Sewer Boy Volume 1 Flush 1 Scene 1

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"Sewerboy" Flush the First: “Spudsville, Massachusetts” Scene 1 Page 1: Panel 1: Establishing shot of a demolished town with almost no signs of life. The town is of Cornersbackston, Massachusetts formerly known as Spudsville, Massachusetts. It is the year 2011. It has just rained recently but as of now it is a bright and sunny day. A few human skeleton remains can be seen laying on the streets. Some of the bones are half chewed. Panel 2: Shows a broken welcome sign that reads the following message below. A pile of discarded human bones is seen off in the corner. A arm and hand bone reaches out and is grabbing one of the “legs” of the sign. There are scratch marks on the sign. Welcome to Cornersbackston Don't forget to get your hand stamped! Panel 3: There is a statue of a man dressed in a cross between football gear and royal garments. The person depicted in the now demolished statue is "King Okar" otherwise known as "Oscar Reddson". The statue has signs of wear and tear on it. The statue is seen from a worm's eye view at an angle so it's off to the side and not directly in the center of the panel. The statue can be seen to be in the middle of the town of Cornersbackston.

Page 2 Panels 1-4: Shows various scenes of carnage and the ruins of the demolished town. There is a football stadium that looks like a hurricane had ripped it to shreds. Human remains can be seen in the rubble. Billy Chrome is the protagonist of this story. When we first see him he is 18 years old but after his initial appearance we see him as 10 years old with his 18 year old self narrating the story. It should be noted that at age 18 Billy is 6 foot 5 inches tall and has a lanky but strong build to himself. At age 10 Billy is 4 feet tall. Billy (narration):

I used to think my life was weird. I've never known what it is like to be well...normal

Page 3: Panels 1-6: Billy Chrome is cooking himself some breakfast. Toast and eggs. He is on the 5th floor of an apartment building (one of the few that survived). Meanwhile an half crocodile/half chicken hybrid beast commonly known as "crazy crocs" sees the apartment and decides to climb the building in order to get to Billy. The crazy crocs have very sharp and durable claws which they use to climb. Note that in general Crazy crocs have crocodile like upper bodies and chicken like lower bodies but it also varies. The crazy crocs often have talons for feet. Billy (narration)

I used to think my life was weird But now I know that for a fact.

Page 4: Panel 1: Billy is eating breakfast seemingly oblivious to the crazy croc hanging outside his kitchen window. The crazy croc looks like it wants to make Billy it's next meal. Note on the size of crazy crocs. Crazy crocs range in size from about 5 feet tall to 8 feet tall. The crazy crocs attacking here are of the smaller variety which due to there smaller weight are more efficient for climbing. Larger crazy crocs though would be better fighters as they are more sturdy and durable. Panel 2: Shows the crazy croc about to smash in the window by punching it with it's scaly fists. The view is seen from inside the apartment building. Under the window sill a small black box like object with a flashing light should be hidden away from the crazy croc's view. That is a bomb. Panel 3: The window is obliterated by the small bomb. before the crazy croc can do anything. The blast knocks the crazy croc off the window. View is seen from the outside from a worm's eye view but a mid distance from the crazy croc. Sfx (window)


Panel 4: Billy continues to eat breakfast calmly as if nothing happened. In the background the shattered window is seen. Billy

Booby trap worked well.

Panel 5: Shows a small band of crazy crocs rushing towards the apartment. View is a bird's eye view. Should give a real sense of depth for the height of the 5 story apartment building room. Panel 6: Billy sees this (panel 5) from his broken kitchen window. Billy is seen from a worm's eye view. Close up. Billy is slightly concerned but is not scared. It is more like he's inconvenienced. Billy


Page 5 Panel 1: The crazy crocs are climbing the building with ease. This is seen from the view of someone standing on the side of the building that the crazy crocs are climbing up on and looking down at them. Billy (narration)

As for normality...

Panel 2: Billy runs towards the open gap of what was his window. View is from behind Billy. Billy carries a grappling hook with himself as he runs but it's not in much focus of the panel. Panel 3: The crazy crocs watch as what looks like Billy jumping to his death. Worm's eye view. Panel 4: Close up of one of the crazy crocs is impaled in the face by Billy's grappling hook. Panel 5: Shows the grappling hook has gone through the crazy croc into the wall Billy is hanging underneath the dead crazy croc. There are more crazy crocs still climbing the building underneath Billy. View is an angled worm's eye view from next to Billy's feet looking up and seeing the dead impaled crazy croc above Billy and seeing Crazy Crocs from below Billy. Panel should be long and vertical. Panel 6: Since the grappling hook's grip was not strong enough, Billy slides down the building as he holds on to the grappling hook. Seen from a distant profile view. Should have a sense of speed in this panel as Billy is sliding down the side of the building. Panel 7: Billy uses the crazy crocs on the building as traction to slow down his fall. Show this panel as a close up profile view that abruptly interrupts Panel 6. Yet it should still feel like it has a sense of speed as well. Panel 8: At the last moment Billy propels off the crazy croc he impaled. Billy is able to do this quite skillfully. Use multiple images of Billy to show him propelling himself off the crazy croc. Bird's eye view with Billy's multiple images getting smaller as he propels off the crazy croc and jumps down. Panel 9: Billy is about to land in a big puddle of filthy water. Bird's eye view close to Billy. Billy (narration)

It's so overrated

Panel 10: The panel is just a big water splash allegedly from Billy landing in the big puddle Sfx (water) Splash!

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