1869 Proceedings - Grand Lodge of Missouri, Volume 2 - Appendixes

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1869. j



GEORGIA, Where the Grand I..iodge met at Macon on the 27th of October, 1868, presided over by M. W. Bro. Jno. Harris, Grand Master. Number of Lodges represented not enu1l1erated.

The annual address is brief, and chiefly local. Here we find there is no Deputy Grand Master, singly, as in other States, but four Deputy Gtand Masters for four Districts, elected by the Grand Lodge, and they all seem to exercise the jurisdictional powers of the Grand Master in their respective Districts, even to the issuing of Dispensations. They all COlllphtin of L' \vant of unifornlity in work," and we are not sUrl)rised ,vhen we take into consideration that no one head supremely governs the \vhole. The reports of the Tru~teos and l)rcsident of the Masonic 001lege all tend to show that it is in a l)recarious condition, and that it will require not less than. $15,000 or $16,000 to develop the purposes of the institution. We believe that that n1uch money would educate all the Masonic orphans in Georgia, in regUlarly established schools, and do it fu,r Inare thoroughly. We cannot help but come to the conclusion that of all the schemes advanced for the care of l')oor and helpless Masonic orphans this systelll of Masonic Colleges is the n10st expensive, and evinces the least business sagacity. The Committee on Jurisprudence subnlitted the following, which was adopted, and in which we fully agree: "The Worshipful l\faster of Morven Lodge, No. 254, Bro. John G. Polhill, reports: That on two applications' for permission to dissolve all connection \vith the institution of Masonry,' he had ruled' that a Lodge had no power to grant such a request,' and 'that a Mason can only leave a Lodge by demit, death or expulsion,' but not being able to find any lavv on the subject, desires the opinion of the committee.

"We endorse the ruling of the Worshipful Brother, that it is out of the power of a Lodge to dissolve a Mason from all connection with tl1e institution of Masonry. A brother may voluntarily withdraw fronl all active co-operation ,vith Masonry, but the obligations voluntarily assumed, and which rest on hiln, cannot be dissolved save by death or expulsion, from all the rights and privileges of Masollry by the Grand Lodge. Even this last does not release him from every part of his obligation, and cannot-as one part is between his own conscience and his God. The only regular lnode of withdrawing from a Lodge is by demit."

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