1869 Proceedings - Grand Lodge of Missouri, Volume 2 - Appendixes

Page 138




where the reverse is the case-though it also follows, under the system I allude to, that the best working Lodge of this year may be the poorest one next. . . With the opportunities supposed to exist here, it is natural for our brethren from other parts of the State to look to the city Lodges for correct and skilful work, and as such is not to be relied upon, as a general rule, a permanent Lodge of Instruction here might be the means of furnishing it, and so disseminate it to some extent through the state. Since the first formation of the Board of Relief there has been an immense increase in the duties devolving upon it, and they are faithfully performed by its zealous members. Few of our brethren outside of it being aware of the time and patience devoted to their duties J nor of the amount of trouble whicll is thereby saved to the Lodges in this most practical part of the objects of our Institution. With the increase of calls upon this fBoard, though the contribu路 tions have also increased, yet they have not been adequate to the relief required; and as the contributions reqUired to be made by the Lodges are no higher than they were when the Board was :first formed, it might be advisable to llave some change in that respect, in addition to the stipend that is usually contributed by the Grand Lodge. At the saIne tinIe, as the Board has become a fixed instition, as well as a lal"ge and growing one, I would suggest that it should make annual reports to the Grand Lodge, and also that the Grand IJodge should approve of its rules and regulations, or provide a code of snch that will be suitable for its management. This Board deserves great credit for its general efficiency, and it should be supplied with means sufficient for the claims upon it, without its individual members being taxed to supply any deficiency. I close this general review with my thanks to you for the trust reposed in me by you for the past two years, regretting only that business has prevented my visiting the Lodges in this~ District as much as I should have wished. I have to acknowledge the uniform oourtesy and respect which I have always met with, and the readiness which I have always found manifested by the Lodges and their officers to receive instruction and advice. Yours fraternally, J. W. LUKE,

D. D. Grand Master Sixteenth Masonic



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