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Pollution Fact s

of the

re GeneraTion

Serving Size 1 Plastic Bottle (20 oz.) Servings Per Year 29,000,000,000

29 Billion

Total Bottles Used by US by Dancers

312 Million

Estimated Yearly Value*

Total Percentage by Dancers Per State (4 Towns) Per Town (10 Studios)

1.07% 6,240,000 1,560,000

156,000 Per Studio (250 Dancers) Bottles/yr Per Dancer 624 Per Week (4 Days of Class/Week) 12 Per Day 3 $936 Cost Per Year ($1.50/ bottle) *Percentage Yearly Values and estimates are based on plastic bottle consumption and waste in the US. Each year over 90% of water bottles end up as garbage. 17 million barrels of oil are used each year to make plastic water bottles for sale in the US. That’s enough to fuel more than 1,000 cars for an entire year! What it takes to produce a single plastic water bottle. What it takes to produce 1 dancer’s estimated bottle consumption. One Bottle 162 g Oil Carbon Dioxide (CO2) 100 g Water (H2O) 7 litter

One Dancer US Dancers 93,312 g 81,000,000 g 57,600 g 50,000,000 g 4,032 litter 3,500,000 litter

At $2.50 a liter, water is more expensive than gasoline! A metal water bottle not only saves the environment, but also your bank acount. In fact, in most parts of the country tap water is not only perfectly safe, but also more tightly regulated than bottled water.

ACT Movmnt urges you to join the refillable aluminium bottle Re:volution. Movmnt Magazine is launching a new campaign in partnership with dance studios, conventions, competitions, and festivals to help bring awareness to our daily habits that pollute the Earth. Habits that can easily be changed by each and every one of us.

As members of the artistic community, we have the duty to lead by example and stop using plastic bottles like kleenexes. We can refresh ourselves and recycle with one simple gesture: refill our own bottle.



Movmnt introduces re, an aluminium bottle that will not only save the environment, but also save you money. Log onto to get your own bottle and learn how you can get involved and join the re:generation movmnt.


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