MRH Jul 2011 - Issue 17

Page 96

GETTING REAL: Mike Rose’s Conrail ZTS layout Adventures in Prototype Modeling About this issue’s

prototype modeling columnist

Follow the progress as Mike merges the old with the new on his layout ... Reader Feedback (click here)

Mike Rose has over 70 published articles in the hobby magazines, as well as contributed photos and essays to a number of prototype and modeling books. Mike’s a regular on the Prototype Modeling Meet circuit, giving clinics on a variety of model railroading topics.


hen Joe Fugate approached me about doing a column for MRH, I thought, “why not?”, it’s like an article. But really, it’s not, in that an article has a defined beginning, middle and end, whereas a column is more of an ongoing saga, at least in my case!

Since my articles, in-person clinics, and thoughts tend to lean towards a what’s-happening-now mode, this and likely subsequent columns will detail the planning and execution that is going into the final layout expansion at my house.

Figure 1: Right off the 1990 Conrail ZTS diagrams, this drawing shows the relationship of tracks and buildings that is inspiring the following series of photos. I’m condensing the number of West Yard tracks (and I actually have one more East Yard track!), and eliminating Middle Yard entirely. I’m also taking a lot of license in how the chemical yard tracks come off the switching lead while trying to preserve as much operating interest as possible given the space I have.

Mike’s also the owner of Mike Rose Hobbies ( Photos and illustrations by the author unless otherwise credited. Figure 1

Page 96 • Issue 11-07 • Jul 2011 • Getting Real column, page 1

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