FEB/MARCH Bumper Issue

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Raising awareness to ovarian cancer 7 days a week 52 weeks a year

In This Issue •

From My Desk

Feel Teal Club Updates

Article of the Month

Upcoming Events

Health Articles

Spotlight on a Titan

Ovarian cancer articles

see inside for much more...

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Deb Stevens

Happy Valentine's Day!

FROM MY DESK It's been said, you never know how strong a woman is, until you place her in hot water! Makes perfect sense that I continue to draw my own strength, from a number of other womenWe share a common purpose, we are all driven to achieve certain goals and are continually challenged to step outside of our comfort zones. Seems it is here, that we thrive!

Feel Teal Club Updates:

We feed from each other's love & encouragement, taking words of wisdom with us as we go, then passing it along to the next deserving soul. This behaviour is spreading across the pages of Facebook and reaching out beyond the world wide web! Inspiration flows through each heart,spilling onto the hundreds of keyboards where anxious fingers type....messages come in droves , picked-up then shared with another...a sheer force of nature driving home the need to be “supportive”!

Shelly Ryan continues to move us to laughter & tears with each passing week of the Feel Teal Talk Show . Episode 12 features another Titan who is giving back by sharing her artistic talents. Last week's episode included an introduction to Lee's Hope Jewelry which features a beautiful selection of hand-made, one-of-a-kind creations. Sarah Schlichter Weighknecht is continuing the legacy of her sister, Lee,AND donating 15% of all sales to ovarian cancer research. Updates include Feel the Teal t-shirts available from Choose Hope, a request inspired by last week's "teal-mobile" from a woman in Houston who hopes to raise awareness at the nation's largest art car parade, and more exciting news from Deb Stevens. With Valentine's Day coming up, your host shares helpful hints for this heartfelt holiday.

A perfect example of women reaching beyond the www is WFLAG's Tammy WileyA BIG “congratulations” to Tammy who recently received the American Woman Riders Community Hero Award for her ongoing commitment with WFLAG!

Hope you'll find just a snippet of inspiration within these pages, and if you do, make sure you share! Cheers,

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MUSIC NEWS.... BAOKU & The Image Afro-beat Band @ The New - Blue Wisp Jazz Club Public Event for Baoku & The Image Afro-beat Band 路 https://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Blue-Wisp-JazzClub/186357660107

Sunday 8:00pm until 11:00pm Performing live for the first time at the new Blue Wisp. I hope that many people will join us there to be part of the fun.

Magazine Staff Editor: Debbie Stevens

Assistant to Editor: Vicki Thornton Regular Contributors: Vicki Thornton, Shelly Ryan, Tracy Lewis, Jo Foster & Lisa Kaster


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What others are doing.....

Cancer To Cure The Cancer to Cure ride is a national motorcycle ride that is used to unite the biker community, to raise awareness, provide support to all cancer survivors particularly the survivors of Ovarian and Breast Cancer and raise funds for Cancer Research at M. D. Anderson Cancer Centers. The 2012 Cancer 2 Cure ride to Alaska is a motorcycle ride from Galveston Texas and the Gulf of Mexico to Prudhoe Bay Alaska and the Arctic Ocean. It is our goal to raise two hundred thousand dollars to be donated equally to M. D. Anderson Cancer Centers on Behalf of We Fight Like a Girl and Harley’s Angels.

Our History Riders for the Cure was founded in 2006 by Dr. Samuel Hassenbusch, M.D., Ph.D., and Patrick Browning, J.D., both employees and avid motorcycle riders. The original purpose of Riders for the Cure was to serve as a voice for employee motorcycle riders but it was quickly realized that based on the club membership more substantial goals could be advanced and achieved. Today Riders for the Cure boasts over 150 current employees representing physician, administrative, clinical, operational, and support constituencies. The club is also open to retirees, former employees, and non-employee cancer survivors.

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Join us for Elevenses and a chat. Ovarian Cancer Awareness for Feel Teal Day

Debbie & Deb look forward to meeting you!

Thursday 29th March at Watanobbi Community Centre, 1 Harrington Close, Watanobbi. 2259. 11am-1pm. FREE Light refreshments available. For further information call Debbie Hogan 43 512860 or Deb Stevens 0424603558 Email debbie@feeltealclub.com

Thanks to Ovarian Cancer Network Australia for supplying the event with plenty of information!

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March is Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month

Much of our awareness raising and fund-raising activities are focused on this month. We are asking you to take on the 50s Challenge to raise awareness and funds for Target Ovarian Cancer during March, which is Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month. What is the 50s Challenge? One in 50 women will develop ovarian cancer in their lifetime, so Target Ovarian Cancer asks you to inform 50 women of the symptoms of ovarian cancer (see our symptoms leaflet) and to raise at least ÂŁ50. We also invite you to have a 1950s theme to your fundraising. The fashion and styles of the decade are popular today and we have many ideas to give you inspiration. Click on the 50s Challenge box below for ideas. Whatever you decide to do, let us know. We can provide materials for your event and offer support and advice. What should I do next? Order a copy of the Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month fund-raising guide, which has all the tips you need to get started. It's never too early to start planning. E-mail fundraising@targetovarian.org.uk now to request your copy.



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2012 Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month Launch Wednesday 1st February Date: Wednesday 1st February 2012 All friends of Ovarian Cancer Australia are invited to join us for the official launch of Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month at Federation Square in Melbourne. Venue: BMW Edge, Federation Square Melbourne VIC Time: 9:30am – 10:30am RSVP: admin@ovariancancer.net.au or 1300 660 334


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WFLAG's hero, Tammy Wiley was recently recognised for all her hard work when she received the American Woman Riders Community Hero Award. “When I heard about winning the award, I was very surprised.” “I'm very proud to get it, because I've worked hard to spread the word about ovarian cancer. But it's not just me. This is We Fight Like A Girl's award because we all work together. There's no 'I' in this group.”

TAMMY WILEY The Feel Teal Club are proud to be supporters of the WFLAG foundation.

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Stop the world I want to get off! Jo Foster

Right now I have no job but that doesn't define who I am so why worry about that. There is food

That's where I was not too long ago. Too many things happening at once. Child sick, pressures of selling a house, stress of finding a new one, Christmas constant pressure to please everyone else and pretty much everything really. It didn't matter where I turned there was some sort of obstacle or drama attached to it. It got so bad I honestly didn't know which was up any more and keeping my head above water was my one and only thought left. There have been days when I ached so bad, felt so exhausted all I wanted to do was sit on the floor and cry, but that took far too much energy to do.

on the table, the bills are being paid and there are people out there that have far less than I do. So why when I get asked by possibly well meaning people over and over again if I have a job yet (remember I have been in this new house 10 whole days!) do I feel so threatened and become so defensive that I am not living up to their expectations? Really who's business is it but mine and my husbands what we do with our lives anyway? Instead of getting so upset and feeling like I am being judged and found wanting,why cant I just smile and think really is that all you can think of to ask me? Have you thought of asking how I am doing right now with everything that is going on and how I am coping with the physical strains all of the last few months have put on my body?

Things have quietened down now quite a lot the house is a distant memory, we are in a new home for the time being, the lad will never be anything but what it is, but we are managing one day at a time. Life really has slowed down for us in many ways. Instead of 1000 and 1 dramas we are back down to the regular half dozen everyone else has. I think it really helps that We have moved away from a lot of the pressures that were coming from within our immediate circle.

I am dealing with a lovely new illness now, a side effect if you will from ovarian cancer, and the years of dealing with the strains of my sons illness. Its debilitating, completely wipes me out some days then others I am almost back to the old me again. It has a name, it is relatively new an unheard of to almost everyone..not unlike ovarian cancer was a few years back. I have It for life now and I am learning how to cope with the intricacies of all of it. I haven't shared it with any but with friends and family I am most comfortable with, because of the fear of judgement. Put simply I am sick of that!

I am finding my patience levels rising again to tolerable levels. People bug me less really. Moving away from the pressures I was feeling, real or imagined have been just what I needed. Its like taking that step back everyone always tells you to do. All my life I have felt pressure to be what others have wanted me to be, not realizing that at the end of the day the people that matter just want me to be happy the rest don't matter. I am seeing people for the first time through fresher eyes and realizing that while some times I may of put the pressures onto myself, it hasnt helped that I have been constantly belittled or made to feel less important because I have a differing way of seeing life to them.

Being told I am silly to feel the way I feel is not the way to make me feel better FYI. Just because its not popular to be able to gossip about it doesn't give people the right to belittle me or put down my illness. Oh And by the way sorry that it makes someone feel uncomfortable that I have a life altering health issue and its not something that can be fixed with a magic pill or shown off with a

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cast or a dramatic head scarf to make some that know me feel important. I am not a science fair project nor a freak show exhibit, which is why now I am safely far away from those that made me feel this way at times do I feel finally secure enough to be ME. Sure it will take time to exert the real me over time when faced with the people I have had years of feeling insecure around. But already I am noticing I am speaking my mind more often no matter who is around. Within the last few days I am realizing my opinion doesn't have to be the same as everyone else's. It just has to be MY OWN opinion to matter to me. Each time I do stand up and say your opinion is fine for you but doesn't apply for me and don't back down when bullied will be a win and each time I do back down will just be a case of ok that didn't work this time,, next time though we will kick arse!

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Upcoming Events 2012


OC EVENTS IN AUSTRALIA All friends of Ovarian Cancer Australia are invited to join us for the official launch of Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month at Federation Square in Melbourne. Date: Wednesday 1st February Venue: BMW Edge, Federation Square, Melbourne VIC Time: 9:30am – 10:30am RSVP: admin@ovariancancer.net.au or 1300 660 334

On 1st February, Ovarian Cancer Australia will launch our annual Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month, a national campaign to raise awareness of the symptoms of ovarian cancer and to raise funds for our national research program and support programs for women and families touched by the disease. There are plenty of ways you can get involved! 1. Host an “Afternoon Teal” with friends, family or colleagues – register with us and we’ll provide you with an information pack 2. Share your story with the media of how you have been affected by ovarian cancer – contact us for more information 3. Attend our official launch at Federation Square in Melbourne on Wednesday 1st February 4. Join us for an alfresco “Afternoon Teal” at Wynyard Park in Sydney on Thursday 2nd February

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5. Drop in to the Ovarian Cancer Australia head office “Afternoon Teal” - date to be announced soon 6. Purchase and wear our branded merchandise to raise awareness 7. If you’re based in Victoria, enter the Women’s Tri-It Triathlon on Sunday 29th January or Queen of the Lake on Sunday 5th February 8. Wear a Teal Ribbon on Teal Ribbon Day Wednesday 29th February Contact us on 1300 660 334 to ask us how you could get involved for Awareness Month 2012! http://www.starttofinish.com.au/default.aspx?s=eventdisplay&id=2307

This February Ovarian Cancer Australia is hosting an Alfresco “Afternoon Teal” in central Sydney to bring awareness of the symptoms of ovarian cancer out into the open. Join us and special guests for some delicious treats and a fun afternoon! Date: Thursday 2nd February Venue: Wynyard Park, Sydney NSW Time: 1pm onwards More details to follow. http://www.ovariancan

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Help us raise money for the Ovarian Cancer Research Foundation by taking part in this special evening!

You are invited to join us for an inspiring evening with guest speakers from the medical practice. This is a great opportunity to network with friends and colleagues while you enjoy some light refreshments. Bring friends and colleagues along - Purchase tickets for four or more friends and colleagues and your ticket is free! To make a group booking please go to Try Booking and following the prompts or call (03) 9280 8722 to claim your bonus ticket. Proceeds from ticket sales and raffle tickets sold on the night will go towards the Ovarian Cancer Research Foundation. Secure your place at this inspiring event. Guest Speakers Emcee: Helen Kapalos - Presenter, Ten News. Liz Heliotis - Co-founder of the Ovarian Cancer Research Foundation Dr Geraldine Goss - Medical Oncologist and Board Member, Ovarian Cancer Research Foundation Dr Pearly Khaw - Radiation Oncologist, Peter MacCallum Dr Gillian Mitchell - Director of the Familial Cancer Centre, Peter MacCallum Mrs Helen Hatzis - Ovarian cancer survivor All guests receive a complimentary gift bag. You can also win in our raffle, all raffle ticket proceeds donated to OCRF! Prizes are • • • • • • •

Miss Fox Melbourne, Diamond Glow Indulgence Ritual, $275 voucher L’Oréal, $400 gift hamper Coussinet, Designer fashion accessories $200 gift pack French Bikini, Lace Sally Jones $150 suspender and hosiery set The Chia Co, $150 gift hamper Kookery, $130 gift hamper LML Medical Recruitment, Coles Group & Myer $100 voucher

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• Brookfarm, $80 gift hamper • Aesop, $100 gift hamper

Details NEW DATE:Monday 27 February 2012 Time: 6.30pm for 7pm start Venue: Melbourne Exhibition Centre, Room 109 1 Convention Centre Place, South Wharf Cost:AMA Victoria member: $30 Non member/spouse: $60 Please RSVP byThursday 23 February

Purchase your ticket in one of two ways, 1. Online - http://www.trybooking.com/15429 OR 2. Contact AMA Victoria - 03 9280 8722 *For entry into the draw ticket purchase must be finalised by 5pm 27 January 2012. The prize will be drawn at the event on 27 February 2012. February 2012 February 4, 2012 End World Cancer Day One Liberty Place, Two Liberty, the Cirac Centre and the Borgata will shine Teal! http://www.sandyovarian.org/upcomingevents.html

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Upcoming Events Women’s Health Resource Centre will take part in Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month during February 2012. We hope to highlight the symptoms of ovarian cancer and raise funds for research and support programs for women and families touched by the disease. We will be offering a fantastic prize of a Women’s Health Basket to be won in a free competition. To go into the draw, women need to complete entries forms by naming four of the common symptoms of ovarian cancer. Entry forms are available at Women’s Health Resource Centre and Secretly Beautiful (Snowden St). The competition winner will be drawn at 3pm on 21st February 2012. WHRC will have Ovarian Cancer information available at WHRC, and at a stall in Stirling Shopping Centre on 21st February 2012. We will also be selling Teal Ribbons.

Ovarian Cancer Canada regularly engages communities across the country to participate in our

events from awareness to education. For more information on fundraising events such as the Ovarian Cancer Canada Walk of Hope and other events, go to "Ways to Give"

Ovarian Cancer: Knowledge is Power - Halifax February 02, 2012 This Knowledge is Power session is offered by the YMCA YMCA 1565 South Park Street Halifax, Nova Scotia Thursday, February 2, 2012 at 12:15 P.M.

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For more information, please call (902) 423 - 9622.

February 04, 2012

Ovarian Cancer: Knowledge is Power - Dollard-des-Ormeaux, QC

This Knowledge is Power session is offered by the Dollard-des-Ormeaux Public Library. ----------------------------------------------------------------------Saturday, February 4, 2012 from 10:30 A.M. to 11:30 A.M. (Bilingual presentation) Dollard-des-Ormeaux Public Library 12001 De Salaberry Boulevard Dollard-des-Ormeaux, Qc For information, please contact Carolyn Simon at 514 684-1496 ext. 410 or csimon@ddo.qc.ca

February 04, 2012 Ovarian Cancer – Ride of Hope Osgoode Carleton Snowmobile Club February 4th, 2012

Ovarian Cancer – Ride of Hope

On February 4th, snowmobile riders are encouraged to participate in the Ovarian Cancer – Ride of Hope at the Osgoode Carleton Snowmobile Trail Club and help raise funds for Ovarian Cancer Canada. Check out www.osgoodesnowmobileclub.ca for m February 04, 2012

The Ultimate Girls' Day Out

The Ultimate Girls' Day Out is a trade show creating awareness of local small businesses, while helping raise money and awareness for Ovarian Cancer Canada. The Ultimate Girls' Day Out The Rideau Carleton Raceway Ottawa, ON Saturday, February 4, 2012 10 A.M. to 4 P.M. Free admission Romantic Whispers - Winnipeg

February 06, 2012 Romantic Whispers is a lingerie fashion show being held on February 6, 2012 at The Fairmont Hotel in Winnipeg, MB, with proceeds from the event being donated to Ovarian Cancer Canada. Local shops and designers will be featured in the fashion show, raising funds for Ovarian Cancer Canada.

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February 09, 2012

Ovarian Cancer: Knowledge is Power - Mission, BC

The Chartwell Carrington House Residence and Suites present Knowledge is Power, a lunch and learn presentation on the signs and symptoms of ovarian cancer and what you need to know.On Thursday, February 09, 2012 at 2 P.M. at the Chartwell Carrington House Residence and Suites in Mission. 32679 6th Avenue, Mission. LOVE HER – Toronto February 23, 2012 This February, Ovarian Cancer Canada is hosting LOVE HER, a spectacular event where you can honour the women in your life while raising awareness and crucial funds for ovarian cancer – the most fatal women’s cancer.Being held at the Fairmont Royal York Hotel in downtown Toronto on February 23rd 2012, this memorable evening includes a fashion show featuring the incredible Canadian fashion label Judith & Charles and the latest trends in footwear by Stuart Weitzman. Hosted by Canadian comedienne Jessica Holmes, LOVE HER will also feature sumptuous food and drink, exciting entertainment, and an exclusive live and silent auction benefitting Ovarian Cancer Canada. Join us at the fabulous LOVE HER event and help us change the present reality that there is no screening test for ovarian cancer. To purchase tickets, visit www.love-her.ca. Ticket price $200 LOVE HER - Vancouver February 29, 2012 This February, Ovarian Cancer Canada is hosting LOVE HER, a spectacular event where you can honour the women in your life while raising awareness and crucial funds for ovarian cancer – the most fatal women’s cancer. Being held at the Birks Flagship Store in downtown Vancouver on February 29th 2012, this memorable evening includes a fashion show featuring the incredible Canadian fashion label Judith & Charles and the latest trends in footwear by Stuart Weitzman. Hosted by Canadian comedienne Jessica Holmes, LOVE HER will also feature sumptuous food and drink, exciting entertainment, and an exclusive live and silent auction benefitting Ovarian Cancer Canada. Join us at the fabulous LOVE HER event and help us change the present reality that there is no screening test for ovarian cancer. Ticket price $200 LOVE HER Package: Purchase 10 tickets for the price of 9 To purchase tickets, visit www.love-her.ca. For more information, visit also lovehervancouver.wordpress.com.

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World Cancer Day: February 4 One in three cancers potentially preventable While cancer incidence rates are increasing, it is estimated that around one third of cancer cases worldwide are potentially preventable. This World Cancer Day, Cancer Australia is urging Australians to commit to some lifestyle changes to help reduce their risk of cancer. In Australia, one in two men and one in three women will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime, and cancer remains a leading cause of death. “While there are cancer risk factors such as gender, age and genetics we can ‟t control, there are a number of positive changes we can all make in our day to day lives to lower our risk,” said Dr Zorbas, CEO of Cancer Australia. Tobacco smoking continues to be the largest single cause of lung cancer, responsible for about 90% of lung cancers in men and 65% in women in Australia. Australia also has the highest rates of skin cancer in the world, with an age-standardised incidence rate of melanoma 13 times higher than the average world rate. Skin cancer is predominantly caused by high levels of exposure to ultraviolet radiation. “At a time of year when New Year‟s resolutions might be starting to slip, we encourage Australians to commit to long term health and lifestyle choices to reduce their risk of cancer and improve overall wellbeing,” said Dr Zorbas. Cancer Australia is advising Australians to: · Quit smoking · Be sun smart · Get active · Maintain a healthy diet · Limit alcohol consumption · Get to know your body With the theme, „Together it is possible‟, World Cancer Day 2012 is focused on collaborative efforts to reduce the burden of cancer globally. Each year, over 12.7 million people globally receive a cancer diagnosis. In 2008, 21% of deaths worldwide were due to cancer; this is higher than the number of deaths caused by HIV/AIDS, malaria and TB combined. In Australia around 115,000 people are expected to be diagnosed with cancer this year. For further information on cancer in Australia, go to http://www.canceraustralia.gov.au/sites/default/files/images/Factsheets/Cancer_in_Australia.pdf For further information on World Cancer Day, go to www.worldcancerday.org

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NEW YORK, Feb. 1, 2012 -- /PRNewswire/ – More than 10,000 people nationwide will participate in Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center's sixth annual Cycle for Survival event taking place this February. Equinox, the Founding Sponsor, will host events in New York City, Long Island, Washington D.C., Chicago, San Francisco, and Los Angeles. An indoor, team cycling event, Cycle for Survival funds much-needed research into better understanding and treating rare cancers. Half of all people with cancer suffer from a rare form of the disease, including pancreatic, brain, ovarian and all pediatric cancers, but face limited treatment options since research into rare cancers is often underfunded. When facing cancer, you want to ask your doctor 'what's the plan?' not 'is there a plan?' After being diagnosed with sarcoma, a soft tissue cancer, in 2005, Jennifer Goodman Linn experienced first-hand the limited treatment options available to rare cancer patients. She founded Cycle for Survival in 2007 to give back to MSK and to help jump-start much-needed funding into better understanding and treating all rare cancers. "Rare cancers are diseases that typically are not given the same research opportunities and funding, compared to major cancers in the U.S.," said Dr. Gary Schwartz, chief of the Melanoma and Sarcoma Service at Memorial Sloan-Kettering. "Cycle for Survival overcomes the significant hurdles we face to speed funding directly to the most promising new research projects, so real progress happens much faster. This is a very smart way to have an immediate impact on cancer care." Within six months of Cycle events, every dollar raised is allocated to research projects led by MSK, so that patients can see the benefits of donations in the form of new clinical trials and investigational treatment options. Through 2011, Cycle has funded 25 clinical trials and research studies on rare cancers that might not have otherwise received funding.

About Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer CenterMemorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center is the world's oldest and largest private institution devoted to prevention, patient care, research, and education in cancer. Our scientists and clinicians generate innovative approaches to better understand, diagnose and treat cancer. Our specialists are leaders in biomedical research and in translating the latest research to advance the standard of cancer worldwide. For more information, visit http://www.mskcc.org. About Cycle for SurvivalCycle for Survival is a national indoor team cycling event that funds research led by Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center into rare cancers.Founded in 2007 by rare cancer patient Jennifer Goodman Linn, Cycle for Survival is one of the world's fastest growing athletic fund-raising events. In just five years, Cycle for Survival has raised more than $14 million. Within six months of the events, every dollar raised is allocated to rare cancer research projects led by Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center. Through 2011, Cycle for Survival has funded 25 clinical trials and research studies, paving the way for significant advancements, more effective treatment options and renewed hope for the millions of lives affected by rare cancers worldwide. For more information, visit www.cycleforsurvival.org. About EquinoxEquinox Fitness Clubs operates 55 upscale, full-service facilities in New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Miami, Boston, Dallas and DC. The company offers an integrated selection of Equinox-branded programs, services and products, including strength and cardio training, group fitness classes, personal training, spa services and products, apparel and food/juice bars. Since its inception in 1991, Equinox has developed a lifestyle brand that represents service, value, quality, expertise, innovation, attention to detail, market leadership and results. www.equinox.com IT'S NOT FITNESS. IT'S LIFE. Media Contacts: Cycle for Survival: Caitlin Watrascaitlin.watras@edelman.com212.277.3727

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FEELING TEAL......... You have been feeling ill for too long, with vague, persistent, easily dismissed symptoms like bloating, pressure in the abdomen, difficulty eating, frequent urination, and/or constipation or diarrhea, and your family urges you to get checked out. OK, this time it WAS something you weren’t counting on. The dreaded words of ovarian cancer have been spoken.

SPOTLIGHT ON A TITAN Each month we will be highlighting our terrific titans! Meet Sarah Weighkencht

Emotions come into play and you turn to those you love and love you back, be it family or just good friends. Someone hands you a ribbon –it’s TEAL. What does that mean? It means you joined a fight club that 1 in 71 American women unwillingly join each year, to kick ovarian cancer square in the chops. Welcome to We Fight Like A Girl. Realization sometimes comes at the most odd times. When a loved one is stricken with any ailment it is our natural instinct to offer comfort and nurturing. At some point we find ourselves saying “what next” and begin a journey to fight off the attack. At We Fight Like A Girl, our mission is just that, education and awareness equals empowerment. We Fight Like A Girl strives to find new avenues to present information about Ovarian Cancer to women, those who love them, and medical personnel. We Fight Like A Girl is comprised of

My name is Sarah Weighkencht and I create jewellery inspired by my beautiful sister Lee. Lee's Hope Jewelry donates ten percent of all sales to the Ovarian Cancer Research Fund. We lost my sister to this terrible disease on July 29, 2009. She fought this disease with all she had for four years, at one point she had a few years in remission and we enjoyed everyday. Losing her was the hardest thing me and my family had ever faced, watching her fight this battle was devastating and awe inspiring as she never gave up “hope”. Lee designed beautiful clothing, she started to design jewellery in the last four years of her life and it was our desire to bring more awareness for earlier detection and a cure for Ovarian Cancer to women worldwide.


ladies and gentleman who believe in finding unique methods of bringing information, awareness, and knowledge to the public. Look for us at motorcycle rallies, home and garden shows, high schools, colleges, the next 5k, the swimming pool, the grocery store, and just about

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adjusted for study site and year of diagnosis, BRCA1 carriers had a more favorable survival than noncarriers, which improved slightly after additional adjustment for stage, grade, histology, and age at diagnosis. BRCA2 carriers had a greater survival advantage compared with noncarriers, particularly after adjusting for other prognostic factors. The survival advantage for BRCA1 and BRCA2 carriers compared with noncarriers was present but less marked among women who reported a family history of ovarian, breast cancer, or both. "Our study results have potentially important implications for the clinical management of patients with EOC. Most immediately, our findings can be used by health care professionals for patient counseling regarding expected survival. BRCA1 and BRCA2 carriers with EOC respond better than noncarriers to platinum-based chemotherapies and have improved survival despite the fact that the disease is generally diagnosed at a later stage and higher grade. If patients could be stratified based on their BRCA status, their treatment could be tailored to reflect this, with noncarriers targeted for more aggressive treatments. Our data provide further support that there may be different functional mechanisms involved in the etiology of different subtypes of EOCs and, therefore, different therapeutic targets based on germline and somatic [changes to the genetics of a multicellular organism which are not passed on to its offspring through the germline] genetic variation," the researchers write.

anywhere people gather. Colbie Callait says it best: "Realize that I'm on your side because, remember, NO ONE FIGHTS ALONE"! Please find us at our website www.wefightlikeagirl.com be sure to check out our sponsors page.

OVARIAN CANCER ARTICLES Women with Certain Type of Ovarian Cancer and BRCA Gene Mutation Have Improved Survival at 5 Years

ScienceDaily Among women with invasive epithelial ovarian cancer, patients having a germline (gene change in a reproductive cell that could be passed to offspring) mutation in the BRCA1 or BRCA2 genes was associated with improved 5-year overall survival, with BRCA2 carriers having the best prognosis, according to a study in the January 25 issue of JAMA. "Germline mutations in the tumor suppressor genes BRCA1 and BRCA2 are the strongest known genetic risk factors for both breast and epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) and are found in 6 percent to 15 percent of women with EOC," according to background information in the article. "The relative prognosis of BRCA1/2 carriers and noncarriers is unclear." Kelly L. Bolton, Ph.D., of the National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, Md., and colleagues conducted a study to provide evidence of the relative effect of germline BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations on prognosis for women with epithelial ovarian cancer. The study consisted of a pooled analysis of 26 observational studies on the survival of women with ovarian cancer, which included data from 1,213 EOC cases with pathogenic germline mutations in BRCA1 (n = 909) or BRCA2 (n = 304) and from 2,666 noncarriers recruited and followed up at variable times between 1987 and 2010. During the 5 years following EOC diagnosis, 1,766 deaths occurred. The researchers found that 5-year overall survival was 36 percent for noncarriers of the gene mutations, 44 percent for BRCA1 carriers, and 52 percent for BRCA2 carriers. In a model only

." .. given the important prognostic information provided by BRCAl and BRCA2 status and the potential for personalized treatment in carriers, the routine testing of women presenting with high-grade serous EOC may now be warranted." Editorial: Unwrapping the Implications of BRCA1 and BRCA2 Mutations in Ovarian Cancer David M. Hyman, M.D., and David R. Spriggs, M.D., of Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center and Weill Cornell Medical College, New York, write in an accompanying editorial that the data from this study have important implications for the future

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of ovarian cancer research and treatment.

unplanned pregnancies that occur each year, primarily in developing countries, you realize, for countries in sub-Saharan Africa, not having contraception has a significant impact on maternal mortality. If you’re in sub-Saharan Africa in some countries, your lifetime risk of dying in pregnancy is 1 in 30. Your lifetime risk of dying of pregnancy in this country is less than 10 per 100,000.

"Phase 3 studies that do not stratify by BRCA mutation status or account for this factor in a preplanned statistical analysis risk possible confounding because approximately 15 percent of unselected patients with serous ovarian cancer will carry germline BRCAl/2 mutations. Moreover, other studies have found differences in chemotherapy responsiveness and progressionfree survival between sporadic BRCAl -and BRCA2associated ovarian cancers. Germline BRCA testing needs to be consistently incorporated into both the routine management and future phase 3 trials of ovarian cancer."

Q: In your talk you asserted the pill's risks of blood clotting, lung artery blockage, heart attack, and stroke are minimal. What about cancer risks? R.B.: One or two cancers may be increased by the pill—benign and malignant liver tumors—but those occur at one per million or one per 2 million, so it’s not a big public health issue. We’ve certainly been looking at women on the pill and the risk of cervical cancer, and there’s some evidence that it might occur, but again, it doesn’t go immediately to serious cervical cancer. But breast cancer? Not a lot of issue there. In fact, a study that I was involved with looked at women of reproductive age group and identified no increased risk of breast cancer, and we showed that there’s protective effects against endometrial and ovarian cancer.

The pill. Oral contraception for women has been around for 5 decades. Credit: Wikimedia Commons VANCOUVER, CANADA—In the past half-century, few things have transformed society as profoundly as oral contraceptives. First introduced as the U.S. Federal Drug Administration-approved drug Enovid in 1961, "the pill" works by providing a constant supply of estrogen and progesterone, which block the hormones that lead to ovulation. About 85% of women in the United States will take contraceptive drugs for an average of 5 years. Given its widespread use by a generally healthy and young population, what is known about the risks and benefits of oral contraception? What are the alternatives? And when will we see "the pill" for men?

Q: Other speakers in your session described the pill's benefits beyond contraception, from menstrual cycle regularity to decreased risk of ovarian and endometrial cancers and increased bone mass. Given these benefits, would you tell women to use oral contraception just for their health? R.B.: Yeah, you could use it for medical reasons. Certainly treatment of endometriosis [a disorder in which uterus cells grow outside the uterus], irregular menstrual cycles, young women with dysmenorrhea [painful periods]—it’s one of the top treatments for it. So there’s a variety of reasons where oral contraceptive can be used in a noncontraceptive way. But putting healthy women on anything to say that it has a health benefit, ... that becomes a potential issue. And the reality is, a lot of people use it anyway for contraception.

Yesterday, Ronald Burkman, an obstetriciangynecologist at Tufts University School of Medicine, gave a talk on these topics at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (which publishes ScienceNOW). I sat down with him to chat about 50 years of the contraceptive “wonder drug.”

Q: Are these benefits associated with long-term use only or short-term use also?

Q: What interested you in studying contraception?

R.B.: One year of use does provide benefit; more prolonged use provides additional benefit.

R.B.: Its significant public health impact. When you realize there are about 34 million unintended,

Q: Does the pill have side effects on mood?

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R.B.: It can. It varies from individual to individual. [Some pill formulations] will probably have an improvement [on mood]. Secondly, a lot of people worry about weight gain. Well, the data are pretty consistent: The pill does not cause any weight gain.

Ovarian Cancer Events May 14 Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer

Q: What are the challenges to developing "the pill" for men?

Foundation Gala Movie Premiere Event, 6 p.m., Cinemas Guzzo Sphèretech 14, 3500 Côte Vertu, St. Laurent. 2012 theme: Wearing our Jeans/Sharing our Genes, honours group of families. Cinematic soirée includes silent auction, wide selection of culinary delights, giveaways and more. For ads in program book and tickets, 514482-8174, info@hboc.ca.

R.B.: Some of the challenges are, is this stuff reversible? Clearly, if you tie the tubes, vasectomy, it’s very, very effective. But that’s not what most people want. Some of the [candidate male contraceptive] drugs, such as high-dose testosterone treatment, have side effects, potentially even cardiovascular side effects. And [the infertility effect] isn’t reversible—fully. So [some of these efforts] fell by the wayside.

Read more: http://www.montrealgazette.com/health/Spring+s ocial+calendar/6174104/story.html#ixzz1mnzHtQjF Ovarian Cancer National Alliance Midwest Regional Conference March 10, 2012 JW Marriott 10 S West Street Indianapolis, IN 46204

Q: Do you think the main barriers to developing oral contraceptives for men have been societal or biological? R.B.: I can assure you that if [pharmaceutical companies] could develop one, it’d be a blockbuster, so they have a lot of interest in digging through. It’s just the science has not lent itself yet so far with any breakthrough that’s reversible, easy to use, et cetera. If someone said here’s a pill you take for a month at a time, I think men would sign up readily. In reality, nothing’s there. Part of the problem is you already have a very effective form of contraception. The [contraception] market’s saturated now.

The Ovarian Cancer National Alliance Midwest Regional Conference will bring together survivors, caregivers and medical professionals to learn about local research and clinical trials, ways to be involved in this cause and quality of life issues. The conference will give attendees the opportunity to network and share their story with other ovarian cancer survivors and caregivers.

Q: Where do you see the field going? R.B.: I think contraception will be a significant issue in terms of dealing with excess population growth. It’s how you deal with the unintended pregnancy rate worldwide that’s key. I also take a long-term view with global warming. Why do we have some of these effects on Earth’s atmosphere? It’s because of the population. In Brazil, they cut down the forest for wood to build houses. China [implemented] the onechild [rule]. But they also have the other effect— more people went into the middle class, and what do they do? They copied [the polluting U.S. lifestyle]. It's a huge problem.

Registration is $50 and covers breakfast, lunch and materials. To register, fill in the fields and click the button below or download the registration form and mail it with your payment. Please register by Friday, March 2, 2012. Join the Ovarian Cancer National Alliance and Cancer Support Community for a lively and informative discussion focused on the unique challenges of women living with ovarian cancer.

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Topics may include: asking for help and communicating your needs; connecting with others; and relationships and intimacy. Those living with ovarian cancer, survivors, friends, family and supporters are welcome to join us for this discussion!

ONE NIGHT STAND... against OVARIAN CANCER!! Public Event · By Bare Bones Entertainment

What: Frankly Speaking About Ovarian Cancer webinar When: Tuesday, March 20, 2012 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM EDT

When Friday, April 27, 2012 at 12:00pm until Sunday, April 29, 2012 at 5:00pm Where Pork Chop's, 397 Hwy 156 , Pointblank, Texas Description We Fight Like a Girl will be hosting their 2nd Annual April Fundraiser. April 27th thu April 29th

REGISTER HERE: https://www3.gotomeeting.com/register/30181950 2

COME OUT HELP US KICK SOME CANCER ASS! Friday Night Karaoke LIVE DJ Saturday Silent Auction FREE Swag Door Prizes BAR B QUE Bike Games Vendors FUN RUN 11am Till 1pm Ice Cold Beer Live Music all DAY LONG! MISSY COVILL The Iron Cowgirl Herself will be headlining! CROSSTOWN RENEGADES!

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Rocking Little Gulf Coast Band will be Opening!

growth and survival of cells and are switched on by growth factors and immune system messengers (cytokines) such as IL-6. STAT3 is activated in 90% of ovarian cancers, however DIM was able to inhibit activation of STAT3 by preventing phosphorylation in response to IL-6. In a double whammy DIM also reduced the amount of IL-6 and the growth factor involved in angiogenesis (VEGF) in ovarian cancer cells.

Primitive camping will be free. There are a few rv sites at $35.00 each and if your RV is self contained its free also. Sunday We will be doing a "FUN RUN" back into Houston. Gonna be a great time so put it on your calendar more info to come.......

Women with ovarian cancer are often treated with platinum containing chemotherapy drugs. However patients treated with cisplatin often relapse or fail to respond and cisplatin resistance is known to be associated with an increase in STAT3. In this study the combination of cisplatin and DIM suppressed tumour growth in mice by an extra 50% compared to cisplatin alone. Prof Sanjay K. Srivastava and Prabodh K. Kandala who performed the research explained, "DIM increases the effect of cisplatin, without being toxic to normal ovarian cells, by targeting STAT3 signaling and increasing apoptosis. Cisplatin is very toxic and has severe side effects. If co-treatment with DIM means that a low dose of cisplatin can be given to patients without the loss of therapeutic effect, but with reduced side effects, it would represent a significant breakthrough in clinical practice." courtesy:

Ovarian cancer is a major cause of death worldwide. Approximately 25,000 women will be diagnosed with ovarian cancer this year and 15,000 women will die from it in the United States alone. The novel anti-cancer drug diindolylmethane (DIM) has been shown in laboratory to inhibit the growth of ovarian cancer cells. New research published in BioMed Central's open access journal BMC Medicine has looked in detail at the action of DIM and showed that it works by blocking the activation and production of the transcription factor STAT3. DIM also enhances the anti-cancer effect of the platinum-based chemotherapy drug cisplatin.

http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/releases/240772.p hp

Scientists from Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, Amarillo already knew that DIM inhibited the growth of ovarian cancer cells but have now found that DIM causes ovarian cancer cell death (apoptosis). Not only was DIM able to kill cells but it also prevented cell invasion and angiogenesis, both of which are necessary for a cancer to grow.

National Ovarian Cancer Coalition Illinois Chapter Presents: 15th Annual Walk to Break the Silence on Ovarian Cancer Saturday, May 5, 2012

STAT transcription factors are involved in the

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participant/team you wish to support with your donation. For more information please contact us at illinois@ovarian.org or call 708-763-8477

Diversey Harbor, Chicago, IL


Join us as we walk to celebrate our survivors, remember those we’ve lost to the disease and raise awareness about ovarian cancer. Walk day festivities include an opening celebration ceremony, a health fair, refreshments and entertainment for the whole family. Please visit us at our:

Ovarian cancer arises in fallopian tube of knock-out mice

. Health Fair . Survivor Tent · Spirit Tent · Sponsor Tent

HOUSTON -- (February 13, 2012) -- The most deadly form of "ovarian" cancer arises in the fallopian tubes – not the ovaries – of knockout mice that lack two genes associated with the disease, said researchers led by Baylor College of Medicine in a report that appears online in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

We are offering flowers to purchase in memory/honor of a loved one. Flower pots are $5.00 each and will be added to your fees when you register. See registration page for further details.

"While many questions remain about the steps in the pathogenesis of this deadly disease in women, our study opens a new door to understanding the molecular origins and progression of high-grade serous epithelial cancer," said Dr Martin Mazuk, vice chair and professor of pathology & immunology, molecular and human genetics, molecular and cellular biology, and pharmacology at BCM.

Survivors - Help us commemorate this year's walk by joining us for a special Survivors Photo and don't forget to add your handprint to the Survivor's Banner. If you would prefer to mail in your donation, please send it to: National Ovarian Cancer Coalition Illinois Chapter 6821 W. North Avenue Oak Park, IL 60302

"Our mouse model will help us translate this information into direct patient care, changing the way we screen, diagnose, and treat this deadliest form of 'ovarian' cancer." Matzuk is also the corresponding author of the report and a member of the NCI-designated Dan L. Duncan Cancer Center at BCM.

Please include your contact information including an email address and the

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Fund, and the Baylor College of Medicine Partnership.

Deadliest gynecological cancer Ovarian cancer is the ninth most common cause of cancer among women and the fifth leading cause of cancer death. It is the deadliest gynecological cancer. High-grade serous epithelial ovarian cancer accounts for 70 percent of all deaths attributed to ovarian cancer. In women, fallopian tubes are narrow sections of the female reproductive tract that connect the ovary to the uterus. During normal reproduction, oocytes that are ovulated from the ovary are fertilized in the fallopian tube. However, in this study, Matzuk and his colleagues show that the disease that is typically called "ovarian" cancer does not arise within the ovary but instead from the fallopian tubes in mice that lack two genes – Dicer and Pten. Mutations in each gene have recently been shown to be altered in women with high-grade serious ovarian cancer.

Hope to identify cellular markers Further analysis of these mice show that the tumors originate in fallopian tube cells internal to the surface layer, called the stroma. "The study suggests that these epithelial cancers (those believed to arise from the cells that line body cavities and cover flat surfaces of the body) derive from stem cells in the stroma via a novel differentiation mechanism," said Dr. Jaeyeon Kim, first author on this report and a post-doctoral fellow in Matzuk's laboratory at BCM. "We hope to use our understanding of how these cancers initiate and grow to identify cellular markers that could help in early detection and screening for this deadly disease. We are also using the mouse model and cancer cells derived from these mice for discovering novel combinations of drugs to eradicate this deadly disease." Others who took part in this work include Drs. Chad J. Creighton, Zhifeng Yu and Shannon M. Hawkins, all of BCM, and Dr. Donna M. Coffey of The Methodist Hospital. Funding for this work came from the National

Cancer Institute, the Ovarian Cancer Research Feel Teal ClubŠ2012 28

A Guide to Survivorship for Women with Ovarian Cancer (A Johns Hopkins Press Health Book) [Paperback]

BOOKS/RESOURCES No Time to Die: Living with Ovarian CancerLiz Tilberis In 1993 Liz Tilberis seemed to have it all. She was a working mother with a family who adored her. As editor-in-chief of Harper's Bazzar, she lived at the centre of the glamorous world of international fashion and was widely recognised as one of the most powerful people in the industry. And in 1993, Liz Tilberis was diagnosed with Stage III ovarian cancer.


Johns Hopkins Patients' Guide to Ovarian Cancer (Johns Hopkins Patients' Guides) [Paperback]

Suddenly she was faced with the challenge of a lifetime, joining the ranks of the 175,000 women in America with Ovarian cancer. She underwent major surgery, gruelling chemotherapy, and, eventually, when the cancer recurred, a lifethreatening bone marrow transplant. Through it all she refused to let the disease get the better of her, continuing to participate fully in her life as wife, mother, and career woman. See more:http://www.amazon.com/No-Time-Die-LivingOvarian/dp/0380732262

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Author: Gilda Radner Published: 1989 Publisher: Simon and Schuster The Dust Busting Chronicles: Cleaning My Way Through Ovarian Cancer

Further reading material: http://www.ovarianpbc.org/ReferenceBooks.html

Cheryl L. Cushine The Dust Busting Chronicles: Cleaning My Way Through Ovarian Cancer details the horrific and life-altering battle against ovarian cancer during a harrowing 19-month period. The story relays the logistical challenges of a life-threatening disease, and explores poignant moments of hope, anger, frustration and defeat. Buy from Amazon.com http://www.amazon.com/Dust-Busting-ChroniclesCleaning-Through/dp/1434312844/ref=sr_1_1? ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1218032353&sr=8-1

Gilda's Disease: Sharing Personal Experiences and a Medical Perspective on Ovarian Cancer Author: Steven Piver Published: 1996 Publisher: Prometheus Book It's Always Something

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Andie MacDowell talks success and ovarian cancer

Andie MacDowell with her daughter, Rainey Qualley, at the 2012 Golden Globes. (Allen J. Schaben / Los Angeles Times / MCT) "We all have highs and lows. There are going to be moments that are perfect, and there are going to be moments that suck. You have to learn to be really happy in the moments that suck. That’s the true secret to happiness." And with that, actress Andie MacDowell not only gives an idea for the next matter-of-fact T-shirt slogan, but sums up an attitude that she says has seen people through almost anything, including the women she’s seen heroically fight ovarian cancer. "Those ladies are so inspiring, for us to see people who are dealing with real problems, instead of ‘Do you have a hit movie or not,’" says MacDowell, the keynote speaker for the Palm Healthcare Foundation’s H.O.W. (Hearing the Ovarian cancer Whisper) Time is of the Essence luncheon today at the Flagler Museum on Palm Beach. "They can maintain joy and a sense of self and reach out to others to lift them up. I had some of the ladies over to my house recently, and they were trying to lift me up! It blows my mind how people can be so generous in their own spirit to do that. I’ve learned a lot from them," she says. The actress (Four Weddings and A Funeral, Groundhog Day, Green Card, Short Cuts) became involved in ovarian cancer causes through L’Oreal Paris, which she has long promoted. Since 1997, the brand has raised more than $18 million for ovarian cancer causes. MacDowell says she has learned through her involvement that ovarian cancer can be particularly insidious because it’s not easy to diagnose. "There’s no way to have early detection, because the symptoms can be so different for different people," she explains. "There are women who have said that their back hurt, and that was the start of it. Who would ever think that meant ovarian cancer? In a way I forgive the doctors who sometimes misdiagnose it initially, because those symptoms are hard." She says that the key is in women being insistent on finding answers to the things that they know are going on in their own bodies, even if they can’t put a name to it. "People quite often are in tune with their bodies and it’s sad to know that something is wrong, and maybe

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even where it is, and not know what," she says. "I don’t know how we teach that to doctors." What has to be taught to women, who are usually busy taking care of everyone else, is to focus on themselves long enough to get checked out. "I have heard this over and over again, that because their symptoms were not the kind of things that mean you couldn’t function, that didn’t stop you from making lunch or getting the kids dressed for school, that most of the time they kept doing for other people," MacDowell says. "You cannot ignore (symptoms), no matter how small. You cannot ignore it. The majority of these women ignored it, and they were really disappointed that they did." MacDowell has been busy, apart from her acting and activism – her daughter Rainey Qualley, 21, a dancer and actor trained at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts, recently served as Miss Golden Globes, an honor given each year to the daughter of a performer. MacDowell was beaming during Rainey’s introduction on the broadcast. "I was certainly a proud mom," she says. "It was actually a lot of fun. We had a great time. Once I saw her out there, so poised, I was assured. Her legs were shaking so much she was afraid she was gonna fall down! I know that feeling, too. It dissipates." She says that while there are no guarantees for the success of Rainey or anyone in Hollywood, it’s easier to achieve depending on one’s definition – "Is my success someone else’s idea of what it should be, or is my success my own?" she says. "People might judge me because I haven’t been in a hit movie in a while – although I was in (the remake of) Footloose - and say ‘She’s a failure. She’s been gone for years.’ People project that onto me. But I never felt I was a failure." Neither would anyone, logically, who has been in as many hit movies as MacDowell, currently appearing on ABC Family’s Jane By Design. But the point she’s making is not about comparing box office numbers, but understanding and appreciating one’s successes by pride of accomplishment. "I’m a successful mother, first and foremost, and a successful friend. My job doesn’t define me. It’s an asset to my life," she says. "I look at (my daughter) and say ‘OK, she’s going into a really risky industry. What isn’t? Can you maintain a balance in your life?’ That’s the key."

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me and I highly recommend it to anyone who has ever dreamed of seeing their work come to life! As I’ve had a taste of both worlds in publishing, I

Dorothy Down Under Blog Posts by Dear Dottie aka Deb Stevens Self-publish your dream!

guess it would be fair to say I love both. The difference depends on the person representing the book, for example, had I known what I know today about how to market and advertise; I’d have been more cautious about giving so much control over to a Publisher. It’s hard when you’re starting out as you have to trust the experience of others, often without question. Now we are competing to survive, all because there’s such a need for paper-how else do we print out? Welcome to the other side of the publisher’s coin…this recent flip-side a product of our society & the environment, but does that mean an end to the paper runs? Will we be more likely to choose digital, opposed to hard copy? Personally, I have other reasons which support the pro’s to printing. We must never lose sight of those without the desire to read online. Those without computers and those like me, who prefer the way a book feels inside their palms, the smell of the clean fresh paper, cover & ink! But we include the mention of digital format as this is another task you can do yourself!

Posted by: deardottie on: April 23, 2009 * In: Internet Marketing| Letters from the heart| I’ve always loved to write in diaries, so I suspect this was where I first realised that writing could be explored further. For every heartache, every ‘bad day’ at school, my personal disagreements with an older sister and our ongoing disagreements, each complaint became documented and when I tired of this, my mind sought more. This was when poetry kicked in and began serving a greater purpose. Self-publishing was often tossed about in telephone conversations but never went beyond that, it was an area I was totally unfamiliar with, and something I felt only suited to the more professional, those who were well experienced and equipped in the writer world. The first thing you will notice with publishers, is they will generally ask you what genre you are hoping to write, and whether or not it is acceptable to their publishing firm. It has to be something they are interested in, and to the novice, this can be very daunting, for they don’t fully comprehend exactly what this means. Eventually I gained the courage to explore other avenues, and self-publishing was now a phase I felt I was ready for! Today, with a total of 8books; 7 self published, my latest release recently requested for possible salein-store. Still waiting in the wings, a non-fiction which I am looking forward to completing for its been a project I believe will be the catalyst that propels the awareness message to the world!


So why self-publishing? The self-publishing experience has been a blast for

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How good will that feel!! So I await the next instalment! Can’t wait!!

Vicki Thornton Well as I am sure everyone knows we all accumulate stuff over the years. It is amazing just how much stuff. A friend came over today & we found stuff I hadn’t used or seen for years. It made me feel ashamed as I was unable to even reach some of this stuff. But with patience, we managed to start with one cupboard in the kitchen. Well so many bits and pieces that were just past their use by date. I cringed. However, we pressed on. We went from cupboard to cupboard, it just filled me with more shame, and all I wanted to do was curl up into a ball! We filled 3 garbage bags overflowing with junk. One with recycling & one with lots of other bits and pieces to give to charity. One bag had a huge picture that once hung proudly in one of my rooms. But I somehow outgrew it. It became something that I was hanging on to, literally. I am sure as we declutter our houses, we are also decluttering our minds. Because when we throw out physical junk we throw out the emotional junk. The stuff that we know we really need to put into our history books. Its funny you know, how doing these things really just makes you feel good, hard to explain. But true when you think about it. So I guess there will more decluttering of my mind & house, finding more stuff that needs to be shredded into the passage of time! Just feels so great, I know that I will be able move around more freely…not only the physical sense, but the emotional sense. The cobwebs of my mind will be cleansed!!

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of their own. Sometimes I find myself involved in conversation with someone I know or someone I just happen to be sitting next to, while waiting to see the doctor. Again just another form of the passing parade.

Passing Parade Vicki Thornton Watching the passing parade of people anywhere can be interesting. You can sit in a shopping centre for example, & just watch people come and go.

So next time, you’re out and about, just take time to reflect on your surroundings. You will appreciate your day far more than you ever realize.

People carrying loads of shopping, mums and dads with prams, with kids in tow. I guess they must be thinking wish we could just go home! Then at check-out in a department store or supermarket, wondering how they were going to pay for all the stuff they had just loaded their trolleys with, all stuff they had no intention of buying! I know I do that. Then you can sit (for example) in a coffee shop & just watch the different types of coffee or tea that people enjoy. The aromas are just so tempting. Sometimes you can see the relief on the people just relishing their chosen drink. Feeling so much more energized. Even sitting waiting for a train or bus, you see people watching the time, thinking where is the train or bus! It must be due now! Watching every bus or train that comes, hoping this is the one I want! Especially when you have loads of shopping to take in the bus or train. So awkward. Yes the passing parade of people really tells lots of stories, if you listen to their conversations, or if they start a conversation while they're waiting, its amazing what you can pick up from these things in just a short time. Around Christmas time, a friend of mine made me a 'candy cane cover' for my walking stick. What a wonderful conversation starter that was! Lots of people complimented me & wanted to know where I got it from. Even in the local doctor’s surgery, I often find many people chatting away, relating many stories

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into Windows Movie Maker, I had a blast exploring the endless array of spiffy special effects. If I’d stopped there I certainly would have created a nice promotional piece, but I was compelled to go the extra mile by incorporating some realistic road trip sounds AND a music clip that marches a part of my “awkweerd” past into the present! After a final run-through to be sure the audio/visual story was ready to hit the open highway… One of my roadies writes: “Oh that is cool! High quality production!” Check out the latest production from Comedylove, LLC on our YouTube channel…Floor It! The Book Video Adventure: http://youtu.be/QbH7vOLefKU NOTE: 20% of sales from “Floor It!” are donated to ovarian cancer organizations, so order your copies (one for yourself…and bring it full-circle by giving the gift of laughter) today at www.shellyscomedylove.com.

The Making of a Book Video Adventure by Michele Wendling Ryan What makes a Titan of Teal special? She thrives on creative ideas, no task too big or too hard! Very true, and I am proud to be a walking testimonial of this characteristic…

I’ve often described my going global with the gift of humor as being a “conglomerate of Comedylove”, and it’s especially rewarding to be sharing it with the Feel Teal Club! In addition to being “a comedian who honours a fallen comrade”, a humor columnist, author, radio show host…I thought: why not add short film producer to my resume? Being an avid storyteller, it’s one thing to share excerpts from Floor It! as well as reviews from those who have joined the “road trip down the humor highway”, but it needed more. Besides being fascinated with the trend of the book trailer (I guess that would make mine an RV?), my mission was to create something whimsical. The result? Presenting...a fuel-injected, multi-media creation from Comedylove, LLC! This project started with a narrative audio track: highlights from my bio and copy from the back cover INCLUDING Deb Stevens’ testimonial…in her own delightful voice! After I began importing a variety of visuals (several that are from the book) i

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Queen of the Lake event.

Brazilian Butterfly Queen of the Lake Competition Details

Summary: Entrants of the Brazilian Butterfly Queen of the Lake fun run/walk at Albert Park Lake in Melbourne on Sunday 5th February 2012 are invited to submit a photograph of them wearing Ovarian Cancer Australia branded merchandise at the event. The person with the best and most creative photo will win a Samsung Galaxy SII mobile phone. 10 runners up will receive Lorna Jane inspirational singlets. Entries Open: 5th February 2012. Entries Close: 13th February 2012. Terms & Conditions The Promoter of the Competition is Ovarian Cancer Australia, Level 2, 210 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne VIC 3000. ABN: 76 097 394 593. If for any reason the Competition is not capable of running as planned, Ovarian Cancer Australia reserves the right in its discretion to modify the terms of the Competition, including the prizes and these Terms and Conditions, or cancel the competition if it is no longer able to run the competition due to reasons beyond its control. Ovarian Cancer Australia will not be liable for any loss or damage of any nature whatsoever to any party arising from any variation or cancellation. Competition Period • The competition commences on Sunday 5th February 2012 at 7.00am (AEDST) and concludes on Monday 13th February 2012 at midnight (AEDST) (“the Competition Period”). • Winners will be notified on Monday 20th February 2012 by email. The winners’ names and winning photographs will be published on the Ovarian Cancer Australia and Brazilian Butterfly websites and in Ovarian Cancer Australia’s e-newsletter and facebook page. How to Enter • Register for the Brazilian Butterfly Queen of the Lake fun run/walk at Albert Park Lake in Melbourne on Sunday 5th February 2012. • Purchase Ovarian Cancer Australia’s branded merchandise through www.ovariancancer.net.au or at the Brazilian Butterfly

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The Men of WeFightLikeAGirl

racetrack. If they believed in her then that was good enough for me. Once I got to know her and understood what she represented, it just made me want to help any way I could.

Lisa Kaster Oh, tell us how you really feel. Sometimes when people think no one else is paying attention, they get a surprise. The smallest remark can really stick in another person’s mind, so bear in mind the power of our thoughts, our beliefs, and our words. The men of WeFightLikeAGirl all have different strengths, but they all have incredibly strong passion for those they love. One person in particular is Ruth Helton. Our men call her Sister, Aunt, Wife, Lover, Friend but most of all HERO! I would like you to take a moment to see how each of our great guys “feel teal.” Nephew: I am not letting the little things get in my way. I am not scared; I will do whatever it takes for my Aunt Ruth. So many times, she has been there for me. How can I let her down now? Right now, it is all about her. Chris McDonald: I have turned my life upside down and my family’s lives upside down for this woman, Ruth Helton. When we met her, she was just some woman at the swimming pool. The meeting was just a random thing, completely by accident. Now, everything we do is geared towards her, helping her reach her dreams. We have devoted our time, our skill, and our money to promoting the cause of ovarian cancer awareness. We are willing to do whatever it takes to make that happen. Chuck “Beaver”: With respect to staging our various events, what I want to do, what I see happening is creating a safe, stable home base for the WeFightLikeAGirl ladies to do their work, create a space where they can be comfortable. I want Ruth to be comfortable; I can do that for her. They need a place to keep all their materials organized. I can make it happen. They cannot be as effective if they are running around, distracted with a lot of commotion. My job is just to make sure they have whatever they need to get the job done. That is how I can support them. It is within my power to do it and that is it – DONE! Waldo: I only know Ruth because of the rest of the racing team and meeting Ruth out at the

Getting the word out is the most important thing. I’m all in! Brandon “B”: Whenever I think about Miss Ruth and all the things she is going through, it makes me realize that whatever I have going on, if it seems too hard – well, I just think of her and then I can do it. If she can put up with having cancer then I can do whatever I have to. Out in my car taking laps, I am doing it for her, well me too some, but she is in my heart. I just want to help and make her happy. Dennis MacMillan: “Don’t just think about doing it, get involved. You will meet the most awesome people. It will be the most rewarding experience you can have.” Dennis is the quiet one. More like EF Hutton. When he speaks, people listen. Mike Martin: There is no way I can go back to life the way it was since meeting Ruth. She is my sister now. How could I stop caring about something so important? Spreading the word about ovarian cancer awareness means too much to stop now. Everett: Have you had your annual check-up? If not, then why not? I am begging you to get a check-up. Have your doctor evaluate your risk. Ask for the CA125 test. I want every woman to have a chance, but you have to take matters in their own hands and ask for a test. Do whatever you have to, even if it means painting your hair teal. Words are very powerful. They can strengthen or destroy. One thing they can never do is be unheard once they filter into our ears and our consciousness. We never know who will be encouraged by our words. Let’s always strive to make them like little shiny teal wrapped presents for other people’s ears to receive.

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Our Photo's

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needs by using the recipes below.


Mask for Dry Skin and Hair Use this recipe as a face mask to moisturise and revitalise your skin. Use it as a hair mask to moisturise your scalp and reduce dandruff, whilst smoothing the hair cuticles and repairing split ends. 1 Tb Honey 1 Tb Olive Oil Mask for Oily Skin and Hair Use this recipe as a face mask to gently moisturise and refresh skin while removing excess oils. Use it on your hair to add shine without adding weight.

One of the best things you can do for your health is to add avocados as a regular part of your diet. They are rich in healthy oils and nutrients that help prevent disease and keep you looking and feeling young. Studies have shown that avocado oils penetrate better than almost any other oil, making them the ideal beauty fruit.

1 Tb Lemon Juice 1 Tb Sea Salt To make either recipe, mash the avocado and mix in the other ingredients to form a thick paste. Apply the paste to face and/or hair and let sit for 20 minutes. Pay special attention to the ends of hair and massage into scalp. Wash and shampoo as usual, taking care to remove all the fibres that may cling to hair. Repeat these treatments several times a month.

Hass Avacado's are a pear shaped fruit that can be recognised by the uneven skin and a dark purple to black colour when ripe. The fruit should be soft when pressed, but not mushy. They are delicious when sliced and added to a salad or sandwich and one of their best properties is the creamy texture they have when mashed. It is this texture that makes them a great substitute for butter, margarine or spread at every meal.

Hair mask tip: You may need to increase the recipe for very long hair. Cover your hair with a shower cap to trap in the heat, this will help the oils penetrate deep and maximise your benefits.

The creamy texture also makes it possible to have spa treatments at home. It only takes one of these bright green beauties to make a hair or face mask that will leave you feeling refreshed and you can use the same recipe for both hair and face, for a complete beauty treatment in 30 minutes. These recipes are easy to make and can be customised for your hair and skin type. Both of these recipes start with one ripe avocado. Cut the fruit in half and remove the seed, then score the flesh and it should easily scoop out with a spoon. Complete the mask recipe based on your

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A Natural Hair Fruit Salad! A few fruit that is great for hair growth. 1.Bananas Banana is rich in potassium, natural oils, carbohydrates and vitamins that helps in softening the hair and protects the hair's natural elasticity preventing split ends and breakage. Bananas when used for hair has a number of benefits such as it creates manageability, shine, growth and controls dandruff. These are simply the best for hair and the scalp. Bananas enhance the strength, endurance and shine of the hair and can be referred to as the banana food. Bananas are full of vitamins and is a number one ingredient for strengthening and volumizing the hair. It helps in repairing dry and sun-damaged hair. 2.Coconut Coconut oil enhances shine and gives an incredible glossy softness to the hair. It has anti-fungal and anti-microbial qualities that help combat dandruff and bacterial scalp infections.Coconut oil is even believed to slow hair loss by revitalizing and exfoliating dead skin tissue from the scalp. Unlike coconut oil, coconut milk contains proteins, which strengthen hair and can help to minimize breakage. It also has properties which protect hair and scalp from UV rays. 3.Avocado Avocado oil is excellent for the hair because the oil is rich in proteins, amino acids, and vitamins A,D,and E. The oil also acts as a humectant which means that it adds moisture to the hair. Not only can raw avocados be mashed and applied to the hair, avocado oil is also a great deep conditioning treatment. But one of the creamiest, richest byproducts of this fruit is avocado butter. Avocado butter will leave your hair soft, shiny, untangled and rehydrated. 4.Cucumber Cucumber has an impressive amount of water (about 96%) that is naturally distilled, which

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makes it superior to ordinary water. Its skin contains a high percentage of vitamin A, so should not be peeled off. The cucumber contains alkalineforming minerals and is an excellent source of vitamin C and A (anti-oxidants), folate, manganese, molybdenum, potassium, silica, sulfur, and lesser amounts of vitamin B complex, sodium, calcium, phosphorus and chlorine. The silicon and sulfur content in cucumber juice makes it especially helpful in promoting hair growth. Cucumber has alomost all the benefits of aloe vera except that aloe vera is much better for hair than cucumber.

FREESIAFEVER BLOG POSTS by Deb Stevens Sunday, September 16, 2007 The WHOLE pre-menopause thing!! Understanding This Whole Thing About Premenopause By Dr. John Lee, MDWww.johnleemd.com Immediately after a woman ovulates, her ovaries produce progesterone,the hormone that prepares the uterus for the reception and development of the fertilized egg, Progesterone's name tells its function: pro means "for," and gest means "gestation." It plays a major role in a woman's ability to conceive and sustain the pregnancy.In addition to this fundamental role in conception progesterone provides many major protective functions of the body. Among the most important is its role as the great "hormonal harmonizer." It balances estrogen. Anytime that the estrogen level rises in the body, you want to have progesterone there to offset it. That's why I like to refer to it as the "estrogen shock absorber."A female has little progesterone until she begins ovulating. For some, this can be as early as ten years of age. For others, it never occurs naturally and needs to be induced through modern medical intervention. Unlike estrogen, the body never overproduces progesterone. It does, however, manufacture a large amount of the hormone during >pregnancy, which promotes the development of the fetus.In a normal twenty-eight-day menstrual cycle, barely any progesterone is produced during the first two weeks. After ovulation, at day fourteen, progesterone kicks in. The level peaks at day twenty- one. If no fertilization takes place, the body pulls the switch on progesterone and the hormone level starts falling. The mechanism > is precise. The progesterone phase lasts for two weeks after ovulation.I find that women with progesterone deficiency tend to get their first period relatively late. They have a history of

5.Lemon Massage some lemon juice onto hair and leave it for a while before rinsing. Again, do not do this before going in the sun. This treatment is especially good for greasy hair as it will regulate the sebaceous glands which produce oil and make the hair shine and prevent dandruff. 6.Amla Amla is used in many hair tonics. It enriches hair growth and hair pigmentation. It strengthens roots of hair , maintains color and luster. Eating fresh fruit or applying its paste on hair roots improves hair growth and color.It contains many minerals and vitamins like Calcium, Phosphorus, Iron, Carotene and Vitamin B Complex. Amla is also a powerful antioxidant agent. Many health problems are conduced by oxidative damage (when body cells use oxygen they produce byproducts that can cause damage). Antioxidant agents prevent and repair such damages. 7.Peach For that peachy looking skin and glowing hair have a lot of peaches. Peaches are alkaline fruits and help to give the skin and hair a healthy glow. People who suffer from brittle nails will also find that having alkaline fruits helps make their nails stronger. A high consumption of fruits and veggies is necessary when trying to grow long healthy hair! So eat up!

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infrequent periods with minor bleeding. They often have difficulty becoming pregnant or carrying the pregnancy to term. In the life cycle, women generally start to produce less progesterone when they reach their early thirties. The slowdown increases after thirty-five, and accelerates dramatically in the forties. Very few women over forty-five produce the quantity of progesterone that they did twenty years earlier. In premenopause, most of them are deficient in progesterone. Some women in premenopause may experience fluctuations that occur in blocks. They may ovulate, for instance, for several months at a time and then stop ovulating for several months, but there are none of the frequent ups and downs that take place on a daily or weekly basis, as with estrogen. For more than 60 percent of women, the decline is persistent. All women in menopause are progesterone-deficient. They have only a minute amount of progesterone, a level insufficient to carry out the hormone's widespread physiological tasks. One of those critical tasks is to generate new bone tissue. The loss of this function is a major contributing factor to osteoporosis. The overall reduction in progesterone is earlier, more rapid and persistent than the decline of estrogen. The departure of progesterone from the hormonal stage leaves the body vulnerable to the consequences of estrogen dominance. The loss of hormonal balance is a root cause of many female problems, such as endometriosis, fibroids, polyps, adenomyosis, irregular periods, heaving bleeding, out of control cycles and more. Today premenopausal symptoms are being treated as a disease as opposed to a natural phase of a woman's life. Because of this many women are being misdiagnose with fibromyalgia, anxiety or depression and eventually find themselves on prescription drugs for pain or SSRI's like Paxil, Prozac or Seraphim.Another misnomer about premenopausal women is that they are efficient in estrogen, which is far from the truth since it's usually progesterone, not estrogen that they're deficient of. What is estrogen dominance?Dr. John Lee coined the tern "estrogen dominance" to describe what happens when the normal ratio or balance of estrogen to progesterone is changed by excess estrogen or

inadequate progesterone. Estrogen is potent and potentially a dangerous hormone when not balanced by adequate progesterone.Hallmark symptoms of estrogen dominance are: weight gain, bloating, mood swings, irritability, tender breasts, headaches, fatigue, depression, hypoglycemia, uterine fibroids, endometriosis, and fibrocystic breasts and more. Estrogen dominance is known to cause and/or contribute to cancer of the breast, ovary and endometrial cancer. Why do women need progesterone? Progesterone is needed in hormone replacement therapy for premenopausal for many reasons, but one of the most important roles is to balance or oppose the effects of estrogen. Unopposed estrogen creates a strong risk for breast cancer and reproductive cancers.In the ten to fifteen years before menopause, many women continue to have regular menses in which they make enough estrogen to create menstruation, but they don't make progesterone, which sets the stage for estrogen dominance.Women begin to have nonovulating menstrual cycles in their mid- thirties. Any month that you do not ovulate you don't make any progesterone (although you will still have a menstrual period).Without progesterone you cannot maintain good estrogen receptor sensitivity, so even when there's plenty of estrogen available, your cells cannot use it as effectively. Treating the underlying progesterone deficiency first to reduce the overall hormone fluctuation allows you to take advantage of the estrogen you have. Also PMS can occur despite normal progesterone levels when stress is present. Stress increases cortisol production, when this happens cortisol competes for progesterone receptors. To overcome this blockade additional progesterone is required. Why do pre-menopausal and menopausal women need progesterone? Estrogen levels drop only 40-60% at menopause, which is just enough to stop the menstrual cycle. But progesterone levels may drop to near zero in some women. Because progesterone is the precursor to so > many other steroid hormones, its use can greatly enhance overall hormone balance during menopause. Progesterone also stimulates bone building, which helps protects against osteoporosis. How long does it take for a

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woman to see a change in her symptoms after starting a good progesterone cream? Most women see a noticeable difference within three months of being on the cream, some as soon as days or weeks. Why doesn't our doctors tell us about natural progesterone?Unfortunately, many conventional doctors are not familiar with the benefits of natural progesterone. Dr. John Lee often points out in his seminars that the benefits of using progesterone is not covered very thoroughly in medical schools, if at all. Unfortunately, profit comes from the sales of patent medicines. The system is not interested in natural (non-patentable) medicines, regardless of their potential health benefits. Thus the flow of research funding does not extend to products, which cannot be patented. Information taken from books by Dr. John LeeI highly recommend that any woman who suffers with premenopausal, post menopausal symptoms, PMS, concerns about Osteoporosis and who is concerned about breast cancer read Dr. John Lee's books, “What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Premenopause”, “What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Menoopause” and “What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Breast Cancer”. All of these books are must reads for any woman who does not want to pump synthetic hormones into her precious body.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007 I'm a woman....I was BORN to survive! He struggled to get sleep...the plaintive sounds of cats in battle enough to stir not only the dog from her rest, but to awaken my son in the dark late hours. The dog had become so restless it near impossible to keep her from barking back! Even as I sat stern faced and with a firm tone, she continued to growl at each squaw! Little did I know my son had been awake, annoyed by their persistent commotion which lasted for a few hours. He had to be up at dawn to get ready for his day at work...how could he? How could anyone for that matter? If he didn't suffer with epilepsy, the sleep he'd been deprived of would never had caused the following chain of events! As I sat typing away at my keypad, he moved about the kitchen. The sudden sound of glass shattering on the slate tiles was the first sign, and I was up out of my seat in a flash! He did not have to say a word, and I knew better than to highlight what was going on, this only makes the seizure worse. A calm voice lead him to the living room, a calm voice which spoke from within a body that fought not to tremble, my body. If he saw fear, it would cause his to exasperate so with practice, you learn how to act. The muscles in his forearms rigid while his limbs followed the storm in his brain. Still, I spoke calmly, reassuring him that the 'valium' we had quickly succeeded yet again to get down his throat, would soon give him rest and all would be okay. With one arm holding him up, I felt his body leaning heavier into mine..I had to be strong for he was counting on it! My back already aching, I quickly forgot all previous days of bed rest, even managing the ability to run to the door when his lift for work arrived.."I'm sorry, he won't be going in today..he has had another turn" Both passenger and driver sending wishes for a recovery, but no real time for me to stand about chatting, you can never be that long or that far away!

This article also posted at Hormonal Haven, Yahoo GroupThanks Tracy! cheers Debbie posted by Debbie Stevens at 11:05 PM 1 comments links to this post Monday, September 10, 2007

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better he make up a bed downstairs when the heat rises upstairs, one temporary solution for now. I've cried those tears a mother cries when she feels lost....we have another 'move' on our horizon so the spare time I DO have is spent seeking a roof for our heads. We went from owning a home to joining the many other hundreds of 'gypsies'...YES, the gypsy lifestyle isn't too far from reality in the suburbs of Sydney! With many short-term leases, on top of endless 'openhouse' inspections this scenario leaves every man for himself, desperate to house his family, never knowing where they will be from one week to the next! SHAME AUSTRALIA, SHAME ON YOU! Do we hold our Government fully responsible for this outbreak in poverty???? BLOODY OATH WE DO!

So as the rest of the household slept, only the dog and I keep a vigilant watch over the young man who now slowly drifts off. when I am certain it is safe for him to leave my sight, I take him back upstairs to his bedroom...I pray for silence while cursing the feral cats of the night! So I sit here, tired, sad, scared and frustrated, all at the same time. My fears only heightened when I am told now he showed clear signs of another episode just yesterday morning, my champion young son being the voice of concern and counsel, steering his older brother back to his bed. So now comes the added fear of how close together these episodes have arrived, and I have NO answers. He took his medication, check...he had eaten all 3 meals including the pasta dish I whipped up last night...so it may have been the vicious cat brawl that annoyed him last night, but what of the night before that? Then the one just two weeks prior?? I am a mother in bad shape.

On that note, before I begin ANOTHER chapter, I will sign off for rest....again, I thank God for my small blessings, we have a home and food in our cupboards and my isolation is removed by those loving souls online and music to boost my spirits! Did I mention I am also a middle-aged woman?? Born to survive!!

Thank God for my friends online, they are there 24/7, and these days, I have an extended family which consist of a large group of women, all with love enough to take on one more sister, me. We have shared so much in such a short amount of time...everything from our interests, hobbies, work, dreams and ideas. Then there's our various extended online groups where each has one thing I sincerely need....support! Without those endless hours of researchers working their fingers to the last layer of skin tissues, we would not be as well informed on so many topics. I thank you, ALL of you because it is WE, who educate the public, and it is through US, doctors are asked many more hard-hitting questions! They rarely have the answer, but we have planted a seed of intrigue in their head.

'Gotta have a friend in Jesus!'

Saturday, November 17, 2007 Making a DifferenceYou can't see me, but you know I exist. You read the words I've left and you sometimes reply, but why? You don't know me? You MIGHT know my 'profile', but is that really ME? You continue to read on.... My words must have sparked an interest, for why else would you be reading them? Perhaps it was the subject, a familiar sequence of words that you could relate to or recalled from somewhere in your life? Maybe it was because it was what you had been seeking to find, hours of research can lead us anyhwere! Maybe not. Could be you were just passing through and had nothing better to do between surfs? Possible.

So now, as another day comes to an end, I have not spent the usual hours at my desk, mainly because exhaustion finally found me so caught a few hours sleep...my son, well he says he will sleep better tonight as it's not anywhere near as hot as it has been but agreed, from this point on,

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pre-blessing! WHAT'S THE DIFFERENCE? In fact, whatever reason which led you to take the time to stop, and read these words is of no real importance to me, for I am merely here to entertain, educate and amuse. It might take a day,

"What is your goal?" I hear God ask. "I gave you the tools you needed to work with, so why are you stopping?" I pause for a moment, long enough to absorb the message being sent, and I get right back to it, regardless of the 'good advice' others may be offering..."You should be doing this" "Oh my, you have so many problems, I am surprised you find time to do your work?" "I'd HATE to be in your shoes!" If I were to stop, and follow this line of thinking, I'd never get out of bed! Why would I bother?

a week, month or worse still, a year..[I like to imagine a more frequent visit]but once you have left the page, and moved on to your next, I have already turned the page, and probably now typing up another piece for another place. It's part of who I am, a part of me and a part of

the passion inside. It's probably what I do best, for it seems no matter how many times I try to alternate my work, or look towards new paths, I still wind up back here, writing the words which just might make you stop and think. The internet has set my words free! I am out there, with the rest of the world, able to have use of my voice in my own time, my own space! It is a real sense of liberation! The freedom to speak, and to openly share what I feel. Advocacy-(meaning)The act of `advocacy` or pleading a cause. You could also define my work as advertising, but I'd much sooner prefer the latter. Either way you look at these words, they are about me, and about you. I am a woman first and foremost, then right behind this, I have these other titles: I am a wife, mother, campaigner,activist,writer, author, activist, support network, consultant and web designer. But hold that thought...I am also trying to make a difference. Yes, you heard right. This journey I am taking has many different paths, and I have my feet planted on each one, careful not to retrace my steps, focused on moving forward. There have been too many distractions along the way, plenty of blessings, but as i am learning, you only seem to receive these AFTER the 'spanner is thrown into the works'-God's way of reminding you just where you are meant to be going! He doesn't enjoy the amount of time wasted on analysing something that has suddenly led you off your path...he would much rather see you pick yourself back up, brush off the interruption, acknowledge its existence, but get back on track immediately! Like those reading this, I too have had a pile of crap laid on my plate, and usually

Listening to those words tell me i have no hope, no

chance, no future. Yet, the message I fight to breathe life into cannot take such negativity on board! If it did, well, there'd be no message. So, what is this message I've danced around and past, through the past four paragraphs??? Awareness. That's it! My message today, and every other day is all about raising awareness to Ovarian cancer for this women's gynaecological cancer, has NO screening method, not yet! How do we find it?? Through its symptoms! That is ALL we have to protect each other...that, and my words. Whatever the reason for stopping, I am just pleased you did. Now if you'd like to get the full story, and find ways of warning others...here's the next step: FEEL THE TEAL My work is done, for this moment. Debbie Stevens 2007

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Who wins anyway? Debbie Stevens

Bury it `neath all pride Shame convinces you to hide What harm does love bring? Open your minds, let it in!

These times we do not recognise Hell's identity, our own demise Shadows form on darkened souls Words of ministries shall uphold

I dare not give into thoughts They seek out anguish of retort And as day to `nigh become complete What war on earth did man defeat?

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SACHA'S DREAMS Dearest Friends, My name is Sacha, and I am the founder of Sachas – a Brand that gives 50% of its profits back into Sachas Love. Through Sachas Love, we supports individuals and organisations, including Deb Stevens and Feel Teal Club, who are creating a World of difference. In 2010, I published Teens Big Dreams – a motivational and life skills book that I started writing when I was 17 to help inspire more young people to find and follow their passions and dreams. Since 2010, Teens Big Dreams has gone on to inspire positive life changes in kids through to teens and grandparents. In the past years I have run quite a number of workshops and keynote speeches for organisations such as Microsoft, University of Adelaide, Schools Industry Partnership, TEDx and countless schools across Sydney. And, I’m super excited that on Saturday 17th of March, I will be running my first Public Workshop.

The Public Workshop will be based on the first two chapters of Teens Big Dreams – Passions and Dreams and how each of us can find and pursue them, and is open for all public. All the information and tickets are available at www.sachas.com/speaking/public-workshops/.

It would be an honour to see you there, and if you have any questions, please feel free to contact me through the website.

Much Love, Sacha www.sachas.com

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LEES HOPE JEWELRY Lees Hope Jewelry are having an Online Open House with anything you see pictured reduced by 50% off its original price! These exquisite pieces cannot be found in other stores, and are already selling like hot cakes! Lees Hope Jewelry provide custom orders for each individual taste, and don't charge for the cost of shipping! Gets better.....15% of each purchase made goes toward ovarian cancer research...now.that's a gift on its own! Go to http://www.leeshopejewelry.com or check out their facebook page....just tell them the Feel Teal Club sent you!

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WAS $60.00 now 1/2

price $30.00

Genuine turquoise nas lapis necklace with star $50.00

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More from Lees Hope...something for every taste!


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See the entire collection at

http://www.leeshopejewelry.com and also at Facebook!

ADVERTISEMENTS Custom Graphic Design by Karlyn Logos, Website graphics, Banners, Buttons, Flyers, Signs, Covers.

View Portfolio: http://karlyns.com Our graphics courtesy of Karlyn

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Music speaks what cannot be expressed, soothes the mind and gives it rest, heals the heart and makes it whole, flows from heaven to the soul. An accurate description of "how" one feels about music, and this was just one reason why it was agreed we find a song to promote the Feel Teal campaign. Having worked with various musicians along our journey, we relied on some past contacts in the business to assist us with our ideas. The end result being a collaboration between a couple of professional music engineers/producers/writers who allowed us to use a previously recorded song from their studio. This song, “One Last Chance” will be the chorus & the harmony to help all our 'teal' supporters....worldwide! The sole purpose and intention is to show the many faces of ovarian cancer....those who have been touched directly or indirectly,along with the people that give us strength, courage and the hope to carry on fighting. What if this is our 'one last chance?' We can't get these moments and 'chances' back - let's work together daily as "Titans of Teal" to raise awareness and support for Ovarian Cancer research. Let's honor those we've lost and give hope to those still fighting. Just follow this link: http://youtu.be/1jFCxj3foGI

Final word....

Please be sure to tune-in each week as Shelly Ryan continues to share interviews with different titans, from around the globe! Our current episode (Titans ROCK) catches up with Canada's little 'firecracker', Sheila Moormann. Her “survival” story is like no other-40 years! Check out this and all other episodes of the Feel Teal Talk show at http://feeltealtalk.podbean.com Note: Grab your own Podcast player by grabbing the code....never miss an episode!

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THIS ISSUE: PAGES 2 From My Desk/Feel Teal Club Updates 3 Magazine Staff/Music News 4 What Others Are Doing: Cancer to Cure 5 Feel Teal Day Event 6 OC Ad 7 February Awareness Launch Australia 8 American Hero 9/10 Article of the Month: Stop the world I want to get off! 11/12/13/14/15/16/17 Upcoming Events 18 World Cancer Day 20 OC Press 21 Spotlight on a Titan/Feeling Teal 23 OC Articles 22/23 Fifty Years of The 'Pill' 24/25/26More OC events 27 /28 events(cont) OC Health 29/30 Book Resources 31/32Andie Macdowell talks success & ovarian cancer 35 Dorothy down-under Blog Posts 36 Decluttering-Vicki Thornton 37 Passing Parade - Vicki Thornton 38 The Making of a Book Video Adventure -Michele Wendling Ryan 40 Brazilian Butterfly Competition 42 The Men of WE FIGHT LIKE A GIRL - Lisa Kaster 45/46/47 Fruity Hair! 48/49/50 Freesiafever Blog Posts 53 Poem - Debbie Stevens 54 Sacha's Dreams 56/57/58/59 Lees Hope Jewelry 59 ADS 60 Our Song/Feel Teal Talk 61 In this issue 63 Horoscope

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Titans of Teal logo http://karlyns.com

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PISCES 19th February Quit being a victim and stand up for yourself, Pisces. You may be confusing your problems with an external situation that has nothing to do with them. Try not to put too much of a personal face on random events. You have to learn that you don`t have to take the blame for something that isn`t your fault. When trying to come up with a viable solution, your judgment should be as clear as possible. Misplaced anger has no place in this debate. 20th February Today you`re extremely quick to judge others, but the premises for your judgments are a bit shaky. It`s possible that you are placing anger and blame on others in an attempt to ease your own conscience. It`s hard to admit to yourself -- let alone anyone else -- but something is bothering you that may ultimately be no one`s problem but your own. Try to think about it logically, Pisces. A soothing chat with a friend or partner may help

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