1907 Proceedings - Grand Lodge of Missouri, Volume 2 - Appendixes

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335jJOPlin ···· .. ········IJOPlin · ·..·IJasper .. ·.. · · Grant Emerson ·..·..· IH . M. Woodward 336 Hallsvill.e : Halls':lll~ Boone ·R. F. Hul.ett.. D. B: Carpenter 337 Blue Sprmgs Blue SprIngs Jackson Logan St?rms /L. W. Pryor 338 Myrtle Millville Rtl.y W. H. KeIth J. P: Wall 339 F.idelity Farley Platte · IArt.bur Jewe.tt J. \\'. Farley 3'1O Westport Kansas City Jackson C. H. Cheney H. C. Elberg 341 Rockville Rockville Blites \J. R. MeredIth L. W. Anderson 342 Circle R.oscoe St. Clair Robert Scott.. J. E. Clyde 343 Agricola Petersburg :.. Henry \V. S. Ward; B. L. Gllliam 344 Moberly Moberly Randolph ,A. B. Chll.mler Jno. W. Tate ! 345jFellOWshi P ·JOPlin Jasper IJOhn Gmeiner I'F·rank G. Ade ::M.6 Arlington Dixon Pulaski.. Chas. Murphy T. V. Wilson 1 347 Spring Creek ..E<1gar Springs Phelps .: S. F. Arthur C. T. Lamar 3481Wadesburg : I·creighton 'cass R. H. Ross W. i\-Iorlan 349'Pollock POllO.Ck /Sullivan ,R. L. Garner T. :VI. Dormer 350 Tyrian Johnstown Bates : Wm. A. Howard W. H. Dudley 351 Mosaic Belleview Iron R. J. Hill E. M. Logan 352 Friend. : o.zark Christian J. A. Tindle IC. Eo Reid · 353 Barnesville IIWi~gIOIl Reyn()~ds : 'l~. T. O'I.?ell ,Wm. Z. Carter 3~ Hebron: ' IMexlCo Audram F,. F .. Elh,ott \JOhn J. Ste.ele 3;>5 Adelphi Edgerton Platte Edwlll 'I hatcher J. E. Stalldlford 3?~ 1.\.nCient Landmll,rk Harrisburg Boone 1. A. Goslin ; R. L. Beasle.r , 351 Aux VILSse Aux Vusse Callaway W. M. Harn80n W. S. Hopkms ~8 North-West.. Tllrkio Atchison J. F. S~llOenecke: C. H. Coe 3:J9 Garrett Arcola Dade R. M. Crutcher Thos. J. Underwood 360 Tuscan , ,St. Louis............... .los. S. i>IcIlltyre Alfred.H. White ~61 R~ddick I' Bu fru,l 0 D.an.as ···· 1 w. C. H~WkillS W. S. 0' Bannon 362 Hm\I11 Kahoka Clark A. C. BrIdges '3. E. Seaton 363 FraternaL Robertsville Franklin 18. G. Denny.. E. W: Bay 364 Higginsville Hig-ginsville Lafayctte Alfred H. Hoefer Frank Kn~pmeyer 365. Bay<:m Bl~kers~eld Oza~k W. T. Wiles ~ : Bert Swain ~ 366 AdUolr \Klrksvllle AdaIr Fred. Darrow Andrew Han..en Washburn Barry W. A. Fairchild W. B. Adcock ~ 367IBarry ~68.Crescen~ Hill ,Adr~al1 Bl.ltes .E. G. Moudy Nt;lson Moudy 329Co.mposlte D<~l1l'phan RIPl~y I~. L. 1\-[~mrower OtIS M. Gary 310!WIllllLmstown Wlllmmstown Lewls Ohas. LIliaI'd C. Mumma 371 Sheldon jSheldon Vernon G. B. Beenv ,W. S. Hale .372 Nonpareil East Lynne~ )Cass ..IWrn. A. Tbomson, Jr : iE. S. Hartzler 1'







Tum OF MEETING. 'Ilst and 3d Fridays. Saturday on or after full moon. 1st and ild Saturdays. Saturday on or bet'orefull moon. Wedne~day on or before full moon. 12d and 4th Tuesdays. 1st lind 3d Saturdays. Thursday on or before fnll moon. Saturday on or before full' moon. 2d and 4th l\Iondays. 2d and 4th Fridays. . Thursday on or before full moon. Saturday on or before full moon. Sat. on 01' before f. m. and 4th Sat. 'Saturday after f. m. & 2d Sa~. after. 18at. on ur ber. f. m. & 2 wks. after. ,Saturday on or after full moon. I'sa.turday on or before full moon. Sat~,rdayon or before full moon. 1st lu~sday. Sat. 0n or bel'. f. m. & 2 wks. after. Saturday 011 or before. full moon. Tuesday on or before full moon. 2d and Hh Thursday/;. Th Ilrsdav on or before full moon. 1st and 3d Tuesdays. . Saturd~y 011 ?r before full moon. 1st and 3d FrIdays. . Saturdav on or after full moon. 2d and 4th Mondays. 8aturdll;Y bef?re full mOOll. 1st and 3d FrIdays. Sat. on Or bel'. f. m. & 2 wks. after. ISaturday on or before full moon. :2d and 4th Tuesdays. ISat. on or after f. m. & 2 wks. after. Sat. on or bel'. f. m. & 2 wks. after. Saturday on or before full moon.

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