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November 5, 2012


County Farm Bureaus recognized for excellent programs Twenty-five county Farm Bureaus nationwide were recognized by the American Farm Bureau Federation for innovative program ideas in this year’s County Activities of Excellence Awards program. The winners will be highlighted during AFBF’s 94th Annual Meeting, Jan. 13-16, 2013, in Nashville, Tenn. The CAE program acknowledges and shares successful county Farm Bureau programs and activities. The awards also are based on county Farm Bureau membership. The CAE focuses on Farm Bureau’s priority issues in the following areas: Education and Ag Promotion; Member Services; Public Relations and Information; Leadership Development; and Policy Implementation. “Winners will display their programs at the AFBF Annual Meeting trade show, allowing Farm Bureau members from across the country to learn about successful programs and activities that promote agriculture within farming communities,” said AFBF President Bob Stallman. The winners in alphabetical order by state: Farm Safety Day (Farm Equipment Extrication Education), Blount County, Ala.—Blount County emergency responders were invited to a local farm for a presentation and demonstration on farm equipment extrication methods. Agribee, Butte County, Calif.— Agribee is a spell-and-define agricultural word competition for fourth- and fifth-grade students. Rural Health and Safety Training Events, San Joaquin, Calif.—San Joaquin County Farm Bureau hosted 15 training sessions to help their members and employees understand and meet changes in county and state regulations. Emergency Response for Farm Equipment Accidents, Hartford County, Conn.—Emergency responders from across the state were provided with tips on how to handle emergencies involving farm equipment. County Staff Exchange, Cook County, Ill.—Twenty Cook County government employees toured farms and farm-related businesses to help them understand the influence of farms and related operations on their community and its economy. Grow a Garden Feed a Family, Grundy County, Ill.—In an effort to help the underprivileged grow their own food and eat healthier meals, the Grundy County Ladies Committee taught selected applicants how to grown their own produce using donated space. Project P.A.I.L. (Promoting Agriculture in Literature), Livingston County, Ill.—Project P.A.I.L. brings the agricultural experience to 380 second-

at equine events, writing articles for horse publications and giving presentations at horse club meetings. They also donated $1,500 for local equine riding trails.

grade students through reading, listening and hands-on activities that complement a factual agbased book. Tractor Simulator, Clinton County, Ind.—The Clinton County Farm Bureau built an interactive tractor simulator for display at the county fair. Touch-a-Truck, Wyandotte County, Kan.—Wyandotte County Farm Bureau teamed up with a neighboring Farm Bureau to host a Touch-a-Truck event, which allowed school-aged children to explore trucks of all types and sizes, as well as other vehicles, including farm equipment. FarmSCool, Mercer County, Ky.— FarmSCool is a weeklong ag-literacy project helping Mercer County children understand where their food comes from. Each day focuses on a new agricultural theme. Ag Facts, Baltimore County, Md.—Based upon their large nonvoting membership, the Baltimore County Farm Bureau developed a fact sheet to help people understand the role agriculture plays in the local and statewide economy. Ag Facts were mailed to members, as well as handed out at farmers’ markets, the state fair, membership meetings and other agricultural venues. Schoolhouse Chicks, Frederick County, Md.—The Schoolhouse Chicks program educates school children and teachers about farm animal life cycles during classroom visits. Hudson Family Fundraiser— A Partnership Event with Five Farm Bureaus (Queen Anne’s, Kent, Talbot, Caroline and Cecil counties), Queen Anne’s County, Md.—This joint county Farm Bureau effort, also involving the Save Farm Families organization, raised $108,000 for the Hudson family, whose beef and chicken farm is being sued by the New York-based Waterkeeper Alliance.

to learn about the world’s fiber. Metro Bus Campaign, Meeker County, Minn.—The Metro Bus Campaign promoted agriculture by wrapping 49 buses with different agricultural messages. The campaign targeted 3 million people with limited backgrounds in agriculture. Fifth Graders: Farmers for Today, Ag Leaders for Tomorrow, Simpson County, Miss.—During this event, 400 teachers and students toured 10 stations focusing on poultry, beef, forestry, livestock, row crops, safety and drug awareness. Vote Agriculture in 2012, Wright County, Mo.—The main purpose of Vote Agriculture in 2012 was to educate voters on the importance of electing candidates who are supportive of agriculture. Share the Road: Rural Road Safety Initiative, Cortland County, N.Y.—The Rural Road Safety Initiative is a sponsored workshop that shared the rules and regulations for operating agricultural vehicles on public roads to help prevent accidents involving farm equipment. Making Farm Bureau Relevant to the Equine Community, Hamilton County, Ohio—To reach out to their more urban residents, Hamilton County Farm Bureau is engaging the equine community by setting up booths

Corner Post U.S. Adoption of Genetically Engineered Crops Percent of planted acres

Circle of Life, Ingham County, Mich.—The Ingham County Farm Bureau worked with retired farmers and the local FFA chapter to set up the Circle of Life exhibit at the county fair. The exhibit contained live farm animals giving birth, along with baby animals. Beginning of Life Exhibit, Livingston County, Mich.—In this hands-on county fair exhibit, visitors learned about the proper care and nutrition of farm animals in a barn-like atmosphere. Mother animals and their young were on display, as well as hatchling chicks in incubators. Demonstrations featured spinning wheels and looms for attendees

Source: USDA, Economic Research Service

Animal Agriculture Educational Kiosks, Wayne County, Ohio—Wayne County Farm Bureau strategically placed kiosks playing videos about farm families in barns at the county fair. Farming for Life—Growing the “Gift of Life” Together with the Red Cross Blood Services, Susquehanna, Pa.—The Susquehanna County Farm Bureau’s Women’s Leadership and Promotion and Education committees partnered with the District Red Cross Blood Services for an event during which Farm Bureau volunteers served fresh, local food and handed out T-shirts, while members donated blood. AgriCultural Festival: Around the World on a Plate, Greenville County, S.C.—This event promoted agriculture’s importance in the economy, environment and the lifestyles of people worldwide. Social Media Mondays, Dane County, Wis.—Dane County Farm Bureau created Social Media Mondays to offer their members one-on-one training for basic computer skills, e-mail and social media implementation. County Farm Barnyard Adventure Ag Education, Walworth County, Wis.—This dual-platform program includes “Come Grow with Us,” which reaches out to 24 local grade schools by teaching aspects of biology, and “From Seed to Supper, ” a tour during the county fair that explores various aspects of agriculture.

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