Busy Mums Magazine - Jan Edition

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Busy Mums Mag Volume 3 January 2015

Online Safety Sharenting Tips

Back to School Tips

Dating on a Budget

Table of Contents


Colic- Coping with the Chaos Toddler Sleeping Solutions Encouraging Creativity in your Child Children’s Products Reviewed

Parenting “Sharenting” – keeping your child’s online identity safe Monitoring Children with a mobile phone Online Safety Tips for Parents The Importance of Good Hand Hygiene Cleaning Challenges

Back to School

Back to School Guide Back to School Checklist How to get your child prepared for school Top tips when choosing a BYO computer

Food Family Dinner Ideas 10 Minute Meals 15 Minute Meals Australia Day Special Food Products Reviewed

Lifestyle What is your Partners Love Language? 30 Date Night Ideas on a Budget

Other Competitions New DVD Releases New and Noteworty

Editors Note

Welcome to 2015 and our January edition of the Busy Mums Magazine. So far 2015 is flying past and as my children age I realise that we are entering a new era of parenting with the digitalisation of our children and the subsequent challenges this poses for parents both in providing safety for their child and in educating them on managing their online profiles. As a result much of our focus within this edition has been on online safety, educating your children while online along with Back to School. MumsDelivery have a fantastic 2015 Back to School Guide with a great line up of products and quality brands and I encourage you to view our Guide and take advantage of many of the useful articles included within it. All of the articles, reviews and recipes within the magazine are online at MumsDelivery.com.au for you to find easily. We would love you to let us know what you think of the magazine, what you would like to see in future editions and encourage you to contact us with your stories. Happy Reading! Lorraine

Would you like to become a contributor for Busy Mums Magazine? We are always on the look out for stories and mums wanting to share their stories & tips

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Get in touch: Editor: info@mumsdelivery.com.au Advertising Enquiries: lorraine@mumsdelivery.com.au Office: (02) 9940 3097 3



Colic - Coping with Chaos

Colic is a horrible condition that affects little babies and its symptoms include intense crying where your baby’s posture will change to have clenched fists, tensed abdominal muscles, knees drawn up, and the back arched. You will often notice that the baby will relax and stop crying as soon as they pass wind. Although the severity and length of Colic varies for each child, it is estimated that at least 20% of babies experience it within their early months. I believe that Colic is hereditary – (sorry!) this is solely based on my personal experience with myself suffering it very badly as a baby and each of my three children have had it in varying degrees. My first was extremely bad, screaming all day every day. My second seemed to suffer half as much as my first and my third seemed slightly less than number 2. I think colic is one of the hardest things to cope with as a parent; your child is screaming and there is very little you can do to soothe them. Here are some of the things we found helpful in reducing the Colic pain. Throughout our journey as parents we found points 1 & 2 the most useful, however there will be times when you will need to try a number of different things before baby becomes happy. • Look at getting an anti-colic product like Infacol which helps to reduce the effects of colic. Simethicone, the active ingredient in Infacol, causes the small bubbles of gas in the baby’s stomach to join together into one large bubble which can be quickly and easily expelled. Infacol can either be added to the bottle or given directly to baby before being breastfed. • Hold your baby on his tummy on your arm. This I have found to be the most successful position in helping to relieve the pain and expel the wind. If your baby cries when you put them in this position, I suggest waiting a few minutes as they often do settle down and this position seems the most helpful. • Lay your baby on their back. Take his legs and bend them gently towards the tummy


• • •

bringing his toes to the belly button. Then take each leg and ‘ride a bicycle’ moving them up and down in turns. Lift your baby high up and over your shoulder, so that your shoulder is pressing gently into their stomach and their face is looking behind you. I found a rocking chair invaluable. Once you have settled baby down so that they are not hysterical you can rock and cuddle them while they fall asleep. Elevate the cot or bassinette by placing a few towels underneath the mattress where their head lies. Let them fall asleep in swings or rockers as the upright position can help. Bathing them in warm water that covers their belly can help to losen the muscles and ease the pain.

There are times when they will scream and scream and nothing helps. At this point I tried using the bright colours of the TV, a song (anything!) to distract them while you rock/ sway to get the pain away. While you cannot alleviate the pain your child is going through, take solace in knowing that you are doing all you can to help them and that when your child grows up it will know that when they are in pain mummy will always be there. Mummy may not be able to fix it all together, however she will be there with them in their time of need. Did you suffer from Colic babies? What did you find helpful?


Tips for Baby’s Sleep Routine


• Try not to have tea too late. Say 5.00 – 5.30pm or earlier depending on the daytime nap schedule. A fussy baby at tea time often will reflect that they are tired. • Start baby bedtime routine with a warm bath; try Johnson’s baby bedtime wash • Followed by a gentle massage with Johnson’s baby bedtime lotion (see more massage tips below) • Next always ensure some quiet time before bed, perhaps read a story or sing a song (the same quiet story every night - repetition is good!) • Put your child down in their bed when tired, but make sure you put them down drowsy but not awake. • Leave the bedroom when baby is drowsy and about to sleep, but before they fall sleep if you can, so that your baby gets used to falling asleep without your presence. • Look for tired cues such as rubbing eyes, jerky movements and yawning • A constant background (white) noise will help sleep onset. Try to avoid complete silence. • Maintain naps for as long as possible. The better they sleep in the day, the better they will sleep at night Baby Massage can also be useful in helping with baby’s sleep routine: Mothers from many cultures have been practicing the art of infant massage for centuries, and it is very clear there are many physical, emotional and developmental benefits for both mother and baby. Massage, the gift of loving touch, is wonderful way to bond and communicate your love for your baby. Massage is a great way of involving Dads too, giving Mum a break and helping fathers become more confident in handling and comforting their baby. Initiating a regular routine of massage encourages today’s busy mums to slow down, pause and really be in the moment with their baby. Put down the phone or the iPad, put on some relaxing music, create a warm soothing environment and introduce your baby to the wonderful language of touch. It really is never too early or too late to begin massaging your baby. There are no set rules, no right and wrong – just try it. Modify and adjust as you go, you will soon know what works by following your baby’s cues. Initially 5 minutes may be long enough working up to 20 minutes for older babies if needed. It is best not to massage immediately after a feed or when your baby is hungry, if he or she is unwell or has been recently immunised.

Read the full article here. Brought to you by Jo Bridgeman, Midwife, Johnson’s baby Professional Team.



Baby On average toddlers need about 12-14 hours of sleep in a 24-hour period. When they reach about 18 months of age their naptimes will decrease to once a day lasting about one to three hours. On average the awake time of a child this age can be 3-4 hours for a 12-18 months on a 2 nap day, 4.5-6 hrs on a 1 nap a day. For 18-24 months 5-6 hours up before a daily nap and 2-3 years 5.5 – 7 hours before a nap. Recommendation 4 hours for bedtime after the end of the last nap. Many toddlers experience sleep problems including resisting going to bed and night time awakenings. Night time fears and nightmares are also common. Many factors can lead to sleep problems. Toddlers’ drive for independence and an increase in their motor, cognitive and social abilities can interfere with sleep. In addition, their ability to get out of bed, separation anxiety, the need for autonomy and the development of the child’s imagination can lead to sleep problems. Daytime sleepiness and behaviour problems may signal poor sleep or a sleep problem. Such problems with settling to sleep are common in young children, affecting 20% of 1- to 3-year-olds and 10% of 4½-year-olds. Help your toddler sleep better by effective bedtime management focused on establishing a regular sleep schedule, an appropriate sleep environment, and consistent limit-setting for dealing with bedtime struggles. Emotional Wellbeing the primary aspect of focus. Chronically over tired children may not seem tired, and don’t always act tired. They will always resist sleep and need us to help them form good sleep habits.



Signs of over tired toddlers are: • tend to be whiny, fussy or clingy • sucks thumb, finger, or wants to suckle other than at bedtimes. • carries blanket, stuffed toy around during the day. • is hyperactive, especially at times when you think they should be tired. • is overly stubborn. • has regular temper tantrums, or easily becomes upset or angry. • has difficulty falling asleep when put to bed • falls asleep frequently when in car, bus or train. • falls asleep in front of TV • sometimes falls asleep on the couch or floor before bedtime. • takes a long time to become alert and awake in the morning. • does not appear to be well rested and full of energy. • doesn’t seem as happy as she should be.


Sleep Solutions


Key Points to help your toddler sleep. • Maintain a daily sleep schedule and consistent bedtime routine. • Make the bedroom environment the same every night and throughout the night. • Set limits that are consistent, communicated and enforced. Encourage use of his favourite stuffed toy or comforter. Bed Time Routines All children need a comforting bedtime routine, and they need it from early infancy right up through the school years. It gives them a healthy sense of predictability and it’s a wonderful opportunity for parents and children to slow down and reconnect peacefully at the end of the day. Give your toddler choices before bed like which pjs does he/she want to wear, which book may he/she want to read or what extra toy (quiet), he/ she might want to take to bed. It will make him/her feel in control and make him/her less likely to resist when it’s time for lights out. Think about creating your own unique bedtime ritual which you will share for years come: a special song, sharing two things you liked about your day, reading out loud, prayers, blessings or sending kisses and love to others. Done right, bedtime can be a special, loving time to celebrate closeness; a time your child will look forward to and cherish. If two parents take turns at bedtime, they don’t have to follow an identical script but should have a similar routine, style and response to any bedtime power plays, fears or stalling.


A soothing bedtime routine signals the body and brain to slow down and prepare for sleep. The tone of bedtime should be calm, quiet and reassuring as you prepare your kid to separate from you all night. It is important to remember that every child is an individual and it’s important to listen to the cues that your toddler is giving you. What may have worked for your friend/sister/neighbour doesn’t necessarily work for another. Clear rules and parental consistency is essential for transitioning sleep situations…mixed liberally with plenty of love, cuddles, and kisses! And MOST importantly be wary that your expectations are that of an adult not as a 12, 15, 18 or 24 month old. CLICK HERE FOR THE FULL ARTICLE This article provided by Amanda Bude. Amanda is an expert Advanced Maternity and Child Sleep Consultant based on Gold Coast, whose business Groovy Babies provides Gentle Sleep Solutions


Encouraging Creativity in your child Creativity is a vital aspect of early development as it impacts on a number of areas including a child’s development and communication. It has been psychologically proven that creativity is the key communication method used by children aged 0-3yrs old. Samantha Todd from Only About Children recommends the following creative activities to stimulate your child as they grow Nursery Create focuses on music and movement to encourage sensory exploration • Introduce creative mediums such as painting and dough to create and play with • Blow bubbles are a great way to encourage wonder and movement • Provide different textures, mirrors and surfaces within reach for a multi-sensory experience • Engage nursery children in music and movement and talk to them to encourage development Toddler Create focusses on curiosity, imagination and the ‘why’ question • Role playing which will encourage imagination • Paint and draw using different mediums such as paint, dough, pencils and glitter • Listen to music and encourage singing and dancing • Experimentation with different textures and art materials – make a box car or a play garden and have a discovery box within reach Pre-school Create focuses on scientific thinking and active involvement • Create a cubby house • Develop and herb/small plant garden and encourage children to plant, water and tend to it • Dress ups • Science experiments such as tornado in a bottle, ivory soap and play with colour dyes

Only About Children (Oac) a premium child care provider who is currently working on amazing initiatives regarding early development and nurturing creativity for children.




As a mum of a 2year old and a 7 week old, I know only too well how much fun cleaning up toys is (said no mum ever). So the idea of a mat that I can quickly scoop up and turn into a sack really appealed to me. Pull the string and presto no more toys on the floor. Read the review here The LeapPad3 is a kid’s tablet. Designed specifically for children LeapPad3 offers a kid tough tablet, designed to withstand daily use from children and the knocks and bumps that comes out of it. More importantly, it is designed to offer Kid Safe internet browsing, ideal when your child is searching for videos, wanting to watch something new or find out interesting facts. Find out more in our review here ecococoon insulated drink bottles ecococoon have a great range of leak proof, condensation free and insulated drink bottles and accessories. Perfect for back to school and every day use! Read the complete review here of the ecococoon bottle


We love to travel but our children do tend to get sick on longer trips. I was at the stage where I thought that we wouldn’t be able to go very far until they grew out of it. I had the pleasure of trialing the SEA-BAND Drug Free travel sickness band on myself and my children. Read the Review here

When I had my son I decided I was going to use Modern Cloth Nappies. I have tried a variety of different brands and was fed up. In a last attempt to try modern cloth nappies I trialled Hippybottomus Modern Cloth Nappies. See how the review went here

Book a review of your product



“Sharenting” – keeping your child’s online identity safe According to AVG 80% of parents are uploading images and information about their child onto social media sites to share with grandparents and friends online. In doing this parents need to be aware that they are creating a digital footprint of their child; one that could potentially follow them for the rest of their life. This ‘sharenting’ trend is growing, so to be responsible parents we need to realise that we are the caretaker of our child’s online identity. While most sharenting is innocent; showing funny pictures or holidays, you should undertake a few precautions to protect your child online. Steps to Protect your Child Online when Sharenting - Sharing on social media sites like Facebook and Instagram are an ideal way to share these images and memories, however in most cases, your social media account may have large groups of “friends” who do not all need to see the images. Utilise your privacy settings when you post so that only close friends and family can see the personal images or information. Tips: When adding photos to Facebook you can create a ‘photo safe’ group of friends limiting to whom the photos will be shown. - Check on your social media accounts if you are giving up the rights to those photos to someone else when you post them. - Look into Apps that provide better service for photos. Many teens are now trending towards photo messaging apps like Snapchat that make the photos and content disappear after a set period of time. - Talk to your friends about your feelings. While you may be particular to ensure your pictures are only shared with close friends and family, your friends may not have the same settings. Ask them not to tag you or


your children or not to put photos that are too revealing or otherwise on their walls if it makes you feel uncomfortable. - Set up a Google Alert for your child and search online regularly for your child to check and monitor what information is public. Personally I believe never to add information or photos that will give any private personal details that could be used to find/lure children. For example. If I take a picture of the kids in front of the house, it doesn’t reveal enough of the house that someone driving past could recognise it. What tips do you have for protecting your children while sharenting?



Monitoring Children with a Mobile Phone The online space has changed dramatically in a few short years. The days of monitoring only the PC have long gone. One of the most rapid technology developments of recent years is the mobile. Add to this iPads and tables plus the fact that children are now no longer just on Facebook but split their time between a number of tools, platforms and apps means parents have their work cut out for them. The age of children being given mobile phones is getting younger with reports that children as young as eight are getting mobile phones. This creates a dilemma for parents in terms of supervising their usage. So what are parents to do? There are a number of things parents can do to protect their children. How you go about this will depend on your parenting style, how you supervise your children and their age. However, there are some key things to take into account. (1) The first thing is to wrap your head around the fact that if you choose to give your child a mobile phone you are not actually giving them a phone. You are basically providing them with a computer in their hands. The iPhone is an amazing device with email and Internet access, social media, apps, texting and more. If you want to give your child a phone for safety reasons why not provide them with a simple phone which doesn’t have all the modern capabilities? (2) There is plenty of software out there which is able to monitor your child’s phone. However, this does depend on what phone you are using and what you want to monitor (i.e. texts, apps, inappropriate content). Also bear in mind that electronic monitoring might not be the most effective way to parent in the digital age. It might be effective with preteens,


however, rebellious teenagers may present a greater challenge. Why not start with having a chat to your mobile service provider to see if they are able to block certain websites as part of your plan? (3) Creating ground rules is a must for children of any age. Just as you would set limits around gaming or TV, the same thing needs to occur for mobiles. Set boundaries around the downloading of apps, appropriate/inappropriate content, texting, no phones in their rooms at night and so on. If parents are paying for the phone then the control is with them. Also talk to them about the consequences of breaking these rules. (4) Online safety is a talk that all parents need to have with their children. Speak to your child about some of the dangers of the online space. Let them know why you don’t want them to visit a particular website or download a particular app. Explain to them about what is appropriate behaviour on social media and why putting certain content on social networks is not a good idea. Keep the lines of communication open so they are able to come to you with a query. It is better for them to be a little scared than to be unaware. At the end of the day, how you monitor your child will depend so much on their age and what your values and beliefs are as a family unit. However, what is important to remember is that children are technologically savvy and simply blocking something may not be the most effective way to protect your children. Read the rest of the article here



Online Safety Tips The internet is incredible. There are so many positive resources on it and it can be a fantastic learning tool for children. They can study for tests, play interactive games and talk to their friends, but there can also be dangers and risks that they need and you need to be aware of. Now that the internet can be accessed from a number of devices including phones, computers, laptops and gaming devices, it pays to be even more attentive to what your child is doing online. 1.TALK TO YOUR CHILD One of the best ways is to talk to your child openly and communicate about the potential dangers of the internet. If they are already using the internet show an interest and let them show you things on the internet. This allows you to ask them loaded questions like, “What is your favourite thing to do online?” or “Thanks for showing me that. Can you tell me how to make sure that no-one can view my personal information? This will allow you to gauge how much they know about the internet and you may even learn a thing or two yourself. 2. MANAGE EXPECTATIONS Keep the computer in a family friendly public area of the house rather than allow it in the child’s bedroom. Set parental controls on the computer. For example, you can set limits on the hours that your children can use the computer, the games they can play, and the programs they can run. Decide the rules of using the computer with your child’s input and then set those boundaries. This will make them more likely to follow them. 3. KEEP YOUR SOFTWARE UP TO DATE It is very easy to open something from someone that you don’t know and this can lead to your computer having a virus on it that disrupts your system or worse, can gain confidential information. Keep the risks minimised by utilising good, modern anti virus protection software.


4. KEEP UP TO DATE WITH THE LINGO Be aware and understand chat and SMS messages that may be being used. Some common abbreviations that are used in chat rooms include; A/S/L = Age/Sex/location CD9 or 9 = Parents are around/watching CTN = Cant talk now F2F = Face to face HAK = Hugs and kisses ILU = I love you KPC = Keeping parents clueless LMIRL = Let’s meet in real life P911 = Parents are in the room PAL = Parents are listening PIR = Parents in room POS = Parents over shoulder PAW = Parents are watching WYRN = What’s your real name 5. NO SHARING OF PERSONAL INFORMATION Let your child understand to not give out personal information such as their name, email, phone number, address or school to people that you don’t know online. The more an online predator knows about your child the easier it is for them to build up trust and rapport, so that the child feels comfortable giving out the next bit of personal detail. Screen names should not include their real name and they should not include a photo in their profile. They should be gender-neutral, appropriate, and not contain any information that could reveal their identity. 6. NO SENDING PERSONAL OR EXPLICIT PICTURES For children it may seem risky or fun at the time, but the consequences of this can haunt them forever. Once an image has been sent it is in cyberspace it is there permanently and they have lost control of that image. The image can be used in many different ways and can turn up on many different types of sites.



for Parents 9 LET YOUR CHILD KNOW THEY CAN TURN TO YOU FOR HELP Encourage your child to come to you immediately if anyone makes him or her feel uncomfortable online or makes requests to meet them in person. Let them know that if they see something online that makes them feel scared or nervous, that it is ok to talk to you about it. They need someone to trust about what may be an embarrassing moment for them.

The internet is amazing and can be a very safe place. Just take sensible precautions to help your child keep safe online. This article provided by Glenn Stevens from EZ Defence www.glennstevens.com.au 7. FACE TO FACE Explain the dangers and possible risks of meeting people they only know online face to face.
Clearly communicate the dangers and risks and that sometimes the “friends” that they have made online are people pretending to be someone different and that the information they supply may not be true or reliable. 8. BE AWARE OF CHANGES IN BEHAVIOUR With all the safeguards in place children are still children and will find ways to do things that they are not allowed to do. Be aware of signs that your child may be at risk online. These have been recommended by the FBI. - Does your child spend large amounts of time on-line, especially at night? - Does your child turn the computer monitor off or quickly change the screen on the monitor when you come into the room? - Has your child becomes withdrawn and isolated from family and friends? - Did you find inappropriate material on the computer? - Does your child receive mail, money, or gifts from unknown people? - Have you seen unknown phone numbers when reviewing the phone bill?


Share your Parenting Tip, Fashion Tip or real life story with us to Win!



The importance of good hand hygiene Product Ideas

Every day around the world, more than 2,000 children die from preventable illnesses, such as diarrhoea, and every minute a parent loses a child; making diarrhoea the second leading cause of death in children under 5 years of age in developing countries. However, this can be prevented through simple hygiene practices such as handwashing with soap. Professor Dominic Dwyer, infection disease specialist, Sydney’s Westmead, commented, “We know that hands are a key route for the transmission of bacteria and viruses, which can cause illnesses such as diarrhoea. Good hand hygiene practices are one of the simplest measures we can all take to help protect ourselves and our family. Simply handwashing with an effective soap at key times, such as after going to the toilet and before eating, can go a long way in breaking the chain of infection and preventing these unnecessary deaths.” Below, Professor Dominic Dwyer shares his simple handwashing tips for kids and families:

Pears 100% soap free hand wash is PH balanced and contains skin conditioning agents to moisturise as it cleanses. Pears products are dermatologist tested and gentle enough for sensitive skin. Available in three refreshing scents at all leading supermarkets and pharmacies. Hand wash RRP $3.49 Refill $6.99

When to wash your hands: • Before eating • After using the toilet • After playing outside • After meeting someone who is sick • After contact with animals • After sneezing Follow these eight simple steps to ensure your hands are properly washed: 1. Wet hands with warm running water 2. Apply a small amount of soap 3. Rub palms together (away from the water) 4. Rub fingers and thumbs, and the bits in between 5. Rub nails on palms 6. Rub the back of each hand 7. Rinse with clean running water 8. Dry with a clean towel For more healthy habits tips for families please visit: www.dettol.com.au


Dettol Touch of Foam Unlike ordinary soap, it has a unique creamy lather, enriched with micro-bubbles that deliver moisture to the skin, leaving hands feeling soft and refreshed after washing. It is dispensed as a ready-tospread, non-drip lather, which kills 99.9% of germs. What's more, kids love the fun foam! It's a great way to get your children excited about hygiene.


Cleaning Challenges


As mums, most of the household cleaning duties tend to be our responsibility and I’m not sure about you, but there are many things I would prefer to be doing apart from cleaning. So for me it is important not only to get it done right the first time, but also to find products that make the cleaning process easier! As a result we have started undertaking Cleaning Challenges with many of the available cleaning products to see how they perform and if they do help make life easier for us busy mums. View our Cleaning Challenges below and email us to suggest products you wish for us to test and/ or to tell us the most common cleaning challenges you would like us to find solutions for.

OMO Ultimate OMO wanted us to test the new OMO Ultimate to ascertain how well it worked when put under duress from a highly active child. We are able to let our family run wild, get dirty and to see how these products stack up in the cleaning of everyday life tasks. Packed full of cleaning ingredients such as activated oxygen bleach, optical brighteners and pre-treaters, OMO Ultimate is designed to cut through 48 hour dried in stains. See OMO vs. Chocolate Cake and OMO vs. Bubblegum Ice-cream here

Finish Dishwashing Products Dishwashers have become an integral part of our Aussie kitchens and an invaluable time saving device for any family. They are so common place in our homes that we hardly even give them a second thought .. until they stop performing! Things like dishwasher tabs might not be high on your priority list, but could be essential in making the most of this machine.


View the Finish Cleaning Challenge Results

Mr Muscle - Touch Up

The kitchen benches are one of the biggest sources of contaminants with the preparation of raw food occurring on these. It is also one of the places constantly being touched by children (of all ages) as they reach up to see what food they can get and/or to see what you are doing. The Mr Muscle Touch-Up is designed for families like mine; in constant need of an effective cleaner that is easily accessible and provides a quick and simple solution. View the review here



Back to School Checklist Homework Tips

Back to School Guide

Tech Tips

Your comprehensive guide of the hottest school products for 2015 Lunchbox Recipes & more



Back to School Checklist Child’s Name: __________________________




How to get your children prepared • Children often come from a preschool or day care centre with limited numbers of little children and limited size of area • When starting school they are mixing with many much bigger children and a much larger area, they can feel lost and overwhelmed. • Have a few trial lunch days where you pack the child a lunch box at home (if not done at preschool) and ensure they eat correct little lunch first then big lunch, this is particularly important if all food is in one lunch box. And ensure they can unwrap their lunch. • Label everything – all clothing, bags, lunch box, drink bottle. If the child puts their item down and other children’s items are the same, a child can become distressed thinking the other child has taken their item. Labelling all items will prevent this and assist the teacher to sort out correct belongings. • School day starts at 7am or 7.30am and finishes at 4pm, with first & last hour at home. • Remove all conflict from mornings to ensure your child has a happy day. Helping kids start school happily • Have a few trial run days such as getting up with an alarm if necessary, getting dressed, washing face and eating breakfast within a set time frame. • Start a new school routine. • Children need to be aware of the time frame of preparing for school each morning. Much conflict erupts each morning with parents and children when the children are slow to become ready for school or bus. Set clear expectations and consequences so they understand; and remember children have no concept of time under about 7 years old so telling them you have half an hour to get ready will mean nothing to them. • Ensure your rule includes no TV of a morning or at least until they are up, dressed, breakfast, teeth brushed and bag packed – ready to walk out the door. If they are ready early, some TV or computer game is permitted but only after they are ready. Kids that feel nervous or scared about their first day at school • Mum standing at the gate crying will only tell the child that this school is scary and bad. Parents hugging their child emotionally and telling them how much they will miss their child will make the child sad and anxious. • Drop off and leave after the first day. • If parents can assure their child they will collect them after school to hear all about what they did, who they played with and what they learned. • Parents need to build up school to meet new friends, to learn new things & is safe. • Getting their school uniform will allow the child to feel big. Ensure they are comfortable in their new uniform look, have them choose their lunch box and drink bottle or backpack. This allows them to have ownership of the school experience. • Take the child to the school and show them around. Many children are scared they do not know where their classroom is or where the toilets are.




for school 5 Tips to Start School Easier 1. Have a few trial lunch days where you pack the child a lunch box at home (if not done at preschool) and ensure they eat correct little lunch first then big lunch, this is particularly important if all food is in one lunch box. And ensure they can unwrap their lunch. 2. Children need to be aware of the time frame of preparing for school each morning. Much conflict erupts of a morning between parents and children when the children are slow to become ready for school or bus. Set clear expectations and consequences so they understand; and remember children have no concept of time under about 7 years old so telling them you have half an hour to get ready will mean nothing to them. Ensure your rule includes no TV of a morning or at least until they are up, dressed, breakfast, teeth brushed and bag packed – ready to walk out the door. If they are ready early, some TV or computer game is permitted but only after they are ready. 3. Separating from the child when they commence school. Mum standing at the gate crying will only tell the child that this school is scary and bad. Parents hugging their child emotionally and telling them how much they will miss their child will make the child sad and anxious. First day, meet the teacher, show your child around, smile and go. Drop off and leave with a smile after the first day. 4. Take the child to the school and show them around. Many children are scared they do not know where their classroom is or where the toilets are. Show them the kindy area and toilets. 5. Label everything – all clothing, bags, lunch box, drink bottle. If the child puts their item down and other children’s items are the same, a child can become distressed thinking the other child has taken their item or its lost. Labelling all items will prevent this and assist the teacher to sort out correct belongings. Place their first name and first letter of surname at least. Please visit http://karenphillip.com.au for further information on all things Family & Children

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Top tips for choosing a ‘BYO’ Help is at hand for parents facing a daunting addition to their child’s back to school list: a portable computer, part of the growing move to ‘BYOD’ – ‘Bring Your Own Device’ in Australian schools. The following tips from Darren Simmons, Managing Director of Acer Computer Australia, will help you navigate the options and avoid the pitfalls when your school leaves you to ‘your own devices’ when it comes to buying a portable computer for your child to take to class. Step 1: Choose the type of device A range of devices suitable for BYOD cover different student needs, preferences and family budgets, including: Notebook/Laptop – the biggest, heaviest and more expensive option, but with more storage, processing power and access to powerful applications. A full keyboard makes it easy to take notes and write essays. Tablet – smaller, lighter and a range of cheap and free apps. There’s no keyboard, but you can type on screen, use a stylus or ‘Active pen’ or attach a separate keyboard. 2-in-1 ‘combos’ - notebooks with detachable screens; detach the screen and use it as a tablet. A full keyboard for typing and ‘Active pen’ or stylus for ‘writing’ on screen. Chromebook - light, low cost, simple web surfing and cloud computing (online storage). Includes a keyboard but may not support some specialist software. Step 2: What does my child’s device need? Your child will need this shopping list of features in their device: WiFi capability – make sure it can connect to your school’s network. Minimum specs – ask if your school has specific requirements. At a minimum, get 16 GB storage and 2 GB RAM.

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computer for your child Note-taking ability – get a device that makes it easy to create and save notes. Screen size • For laptops an 11 – 13 inch screen (bigger is too heavy and bulky). • For tablets – a large screen (8 inches-plus) for easier reading, browsing and viewing. Battery Life - to last the school day – and fully charge it each night. Step 3: You’ve got it, now look after it Your device is an expensive investment. Here’s what you need to look after it: • A robust storage case - a hard shell case is stronger than soft neoprene covers. • Ongoing Support - Consider an extended warranty to reduce future repair costs if you school does not provide technical support. • Secure it – Get anti-virus protection and keep it up to date. Acer recommends McAfee Internet Protection and Absolute LoJack theft recovery software to find and track a lost or stolen laptop or tablet. • Insurance - Ask your school if its insurance policy covers loss or damage at school & check with your insurer about cover for loss or damage outside your home. • Label it clearly – use an engraving tool for a permanent result and make a copy of the serial number. BYOD is a new approach to using technology at school, but it doesn’t have to be daunting. Armed with the right advice, parents can decide with confidence on a device that will meet their children’s school needs on day one – and the years ahead. This article courtesy of www.acer.com.au

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Family Dinner Ideas

Free Range BBQ Pulled Pork Preparation Time: 20 mins Cooking Time: 6 hours Serves: 10 people Is there anything better than pulled pork that has been roasting in the oven for six hours? Add a smoky BBQ flavour with the tang and sweetness of an apple and you have a winner of a dinner 2. On the stove top fry a whole tube of recipe! SpiceVine Coriander Zing marinade in a heavy cast iron pot with a knob of butter. Sam Canning from Cannings Free Range 3. Meanwhile rub the pork with brown sugar and Butchers developed this recipe for all the pulled any other spices you like such as dried chilli. pork lovers out there. The secret to the recipe 4. Once the coriander marinade and butter have is his use of a mixture of BBQ sauce, apple and been cooking for five minutes add 500ml of select herbs and spices while cooking the meat free range chicken stock. slowly for maximum flavour and tenderness. 5. Add the seasoned pork shoulder to the pot and place the lid on. Ingredients (serves 10) 6. Place in the oven for three hours. • 2.5 kg Skinless, bone in, free range pork 7. Add the grated apples to the pot and mash/ shoulder stir into the stock. • 1 x SpiceVince Coriander Zing Marinade 8. Place the pot back in the oven, lid on, and • 1 x Handful of brown sugar reduce the temperature to 120 degrees. • 3 x Apples, skin removed and grated 9. Cook for another three hours then remove • 100-200 ml DL Jardines BBQ sauce from the oven. • 500 ml Chicken Stock 10. Shred the pork with two forks and be sure to • 1 x Spices of your choosing (e.g. dried chilli) remove all bones. • 1 x Knob of Butter 11. Add 100-200 ml of DL Jardines BBQ sauce. • To serve Coleslaw and Brioche buns 12. Keep shredding and mixing until the pulled pork looks sticky, saucy and amazing. Method 13. Serve with coleslaw and brioche buns for the 1. Preheat the over to 160 degrees Celsius. full Sam Canning’s BBQ Pulled Pork Slider experience. Sam Canning is the owner of Cannings Free Range Butchers and the butcher ho loves animals. Find them online at canningsfreerangebutchers.com.au

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Caramelised Chicken and Australian Mango Stir Fry

Moroccan Spiced Fish Serves 4 Ingredients • 1 tsp paprika • 1/2 tsp ground ginger • 1/2 tsp cinnamon • 1/4 tsp ground cardamom • 1/4 tsp ground black pepper • 1/2 tsp Changing Habits Seaweed Salt • 4 fresh white fish or salmon fillets, skin on

Makes: 4 serves Prep time: 15 min Cooking time: 10 min Ingredients 1/4 cup lime juice 1/4 cup sweet chi lli sauce 1/4 cup soy sauce 2 tablespoons hoisin sauce 2 tablespoons vegetable oil 500g chicken tenderloins 200g broccolini, cut into 4cm pieces 1 onion, cut into wedges 400g baby bok choy leaves 2 mangoes, peeled, seeded, sliced 1/4 cup torn fresh mint leaves 1/4 cup torn coriander leaves Method: 1. Combine the juice with the chilli, soy and hoisin sauces. Heat 1 tablespoon of the oil in a wok or large non-stick frying pan, add the chicken, cook over high heat for 1 minute on each side or until lightly browned. 2. Add the sauce mixture and continue cooking for 1 minute or until just cooked through. Remove from the wok and set aside. 3. Heat the remaining oil in the wok, add the broccolini and onion and stir-fry for 3 minutes. Add the bok choy and stir-fry until the vegetables are tender. Stir in the reserved chicken and sauces and the mango, mint and coriander.

Method 1. In a small bowl, combine all spices, salt and pepper. Rub the mixture evenly on the tops of the white fish or salmon fillets, gently pressing mixture into the flesh. 2. Heat a grill pan on medium-high heat and lightly coat with a little coconut oil or other fat of choice (you won’t need much if using salmon because it is already an oily fish). Place the fish on the pan and cook for approximately 2 minutes. Flip the fish over carefully until it is 3/4 cooked throughout, approximately another 3-4 minutes (maybe less depending on the size). Turn off the heat and allow the fish to rest for a few minutes. 3. Once ready, serve immediately alongside vegetables of your choice. I chose pumpkin, sweet potato and broccoli roasted in Changing Habits Coconut Oil with Changing Habits Seaweed Salt, herbs and lemon to serve. This recipe provided by Changing Habits. Changing Habits is a health and nutrition education company that was created after founder, Cyndi O’Meara wrote her bestselling book ‘Changing Habits, Changing Lives’

Note: Delicious served with egg or rice noodles. Recipe courtesy of Australian mangoes’.




10 minute meals

Pitango Organic Tomato Risotto with Prawns and Green Leaves

Haloumi and Watermelon Salad Haloumi is a semi-hard, salty, and scrumptious cheese, which is fantastic grilled or fried. It is made from a mixture of goat’s and sheep’s milk. We call it the squeaky cheese because it makes a squeak when you cut it. This salad combination of salty and sweet makes for an amazing fresh flavour sensation and is best served while the cheese is still warm.

Serves 2 10 mins to cook Ingredients • 1 pouch Pitango Organic Tomato, Feta and Basil Risotto • 1T butter • 2 garlic cloves, thinly sliced • 1 red chilli, finely chopped • 10-12 fresh king prawns • Salt • Pepper • 2 handfuls of spinach or rocket leaves Method: 1. Melt butter in frying pan over medium – high heat. 2. Add garlic and chilli. Cook, stirring for 1 minute, or until fragrant. 3. Add prawns with a pinch of salt and pepper. Cook, stirring occasionally, for 2 – 3 minutes, or until prawns are pink. 4. Pour the risotto into a microwave safe bowl and heat in microwave for 3-4 minutes, stirring occasionally, until heated through. 5. Serve the risotto with prawns and a handful of greens on the side. Recipe supplied by Pitango. Pitango risottos are available nationally at Coles, Woolworths and Independent retailers in a 500g pack RRP $7.99. CLICK HERE TO WIN PITANGO RISOTTO PACK


Prep time||10 minutes Cook time||2 minutes Total time||10 minutes Serves||4 Ingredients • ¼ watermelon • 180 g haloumi • 1–2 tablespoons olive oil • lemon juice • Yoghurt dressing • 2 tablespoons Greek yoghurt • 1 tablespoon mint sauce • 1 handful mint leaves, chopped Method 1. Cut watermelon and haloumi into 1 cm thick slices with a similar shape. 2. Heat a non-stick frying pan on medium heat. Toss haloumi slices in oil, then fry cheese for 1 minute each side until golden brown. 3. In a small bowl, mix dressing ingredients. Taste and adjust to your liking. 4. Arrange the haloumi and watermelon in alternating layers across a plate. Drizzle the dressing over the salad and top off with a squeeze of lemon juice. Summer TABLE is a world first interactive cookbook offering fast, delicious and healthy recipes


15 minute meals Tuna Niçoise


Barbecue Salmon with Orange and Fennel Salad

Prep time||10 minutes Cook time||7 minutes Total time||15 minutes Serves||4 Ingredients • 400 g tuna steaks • 2 tablespoons olive oil • 2 eggs • 100 g green beans, cut into 2 cm lengths • 4 handfuls mixed lettuce • 250 g cherry tomatoes, halved • 50 g kalamata olives, halved • ½ red onion, thinly sliced • 1 tablespoon baby capers • 1 handful basil leaves, chopped (optional) • Dressing • ½ tablespoon Dijon mustard • 2 tablespoons red wine vinegar • 6 tablespoons olive oil • 1 garlic clove, crushed • salt and pepper

Prep time||10 minutes Cook time||4–6 minutes Total time||15 minutes Serves||4 Ingredients • 4 salmon fillets, skin on • zest 1 lemon • 1 tablespoon baby capers, chopped (optional) • 1 fennel bulb, finely sliced (keep the leafy fronds) • 2 tablespoons olive oil • salt and pepper • 4 handfuls mixed lettuce leaves • 2 oranges, peeled and sliced • ½ red onion, finely sliced • 1 handful coriander, chopped Dressing • 3 tablespoons orange juice • 6 tablespoons olive oil • 2 tablespoons white condiment (white balsamic vinegar) • 1 tablespoon wholegrain mustard

Method 1. Oil the tuna steaks. Barbecue or fry on high Method: for 1 minute each side. Set aside to rest. I 1. On a chopping board, combine lemon zest, prefer the tuna to be rare with a lot of red capers and leafy fennel fronds and chop inside, but cook for longer if you like. It will together. Rinse and pat the salmon dry. On continue to cook once you remove it from the top side of each salmon fillet, cut three or the heat, so don’t overdo it. four shallow slits in the flesh. Place fillets on a 2. Boil eggs for 3 minutes until softly boiled. plate, oil and generously cover with lemon zest Drain,allow to cool, then peel and quarter. mixture, trying to get it into the slits so as to Use the same pot to blanch the beans. Cook keep the flavour from falling off during cooking. beans for 2 minutes in boiling water. Drain Sprinkle with salt and pepper. and fill pot with cold water (helps to stop the 2. On a medium–high barbecue, cook for 2–3 beans cooking). Drain again. If you want to minutes each side. Start with the skin side be really tricky, you can throw the beans in down and when you turn it over remove the the pot with the boiling eggs and cook both skin and place skin on the hotplate to continue at the same time. cooking until crisp. If the fillets have a thick 3. Thinly slice the tuna across the grain. and a thin end, you may want to cut them in Arrange the lettuce, tomatoes, olives, onion, half, as the thin piece will need much less time beans and tuna on a large platter. to cook. Remove from barbecue and arrange on a plate. CLICK HERE FOR THE REST OF THE CLICK HERE FOR THE REST OF THE RECIPE RECIPE



Australia Day Special Pesto Lamb Burgers Lamington Pavlova Serves 6-8 Ingredients • 6 egg whites • 1 ½ cups caster sugar • 2 teaspoons cornflour • 1 teaspoon white vinegar Ingredients: • 3/4 cup Bulla Thickened Cream • 1 small red onion, cut into quarters • 200g dark chocolate • 2 garlic cloves • 300ml Bulla Whipping Cream • 400 g minced lamb (not too lean, about • 250g strawberries, hulled 20% fat is best) • ½ cup toasted coconut • Squeezy Basil Pesto Method • 1 handful fresh mint leaves (optional) 1. Preheat oven to 150C. Line an oven tray with • salt and freshly ground black pepper non-stick baking paper. Draw a 24cm diameter • toasted burger buns, rocket and tomato circle on the paper, place on the tray, circle side slices, to serve down. 2. Using an electric mixer, whisk egg whites in a Instructions: clean dry bowl until soft peaks form. Gradually add Put the onion and garlic into a food sugar, 1 tablespoon at a time, beating well after processor and blitz until roughly chopped. each addition, until meringue is thick, glossy and Add the lamb, squeeze in 3 tablespoons of sugar has dissolved. Gently fold in cornflour and pesto, mint, if using, and a generous amount vinegar using a large metal slotted spoon. Spoon of salt and pepper. Pulse until just combined. meringue onto baking paper, inside the drawn circle, Be careful not to over process it - you want it smoothing the sides and top of pavlova. to keep some texture. 3. Reduce oven temperature to 120C and bake pavlova for 1 ½ hours or until pavlova is dry to Divide the mixture into 4 and shape into the touch. Turn off oven and leave pavlova to burgers. If you have time, pop them on a cool completely in oven with door ajar. Transfer to plate and chill them in the fridge for half an serving plate when cold. hour before cooking. You can even do this Click here for the stage the day before and keep them in the Win a milk pail full of rest of the recipe fridge overnight. Fire up the barbie or preheat a griddle pan or the grill, and cook the burgers for 4 to 5 minutes on each side, until nicely browned and cooked through. Serve in toasted burger buns with a handful of rocket and some sliced tomatoes. Recipe courtesy of Sacla and their Squeeze a Little Pesto range. The first ever squeeze pesto in the market which contains 33% basil.



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Dyson Cool AM06 300mm Desk Fan The Dyson Cool offers a modern stylish fan that will accentuate any room. Its looks; practicality and versatility make it ideal as an all-rounder fan option for parents that is 100% child safe. Read the full review here

Sydnee – USB charging station The Sydnee is ideal for busy households with limited space. Offering a 4-port charging station. You could easily charge a number of iPads, iPods, phones and LeapFrog devices all at the same time from a single power point. Read the Review here


Nespresso Breville CitiZ&Milk Chrome Since becoming a mum my coffee intake has more than doubled. With this; so too has my appreciation for a good coffee. I am looking for a coffee that tastes good, can be made quickly and that will keep me awake. I was super excited to test the latest Breville Nespresso Citiz Chrome Coffee Machine and Aeroccino (for frothy milk). Read the full review here Panasonic ECONAVI NA-140VS4WAU No longer is washing a dreaded chore. Having tried and tested the Panasonic ECONAVI NA-140VS4WAU front loader for the past few weeks there is a myriad of reasons for me to tell you why this washing machine offers a superior product, ideal for busy mums as it saves you time, energy and money! Read the full review here

r ASUS Eeebook X205 This light 11.6 inch notebook comes with an Intel quad-core processor so your child can easily transition from one task to the next. With up to 12 hours of battery life there’s no need to plug in and charge up during class. Stylish and unique the Eeebook comes in four colours including black, white, gold and red. This device is also bundled with Microsoft Office Home and Student. RRP AUD$329. Available from Harvey Norman and JB Hi-Fi. Read our review of it here




What’s your Partners Love Language? The 5 Love Languages Valentine’s Day is fast approaching and apart from the public display of affection on Facebook newsfeeds (come on people, keep it private), it shouldn’t be the only day that we show our love for each other! There are heaps of ways you can show someone you love them every day and, it’s all about knowing your partners love language. A number of years ago I read a great book called ‘The 5 Love Languages’ by Gary Chapman. Throughout the book I truly had multiple ‘ah ha’ moments because it just made perfect sense. The five love languages he wrote about are: 1.

Words of Affirmation


Quality Time




Acts of Service


Physical Touch

You see, everyone shows their love for someone in different ways, but it’s about understanding what your partners love language is for things to really work. Me for instance, my language is Acts of Service and Gifts. And I don’t mean expensive gifts, I mean little priceless gifts that have meaning like my husband picking a flower from the garden for me or my husband bringing me home a chocolate bar from the shop. When my husband puts on loads of washing or starts dinner without me saying anything (Acts of Service), I really feel the love. But if I were to do the same for my husband, I don’t think I’d get as good response because they’re not his love languages. My husband is big on Words of Affirmation and Physical Touch. I know he really appreciates it when I tell him how much I love him or how good a job he’s done on something or if he looks great in his new outfit. He also enjoys the physical touch side of the relationship, the closeness we share when we take time to kiss or cuddle. We both enjoy quality time too, but with a toddler this can be difficult. A couple of weeks ago we did enjoy some quality time together when I arranged a romantic night away, this was a perfect opportunity to really talk the ‘languages of love’. So, next time you look to profess your love to your other half, remember that you’re not doing it for yourself, you’re doing it for the one you love. You may feel as though you don’t have the time to give your undivided attention to your partner, but if Quality Time is your partners love language and you turn off the TV or stop what you’re doing just to be with them, it will mean quite a lot in the language of love and it’s a language that can be spoken every day. Written by Eva Lewis from The Multitasking Mummy




30 Date Night Ideas on a Budget My husband and I get to go on a date every now and then when our awesome parents volunteer their babysitting services, but it seems that every time we get the opportunity we always lean towards dinner and/or a movie or we stay at home and watch a movie. There’s nothing wrong with this at all, but there comes a time when I love to do something a little different, and being a stay at home mum means that I love to get of the house! So, it being the month of LOVE with Valentine’s Day coming up, I’ve been on the lookout for some different date night ideas for hubby and I. Being on one income means date nights need to be affordable, especially if we want to do them often. Here’s a list of 30 Date Night Ideas on a Budget (obviously you can do some of these during the day too). 1. Have a picnic 2. Go Dancing 3. No Power on at home, have a candle lit dinner (yes it’s at home, but how often do you have a romantic candle lit dinner?) 4. Pull out some board games from your childhood and have a games night. 5. Ice Skating or Roller Skating 6. Ten Pin Bowling 7. Rock Climbing 8. Mini Golf 9. Drive in Movies 10. Laser Skirmish 11. Go to a sports game (your husband will be impressed) 12. Night Fishing (pack some nibbles and wine) 13. Fish & Chips on the beach 14. Go on a dessert only date 15. Have a progressive dinner, one course at a different restaurant. They don’t have to be 5 star establishments. 16. See a band play at a local pub 17. Go to a local school fete 18. Visit a museum 19. Visit an art gallery 20. Go to a local trivia night 21. Find your inner child and go to a games arcade 22. Do a ghost tour 23. Visit your local planetarium 24. Camp out in the backyard and star gaze 25. See a play at your local theatre 26. Go treasure hunting – set a budget and see who can buy the best piece of treasure 27. Have a spa night – give each other pedicures, massages etc. 28. Go on a scenic drive, wherever the road may take you 29. Cook together and pretend you’re on My Kitchen Rules! 30. Explore your city like you’re a tourist. You’ll be surprised at what you learn and discover! Written by Eva Lewis from The Multitasking Mummy




Feel Sexier & Re-

1. Feeling Sexy is an Inside Job … Treat your sexy self as you want to be treated. Pamper yourself with whatever makes your feel Sensual, a bath, massage, flowers, perfume. Dance… movement will get you out of your thoughts and back into your body. Put on the sexiest song you know, light a candle and dance. 2. Say an Affirmation. When you just aren’t feeling sexy, flip your thought by repeating an affirmation to yourself. Try, “I am a fabulous, luscious, sexy woman” (or something of that nature). Fake it till you make it, say it till you feel it. 3. Schedule a Date Night. It is essential that you take time out for your relationship as a couple. Schedule a date if you have to, just like you would schedule a haircut or doctor’s appointment. Sometimes work, life’s obligations, and children keep us so busy that the last thing we care to even think about is being intimate. Get a friend or grandparents to look after the children and take some time out together as a couple. 4. Try somewhere different – Be open, playful and creative. If you always have sex in the bedroom, pick somewhere else in the house! Write a list of the places you’d like to have sex. This can be something as simple of creating a picnic dinner with wine and candles in the living room. Laughing, being a little wild, and having fun are all great ways to re-trigger the lightness and joy you felt when you first met. 5. Flirt with your partner. Remind yourself how much fun you had when you first met. A fun thing to do is to meet at a bar and pretend to be strangers and flirt outrageously with each other. 6. Touch –Touch is always a big part of a healthy passionate relationship. Yet so much of the time we forget how to touch our partners. Humans get so much from touch but most importantly they get a barrage of neurochemicals like endorphins and oxytocin.


Endorphins make people feel good and oxytocin bonds people together. Hug Your Partner today. Try giving your partner a Sensual Massage. 7. Erotica – Read some sexy erotica (try Mills and Boon Blaze Editions for raunchy stories) or Fifty Shades of Grey. Lie in bed together, and take turns reading to each other. 8. Initiate Sex – Often times in relationships the man is the one who initiates sex the most. But eventually a man may get sick of always having to be the one who gets thing started. Be the one to seduce him this Valentine’s Day. 9. Add some new toys! Experiment with different positions, toys, lingerie and costumes. This creates novelty so these two work hand in hand! 10. Kiss – not just a peck on the cheek, a REAL KISS – spontaneously kiss your man for at least 1 minute 3 times a day. 11. Serve yourself for dessert. It sounds silly but it can also be really fun and sexy. Try feeding each other juicy fruit like peaches or strawberries. Grab some yummy ice cream toppings from the kitchen such as whipped cream and chocolate syrup and turn your body into the sexiest sundae he’s ever tasted.


ignite your Sex Life 7 day Coaching Challenge Day 1. Kiss your partner passionately for a full 2 minutes Day 2. Tonight, ask your partner what turns him or her on. Talking about sex generally leads to sex! Day 3 Sleep Naked (please no frumpy flannelettes ‌ or T shirts) Day 4. Have a bath or shower together and wash each other Day 5. Send a sexy Text Message or write a Sexy Note and put it in his lunchbox (or Wallet) Day 6. Buy an erotic novel (or find a story online) and lie in bed and read it to your partner –


Remember try Fifty Shades of Grey! Day 7. Make love somewhere different. Or throw a blanket onto the living room floor, have sex in the bathroom, make out in the Car. This article provided by Kim Gillespie - a Life, Sex and Tantra Coach with Savvy Inspired Women. To find out more visit www.sacredlovetantra.com

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Win, Win, Win! Add a splash of colour into your baby’s world with the new Colour My World bottles from closer to nature®. The limited edition range makes switching between breast and bottle-feeding easier than ever before and comes in a selection of bright, fun colours for boys or girls. This is a fantastic prize valued at $260 Enter here Thanks to Fuji Xerox Printers we are giving you the opportunity to win a Fuji Xerox DocuPrint CM225 fw valued at $405!! This multi-function colour printer is perfect for families, students and the home office. A high-performance that is designed to make life easier, this printer is perfect for printing homework, assignments, work documents and family photos.

Win a pail full of Lamington Sipahh’s to Celebrate Australia Day Sipahh milk flavouring straws don’t just make kids smile – they make parents happy too. Rich with protein, calcium and riboflavin, wholesome milk is great for growing bodies. Best of all, the yummy flavours and sipping excitement keep kids coming back for more. Pitango – the makers of organic soups and meals have come to the rescue with a range of easy to make, guaranteed to master Risotto meals that can be on the family table in less than 10 minutes.Pitango Risottos are made from the finest fresh organic ingredients. They are cooked in small batches to lock in the taste and quality of the ingredients. Pitango Risottos come in four flavours and now you can WIN a Prize Pack of Pitango Risottos

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Made in Italy Silvia visits three regions of Italy that are close to her heart Abruzzo, Le Marche and Molise, to rediscover authentic ‘cucina povera,’ making healthy, heart-warming food accessible to everyone. Every episode sees Silvia meeting locals, cooking in their kitchens and allowing viewers a peek inside the true Italian secret of la dolce vita. Available on DVD from February 18 RRP: $29.95

PlaySchool Hey Diddle Diddle Come and join us as we play with Nursery Rhymes, with fun characters, lots of music and movement, and new surprises every day on The Nursery Rhyme Peek-a-Boo board. Sing along to Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Incy Wincy Spider, Hey Diddle Diddle and many more Nursery Rhyme favourites RRP: $19.95

The House of Magic The House of Magic is an animated family adventure about an abandoned young cat who crosses paths with a retired magician. Directed by Ben Stassen (Wild Safari: A South African Adventure) and Jeremy Degruson, this internationally acclaimed motion picture is a movie experience for the whole family to enjoy. Available to own from January 22, 2015.

Boyhood An award-winning, fictional tale about the rocky terrain of childhood, Director Richard Linklater (Before Midnight, School of Rock) returns with Boyhood, a heartwarming drama charting the life experiences of six year-old Mason (Ellar Coltrane). Recorded with the same group of actors over a 12-year period, this epic coming-of-age film explores Mason’s activities during one of life’s most radically fluctuating decades. Available to own on Blu-ray™, DVD & Digital with UltraViolet™ from February 26, 2015.



Surround yourself with laughter, creativity and all things Fizzy Pop. This is the lively philosophy behind new online business Fizzy Pop Designs. Offering colourful imaginative kid’s framed and unframed art prints, they’re on a mission to help turn blah kids bedrooms into happy fun spaces. visit www.fizzypopdesigns.com.au

Headlice Hero Australian made product that works to eliminate head lice in children and keep their hair in great condition. Headlice Hero is a gentle treatment spray that physically attacks head lice infestations and eradicates lice by killing them and preventing their eggs from hatching. Available at selected retailers across Australiahttp://www.headlicehero.com.au


VEGAN CARAMEL BROWN PRINCESS CAKE PREMIX Unique light-texture yet moist princess treats with almond and caramel-touched. RRP paper bag is $8.99 plus postage Available online at www.facebook.com/ mySweetsParadise

Elbows off the Table is the book mothers, grandmothers, indulgent aunts and godmothers have been waiting for! If a child in your life has left you annoyed or frustrated by their reaction to some everyday social situations, this book by leading etiquette expert, Patsy Rowe has all the answers. Available from all good bookstores and online www.newhollandpublishers.com


Chamberlain Wireless Entry Keypad – it’s a small battery operated unit that is easy to attach to most surfaces. Using the step-by-step instructions, simply punch in a PIN code for the family to use or a temporary PIN for visitors. RRP FROM Bunnings or Masters $69.95

Dreambaby® Peli’s Bathtub Play Pouch Dreambaby’®s Peli’s Bathtub Play Pouch is toy storage with a delightful difference! A fun way to entertain children in the bath and perfect for keeping bath areas tidy afterwards. RRP $39.95 Find Stockists by calling 02 9386 4000.


Tilda® Brown Basmati & Quinoa Steamed Rice and Tilda® Garden Vegetable & Quinoa Steamed Rice Brown Basmati & Quinoa combines wholegrain rice with natural quinoa seeds. Garden Vegetable & Quinoa combines wholegrain Basmati and natural red quinoa with carrots, sweet butternut squash and hint of turmeric, ginger and coriander RRP: Available in Woolworths and Coles with an RRP from $3.29

Brauer Baby and Child Eczema Cream The Brauer Baby & Child Eczema Cream incorporates a unique and carefully selected combination of herbal ingredients traditionally used to soothe the symptoms of eczema, dermatitis and dry skin with homeopathic ingredients to stimulate the body’s own natural healing ability. RRP $17.99 (50g tube) Available: www.brauer.com.au & all good pharmacies and health food stores.


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