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April 2015

Articles 5 Creature Feature 6 Do April Showers Make Your Dog Cower? 10 Congratulations! 14

14 Puppy Socialization 18 Help is a Four-Legged Word 20 Get Organized — for the Love of Your Pet!


23 Earth Day! 24 Breed of the Month 26 The Next Adventures of Chip 29 Protecting Myself & My Pet 26

30 Pawzzle 32 Pet Services Directory 34 Dog First Aid Kit

Dear Readers: The calendar says it is Spring! I think everyone in is glad to feel warmer weather, even knowing that we may have a few cold days left, we are ready to feel the sunshine and fresh air! When you go outside, remember to take your four-legged friends. Make sure your pet is well behaved and that you pick up after your pet. Make sure your pet is up-to-date on shots. This will make outside adventures more fun and safer! This is an exciting issue and contains some great information. Start with the Creature Feature – the Golden or Syria Hamster, on page 5. If you are thinking about adding a hamster to your family, check out this article first. It contains some valuable information. Do April Showers Make Your Dog Cower? If your pet is afraid of thunder storms, check out this informative article about how to help calm your pet.

Do you already have a dog and are adding a human baby? Take a moment and prepare yourself by reading the Congratulations! article starting on page 8. For those of you who added a puppy recently to your family, take a minute and read part 2 of 3 of the Puppy Socialization — How and Why! article beginning on page 14. Help is a Four-Legged Word! What do you know about Canine Companions? The article beginning on page 18 provides come quality information, along with some important tips about how to approach a dog that is being trained to be a companion. And, don’t miss the Get Organized for the Love of Your Pets! article starting on page 20 Finally, enjoy this month’s edition of Chip’s Adventure and learning about the Domesticated American Short Haired Cat! Happy Spring!

Barbara Riedel Publisher

P.S. Please remember to support our advertisers — please tell them, “I saw your ad in MetroPet magazine.”

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Contributing Authors Eliza Cantlay Scott Coffman Mike Deathe Geoff Hall Pat Hennessy Abby Janes Pawlean Journe Heddie Leger Lisa Rickards Mary Sellaro

Publishing Policy: Articles printed in the MetroPet Magazine express the opinions of the individual authors and do not necessarily represent the formal position of MetroPet Magazine. Acceptance of advertising does not necessarily constitute endorsement by MetroPet Magazine. Articles: Readers are invited to submit articles for consideration for publication to All materials are subject to editorial review. © 2015 MetroPet Magazine. All rights reserved. Request reprint permissions at MetroPet Magazine is owned and published by ROI Marketing Services, all rights reserved.

Creature Feature Golden or Syrian Hamster Mesocricetus auratus by Geoff Hall

Summary: Golden hamsters are commonly encountered exotic rodents found in many pet stores that can often make fine pets for the right owner. Size: Adults can reach a length of 5 ½ inches with females tending to be larger than males. Natural Habitat: Originally native to a small region of the Middle East on the border between Turkey and Syria in grassland habitat. Costs: Hamster breeders have developed several color and coat length variants over the past several decades and prices can vary from $5 to $20 each. Medical Care: Locate a local veterinarian experienced in small mammal medicine prior to acquisition of your pet and seek their expertise if you are concerned about the health of your pet hamster. Care: Golden hamsters are easily cared for but must be kept individually due to their solitary and antisocial behavior towards other hamsters. Keep in an appropriate enclosure such as a ten-gallon aquarium with a study wire lid or a wire cage made specifically for small rodent pets. Provide at least two inches of soft aspen shavings or recycled newspaper bedding and offer a quiet dark retreat for your hamster to sleep in during the day. Be sure to research any new pet species you are interested in using multiple sources such as books, the internet and speaking with experienced pet keepers before acquiring your pet. Diet: Golden hamsters are omnivores and need both vegetable and meat components in their diet. Feed a high quality rodent food found at your local pet store | Kansas City - April 2015

and offer the occasional fresh vegetable treat and a kibble of cat food weekly. Where to Buy: This species is readily available through reputable pet stores in many communities and specialized hobbyist groups. Other: Patience and care must be taken when acclimating your new hamster to being held in your hands. Hamsters are nocturnal and may greet you with a nip if they are awoken too suddenly. Fun Fact: It is believed that all golden hamsters living in captivity worldwide are all descendants of one mother and her 12 pups captured near Aleppo, Syria in 1930.

Geoff Hall is President of Wayside Waifs, KC’s largest no kill pet adoption campus. Geoff brings to Wayside more than 20 years of experience in the animal welfare community. This includes serving as Chief Operating Officer of the Kansas City Zoo, General Curator of the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo and as Executive Vice President/General Curator of the Phoenix Zoo. He is the proud owner of dogs, cats, birds and other pets! You may contact Geoff via email at CreatureFeature@ 5

Do April Showers Make Your Dog Cower? by Pat Hennessy

You just sat down, got comfortable, and turned on your favorite show with your sweet little bundle of fur by your side. Next thing you know Roxie gets up, starts pacing, then whining, then nudging you. “What’s wrong, girl?” you say. “Do you need out?” She paws at you and wants to climb in your lap. You pet her for a minute and go back to watching your show. Roxie continues to paw at you and pushes in behind you. A few moments later you hear a distant rumble. “Oh, that’s what’s bothering you.” You hadn’t seen a storm on the horizon, but Roxie can predict it better than Doppler radar, and you know that you have an hour or more of whimpering, scratching, panting and pacing. If this scenario is all too familiar — attempting to calm your dog, turning up the TV, or finding her burrowed in the closet — there is hope for both you and your canine companion to get through the spring without trauma. We don’t usually know why our dogs are afraid of storms. It could be from a lack of exposure and socialization during early development that creates insecurity. It could be due to having had a bad experience during a storm, for example a dog that had to survive on his own in the elements. It could 6

MetroPet Magazine | Kansas City - April 2015

be a learned reinforced response due to getting “extra” attention, and especially seen in dogs that are highly attached to their people. Regardless of the reason, there are tools and techniques to give your dog a new experience and alter the behavior.

Play a CD

A common recommendation is to try desensitizing your dog to storms, for example play a CD of storm sounds while you offer him something enjoyable during that time, such as a game of fetch or a kong stuffed with treats. This may work for some dogs, but often the fear of storms is not just a noise aversion but is triggered by multiple stimuli, such as the electrical charge in the atmosphere or the barometric pressure change.

Reducing Anxiety

TTouch communicates to the nervous system through a gentle technique of specific touches, much lighter than massage, and relaxes you and your dog together. Another tool in the TTouch toolbox is the Body Wrap, a technique utilizing a stretchy fabric (like an Ace bandage), that you place around your dog. It works like swaddling a baby. If you don’t have a stretch fabric, you can substitute a t-shirt and adjust the fitting so that it is not too loose or too tight. Wraps or t-shirts should only be used with supervision. Another version of this technique is the AnxietyWrap (, a combination of a shirt and a wrap (the best of both worlds). Alpha-Stim is an electro-therapy technique using low-

Behavior modification is definitely needed, but fear inhibits the ability to focus. If you can lower the anxiety level, then learning can take place. The first choice for reducing anxiety would be non-pharmaceutical methods, such as TTouch™ or AlphaStim™, which influence the nervous system to provide a calming effect and can be cumulative. | Kansas City - April 2015


grade variable frequencies which foster the flow of energy through the body, especially to areas that can be shut down due to fear or pain.

Moderate to Intense Storm Phobia

If your dog has a moderate to intense storm phobia, additional tools you can try in conjunction with behavior modification and non-pharmaceutical techniques, would be:

• Calming supplements, such as ProQuiet® made with L-tryptophan or Calmazon a blend of Amazon Rainforest herbs • Dog Appeasing Pheromone (DAP) diffusers (that come as a plug-in unit or a spray to use on bedding or add to a scarf around the neck) • Aromatherapy, such as lavender oil, can have a calming effect • Flower essences, such as Rescue Remedy which is available at most health food stores, are a blend of flowers infused with water — used to help restore balance (several animal blends are available at • Soft soothing music can help balance body rhythms ( • Calming Cap, is a nylon mask-like item that attaches to your dog’s collar and goes over his face. Be very observant on this one to make sure that your dog really relaxes, often times he will just “shut down” but it will appear that he is calm. If that is the case, he is really not “learning” how to relax during a storm.

Severe Storm Phobia

If your dog has a more severe case of storm phobia and you want to avoid pharmaceuticals, consult a veterinarian that offers alternative techniques such as acupuncture, acupressure, or homeopathy. If you and your veterinarian feel that you are down to the pharmaceutical options, be aware of the side effects. With some drugs it can appear that your dog is relaxed but she is still experiencing fear; she just can’t react due to the sedative effect. This can actually make her fear worse. If your vet determines medication is necessary, you can still use TTouch™, DAP, music, and aromatherapy as complimentary techniques.


MetroPet Magazine | Kansas City - April 2015

There are many ways to approach the storm phobia problem. You need to assess the level of anxiety and apply the appropriate tools. The next time that the thunder rolls in, you can be ready before the lightning strikes. | Kansas City - April 2015

Pat Hennessy is the founder of N2paws, LLC, an organization that provides a holistic approach to companion animal care through behavior education, energy work, and positive training methods. Pat is a Level 2 TTouchŽ practitioner, CPDT, ACDBC, and member of the IAABC, IAATH and AWA. You may contact N2Paws via email, phone 816-522-7005, or visit the website


Congratulations! by Mary Sellaro

I remember when we found out I was pregnant. It was exciting, scary and actually, the news produced a myriad of emotions resembling nothing like I had felt before, or since. I became completely caught up in the moment and all I wanted to do was plan every minute of life for the next nine months and beyond. Reality hit when I thought about the 6 dogs at home, who were pretty much the center of our lives, and had no idea how their world was about to change. There was a moment of panic on my part, but then I quickly pulled it together; we can do this, this has been part of the plan and I was committed to our dogs to prepare them for the changes which were about to happen. It would be so much easier if we could just sit down and explain to the dogs about the baby and the impact he or she would have on our family and routine. There were some family and friends who presumed we would either be “getting rid” of our dogs or at the very least, reducing the numbers. Imagine the surprise when we did not plan to carry out either assumption; it was never an option. The plan was simple; we had a life and a family prior to the arrival of a child. A new baby would be a welcome addition to the existence we had created.


MetroPet Magazine | Kansas City - April 2015

Once the news has had time to soak in, life gets back to semi-normal and the wait begins.

Where to start?

First things first, back to basics; reliable obedience training is a must. The time to start is as early as possible to reconnect with your dog and build a solid foundation. The goal is to give the dog every opportunity to be ready for the coming baby and the future toddler he or she will become. Consider working with a trainer in a private and/or a group setting to refresh commands, refine basic skills and solve behaviors like barking, jumping up and mouthing. It tends to be a common occurrence in training, for the dog to respond best when the human is standing up, treats in hand and no distractions. This scenario would be perfect if life could be counted on to play out this way. However, life with a baby added is anything but predictable. For this reason, practice training in various positions, sitting or lying down on a couch and on the floor; in different areas of the house, outside in the yard and on walks; around family members and company. The dog’s “baby preparedness program” will be enhanced by including baby specific items:

Consider buying or borrowing a baby doll to assist with familiarizing the dog with a tiny person both in your arms and around the house. The purchase of a CD with baby noises is useful to introduce and create a positive experience prior to the baby’s arrival. Begin immediately and play the CD on low and slowly increase the volume as the dog becomes familiar and comfortable with the sounds. Play with the dog and feed treats to build a positive association with the noise. Begin to expose the dog to the baby gear, for example, stroller, crib, swing, car seat, diaper bag and play pen. Practice the behaviors you would like the dog to demonstrate around the baby paraphernalia. Start early to insure and maintain success. The family needs to be involved in the dog’s training and the best results will come with daily practice and consistency.

7. Come-in from the yard while barking, because you have to leave, you can’t chase the dog around the yard or the neighborhood and leave the baby alone. Call the dog frequently and reward with a treat, start in the house and move outside, using a long leash even in a fenced in yard to insure the dog will return to you. Run backwards as the dog is coming to turn the exercise into a chase, have the dog sit and then treat. Slowly increase the distractions and use the long leash and continue to food reward.

The Next Step-Time Management

Have you ever had to ask your dog to wait before attending to a need? How does he or she react, for example, if there is a delay before being let out to go to the bathroom, to eat or be petted? When the baby comes, the reality of the situation is the dog may be required to wait a little longer than normal to be accommodated. Notice how your dog seeks attention from you, does he bark, whine or paw? This could be problematic with a

Situational Obedience Exercises

1. Sit and Down-before feeding, at your side when you stop walking, before greeting and in front of you after coming when called. 2. Controlled Walking-without pulling, on a walk, going to the car, with the doll in your arms, with the car seat in your hand, and beside the stroller with the doll. 3. Wait-before getting in and out of the car, down or up a flight of stairs, going through doors or gates. 4. Leave It-when food falls on the floor, to redirect interest in socks, diapers, trash, toys, to deter interest in or chasing objects or other animals. 5. Give It or Drop It-to release contraband items into your hand or to be dropped on the ground. 6. Down Stay-during feeding/meal times, while baby is on the floor, beside baby equipment, while changing diapers, to deter hyper activity around baby, around guests, particularly small children, in the vet’s office when the baby is with you. | Kansas City - April 2015

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baby on your lap. Avoid giving your dog attention if he is using any of these methods. Consistently ask your dog to sit whenever he approaches and then he may receive attention. If the negative behavior continues, ignore the dog by standing up or walking away, do not approach him after he has been corrected. Wait for the dog to approach you again and then require a sit. Consistent practice will teach him to solicit attention politely. Plan ahead and remember once the baby arrives, the ability to spend time with your dog and maintain his needs will be less and divided with the baby’s. The time to change any feeding and exercise routines is now so your dog can acclimate by the time the baby comes. Are there going to be any changes in the household rules? (For example, being allowed on the furniture or bed, barking at the doorbell or having limited access to any rooms or areas in the house.) Implement a schedule for the dog, with the baby being home in mind-vary exercise and feeding routines, designate quiet time for your dog daily in a crate or a safe zone with a favorite, safe chew item. Life is going to be hectic, teach your dog to cope with a schedule which will vary day to day.

Socialize, Socialize and Socialize The best way for a dog to become familiar with babies is to slowly expose them in a controlled environment, such as a friend with a 12

baby or small child that is willing to work with you and your dog. • Begin at a distance so your dog can observe the baby’s sounds, smells and movements. • Bring treats and reward the dog for quiet curiosity, practice simple obedience commands and reward. This will help the dog to establish a positive association for the baby. If at any time the dog becomes uncomfortable or fearful, move away and create a longer distance, do not correct. • As the dog becomes more comfortable and responds readily to commands move closer to the baby or child. • Continue this method until the dog and child can be in close proximity and the baby has become an ordinary event. • If your dog is not tolerant of small children or babies, is fearful in nature or becomes overly excited and hard to control or easily distracted seek the help of a trainer before attempting any of the above.

Coming Home

For a low stress homecoming, send dad or a familiar person home before mom and the baby arrive, to take the dog for a walk to release some energy and get some one on one attention before the baby comes home.

MetroPet Magazine | Kansas City - April 2015

Every baby like every person has a different smell. Prior to coming home, bring in a nursing blanket, hat or something the baby has worn or has been wrapped in and allow the dog to sniff and be somewhat familiar with the baby’s scent before coming home. When Mom comes home, have someone else carry the baby in and spend time greeting your dog. He has missed you and a little attention will go a long way. The best introductions are calm ones. When doing your introduction, remember your dog will feed off of your emotions. Acting nervous or excited will cause him to respond in the same way. Talk to him in a low-keyed, soothing voice, stay calm and remember everything you have worked on the last few months to help make this moment is special one. Visitors are excited to see the baby and the environment may seem chaotic to the dog, have a special chew toy on hand and a quiet spot to help him relieve any stress. If your dog thrives around company, remember to implement all the manners and behaviors which you have worked so hard on. Keep in mind, the most social dog will need a break.

Keep Moving Forward

• S pend as much time with your dog as possible. •M aintain the dog’s needed outlet for exercise. A lack of time does

not mean he needs less activity to remain calm and well behaved. • If someone offers to help out, take them up on it and have them walk the dog. • Give your dog down time every day. • Remember, it is perfectly natural for your dog to feel a little left out when there’s a new arrival, but you can easily reassure your dog that she hasn’t been displaced in your affections.

For consideration

and child or children should be one of mutual trust and respect. Dogs can provide and teach many positive things to kids as well as being a treasured friend with a helping hand from the adults in the family.

In conclusion

In the end, my husband, our dogs and I all managed to get through our son’s growing up years in one piece. It wasn’t always easy and there were definitely more than a few stressful moments, however, we worked hard to prepare and the final outcome has been worth all of the effort put forth.

If you have recently found out you are having a baby and do not currently have a dog in the home-now is NOT the time to add a dog to your family. As discussed in this Mary Sellaro has been training dogs since 1990. She has taught group and private article, life is going to change and it isn’t fair to take on lessons from puppy through advanced. the added responsibility of a pet only to find out that a Mary has also worked with dog owners baby and dog is too much work. The best time to add a on behavioral issues, including aggression. dog can vary; however I suggest waiting until your child She developed and implemented a training class program for Retired Greyhounds as is at least 5 years old and will be able to understand how Pets. Mary has been the temperament test evaluator for the to be respectful and share in the care of the dog. In general, the age of a child and the attitude of the parents are determining factors of whether or not to have a dog is a good choice. It is important to remember a dog is not a pony, a trampoline, a toy or a babysitter. It is not up to the dog to teach a child responsibility-this is the parent’s duty. As the child gets older, they may become busy and lose interest in a dog. If this is the case, the dog will still need love, time, and attention, exercise, to be fed and let out on a daily basis. If the parents aren’t willing to step in as caregivers, the best choice is not to have a dog. When a dog is given up for a lack of time or interest, the parents are giving the child the impression that dogs are disposable. This is an example which is best not learned. The relationship between a dog | Kansas City - April 2015

Children’s Mercy Hospital’s Pet Pal Program since 1997. Mary is now the Director of Training for Pooches Paradise Daycare and Resort in the Waldo area of Kansas City. Mary is a certified American Kennel Club Canine Good Citizen Evaluator. She can be reached at 816-361-3388.


Puppy Socialization How and Why! Part 2 of 3

by Mike Deathe If you had an 8-10 week old puppy and you read last month’s article, hopefully you have been diligently working on the people socialization list. Not only have you introduced your pup to all the folks on the list, you have allowed Fido to interact with all those folks and included food and treats as a way to associate everyone with positive, not scary, encounters – and fun! You now have a 13-14 week puppy that loves people, but you cannot stop there! The next stage is to introduce the ideas of a soft mouth and socialization from a places and things viewpoint. This developmental stage lasts until about 18 weeks of age, so you have about one month to get this next level of training and socialization done. Keep in mind if you have an older dog it does not mean you and your dog are lost causes. Rather it means you missed the opportunity to shape personality and will have to work on changing behaviors using replacement behaviors and rewards to see change. Any certified trainer should be able to help you if you need it.

Soft Mouth and Hand Feeding

We want to make sure that Fido understands • That he is not allowed to bite the hand that feeds him. • That he needs you to get the things he wants. 14

MetroPet Magazine | Kansas City - April 2015

• •

That being patient will get him what he wants. That the first priority is to pay attention.

For the next 30 days, you need to hand feed your pup. I don’t mean handfuls of food. I mean actually one piece of kibble at a time, from your hand to Fido’s mouth. You will focus on two basic commands or cues: • EZ or Gentle — just teaching Fido to take the food nice and to quit “Land Sharking” fingers. When Fido lunges, simple pull your hand back and quietly and calmly say “EZ” or “Gentle,” and try again. In no time Fido will realize if he approaches the hand, the slower and calmer he is, the more food you will give him! • Wait & Take — this one comes after you get EZ or Gentle working and now you up the ante. You ask Fido to “Wait.” Wait is nothing more than a couple of seconds pause before you tell Fido to go ahead and “Take It.” Mastering this one will teach Fido that he needs to have both patience and impulse control to get what he wants. Now, while you are Hand Feeding (I would split the feeding to half in the morning and half for dinner), you will have to continue the socialization work from Part 1, but, instead of people, we are going to focus on places and things.

To be clear: while we are moving on to places and things, we will not quit working with people. You need to be continuing that work for at least the next several months of your pooche’s life if not forever. Let’s face it we all want happy healthy dogs that love people and that takes work!

Getting Started with Places!

You also need to expose your pup to a number of different events, including the following. • Dog Training Facilities/ Locations • Sporting Events • Birthday Parties • Holiday celebrations • Church/Civic Center Social Events • School Events • Inside and riding in car • Inside and riding in boat • Drive through at banks and restaurants


These are the places you are going to need to take Fido as he grows up. We want to start making short, positive trips to these places. Just go and have several people give out treats and interact with your pup. In no time you will have covered all these locations and Fido will love them all. Remember whether it is through you, or people in the environments, give plenty of tasty treats to associate with fun! • Veterinarian • Boarding Kennel • Groomer • Daycare • Pet Shop/Store • Schools • Playgrounds • Parks • Suburban Neighborhood • Residential Streets • Woods • High Traffic Area (downtown) • Parking lots • Inside Dog Friendly Businesses • Dog friendly events (trials, dog and jog, pool closings and such)


Remember, if possible, keep your pup in your arms, not on the ground, so he can experience these places positively. And, remember keep the pup safe until fully vaccinated! | Kansas City - April 2015



As weird as this sounds, dogs get accustomed to what they experience on a regular basis so if you have a dog who has spent his entire life on grass and you take him somewhere with slippery linoleum, you can about guarantee he is going to freak out! So there are plenty of field trips to places with different surfaces where you can take your pup. Below is a short list of these places. Again, take treats and have your pup interact with fun people! • Dirt • Grass • Gravel • Asphalt • Sand • Tile • Concrete • Granite or Marble • Slick surfaces • Puddles or just wet • Carpet • Metal • Something a dog can see through (glass or grating) • Stairs • Escalators • Elevators • Wood

Visuals and Noises

these things are actually fun, then he won’t freak out later on. Keep your experiences short and positive! If you see a fear reaction, simply allow Fido to move away until he is comfortable and allow him plenty of time to adjust. Remember, if you force Fido to experience something he is not ready for, you may make him fearful of that item for his entire life. • Sirens • Car Horns - Traffic • Thunderstorms • Fairs and Festivals • Wheel Chairs • Walkers • Crutches • Bikes • Skateboards • Radios and Music • Cell Phones and Ringers • Cars • Motorcycles • Doorbells • Knocking on doors • Trucks (Big and Small) • Buses • Rollerblades • Garbage cans • Shopping carts • Baby Strollers • Pots and pans • Blankets

This next list includes visuals and noises that can freak out dogs. We are going to focus on introducing these things, one at a time, to Fido as a pup with fun (game of fetch, chase) or treats. If Fido learns early on that 16

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• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

and sheets (being shaken out, folded, and just the item) Brooms Hand and full size power tools Brooms Balloons Umbrellas Plastic bags shopping and trash (moving and just there) Barking dogs Burning wood Crying babies Blow up displays Full wall mirrors Nerf or water guns Vacuum Stairs Hula hoops Gym equipment TV Clapping (applause) Yelling and shouting (sporting events) Dropping pots and pans Leaves blowing in the wind Rain, Snow & all other kinds of weather Garage doors and openers


While this one might seem a little weird, smelling is Fido’s strongest sense and from that standpoint, his biggest distraction. So if we can focus, as a pup, that we need to pay attention to Mom or Dad when these smells are around, your life with a juvenile or adolescent Fido will be way easier. My suggestion is working lots of hand feeding with Fido in the presences of these smells! • Pizza

• • • • • • • • • • • • • •

BBQ/Grilling Kitchen cooking Food courts and restaurants (outdoor or allowed) Car and Truck exhaust Gasoline and fumes Paint Rubbing Alcohol Dog Food other than yours Something Rotten Cleaning Supplies Deodorizing sprays Candles Baby stuff (wipes diapers ointments) Perfume/cologne


Equipment is a commonly forgotten socialization step with dogs. It is important to get them used to all sorts of different apparatus that they might encounter as an adult dog. Simple having these things around while feeding your pup by hand can pay huge dividends. You just never know what kind of stuff your dog might need to use or clothing humans might wear. A pup that is used to being touched and manipulated by humans, and likes it, is a dog with a bright future. • Buckle or quick release collar • Harness • Leash • Crate • Vest • Cooling Coat • Muzzles • Exercise Pen • Tie outs and tethers • Boots if necessary in your neck of the woods

Other Animals

Lastly introducing your pup to other animals is critical to having a well-balanced dog. Not only do they need to deal with other animals from a paying attention to you standpoint, but they might some day be asked to live with one of the animals on this list. Introductions need to be short and under control. Ten super short | Kansas City - April 2015

interactions under control are way better than one long interaction that results in overstimulation or not paying attention. • Small critters (squirrels and rabbits) • Small animals, pets (hamsters, gerbils and ferrets) • Birds (wild and pet) • Cats • Farm Animals • Geese and ducks • Reptiles • Huge dogs • Tiny dogs While these steps might seem to be common sense and easy, the socialization process can be frustrating and having a professional to help and ask questions can be a huge. Don’t hesitate to call a professional dog trainer if you need help. Remember you only get one chance to socialize your pup, so do it right! The next and final article will be about how to set Rules and Routines in your home. After that you will be ready for your first Group class.

Mike Deathe is an avid pet lover who found his passion as a dog trainer. Since 2008 he has trained thousands of pet parents on how to live with their companion animals. He writes the Keep It Simple Stupid dog blog (K.I.S.S). Deathe authored The Book of Pee and Poop, and Forever Home — Dog 101 and How to be a Better Shelter Volunteer. Follow Deathe’s blog at @http:// or the website @


Help is a FourLegged Word By Lisa Rickards

Assistance Dog Etiquette You’ve seen them and have admired their calm, confident nature and ability to focus on their job despite surrounding distractions. They are assistance dogs*— dogs that are highly trained and use specific skills to assist a person with a disability. Their partners cherish their intelligence, love and devotion and are always ready to give a hearty “good dog” whenever a task is accomplished. But, how did these beautiful dogs get to this point?

•D on’t touch the dog without asking permission first! •N ever feed the dog. • S peak to the person, not the dog. Most handlers do not mind talking about their dog if they have the time. •D o not whistle or make sounds to the dog. •N ever make assumptions about the individual’s intelligence, feelings or capabilities. Offers of help are appreciated, but ask first. Usually, the human/dog team can get the task done by themselves.

They say it takes a village to raise a child, and the same can be said of raising assistance dogs. There are various organizations that provide assistance dogs, and they generally have many similarities. The Kansas City chapter of Canine Companions for Independence® has been involved in the process for over 15 years. They are a village of good-hearted individuals with a passion for people with disabilities and dogs, with a goal of helping Canine Companions for Independence fulfill its mission of enhancing the lives of people with disabilities by providing highly trained assistance dogs and ongoing support to ensure quality partnerships at a local level on a daily basis. It is comprised of volunteers, puppy raisers, graduates, and supporters. Each of them striving to help each other and their dogs to be as successful as possible. Canine Companions for Independence is the nation’s first and largest non-profit provider of assistance dogs for children, adults and veterans with disabilities. They have an exceptional breeding program utilizing advanced technology. They breed Labrador retrievers, golden retrievers and crosses of the two. Puppies are whelped in breeder caretaker homes where they are given great care and gently introduced to people, sounds, and smells. At eight weeks of age, the puppies are sent to be with their volunteer puppy raisers where they will stay till they are 15-20 months of age. Puppy raisers give a safe home, take them to obedience classes,


MetroPet Magazine | Kansas City - April 2015

feed a healthy diet and provide socialization opportunities while showering the puppy with lots of love. After the puppy raiser returns the dog to Canine Companions, the dogs are screened, undergoing x-rays and medical tests as well as tests to evaluate their temperaments. Some dogs are released at this point for medical or temperament issues. Others continue into training. The first semester lasts three months and is spent reviewing and building on the basic obedience commands the dogs learned as puppies. It is during this semester the dogs begin working around wheelchairs and learning the retrieve sequence.

to see if they truly have what it takes to be a Canine Companions assistance dog. Those that do prepare for Team Training, where they are paired with a recipient and both human and dog are trained to work together. Typically the dogs are capable of working for eight to ten years after being matched. Canine Companions also has a comprehensive follow-up program which ensures the ongoing success of its working teams. From birth through retirement, a Canine Companions assistance dog is valued at over $50,000 – however they are provided to those who qualify, free of charge.

How to get involved: Volunteer: Be a part of the Kansas City chapter.

Website: Facebook: Canine Companions - Kansas City Chapter

Email: Awareness: Schedule a presentation for your group

Donate: Contact:

Canine Companions for Independence 2965 Dutton Avenue, Santa Rosa, CA 572-BARK (2275) •

*Emotional Support Dogs are not covered by the The second three-month semester Americans with Disabilities Act finishes the commands the dogs and therefore do will need to know. They learn not have public over 40 commands and practice working in different environments access and are proofing their skills for proficiency. not considered Throughout their time in Advanced assistance dogs. Training, the dogs are screened Lisa is a graphic designer by profession, but her true passion lies in raising future assistance dogs for people with disabilities. She is currently raising her seventh puppy, Liza, who heads off to Advanced Training in May. She plans to welcome puppy number eight into her home sometime this summer. Lisa loves the mission of Canine Companions for Independence and admires the way they match dogs so perfectly with their forever person. She also appreciates the professionalism of all the staff and has enjoyed the numerous friendships she has developed with other volunteers and graduates within the organization. Her favorite part of being a volunteer puppy raiser is working on the dog’s skills and socialization. | Kansas City - April 2015



For the Love of Your Pets! by Eliza Cantlay

A cluttered home is an obvious bummer for people: a mess makes it almost impossible to entertain, work productively or complete a project. It strains relationships and steals time and energy from the things that matter most, whether it’s spending time with our families or enjoying a favorite hobby. Excessive clutter is also a major health hazard. Pets are no different. Here are four dangers that household clutter poses to our furry pals, with effective solutions:

The Problem:

Dust. The more things we own, the more surface areas that beckon the dust to collect. If your pet shows signs of respiratory issues, then dust, mold or mildew could be the culprit, and clutter only encourages all three.

The Solution:

Cleaning regularly helps, but gets repetitive


MetroPet Magazine | Kansas City - April 2015

or expensive. The permanent solution for keeping dust away? Own less stuff! Gather your family or housemates, grab several large trash bags for garbage, recycling and donation and challenge yourself to get rid of as much as you can. Pets have the inability (ie, luxury) of not projecting meaning onto stuff, so no need to ask Fido’s permission to let it all go — All Fido cares about is you! You will still need to dust occasionally, but eliminating clutter will reduce your housework by a whopping 40%, leaving far more time for snuggling, play time, and all of the things that make having pets enjoyable in the first place.

The Problem:

Piles and stacks, and the possibility that they might topple and hurt a pet. You don’t need to be a diagnosed hoarder to have a few precarious piles around your home. Paper is individually light, but can be harmful and even deadly in numbers if it avalanches.

The Solution:

Never treat a horizontal surface as a container! Tame those piles by investing an hour or two in setting up a paper filing system. Here are more tips to eliminate piling papers: • Take 30 seconds to join the National Do Not Mail registry and watch those unwanted junk mailings dwindle. It’s free and secure to sign up: www. • iPhone users can download the free PaperKarma app to eliminate catalogues. • Going paperless can be daunting to set up with all of the bills we need to keep up with, but going digital one bill per day is easy. Online bill pay is actually more secure than the old fashioned snail mail way.

with similar purposes should live with each other. Office supplies belong together, as do gift wrapping tools, as do mail aids (stamps, envelopes and address labels, etc). • I s this a dangerous item? If the item is sharp or toxic, place up high or in a pet proof drawer. Once everything is tucked away into an appropriate home, the opportunities for pets to get hurt by rogue clutter are rare!

The Problem:

Depression. Animals can feel just as imprisoned as

The Problem:

Hidden dangerous objects amid the clutter piles, like an unsheathed knife on a kitchen counter or a bottle of household cleaner on the floor, can hurt a curious cat or dog.

The Solution:

We organizers love the expression “A place for everything, and everything in its place.” Assign every single item a home, by determining the following criteria: • How often do I use this? If often, put it between eye level to your navel, if we’re talking about a drawer or shelving system. If rarely, put it down low or very high. • When/how do I use this? One of my organizing favorites is “stash like with like,” meaning that items

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we do in the midst of a cluttered home. Pets that live in unblocked homes will live longer and happier lives, and we’ve all heard the statistic that we live longer and happier lives when we own a pet.

The Solution:

Some people blow a fortune on flashy containers to corral clutter, but what we all really need here is to simply declutter. When there is space for fresh air and crisp energy to circulate throughout our homes, we feel better. When we dismiss what no longer serves us, we create room for good things to


MetroPet Magazine | Kansas City - April 2015

fill the space- and by things I don’t mean more stuff: I mean space for tails to wag and unsuspecting red laser beams to be pounced on (your cat will love you). So turn on some motivational music and start letting go of everything holding you and your pets back from a healthy, happy house! Not sure where to begin? One option might be to hire a certified professional organizer (CPO). These individuals can help you get a jumpstart on your organizing project! They understand the hardest part is getting started. Let them make it easy! Your pet will thank you.

Certified professional organizer Eliza Cantlay founded Simplicana in 2010 to help her simplify their homes, offices, email inboxes and more. This Jersey girl (no accent) moved to Kansas City in 2012. Traveling in 28 countries on five continents, plus five years of coaching clients to ditch their clutter led Eliza to embrace a life of simplicity (she is very proud of the fact that she only owns 2 pairs of pants). Eliza’s work was recently featured on the Steve Harvey Show, and she regularly shares organizing tips on Fox 4 and KCTV5; she especially loves to speak to groups about being more with less. Forget the dressy organizers you’ve seen on TV — Eliza will show up on your doorstep in jeans with a sense of humor and a plan of attack! You can reach Eliza Cantlay, CPO, Owner of Simplicana, LLC at 913-815-0008 or or visit her website at

Midwest Pet Aquamation April – Earth Day by Abby Janes

Midwest Pet Aquamation opened in the late fall of 2014 as Kansas City’s first “green” Pet Cremation service provider. Located in Western Shawnee, KS in Johnson County, the company is the first to offer an eco-friendly alternative to traditional after-life pet care options. Owners, Joel and Abby Janes are proud to be able to offer their customers an alternative after-life option for area families who want to honor their pet and the environment.

What is Aquamation?

Aquamation also known as Alkaline Hydrolysis, uses the natural process of water and alkaline salts to reduce the body, like flame based pet cremation, to a basic element of bone ash. Aquamation is much like the process would naturally undergo after burial, only accelerated to less than 24 hours in a quiet, peaceful, and controlled environment. After the aquamation process has completed, the bone ash can be returned to the family and placed in an urn, buried, or spread in your animal’s favorite locations.

What are the benefits of Aquamation over traditional methods?

• It reduces the use of nonrenewable energy by 90% • It reduces the carbon dioxide emissions by 100% • It uses 66% less electricity • It returns 20% more remains (bone ash) to the family • The process is so gentle it can be used for the smallest of pets

Who uses Aquamation?

In the last 20 years there have been advances with the technology

making it a process that could be utilized by the general public. It has been used successfully for several years internationally and domestically for both humans and animals. Many institutions have alkaline hydrolysis machinery and utilize the technology including: the Mayo Clinic, The US Government, and locally, Kansas State University. who obtained their alkaline hydrolysis machine in 2005 for use in their Biosecurity Research Institute (BRI).

How do I use Aquamation for my Pet? Midwest Pet Aquamation is open and available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We are available evenings, nights, and weekends at no additional cost. We are accessible when needed the most. You can arrange a pickup at your home, at your veterinary office, or you can come into our Shawnee office. Someone is always available to assist you with any questions you have. Appointments can be made for pickup at any local veterinary office by calling our office. We will make all proper arrangements with the veterinary office on your behalf.

Why did you open an “EcoFriendly” Business?

Many years ago Owner, Joel, became a hobbyist beekeeper. For several years he worked and tried to save hives, but the bees kept dying. Joel has seen firsthand the negative effects our actions as humans have had on our environment and to an insect that has existed since the beginning of time. When opening up a new business we wanted to ensure that our impact on the environment | Kansas City - April 2015

was as minimal as possible. We understood that you could honor your pet and the environment, you didn’t have to choose. Midwest Pet Aquamation is honored to be able to assist you and your family with your Pet AfterLife Care. Dealing with a loss of a beloved pet can be stressful and we want to help you walk through the process. Please email or call our office anytime with questions or call our office to arrange an appointment. Check out our informational video online on our website, it describes the entire aquamation process in detail.

Midwest Pet Aquamation is a family owned and operated business in Shawnee Kansas serving the Kansas City Metro Area. Joel and Abby have called Shawnee home for over 10 years and are happy to be able to operate a business in their local community. They are blessed with two amazing children that have taught them many things including there is ALWAYS a better way of doing things. The kids love helping out with the family bee business and are our “little beekeepers”! In addition to all the bees, they have an ornery 10 year old brussels griffon, Buddy, and lots and lots of fish! The Janes’ family loves nature and try to spend as much time as possible playing and having fun outside. For more information, please visit the website at www. 23

Meet the Breed

April Pet of the Month

The Domesticated/ American Short Hair Cat There are so many various cat breeds, it is all very confusing. The American/Domesticated cat is known as the cat of many colors. There are over eighty different colors and color patterns. They can range from white to brown tabby to glistening blue-eyed white, calico and many other colored pattern combinations. The American has made its mark in the cat fancy. The most popular and widely recognized color and pattern is the silver classic tabby with dense black markings on a sparkling silver background. The Domesticated Short Hair is commonly referred to as the American Shorthair which is a natural breed of cat. A domestic short-haired cat is a cat of mixed ancestry. When settlers sailed from Europe to North America, they carried cats on board their ships to protect the food from mice. Many of these cats landed in the New World, interbred, and developed special characteristics to help them cope with their new life and climate. Early in the 20th century, a selective breeding program was established to develop the best qualities of these cats. Through years of selective breeding programs this breed has developed into one of America’s favorite cat breeds. In the early 1960’s after the breed was renamed to the American Shorthair this cat breed started to make a name for itself at cat shows. In the 1900’s in cat exhibitions, shorthair cats were known as Domestic Shorthairs.


MetroPet Magazine | Kansas City - April 2015

When a silver classic tabby won the title of Cat of the Year, the name was changed to American Shorthair. So there you have a short version of the evolution of this breed. What makes this breed so remarkably popular is it’s personality. They are especially very tolerant of children. They are loyal, easy-going and take things in their stride. They are also intelligent, playful and curious. They are not known to be overly demanding, but they do love to sit in your lap at their own choice. This cat breed is the perfect companion for every kind of person as they tend to adapt to their people and their surroundings. They are suited to living in either a big house or in a smaller apartment. They are generally a medium sized cat with a body that is firm and muscular. As the name suggests, the hair is short and comes in a variety of colors and patterns – almost any color that you can imagine. This short coat and color of the cat affects the texture of the coat, which can be hard or soft in texture but is silky and lustrous. The coat does not require a lot of grooming. Most if not all cats will shed. This breed is no exception. Shedding can be kept to a minimum by daily brushing and at

least a good brushing weekly to reduce shedding. A very good grooming tool used by those who show and breed cats is a chamois – just like the one you use to wash your car. When purchasing one for an animal, be certain it is not treated with soap or any other chemicals. Wiping the coat with the chamois pulls out lose hair, cleans the coat, and adds sheen to the coat. They are generally strong and sturdy with virtually no known health issues.

With proper care, food, veterinary visits and spaying/neutering your cat you should be able to enjoy their place in your family for many years to come. Most well cared for indoor cats will live 15 to 20 years. For more information visit:

This is a very adaptable breed. They travel well, and often thrive on visiting various, new and interesting places. It is best to start travel experiences at an early age. It is also beneficial to introduce a kitten to travel in the company of an older, more experienced cat. Start with short trips around the block, visits to the vet just for a treat and as many short trips as possible, well in advance of its first long trip to a show or the veterinarian. Keep the trips separate, calm and fun. It is especially important not to have trips to the vet be the cat’s only travel experience. Please remember your cat will make a better companion if he/she is spayed or neutered at the appropriate age. Cats can and will escape to find a potential partner when in season regardless of how nice a home they have or how strong the bond. Males should always be neutered as a deterant to wandering, spraying to mark territory and a host of other issues than develop. The males are larger than the females. | Kansas City - April 2015


The Next Adventures of Chip

CLEANLINESS by Heddie Leger

Recap from March, 2015: Yes, there are physical therapists that specialize in treating animals. My first session is coming up next month, and we will start in the hot tub with bubbly water. The therapist says I will wear a vest that will make me float so I will not drown. I don’t think Allen and Penelope, nor Stephanie or Robert would let me drown anyway and they will be there every step of the way….or should I say every roll of the wheel. Onward and upward…..Dog Scouts here we come….Missouri 360 here we come….look out world.

We are at the physical therapist’s office. It is neat and tidy. It makes me feel calm just to come in here….even if I did have to be carried in by my friends. They said, “that is what friends are for.” The therapist is about the age of Robert and Stephanie. She has some wrinkles, but mostly they look like happy lines on her face. She is smiling at me and showing us around. Allen’s arms were starting to get tired and he asked the therapist if he could put me down somewhere. There is a table with some towels neatly folded on it (they smell very good, fresh and clean) and the table is firm, but has a very soft, fuzzy feeling cover on it that kind of tickles my paws. “WAIT, did I say, TICKLES my paws…..that must be a good sign.

read my mind, as she turned off the motor that makes the bubbles and told me she just wanted me to see it and hear it. She did not turn it back on. BUT, she did show me the vest I was going to wear. I guess this will be okay and safe enough. The water smelled good and looked clean. No other doggy hair in it and no dirt.

Allen and Penelope were joking around and Allen was acting like he was going to push Penelope in the pool. They were trying to make me feel better, but it did not work. I was shivering and shaking I was so scared. WAIT….did I say SHIVERING and SHAKING…..that must be okay, things are starting to work. So I sat real still while the therapist moved my legs and massaged my I am bit nervous about getting into the big round back, sides, neck, shoulders, chest, legs and paws. She bathtub she calls her therapeutic pool. The bubbles scare covered every inch of my body including my head an me more than ears. She called anything. She it a total body, Cleanliness - the state of being free from dirt or unwanted matter. must have holistic healing 26

MetroPet Magazine | Kansas City - April 2015

“A person might be an expert in any field of knowledge or a master of many material skills and accomplishments. But without inner cleanliness his brain is a desert waste.” “There is a strange glow on the face of a guileless person. Inner cleanliness has its own soap and water - the soap of strong faith and the water of constant practice.” ~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba quotes (Indian Spiritual leader, 1926) “Mrs. Joe was a very clean housekeeper, but had an exquisite art of making her cleanliness more uncomfortable and unacceptable than dirt itself.” ~ Charles Dickens

massage. I actually felt so relaxed and tingly, I was ready for anything she might do. She said this time she was just going to put the vest on me and place me in the water, and not turn on the bubble maker. She was true to her word. The water was warm and felt really good. She did the entire massage routine again in the water, but this time she moved my legs a little bit more since I was floating.

more excited and interested I became. Before I knew it our physical therapy session was over and I did not have one bit of pain or discomfort. I am beginning to believe…..

I think I am going to like this. Allen and Penelope were talking about Dog Scouts and how they were going to take me to camp. I wondered if I would be ready in three months, but they were sure I would be. Besides they had contacted the Director and made special arrangements for me and my wheelchair. So who was I to argue? The first badge we are going to achieve they said was called the Dog Scout Certification Badge. It sounded scary and hard to do, but they were confident we could do it. So who was I to argue? The Dog Scout Certification Badge is the first of many. You have to earn it first in order to qualify for other badges. The more they talked about it, the | Kansas City - April 2015


Story Discussion Tips • Describe the office of the physical therapist? • How did Chip feel going into the physical therapist’s office? • How did Allen and Penelope get Chip into the office? • What did the physical therapist do to make Chip feel better? • What did Chip have to wear when he went into the therapeutic pool? • What is it that scared Chip the most about getting into the pool? • What is the first certification called that Chip must attain to become a Dog Scout? • Where will Allen and Penelope be taking Chip to earn the certification badge? • Did Chip feel any discomfort or pain during his therapy session? • What is Chip beginning to do in the end of the episode?

Humane Education Activity: Think about your room. How do you keep your room? Is it neat and tidy, cluttery and disorganized, or downright need a total overhaul? We are all different on the inside and the outside. Consider how your mind is. Do you think positive and encouraging thoughts most of the time or are you always critical and judging yourself and others? There are many types and levels of cleanliness. Take some action steps to clean up some area of your life. What will you do first?

Heddie is a Certified Humane Educator and member of APDT, APLB, APHE and NHES. She has a lifelong passion of helping children and the elderly learn manners reinforcement with their pets. You can reach her through the PawZone In-Home PetSitting at 816.820.5829. 28

MetroPet Magazine | Kansas City - April 2015

MetroPet Magazine | St. Louis - February 2014

Protecting Myself and My Pet by Scott Coffman

So you have a pet, and you take your pet to doggy day care, a pet salon, indoor dog park, etc? But what happens if something happens? Do you know the right questions to ask the business owner? Here are just a few questions and the answers you will want to hear.

The first option is through the property part of the business’s commercial policy. This is Q. Why is it important for a pet business to have done through insurance? an endorsement A. When a pet business carries insurance, it tells the called Animal consumer they are serious about their craft. The ones that Bailee coverage don’t carry insurance appear smaller and less professional. or an Animal Floater. This Q. What is the different between businesses that carries normally is added to a policy, with a value that covers the insurance vs. ones which doesn’t have insurance? A. Pet animals under the business’s care. Animal Bailee coverage businesses need to have insurance to protect them in the is designed to protect the business, in the event that an event of an injury or death of a pet in their care. Society animal should sustain injuries or become sick while in the has become very litigious and will sue over any number of care/custody of the business. things. The second approach is more comprehensive. It is Q. What types of insurance should the pet business through a form of liability called Errors and Omissions carry? or Professional liability. This is usually more expensive, A. Pet businesses should carry general liability, but also more thorough. Professional liability insurance is professional liability, and animal bailee coverage. They designed to protect the business in the event that you are should carry coverages that are common to businesses sued for failing to correctly render a service. Professional such as slip and fall coverage, product liability coverage, Liability policies are often excluded from general liability etc. The most common claims arise out of injury or worse, policies, so make sure that you ask for this coverage while in the care of the business. These kinds of damages specifically. are covered under the professional liability or bailee coverage. These coverages are endorsements that need Scott Coffman has been to be added to a policy. It is common to ask for proof of in the insurance business coverage, to be sure these coverages are carried to ensure since 1993. He and his your pet is protected. wife Sara, also his partner at the agency, own Auto Q. How does business coverage protect me and my pet? Home Insurance Group (AH A. If something happens to your pet while in the care of Insurance). AH Insurance is a pet business, their insurance will pay for any injury, or an independent insurance in the worst case, the death of your pet. agency, specializing in auto, home, business, workers compensation, life and health Q. What happens if my dog in injured while in the care/ insurance. Our experienced staff members are always custody of the business? happy to help you with your insurance needs. Each staff member is a licensed insurance agent. If you A. There are two ways to address the injury or death of need personal insurance, or if your pet business has an a dog while it is in the care/custody of a business. Both insurance need, please call 913-839-1478 or visit the options can provide the pet owner with peace of mind website at because they know their furry friend is protected. | Kansas City - April 2015


Chip’s Corner


by Pawlean Journe

Answers to this Pawzzle can be found in the Breed of the Month story on page 24. 30

MetroPet Magazine | Kansas City - April 2015


Most cats will ______________.

4. Another endearing trait of this breed is that they are ______________. 8. Now many different colors and patterns does this breed possess? 9. They _____________ readily to different people and surroundings. 11. This cat likes to _________________. 13. Cats on board ships were used to protect food from these mammals.

DOWN 1. They are generally strong and sturdy with no known ________ issues. 3.

It is one of America’s ______________ cat breeds.

16. The American Cat is also known as the ________________ cat. 19. Males are usually ___________ than females. 20. As the name implies, their coat is _____________. 21. An item that is good for grooming a cat. 22. This surgical process will help keep male cats from roaming and spraying to mark territory. 23. This breed is of mixed _____________________. 24. The most popular color is silver classic tabby with dense black _____________, 26. To get them started begin with short ____________.

18. In the early1960s thir breed was renamed the American _____________. 25. It is important to _________ female cats to keep them from reproducing.

5. They are considered a _____________ sized cat. 6.

March Pawzzle Answers

Another color pattern variation.

7. The coat does not required a lot of ___________. 10. What makes this breed so remarkable is it’s _______________. 12. Well cared for _____________ cats can live 15 to 20 years. 14. They are especially tolerant of ____________. 15. They are affectional without being overly ________, 17. They range from blue-eyed white to brown ______________. | Kansas City - April 2015


New Listing in Blue

Pet Services Directory


Boarding & Daycare - Con’t

Great Plains SPCA 913-742-7326

Great Plains SPCA’s mission is to save, protect and improve the lives of animals, while strengthening the relationship between pets and human companions. Locations in Merriam, KS, and Independence, MO, offer veterinary care, adoption, rescue and education programs.

Pooches in Paradise 7200 Wyandotte Kansas City, MO 816-361-3388

Pooches Paradise was created with your dogs needs in mind. We are dedicated to offering the finest in boarding, daycare, obedience training and spa treatments. Visit us at our mid-town location one block Second Chance off Wornall, on 72nd Street.

Pet Adoptions SCPAKC


Tails R’ Waggin

13008 State Line Road Leawood, KS • 913.498.1397 Peculiar, MO • 816.984.5481 Best Friends Pet is a full service salon with professional, gentle, caring pet stylists. Call us today! Leawood: Tues open at 7:30 am, Wed-Sat open at 9:00. Peculiar: Sat 9-4 20614 W 47th Street Shawnee, KS 913-441-5026

Tails R’ Waggin provides the finest daycare, boarding, grooming and training for your pet found. We are your pet’s destination of choice to play, stay and be treated like one of the family. Come by for a tour today!

Carpet Cleaning

Best Friends Pet

Broadmore Kennels

6976 W 152nd Terrace Overland Park, KS 913-685-9246

Second Chance Pet Adoptions

is a NO-Kill foster home adoption organization dedicated to helping homeless animals find loving, responsible, safe homes. Visit our center for adoptions and unique boutique items. We are open M, W, F, S. 9237 N Oak Kansas City, MO 64155 913-814-7471 •


Broadmore Kennels now offers grooming! Groomer Cynthia Resig has been grooming for over six years and has extensive experience with different breeds. Call her today for 20% off your first groom! Call for details!­

Bock’s Steam Star Insurance

Wayside Waifs 816-761-8151

waysidewaifs. org

Wayside Waifs is a charitable animal shelter whose purpose is to improve the quality of animal welfare in our community by providing humane treatment and advocating for companion animals. It offers rescue, adoption, education programs, and pet memorial services.

Boarding & Daycare

Camp Bow Wow, Lee’s Summit 1010 SE Hamblen Road Lee’s Summit, MO 816-246-7833 leessummit At Camp BowWow Lee’s Summit your pups reap the benefits of exercise and socialization while having lots of fun romping and playing with canine friends. 32

913-438-7767 •

Call today for a Free pet odor removal consultation/inspection. Bock’s Steam Star and their IICRC trained team of cleaning experts specialize in carpet, upholstery, tile/grout, area rugs, hard surface cleaning and pet odor removal.

Distribution - Pet and Garden American Midwest Distributors

110 W. 26th Ave, NKC, MO • • 816-842-1905 A local distributor which sells pet food (Earthborn Holistic and ProPac), bird seed and feeders, equine products, farm and feed supplies and fertilizers and garden supplies and many other products.

MetroPet Magazine | Kansas City - April 2015

Scott & Sara Coffman

Auto Home Insurance Group is an independent insurance agency specializing in auto, home, business, workers compensation, life and health insurance. Our experienced staff members are always happy to help you with your insurance needs. 913.839.1478 •

Pet Food, Supplies, Grooming Treats Unleashed 4209 West 119th St. Leawood, KS 913-451-2000 Treats Unleashed is a gourmet pet specialty store with an in-store bakery. It also offers a full line of pet supplies & food, a self-serve bath area & grooming services.

Pet Services

Midwest Pet Aquamation

Pet Fencing Options New Owners: Tim, Ann and Tyler Schoenfelder

A gentler eco-friendly alternative to pet cremation

23753 W. 83rd Terrace • Shawnee, KS 66227
 913-292-0953 •

Midwest Pet Aquamation understands that losing a pet companion is difficult. We want to help you through the process by providing professional, dependable, and eco-friendly pet cremation options. Our office is available 24/7 to all KC Metro area families and inhome pickup is available. Let us help you honor your pet with a peaceful cremation process. Please call us today.

913.345.2999 Established in 1988, Heart of America Invisible Fence is an authorized, full service Invisible Fence® Brand dealership serving Jackson and Johnson counties and surrounding areas. We offer solutions to many problems, both outside and inside. Learn more about how we can customize an Invisible Fence Brand solution for you and your pet. New Store 13342 Pawnee Lane Leawood, KS 66209

Rolling Acres Memorial Gardens

New Owners: Kevin and Kim Clark 816-522-2195 Invisible Fence of Kansas City Recommended by vets and installed by professionals, our customizable solutions will keep your pet happy and out of harm’s way in your home and yard. Your pets are family to us. That’s why our pet specialists are certified in our renowned Perfect Start™ Plus Pet Training methods. We serve Kansas City north the river, Lawrence and St. Joseph.

Serving the Kansas City area since 1973 Rolling Acres Memorial Gardens for Pets is a full service pet cemetery, crematory, and funeral home where our compassionate staff is ready to serve the bereaved families and friends of cherished animal companions. Our mission is to serve those who think of their pet as one of the family by providing compassionate, dignified and ethical cremation or burial services for their pet. Call us. We can help. 12200 N. Crooked Road • Kansas City, MO 816-891-8888 •

Real Estate Feel happy, centered, and productive in your space! Certified organizer Eliza Cantlay with Simplicana approaches clutter with humor and enthusiasm. Plus, she LOVES pets. The hardest part is getting started… Let Eliza Eliza Cantlay make it easy! P: 913-815-0008 •

Pet Sitting

Martin and Suzie Taggart Team REALExperience 913.667.9789

These full-time, pet-friendly real estate professionals (together with Sherman their rescue dog) enjoy helping pet-friendly people with their real estate experience! They understand selling a home with a pet & buying a home that is pet friendly can be challenging. Team REALExperience is here to help you & your pets with your move! Keller Williams Realty Legacy Partners, Inc.

Latchkey Pets In-home Pet Sitting and Dog Walking

816.529.8500 Latchkey Pets provides daytime dog walking and vacation pet sitting services to Lee’s Summit and the surrounding areas. We have a team of Insured and Bonded professionals ready to assist with your individual pet care needs. Check out our reviews on Angie’s List, Facebook and Yelp. Call today for a free in-home consultation.

Veterinarians Arbor Creek Animal Hospital 15971 S. Bradley Rd Olathe, KS • 913-764-9000

We believe that every pet has a different set of healthcare needs. Utilizing a blend of traditional medicine and holistic veterinary gives everyone options! | Kansas City - April 2015

Veterinarians - con’t Aid Animal Hospital 8343 Wornall Rd Kansas City, MO 816-363-4922 For 37 years, Aid Animal Hospital has provided quality veterinary medical & surgical services to Waldo and entire Kansas City area. We pride ourselves on quality customer service in a family friendly atmosphere, where your family can always feel welcome. Cat Clinic of Johnson County 9421 Pflumm Road Lenexa, KS 913-541-0478

A feline exclusive clinic! Your cat is an important part of your family and you want the best medical care available. Our team is ready to provide cutting edge care.

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Barbara 913.548.1433 OR Mike 913.269.7595 33

Dog First Aid Kit MEDICATIONS LIST – Please check with your Veterinarian before administering any drugs Baby or Low Dose Aspirin (DO NOT give Tylenol or Advil!) – Use to relieve minor aches and pains due to injury or arthritis Dosage: One adult tablet for each 50lbs of dog weight (once every 8 hours) Vaseline – for the nose. Apply and leave on overnight- then wipe with soft cloth. Desitin – Use for minor skin irritations, keeping skin folds dry, and minor sunburn Coagulant (styptic powder) – Use to stop bleeding caused by cutting into

the quick when trimming nails Antibiotic ointment Hydrogen peroxide – Use to induce vomiting or as a general antiseptic cleanser Dosage: 1 tsp. per 10lbs of dog weight, repeat once in 15 minutes if necessary (to induce vomiting) – Use a turkey baster to administer. Antidiarrheal (Kaopectate) – Use to treat diarrhea Dosage: 1sp for each 20lbs of dog every 4 hours Antiemetic (Pepto Bismol) – Use to control vomiting and diarrhea Dosage: 1 tsp. per 20lbs of dog weight every 4 hours Ipecac syrup – Use to induce vomiting Dosage: 1 tsp. per 5lbs of dog weight (try hydrogen peroxide first) Real Lemon or Juice from a Plastic Lemon – Use to clear phlegm from the a dog’s throat and ease breathing Dosage: squirt liberally into the back of throat


MetroPet Magazine | Kansas City - April 2015

Cough medicine (Triaminic) – Use to control cough and as expectorant Dosage: 1 tsp. per 20lbs of dog weight every 4-6 hours (short-term use only) Antiseptic solution Ophthalmic ointment (non-steroid) Antihistamine (Benadryl) – Use for allergic reactions and bee/wasp stings Dosage: 1 mg per 1lb of dog weight up to 50 mg FIRST AID EQUIPMENT LIST • Roll of 1” first aid tape • Cotton balls • Nail trimmers / dremel • 2”-3” gauze rolls • Blanket • Rectal thermometer • Ace bandage • S yringes (without needles) • Tefla pads • Blunt nose scissors • Tweezers

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