VAPE Magazine December 2015

Page 161

To the ppl that had a hand in helping me onto this road. To see the doctor smile when you go for your checkup and you tell her you stopped smoking, when you are able to enjoy a meal without the excruciating pain of the ulcers, to smell the cookies your mom is baking or the rice she is burning. I salute you, you will never know how thankful I am, and this truly is a gift that keeps on giving and for that I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

- K IM B O

clip of this guy blowing vapor like a steam train. A quick Google search informed me that the humble ecigarette had evolved into a much more potent nicotinedelivery system, so I decided to give the new, improved product a go. I did some research, bought an eGo Twist from eBay and joined Ecigssa (http://, the South African ecigarette forum.” It was on the forum, several months ago, that I first encountered “Kimbo” (Johan’s avatar, relating to the coffee lover’s favorite Italian espresso brand). I was immediately struck by this brave, fellow newbie’s humorous and unashamed approach to his dilemma. Here was a man, incapacitated and marooned in a tiny town, who—while clearly averse to “playing the disability card”—was desperately in need of help, as you will see from an early post: “So I killed the piggy bank and ordered an eGo Twist from eBay; now I am just saving to get a tank, but being on a disability grant the budget is very low and saving might take a while. Then the juice ... I have no idea where to start. No one is giving out samples so that a potential customer can try, get hooked and buy again and again? Again being on a grant does not allow testing and going to meets is kinda out for me, apart that I am in the middle of the Freestate I am in a wheelchair, so yea kinda screwed lol. If someone can give me some advice, or know where i can get some samples please help me. Thank you.” Little could “Kimbo” have imagined the impact of this humble request upon forum members. Shortly thereafter, a package

Photo by Johan van Niekerk: Members of the Ecigssa forum came together to make anonymous donations of a Reo, juices and other gear.

was delivered to his home. In it was a comprehensive starter kit containing various eliquids, and, best of all, six months later, a Reo Grand mod, all sponsored by anonymous Ecigssa donors, who had generously rallied to an overwhelmed Johan’s aid. After one week, Johan became a fullfledged vaper. He has now been without “stinkies” for well over a year, and remains entirely ulcerfree, thanks to his Reo Grand (with Cyclone) and Hcigar VT 40 with a subtank mini. A regular, upbeat and inspiring contributor to the Ecigssa forum, Johan has the following message for readers: “I believe life does not stand still. You can’t sit in a corner and expect what you did not work for. If you have BD and smoke to get rid of the ulcers like I used to, try vaping—it might work as well for you as it does for me. Overall, I just feel better. I was a heavy smoker for the best part of 20 years, and I could not believe how easy it was to switch over. To the people at Ecigssa, thank you for your assistance, help and trust; I could not have done this without you.” For more information on Behcet’s, visit the American Behçet’s Disease Association (ABDA) at htm or­ ease/behcets_disease_ff.asp Cape Town, South Africabased Maggie Follet is an award­ winning writer and founding member of the South African Scriptwriters’ Association Cape Chapter. Her freelance career has enabled her to constantly reinvent herself, broadening her horizons as a scriptwriter, journalist, proofreader and Afrikaans translator. Follow her Facebook group, Vape Escape Mzansi.

Photo by Hanli Vermaak, Johan’s sister: Johan van Niekerk is a sufferer of a very rare, incurable syndrome called Behcet’s Disease, of which only eight cases are known in South Africa. It affects joints and mucous membranes. Symptoms include loss of vision, genital ulcers and chronic mouth and throat ulcers, which can be alleviated by nicotine combining with saliva. A smoker for 20 years, Johan now vapes.


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