1869 Proceedings - Grand Lodge of Missouri, Volume 2 - Appendixes

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Mo., JSepternber 18, 1869.

Bto.. John D. Vincil, hi. TV. Grand Master: I herewith submit Iny report as D. D. Grand l\faster for District No.4, composed of the counties of Rt. Charles, Lincoln, and Warren. In these counties, eleven Lodges are at work, all chartered, to wit: Pauldingville No.11, Auburn No. 14, Troy No. 34, Wentzville No. 46, New Hope No. 199, Douglass No. 54, Dardenne No. 224, Warrenton No. 231, Palestine N~. 241, Mechanicsville No. 260, and New Salem No. 270. The two last named ,vere chartered at the last communication of the Grand Lodge, and were set to work by my authorit~r, the first by Bro. Jno. C. Edwards, Worshipful Mas.. tel" of Dardenne Lodge, in October, 1868, and the la&t by Bro. J. W. Welch, Worshipful Master of New rlope Lodge, in January, 1869. I have, during the year, visited Pauldingville, Wentzville, Deardeli1ne, Warren tOll , and J\-Iechanicsville Lodges, and have, withou.t exception, I believe, attended every regular and called communication of my o\vn Lodge, Palestine No. 241, I have not been able to visit Auburn, Troy, Douglass, New Hope and New Balenl Lodges, nor any of them. This has been much to my regret, but, as you know, the nature of my business is such that, only in very exceptional cases, and those arising from unavoidable necessity, can I be absellt from my place during business bours; hence, I could only 'Visit those Lodges which can be reached by railroad or by half a11 afternoonrs buggy ride. Independent of any personal reason, f think that Illy district is badly oonstructed. In my jUdgment, Lincoln county belongs mOl路C p:roperly to the District next above it, than to this, and, if it be a .sine qua non that two counties be attached to St. Charles, I suggest that St. Charles, Warren, &nd Montgomery be erected into lit District. Or, instead of that arrangement, if it cannot conveniently be made, allow me to suggest that an additional number of Districts be created. This last suggestion seems to me to be proper in view of the fact that the system of Diatricting now in use by the Gr'l1nd Lodge was instituted for the convenience of the Order at large; and I presume that other D. D. Grand Masters Iluve found inconveniences in their Districts as I have in mine. Pauldingville Lodge o,vn their own Lodge, with all the house in which it is situated; and though they are somewhat in debt, they

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