi dress is your versatile spring staple. You can dress it up for a party, lunch or BBQ or it can be thrown on for a day at the beach. Depending on how you accessorise it, you can pretty much wear a midi dress for any occasion.

The Maxi dress is the ultimate of versatility. You can wear one for any occasion and be

comfortable while looking pulled together. Again, dressed up or down it should be a staple in any mum’s wardrobe!

Spring is a time to be creative with pattern and colour! Article from Nikki Durben. Nikki set up Quaintrelle Style as a personal styling consultancy to empower everyday women by inspiring them to find their own unique authentic style. My approach is one of empathy and practicality. It is about opening up a world of possibility to find your personal style, to create an inner confidence and freedom to be who you really are. www. qstyling.com.au Picture courtesy of Style Blue Print

Spring Fashion Items We are loving Adele Dress

Cut from super soft Lenzing viscose you can wear this versatile dress however takes your fancy. Asymmetrical sleeves and hemline allows you to be creative so style up with a belt and flats or wear with heels for a more elegant take. Soft luxurious Lenzing viscose, a natural & eco-friendly fabric made from the pulp of beechwood trees. A small amount of Spandex gives it that extra stretch making it super comfy to wear. Perfect for mums to be as well. RRP: $109 (A 20% discount for first time shoppers is available if you sign up to their email.) Handmade with love in Bali. Available from: https://donnahclothing.com.au/



The NO BULL Sh*T Guide to the Swimwear for YOUR body! Yes, we just swore. Why? Because there is so much prehistoric rubbish about “your shape” and the 5 categories when it comes to swimwear that we saw it fit to describe it with a profanity. Here at Styelle, we are ALL very different and there are a lot more shapes than just 5, I can promise you that. But we all have one thing in common – we are women – and let’s be honest, what woman doesn’t LOVE a great swimsuit! So here it is! Your no bull sh*t guide to getting something for your body. Small Chest: Finding a suit that flatters your bust can be a challenge. The best bet for a woman with a smaller chest is to go for a top with embellishments or ruffles to give the illusion of a larger chest. Most women with a smaller bust would go straight for a padded swimsuit – but at Styelle, we have designed a few different styles without padding just for this! Check out our petites range. Huge Chest: For all the gifted women out there with large boobs, steer clear of anything with a thin string. It will offer you no support and your girls will most likely come loose in the water. Wide straps or no straps and double stitching or hidden stitching are key and make sure cup sizes are specified in whichever you choose. Underwire or moulded cups are essential for women with a larger bust so you can stay secure while cruising the beach. Broad Shoulders: There are a few things you can do with broad shoulders. We call it “divide and conquer” here at Styelle. When you have a larger part of you that you don’t like, you divide it to conquer it.Stick to solid colours with a panel on them of some sort. This gives the illusion of division and will instantly narrow the area. An asymmetrical or knotted detail neckline/shape will draw the attention away from your shoulders and even you out. You can also opt for a classic triangle bikini that has had the bust section cut higher. Flat Booty: Now this is a Styelle specialty! All Styelle swimsuits are designed in low, mid or high brazil cut for one reason only – to give you the much loved curve you really want. Pick the height you’re comfortable with and know your booty is rocking the beach. Bottoms with scrunch detail are an added bonus too as they give the illusion of extra roundness. Big Booty: So for the ladies with a generous derriere, we recommend sticking to the lower cut bikinis and in block colours so you don’t draw too much attention to the area. Something with a wide side band or even high waist to elongate your lower body. Stay away from string bikinis, mid or high cuts as well as scrunch bottoms. Athletic/Compact: The desired look to achieve on athletic bodies is to add more curve. Super feminine styles are the way to go when you have an athletic figure. Think frills, ruffles and girly prints. Try to avoid block colours if you can. Soften your shape with pastels or floral prints. Love Handles and/or tummy pouch: High-waisted bottoms are easily the best way to hide a tummy pouch and/or love handles. Lined swimwear made from a firm lycra will stop any jiggling too. Just make sure it goes above your belly button so you don’t get a muffin top appearance. A plunging neckline will effectively draw attention away from your least favoured bits too.



Short Torso and/or legs: Low rise bottoms and a lifted bust line will make your torso and legs appear longer. A string or high cut bottom is the preference so there is the least amount of interruption on your skin. Avoid high-waisted bottoms and tops with any extra detailing under the bust line. Back Fat: Stay away from thin straps here! They will dig into your skin and create a double-bulge. Head to designs with a softer material and extra-wide bands or a high cut one piece to smooth the lumps and bumps. Also good are long sleeved tops like a cropped rashie. Full Thighs: Skirted or fold down styles are the best for fuller thighs as they create a block appearance across your bottom and front. Feel free to skip the bikini wax too ;) Big Hips and Skinny Legs: The way to overcome this is to balance out your shoulders and hips. Sport a high-legged bottom with either a strapless or off the shoulder top. “It’s no longer “trendy” to be skinny – it’s all about proportion now and balancing your body out. Always remember, you are entitled to wear whatever you like and what we have recommended above is merely a guide. You are ALL beautiful, no matter your shape and should embrace that. Your body really is your temple so love yourself always and be your best version of you.” Charys Caldarella - Founder and CEO of Styelle Swim and Proud Mother of 6



What to look for when Buying Swimwear With summer just around the corner, it’s time to start thinking about what you’ll be lazing around the pool wearing. We take a closer look at 5 of the must-haves when it comes to swimwear:


It is important to choose pieces that will be comfortable, practical and flattering for your body shape. If you don’t feel comfortable in your swimwear, it will impact upon your confidence by the water.

Choose a style to suit your body shape!

Pears: try designs that draw attention to the top half of your body and also provide adequate coverage on the bottom. A halter neck one piece with plunging neckline or bandeau one piece to highlight your décolletage, or bikini with a printed top and plain bottom would be perfect for you.

Broad Shoulders: For those who have broader shoulders than hips, the reverse applies and it's best to seek out designs that draw attention away from the shoulders. Try a triangle bikini to highlight your curves, or an asymmetrical one piece Apple: If you’re more of an apple body type, look for one pieces that have some structure and provide support around the mid section.

Hourglass: Designs that accentuate your curves are best. Try either a standard triangle bikini,

structured one piece, or one piece with cut outs at the waist

For that extra coverage, always choose a lined swimsuit that hugs the body firmly to provide freedom of movement and support.


There are certain styles that are ‘timeless’ and look great season in, season out. You can never lose with a triangle bikini, it’s a design that has stood the test of time and for good reason! A bikini works so well with hipster or high rise pants. Everyone should always have at least one onepiece as well; you can’t go past a halter neck or bandeau maillot.


Look for neutrals including black, white, navy and olive green. These colours are easy to coordinate with any accessories that you take with you poolside or beachside.


Look for swimwear fabric that boasts a UPF 50+ rating. The more skin coverage the better, so rash guards are a go-to over summer. Gone are the days where the only long sleeve swimsuits available are fluro coloured and made for children, there’s now a number of stylish rash guards on the market, so you can be sun smart while still looking stylish.



Don’t forget to also slip, slop, slap through summer! Australia is the skin cancer capital of the world, so it’s important to use extra protection when you’re out enjoying the sun.


Its important to look for swimwear made of a dense fabric that ideally has a lining. Most good quality fashion swimsuits are made using nylon, which is a lightweight but very strong fibre, blended with elastane for elasticity. You should look for a composition of around 80% nylon and 20% elastane. The less elastane, the less support and shaping power you will enjoy. Article from Annette Gaber, Founder of Klassikoz Swimwear @klassikozswimwear www.klassikoz.com.au




Tips for baking with Children As a little girl, I enjoyed baking with my grandmother and mother. I still remember the mess, the fun and the delicious results. I wanted to share my love of baking and create similar memories with my children, yet as a mum, baking with children can be challenging.

Here are some of my tips on how to enjoy baking with young children. 1. Simple, quick recipes

The children love quick and simple recipes as they do tend to lose interest otherwise. Butter Biscuits are a great idea as they can create the cookies into the shapes they like. My eldest is starting to want to get involved in the cooking more and more, so I have been making Salsa with her which mostly requires items to be added to the food processor –most of which (washing, picking leaves, adding ingredients) she can do on her own with only a little help and supervision. She and I taste the result and I ask her what she thinks of the taste and if anything is missing which gives her a feeling of responsibility while teaching her flavours and food tastes.

2. Suitable tasks.

With three children I have to try and work out which tasks I will assign to each. Often I will allow all of them to pour already measured ingredients into the bowl (sometimes with a helpful hand). All children can help getting spoons, bowls and other ingredients as well as putting them away. My eldest will get the harder tasks such as cracking an egg (into a separate bowl is a good tip to grab any rouge shells) while my youngest often enjoys the responsibility of turning the beater or processor on or off.

3. Have the time.

Baking is no fun if the processed is rushed. Having the extra time to enjoy the activity will enable you to enjoy the moment and not be anxious or concerned about little mistakes or the mess made. It is this quality time spent with them that will create long lasting memories.

4. Give rewards and build trust.

When in the kitchen it is tempting for younger children to touch everything and do more than what you are asked to. To keep my sanity, to enjoy the process and avoid too much mess; I am quite strict – if you don’t listen you have to leave the kitchen. For those who help nicely, they are rewarded by being able to lick the bowl when we are finished. They are also rewarded by building your trust in them so that they can grow and do more complicated jobs. A key aspect of building your child’s confidence and self-esteem comes from



Food showing them that you trust in their ability to undertake tasks. Start slowly and build their confidence and your trust in their abilities by getting them to complete more and more difficult jobs (cracking an egg, mixing the ingredients together in a bowl without spilling everything, etc), teaching them how to do it and then watching them practice and learn. This will not only help them in the kitchen but also in life.

5. It’s all about the experience

While it is desirable for the end result to be edible; it does not need to be perfect. We have made mash balls that are less like balls and more like snakes. Think of how you can enhance the experience rather than getting stuck on the finer details (e.g. balls). One of my children’s favourite activities is to decorate the cake/cupcakes. It is a fun, sensual experience that they love. To make the most of the experience (without stressing me out) I set them up outside with a disposable table cloth over my outdoor table and gave them each a readymade icing tube and said “decorate”. The decorations varied in ability, theme and look however each child from 3 to 8years old had a blast. Mummy even enjoyed being creative and we all loved eating the results.

6. Embrace the mess

Overall the biggest tip for cooking with children is that there will be mess. Accept it. Minimise it (if possible) and realise that little children cannot help spilling and wanting to touch everything. Spend some time teaching them how you want them to cook with you (listening, where to stand etc) and place items that can cause immediate distractions (sugar, eggs) out of the way until needed to avoid disaster. There are many benefits in baking with your children and I hope that these tips help you further enjoy the experience and the kitchen with your kids. The following recipes are quick, easy recipes ideal to create with your children.




Crazy Cake


1 ½ cups Self Raising Flour ž cup sugar 5t cocoa Pinch salt 1t vanilla essence 6T cooking oil (Canola or vegetable) 1T vinegar


1 cup icing sugar 1 t cocoa 2t butter very soft 2T milk

Method: 1.

Heat oven to 180 degrees Celsius.


Mix all the ingredients up to the Vanilla essence together in a bowl.


Make 3 holes in the dry mixture.


Put the vanilla essence, cooking oil and vinegar each in their own hole.


Add 1 cup of cold water to the bowl and using a fork, beat until smooth.

6. Grease a cake tin and add mixture. Bang the cake tin on the counter to get rid of air bubbles within the mixture. 7.

Bake for 25-30minutes.

Icing: Add all ingredients into the bowl and mix. Add extra milk a little at a time to reach desired consistency. Decorate with white chocolate melts if desired.




Smart Cookies Indregients

300g SR Flour 5ml Salt 250g butter 100g Sugar 100g Brown Sugar 1 tsp. Vanilla Essence 2 Eggs 1 Packet Smarties

Method: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

6. 7. 8. 9.

Preheat Oven to 180 degrees celcius Combine butter, sugar, brown sugar and vanilla essence. Beat well. Beat in eggs. Gradually add in flour and salt, beating well. Place mixture in fridge for 20-30minutes. This helps keep your cookies in a better shape and not spreading out too much. Line backing trays with baking paper. Place 1 Tbsp. of mixture onto baking trays, leaving gaps for the cookies to spread. Place 4-5 smarties on each cookie dough. Cook for 10minutes or until golden brown.

Berry Smoothie Ingredients

1 1/2 -2 Cups Milk 4 Tbps Greek Yogurt 1 cup Frozen Berries 1 ½ bananas Optional: 1 Tbsp Honey (to sweeten the taste if required)


Add all ingredients and then blend together until smooth and serve.




Top 5 Natural Herbs To Help Mums Destress

We all have busy lives and there is often so much crammed into our day with work, family, kids and our social lives. Combine that with the ever-present knowledge of increasing work expectations, skyrocketing car payments, crippling mortgages and the cost of living, we are challenged to do more, often with less which places a tremendous amount of stress on our emotional health, minds and bodies. This ever-present stress and anxiety that can follow, affects both our ability to perform, mentally and physically, and can have deleterious implications for our health and wellbeing.

However, with young children or newborn babies constantly needing our attention, finding time to truly care for ourselves and move in a way that is right for us to feel whole in our lives can be a challenge. Here are five of our favourite naturally occurring herbs which can easily be included in your day, to help you destress. As always, everyone is different so always best to check with your GP or health practitioner to make sure these are right for you, especially if you’re breastfeeding.

Siberian Ginseng

While it might sound like a new Cirque de Soleil show, the root of the Siberian Ginseng plant has been used for centuries in traditional healing systems and is great at restoring balance between the different systems in the body. Use it to treat adrenal exhaustion, so good for those mornings following a night when the kids are waking up at all hours and your sleep was heavily disrupted. However, as stated above, this one in particular is not a good one for breastfeeding mothers.


is another ancient herb which has been used through the centuries and is considered a cornerstone of traditional Indian Ayurvedic medicine. The root of the Withania bush can improve our capacity to withstand chronic stress and treat mild anxiety. It can even reduce cortisol levels in the body, a hormone produced during times of deep stress.




St John’s Wart

Ugly name but a beautiful herb, this pretty yellow flower works with your brain to prevent the nerve cells from reabsorbing the chemical messenger serotonin as well as dopamine and noradrenaline. A great one for treating post-natal depression or general mild depression as it’s a fantastic relaxant. Not recommended for those that are on other anti-depressants.


Another great sedative, the fruit of the Zizyphus shrub can be used for a number of positive health outcomes, including calming of the nerves and mind. Zizyphus is a gorgeous herb to help with insomnia or shallow sleep. A better one for breastfeeding mothers but always make sure you’re checking with your physician.


Two for the price of one here. Passionflower is a herb which can be taken as a tea infusion for helping with anxiety, nervousness and in a larger dose, insomnia. Lavender is in the same wheelhouse in that it’s helpful for anxiety, depression and in helping you fall asleep naturally. Article by: Elizabeth Mucci is a scientist, nutritionist and herbalist with a Masters in Reproductive Medicine and over 18 years experience as a clinician and teacher. Elizabeth has helped thousands of patients start their families, manage chronic illness, lose weight, gain hormonal balance and overcome a range of unresolved health issues through her clinic in Sydney's Eastern Suburbs. Learn more about Elizabeth's practice and her patient's experience via her website, https://lifeontheinside.com.au




10 Easy Spring Cleaning Hacks using Bi-Carb Soda There’s no denying that the parenting lifestyle is a busy one. If you’re on the hunt for a few life hacks to make cleaning the home that little bit easier, look no further than a trusty household staple: bi-carb soda. Australian kitchen staple McKenzie’s Bi-Carb Soda is not only great for cooking, but it is also a non-toxic, affordable (RRP $2.40) alternative for cleaning and removing odours from around the home. From cleaning makeup brushes to deodorizing your pet, the list of uses for McKenzie’s Bi-Carb Soda are endless.

For the busy parents among us, below is a list of the ‘Top 10 Easy Cleaning Hacks’ using this versatile product. 1. Baby stains odour removal - If your baby spits up on their or your clothes, moisten a cloth, dip it in Bi-Carb and dab at the stain. The odour will go away. 2. Clean stuffed animals - Freshen stuffed toys with a sprinkling of Bi-Carb. Wait 15 minutes and then brush off. 3. Clean wet mattresses - Soak up moisture with a towel, then sprinkle the mattress with Bi-Carb. If possible, let the mattress dry in the sun. Vacuum away the dry Bi-Carb. Repeat the process several times. 4. Relieves nappy rash - Add 1 tsp of Bi-Carb to a bowl of warm water and let your baby soak their bottom for a few minutes. Afterwards don’t rinse and gently pat dry. 5. Shoe Deodoriser - Sprinkle a small amount of dry Bi-Carb into your shoes to absorb smells. Shake out well before wearing. 6. Car Deodoriser - Leave a small open packet of Bi-Carb in your car to absorb unpleasant smells. Replace every 3 months. 7. Clean Baby Bottles - Safely clean baby bottles by placing 2 tsps of Bi-Carb into the bottle, pour in hot water, leave to soak then rinse well. 8. Cleaning Kids Lunch Boxes - Use Bi-Carb solution to clean stained and smelly lunch boxes. 9. Cleaning Baby Equipment - Safely clean your baby’s pram, playpen, car seat or high chair. Sprinkle Bi-Carb on a clean damp sponge and rub the item clean. Rinse thoroughly and allow to dry. 10. Remove Stubborn Stains on Carpets/Rugs - Sprinkle Bi-Carb over the stain, then moisten it with a little soda water and rub gently. Do not over-wet carpet/rug. Allow to dry, then vacuum clean.



Lifestyle Below are the most popular ways to use McKenzie’s Bi-Carb Soda for cleaning:

• To make a paste: Combine 3 tablespoons of McKenzie’s Bi-Carb Soda with 1 tablespoon water. Adjust for your desired consistency. • To make a solution: Dissolve 3 tablespoons of McKenzie’s Bi-Carb Soda in 1 litre of warm water. • For wiping: Apply McKenzie’s Bi-Carb Soda directly onto a damp sponge or cloth. Who knew that such a simple household product could have so many convenient uses!

Reviewed Globber One NL230 The Scooter for Dad that will get the whole family active together. Getting an adult scooter is a great idea as most dad’s feel comfortable to scooter along (regardless of how fast/slow) and it is a great way to keep up with active kids when you aren’t in your prime fitness.

Read the Review

YOGI FUN offers yoga-inspired games and activity ideas for young children right through to adults! We received the beautifully illustrated deck of cards, as well as the tube of dice to try in our home. Read the Review

Carrol Boyes Cheese Knife: Wound Up In the lead up to spring, entertaining guests becomes more frequent and I do enjoy putting out a nice spread of cheese and biscuits. Carrol Boyes is renowned for creating stylish and designer Homewares.

Read the Review



Beauty Lifestyle

Revive your skin for Spring with DIY sugar scrub recipes The colder months can leave us feeling dry and dull. With the warmer weather finally here, it’s time to rejuvenate your skin! There is no better feeling than having a good old pamper. But what’s even better than that? A pamper session that won’t break the bank! Don’t worry about scrub shopping at the supermarket or in beauty stores. Thanks to CSR Sugar’s easy to make sugar scrub recipes, you can get scrubbing from the comfort of your home. From energising orange, smoothing vanilla, warming honey and exfoliating coffee, these sugar scrubs will help revive your skin, leaving you feeling, smelling and looking amazing! The sugar scrub recipes follow the same convenient method.


1. Mix all ingredients together and store in an airtight container or a mason jar 2. Use one tablespoon as needed in the shower. Scrub skin with the scrub and rinse well.

Energising Orange Scrub

1 cup CSR White or CSR Brown Sugar ½ cup oil (olive, almond or coconut) 8 drops orange essential oil Total cost = $1.95

Warming Honey and Brown Sugar Scrub 1 cup CSR Brown Sugar ½ cup oil (olive, almond or coconut) 1 tsp vanilla 1 tsp honey Total cost = $2.60

Soothing Vanilla Lavender Scrub

1 cup CSR White Sugar ½ cup oil (olive, almond or coconut) 1 tsp pure vanilla extract 5 drops lavender essential oil Total cost = $2.30



Beauty Exfoliating Coffee Scrub

1 cup ground coffee 1 cup coconut oil 1 cup Dark Brown Sugar 1 tbs ground cinnamon (optional) Total cost = $9.60 *Costs are determined by average cost of product & quantity of product required. What are you waiting for? It’s time to get scrubbing!



Travel Lifestyle

8 Tips & Tricks for Camping with Kids The school holidays are steadily approaching and so is camping season! It’s time to pull the kids away from their screens and head out into nature for some good old fashioned fun! We caught up with Anaconda Camping Expert Simone Jorgensen, who revealed some awesome tips to ensure your next trip away with the clan is a resounding success! 1. 1. Glow sticks are an excellent way to keep track of the kids at night and even the pets attached to their collar. 2. 2. Headlamps like the Tactical Kid’s Duck Headlamp are an inexpensive way of ensuring everyone has their own light when it gets dark. 3. 3. Baby wipes are great way for cleaning dirty hands and feet before getting inside the tent and sleeping bags. 4. 4. Sort your gear in clear storage containers before you head away to help you stay organised at your campsite. 5. 5. Invest in a tent with Darkroom or Eclipse technology like the Coleman Instant Up Darkroom 4P Tent or the Dune Woodland Cabin Tent so the kids don’t wake up with the sun rise at the crack of dawn. 6. 6. Encourage your children to help set up the campsite by giving them tasks such as setting up the tables and chairs. This can be a little bit of learning time for the kids. 7. 7. Help your children to pack their own backpack. Their involvement in packing their own bag prior to the trip is a good way to get them interested in the upcoming adventure. Fill the pack with the essentials; water bottles, tissues, sunglasses, sunscreen and snacks! Also include a whistle, in case they wander too far. 8. 8. Use this camping time as a great adventure for all. There will be lots of experiences and new sights for everyone to enjoy! Go on hikes during the day to see animals, cool plants and insects, and find little bits of nature to collect to bring back to the campsite. Article from Anaconda Camping Expert Simone Jorgensen.



Exploring Lake Macquarie


The 2018 Hotlist – Holiday Park Heaven – caravans are making a comeback With caravan parks enjoying some of the most spectacular waterfront locations in and around Lake Macquarie, the region might as well have been made for those with a caravan in tow, the most ideal way to travel at a low cost. Combine superb lakefront and coastal sites with natureinspired activities including fishing, surfing, bushwalking, mountain-biking and more and it’s easy to see why the new breed of holiday park is reinventing caravan travel.

Australia is home to 1,320 businesses in the caravan and camping ground industry, 27.8% of which are based in New South Wales – with Lake Macquarie boasting some of the best, including: Ingenia Holidays Lake Macquarie Just 70 minutes north of Hornsby on the serene southern shores of the lake, Ingenia offers accommodation options for a broad range of budgets, from luxury waterfront villas to cosy cabins and grassy powered sites. Take a dip in the pool, enjoy a short drive to some of the state’s most beautiful beaches, or take advantage of easy access to the jetty and waterfront reserve’s sandy inlets and secluded bays which are picture perfect for boating, fishing and swimming. Swansea Gardens Lakeside Holiday Park Centrally located on the shores of lovely Lake Macquarie, Swansea Gardens Lakeside Holiday Park enjoys a prime location in a tranquil, tree-studded park close to unspoilt patrolled surf beaches, restaurants and cafes, local shopping and licensed clubs. There’s action aplenty with windsurfing, fishing, scuba diving, kiteboarding, sailing and swimming, as well as tennis, mini-golf, basketball, a playground, barbeques, a boat ramp, camp kitchen and a recreation room all on site. Accommodation options range from roomy unpowered tent sites to air-conditioned two-bedroom villas with cable TV.



Travel Lifestyle Blacksmiths Beachside Holiday Park Just a short stroll from one of New South Wales’ best-loved beaches, and boasting a variety of accommodation options catering to all budgets, Blacksmiths is the perfect base for lengthy strolls on pristine white sand, taking a refreshing dip under the watchful eye of the local surf lifesaving patrol or just listening to the sounds of the Pacific Ocean rolling in. Boating enthusiasts will love the nearby launch facilities, offering easy access to both the open ocean and the tranquil lake where you can swim, surf, fish and sail for days on end before heading back to the park to enjoy a dip in the pool or a late afternoon turn in the playground with the kids. Belmont Bayview Park Idyllically tucked between pristine beaches and serene Lake Macquarie and close to the delights of the nearby Hunter Valley - Belmont Bayview Park is exceptionally located for creating a fabulous family adventure. Choose from powered sites and cosy cabins, enjoy free wifi and access to a barbeque, outdoor dining area and private pool – and pick up supplies for the raft of nearby cafes. Paradise Palms Caravan Park Perched on the western shores of Lake Macquarie at Carey Bay, easily accessible just off the Sydney to Newcastle freeway, Paradise Palms Caravan Park is home to poolside cabins and campsites, both enjoying a peaceful location and access to waterfront barbeques and a convenient boat ramp for plenty of action out and about on the lake. Wangi Point Lakeside Holiday Park heated resort style pool! Situated between Lake Macquarie and Wangi Point Flora and Fauna Reserve, Wangi Point Lakeside Holiday Park enjoys a beautiful bush setting on the foreshore with easy access to a nearby public boat ramp providing the perfect launch point for fishing, canoeing, swimming, windsurfing, kiteboarding and more. Accommodation options range from spacious unpowered camp sites to airconditioned two-bedroom luxury villas with all the mod-cons, including Foxtel.

Bring it on: the ultimate Lake Macquarie experiences under $100 If it’s low or no cost activities you’re looking for check out the fantastic five - at least for starters. There’s plenty more to explore in and around the lake’s shore…from horse riding and beach strolls to thrill rides, kayaking and bike riding. Book into one of the region’s renowned caravan parks and see first-hand why they’re setting a new benchmark for low cost holiday travel. Pulbah Island – Wangi Wangi Nature Reserve Kayak Tour with School of Yak // Half day tour: $95.00 per person (Adult) Escape to Pulbah Island… Hire a boat, pack a picnic lunch or paddle a kayak, there are so many ways to explore Lake Macquarie’s largest island. If you’re looking for an adventurous day trip to remember, Pulbah Island is your go-to. The largest island in Lake Macquarie, Pulbah Island is approximately 1.6 kilometres in length and is known for the large boulders and caves which dot its foreshore. Visit the island’s northern side to explore shallow beaches and safe anchorages, or head south and prepare to be impressed by the island’s rocky outcrops and steep cliffs. The School of Yak offers kayak tours and training in Lake Macquarie for families of all ages keen to enjoy the waterways up close and discover Pulbah Island. Launching from the eastern shoreline of Lake Macquarie make the crossing to Wangi Wangi Nature Reserve. From Wangi the options are to do a coastal paddle for the less experienced paddlers or if the weather is right and everyone is confident then continue across the lake to the western end of Pulbah Island. From here make your way across to point Wolstencroft to enjoy the legendary School of Yak afternoon/morning tea. The journey is completed by passing the eastern end of Pulbah island.



Travel Thrill Ride with Jetbuzz // 35minutes: $70 per person (Adult) Lake Macquarie’s most exhilarating adventure awaits you! An experience on the lake that’s anything but tranquil, take a spin on a jet boat and watch your heart rate soar as you enjoy full circle spins, power brake stops and fun fish tails – you can even opt for the Ocean Extreme adventure and enjoy additional thrills and spills out in the ocean.

Explore Caves Beach // Free! Lake Macquarie’s iconic Caves Beach holds its place as a firm family favourite. It’s extensive network of sea caves and rock pools are ideal for low-tide exploration and is guaranteed to keep whole family happy. Home to the Caves Beach Surf Life Saving Club, a kiosk, bathrooms and barbeques and picnic tables, Caves Beach is a must visit. Pack your sunnies, hat and sunscreen, get your swimmers on, and enjoy a day out for the family to remember. Ride Warners Bay Foreshore with Boomerang Bikes // 1 Hour hire: $14 You can’t say you’ve been to Lake Macquarie without visiting Warner’s Bay. This lively lakeside town has everything from boutique shopping to quirky eateries and a fabulous foreshore perfect for picnics and post-meal strolls. Hire a bike with Boomerang Bikes and enjoy a ride along the water’s edge while admiring the panoramic lake views. Enjoy a ride along the water’s edge, taking in panoramic lake views and enjoy the elevated over-water Redbluff Boardwalk. With a Boomerang Bike Hire station located along the foreshore riders can simply meander, or enjoy a longer ride. Mountain Riding with AAA Horse Riding // 1 hour horse ride: $40 per person The glorious foothills of the Watagan Mountains are almost made to be explored on horseback so take advantage of lessons, full-day rides and even overnight stays with the experts from AAA Horse Riding. Explore incredible trails taking you riding into the foothills of the Mountains, through rainforest and past some of the most spectacular scenery in Lake Macquarie that will take your breath away. To book your 2018 trip to Lake Macquarie, visit http://www.visitlakemac.com.au/ or call 1800 802 044.



Super Rare Glow in the Dark Yowies Now Available! Yowie has just released an extremely rare batch of Yowie collectables, adding to their already fun and educational Ranger Series. Inside 1 in every 1000 Yowies, collectors will find a glow-in-the-dark version of Yowie playmate favourites, Crag and Ditty. In order to be in the running to score one of these limited-edition toys, pick up a Yowie from your local Woolworths store before 31 December. Available from: Woolworths and all major confectionery retailers RRP: $3.00

At the End of Holyrood Lane, a children's picture book by Dimity Powell & Nicky Johnston, seeks to provide hope to families affected by domestic violence. Designed to be visually arresting, emotionally incisive, and ultimately uplifting, the book is a tale of anxiety shown through the eyes of a small child with an intense dislike for thunderstorms. This sensitive duality of meaning evokes a gentle awareness for young readers who may be suffering their own domestic torment but who are too scared or confused to seek shelter from their own storms. Published by EK Books, Available from ekboogs.org and wherever good books are sold.

My Life Bio Cheese Feta (200g) A great tasting Mediterranean experience. Our Bio Cheese Feta is best crumbled on top of salads, pizzas, fruits or cooked vegetables, or through dips and pastries, allowing you to delight in the quintessential Mediterranean lifestyle on the opposite side of the globe. It’s flavoursome, it’s creamy and it’s versatile – what more could you want?! Available from: Woolworths (nationally). RRP: $8. My Life Bio Cheese Snack Pack – Cheddar Flavour and Crackers (50g) Description (1 Para): Crowd-favourite Bio Cheese Cheddar Flavour has been cleverly paired with an equally flavourful and clean cracker to create the ULTIMATE snacking duo. This 3pm munchies saviour has all dietary requirements catered for, making it the perfect on-the-go snacking companion. Dairy free, gluten free, soya free and allergen friendly – it’s almost too good to be true. Available from: Coles (nationally). RRP: $3.49.



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