1869 Proceedings - Grand Lodge of Missouri, Volume 2 - Appendixes

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Bracket, Washington Barbee, J C Cole, J M Cookman, A H Du-ree M P Dusky, Wiley F Dyer, Francis Ellige, G M Elledge A W Harris, E B Hunt, H W HaleY,Wm Hodges, Jas Hodges, J SHart T H Jones, J W Jones, J !-1 Johns, WIlliaru Johnson, Terrah Jones' Jas N Jones, J P Lewi~, A Kingrey, D A Moore, J A ~1:cCrackenl Geo JYlaxwell, Thos McOailister, W J Manly, A l\fcCoole, S R Pile' M Ralls, Simon Riggs, A S Runyon, J T Richardson, R S Stout' W A Shew, M V Scovil, Alex Sandefer, Eli Stanley, John Scott' Milton Stanley, H L Thompson, J W Thomas, J S Todd, C vi Thomas, W B Taylor, J T Tucker, J F Taylor, Alex Wires, Joseph WIlliams, Elijah Wells, J R Watson. DIMITTED.-John Martin, J F Vanfassen. EXPELLED.-J

B S l\iurphy.

DIED.-L A Sandefer.


PLATTE CITY, PLATTE COUNTY.-Chartered May 28, A. D.1859, A. L. 5859. Stated meetings, JSaturday night bejo're the fMll 'l}~oon and every two weeks thereajte1'"


John B. Flannery, ]}Iaster. Francis M. Tufts, Sen. lVarden. Norton B. Anderson, J. Warden. A. T. Guthrie, Treasurer. William C. Wells, Secretary.

W. C. Hatton, Sen. J)eacon. Thos. H. Colman, Jun. Deacon. Wm. H. Hunt, Senior ~fteward. Jas. McAllister, Junior Steward. Henry DeBard, Tyler.

MEMBERs.-Jam~sAdkins, Preston Aker, Norton B Andersol'1 1 John S Brassfield, Thos W R Brassfield, Jeremiah Beery, W T Brip;htwell, Granville Brightwell, John B Cain, John R Clements, E W Colley, William Chestnut, Perry H Collins, Robt P Clark, W S Cary, James H Chinn, Clinton Cockrill, Wm H Cook, Isaac P Cartwright, Thomas H Colman, Andrew J CcHman, Milton Darnalll Richard Darnall, W H H Dougherty, D 0 Darnall, Henry DeBard, James M Darnall, Thomas R Darnall, Thomas Flannery, John ::s Flannery, William A Fox, James E Frost, "\Villiam H Field, A T GuthrIe, F G Gaylord, J C Greenawalt~l C I-Iug-hes, J L HorDer" Orlando Hu~phrey, David Hunt, G O.tlenSOll, C B Hawley, Wm. H Hunt, W C Hatton, John R Harford, F M Johnson, Wi1li8lm

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