1869 Proceedings - Grand Lodge of Missouri, Volume 2 - Appendixes

Page 58




NEW HAMPSHIRE, Which IDet in Manchester, June 10,1868, pre&ided over by lYI. \V. Bro. John H. Rowell, Grand l\faster. NUlllber of Lodges represented not enumerateu. r1'he annual address is chiefly local. issued for new Lodges.

Two dispensatlollb \vere

The Grand 1\laster ,vas as~ibted by an efficient Grand Masters, who submitted good reports.


of D. D.

Bro. Jno. J. Bell Elubmitte<.l tt fl'aternal report on Corre&vondence, but as the matter treated of has been presented to you <:hiefly through other reports since that time, ,ve shall Inake no extractb. We regret that our venerable Brother Grand Secretary did not add up his tables of work done, &c. M. W. Bro. Alex. M. WinD, of }1-'armington, ,vas elected Grand Master, and R. W. Bro. Horace Chase, of Hopkinton. wa~ reelected Grand Secretary. Pursuing our courbe &till further to the Northeast, ,ve corne to the Grand Lodg-e of

NEW BRUNS'VICK, Which rnet in Ht. John, in first Annual Communication, Sept. 28, 1868, presided over by M. W. Bro. B. Lester Peters, Grand Master.

Fourteen Lodges ,vere represented, out of t\venty-four in the Province.

The annual address is necessarily brief, and sho\짜s a Rystell1atic and thorough organization of tho Grand Lodge.

The chief business transacted was the organization of laws aIle! usage for the future. vVe find no resume of work, members, &c.

M.. 'V Bro. B. Lester Peters was re-elected Grand 1\1:as tel'", ancl R. w. :Sro~ Wnl. F. Bunting re-elected Grand Secretary. Both of St. John. f'/

Leaving the Northeast W~ again return to the South,. and take up the proceedings of


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