Mum's Mail Johannesburg - May 2020

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Boredom Busting Activities for Teens It’s not easy being a teenager. It’s just as tough being a parent to one too. Your little one’s not so little anymore.


ot kiddies games for them? That’s lame, mom. Adult responsibilities? Ugh. Like, no thanks. They’re at that (sometimes) unbearable age of inbetween, which is tough. Especially when they’re stuck indoors. And bored. To cut down on the constant chorus of ‘I’mmm Sooo Borrred’, MRP Sport helped us put together a few suggestions on how to keep your teen occupied during lockdown: Get up and active: No extra-murals and no leaving the house are bound to take their toll on the more active and outdoorsy of teens. Getting them moving will not only have time flying, but it’ll also expend a lot of pent up energy and frustration. Jam out to their (and your) favourite hits, get dancing and get working out together. A great place to start: MRP Sport’s #KeepMovingInMaxed workout videos on Instagram (@ mrpsport). These quick and easy home workout guides will blast calories, get those endorphins pumping and make for some great bonding time too. Learn something new: So maybe your teen has

a talent they’re yet to discover. Help them unearth it. They might be the next Queen of Crochet or the Duke of Ukuleles. Unearth any tools you might have laying around to get them started. You’ll be surprised at what you might find: a forgotten pair of knitting needles maybe, a dusty guitar… we all have those unfinished hobbies that have fallen by the wayside. Now’s the perfect time for your teen to take them up again. With a world of online tutorials at their fingertips, anything is possible. Make a DIY music video: Every teen has a favourite song. And if they’re lucky, their own cellphone, too. Get them to film, direct, edit and create a music video to their current favourite song. A time-busting bonus: throw a choreographed dance into the mix and you’ll have your teen busy for hours. Room for improvement: Every teen’s bedroom is their sanctuary – their pride and joy. Encourage them to go for a room refresh. This might be a deep clean, redecorating or simply just moving their bedroom furniture around. The change is as good as a holiday.

Go to a gallery: From the Uffizi to the Tate, plenty of the world’s most renowned art galleries and museums have made their collections accessible with free virtual tours. This allows anyone (with online access) the chance to visit these exhibitions without even leaving the comfort of their couch. Simply Google ‘Arts & Culture Collections’, and make it a day of culture. In this together: We’re all feeling a little cooped up, and with that, comes its frustrations and impatience. Use this rare time at home to bond with your teen and create something together. Brainstorm some DIY or home improvement projects for you and your teen to take on as a team. Not only is this a productive way to kill time, but it will also leave you with something to be proud of. Parents, no matter how you’re choosing to make the most of this time with your family, don’t forget: there’s no pressure on anyone to be creative at a time like this. But if you do get a moment of creativity with your teen, we’d love to see! Share your pics, tag @mumsmail and @mrpsport, and share your inspiration! WWW.MUMSMAIL.COM EVERYDAY LIFE


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