1907 Proceedings - Grand Lodge of Missouri, Volume 2 - Appendixes

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QUEENSLAND-190S. Lodges, 44.

Members, 1,700.

A special Communication of the G;rand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of Queensland, was held at Brisbane, July 26, A.' D. 1905, M. W路. Grand Master Bro. G. S. Hutton, presiding. The Grand Master announced that, acting on the precedents set by other Grand Lodges, it was not considered necessary to obligate the Grand Master every time he was elected, and he "was then pro~laimedas installed in the chair for the next twelve months, and until a successor shall be elected and installed in his stead." GRAND MASTER'S ADDRESS,

The Grand Master began his remarks by calling attention to the death of the late District Grand Master of the English Constitution, the Honorl!ble Sir Augustus Gregory, and thus closes his brief eulogy: As an .exemplary citizen, one who gave services of incalculable value to the State, his name will be a lasting- memory in Australia. From amongst we Masons he has passed, loved and revered, to a well-earned rest in the Gt'and Lodge above. "May our minds be. squared and OUl' souls prepared, Like his, in Virtue centred, For t.he "Lodge of Light' In those regions bright, Where we kno\v his spirit's entered."

After speaking of the installation of himself in October by the Grand Master of Ne~ South Wales, Most Worshipful Brother Lieutenant-Colonel John C. Remington, who, with his Grand Lodge Officers, had made the journey to Brisbane, the Grand Master asked the Grand Lodge to constitute Brother Remington under the Constitution a member of the "Grand Lodge, with the rank of Past Grand Master, "as a token of the love and esteem in which he is held," which was unanimously done. ENGLAND; SCOTLAND AND IRF.LAXD.

The Grand Master says: '.rhe Grund LQdges of England, Scotland and Ireland still remain aloof, a fact which does not Sllrprise me in the case of the lll'st two named, as doubtless they have been entirel:/' influenced by the antagonism displayed by 1:he local rU!l:'rs of the Constitutions, bnt with Ireland it is different. Before takIng any action towal'ds the fOI'mation of this Grand Lodge, as Provincial Grand Mastel' of the Il'ish Constltutioll, I put t.he matt~r frankly before my then Chipf, not with the idea of obtaining consent for the formation of this Grand Lodge, which neither the Gmnd Master of Ireland, nor any other Grand Master in the world has the power to give, but simply out of personal loyalty. There could be no misconception about the terms of my letter, and the reply brought full approval of my personal action, Nothing was 'lone in a hurry, bnt every stEp was carefully talwn, so that we should keep w(~ll within bounds and precedents. The course I followed was parallel with

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