rationale done

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How well does it meet the brief?

It meets the brief well as BBC3 have a wide mainstream audience and the Olympics is also very mainstream.

I do not see any reason to reject this topic in terms of meeting the brief

How well does it appeal to the target audience?

As the documentary is aimed towards the BBC3 target audience I feel that this topic idea will appeal to the audience being 16-24 as the Olympics is watched by mainly people throughout the world and more so now as the Olympics were just on. I believe that the age 16-24 will like this documentary as it is this age that are most active and may want to pursue a career in the Olympics. The only way it does not appeal to the full audience as it would relate more to dancers.

The only reason I feel that I should reject this topic as it may not favour to the whole audience as it is very dance related, so if you are not a dancer or don’t appreciate dance they may not like this programme.

How achievable is it given the timescale and your skill level?

I believe it is very achievable in the timescale as I can use actuality footage of past dance shows etc that I have copy right for so the filming of things will be much easier. I believe my skill level is very high of this topic because I come from the dance background and I also am currently looking to study a Pe teaching course which links to my knowledge of knowing about Pe and how dance is linked to it.

The reason I may reject this topic in terms of achieving the outcome would be literally getting footage from the Olympic sports that I could get copyright of.

How passionate are you about the topic

I am very passionate about this topic especially after watching the Olympics in London. This is not because I love sport and dance its mainly I don’t feel that dance is not taken as serious as it should and dancers are not appreciated enough as athletes. I also believe that dancers put blood, sweat and tears into their training just to put on a good show or for competing and this is not recognised like other sports, so as you can see I am very passionate about this topic.

There is not reason to reject the topic in terms of being passionate as I am very passionate about this topic.

What access to experts do you think you have?

On this particular topic I have a lot of access when it comes to dance experts i.e the pioneers on the UK dance scene.

The only reason I may reject this topic as I would fin it hard to get interviews with experts with9inj the Olympic committee.

Idea One

I will develop this idea as I am passionate about it and I feel it would be so easy to get sub topics of what to talk a bout and it would also be entertaining to watch as a documentary. Underneath I will give bullet points as to why I will develop this topic: -The Olympics has just happened at London, nice shots and footage can be taken -Dance was the open ceremony and was appreciated a lot but yet still is not seen in the Olympics. -I can easily arrange interviews with experts within dance as I have many links and because my dance teacher choreographed the open ceremony I could possible ask for links to speak to the Olympic committee - My last reason to as why I would develop this idea would be because I am passionate about the topic and will go to lengths to find out more information.

How well does it meet the brief?

This topic meets the brief well as their are already programmes like this on BBC3.

Their would be no reason to reject this topic as it meets the brief perfectly

How well does it appeal to the target audience?

It relates to the age range of the target range as it is about designer clothes and high street brands as it is this target audience that are mainly the people that buy ‘trending’ clothes and this programme will relate to their life when buying clothes which shows that they would want to understand the ethic and work of how these products are bad and the difference in prices.

I don’t see any reason why I should reject this topic as it falls straight into the target audience.

How achievable is it given the timescale and your skill level?

I believe this topic is only achievable to an extent because I will not physically have the money for the different outfits to compare them meaning I would have to try and find a different way to do so. My skill level of this topic is not very strong but as I am into learning about the fashion an d different prices within branding I will love to learn this is why making the documentary.

The reason I would reject this topic is the ability of being able to buy the products and compare them would be hard and this type of topic may not relate to the male audience that much.

How passionate are you about the topic

I am half and half about6 this topic as I would have to invest a lot into the topic as I would not know a lot about this topic and this shows how passionate I am which is not as strong as the first topic I had.

The reason I may reject this topic as I am not strongly passionate about this topic as it is not something I strongly myself feel the nee to develop into a documentary.

What access to experts do you think you have?

Unfortunately I do not have much access to experts in this field type but I’m sure I could get near to expert opinion on the topics from people that work in warehouses.

This would be a strong reason as to why I would reject the topic as I would find it hard to get expert interviews which could make the documentary bias to bone view.

I will reject this topic purely because of the amount of money needed and also not being able to get many experts to interview will lead the documentary being boring and not spilt opinions. Underneath I will bullet why I would reject this topic: -The first reason for rejecting this topic is because it is not very unique in terms of clothing , there are many documentaries like this already out there for example the Gok Wan stuff would be very similar. -My next reasoning for rejecting the topic would be the audience would be very narrow as not many boys or males care about what they wear and therefore might not wear something like this. -Another reasoning would be I would find it hard to compare the two brands from high-street to designer as it would cost me an awful lot of money to do this. -My last reasoning for my point would be, getting interview with experts although I have warehouses near by I do not have the links to talk to those who make the clothes .

How well does it meet the brief?

I think this topic will meet the brief a lot vas it is a very controversial topic at the moment with x factor just been on, I believe BBC3 viewers would find this topic interesting as I’m pretty sure one of these talent shows would relate to them and they would watch them.

Relating to how it meets the brief I would not see there any reason to why I should reject this topic as it is a very talked about topic.

How well does it appeal to the target audience?

This appeals to my target audience as it is the young people who watch these type of programmes as it is these shows i.e X factor that produces the new artists of today that young people watch, it would also relate to the target audience as most the information I would get would be through social networking sites i.e twitter which is what most young people use now a day.

Looking at the target audience in terms of age again there would not be any reason for me to reject this topic.

How achievable is it given the timescale and your skill level?

Looking at the time scale I think this topic could be done in the time it would just be hard to get the footage for it as lots of the footage from shows like x factor and Britain's got talent is private and I would not be able to receive the footage. My skill of this topic is limited as I only know about what I’ve hear therefore I would have to o a lot of research.

The main reason I would reject this topic is mainly use to not being able to get real footage from the live shows i.e things that can back up my point for example when on x factor we saw one of the producers whisper in Louis ear.

How passionate are you about the topic

I am very passionate about this topic as people spend money on voting for who they want to win and yet the programme may be fixe which is not fair on viewers and I would really like to look into the whole topic.

Looking at how passionate I am on this particular topic would not hinder be wanting to react the topic.

What access to experts do you think you have?

I would have a lot of access to those who would have been involve in programmes like this as I have closes friends from unity the dance group who where both of bgt and got to dance so I could see what it was like for them using the shows however I would not have much access to experts i.e producers as they would not speak about this type of topic so that’s limits my fairness.

This is a big reason to reject this type of topic as I would be limited on opinions from people and also interviews with experts.

The reasoning for me rejecting this topic is purely based on the limitations of not getting expert interviews An also not being able to get footage from the programmes. Underneath I will bullet why I would reject this topic: -Firstly getting interviews with those behind the scenes would be very difficult i.e producers and this leads to me not getting any answer. -My next reason for this to be considered as a reject is because I would not be able to use actuality footage as I would not have the copy right laws for it. -My last reason why I would not be developing this idea is because I don’t know much about the topic only what I know from the media which shows I would go into this documentary very bias and also given the frame time I have I may not have enough time to gather all information together that I need.

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