1907 Proceedings - Grand Lodge of Missouri, Volume 2 - Appendixes

Page 286



290 Fairmount 291 Edina 292 Lamar 293 sa.rcoxie 294 ~[ound City : 295 Moniteau 296 sParta 297,Ozark 2981sampson 299 Temple 300 Doric 301 White HalL 302. Lick Creek 303!Osage 304 Sig-lIal. 305 C!arence 306 Ashlar 307 New London 308 Parrott 309 King Hiram 310 Sikcstoli. '311 Kearney 312 Cuba 313 Kingsville 314 Pine 31::> Jerusalem 31n RuraL 317.0sborn 3181 Eld.omd() 319 Paulville 320 Many Springs 321 Jonathan 322HIlrdin 323 Corner-Stone 324 McDonald : ~~ D~)Ckery

LlIln , ~~~ Mt: Zi0.n Call1svllJe 329 Kennedy 330 Bertrand 331 Charitv 332 J<:xcello 333 Chillicothe 334 Breckenridge


Wyaconda Edina 'Lamar lsarcOxie : ~Iound City Jamestown lsParta Fair Grove IL.utie Kansas City El kland Barnard :Perry INevada Minden :\Iines :Clarence lcommeree New ·JJondon ;Vlaysville Knoxville jSikeston Kearney Cnba Kingsville Bllrdley Jericho S.prings. Kansas City Osborn Luray Brashear \Iany :5prings Denver Hardin.: St. LOllis Indepenoence 1jl.1.eadville Lllln W~st p~ains Call1svllle Elmo Bertrand .. : St. Joseph Excello Chillicothe Breckenridge

Nodaway ..:

Clark Knox Barton JM.per nolt.. :\Ioniteau Christian Greene Ozark Jackson ,· Webster Nodaway Ralls ivernon : ' B>lrlOll Shelby Scott Ralls De Kalb Ray : sco.tt.. Clay Crawford : Johnson ' Ripley ·ICedar Jackson DeKalb Clark Adair ;Oregon Worth Rnv : Jacl;:son Li.nn :Osage IHOW~IL : Harnson Sodaway IMi.SSiSSiPPi Buchanan ~·Illcon Livingston ,Cald weI 1..

E. W. Geyer

H. E. Sht>rwood J. H. Fisher G. D. Allee M. R. Floyd C. c.. Fuller A. J. Wilson J. C. Barnes ..~ J. W. Hartt.. D. Fl. GibSOll G. G. Wright C. B. I\larlin D. A. Pollard J. E. Blllliware W. E. Stewart Thos. McKissack W. 1,. Flam.rick T. F. Frm-:er G. H.. Tompkins Reuben Winter M. c. Hill O. E. .!{enoalJ Haynie Rowell J. H. Mltrtvn G. ~L Smfth.: Wrn.·J. Dodd Ha.rmon Cline J. W. Kepner I~. ~I. .J()hn~on W. W. Rced Manri('e Fowler John Martin T. R. Bllrns Tosiah Beerv Wm.H. F. Blume A. C. Sout.hern F. L. M.aoden H. C. Fmck Tbos. D. ~[llrtin .T. A. Thompi'on Wm. E. Rcott L. B. Pre~son R, E. Eshleman Wm. D. Powel1. F. S. Miller W. O. Hart


Geo. J. Moore

11st and 3d Saturdays.


1. M. ""ells Isat. ber. f. m.&- Mon. 2 wks. aft. C. M. Smith F'ri(1ay on or before full moon. J. P. Weddell , Friday on or before full moon. • G.'eo. W. Wood 'Tues. on or ber. f. m. &. 2. wks. aft. C. F. Hamsher '~d allf1 4th Tuesdays. M. K. Johnson Saturday on or before full moon. P. Lee Friday on or before full moon. J. A. Putman : Wednesday on or bcfOIe full moon. A. Holt Saturday o.n or before full moon. T. A.i\Hlburn 1st and 3d Tuesdays. S. Marlin Saturday on or before full moon. Thos. McMillen 1st and 3d Saturdays. DeWitt Masters Saturday on or before full moon. H. L. Kingsland 2d Friday. John Brown 2d and 4~h Tuesdnys. • H. A. Wright Sat. on or bef. f. m .. & 2 wks. after. Chn~. i\-I. Wylie Raturday on or after full moon. Geo. E. Lear Sat. onor bef. f. m. & 2 wks. after. Thos D. Williams 1st and 3d Saturdays. A. T. Moffitt Satnrdav on or beforefu~l moon. J. A. Hess ...\Thursday on or before full moon. J. N. Shouse 1st Saturday. . J. L. McCormack Saturday on or before full moon.. Wm. Fl. Nelson Saturday on or before full moon. H. L. Drnne 3d Saturday. J. P. Long Sat. on or bef. f. m. & 2 wks. aft. Thoi'. J. ThornhilL 1st and 3d illondavs. .1. E. Wnlkcr 2ctand 4th Saturdays. ' IDaniel saar Sat. on or bet'. f. m:llnd 2 wks. aft. \Y. S. Vltwter .'Saturday on or before full moon. Robert Thomas : ISaturdn~. before 4th Sunday. C. A. Brown 1st and 3ci '·Vecinesdavs. J. 1\-1. Carter Saturday before fuli moon. Ja~. A. Smith. Jr 1st and 8d ~[ondays. . S. 'v'i. Strode 1st and 3d Mondays. E. A. ~tl~vkills Every T~lesday. ~ ,G. W. ralTltcr Satnrdll\ 011 or belore full moon. ·G. B. Thorn.as Friday before full moon. W. A. LewIs 1st anct 3ct Thnrsdays. H. L. Savler : 1st and 3d Saturdays. G. R. Wallace 2d ann 4th s.aturdays. Edw. Srhmmm 2d and 4th Mondavs. W. n. Pipkin :: 2d Saturday. • J. W. ·McCormick 2d and 4th Fridays. S..J. Dewey 2d and 4th Saturdays

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