Mondoro Trend Book

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Dear Customer, Welcome to Mondoro Company Ltd.’s “Trend Book”—our guide to some of the hottest and most interesting trends of the home décor and furnishings industry. Inside you will find photos along with brief descriptions of a select group of trends we believe to really be changing the face of the home décor industry. Our carefully curated list comes from decades of experience in the industry. We are constantly looking for where designers are pushing boundaries of creativity as well as what the styles consumers are dying to put in their homes. You can trust our “Trend Book” to provide new insights into the trends you already knew as well as introduce you to some exciting new ones. At Mondoro we don’t simply note these trends—we produce and manufacture products to match them. We would love to work with you to keep your home décor and furnishing products in line with these trends. Contact us at for further information on how our manufacturing in Asia can combine the best of contemporary trends with the best of manufacturing. Sincerely,

Anita Hummel President Mondoro Co Ltd.

Af r i can Voi ces

Af i r can mot i f ss uch asani malpr i nt s , l eaves , andf eat her saongwi t hmat er i al ss uchashor n,wood and cer ami cs ar e gi venmoder nt wi s t si nt hi sex ot i c t r end.

Medi t er r aneo F ort he2015T r ends ,t hevoi cesofAf r i canwi l l r es ound t hr oughoutouri ndus t r y.T hi st r endwi l l us emanyoft hef or ms andpat t er nsf r om Af r i cabutwi l l gi vet hem adeci dedl y moder nt wi s tandf eel . T hi ngst ocons i der : 1.Hor nandbonewi l l t ocont i nuet opl ayani mpor t ant r ol e.Onourphot oyoucans eeaL ongHor nAf r i can Cow Hor nt hathasbeenpol i s hedandcuti nt oacandl es t i ck. 2.Af r i canpr i nt swi l l cont i nuet obei mpor t ants uchas T i ger s ,L i ons ,L eopar ds ,Cheet ah,J aguar s ,Cr ocodi l es , Z ebr as ,andS nakes ki npr i nt sandpat t er ns .T hes ewi l l be moder ni z edi ns omewayt ogi vet hem af r es handi nt er es t i ngl ook. 3.Ot herl ookst hatr emi ndusoft het r opi cal Af r i canj ungl eswi l l i ncl udel eaves ,par r ot sort r eest hats peakof j ungl el i f e. 4.Af r i cawoul dnotbeAf r i cawi t houtt het r i best her ef or eT r i bal geomet r i csanddes i gnswi l l beupdat edwi t h af r es hnew l ook.Mas ksandot herAf r i canmot i f scoul d beus edi nnew andi nt er es t i ngmat er i al sandf i ni s hes . 5.Woodwi l l al s ohaveanAf r i canf eel s uchasZ ebr ano woodorunf i ni s hedMahoganyorevenT eakcoul dbe gi venaf r es hl ook. 6.Por cel ai nsandcer ami cswi l l begl az edandhave unevenorhandmadef i ni s hes .Pi eceswi l l l ookl i keyou pi ckedi tupf r om as mal l vi l l agei nAf r i ca. T hi sAf r i canVoi ces2015T r endbui l dsuponmanyoft hemor e As i an,Per s i anandevenMi ddl eEas t er nt r endsoft hepas t .I t al s ogoest os how t hatper haps t hewor l di sbecomi ngmor e uni f or m andcl os eraswes t ar tt oacceptt hi ngsi nourhomes f r om ot herpl aces–evenapl aceasf arawayandr emoved f r om usasAf r i ca.

Out door L i vi ng

Ass ummercomesar oundt hecor nerwet hi nkofl i vi ngi nt he wonder f ul out door s–whet heratt hebeach,atacabi non t hel akeoroutonaboat .S ummeri sal s ot het i met os t ar tt o t hi nkaboutt henew pr oduct sf oryournew Out doorL i vi ng i nt r oduct i ons .Mondor ohasacol l ect i onofOut doorL i vi ng pr oduct sr i ght f ul l ynamedHawai i .Her ei sal i s toft heOut doorPr oduct swecans uppl yyou: 1.S ol i dWoodOut doorF ur ni t ur e:T hes epr oduct scan bepai nt ed( ass howni nt hi sphot o)ort heycanbea nat ur al woodf i ni s h.T hemaj orwoodst hatweus ef or out doorf ur ni t ur ear eacaci a,t eakandbeech.T hey ar eal l s peci f i cal l ymanuf act ur edandt r eat edt owi t hs t andt heout door s . 2.Met al andWoodF ur ni t ur e:Met al canbeagr eat addi t i ont oapr oductmadef ort heout door .Mondor o canmanuf act ur eout doorf ur ni t ur emadef r om met al andwood. 3.WovenOut doorF ur ni t ur e:L ooki ngf ort her at t an l ookt hatwi l l l as tf ort heout door s ? Wovenout doorf ur ni t ur ei swovenwi t has peci al l ymadef auxcor er at t an t hatl ooksl i ker eal r at t an.T hi sf auxr at t ani sabl et o wi t hs t andmos thar s hweat hercondi t i ons . 4.Out doorL i ght i ng:Out doorL i vi ngi snotcompl et ewi t hout t heambi enceofex cept i onal l ydes i gnedout doorl i ght i ng. Mondor ohasacol l ect i onofout doorpor t abl el amps .F or t hes el ampst owi t hs t andt heout door st heymus tbemade ofout doors t andar dmat er i al st hatcanwi t hs t andal l weat hercondi t i ons .

Medi t er r aneo

Gr acef ul t ur ni ngs , cur ves , di s t r es s ed l eat her and har dwar e al ong wi t h camel backs cr ol l sandJ acobeanf l or al pat t er nsmar kt heMedi t er r aneoT r end

Medi t er r aneo T heMedi t er r aneoT r endt akesi tcl uef r om t her eemer gence oft hebes toft r adi t i onal S pani s handI t al i andes i gn.T hi snew t r endcombi nesar us t i cchar m wi t has t yl eofl ux ur y.T hi s t r endi sar es ur genceofhomef ur ni s hi nganddĂŠcort r ends f r om pas tyear s . Her ear es omekeyspoi nt st ocons i derf ort hi sMedi t er r aneo t r end: 1. Cur veswi l lbei mpor t antandakeyel ement .Aswi l l t he wood col or sand t oneswhi ch wi l lgener al l y be deeperand dar kercol or ss uch asbl ackand br own t ones .T ur ni ngswi l lal s obei mpor t ant .T hi sl ampwear e f eat ur i ng t hi st r end s howss ome gr acef ult ur ni ng i na bl acks l i ght l ydi s t r es s ed f i ni s h,al ongwi t ha l eat herand woodchai rt hathasel egantcur ves . 2.L eat herwi l lal s opl aya keyr ol e. Ex pectt os eet he r eemer gence ofl eat herand nai lheadst o be us ed i n uni queandi nt er es t i ngways . 3.Har dwar e wi l lhave t he Medi t er r aneanf eeland be mat t ebl acki r on.I tcanal s ohavedet ai l edembos s i ng, aswel lasa hammer ed met all ook.T hes e det ai l swi l l s how upi nant i quegol d,br onz eorpewt erf i ni s hes . 4.Cer ami candot hermedi umsl i kecas ts t onewi l l have agedf i ni s handal s ol ookt os eet hem wi t hpi er ci ngsor evenr ai s edupmot i f s . 5.T heCamel back,s cr ol l s ,cabr i ol el egs ,bar l eyt wi s t swi l l al l bei mpor t antdes i gnel ement s . 6. J acobeanf l or al ,acant husl eavesand damas kdes i gnsar er et ur ni ngasani mpor t antdes i gnf eat ur e. Ir ememberwhenIf i r s ts t ar t edi nt hi si ndus t r yandt hi sl ook wasver ypr eval ent .S owhent heys ayt hatal otoft hedes i gnsandt r endss t ar tt or ecycl et hems el vesovert heyear s , t hi si scer t ai nl yver yt r ue.

Mot her ofPear l

T heVi et names ehaveal ongt r adi t i onofwor ki ngwi t h Mot herofPear l .Wi t har i chcoas t l i net hats t r et chesf ormi l es , t heyhavepl ent yofpl acest of i ndandhar ves tt hi smat er i al . Mot herofPear l ,al s oknownasnacr e,i ss t r ong,r es i l i entand al s oi r i des cent .Mot herofPear l i nVi et nam comesi nmany f or msandcol or s .I ti st hati r i des cencet hatgi vesi tt hel us t er ands hi net hati ss obeaut i f ul .T hebas i ccol or sar e:1)whi t e 2)pi nkand3)abal onecol or . S i nceMot herofPear l canl i t er al l ybecal l edawor kofnat ur e ( t hei r i des cencei sf r om t hes ubs t ances ecr et edbyoys t er s andot hermol l us ksanddepos i t edi nt ot hei rs hel l s ) ;i tcanbe s ai dt hatnot wos hel l swi l l everbeex act l yt hes ame.S omet i mest hes ubs t ancesf ort hes es hel l sar ei ns er t edmanual l y byhumans ,butwhat evert hecas ei tcanbes ai dt hatt he Oys t erhaspai nt edf orusapai nt i ngorwor kofar tont hes ur f aceoft hes hel l .I ti st hi st hatmakest hes hel l ss obeaut i f ul andappeal i ng. Wor ki ngwi t hmot herofpear l i saver ydel i cat eki ndofwor k. I tr equi r est hatt hepi ecesbecuti nt ot hedes i r eds hapes andt hencar ef ul l ygl uedont oas ur f ace.S omet i mest hey ar ei nl ayedorot hert i mescuts ot heycanal l bej oi nedt oget hert ocovert heent i r epi ecewi t ht heMot herofPear l . T hepear l mus tal s obet r eat edands andeds ot hati twi l l havet hatni cel us t erands hi ne. Mondor o’ sVi et nam of f i cepr oducesqui t eaf ew i t emsi n Mot herofPear l .

BatT r ang Di nner war e

A cent ur i es ol d t r adi t i on of handmade cer ami c di nner war e and acces or i escont i nues i n BatT r ang out s i de of Hanoi ,Vi et nam. We manuf act ur e cl as s i c pi ecesaswel l asdi nner war e updat ed wi t h cur r entt r endcol or sands t yl es .

Di nner war ehast r adi t i onal l ybeenapr oductoft hepot t er y vi l l ageofBatT r angout s i deHanoi ,Vi et nam.I ti ss ai dt hat BatT r angwases t abl i s hedi nt he14t hor15t hCent ur y.T her e ar et woconf l i ct i ngs t or i esofhow BatT r angbecamet he cent erofpot t er yi nVi et nam.Onei st hatt hr eeVi et names e s chol ar swentonanacademi cmi s s i ont oChi naanddur i ng t hei rs t aydi s cover edpor cel ai nandcer ami candt hen br oughtbackt hes et echni quest oBatT r angandt aughtt he peopl et her et hemaki ngofpot t er y.T heot heraccounti s t hatwhent hecapi t al ofVi et nam movedt oHanoi ,t heKi ng ofVi et nam wentt oBatT r anganddecl ar edt hear eat obe t hecent erofpot t er ymaki ngf orVi et nam.Nooner eal l y knowswhi choft hes el egendsi scor r ect ,butatt hepr es ent , BatT r angi scons i der edt obet hecent erofpor cel ai nand cer ami cspr oduct i oni nVi et nam. Mondor opr oducesal otofpr oduct si nBatT r ang,i nf actwe haveawar ehous et her ewher ewemanuf act ur eourUL l ampsandl oadmanycont ai ner sf r om.Butwhatmanyof ourcus t omer smaynotal s oknow i st hatBatT r angi sal s oa pl acewher emanyt ypes ,des i gns ,andcol or sofdi nner war e ar epr oduced.Ever yt hi ngf r om bl ueandwhi t e,t owhi t e andcr eam col ordi s hest oevendi nner war ei nbr i ghtand ex ci t i ngnew t r endcol or s . Unl i ket hepr oducer si nChi na,wher emos toft hemanuf act ur i ngi snow compl et el ybymachi ne,Vi et nam s t i l l doesal ot oft hei rdi nner war easpar tmachi neandpar thandmade. T hi sgi vest hedi nner war eaf i nehandmadel ookandf eel .

Cas ual L i f es t yl e

T heAmer i cancas ual l i f es t yl ewi l l cont i nuet obeani mpor t antt r end.T hi snodoubtr ef l ect sont hef actt hatf ormany Amer i cansandot her sar oundt hewor l d,t hehomei st he cent erofal l t hei ract i vi t i es .T her ef or et heydes i r et hei rhomes t obear ef l ect i onoft hecas ual l i vest heyl ead. S omet hi ngst ocons i derf ort hi st r end: 1.Whati smor ecas ual t hanr ubber ? AnI nl ayedt abl e t opus i ngr ecycl edbi cycl et i r esi sf eat ur edabove.F or t hi sCas ual l i f es t yl et r end,r ubberandot herr ecycl abl es wi l l cont i nuet obei mpor t ant . 2.Deni m wi l l cont i nuet opl ayani mpor t antr ol e.T hi nk ofcas ual was hedj eans .Deni mi swi del yus edi navar i et yoft hehomef ur ni s hi ngpr oduct sandwi l l bes hown wi t hbel tl oops ,r i vet s ,but t onhol esandal s oas pat chedwor k.Ot herf abr i cwi l l bes t onewas hed cot t on,l i nenorchambr ayorevent hes t r i pst hatar eon ani ce,wor nmen’ sdr es ss hi r t . 3.Ragr ugswi l l al s ocomebacki nt of ocusbutwi l l have s omemet al l i ct ouchesandaf us i onofcol or s .Al s oi ncl udedi nt hi swi l l bekni t st hats eem t obewovenwi t h gi antneedl es . 4.Wor nl eat herwi l l bei mpor t ant .Whatcoul dbeni cer t hant ohaveal eat herchai rors of at hati sal r eady wor ni nal l t her i ghtpl aces ? 5.Bal l t eam l ogos ,pl ayernumber s ,ci t ys kys cr aper s , boar dgamesl et t er s ,s t ar sandwor dsl i keL ove,Peace, F ami l y,andHomewi l l al l bei mpor t antf ort hi st r end. 6. Woodwi l l bel i ght erandhavebedi s t r es s edmaki ng us eoft hi ngsl i kepl anks ,cani ngandt ur nedl egs . Mat t epai ntf i ni s heswi l l bei mpor t ant . If eel t hi scas ual l i f es t yl ei sher et os t ayf orawhi l e.I ti sal s o s howni nhow Amer i canspar t i cul ar l yar eact ual l yl i vi ngt hei r l i vesi nt hei rhomes .T heyar el i vi ngmor eofacas ual l i f e,s o t heywantt obeabl et obuyt hehomef ur ni s hi ngst hatwi l l f i t notonl yi nt hei rhomebutal s owi t ht hei rl i f es t yl e.

T heWOW! F act or

L oud and yout hf ul f or ms , mat er i al s and col or smar kt he WOW! F act ort r end. Al t hough i tmaynotwor ki never y col l ect i ons omet r ai t sof t hi st r end cr eat e t r ue s t andoutpi eces .

Ourwor l di sonas i mul at i onover l oad!T hr ought echnol ogy t hewor l dcont i nuest ogets mal l erast her ei sl i t t l et hats ur pr i s esanyonewi t hanyt hi ng.T hi ss i mul at i onover l oadwi l l af f ectal l ar easofourl i f es ot her ei snos ur pr i s et hati twi l l evenr eachi nt ot he2015HomeF ur ni s hi ngT r ends .Peopl e wi l l bel ooki ngt obei mpr es s edands ur pr i s edandf ort hei r pr oduct st ohaveT heWOW F act or .T hi sWOW F act ort r end wi l l beyout hor i ent edandabi tf l i ppantast heenvel opef or manyt hi ngswi l l bepus hedt ot hel i mi t . T hi st r endwi l l have: 1.T hi ngsl i keacr yl i cwi l l hol danew andi nt er es t i ngs ur pr i s ei ns i dei t .( Asanex ampl es eet hephot oabove) . 2.T her ewi l l bes pl as hesofcol orus edwi t havar i et yof pat t er nsf r om s t r i pes ,dot s ,di amondsandot herf un f or ms . 3.Wor dswi l l bewr i t t enwi t ht hi nbl ackl i nes ,al mos ti na chi l dl i kehandwi t hwor dsl i ke“T hi nk! � Al s ochi l dl i ke s t i ckt ypeofdr awi ngswi l l bes een. 4.Ex pectt os eeQRcodescomei nt of as hi onandbe us edi ni nt er es t i ngways . 5.T hi nkf unandcol orwhenyout hi nkaboutt hi st r end. T hi ngss uchaspl as t i ct oycar s ,t oypeopl eorot herever ydayobj ect swi l l beus edi nanew wayi nwal l ar t . 6.Ex pectt heunex pect edaspi ecescoul dbecuti n hal ft ounex pect edl ys how j us tpar toft hepi ece.L i nes wi l l notbes t r ai ghtbutwi l l havecur ves . 7.Woodwi l l beuns t ai nedandal mos tr aw l ooki ngand wi l l notbeal onebutpai r edwi t hs omet hi ngl i kecompos i t es ,l acquerorl eat her .Ex pectt of i ndmet al l i caccent sont hi ngsl i kef abr i cs ,l eat herorgl as s . T hi st r endmaynotwor kf oral l col l ect i onsbutwhatcanbe t akenf r om t hi st r endf orever ydes i gnandcol l ect i oni st o s t ar tt ol ookf orT heWOW F act orandhaves omei t emsi n yourcol l ect i ont hatputas mi l eonyourcus t omer sf aceas yous ur pr i s et hem wi t ht heunex pect ed.

As i an I ns pi r at i ons

Wi t hChi naandt her es tofAs i anow cons i der edar i s i ng power ,t heAs i anT r endcont i nuest or i s ef ort hi sl ookand s t yl e.Oncet hi ss t yl ewass hunnedasbei ngt ooet hni c,but t odayi thasachi evedamor emai ns t r eam pr omi nence. T het r endwi l l cons i s tof : 1.Domi nat eAs i ancol or s .Cons i dert hi sches tonour phot o.Weus edi nt r i cat eAs i anf r et wor kdes i gnsnear t hekeyhol e.T heAs i anf r et wor kpi ecei smadeoutof r eal buf f al ohor n. 2.As i anmot i f s :As i anmot i f swi l l cont i nuet obei mpor t ant .T hi nkAs i ans uchf l ower s ,but t er f l i es ,dr agons , dr agonf l i es ,cal l i gr aphy,f i s handf i s hs cal esand bamboo.Al s ocons i ders omeaccent sl i kef or gedi r on orpi er ci ngs .S moot hl eat her sands hagr eent ex t ur es wi l l al s ocont i nuet obei mpor t ant ,aswi l l i nl ays ,whi ch ar et r adi t i onal l yAs i an,andupdat edf ort hi snew l ook. T hi nkofbas i cal l yanyt hi ngt hats peaksAs i a,t hatcan beus edi nanew andi nt er es t i ngway. 3.As i anS hapes :As i ans hapeswi l l bei mpor t ants uch aschow l egs ,gi ngerj ar s ,t eapot sandot hers hapes andal ookt hatgi vesanAs i ant wi s tt oanew andf r es h des i gn. 4.New Di r ect i ons :T henew di r ect i onswi l l beL uci t e accent s ,Gl as si ncl earorbl ack,S hagr eent ex t ur edcer ami cs ,s t onef i ni s hesandcool pol i s hesofs t ai nl es ss t eel al ongwi t hs omes i l verandgol d. 5. Woods :Cons i derwoodss uchaswal nut s ,mahogany,wi t hmi dt ones t ai ns ,andmangowoodwi t h t hei rbl ackandbr ownt ex t ur es .Al s ocons i dert heches t wehaves hownont hi st r end,wehaveupdat edt he t ypi cal bl ackandr edcol ort oanot hercol or . Manys ayt hatt hi st i meofwor l dhi s t or yi st het i mef orAs i a’ s comi ngout .Ibel i evet hati st hecas eands ot hi sAs i ant r end wi l l cont i nuet opl ayani mpor t antr ol ef ort het r endsf or year st ocome.

Gemsof Per s i a

T he or nat e decor at i onanddet ai l as oci at ed wi t h Per s i an r ugs and ar chi t ect ur echar act er i z et hi s or i ent al i ns pi r ed t r end.

Per s i awasf or mer l ycompr i s edofpeopl ei nI r anandCent r al As i a;i thasal ongandr i chanci enthi s t or yandci vi l i z at i on. T hear chi t ect ur e,mot i f s ,cul t ur eanddes i gnsf r om t hi sar ea wi l l cont i nuet opl ayani mpor t antr ol ei nt hef ut ur e. T heGemsofPer s i at r endcompr i s es : 1.J acquar dwi l l pl ayabi gr ol eal ongwi t hvel vet .T he qui l t sandpi l l owst hatwear es howi ngf orour2014 T r endar emadef r om homewovenJ acquar ds i l kand s i l kvel vet .Al l oft hi sgi vest hequi l taPer s i anf eel .T he bedwi t ht hi ckpl anksi sal s oas i gni f i cantl ookf ort hi s t r end. 2.S mal l det ai l swi l l bei mpor t antasembr oi der y,pi pi ng, gol dedgi ng,beadsandnai l headscont i nuet opl aya r ol e. 3.Whenl ooki ngf orPer s i anmot i f sl ookator i ent al car pet s .Woveni nt omanyoft hes ecar pet sar ePer s i an mot i f s .I ti si nt er es t i ngt onot et hatt hes emot i f sar es o muchapar toft hePer s i ancul t ur et hatt heyevenhave s peci f i cnamesi nt hePer s i anl anguage. I ncl udedi n t hes emot i f swi l l al s obel at t i cesandl abyr i nt hs . 4.Woodwi l l pl ayanew ex ot i cr ol e.Raw f i ni s hes ,s al vagedl ooki ngt eakal l wi t hal ow l us t ers hi ne.Al s ot ur ni ngsort ur nedwoodwi l l beont r end.L eat herwi l l be di s t r es s edandhai r onhi dewi l l cont i nuet obenot abl e. 5.S heetmet al wi l l r emer ge,aswi l l t hecol or sofver di gr i sandcopper . 6.Mot herofPear l andT or t oi s es hel l wi l l beani mpor t antaccent ;al s os i gni f i cantwi l l beMer cur ygl as si n s i l verandgol d.Cer ami cswi l l bemadet ol ookol dand r eact i vegl az eswi l l bees s ent i al . T hi st r endbui l dsupont r endsoft hepas tbutt akesuss l i ght l y i nanew di r ect i on.I tcont i nuest os how t hatmanypeopl e l i ket ohaves omet hi ngex ot i ci nt hei rhomes .

L acquer F ur ni t ur e

Vi et nam l acqueri s t r ul y oneof aki nd. T he compl i cat ed pr oces s and l ayer s ar e wel lwor t ht he cl ean,r adi ants hi ne t hat t hi s cent ur i es ol d t r adi t i on gi ves f ur ni t ur e. I tcanbes ai dt hatVi et names el acqueri sat echni quet hat hasendur edt hr oughal l t hechangesandt r i al st hatVi et nam hasendur ed.T het echni queofVi et names el acquer i ng i s s ai dt obeover2, 000year sol d.L acqueri t emshavebeen f oundi nanci entt ombsi nVi et nam asf arbackast hef our t h Cent ur yB. C.L acquerandl acquerpr oduct i oni nVi et nam haves ur vi vedt he1, 000yearoccupat i onofVi et nam byt he Chi nes eandt hecol oni al i z at i onofVi et nam byt heF r ench. T het echni quehasal s os ur vi vedt hemanywar st hatVi et nam hasendur ed.T her ef or ei tcanbes ai dt hatL acquer andt hel acquert echni quei nVi et nam hasal ongl as t i ng andendur i ngqual i t y. I ti st hi sl onghi s t or yt hatgi vesVi et nam t hecompet i t i veedge t obeabl et opr oducemanyuni queandwonder f ul l acquer pr oduct s . AtMondor owecont i nuet opr oduceal otofl acquerpr oduct si ncl udi ngl acquerf ur ni t ur e. Appl yi ngt heVi et names el acquert of ur ni t ur ei snoteas y,r equi r i ngt hatt hef ur ni t ur epi ecemus tf i r s tbecover edwi t ha cl ayunder coat i ng.Youmus thaves ki l l edwor ker swhocan wor kwi t hs ur f acesl ar gert hanj us tat r ayorbox .T hepai nt mus tt henbeappl i edevenl yandt hehands andi ngmus tbe compl et el yeveni nal l ar easoft hef ur ni t ur epi ece.S i nce l acqueri sawat erpr oces s ,t hewoodmus tal s obecar ef ul l y checkeds ot hatwat erdoesnotgeti nt ot hewoods t r uct ur e. T hebeaut yofl acqueri st hati ti st hel ayeruponl ayeroft he cl ay,pai nt ,ands andi ngpr oces swhi chgi vest he f ur ni t ur e pi eceabeaut yanduni quenes st hati shar dt odupl i cat e wi t hanyot herki ndofmat er i al .T her es ul t i ngpr oducthasa uni quel ookandf eel t hathasendur edal l t hes ecent ur i es .


T hi st r endofS cani dnavi anor i gi ns t akes a popul armat er i aland pl acesi ti n a new cont ex tt o hi ghl i ghtt he nat ur albeaut y of woodgr ai n.

Ever yonei nt hehomef ur ni s hi ngi ndus t r yknowst hatveneer i samat er i al us edonf ur ni t ur e,butdi dyouknow t hatveneer canal s obeus edt omakel amps hadesf ort abl el ampsand l i ght i ng? T hi ski ndofl i ght i ngi sagr eatex ampl eoft hecont empor ar yS candi navi ant r endt hatwef eat ur edi nour Mar chnews l et t er .T heS candi navi anshavel ongus ed veneeronpr oduct sot hert hanf ur ni t ur e. Whenveneeri spl acedonf ur ni t ur ei ti snor mal l ygl uedupon ei t hers ol i dwoodpanel sorMDF . Whatmos tdi s t i ngui s hes veneerl amps hadesi st heus eoft hi ns heet sofveneercut i nt ovar i ouss i z eswi t hmet al orwoodcomponent st oat t ach t heveneert ot hes hade.T her es ul ti st hatt hebeaut yoft he nat ur al gr ai noft hewoods hi nest hr ought hes hade.When abul bi spl acedundert hel amps hadet her es ul ti si mpr es s i ve.Al t er nat i vel yt heveneercanbecuti nt os t r i psand woveni nas hade;pi ecesoft heveneercanbebentand puti nt oi nt er es t i ngs hapes ;ort heent i r el amps hadecanbe madef r om onel ar ges heetofveneer .T hecol or soft he veneerar eus ual l yl i ght eri nt onesus i ngwoodss uchas beechandoak. Veneerl ampshavel ongbeenpopul ari nmanyEur opean count r i es .Butast heS candi navi ant r endcont i nuest ogai n popul ar i t yi nt heUni t edS t at esandot herpl aces ,veneer l amps hadess houl dbeani mpor t antaddi t i ont omanycol l ect i ons .

Cont empor ar y Scandi navi an

Havi ngamot herwhowasbor nandr ai s edi nS t ockhol m, S wedenandmyhavi ngal s os pents omeofmyyout hi n S weden,Ihavel ongbeenf ami l i arwi t ht hecont empor ar y S candi navi anl ook—al ookwhi chatt i mesmays eem abi t pr i mi t i ve—butwhi chal s ogi vesaf r es hnew appr oacht ot he cont empor ar yl ook. Her ear es omekeyel ement soft hi st r end: 1.T hi nkaboutnat ur e.T heS candi navi anshaveal ways hadar i chl oveofnat ur e.Ont het opoft hel i s twi l l be bi r ds ,t r ee,l eavesandbr anches .Al s oi ncl udedi nt hi s wi l l beowl sandf l ower s . 2.Ot hermot i f swi l l i ncl udet hi ngsl i kes i mpl es t ar s , appl es ,l emons ,oror anges ,ei t hers hownwhol eor openasi ns l i ces . 3.T hi sl ookwi l l bes i mpl ebutyetatt hes amet i mer ef i ned.Cot t onwi l l bekeyaswi l l bel i nenandcanvas ki ndsoff abr i corl ooks . 4.L eat herwoul dbes moot handi nl i ght erf i ni s hes . Woodwi l l al s obel i ght erf i ni s hesgi vi ngat eakf eel and l ook. 5.Gl as shasl ongbeenani mpor t antpar tofS candi navi andes i gn.T her ear es omemaj orgl as scompani es l i keKos t aBodaht t p: / / www. kos t aboda. com/T hough t hecompanywass t ar t edi n1742t heyhavel ongbeen knownasapowerhous ef orf ant as t i cmoder nand cont empor ar ydes i gni ngl as sandcr ys t al .S oi tr eas onabl yf ol l owst hatt hi st r endwi l l al s ohavegl as s ,butgl as s i ncl ear ,s i mpl eyetel egantf or ms .Por cel ai nswi l l have gl az edf i ni s hes .T heBl ueandwhi t el ookhasl ongbeen af avor i t eofmanyS candi navi ans . Ihaveat t endedt hef ur ni t ur es how i nS t ockhol m manyt i mes . Oneoft hemos ti nt er es t i ngpar t soft hi ss how i st hes ect i on t heyhavef ornew des i gns t udent sf r om ar oundS candi navi a andNor t her nEur opet os how t hei rnew des i gni deas .S candi navi ahasl ongbeenacent erf ordes i gn.

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