1869 Proceedings - Grand Lodge of Missouri, Volume 2 - Appendixes

Page 212



J CUSOD, Samuel D Cochran, J W Ch9t~jpn, W~ Cochran, M V Olruthera, Anthony Drain, B F Di:w,ity, J3Dt~S B EIUott, H L For... ~e IIelllIY Grigsby, L GrQssman, Ji8Jaes M H~nn, W B Hupt, T D 'Jackman, John W Kirby, John B Ltttle"# J~mes ~Ollg, Jas lILawrey, Wm W MOJ;gatt, James l\( ~cKe~ ~ Q l\{~t4iiu, Ja~ A )!oQuitty, G W McQuitty, J W Mo:t:ri9,. Cb~~ ~yec, :VrStuk Njel)oway, John l\1;cFarlood, S G Norris, G W ~o,ri~, J If PQtlS., .J BPetty, D A Pal7ks, R 0 PulliaJll, Jolm W :a,(p~;rfjs, J .4 R~w足 lOOld :R A :aawland, C P Rawlings, T W SfltRlj)~~ W ~beQ, J 0 Smith, John M Shock, B H Smith" Il A ~itWitle, W 4 Srqilh, H 'lhuny, H :F Williams H WheeleE,W H WillllaifP~lil, .l W W.a)la,oo, Jt>IUl M Wood, E H Wood, John W Walkel;, Smi1i\ Wil1;)it~" Jo;Jp.n T WOQti,s.

DIMITTED.-William Welkie. EXPELLED ..-Jolan

Co1em&lt, S B


DIED.-H W Crow.


~0JlGE, K~


HEN:ttY Co.-Chartere~ Octobe;r 2&. A.

Stated Me.eti'A{Js, Saturday of or next p:recedinq every two weeks thereajte'r.

L. 58.44.


Moon, and


Oharles H. Smith, J,fa8ter. John H. Britts, Senior Warden. Jro;nes BJ;adley, Jun. Wctrden. Levi C. Marvin, Treasurpr. lames Parkes, Seoretary.

Adam l\{. Fulkerson, b'. 1)eacon.

Samuel V. Warth, J'un. Deacon. Albert Falcon, Sen. Steward. John G r~eo

Middleco:ff~ J.

Burgheim, Tyler.


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