1869 Proceedings - Grand Lodge of Missouri, Volume 2 - Appendixes

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our r~nUtrkb 011 the address of the Grttuu l\laster than l)Jt q uotillg

the following, ,vhich he uttered a few mOluents after, viz.: " Errors" easily corrected if discovered in thne, gro,v to be serious elements of discord after the lapse of a few months." From the report of the Grand Treasurer we find a balance in the Treasury of $4,263 50 to the credit of the Representative Fund, aRd $802 32 to the credit of the General Fund. On the first lnorning of the sossion, Bro. WUl.. H. Hill read his report 011 Foreign Correspondence, revie,ving 40 Grand IJodges, ours of 1867, included. His repol~t shows hiln to be 011e of the few who go down into the nlerits of Grand Lodge ,vork, and one who does not merely skiln over the surface of things, but who brings out the pure wine from amollg the" beggarly array of eI:npty bottles." His rel)Ort must llave been refreshing to our Oalifornia brethren, lUi it has been luost in teresting to us, save the high aud undeserved encomiunls he has p&id to the humble succebsor of our lalncnted O'Sullivan. He fully endorses the vie,vs of our Grand Master, as also of ourselves, in opposition to granting dispensatiolls to maiIlled candidates to receive the degrees, except ill cases of erne1"gency, ,vith Whicll we do not agree. In short, the more vve read of Bro.. Hill's report, tlle lnore we are satisfied that he has drank deeply of the fountain of pure, conservative nlasonic ideas, and is opposed to the thousand and one isms which endeavor to sap nnd u,ndermine our institution. He admired the labor bestowed by our Grand Master during his term, but is evidently in favor of short speeches, as he intimates, to fiave medical expenses. He closes with tlle fr~1.ternal remarks"And here the ,vriter gladly lays down hi~ peu. He llas IlO more apology to offer at the close than at the beginning. Whethelin all cases the brethren coincide in opinion :,vith binl or not, he feels qUite sure that he has ,vritten nothing that can justly give offence, or vvound the feelings of a single brother. His 011e aim has been union and brotllerly love, and to cast oil on the troubled WAters) that evermore, instead of the telnpest of raging passiQn and mis.. und8!standing, there may be peace and a caln1." And we hope for 11<> "storm after the oalrn." 011 the second day of the sessioIl, W. Bro. Jno. B. ]' elton, GrAlld Or&tor, delivered an approriate ~tddress, whioh was ordered printed with the proceedings. Justly so.

From tho reports of the COlumittee on JurisprUdence, ,ve find but little to disagree with, and that little OCcurs from 10<:a1 regulations.

We lâ‚Źgret tll&t the


Lodge adopted a resolution f~l!-

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