Halcyon - Fall 2015

Page 7

Kaleidoscopic Wonderland By Scott Thomas Outlar The slightest subtle hint of chill in the air, heralding the approach of Autumn. August is not quite ready to give up the ghost of Summer, but the new season is gently poking its nose in. Soon now the imagery of brightly colored leaves will splash upon nature’s beautiful canvass. Always such an amazing spectacle to witness how the death of green foliage can be so stunning. Red, yellow, orange, purple, and brown hues will hang limp before falling back to the soil. Reabsorbed into the dust and ash from which they emerged to continue the cycle of life in perpetuity. There is no ending in sight, only glorious new beginnings born afresh each year. Naked branches will stand stoic in the storms, collecting snow and ice of majestic crystalline forms. Each flake a microcosmic world unto itself – special, unique, and individuated from the source. Reflecting the power of human consciousness in those whose soul signature has been activated. We have all come from the same Logos inspired Word of God, breathed into the physical world to experience each season in turn.

Scott Thomas Outlar spends the hour s flowing and fluxing with the ever changing cur r ents of the Tao River while laughing at and/ or weeping over life's existential nature. His words have appeared recently in venues such as Dissident Voice, Yellow Chair Review, Poetry Quarterly, and Harbinger Asylum. His chapbook "Songs of a Dissident" is scheduled for a January 2016 release through Transcendent Zero Press. To find links to all Scott's published work, please visit 17numa.wordpress.com. © porbital | DollarPhotoClub

Halcyon - Fall 2015


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