1869 Proceedings - Grand Lodge of Missouri, Volume 2 - Appendixes

Page 381




use of any particular Monitor or Manual for subordinates, be and

the sanle is hereby repealed . .A.pproved October, 1869. [Relatiuc to Lodges U. D.] A copy of the Dispensation should appear on the record of the Lodge. rrhcre is no installation of officers in a Lodge lJ. D.

At 'the first Ineeting, when a Lodge has been set to ,vork U. D., by-Ia,vs or rules should be adopted, so far as to provide for the tilne of regular Dleetillgs, fees for degrees, &c., until a new complete code of by-la\vs can be adopted. SOUle

Particular care should be taken to state on the minutes the opening and closing of the Lodge, changes frOln one degree to another, &0. Narnes of recommenders of petitions should appear on the Ininutes, unless a separate book is kept for the record of Petitions. . .\1so, Illations should be stated for dilnits. ~{inutes should

be signed by the Secretary, and after approved

by the Worshipful Master.

Approved October, 1HH9. RESOLUTION.

llesolved, rrhut when charges are preferred against a Mason, and those charges have been entertained by the Lodge, and a time set for trial, that such l\lason cannot be considered in good Masonic standing until his innocence has been established by the verdict of his brethren. Approved October, 1869. [Fron~ 1"elJOrt

oj Convn. ittee on G1路ic'v ance.]

rrhis case involves the question of the status of a Mason while under charges, and as there is a difference of opinion upon this inlportant question, we shall briefly give our opinions upon the la\v.

We hold no po,ver on earth can deprive a ~faster Mason of that inalienable right of equality, and the exercise of that right in the I.lodge except upon trial and conviction by the Lodge. Any other construction of this law would stUltify the action of this body, \vhich has rightly and justly declared that, no Masoll can be deprived of his rights except by trial and conviction, ano any other

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