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June 2014





My Favorite Thing - It’s Summer


To Play or Not To Play


What to Expect from a Dog Trainer

11 Pet Safety TIPS 12 How to Establish a Dog Park 14 Hello, My Name is Harley! 16 Fleas, Ticks and Mites Oh My...

22 Breed of the Month 24 Doggie Day Care Benefits 26 Pawzzle 28 The Adventures of Chip


30 Keeping Pests From Following Your Pet Indoors 32 Five Reasons Mosquitos Bite Literally! 32

34 Apartment Complexes with Dog Parks?

Stormy Weather and Summer Heat! Stormy weather (and fireworks) are just around the corner. Summer heat is already here. Both can be treacherous for your pets. Included in this issue are some pet safety tips — see the article on page 11. Please remember the heat inside a locked car can be deadly to your pet. If you are taking them with you to run errands, don’t leave them in the car alone. If you are leaving them at home, make sure there is a cool spot for them to rest. Also make sure you have plenty of water available.

Meet Harley

In this issue is a heart-warming story about Harley, an English Bulldog who was rescued by the St. Louis English Bulldog Rescue. In return, he has gone on help many people, see the article on page 14.

Pet and Pests

This issue has three articles about pets and pests! The first one is about pests that live on your pet — fleas, ticks and mites, see article on page 16! The second is how to keep pests from following your pets indoors, see article on page 30. What about mosquitos? Does your back yard get taken over by mosquitos, fleas and ticks in the summertime? If

Publisher Barbara Riedel Editor/Production Manager Dan O’Leary Magazine Layout ROI Marketing 816.942.1600 •

yes, learn more about why they bite certain people and not others in the article on page 32. Want to get your backyard back this summer? Call the Mosquito Squad!

Doggie Day Care and Dog Parks!

What is doggie day care? Do you take your dog to day care? More and more pet parents are choosing to take their pets to day care, rather than leaving them at home. Is your pet suited for this environment? Learn more about this option and the right questions to ask before selecting a day care, see the article on page 24. Dog parks can be a great place to get out and have a good time with you dog. This issue contains two great articles on dog parks — first, how to build one, see article on page 12, and second, apartment complexes that have a dog park right on the property, see article on page 34.

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When you need a product or service, please contact the companies who advertise in MetroPet magazine. It is with their support that we are able to publish this magazine. Tell them “I saw your ad in MetroPet magazine.” Have a Great June – See You In July!

Barbara Riedel, Publisher

Advertising Sales Ad Sales: 913.548.1433 Deals of the Week Contact MetroPet PO Box 480065 Kansas City, MO 64148 Phone: 913.548.1433 Fax: 913.387.4313

Contributing Authors Martha Baur Mike Deathe Pat Hennessy Pawlean Journe Heddie Leger Rene Marberry Cathy Perry Julia West Erin Quigley, DVM

Publishing Policy: Articles printed in the MetroPet Magazine express the opinions of the individual authors and do not necessarily represent the formal position of MetroPet Magazine. Acceptance of advertising does not necessarily constitute endorsement by MetroPet Magazine. Articles: Readers are invited to submit articles for consideration for publication to All materials are subject to editorial review. © 2014 MetroPet Magazine. All rights reserved. Request reprint permissions at MetroPet Magazine is owned and published by ROI Marketing Services, all rights reserved.

My Favorite Things – It’s Summer!

by Pat Hennessy The birds are chirping, the flowers are blooming, and the days are getting longer and warmer. Summer is almost here! No one is happier about it, besides you, than your furry companion. As you look at Maria who’s gazing out the window, you say, “Hey little girl, whatcha looking at?” With a gleam in her eye and howl in her throat, she tells you:

Raindrops on noses and whiskers to the ground Bright sunny days and smells all around Running through fields, you know what that brings These are a few of my favorite things Fresh growing grass and Frisbees to chase Dog treats and toys, all over the place Kongs filled with cheese or a raw chicken wing These are a few of my favorite things Long walks at sunrise, and smelling good spots Jumping in pools or ponds when it’s hot Barking like crazy when the doorbell rings These are a few of my favorite things When I’ve done wrong, when I’m crated When I’m isolated and feeling sad If I’ve been given my favorite things I’ll stay busy and I won’t act bad Well, Maria certainly knows how to express herself and delight us at the same time. Our canines (and felines) not only make wonderful companions but they make good teachers too. We can take a page from their book of life and learn to live more “in the moment.” They are totally happy with a simple life (no techno-gadgets, no fancy car or expensive clothes, no pressure to meet a deadline or commitment). While we have to deal with certain obligations, such as bills, taxes, job pressures, or family support — we can take a different approach to our disposable time. We can spend less time tied to technology or TV, as well as look at options to reduce work hours or chores. And when we manage to get extra time we should spend it doing simple things that bring joy and tranquility. Go for a walk with Maria and drink in what nature has to offer (even if you have to take some Benadryl). Cuddle up with Fluffy for a quick catnap. Take Maria with you for a short trip or go outside and run around in the yard with her and throw a ball around. There are many ways to enjoy summer. Sharing your furry family member’s favorite thing, can become one of your favorite things. Embrace the day and let out a howl or sit back and enjoy a quiet purr.

Pat Hennessy is the founder of N2paws, LLC, an organization that provides a holistic approach to companion animal care through behavior education, energy work, and positive training methods. Pat is a Level 2 TTouch® practitioner, CPDT, ACDBC, and member of the IAABC, IAATH and AWA. You may contact N2Paws via email pat@, phone 816-522-7005, or visit the website | St. Louis - June 2014


To Play or Not To Play That is the Question by Heddie Leger

Many people believe that dog parks are a great place to socialize their pet, but dog parks are not for everyone. Sometimes a play date is a better alternative for you and your dog. According to researchers at several universities, dogs have an inherent genetic need to socialize with other dogs. Dog parks can be chaotic and unpredictable as far as the activities and level of play in which the dogs engage. There are no guarantees that the other dogs will be compatible with your dog. A private play date for your dog can be the solution for you. Below are a few simple tips to have a safe and successful play date for your pet: • Dogs should first meet be on neutral ground. Neither dog will feel that their territory is being invaded and less likely to feel threatened. • Don’t be afraid to be selective regarding size of dog and play style. Smaller dogs often play better with dogs close to their size. High energy dogs are too often overwhelming for dogs with a calmer play style. • Reward and reinforce the positive interactions that your dog displays in his/her behavior. • When you are comfortable with understanding your 6

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dog’s body language, you are ready to take the dogs somewhere where they can play off leash. • Always be aware and watchful to make sure this play date is enjoyable for all the dogs.

Play Session Options

Play sessions with a trainer are the best option for first time dog/puppy owners who may need a little extra coaching in learning dog body language and what it means when the dogs growl, pounce, chase, and bark during play. A supervised play group can help determine what is appropriate puppy play, and what may constitute as “bullying.” Dogs and puppies should engage in rolereversal: chase/be chased, pounce/be pounced on. Your dog will learn many lessons in a play date. If negative behavior is persistent, or accompanied with growling, lifting of a lip, general overstimulation, or “bullying,” find a trainer with a background in positive reinforcement who can help you redirect unruly play before it becomes a more serious behavioral issue. is a fantastic resource for finding existing play groups in your area. You can search by breed, by location, or by type. Some dogs are intrinsically shy or introverted. With time, these dogs will likely come out of their shell, but don’t force them into play. If your

dog seems nervous or shy, make sure there are plenty of places they can hide, and escape to. Play is an excellent way to exercise your dog, build socialization skills, and teach them how to behave around small dogs and big dogs alike. It’s a great way for your puppy to learn bite inhibition and become comfortable with different kinds of dogs. Responsible Handler The most important aspect to enjoying your play date experience is to be a responsible handler. • Use common sense. • You may feel you have the right to be there, however, you gain nothing by pushing your limit and risking a dog fight. If an out of control or dangerous dog shows up, leave the park. • Learn when the quiet and off-peak times are, those are the best times to be there with your dog. • Teach your dog a reliable recall. Immediately call your dog away from the pack, if a scuffle should arise. • Offer your dog more fun than just playing with the other dogs at the park. When you go, play the games your dog absolutely loves to draw him/her away from the dog pack. • 100% of your focus should be on your dog when your dog is off leash either on a play date or at the park,

• Don’t just go on play dates or visit the dog park. Vary your interactions with your dog. Go for walks, go swimming, find ways to play or train in different locations.

Heddie is a Certified Humane Educator and member of APDT, APLB, APHE and NHES sharing a lifelong passion of helping children and the elderly learn manners reinforcement with their pets through the PawZone In-Home PetSitting. You can reach her at 816.820.5829. | St. Louis - June 2014


What to Expect

from a Dog Trainer by Mike Deathe

Don’t shoot the messenger, but read this article before you hire a trainer! This article is all about how I train and what I think, and it is based on years of answering questions, telephone calls, emails, and text messages. When you call a dog trainer, you are doing so because there is issue between you and Fido.

Get Ready So, there are a few things that you need to be ready for. 1. D og trainers train owners, not dogs. Do not expect your trainer to pay more attention to your dog than to you. 2. Th ere are no quick fixes. Your problems did not occur overnight, nor will they be fixed overnight. There are no Jedi-mind tricks or silver bullets in the dog training arsenal. 8

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3. Y ou have to be consistent. The dog trainer teaches you the techniques you will need. Unfortunately, consistency along with frequency are the same reasons humans have issues with dieting, going to the gym, or quitting smoking. 4. Th e only way to achieve success is to work hard. 5. Y ou will have to venture outside of the comfort zone. Even though you will not enjoy it, all dog trainers are going to require that you work outside of your level of feeling comfortable.

Be Ready for Change Now that you have some idea of things that will be necessary of you to make this partnership work, how about a small list of things that your dog trainer just might require you to specifically do. 1. Change Feeding — chances are your dog trainer might very well ask you to change how you feed your dog.

2. M anage Your Dog — Your dog trainer may ask you to manage your dog, which might require the use of a crate, day care, dog walker, or even keeping the dog with you consistently to ensure no mistakes happen. 3. Add or Change Rules — Your dog trainer may require you to add rules and routines to the everyday life for Fido. He or she might even require that certain freedoms be restricted or removed completely. 4. Consistency — The dog trainer will demand consistency from everyone in the household. If just one person is doing things differently or just not doing them, it will completely and totally hamper the success of the entire family. | St. Louis - June 2014

Managing the Freedom In most cases many of the problem behaviors that dog trainers deal with are related to the freedomaspect of living with people. We get this cute fluffy, little ball of joy, and it is adorable, but as this little powderpuff grows, it becomes more and more like a teenager! Life gets in the way. Kids have to be taken to soccer. Dinner has to be made. Of course, we all have to go to work, too. Fido finds himself all of a sudden being left to his own devices, with all of the freedom he cannot handle.


In reality, calling it freedom is a misnomer. Instead, we should call it what it is — a dog is a dog! You did not have time to manage, train, or teach your new dog, so it is with hope when you turn him loose to his own devices. Then, an owner is truly shocked when that lovable little dog starts peeing, pooping, chewing, jumping, barking, and doing all of the other things that make it a dog (and you crazy)!

The Definition of Crazy I end this article with a simple reminder. The definition of crazy is doing the same thing over and over, and expecting a different result. So, before you pick up the phone to call a dog trainer, ask yourself one simple question: “Am I ready, willing and able to change what I have been doing up until now?” Because if the answer is “no,” you will not only have an untrained dog, you will have a frustrated dog trainer, and in many cases you will be angry. The goal of most dog trainers is one of customer service! My goal at KISS Dog Training, is simple — always under promise and over deliver. By having honest conversations with the trainer, such as the honesty being offered to you in this article, you will have a better chance of keeping everybody — dog trainer, dog, and, yes, even yourself, on the same page.

One Last Piece of Advice The last piece of advice I give about hiring a dog trainer is this — interview multiple trainers. Talk to at least three trainers before you make a decision. The client trainer relationship is a special one and one that requires both an understanding and an agreement on


MetroPet Magazine | St. Louis - June 2014

methods. If you choose a trainer and you do not agree with the approach, you will not enjoy the process, the dog will not have fun, and in the end no one will learn. Hopefully, this article will not only help you to choose the best trainer for your needs, but be ready for the challenges that will occur once the trainer shows up at your front door! Good luck and as always remember to “Keep It Simple.”

Mike Deathe is an avid pet lover who found his passion as a dog trainer. Since 2008 he has trained hundreds of pet parents on how to live with their companion animals. He writes the Keep It Simple Stupid dog blog (K.I.S.S). Deathe authored The Book of Pee and Poop, and Forever Home — Dog 101 and How to be a Better Shelter Volunteer. Follow Deathe’s blog at @ or the website @

Pet Safety Tips We are heading into summer heat and stormy weather. The ASPCA urges pet owners to develop an emergency plan to ensure the safety of their animals. To review this plan please visit pet-care/disaster-preparedness Storm TIPS Rescue Alert Sticker — post it in a visible place to let rescuers know that pets are inside your home. Make sure it is visible and that it includes: 1) the types and number of pets in your household; 2) the name of your veterinarian; and 3) your veterinarian’s phone number.

Emergency Kit — create and keep a pet emergency kit with items such as medical records, water, pet food and medications. Hot Weather TIPS No Parking! Never leave your animals alone in a parked vehicle. now the Warning Signs — K Symptoms of overheating in pets include excessive panting or difficulty breathing, increased heart and respiratory rate, drooling, mild weakness, stupor or even collapse.

rovide for Shade — Pets can P get dehydrated quickly, so give them plenty of fresh, clean water when it’s hot outdoors. ake a Safe Splash — Do not leave M pets unsupervised around a poolnot all dogs are good swimmers Fireworks Aren’t Very Petriotic — Please leave pets at home when you head out to Fourth of July celebrations, and never use fireworks around pets For more tips and details visit www.

e Safe — bring pets indoors B at the first sign of a storm. Pets can become disoriented and wander away from home during a crisis. Be Chipped — make sure your pet(s) are microchipped and/or wear collars and tags with up-to-date identification information. rrange for a Safe Haven — in A the event of evacuation, do not leave your pets behind, if at all possible. Being prepared means having a plan and arranging for a safe haven for your pet(s). | St. Louis - April 2014


How to Establish a Dog Park by Julia West

Establishing a Dog Park is a lengthy process. We began four years ago with monthly “Doggie Play Dates” at a soccer field. We wanted to build a dog park in the city of Washington, MO. That field is still our part-time dog park. The City has a site for a permanent Dog Park but hasn’t agreed to install a fence. Here are lessons we’ve learned that might help others.

Who can help: •A nyone who sells fencing can donate labor/materials. •V ets and Trainers can explain benefits of a dog park.


MetroPet Magazine | St. Louis - June 2014

One Person Can’t Do This

•T ell everyone (vet, groomer, hairdresser, etc.) about your passion. Ask if they know anyone who could help. •E xpand your network. We use Facebook and Google. We use social media to promote our message. • I dentify five people who will give their time.

Have A Plan • The first three things you need: permission, land (2 acres) and a fence. After you have these things, you can ask later for water, electricity, etc. • Talk to people. What do they want in their Dog Park? Shade is vital. But what else do they want? A wading/swimming area? What part of town? Should there be a membership fee? Once you know what they want, then prioritize the needs.

• Follow up with letters to the officials, again saying thanks for the opportunity to speak. Encourage them to support your cause.

There are now more households with dogs (43 million) than with kids (38 million) Newsweek Dec. 8, 2011

• Look at City-owned land. Identify potential locations. List pros and cons of each. • Consider how the park would be managed. Suggest rules (including, “Owners are responsible for injury caused by their dog, no females in heat, shots required.”). • Identify how the Park will benefit the community. Google the benefits of a dog park. Make note of the positive comments about other dog parks made by community leaders or businesses. Young couples look for dog parks when relocating, as do travelers. If local residents are visiting dog parks in other communities, they’re probably also buying gas and snacks. • Put all this into a proposal. Include your contact information. Print several copies. Find out how to get it on the agenda of the Parks Board or City Council. • When you make your presentation, have a group of supporters there. Pass out copies of your plan to the City officials. Introduce yourself and who you represent (ask your groupies to stand). Start by thanking the Board for the opportunity to speak. Give it your best shot. Say thanks again at the end. | St. Louis - June 2014

Be Prepared to Answer Common Objections •D ogs don’t need a park. It’s not a park for dogs. It’s a park for people who have dogs. Most parks are enjoyed by individuals, or groups who interact only with themselves.

•A Dog Park builds community. The patrons must talk with each other to manage interactions of their pets. They share stories, training concerns and suggestions. A community forms that wouldn’t have come together without the dog park. • I t’s an insurance liability. This is a difficult one, but will probably be raised. Contact the City Attorney and ask about insurance. Missouri law states, “The owner of any dog that bites … any person while such person is on public property … is strictly liable for damages suffered by persons bitten …” •B arking dogs will bother nearby residents. Add “control barking” to your rules.

Key Points: Reach out. Research. Listen. Respond. Plan. Persist.



My name is Harley Boy, do I have a story for you. You see, the first family that I loved with didn’t take care of me the way I deserved. After being diagnosed with dry eye as a puppy, my owners chose not to treat my eyes with drops. Because of this, I gradually lost my sight until I became completely blind. They also didn’t feed me properly and left me alone without any toys or people to play with. Fortunately, a caring soul made a life changing phone call and I was saved by the St. Louis English Bulldog Rescue!

by Rene Marberry

The kind people at the rescue showed me what life as a bulldog should be like. My foster family provided me with a safe loving home to help me get back on my feet both physically and emotionally. I learned how to play with toys, I was fed and groomed properly, and my eyes were finally treated. Most importantly I was loved for the first time in my life! That’s when things really started looking up. In August 2011, I was adopted into my forever home. I continued to experience love and affection and proper care. Though I’ll never get my sight back I’ve learned the skills I need to live comfortably without it. I can navigate through my home using scents that have been placed on furniture and doorways. I’ve also learned to respond to voice commands to help me get around outside my home. I do so well that sometimes I trick people and they don’t even know I’m blind! So now that I’ve found my family, I’m living the good life! I have all the toys a bulldog could want and a nice plush bed to call my own. Playing tug with my family is one of my favorite activities. Cuddling with my mom


MetroPet Magazine | St. Louis - June 2014

and dad on the couch and making silly noises until they rub my tummy is a close second though. And I am such a good helper! Whatever project my family is working on around the house, I am by their side to help…especially if it involves opening cardboard boxes. We also spend time together practicing the skills that I’ve learned at school. When we practice, Mom gives me my favorite reward…SALMON TREATS! But my story doesn’t end there! I’m so full of love and affection that I want to share my big heart with others. After going to school and learning all sorts of neat skills, I became a registered therapy dog with Pet Partners putting my best skills to work! I’m currently working with an organization called Paws to Read where I go to local elementary schools each week and help kids practice their reading skills. Though a lot of these kids are reserved and shy with people, when they see me walk through the door they light up and can’t wait to read me stories!

St. Louis English Bulldog Rescue, Inc. is a Federal Tax Exempt 501 (c) (3) organization that is an all volunteer group of bulldog lovers whose mission is to re-home bulldogs who are surrendered by their owners or find themselves otherwise without homes, landing in animal shelters or wandering the streets as strays. The group is run by a group of caring individuals. St. Louis English Bulldog Rescue is not a shelter facility! Foster care for bulldogs in transition is provided in the private homes of St. Louis English Bulldog Rescue volunteers, who receive no compensation for their time. Volunteers spend their own money to provide toys, treats, food, grooming and beds for the dogs entrusted to their care.

Volunteers also provide foster care, veterinary care and rehabilitation for these needy dogs, ultimately finding them forever homes. While St. Louis English Bulldog Rescue rescues and places bulldogs primarily with families in St. Louis and surrounding counties, bulldogs from the surrounding areas are rescued as well. St. Louis English Bulldog Rescue relies solely on donations and fundraisers to finance veterinary exams, inoculations, medications, and surgical procedures including routine spaying/neutering as well as life-enhancing and, sometimes, lifesaving surgery. For more details, visit their Facebook page at https://www.

I am so grateful that the kind people at the St. Louis Bulldog Rescue found me and gave me a second chance at life! Now I’m able to help others in need and brighten the lives of many. | St. Louis - June 2014


Fleas, ticks and mites oh my… by Erin Quigley, DVM or in their ears. Not only are these parasites an extreme nuisance to your pet, but they feed off of your pet and can cause serious skin conditions and transmit disease to them and your family. That is why it is critical to inform yourself about these pesky parasites and protect your home from these creepy crawlies.


They’re creepy, they’re crawly and they carry disease. This month we are going to continue the topic of parasites only we will be discussing external parasites such as fleas and ticks. As a reminder, A parasite is an organism that lives on (external) or in (internal) an organism of another species (such as dog, cat or human), known as the host. The parasites live and reproduce by feeding on the host directly or by taking in a portion of the host’s nutrients. At some point in their lives, many dogs and cats experience discomfort caused by external parasites such as fleas, ticks, mosquitoes or mites on their skin 16

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Fleas are wingless insects, dark in color, the size of a gnat with an ability to jump up to 7 inches vertically and 13 inches horizontally, making it easy to travel from one animal to the next. Once on your pet, female fleas begin laying eggs within 24 hours and can produce up to 50 eggs, per flea, per day. These eggs fall from your pet in to your home onto the floor or furniture, including your pet’s bed, or on to any other indoor or outdoor area where your pet happens to go. The eggs then hatch into tiny, worm-like larvae that burrow into carpets, under furniture, or into soil before spinning a cocoon. The cocooned flea pupae can hatch as early as 3-5 days or can lie dormant (inactive) for weeks to months before emerging as adults that are ready to infest (or reinfest) your pet. These cocoons can even lay dormant for a year or more, waiting for the right environment to emerge. Most people consider fleas a seasonal parasite, but as you can see due to the hibernating-like pupae stage, adult fleas can emerge from their cocoon from various stimuli such as warm ambient temperatures, high humidity, even the vibrations and carbon dioxide emitted from a passing animal, which can all occur inside your home. You can imagine, or if you have ever experienced a flea infestation in your house, it can be quite challenging to break this cycle once it begins, prevention is key.

How do you know if your pet has fleas? You may not know that your pet has fleas until their number increases to the point that your pet is obviously uncomfortable. Even then, the majority of the time when a veterinarian looks carefully at a pet who is itching, hairless, or has a rash, the owner has not observed these tiny parasites. They are difficult to detect due to their size and quick movements, and that the pet, particularly cats are very skilled at grooming themselves, and ingesting adult fleas. You also need to know where to look and what to look for. Most adult fleas congregate in the lower back/rump region or around the face and neck. You may observe excessive scratching of the face and neck, hair loss on the lower back/rump or the flea droppings (aka flea dirt). By this time there are potentially hundreds of flea adults, eggs or larvae that have been spread in your house, yard and between your pets. How do fleas affect my pet? Did you know that just one adult flea can bite your pet 400 times in 24 hours? Can you imagine if your dog or cat has only 10 fleas‌. that is 4,000 bug bites a day! No wonder they can become so itchy and red, and chew their hair out! Not only do the fleas bite and cause irritation but an adult flea can ingest 15 times its own body weight in blood daily. This amount of blood loss won’t affect the average dog or cat, but in young or small sized animals with heavy flea infestations it can cause anemia and in severe cases death from the blood loss. Commonly fleas will cause secondary skin infections, meaning the flea bites cause enough skin damage and inflammation that the dog or cat is more susceptible to contracting bacterial infection that would not normally affect them, such as Staphylococcus dermatitis (Staph infection), Demodectic (mange) dermatitis or Moist dermatitis (Hot spots). Some animals can even be allergic to the fleas, specifically their saliva. In these cases, each bite causes exponentially more itching, irritation, redness, hair loss and discomfort. These poor flea-allergy dogs and cats | St. Louis - June 2014


almost always contract a skin infection, and should be on flea preventative year round to prevent even one flea from causing flare-ups. Fleas can transmit disease to your dog or cat. Mycoplasmas are a special type of bacteria that infect red blood cells. They are transmitted by fleas, lice and ticks to cats, and the brown dog tick to dogs. Symptoms are rare in dogs, but in cats’ you may see weakness, lack of appetite, depression, trouble breathing, dehydration and an enlarged spleen. Secondary symptoms can be a severe anemia caused by a Mycoplasma haemofelis. This can be difficult to detect, requires specific antibiotics to treat, and can occur from just one flea bite, so it does not require infestation; which means you may never know that your cat has been exposed. Another bacteria fleas carry is called Bartonella henselae. This is known to cause Cat Scratch Fever in people. Cats carry fleas infected by Bartonella and these fleas produce flea dirt which can be embedded in their paws. If the cat scratches a person with contaminated claws, this can cause the Cat Scratch Fever. Initially a small red bump (papule) develops that leads to lymph node enlargement and a fever 2-3 weeks later. In an immuno-compromised person more serious side effects can result including spleen enlargement, encephalitis, and heart valve infection. Last but not least, every dog and cat that has fleas or hunts little critters in the back yard that have fleas (such as squirrels, rabbits, raccoons) inevitably swallow fleas which lead to Tapeworm infection. Tapeworms are intestinal worms that have a flattened, ribbonlike appearance. They are difficult to diagnosis unless observed by the pet owner in the form of motile (moving) segments that resemble white rice directly in stool, near the anus of an infected dog or cat, or in the environment. Often our pets are carrying tapeworms for months at a time before detection because of lack of symptoms. If signs are present it is commonly itching or dragging their hind ends. There is a risk of Tapeworm infection to your family and that is through direct contact with the fleas on your pet and in your home by 18

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accidental ingestion of adult fleas. Most people infected do not show symptoms, but diarrhea, abdominal pain and anal itching are possible. Tapeworms can be treated with an oral or topical (for cats) medication and prevention is targeted at preventing fleas with a monthly flea preventative. For pets that do hunt there are monthly heartworm preventatives that include tapeworm prevention.

Ticks Ticks are small ectoparasites from the arachnid class (same classification as spiders) commonly found in wooded areas, brush, shrubs and wild undergrowth, and any animal (or human, for that matter) that enters these environments is at risk of becoming a tick’s host. Tiny, Immature (seed) ticks often feed on small animals such as squirrels, chipmunks, and rabbits. Adult ticks seek larger hosts like dogs and cats which venture into these habitats, or deer that can carry ticks into neighborhoods and backyards. Tick exposure may be seasonal, depending on geographic location. In Missouri ticks are most active April-July although it is not uncommon to see them later in the year even in November. There are many different species of ticks that can affect dogs and cats. The three most common tick species in Missouri are the American dog tick, the Lone star tick and the Deer/blacklegged tick of the Family Ixodidae. Ticks are most often found around your dog’s neck, in the ears, in the folds between the legs and the body, and between the toes, but they can be found anywhere on the body and are usually easily seen or felt. Cats commonly have ticks on their neck or face. Ticks are good at burying into the skin and hiding within your pets thick hair coat, which makes it easy for your pet to bring them into your home. Tick bites can cause skin irritation and heavy infestations can cause anemia in pets. An adult female tick can ingest up to 100 times her weight in blood! Ticks are also capable of spreading serious infectious diseases to the pets and the people on which they feed. Disease risk varies by geographic area and tick species.

Tick-borne diseases Lyme disease is caused by a bacteria Borrelia

burgdorferi carried by the deer tick and can infect dogs, cats and humans. Dogs and cats can be carrying the bacteria without it affecting them (subclinical infections). If a dog has an active infection the clinical signs may include fever, joint pain and swelling, lack of appetite, or kidney disease. Lyme disease is most common in the north and north east region of the United States. The overall prevalence in the United States is 1 out of 16 dogs test positive for Borrelia burgdorferi. In Missouri it is a lot less common, at 1 out of 368 dogs. Although our neighboring state of Illinois it is 1 out of 34 dogs test positive. Less well known but the most common tick disease that affects dogs in Missouri is Ehrlichia. There are 3 species of this class of bacteria: Ehrlichia canis, Ehrlichia chaffeenis and Ehrlichia ewingii, which is the most commonly detected Ehrlichia in Missouri. This is carried by the lone star tick. Symptomatic infection includes fever, lameness, joint swelling, neurologic signs, lethargy and lack of appetite. Other symptoms of the two other species include nose bleeds, enlarged lymph nodes and eye infection called uveitis.

Anaplasma is found in various states throughout the country and statistically 1 out of 16 dogs test positive. More commonly it is found in New England, New Mexico, Texas and California to name a few. It is less frequently found in Missouri in 1 out of 368 dogs tested. Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever is caused by Rickettisia, rickettisii bacteria in dogs. Symptoms include fever, swelling of limbs, reluctance to walk, spotting of the gums, and neurologic signs. Treatment is supportive care and Doxycycline. Most infections occur in the Southern Atlantic states and south central states. Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever is a potentially fatal disease in people with a predominance in children and people that are in tick endemic areas.

Ehrlichiosis in dogs is found in 1 out of 33 dogs tested in the United States. In Missouri the prevalence is 1 out of 10 dogs. Regional county statistics are 1:18 St. Charles County, 1:15 St. Louis County, 1:5 Jefferson County, 1:11 Lincoln County and 1:6 Franklin County.

Other than Rocky Mountain spotted fever, Lyme, Anaplasma, and Ehrlichia can infect people as well. Lyme, Anaplasma and most species of Ehrlichia can be detected on a simple snap test at your veterinarian’s office. It requires only a few drops of blood. Dogs that are exposed to ticks can be screened to see if they are carriers of this infection, even if they do not currently have symptoms. If your pet is infected with any of these bacteria treatment is a common, but currently expensive, antibiotic called Doxycycline for typically a 4 to 8 week course. If your pet has multiple symptoms those symptoms can also be treated with supportive care.

Anaplasma is another bacteria carried by ticks. It include 2 species: phagocytophilum and platys. Symptoms can include fever, decreased energy, joint pain and swelling, nose bleed, and neurologic signs.

Babesia is a protozoa that the Brown Dog tick carries that infect dogs red blood cells. (It’s also transmitted by dog bites.) There are a few species, one of which more severely affects young animals and is common in | St. Louis - June 2014


Greyhounds called Babesia canis. Another is common in Pit Bulls which can be asymptomatic (carriers without symptoms) or cause fever, weight loss, and organ enlargement called Babesia gibsoni. Babesia can be treated if caught early with expensive medications and supportive care. Cytauxzoon felis is a protozoa that infects red blood cells in Cats and is carried by the American Dog tick. It causes depression, lack of appetite, fever and jaundice in cats. Most cats die within 7 days from onset of clinical signs. Treatment is primarily supportive care.

and are directly supplied by the manufacturer so you can be assured it is not counterfeit (FDA Warning ucm048164.htm) and they can also provide information on how to use each product properly. Many of us price our products the same as the popular online pet suppliers and similar to big box stores. We also have the latest products including a new chewable flea and tick product and an oral that lasts up to 3 months!

So besides how disgusting ticks are and how difficult it is to eradicate a flea infestation from your home, fleas and ticks can carry a variety of serious diseases that can affect your dog, cat, or family. These parasites can easily hitch a ride on any family member in to your home and cause havoc. The best way to avoid all of the ramifications from these parasites is not Now that you now know just how important protecting waiting to see if you spot one, but it is to prevent them your pet and family against these dangerous parasites in the first place. You will be glad you did when you is, don’t compromise their protection. Call your hear stories about someone you know contracting a tick veterinarian today and see what is best for you and your borne disease or having to vacuum their whole house pet. every day for months to get rid of fleas. Especially if you are like me and share your bed with your dog and cat! Erin Quigley, DVM, Member of AVMA, MVMA, Today there are so many options of flea and tick control: topical, oral, products that repel. I strongly suggest getting advice from your veterinarian on what products are safe and effective. Many products over the counter today may be affordable but they either are not as effective (which you may get lucky and never find out) or have dangerous chemicals that can cause skin irritation, vomiting or seizures, even death if not applied correctly to your pet. You can be assured your veterinarian carries products that are safe and effective 20

MetroPet Magazine | St. Louis - May 2014

grew up in Florissant, MO, and received a Bachelor’s degree in Biology at Missouri State University. After college I worked as a receptionist at Rock Road Animal Hospital, a zookeeper at the St. Louis Zoo and a veterinary assistant at Howdershell Animal Hospital until attending Veterinary School at University of MissouriColumbia. I graduated with my Doctorate of Veterinary Medicine and have lived in O’Fallon, Missouri since I graduated. I have worked as a veterinarian in Troy, Wentzville, and Florissant, MO, until purchasing Animal Medical Center of Wentzville in 2010. I married in 2011 and live with my husband Ryan and boxer dog Finnegan in Lake St. Louis/O’Fallon. When my husband and I have free time from the clinic we enjoy spending time with our dog, family and friends. Our hobbies include attending Cardinal baseball and Mizzou football games. We also enjoy the outdoors biking, boating and horseback riding.

RESOURCE GEM Property Management 3890 S. Lindbergh, Suite 250 St. Louis, MO 63127 314-842-9400 How Long in Business: 20+ years Services Offered: Multi-Family Housing What Makes Our Business Different? We cater to the needs of our residents providing high-quality apartments, professional, courteous service and an excellent value for their rental dollar.

GEM manages seven pet friendly apartment complexes; six of these complexes have dog parks! For complete details, check them out at Beau Jardin 314-432-3440 Canyon Creek 314–845-3500 Forest Woods 636–255-8626 Heritage Estates 314–631-5822 Heatherbrook Garden 314–894-6914 The Villages at General Grant 314–842-2323 Village Royale 314–849-0270

What are the Benefits of Our Business? Our aim is to help improve the quality of life of our communities by continuously adding value to the properties. We strive to increase the sense of community for our residents. Reasons customers come back? Being a company of integrity, GEM offers quality housing and superior service to our residents. | St. Louis - June 2014


Meet the Breed

June Pet of the Month

Airedale Terrier The Airedale is often referred to as the “King of Terriers.� This breed is the largest of the terrier group. It is known for being very hardy, and a very functional and useful dog. At one time in its rich history this breed was used for police duty in Germany and Great Britain. Fanciers of the Airedale believe the breed originated in the valley of the Aire in England. The first Airedales looked completely different from how they appear today, and were known as Working, Waterside and Bingley Terriers. The Airedale came to be known as a breed that could do it all, and have been used for wartime guard, messenger duty, rodent control and hunting birds and game. The Airedale is a medium-sized, well-boned, squarelybuilt, balanced dog. The breed is representative of the terrier attitude and should stand alert with head and tail held high. They should always be interested and inquisitive, with intelligence, and a fearless, steady personality. Airedales should always demonstrate self-confidence, and should not show fear of people or other dogs. The Airedale may be more reserved in temperament than many of the other terrier breeds, but should never be shy or timid. During World War I, the Airedale was called a Hero, by showing their grit and determination while delivering messages for soldiers. In the 1920’s the Airedale rose to be the number one dog in popularity due to their


MetroPet Magazine | St. Louis - June 2014

wonderful, dependable personality. They have a sweet and lovable disposition, but when challenged, are not afraid to stand up for themselves. It is very important to begin obedience training at a young age as these quick learners, can become mischievous. It is important to keep training interesting, as they get bored easily! The Airedale needs daily exercise in order to thrive. They are a higher energy dog that require daily walks and runs in the park. The Airedale coat needs regular brushing and stripping, although it is an easy coat to maintain. The coat is hard, dense and wiry, with a softer undercoat, and comes in both tan and black and tan and grizzle. The Airedale has great success when competing in agility due to their size, quickness, energy and ability to navigate obstacles with ease. They thrive on the mental and physical stimulation. The Airedale is generally good with children, like all breeds, there should be early exposure to children of all ages. Due to their substantial size they can be good with small children, if raised with them. The Airedale is full of the Love of Life personality. They are intelligent and easy to train, although they may challenge you at times. They crave affection and thrive on finding mischievous was to gain your attention. While they love the attention grooming brings, it is important to know their coat needs to be cut short every few months and then it only needs to be brushed every so often. If you are going to show your Airedale, you will need to strip the coat every six months and brush it daily. They rarely shed, but the hair will mat so require daily brushing. If an Airedale is in your future, you will be gaining a wonderful family companion for years to come as they generally live long healthy lives if cared for properly.

Interesting facts: • John Wayne had an Airedale named “Duke.” This was where he derived his own nickname. • Airedales have great courage and have been used to hunt big game in Africa and India. • When the Titanic went down, two Airedale terriers also went down and lost their lives. • The Airedales have been popular with Presidents, including Woodrow Wilson, Warren Harding, and Calvin Coolidge.

Thursday, June 19 • 6 - 8 p.m. Humane Society of Missouri 1201 Macklind Ave. • St. Louis, MO 63110

Event Registration - $40 | St. Louis - June 2014

Raffle tickets - $35 each or 3 for $90 Register today at 23

Doggie Day Care Benefits You and Your Pet!

Do you know about day care for dogs? In the past several years, more and more pet parents are choosing day care rather than leaving their pets at home while they are at work. Depending on your dog’s temperament, this might be a great option for you. Many dogs like it because — well, because it’s a lot of fun!

What is Day Care? Dog day care is an enjoyable and healthy option to crating or just leaving your pet at home all day. Some pet parents take their dogs to day care every day of the week, others take them a few times a week, or occasionally. Regardless of the option you select, make sure you pick the right day care for your pet.

Reasons to Choose a Day Care There are many good reasons to take your pet to day care. First, it helps with socialization. Dogs are pack animals, but most dogs rarely get to be around a “pack.” As a result, dogs can become dogaggressive or fearful around other dogs. By taking your dog to day care, you allow them to play with other dogs and develop socialization skills. Second, day care helps to keep your dog active and healthy. A good dog day care will offer many activities for your canine friend. Day care should make your dog stronger and more fit than if it were left “home alone.” Finally, a stimulating environment and playing with other dogs and people can make your dog just plain happy!

Tips on How to Choose a Day Care If you are considering a day care for your dog, here are some of the things you will want to look for when choosing a facility. • Schedule a tour — take time to visit the facility. When you schedule the tour, ask if you should bring your pet. • Cleanliness — ask questions about how often do they clean the facility, and look around when you take your tour. • Experienced owners and staff — does the team have tenure? • Supervision — are there staff members with the dogs at all times? What about overnight? Again, look around during your tour and observe what is going on.


MetroPet Magazine | St. Louis - June 2014

• Veterinarian services — is there a vet on call in the case of an emergencies? • New client introductions — how do they introduce your pet to the “regulars?” • Potty areas — where do the dogs potty and how is it kept clean? • Ventilation — is there a good heating and cooling system?

A Tired Dog is a Good Dog! All in all, dog day care can be very good for you and your pet. A happy, well-socialized dog can be a joy to be around. Many pet parents comment on what a pleasure it is to pick up a relaxed, smiling tag-wagger at the end of their workday. It can be much better for all than a pup who has been home all day and has 10 hours of pent-up canine energy.

Dog day care can be win-win option — or maybe we should call it the “win-wags” option.

Happy Tails Canine Enrichment Center is a dog day care and boarding facility located at 2920 North Lindbergh Blvd, St. Louis, MO. It is open 24/7/365 — yes, they truly NEVER close! One of the many benefits of Happy Tails always being open, is that you can truly get a full day of daycare! Your dog can feel that Happy Tails is a home away from home. You can do all the things you need to do without feeling like you have to rush back before a closing time. Happy Tails has 8,000 square feet of indoor fun and 21,000 square feet of outdoor fun on Prostyle Turf. Happy Tails’ open play atmosphere will leave your dog tired!



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Treats Unleashed Chesterfield 1677 Clarkson Road 636-536-5900

Treats Unleashed Mid Rivers 306 Mid Rivers Center 636-970-7730

Treats Unleashed Des Peres 13325 Manchester Road 314-835-9339

Treats Unleashed Oakville 5654 Telegraph Road 314-845-2000

Treats Unleashed Ladue 8861 B Ladue Road 314-726-2330

Treats Unleashed Taubman 17033 North Outer Forty 170A 636-489-3776 25

Chip’s Corner

PAWZZLE by Pawlean Journe

Answers to this Pawzzle can be found in the Breed of the Month story on page 22. 26

MetroPet Magazine | St. Louis - June 2014


18. They rarely ____________.


20. The Airedale has met with great success when

They have a sweet ______________ disposition.

competing in _________________.

3. Their are known to be built in a well ___________,


sturdy manner.

21. Size is __________________.

These dogs were known as ___________ guards.

22. In the Terrier Group this is the _____________ breed.

11. They are also good at controlling _______________.

23. This breed is very hardy and ___________________.

13. Their attitude is one of

24. Name a president that owned an Airedale. 25. The coat is wiry with a soft __________________.

________________________. 16. The coat should be stripped every ______________ months.


The terrier attitude calls for _____________.

4. It is believed this breed originated in the valley of ____________ in England. 5.

They have a Love of Life __________________.

6. When confronted with danger they are known to be _______________. 8. Being a high energy dog, they need daily _______.

Answers to May Pawzzle

9. When it comes to training they are very __________________. 10. These dogs were seen as a hero during World War I as they served as _________________ for soldiers. 12. This breed is referred to as the ____________ of terriers. 14. What was the name of John Wayne’s dog? 15. What type of duty did these dogs serve in Germany and Great Briain? 17. If they get bored they can be very ____________. 19. They should be brushed ________________. | St. Louis - June 2014


The Adventures of Chip


by Heddie Leger

Recap from Episode 5: Chip begins to feel like he belongs to a family. The big black and brown dog turned out to be very calm, polite and quite humorous. He was a big, goofy dog and Chip could not believe he was ever afraid of him. They had our very first photograph together. A candid moment in the lives of people who had been through some traumatic experiences, but come together and found loyal caring friends to share their lives. How he wished that moment would last forever. He was so thankful for his new friends. He wanted to find some way to show them how grateful he was for meeting them, for Allen and Penelope helping him when they needed help themselves, and for helping him find food and a safe place. He sure hoped some good things would happen for them too.

we all worked together to make it fun, but it really was not that long because we got there way before lunch time. Our destination was the beach! When they said “beach” I thought they meant we were going to see my mother, who I had heard people call a “bitch,” but it was nothing like that at all. There were white birds flying all over the place and swooping down over our heads, a roaring whooshing sound came around each time the water came up to the while earth. I learned the white earth was called sand. Stephanie took out our lunch, a big umbrella and opened up four chairs, one for each person. Then she put out a big blanket for me and goofy dog. Everyone pulled out buckets and shovels and started to dig in the sand, so goofy dog and I started to dig in the sand also. The sand was flying everywhere and when we turned around we could see Penelope and Allen covered in the sand we had just dug up. They were all laughing so hard, they were crying, but it was a good fun kind of cry. Then they got some water from what they called the ocean and started to make shapes in the sand that looked like big fancy houses. Me and goofy dog kept digging and sending sand to them. They thanked us for helping and said we were being very cooperative and good helpers. We were just having fun being dogs and digging.

They all piled into the car. Stephanie made us ALL wear seat belts, even goofy big dog. Boy, they had a big car. Stephanie had packed a picnic lunch and Robert was driving. They said we were going on a day trip. I had never heard of such a thing and wondered what it meant. The car had a top that opened up and the wind could From the distance, I could see another figure coming blow all around us. Stephanie and Penelope had on hats, towards us. It looked like a dog, but it did not walk like but my ears and goofy dog’s ears flapped in the wind a dog. It had a kind of hopping motion to its walk. A the whole way. Everyone lady was running with the was singing, talking and dog and talking to him in Cooperation – The act of working together laughing. Even though it an encouraging way. Good towards a common mutually beneficial goal. seemed like a long drive boy, Howie, she said, keep 28

MetroPet Magazine Magazine || St. St. Louis Louis -- February June 2014 MetroPet 2014

up the good work. They looked like a team together, but the funny thing was that the lady had one normal leg and another leg that looked like a springboard or something. As they came closer, I could see that both of them were missing a leg, and they were encouraging each other. I could see how the dog cooperated with the woman, as he looked back and waited for her to catch up with him. Even with just three legs, he still had an advantage over her with just one real leg. She stopped near us and wiped her brow. It was hot and she did not have any water with her. Penelope and Allen noticed that she looked kind of tired, so they called to Stephanie and asked her to come over with some water for the lady and her dog. Stephanie also brought over a chair so the lady could sit down and rest a bit. The lady’s name was Sarah. She looked to be about Stephanie’s age, but was much taller and had very long dark hair. She said her dog had saved her life. She was swimming when a shark had come up to her and bit her leg, swimming off with it. Her dog had jumped in to chase off the shark, and in fact, had scared it off, but another shark had bit him too. They were both injured, yet the dog found a way to bark and get help. Sarah said the dog’s quick actions had saved her life and brought people quickly to her assistance. Sarah said that she did not want fear to rule her life, so she made sure that she and her dog, Amber, came to the beach every day to enjoy the water and regain the confidence of being near the place where the incident had happened. We made new friends that day. Then we were ready for lunch. Stephanie invited

Story Discussion Tips 1. I n what ways did characters in this episode demonstrate cooperation? 2. H ow do you feel when you meet a person that is different physically than you? Such as if they are in a wheelchair, or cannot hear or see? 3. I n what ways did the dog, Amber, in the story help her owner? | St. Louis - June 2014

Activity Watch the movie Dolphin Tale or go the website: Read about TriPod dogs and how they learn how to function in life. Discuss how you might be a better friend in school to someone who is different physically from you. Sarah and her dog, Amber, to join us. Of course, I was not delighted about sharing my lunch, and goofy dog, definitely did not like it, as his favorite thing to do is eat, but they praised us for being so kind, sharing and cooperative, that we could not disappoint them. We all ate and drank just enough and then everyone decided to fly kites as there was a very nice breeze. Penelope and Allen were really excited about flying the kites, as they got their kites ready to fly I noticed some clear mushy things floating in the water. I started barking and running towards them in the water, as they looked like they would be fun to catch and play with. I heard some voices behind me yelling, but could not tell what they were saying. I kept running through the waves, it was so much fun…..and then….I caught one! For a second, I was so happy and excited, and then instantly a sharp pain went shooting through me and I could not move…and then I blacked out. All I could hear was crying and screaming and people saying, get him, get him….I was floating out on the waves faster than they could run or swim. I was limp and could not move. I could hear goofy dog and Amber barking excitedly and smelled goofy dog’s breath very close. The last thing that went through my mind was the smell of lunch on goofy dog’s breath….then I blacked out again.

Heddie is a Certified Humane Educator and member of APDT, APLB, APHE and NHES sharing a lifelong passion of helping children and the elderly learn manners reinforcement with their pets through the PawZone In-Home PetSitting. You can reach her at 816.820.5829.


Keeping Pests From Following Your Pet Indoors by Cathy Perry

As a real estate agent, I am frequently asked which types of home inspections a buyer should arrange when purchasing a new home. Although there are many inspections a new homeowner can and should consider, one of the top three is the termite inspection, and lately I have been asked to make sure the inspector checks for any evidence of brown recluse spider infestation as well. But as a pet owner, I recently started thinking about the types of pests that can be associated with our four-legged family members. As an extreme example, years ago as I called our two dogs to come in the house, one trotted in off the deck, then the other, and closely behind him was a raccoon, which had followed them up a flight of stairs from the backyard and seemed fully prepared to bop on in. If I had left the door open for another ten seconds, who knows what chaos would have ensued? But most of the pests that follow along behind our pets are considerably smaller, most of the six-legged variety. 30

MetroPet Magazine | St. Louis - June 2014

Of course, fleas and ticks are the most notable. If your dog or cat shows evidence of fleas through excessive scratching, hair loss, pale gums (due to blood loss), or the appearance of droppings, also called “flea dirt” in his coat, you will want to talk to your veterinarian about proper treatment and ongoing preventative tactics. It’s not enough just to treat your pets, though. When I lived in North Carolina, my two dogs spent a week in a kennel while we were on vacation. We came home the night before we picked up the dogs. As soon as we walked into the house, a crop of newly hatched fleas immediately latched on to our bare legs. We had to run to the latenight discount store looking for a flea bomb, before we picked up the dogs. So if your pet has had a flea problem, you will need to treat your home and your yard, and since flea eggs hatch in three to four weeks, you will need to do it more than once. And what about ticks? I think we would all agree that picking ticks off our pets, and off ourselves, can be a disgusting task, but necessary to preserve our health and that of our canine and feline friends. Although most ticks

are picked up outside, it isn’t uncommon for brown dog tick infestations to occur indoors. They like warm, dry conditions and some furry (or human) creatures to snack on. A first step to removing these ticks is to de-clutter, picking up items from the floor where they might hide, including piles of laundry, like those that sit in my son’s room. Dirty laundry, especially any that you suspect has come into contact with ticks, should be washed in the hottest water possible for the fabric. Clean your entire home, especially the forgotten corners, and vacuum as much as possible, especially in and around pet beds. Don’t forget to throw away the vacuum cleaner bag when you’re done.

Are you currently living a pest-free life? You will want to keep it that way! Her are some tips. • Pests are in constant search of food, shelter and water. Always keep pet food in a sealed, non-penetrable container. (Years ago, we fed several mice on a regular basis before realizing we had a problem with this.) • Clean up after your pet. Always scoop poop promptly in the yard and/or clean the litter box. If your pet tends to eat and walk at the same time, pick up any leftover crumbs. • Pets are an easy way for pests such as ticks, lice, and fleas to enter your home. Stay on top of vetrecommended preventative shots, heart guard, and repellents so your pet helps you in your pest control efforts. • When was the last time you washed the dog bed, cat cushion, or crate? If you had to think twice about this response, wash it! • Overall good house hygiene and an integrated pest management program with

routine, preventative treatments will ensure your pet is the only thing, besides you and your family, living in your home. Consult a professional if you have a significant problem, or just want to prevent one from occurring. And ask that professional about the safety of the products he will use. Some companies today use “green” products that are much safer for humans and pets alike than the products of the past. A final tip for home buyers: make sure you review the Sellers’ Disclosure question that asks which types of pets and how many of them have occupied the home. If you suspect via the answer and/or the home condition that other pests may have followed those pets into the home, ask your termite inspector to check for evidence of other types of infestation, so you can make sure you have the home treated appropriately before you and your fourlegged family members move in.

Cathy Perry is a lifelong dog lover (who has discovered a love of cats along the way, too) with a passion for homes and design. She is a Real Estate Consultant with Keller Williams and an interior designer and home stager with her own company, Renovate and Redesign, LLC. Visit her real estate website at to learn more, or contact her at 636-236-5695. She would love to help you find or create the perfect space for your two- and four-legged family members! 31

Five Reasons Mosquitoes Bite –

Literally! By Martha Baur With warmer temps upon us, you may be thinking BBQ season. And if you’re thinking BBQ season, you may be picturing all those backyard bugs rubbing their front legs together like a villain, waiting to feast on you and your guests while you feast on your famous pork steaks. Many people simply see mosquitoes for the pests they are, without much more thought than a quick slap. But here are five interesting facts about why mosquitoes bite – literally.

Yes, some of us really are born mosquito magnets. Have you ever been sitting with friends and noticed that one of you is a feast while the rest of your group is merrily enjoying margaritas without as much as a slap? Your body emits a number of different compounds depending on your biological make-up; some of which attract and others deter mosquitoes. You can avoid wearing dark clothing, moving, and try to stay as cool as possible, but for some people the only solution for a bite free evening is mosquito sprays and repellents. 32

MetroPet Magazine | St. Louis - June 2014

Yes, you might actually be having an allergic reaction to those bites. A tiny itch or a big reaction, some people are affected by what is known as “Skeeter Syndrome” – a localized allergic reaction to bites. While it isn’t typically serious, if you have it your bite itches more so you scratch more, and that can lead to infection. It’s the ladies who have the sharpest sting. Because they need the protein found in blood to reproduce, the biters of the mosquito world are female. One day after they have feasted they can develop 400 or more eggs, that’s 400 more mosquitoes that only need a teaspoon of water to be born. Males only feed on plants - they are the vegetarians.

It’s not always the bite; it’s what happens afterwards that is the scary part. Mosquito-borne illnesses are a serious public health issue, and one that can have devastating effects on people, including paralysis and death. While generally contained in the United States, malaria remains a serious issue

in many countries. Mosquitoes consume twice their body weight in blood, and when they are finished they excrete waste as they fly away. This waste is how diseases like malaria, dengue, and yellow fever are spread.

50 different mosquitoes in Missouri, 50 different feeding habits to address. Each mosquito has a different feeding pattern – some feed during the day, others at night. Some like human blood, others prefer animals or plants. Some mosquitoes even prefer the winter. With so many different types of bites to fight, a comprehensive mosquito control plan for your yard, coupled with diligent maintenance to eliminate standing water, is your best bet.

Martha and Carson Baur are the owners of Mosquito Squad of Greater Saint Louis. Martha is a landscape designer who hated seeing her clients’ outdoor experiences ruined by annoying mosquitoes. Mosquito Squad is a perfect solution that helps families enjoy their yards to the fullest. Carson grew up in St. Louis and enjoys spending time outdoors with his family. He knows Mosquito Squad offers a much-needed service in St. Louis. As he likes to say, “Mosquito Squad is so good, our customers can grill naked!” For more details, contact them at 314-569-2483 or visit | St. Louis - June 2014


Apartment Complexes with

Dog Parks?

Pet ownership is on the rise. Having a safe and clean area within your community to let your dog play off leash is in high demand. With the increase in dog ownership, more apartments, condos, and communities are not only allowing dogs, but are also seeking to attract pet owners with pet friendly amenities — including dog parks! Dog parks are a nice feature for an apartment complex to offer. If the dog park is properly planned it can help control dogs with excessive energy, keep dog waste in a specific area, and allow a place for pets to socialize and play! Pet Friendly Amenities

In addition to your next apartment being pet friendly, what other pet amenities does the complex offer? Is there a grassy area where your pet can play? Are there other pets in your complex, which might be good play mates for your pet? What about a dog park?

While the dog park may not be perfect, having a dog park by your apartment could offer huge benefits! Benefits of a Dog Park

You come home exhausted – a hard, long day at work. Your four-legged friend greets you at the door. Happy to see you, Fido not only wants to get outside – but he wants to play! “Come on Mom – please, can we go play?” It is hard to resist a tail wagging a million miles an hour. If your complex offers a dog park, you are in luck! You simply walk outside, around the corner and Fido is ready to go play. He can do his business, run and jump, and you can enjoy his company without having to load him into the car to try to find a safe place for him to play. Everybody wins! When Fido is done, you simply walk back home.

Looking for a New Place to Live?

When you go looking for your next apartment, What to Look for in a Dog Park consider the seven pet friendly apartment If your complex offers a dog park, look at the complexes, six with with dog parks, managed dog park and ask these questions. Is the location by GEM Property Management, LLC. They are of the dog park convenient to your apartment? Is located in various areas around St. Louis and the gate easy to open? Is the dog park completely even offer some great people amenities! Visit fenced? What is the surface of the dog park? the website at to view the Does it have shade for the dogs, and you? Is it an properties to find the perfect home for you and inviting place to visit? Is the park clean and safe, Fido! for both you and your pet? 34

MetroPet Magazine | St. Louis - June 2014

To Dog Care In ST LouIS Happy Tails Canine Enrichment Center We have a unique attitude and atmosphere designed to ensure maximum care, comfort and convenience for you and your furry family member!

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Discount on any one of the following

• Boarding • Day Care • Grooming

Expires 7/20/14 • Limit 1 per client. Cannot be used with any other offers.

HUGE Outdoor Play Area

Happy Tails in St Louis Is the FIRST to Offer:

• Totally open environment dedicated to your dog’s well being • Open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365 days a year! • Almost 2 football fields of ProStyle AstroTurf made exclusively for Happy Tails! • 8,000 square feet of indoor playrooms • Pick-up and drop-off at any hour • Online reservations • A one-stop shop for all your dog care needs

314-291-3647 • 2920 N Lindbergh Blvd • St Louis, MO 63074 Visit for more details • Open 24 Hours!

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