September 14, 2011

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Caribbean students strut their stuff in preparation for October’s Caribfest.

READ pg. 3


Lady Mustangs help raise money for local elementary school.

READ pg. 7


ht e Wednesday

September 14, 2011

your campus/your news

Outed ex-spy to tell story of betrayal CHRIS COLLINS EDITOR IN CHIEF Valerie Plame Wilson, a former CIA agent who specialized in recruiting spies, was put in jeopardy by the nation she served for many years. She was publicly exposed, betrayed by her own government. The times and dates of her service, along with the specific locations, are classified. Most of the information on the 48-year-old’s work in Europe, Asia and Africa is not for public consumption. What isn’t classified, however, is Wilson’s true identity, which was put into print by a Washington Post journalist in 2003. Her unceremonious outing by officials in the Bush administration has sparked debates about national security and privacy rights. Wilson will speak in Akin Auditorium at 7 p.m. Thursday, the first guest in this

year’s MSU Artist Lecture Series. She’ll talk about her life as an intelligence officer and how it abruptly ended when her cover was blown by columnist Robert Novak. Until 2003, she was traveling around the world, involved in various covert activities. Then her husband, Joseph, a retired U.S. ambassador, made comments about the upcoming war in Iraq. Joseph Wilson disputed a 2003 assertion by George W. Bush that Iraq had purchased large quantities of “yellowcake uranium” from Niger, Africa. For some Americans, this “proof” justified invading Iraq. Joseph Wilson had traveled to Niger at the order of the CIA in 2002. His finding: it was doubtful that Iraq had ever obtained any uranium from Niger. The revelation embarrassed the Bush administration. It was then that Valerie Plame Wilson’s career came to a screeching halt. Shortly afterward, Washington Post

columnist Robert Novak wrote in an article that Mrs. Wilson was an intelligence officer with the CIA. Her cover was blown. “I was shocked, infuriated, anxious about the network of assets with whom I had worked over the years, and concerned for the safely of my small children,” Mrs. Wilson said in an email to The Wichitan. “I also realized my career in the CIA was finished.” Mrs. Wilson believes the Bush administration leaked her identity to get back at her husband. Her suspicions were confirmed in a September 2003 Washington Post story. In it, an unnamed administration official said, “Clearly, it (the leak) was meant purely and simply for revenge.” “Whatever shreds of privacy or normalcy our lives had up pg. 3 to that moment were ripped away,” Mrs. Wilson said. “For Joe




Volunteers get down and dirty at Sikes Lake Saturday Everyone from elementary students to MSU students to senior citizens pitched in Saturday morning to beautify Sikes Lake after a blistering summer drought. The sixth annual clean up broke records this year with over 200 volunteers who collected over 4,000 pounds of trash – 2 tons of refuge. Last year over 150 volunteers gathered 600 pounds of trash. “This event keeps getting bigger and better every year,” said Terry McKee, Rolling Plains Chapter president. “It’s nice to know so many people care about our environment and continue to donate their time and effort to keeping the campus clean.” Since 2005, The Rolling Plains Chapter of the Texas Master Naturalist and the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department have helped MSU to keep the lake surrounding the Wellness Center clean and healthy. “(Our chapter) decided the Sikes Lake Cleanup would be the perfect service project for our group and something we could do to increase public awareness of the litter problem; as well as involve student volunteers and the public,” McKee said. McKee said the summer drought actually made the cleanup job not as difficult as expected. The drought impacted the vegetation along the lake, which made it easier to get closer to the perimeter of Sikes, McKee said. “The drought made it easier to gather litter that collects in the reeds and along the walkways,” McKee said. “It also required more vigilance as some parts of the lake are dry, but were still mucky.” A lot of the volume was due to the fact that the lake level was so low. “Volunteers were pulling all kinds of debris from the mud and silt in Sikes Lake itself,” McKee said. “One student even found the hose and nozzle from a gasoline pump.” MSU supplied the trash bags and labor assistance. Following the cleanup, the Rolling Plains Chapter members served food and drinks to the volunteers, where they were able to marvel at their accomplishments. “I can’t believe how much work we got done,” Freshmen Elizabeth Cooper said. “The cleanup is the first time I’ve gotten involved with MSU activities and it definitely makes me want to do more to help out around camMSU community members help clean up trash from Sikes Lake. pus and the community.”


Hannah Hofmann

Photo courtesy

Valerie Plame Wilson

Married duo unearths Texas trading history DONACE WILKINSON FOR THE WICHITAN The husband-and-wife team Walt and Isabel Davis, who helped to unearth a buried city and wrote a book about their meanderings across Texas, will kick off MSU’s 11th annual Speakers and Issues Series on Sept. 22. This is the Davis’ second formal discussion of their book, “Exploring the Edges of Texas.” Their first was a similar presentation for the East Texas Historical Association last spring. Next week’s presentation will focus on chapter 12 of the volume. The chapter explores a three-part trading network between French traders, Caddo hunters, and Comanche and Kiowa horsemen. This was a free-trade agreement that started in the 1700s. The triangular trade network tied France to the southern Great Plains of Texas via the Red River. “The story was pieced together by amateur and professional archeologists, and historians working together,” Walt said. “The story is an example of what E. O. Wilson calls consilience. Wilson spoke at MSU in the spring. I want to follow up with an example of cooperation among disciplines that E. O. Wilson calls for. My talk is one example of how consilience can pay off.” “We will talk about how we know what the Indians and French were doing,” Isabel said. “We also wrote about some of the interesting people we found out about like Bernard De la Harpe. He was a French explorer who established the first trading post near Texarkana.” In their research about other sites, the couple came across information about Gilbert Site, an 18th-century deer-hide-processing locale in East Texas, Isabel said. The Davises co-authored the book— their retirement project — after doing research and an exploration which took them along the 4,000-mile boundary of the state. The couple said they started their journey in 2004 and decided to go all the way around. Their ultimate goal was to publish a

book about Texas’ natural history. They said the goal of the exploration was to have an exciting time…and they were not disappointed. “We like to travel and that’s why we did it,” Isabel said. “It took us about four and a half years to do the traveling and research, and one and a half years to write the book, so about six years to complete.” The couple jokes about their challenges with writing the book. “We co-wrote the book so there was a challenge in deciding who got their way,” she said. But neither of them is a stranger to Texas’ natural history. Before retiring in 2004 Walt was the director of the Panhandle Plains Historical Museum in Canyon and former curator of exhibits at the Dallas Museum of Natural History. In 2003 Isabel retired as a reference librarian at West Texas A&M University. Prior to that, she was director of Rockwall County Library and collection development librarian for natural science at the Richardson Public Library. She also coordinated the 1995 Panhandle Plains Historical Museum workshop for museum professionals on compliance with the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act. “I did a lot of the library research and kept journals,” Isabel said, with reference to their book. “Walt did the drawings and wrote the first drafts and I critiqued them.” Walt’s illustrations are his recreations of the several historical and natural sites the couple visited on their journey around the state’s border. Each chapter opens with depictions which include a national park, a stretch of river, a mountain range and an archeological site. The couple’s other adventures included their participation in an excavation project at the northeastern corner of the Texas Panhandle. T h e r e they joined pg. 3 members of the Texas Archeological Society—about 450 men, women and children—and spent a week searching for clues to the buried


campus voice

2 Wednesday

September 14, 2011

nour view

Mandatory vaccinations are a good idea After joining the 2012 GOP Debate panel about a week ago, Texas Governor Rick Perry was attacked by other presidential contenders for mandating an HPV vaccine in Texas. When the dust settled, Perry had even attacked his own stance on the issue. But he should’ve stood his ground – the policy was progressive and logical. The executive order to vaccinate sixth-grade girls against the Human Papaloma Virus has been touted as a measure to prevent cervical cancer. But some people were probably surprised that Perry was the one championing the notion that Big Government should stick its nose into health care issues in the first place. In 2007, Perry gave an executive order requiring girls be injected with the vaccine. His justification for the mandate was that state government needed to take a role in preventing disease.

Not like it really mattered. The order was quickly overturned by the Texas State Legislature. There’s little doubt the vaccine is a good idea. Cervical cancer is one of the leading killers of women, after all. Officials at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention say all girls aged 11 to 12 should be vaccinated to prevent cervical cancer. Also, parents in Texas were allowed to opt out of the “mandated” vaccine for their daughters. Not to mention that some shots, such as those for meningitis and hepatitis B, are already administered to children as prerequisites for enrolling in school. Bottom line, the policy should not have been overturned. For Perry to have mandated the vaccine to begin with seems like an outof-left-field move for him. Perry, the fierce opponent of Social Security (calling it a Ponzi scheme) has also been a critic of Obamacare.

Perry’s plan – to let states control Medicare instead of the federal government, should turn some heads. The vaccine mandate is perfect fodder for the other GOP runners trying to gain the go-ahead from the party. Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann tore into the issue in previous debates, claiming that the vaccine is dangerous and can cause mental retardation. She was probably exaggerating how traumatic getting the shot would be for girls. Would it be momentarily uncomfortable? Yeah. But would it be “flat-out wrong,” as Bachman said? We think not. Nonetheless, Perry has done an about face, denouncing his decision to mandate the vaccinations. “If I had it to do over again, I would have done it differently,” he said.

e thwichitan

e thwichitan

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editorial board

Editor in Chief: Chris Collins Managing Editor: Brittney Cottingham A&E Editor: Anastasia Reed Op-Ed Editor: Kaja Banas-Salsman Sports Editor: Damian Atamenwan Web/ Photo Editor: Hannah Hofmann Advertising manager: Rachel Bingham Copy editor: Kristina Davidson adviser: Randy Pruitt contributors: Orlando Flores, Josh Hayter, Doance Wilkinson, Paige Scherer Staff Photographer: Kassie Bruton

Copyright © 2011. The Wichitan is a member of the Texas Intercollegiate Press Association. The Wichitan reserves the right to edit any material submitted for publication. Opinions expressed in The Wichitan do not necessarily reflect those of the students, staff, faculty, administration or Board of Regents of Midwestern State University. The Wichitan welcomes letters of opinion from students, faculty and staff submitted by the Friday before intended publication. Letters should be brief (350 words or less) and without abusive language or personal attacks. Letters must be typed and signed by the writer and include a telephone number and address. The editor retains the right to edit letters.

The real world isn’t all bunnies, golden stars and giggles

KAJA BANAS-SALSMAN OP-ED EDITOR Throughout the course of our lives, people tell us we are winners, we are special, we are one-of-a-kind, we will amount to something, or, if we put our minds to it, we can achieve anything. In elementary school we played sports like kickball, basketball, four square and tag.

There were always winners and there were always losers. We learned from games we lost and boosted our egos with the games we won. We didn’t get ribbons for getting last place, and we didn’t get congratulations for participating. Most of us grew up (or are growing up) to be well-rounded individuals. Unfortunately, more and more often, kids are being congratulated for their failures. How is a person supposed to learn from his mistakes and failures if he is congratulated for not making the cut? Sugarcoating a mistake isn’t constructive for anyone. It allows for the child or teenager to believe that it is totally okay to fail or to make a mistake over and over again.They also learn it is acceptable to bend the rules because they “are special and one-of-a-kind.”

Today’s youth is rewarded for their mistakes with gold stars and giggles instead of consequences and tough love. Those children eventually get to college and don’t understand why they didn’t pass a class after they turned in every paper a week late. It’s a reality check for a lot of students who were fed with the golden success spoon for the greater part of their lives. Fortunately, many of the departments on campus are implementing more rigid requirements for passing classes and for graduating. This, in turn, is weeding out the students who can’t handle, or are not ready to handle, college in the first place. MSU departments are tightening their graduation requirements, trying to prepare students for the ‘real world’ they are to face after graduation. When students walk off this

campus for, possibly, the last time, they step into the world – where performance and financial gain is everything. Of course, the harsh society outside of college isn’t something that one can be fully prepared for, but starting from a fairly young age it’s pretty simple to begin preparing and developing a tough skin. Tough skin? Yes! That means being aware that if you screw up, there will be consequences. It means knowing that you’ll lose your job if you aren’t paying attention, or realizing that in business, it’s about success, not fairness. It’s not all gold stars and giggles in the real world. So why aren’t teachers, parents, and schools preparing elementary, middle and high school students for the real world? No one died from not getting

a ribbon after he placed last in a spelling bee. So why are kids getting awards for it? It’s as though sugarcoating the fact that you didn’t win is going to make you do better the next time. In my opinion, it’s not. Knowing that you have something to get better at and strive for is going to help you succeed. Pretending that being last pick for the kickball team is okay won’t get you picked first the next time around. It’s time to buck up and face reality. Without competition, without challenges, and without realizing and calling out mistakes, no one wins. The world of education needs to prepare students for a society where mistakes aren’t just booboos and golden stars aren’t given out for incorrect answers. Fortunately, MSU is starting to step up to the plate, insisting on more demanding guidelines.

Now educators of years K-12 need to quit teaching ‘life is just full of fluffy bunnies and rainbows.’ Because it’s not! Children can get last place and not be awarded a medal. Teenagers should be punished in some way when skipping a class. Trust me. They will survive. Building a tough skin makes it easier to demand excellence, why do it later rather than sooner?

Weekly quote “Develop success from failures. Discouragement and failure are two of the surest stepping stones to success.”

-Dale Carnegie

Rick Perry: Superman?


As of recent, Rick Perry has been making more and more comments that continually make him look like someone who should not be governor, much less president. Just the other day, Perry compared himself to the great American comic book hero, Superman. Wait, what? His exact words: “Superman came to save the United States.” Unfortunately, Perry’s comparison was both ridiculous and ironic. Not only is Perry far from a superhero, but to add to it, Superman just happens to be an illegal undocumented alien. How fitting. Popular YouTube blogger Jay Smooth noted (on Superman) “He loved America so much that he was willing to take on a secret identity, live a double life and step up to do the hardest, most back-breaking work that no one else was willing to do.” It’s safe to say that Perry, although making himself the endall be-all savior of the United Comic by Johnny Blevins States, could never amount to any sort of Superman.

Perry is weak on illegal immigration; he favors in-state tuition for illegals. This puts illegals at a distinct advantage in a welfare state. Keynesian system over taxpaying citizens: they reap the benefits paid by the collective, without financially contributing to the pool. Perry supports teaching intelligent design in the classroom, which at best is unnecessary, and at worst, undermining instruction in public schools. In August, Perry decided to tell the American public that global warming “is a scientific theory that has not been proven.” He then went on to say that global warming is “all one contrived phony mess that is falling apart under its own weight.” Last time I checked, the government was supposed to be run politically, not religiously. Perry is obviously running a religious campaign to take the top spot in America. On Aug. 6, 2011, Perry hosted a “Prayer Rally” in Houston along with the extremist American Family Association (AFA) and a cohort of Religious Right leaders with far-right political ties. Extremist. That’s the word. Rick Perry: Extremist.

It’s not harsh. It’s the truth. Sure, Texas may not be in as horrible of an economic hole as various other states – however, thinking that such a right-wing religious extremist would be able to run a country? I don’t think so. The AFA has been cited on having extremist views on gays, foreigners, the military and women. AFA’s chief spokesperson, Bryan Fischer, has expressed that gays were responsible for the Holocaust and demanded that immigrants convert to Christianity. He also said the Muslims have no right to the First Amendment, should not be allowed to build mosques and should be deported. Fischer has also claimed African American women “rut like rabbits” due to welfare and that Native Americans are “morally disqualified” from living in America because they didn’t convert to Christianity and were consequently cursed by God with alcoholism and poverty. Perry is closely associated with the AFA and leaders like Fischer. Are these the views America was built on? Are these the views America wants to live by?

e thwichitan Wednesday

September 14, 2011



campus briefs



Almost 200 students got a sneak peek of what’s in store for this years Caribfest with a launch event entitled Paradiso on Saturday night. “Caribbean culture is foreign to the Wichita Falls community, so the launch is important for them to learn about it before Caribfest takes place,” Caribfest Committee Chair Aziza Lake said. Paradiso featured bright carnival costumes, which are a staple part displayed at the Caribfest launch. “Carnival is an integral part of Caribbean culture,” Lake said. “It is about freedom, no longer being under the rule of our colonial masters.” A band also performed a medley of Soca songs from various Caribbean Islands. Soca is a hybrid of different genres based in Calypso music which is Caribbean folk. “Soca is considered party music with its fast percussion beats and lyrical content,” Caribfest Committee Co-chair Kimberly Titus said. “(The lyrics) are all about having fun when at a party or an event.” The flavorful music was highlighted by the Caribbean dance

style, whining, that has roots in the Soca and Calypso music. “We listen to Soca and Calypso from a very young age so whining comes very natural,” Lake said. Paradiso and October’s Caribfest are organized by the Caribbean Student Organization (CSO) with almost 300 members from Caribbean countries ranging from the Islands of Antigua and Barbuda to Trinidad and Jamaica.The launch was just the beginning for CSO, who now have their eyes set on Caribfest. “It is an avenue for Caribbean students to give back to the Wichita Falls community by donating to various charities while at the same time sharing our culture.” Titus said. Caribfest will take place on Oct. 7. The money raised from Caribfest will be given to three different charities: Patsy’s House, Faith Missions and the WFISD. Any student who wants to participate with the planning of Caribfest can send an email to “Cultural diversity can help to expand one’s horizons so as we Caribbean students experience Texas culture, we would like to share a bit of ours,” said Lake.

Wednesday Staff Senate Meeting 10:00 a.m. Dillard 189. UPB Movie: Fair Game 3:00 p.m. Shawnee Theater. Constitution Jeopardy 7:00 p.m. CSC Comanche

Thursday Professor Edwards Discussion in Politics 2:00 p.m -3:00 pm. Dillard 101. Artist Lecture Series: Valerie Plame Wilson 7:00 p.m. Akin Auditorium. $20 to general public. $18 for senior citizens, active-duty military, and MSU alumni. Free to MSU students with ID. Two free tickets to staff/faculty. Tickets are available at the Information Desk at Clark Student Center.


TLRC Soda and Sandwiches Event: Plaglarism/Integrity in the Classroom 12:00 p.m. Mesquite Cafe

Adrie Letang displayed the fashion elements of the Carribean culture at Saturdays launch, Paradiso. Kassie Bruton

WILSON continued from page 1 and me, the article validated what we had suspected all along – that the leak was in retaliation for his having angered the ad-

the leak had jeopardized her personal safety and the safety of her family, the CIA refused to place a security detail at her home.

Valerie Plame Wilson and her husband, Joe Wilson.

ministration and frustrated their attempts to portray the war on their own terms.” She said she immediately called her boss at the CIA to make a list of her jeopardized assets. “It felt like I had been punched in the gut,” Mrs. Wilson said. Although Mrs. Wilson felt like

Photo courtesy

At one point, a New York Times reporter was jailed for refusing to reveal a source connected to the case and a Time Magazine journalist was grilled before a grand jury. It later came out that Lewis “Scooter” Libby, chief of staff of Vice President Dick Cheney, was involved in Mrs. Wilson’s

case. Libby was indicted for obstruction of justice, perjury and making false statements to a grand jury. In 2007, he stood trial in federal court. He was convicted of four counts and sentenced to almost three years of jail time, along with a $250,000 fine. Shortly afterward, former president Bush commuted Libby’s sentence, erasing the jail time. “Vice President Cheney pushed hard for Libby’s pardon, saying that he ‘should not leave a wounded soldier on the battlefield,’ but President Bush did not see any legal reason to overturn the jury’s verdict of guilty on four out of five counts.” Mrs. Wilson said. Mrs. Wilson takes issue when people use First Amendment arguments to defend the journalists’ actions. “People in the administration had used reporters to advance their own political agenda,” she said. “That alone is not unusual or even criminal. But the reporters’ refusal to testify would not help to government wrongdoing, but assist officials who wanted to cover up their illegal behavior.” Mrs. Wilson has written a memoir of her experiences, titled Fair Game – My Life as a Spy, My Betrayal by the White House. Huge chunks of the 411-page book’s text have been redacted by the government for security reasons. “The loss of one’s privacy can never be described and nothing makes up for it,” she said.

DAVIS continued from page 1 city at Chill Hill Site. “The excavation was done near Lake Fryer and it was done by amateurs working with the Texas Archeological Society,” Walt said. As the authors state in chapter 16, “This [was] our chance to work in the trenches of a real excavation—to see what it takes ‘Qdoba’ and ‘Qdoba Mexican Grill’ are registered trademarksof the Qdoba Restaurant Corporation ©2010.

to piece together the story of people long dead.” With reference to their upcoming presentation, the couple said their hope is that people will understand how important it is for cooperation between historians, archeologists and other professionals to put these stories together.

The Davises are members of the Red River Chapter of Texas Master Naturalists. They are currently studying to be certified Texas naturalists. Walt is a museum consultant. He also teaches watercolor art at his studio near Commerce, Texas. Isabel spends her spare time making quilts.

4 Wednesday

September 14, 2011


e thwichitan

Former NYPD captain revisits 9/11 experience

Capt. Jimmy Albrecht during his presentation Monday at MSU.

Hannah Hofmann

JOSH HAYTER STAFF WRITER Capt. Jimmy Albrecht of the New York Police Department remembers growing up in Queens and taking trips to Manhattan with his father, where they watched as the World Trade Center was being built. He never dreamed he would watch it fall. On that day ten years ago, Albrecht was a New York City Police officer in command of 300 policemen. On Monday, in the Dillard College of Business, he shared his eyewitness account with students, staff and faculty. Albrecht, now 50 years old, said he was sitting in his office reading crime reports when an officer knocked on his door. “Cap’, a plane just flew into the World Trade Center,” she said. Albrecht flipped on the TV. When he saw the second explosion, he thought it was caused by debris from the first building striking the second tower. Then he heard a reporter say that a second plane had hit. “Look at the sky – it’s blue,” he said. “There’s no way a second plane hit the tower.” But he was wrong. Then the police radio barked, “Mobilization level four!” It was the code for a city wide emergency deployment. He grabbed his helmet and

fired up the police bus. With ambulances in front of him and fire trucks behind him, he sped toward the World Trade Center. “You get to the top of the hill and you see the full Manhattan sky,” Albrecht said. “I got to that point and I saw the two towers burning. It was pretty distressful, amazing and surreal.” Then he heard something he would never forget – a police officer yelling out on the radio, “Watch out! The building’s coming down! Watch out! The building’s coming down!” What building is he talking about? Albrecht wondered. He jerked his head to the left and watched as the first tower crumbled to the ground. Albrecht was standing next to Building Number Seven when the second tower fell. He and other rescuers ran for cover as debris from the tower swept over the streets, swallowing everything in its path. “We ran into the subway. There was no visibility whatsoever,” he recalled. “It looked like a snowstorm.” Albrecht said that until that day there was nothing New York City First Responders couldn’t handle. On that day, 3,000 civilians were killed along with 343 firefighters and 66 police officers. For 40 percent of the victims, no remnants were ever found. “Even though it was a very tragic day, it was a very suc-

cessful day in terms of rescue workers,” Albrecht said. “We were able to accomplish a lot (and) rescue literally thousands of people.” He said 60,000 people worked in the two towers. But on 9/11, at 8:46 a.m., when the first plane hit, many hadn’t arrived to their jobs. Only 34,000 people were in the towers at that point. And despite communication complications, rescue workers were able to rescue 99 percent of the people below the points of impact. Within three hours, more than three million people were evacuated from Lower Manhattan, he said. But 10 years later, the future would be grim for more than 1,000 First Responders, Albrecht included. They have been diagnosed with cancer or a lifethreatening disease due to the toxins they breathed in during the days of rescue. Since 9/11, 400 New York police officers, firefighters and rescuers have died from complications related to their exposure to carcinogens at Ground Zero, he said. “Last week, two firefighters and a cop died,” he said. “On average, three people who worked at the World Trade Center site, either on Sept. 11 or after, die every week. And the number keeps increasing.” Both New York City and the Federal Government refuse to acknowledge that the cancer that rescue workers contracted is related to the events of Sept. 11, he said. “I’m a cancer survivor. I can tell you that my cancer is attributed to 9/11. I had skin cancer on everywhere that was exposed that day,” he said. “It ain’t from goin’ to the beach, I can tell you that.” “Since then, we’ve already lost more rescue workers through cancer and lung disease, due to the carcinogens, cement and dust that went into their lungs, than we lost on that day,” Albrecht continued. Albrecht retired in 2003 but said he suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder due to the traumatic events on 9/11. “I started watching some of the memorials yesterday and turned them off after five minutes,” he said. “It’s a little too overwhelming.” Asked by an audience member about how he deals with what he experienced that day, Albrecht said that he prays and has become more of a family man. “I pray a lot,” he said. “I make time for myself and my family now. You have to make time to unwind.”

A PowerPoint slide shown during the presentation Monday evening. The NYPD received many letters from children and adults all around the nation showing appreciation for its work during the 9/11 attacks.

Hannah Hofmann

Above left: Wichita County Judge, Woodrow W. “Woody” Gossum, Jr., served as keynote speaker at the candlelight vigil. Above right: Dr. Ruth Morrow, Renee Dubois and SGA president Kyle Christian were among the seven speakers at the 9/11 ceremony. Above: The crowd of more than 100 people recites the Pledge of Allegence on the 10th anniversary of 9/11. Hannah Hofmann

Vigil recalls 9/11 JOSH HAYTER STAFF WRITER Over one hundred MSU students, faculty and staff gathered at a candlelight vigil in Sunwatcher Plaza on Sunday evening in remembrance of the events of Sept. 11, 2001. The ceremony began with the presentation of the colors by Sheppard Air Force Base Honor Guard. The pledge of allegiance was then recited. Michael Mills, SGA vice president during the events of 9/11 and current director of housing, recalled his experience that day as an MSU student how he saw America respond. “As awful as that tragedy was, it brought out the true character of the citizens of the United States,” Mills said. “Everyone put aside their differences and came together to show that we would get through the crisis.” Mills said that it is important to remember not only the victims of the attack but also the heroes of the New York Police and Fire Departments who put their lives on the line in order to save the lives of others. Also, Americans should never forget the troops that have fought and those who continue to fight to keep our country free. “9/11 was a day that forever changed our country and it’s a day we will always remember,” Mills said. Ruth Morrow, professor of music, said she was saddened for the actions that made the day necessary but emboldened by the embrace of the world as it stood fast against terror. To express her thoughts and feelings, she read an email as well as “Do Not Stand at My Grave and Weep,” a poem by Mary Frye.

“Do not stand at my grave and weep I am not there; I do not sleep. I am a thousand winds that blow, I am the diamond glints on snow, I am the sun on ripened grain, I am the gentle autumn rain. When you awaken in the morning’s hush I am the swift uplifting rush Of quiet birds in circled flight. I am the soft stars that shine at night. Do not stand at my grave and cry, I am not there; I did not die.” “9/11 was no mistake and there was nothing

humane about it,” Morrow read. “Shameful evil acts of others must teach us, no longer can we take things at face value, but we can research and educate ourselves and celebrate those who are good, honest and well intentioned. Let us not dwell on the past but remember, honor, run and walk toward a brighter future.” “We tend to use momentous occasions for reflection and growth (and) this is among the most momentous in US history,” she said. “May we walk gently during the time that we have, do good works, and draw strength from those who have gone before us.” Woodrow W. “Woody” Gossom, Jr., Wichita County judge, was the keynote speaker of the evening. “God bless America!” he said as he began his speech. Since Sept. 11, America has changed in many ways but in others, it has stayed the same, Gossom said. “We’re a more cautious group of people, either by choice or by circumstance. We are more suspicious. We don’t know where we are economically or politically and we question where we are power wise. We’re pessimistic. We remain skeptical,” he said. “(But) we are a proud nation and we deserve to be. We are undaunted. We have faced the worst dilemma that we’ve ever faced on our continent. And we have survived. We are optimistic. We believe that things will be better and that we will overcome enemies both foreign and domestic.” Gossom closed with a prayer. David Farabee, former state representative, challenged those in attendance to tell service men and women and loved ones how much they are appreciated. “I think that’s the one thing, as we reflect on the past, that we might look back and say ‘I wish I had done that more. I wish I had told people who were closest to me ‘I appreciate you. You mean a lot to me,’’ Farabee said. Renee Dubois, MSU student, provided thoughts on the future. “We as the next generation must begin to stand united for the progression of our nation and the global society,” she said. “We must begin to address the social issues in our society and acknowledge that we are all Americans and equally entitled to the pursuit of happiness.” The service ended with the singing of “America the Beautiful” by the University Singers followed by a brief moment of silence.


e thwichitan Wednesday

September 14, 2011


Name and sex change amongst DWTS cast

Chaz Bono

ANASTASIA REED A&E EDITOR ABC’s hit reality TV show Dancing with the Stars is back with another season premiering Monday Sept. 19. Season 13 will be jam-packed with B-list celebrities from all walks of the spotlight. ABC announced the new cast members a few weeks ago during an episode of Bachelor Pad. Like all of the other seasons, no season would be complete without controversy surrounding the contestants. Here are the celebrities competing for this years Mirror Ball Trophy:

Ron Artest

The pro basketball player will chacha with professional dancer and member of the DWTS troupe Peta Murgatroyd. Artest, who plays for the LA Lakers, recently made headlines when he filed paperwork to legally change his name to Metta World Peace. Hopefully Artest can keep the peace in the ballroom this season during the NBA lockout.

Bono is the only child of singer and actress Cher and grew up in the spotlight. Bono is most famous for undergoing a female-to-male sex change. Bono is closely involved in the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender equal rights movement. His partner this season will be former So You Think You Can Dance contestant Lacey Schwimmer.

Elisabetta Canalis

Canalis is probably best known as George Clooney’s ex-girlfriend, and also for being his red carpet arm-candy during awards season. She will be paired with professional partner Val Chmerkovskiy, younger brother of pro dancer and DWTS heartthrob Maksim Chmerkovskiy.

Kristin Cavallari

Although this Hills star has been out of the spotlight for a while, she will compete this season with veteran professional dancer Mark Ballas.

Nancy Grace

BREAKING BOMBSHELL NEWS! Nancy Grace will tackle two jobs this

fall; DWTS and her selfnamed show Nancy Grace. Can Grace handle the critisim from judges? Only time will tell. Grace will try to tango her way to the top of the leaderboad with Tristan MacManus.

Rob Kardashian

The least famous Kardashian will follow in his sister Kim’s footsteps this season. Hopefully this Kardashian will do better than his sister and make it past the third week. Kardasian will take the stage with DWTS cutie Cheryl Burke.

Carson Kressley

Kressley is famously known for being openingly gay and the star of Queer Eye for the Staright Guy. Kressly currently hosts his own show Carson Nation on The Oprah Winfrey Network. He will be dancing with DWTS favorite Anna Trebunskaya.

Ricki Lake

Lake has made her mark in television and movies. Now, she will strut her stuff in the

ballroom. She will share the stage with DWTS fan favorite Derek Hough.

J.R. Martinez

Martinez is probably one of the lesser known celebrities this season. Martinez was a soldier who suffered burns over 40 percent of his body when his Humvee hit a land mine in Iraq. He currently has a role on ABC’s hit soap All My Children. He is also a motivational speaker and speaks to burn victims across the country. He will attempt to show off his dance skills with Karina Smirnoff.

Chynna Phillips

This multi-talented celebrity is known for the popular 90s trio Wilson Phillips. Her professional dance partner is Tony Dovolani.

Hope Solo

Solo joins the many professional athletes-turned-dancers on DWTS. This professional soccer star helped the U.S. Women’s team bring home the gold medal at the 2008 summer Olympics.

Photos courtesy

She is currently a goalkeeper for the Magic Jack soccer club. Her partner Maksim Chmerkovskiy has the task of turning this soccer player into a ballroom diva.

David Arquette

Arquette is known for his comdeic timing in many television shows and movies - best known as Dewy Cox in horror franchise Scream. Unfortunately for Cox, he has been in the media headlines for his break-up with Courtney Cox, his wife of nearly 11 years. Also, Arquette checked himself into rehab for issues with alcohol. Hopefully he will make a good impression on the judges this season. He will be dancing with professional Kym Johnson. This season should be filled with a lot of drama and full of entertainment. Also, the cast members this season seem to have more personality than previous seasons. The cast will take the ballroom stage for the first time next Monday night with hopes of not being the first eliminated on Tuesday.

Lil Wayne wows in Dallas Peace, Love & Lipgloss

TOLU AGUNBIADE FOR THE WICHITAN “Sleeping at the top, nightmares of the bottom. Everybody wanna be fly until you swat ‘em.” This is one of the many witty lines delivered by Lil Wayne at his show in Dallas last Saturday at the Gexa Energy Pavilion. They are the opening lyrics to his ‘Nightmares from the Bottom’ track, off his new album ‘The Carter IV,’ which he is currently on tour promoting. Rick Ross, Keri Hilson, Lloyd and Far East movement performed prior to Lil Wayne.

The animation of the opening acts brought the crowd alive before Lil Wayne entered the stage. I enjoyed the show, it was filled to the brim with energy. There were dancers, pyrotechnics and Lil Wayne skating around the stage on his skateboard. He rode up and down a quarter pipe clad in a camouflage shirt, shorts, knee high tube socks and vans. He performed a multitude of his old hits as well as songs from his new album such as ‘She Will’ and ‘How to Love’. Dwayne Michael Carter, Jr., a.k.a. Lil Wayne was very personable and genuine on stage. He thanked the crowd and expressed how much he appreciated them coming to the show. He stated that his most recent time in jail helped him realize how much his fans support him. Carter is no stranger to being on the wrong side of the law. Back in 2007, Wayne and another man were arrested for smoking marijuana behind a tour bus. In Oct. 2009, Wayne pleaded

guilty to attempted criminal possession of a weapon. He was due for sentencing in February 2010 and was expected to receive a one-year county jail sentence. In February of the next year, Lil Wayne’s attorney announced that the sentencing was delayed until March 2 because of a dental surgery. In March of 2010, Wayne was sentenced to a year in prison, which he served in Rikers Island jail complex. His experiences were felt through the many songs he performed that night. His lyrics paint a picture of his life and the struggles he has gone through. He kicked off his performance by telling us three things about himself. “One, I believe in God. The second thing about myself is I ain’t shit without you. And three, I ain’t shit without you,” he said. Lil Wayne was on his game Saturday. He had a flawless, high energy performance and showcased his comedic skills. Dude is hilarious!

Glitter makes everything better

I am a glitter fanatic. I don’t think I own an eyeshadow that doesn’t have a least a few sparkling specks in it, and I make it my mission to track down the most glitter-packed, high-shine lipglosses out there. But when does everyone love glitter? Parties! Whether it’s your birthday or you’re simply going out with your besties on the weekend, every girl needs some glitter in her makeup bag. So how on earth do you know which glitter products to get? You don’t want to look like you’re re-living your 8-yearold days, but you also want to have some fun products to play around with while jamming out to girl-power mixed CDs. So here’s a list of some sparkly, yet totally adult, makeup.


Splurge: Laura Mercier Baked


Splurge: Urban Decay SuperSaturated High Gloss Lip Color - Adrenaline ($19 at sephora. com) Steal: NYX Diamond Sparkle Lipstick ($4 at Ulta) RACHEL BINGHAM AD MANAGER Eye Shadow ($22 at Middle-range: VS Silky Eye Shadow - Sparkle ($12 at Steal: Sonia Kashuk Showstopper Quad ($9.99 at Target)


Middle-range: Sephora Collection Glitter Eyeliner ($12 at


Steal: Hard Candy Lash Tinsel Glitter Mascara ($5 at Walmart)


Splurge: MAC Dazzleglass ($18.50 at Steal: E.L.F. Studio Glitter Gloss ($3 at Target)

BRONZE SHIMMER Splurge: Bobbi Brown Shimmer Brick - Bronze ($39 at Steal: Rimmel London Sun Shimmer Maxi Bronzer ($6.99 at Target)


What beauty tips would you like to hear about? E-mail ideas to

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6 Wednesday

September 14, 2011


e thwichitan

Volleyball wins two out of three I’m proud the girls have stepped up the way they have. We just need to step up and keep it goFOR THE WICHITAN ing.” Midwestern completed its The MSU volleyball team three matches in three days won two out of three games this stretch Saturday afternoon weekend. against Texas Woman’s UniverThe Mustangs defeated Texas sity in a Lone Star Conference A&M Commerce and Missouri contest at D.L. Ligon Coliseum. Southern State but trailed to First serve is slated for 2 p.m. Texas Woman’s University. The Mustangs fought off a pair of set points in the decisive third set and rallied to win four The Midwestern State Mus- of the final five points in the set tangs had to fight back a scrappy after staving off potential MisTexas A&M-Commerce squad souri Southern clinchers at 26Thursday afternoon, but came 25 and 29-28. out with a 3-1 Lone Star Con “It was just a matter of mainference triumph at D.L. Ligon taining composure and staying Coliseum. aggressive,” Flores-Stafford The Mustangs (5-1, 2-0) said. downed the Lions (1-1, 0-1) “We’ve really grown from last 25-18, 25-9, 26-28, 25-18 to re- season and now we’re playing to cord their fifth victory under the win the point. It’s maturity that Dome this season. is kicking in.” The Mustangs were paced by The closely contested set the play of sophomore Caitlin features 17 ties and nine lead Wallace of Amarillo who col- changes as the Mustangs put off lected 14 kills while smashing a the final Lions’ set point with a .458 hitting percentage. kill by junior Shelbi Stewart to “That what we expect her to knot the game at 29-all. do,” said MSU Coach Venera MSU then put up back-toFlores-Stafford. back blocks when Stewart and “That’s what she trained to Byrd teamed to block Missouri do in the spring and she learned Southern’s Katie Politte to give a lot. Her technique and funda- the Mustangs their fifth set mentals have gotten so much point. better than last year.” Politte, who finished with 15 Senior Hillary White of North kills, put down another winner Richland Hills/Richland added before Byrd’s solo block set up 10 kills, while senior Miranda the Lions’ 10th attack error of the Bird of Atlanta, Texas added set to give MSU a 32-30 edge. nine kills and three blocks with The Mustangs claimed cona .467 hitting percentage. vincing wins in the first and The Mustangs had little fourth sets with a solid .256 team trouble in the first two sets, but attack percentage while limiting struggled in the third against the Missouri Southern to a .164 hitLions. ting night. A&M-C fought off three MSU Sophomore middle blocker match-point serves in the third Caitlin Wallace and senior outset before tying the frame at 26 side hitter Hillary White joined and getting the next two points Byrd in double figure kills with to fall to force a fourth set. 13 and 11, respectively, while MSU’s setting duo of Kimberly Jeffrey (28 assists) and Kristan “We’ve really Aduddell (20 assists) combined grown from last sea- for 48 assists. Senior libero Kiara Jordan son ... It’s maturity paced the Mustangs’ back row efforts with a season-high 28 that is kicking in.” digs, while White completed her MSU Coach Venera Floresfirst double-double of the season Stafford with 19 digs. Sophomore Claire Webster “(A&M-Commerce) is going and freshman Katie Bertling to push,” Flores-Stafford began. added to the Byrd’s big night at “They didn’t want to lose and the net with three blocks each. we got comfortable and allowed Casey Ball paced the Misthem to make the errors. They souri Southern attack with a came up playing well to get the match-high 16 kills while Politte set.” and Rachel Olinyk added 15 and In the final set, the Lions 12 kills, respectively. The Lions held tight with MSU, trailing dipped to 1-5 on the season. by one at the midway point 1514. However, the Mustangs rallied for four straight points to Midwestern State had three take control of the set and never chances to close out Texas Womlooked back. an’s University in three sets in A&M-Commerce got 13 Lone Star Conference play Satkills and six blocks from middle urday afternoon at D.L. Ligon blocker Kayla Bond of Denton Coliseum. to lead the Lions. But the Pioneers staved off The match was the first of each of the match points and three in three days. The Musrode the momentum to their first tangs traveled to Dallas to meet win of the season by scores of Missouri Southern on a neutral 16-25, 23-25, 28-26, 25-19, 15-9 floor on Friday and finished their to improve to 1-5 on the season weekend with Texas Woman’s on and 1-1 in league play. Saturday at 2 p.m. in the Dome. The Mustangs (6-2, 2-1) appeared to be on the verge of extending a winning streak to five Midwestern State’s Miranda matches when Hillary White put Byrd delivered one of the big- down her sixth kill of the match gest matches of her career to to give MSU two match points. lift the Mustangs to their fourth But the Pioneers rallied with straight win in a 25-15, 23-25, a Hannah Marshall kill and sur32-30, 25-18 decision over Mis- vived an MSU attack error to souri Southern Friday night in knot the score at 24-all before the DBU Invitational at Burg White delivered another kill to Center. give the Mustangs another clos The senior middle blocker ing opportunity. paced the Mustangs with 14 This time, TWU erased the kills while posting a career-best chance with a Chloe’ Tate kill seven blocks as the Mustangs then put the set away, then rode improved to 6-1 on the season. the strength of their outside hit “That’s what a senior is sup- ting duo of Tate and Viktorija posed to do,” MSU coach Ven- Jablonska to a five-set victory. era Flores-Stafford said. The duo finished with a “This has been a long stretch.





Senior outside hitter Miranda Byrd paced the Mustangs’ attack with 14 kills and four blocks against TWU Saturday afternoon.

Hannah Hofmann

match-high 17 kills apiece, while Tate was in on seven of TWU’s 11 blocks as the Pioneers turned the tables after a very hot Midwestern State start. The Mustangs committed just one error in a dominating first set while hitting .483 as a team, but MSU committed 35 attack errors over the remainder of the match including two sets with a .000 team kill rate. Senior Miranda Byrd paced the Mustangs’ attack with 14 kills and added four blocks, while fellow middle blocker Caitlin Wallace added 13 kills and three blocks. Senior outside hitter Hillary White pitched her second consecutive double-double with 12 kills and a season-high 23 digs,

Upcoming volleyball matches Midwestern State hits the road for a pair of conference matches this week.

Incarnate Word Sept. 15 at 7 p.m.

Texas A&M-Kingsville Sept. 17 at 1 p.m.

while freshman Katie Bertling had 10 kills and 14 digs. Senior libero Kaira Jordan led back row efforts with 28 digs. The Mustangs play Incarnate Word Thursday in San Antonio.





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he twichitan Wednesday

September 14, 2011


n team up for a grou

n-Jackso e kids of Washingto th d an s ng ta us M Lady mp. photo at Sonic on Ke

Photo courtesy

Shatoia Gober hands back change to 4th grader at Sonic Day fund raiser. Hannah Hofmann


Taylor Dowd and Di anna Jones assist kids during Washing Jackson fund raiser tonwith drinks. Hann

ah Hofmann

Lady Mustangs value volunteer opportunities

Women’s basketball team earn community service points working with kids from local elementary school BRITTNEY COTTINGHAM MANAGING EDITOR Saturday afternoon the freshman members of the Lady Mustangs teamed up with 20 kids from Washington-Jackson Elementary at Sonic on Kemp. They raised $500 that the school will use for new equipment including computers and a shed for their playground. Forward Andrea Carter adores kids so when the opportunity came to interact with them she leaped at the chance. “As the girls basketball team, we think its only fair we give back to the

community because they support us in so many ways,” Carter said. “So this is just one small way we can give back to the community just to say thanks.” Carter said the kids, who were 4th, 5th, and 6th graders, were excited to meet the team and ready to work. Guard Shatoia Gober said the event was to encourage the children to fulfill their dreams. This is exactly what WashingtonJackson fund raising coordinator, Mary Blue, had in mind for this Sonic Day. “Our kids see college students and relate to them,” Blue said. “They all

need positive role models to encourage them that going to college is possible for them.” Noel Johnson, head women’s basketball coach, devised a point system for the team to accumulate points throughout the year for service in the community. At the end of the academic year, the “The Mustang Pride Award” is given to the player with the highest points. Guard Lisa Hampton said community service as an athlete is key. “We get support during the season from the community,” Hampton said.

“It is our responsibility to give back and show them we are appreciative of their support to our program.” Six points are given for individual community service, four points for group community service and two points for campus event service or attending and supporting a campus event. “(The point system) presents an opportunity for each team member to venture out and give something back to the community,” Johnson said. “It is our hope to become ambassadors for our university, support the community, and promote and advance our basketball

program and athletic department.” The Lady Mustangs were also asked to participate in a mentorship program with Washington-Jackson during their school hours to assist with reading and homework. Forward Taylor Dowd said she had fun Saturday getting to know all of the kids. Dowd is looking forward to joining the Washington-Jackson mentorship program. Students who are interested in mentoring students at Washington-Jackson should contact Mary Blue at (940) 2351196.


File photo: Sam Broadbent (right), pictured during a soccer practice earlier in the semester, was able to assist a goal Friday night. Damian Atamenwan

Mustangs soccer defeat Colorado teams DAMIAN ATAMENWAN SPORTS EDITOR MSU soccer team experienced two tough weekend matches but came out victorious against Colorado teams. The first game was Friday night against Colorado-Pueblo at Rawlings Complex. After 23 minutes of play, the Thunderwolves’ Jonny Sawyer struck a shot aimed at the top of the goal to put his team on the score board. But the Mustangs got the equalizer they needed in the 27th minute. Senior Casey Hibbs headed the ball for senior Nathan Fitzgerald to flick past the goal keeper. Just a minute after the equalizer, Dean Lovegrove made a throw-in for senior Ryan Spence to put away for MSU’s second

and his second of the season. Then the winning goal came in the 69th minute; Sam Broadbent supplied a through ball for Chris Dwyer to lob past the goal keeper for the 3-1 victory. MSU then went ahead to defeat the Colorado Springs Mountain Lions on penalties. Junior Zach Funk got fouled early in the game, thus an opportunity for Lovegrove to tuck in a penalty to give MSU the first half lead. CSU might have put the pressure on MSU but the Mustangs never trailed. Head Soccer Coach Doug Elder commented on the team’s game action. “We gave the team too much time and didn’t generate as much offense as needed,” he said. “But a win is a win. We just have to finish better in our upcoming road games.”

The Mountain Lions, who recorded 17 fouls, handed MSU another penalty kick in the 80th minute. Sophomore B.A. Catney was knocked close to the 6-yard box which resulted in the PK that Dwyer perfectly took. The Mustangs finished with a 2-0 win against the second Colorado team. Goalkeeper Michael Wood was outstanding in both games as he made important saves. “On a personal note, I was happy with our clean sheet on Sunday even though UCCS took it to us for the majority of the game,” he said. “Winning is part of the expectation at MSU, we aimed for two wins and got what we wanted.” Midwestern State will visit Incarnate Word Thursday night for the Lone Star Conference opener.

MSU women soccer swept Southwest Baptist aside in an impressive fashion as the Mustangs marked their second win of the season. The Mustangs started with several key players that worked hard to be aggressive within the first few minutes. MSU came close to getting an early lead but the shots went off target or got saved. Finally, after 15 minutes of play, Senior Lindsay Pritchard unselfishly supplied a cross for Kelsey Hill to nod in the opener. Hill, an attack-minded player, confirmed MSU’s winning goal in their season debut. The Bearcats tried to strike back with an equalizer but MSU’s defense was unrelenting and took no chances. Goalkeeper Mallory Whitworth made important saves especially when Southwest Baptist’s Jade Barnden seemed threatening. Pritchard, again, was the inspiration behind the second goal in the 56th minute. She sent a cross to Emily Saville who tucked in a

Maddie Fraser wins a tackle against Southwest Baptist

Hannah Hofmann

fine volley past the keeper. Saville also recorded her second of the season. Freshman Callie Briseno was solid defensively against the bearcats and played with power and pace. Whitworth also played good defense and was a shot stopper indeed. After having two assists and a few attempts on goal, Pritchard finally scored in the 85th minute

with help from Hill. MSU had five minutes left to defend the 3-0 lead. Although she didn’t score, Maddie Fraser had a superb game and kept Bearcat’s Goalie Megan Link on her toes. Fraser had a tally of seven shots on goal Thursday night. MSU is set to play Angelo State Friday, 7 p.m. at the Mustangs’ soccer fields.

Several minutes later running back Lester Bush whacked on six points for MSU with a three-yard plunge on four plays. Placekicker Greg Saladino put forth the icing on the cake with a successful extra point kick. With 3:46 left in the first half, Kelsey went on a 22-yard run to bring the Mustangs at 20 points. Then with less than a minute left, running back Keidrick Jackson closed the first half with a single yard run to bring the Mustangs on top of Missouri S&T, 27-0. Wide receiver David Little received a 32-yard run from Kelsey five minutes into the third quar-

ter on six plays, giving MSU more points. Five minutes later, Little bumped the Mustangs’ score when he received a nine yard pass from Kelsey for the game winner. Overall, Kelsey accounted for 253 yards of total offense, and completed 13 out of 20 passes for 187 yards. Jackson paced MSU’s 253yard rushing attack, putting 82 yards on nine carries as well. Bush added 45 yards on nine carries. Next, MSU goes back on the road against Texas A&M-Commerce at noon at Cowboys Stadium in Arlington.

MSU football annihilate Missouri S&T ANDRE GONZALEZ FOR THE WICHITAN

What’s better than having your team win the season opener football game? Having them shut out their opponent. The MSU Mustangs did just that on Saturday night against Missouri S&T, 41-0. MSU has won all its season openers since 2001. Quarterback Brandon Kelsey jolted on a five-yard run on five plays at the 12:31 mark, putting the Mustangs on the scoreboard first, 7-0.



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