1869 Proceedings - Grand Lodge of Missouri, Volume 2 - Appendixes

Page 187




MEMBERs.-DeWitt C Allen, James J Armstrong, Darwin J Adkins, Lawrence J Bayers, Napoleon A Bayers, Jesse E Bryant Marcellus H Bartlett, Napoleon B Bush, X X Buckner, Asa N Bird, Peter B Burns, Alexander J Calhoun, Malo:y Cave, Wm W Cartwright, John R Courtney, Samuel F Collins, Joseph Y Clark, Wm W Doughertv, James H Dale, Walter S Dale, 'l'hos S Dabney, John W Drew, Bartlett Estess, Harris Ettenson, Jag H Ford, Wm F Ford, Ratcliffe Fisher~ Andrew R Fritzlen, Jacob R Funk, Jonathan H Funk, Wm Ii erguson, Wm F Gordon John B Greell1 Lafayette Grime~... Peter B Grant, James A GU2 lespie, Wm u- Garth, Wm A .t:talI, Joseph R Hicks, Ellison Higbee, Francis M Hutchinson, Salnuel Hardwick, John MHogan, Johnson D Hilderbrand, David Hilderbrand, Daniel Hughes Leander J Jones, Thomas M Jeffries, James T .Keller, Alva~ Lightburne, John S Lightburne, Garrard Long, Leonidas W Leavell James E Lincoln, Mabry Mitchell, Thomas J Mitchell David D Miller, Michael A Miller, Lafayette Munkres, Frederick Meffert, James H Moss John B Mize, Thomas J. MontgomerYt James F Noe, Charles N Palmer, Wm Poague, Robt S Rearden John S Rearden, Joel Rice, Philip W Reddish, Henry L Routt' Joseph H Rickards, Robert G Robertson, Ira Smith, Stephen Ii Shrader, Daniel Thorpe, James T V Thompson, Wm T Wright Andrew J Wilson, Levi Wise, Wm H Woodson. '

DIMITTED.-Llewellen Fritzlen, Duncan D Gant, Aaron H Ringolsky, Charles S Ringo, James W Hightower, N A Potter. DIED.-John TerreL


Co.-Ohartered October 19, 1867.

Stated meetings, Second Monday night of each month. OFFIOERS.

x. Ryland, Master. James P. Hall, Senior Warden. F. H. Shrock, Junior Warden. Gill Eve Belles, Treasurer.

w. P. Boulware, Secretary. L. M. Wright, Senior.Deacon. W. A. Bethel, Junior Deacon. H. Flynt, Acting Tyler.

MEMBERs.-Thomas Alford, H G Armstrong, W P B9.ulw~e Gill Eve Belles, Patrick Ballard? William A Bethel, William if Beck, H L Burrows, Thomas Butts, Jacob Berg, James Olowdsle11

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