Missouri Freemason Magazine - v63n02 - 2018 Winter

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VOL. 63 NUMBER 2 • WINTER 2018

The Freemason®

Vol 63 No. 2 Winter 2018 ©Grand Lodge of Missouri A.F. & A.M.

The Freemason ® (USPS 573-920) is the official publication of the Grand Lodge; Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of the State of Missouri, and is published quarterly.

Inside this Issue... 03 Grand Lodge

Grand Master’s Message • Whence Came We All

OFFICE OF PUBLICATIONS: Grand Lodge of Missouri, 6033 Masonic Drive, Suite B, Columbia, MO 65202-6535. Published and copyrighted under the direction of the Committee on Masonic Publications. Periodicals postage paid at Columbia, Missouri and Marceline, Missouri. (573) 474-8561

06 Crown Jewels

POSTMASTER: Please send address forms 3579 to Grand Secretary, 6033 Masonic Drive, Suite B, Columbia, MO 65202-6535.

19 Lodge & District News 28 Masonic Youth

Missouri Lodge of Research • Missouri Children’s Foundation • Masonic Scholarships • Masonic Home of Missouri

DeMolay • Job’s Daughters • Rainbow Girls

31 Freemason Insights 32 Calendar of Events

Unless otherwise indicated, the views expressed in this magazine are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions or policy of the Grand Lodge of Missouri A.F. & A.M. The editor reserves the rights to accept, reject, subedit, and rearrange material submitted for publication. The Freemason® does not accept forms or clippings for publication. It is the policy of the Grand Lodge of Missouri to not publish pictures or personal information about children under the age of 21, without written permission from the child’s parent, guardian or sponsoring group.

Committee on Masonic Publications Ronald D. Jones, Grand Master Robert T. Thomas, Deputy Grand Master Stanton T. Brown II, Senior Grand Warden David W. Haywood, Editor Artwork - Rhonda Proctor

Articles to be considered for publication should be emailed to the editor@momason.org. The periodical is published quarterly. The deadlines for upcoming issues are as follows: Spring Issue: June 1, 2018 Summer Issue: August 1, 2018 Cover Photograph - The Tercentenary Celebrations of the United Grand Lodge of England (UGLE). Chris Allerton Photography/UGLE

The moment when.... For me, the moment I knew – the moment it clicked – I was half-way through the first degree. If you are a Mason, you know that “moment” I’m talking about. It might not have been during your first degree. It might have happened later for you when you went through the Masonic Degrees in the York Rite, Scottish Rite, or Shriners, but there was a moment that made you want more light. For some men, the moment comes even before they are Masons. My brother-in-law had his moment during my father-in-law’s Masonic funeral service. The words spoken by our Masonic Brothers were so powerful that it moved him to want to become a Mason. If you think about our Masonic ceremonies, they have this power. They not only connect and speak to those of us in the Fraternity, but they can touch the hearts of those who have yet to experience what Masonry can offer. After having the privilege of traveling around the state presenting 50 year pins, I recognize the power of that “moment”. Some of the men who receive their 50 year pins have been active members in their lodges. We celebrate all that Masonry has provided them, and all that they have given in return. There are other members that became Masons, but life drew them away from active participation in the lodge. But there was still a moment in that man’s Masonic journey that left a mark. That moment was so powerful that he wanted to be a Mason and live his life by the Principles of Freemasonry for 50+ years. It was hard for me to imagine having another “shock & awe” moment as powerful as that first one I had 25+ years ago. In this Freemason, you will read an article about the celebration of the 300th Anniversary of the United Grand Lodge of England. Brethren, there are absolutely no words to describe standing in an auditorium with 4,000 Masons from all over the world and watching the largest Square & Compass I have ever seen rise up. It was

beyond humbling to represent Missouri as Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Missouri, A.F. & A.M. To share that moment in history, all I can say is … Whence Came You. Every Mason from Jurisdictions all over the world has experienced that moment. The moment that connects us all to Freemasonry – beyond borders, languages and time. Here in Missouri, we get to share that moment with great Masons like Harry S. Truman. In this Freemason, the Missouri Lodge of Research gives us a glimpse into MWB Truman sharing his thoughts on Masonry in his own handwriting on Presidential stationery. In the last Freemason, I asked you to reflect upon the people, past and present, which are part of your Masonic journey along with the history of your lodges. I now ask you to think about that moment that connected you to Masonry and made you want more light. Whence Came You? Fraternally,

Ronald D. Jones, GM


Written by Josh Thompson, JGM


can almost hear the confusion and dismay as Brethren leaf through the Freemason and come across the title of this article, after all, as I just mentioned above the Grand Lodge hasn’t quite reached its 200th birthday. Read again; I chose my words very carefully “300 Years of Masonry AND Missouri”, because from October 27th –November 1st, MWB Ronald D Jones represented all of us in attending The Tercentenary Celebrations of the United Grand Lodge of England (UGLE) and I had the honor of accompanying him. The Grand Lodge of Missouri, and our fellow Grand Lodges around the world, are direct descendants of the Premier Grand Lodge of England that was formed on June 24, 1717 at the Goose and Gridiron Alehouse in St Paul’s Churchyard, London, and as we all look back at where we have been for strength of purpose and where we want to be in the future, it is important to remember that, ultimately, we all come from the same place, perhaps a little farther back than we might realize.

In looking back at the short five days for which I was honored to accompany the Grand Master on his visit, the only thing I can say with great certainty is that our English Brethren certainly know how to throw a party! Almost from the moment our feet touched the ground at Heathrow Airport (the Grand Master’s touched down a little later than mine, but you will have to ask him about THAT story when you see him), we were busy with one celebration or another. A particularly meaningful event was a Grand Masters’ Reception at Freemasons’ Hall where 135 Grand Masters of other Jurisdictions were personally welcomed by the Grand Master of UGLE, HRH Prince Edward, Duke of Kent. This was a fantastic reminder of the universality of Freemasonry; thought to be the largest ever meeting of sitting Grand Masters in the history of Freemasonry, and Missouri was proudly represented. However, it was also a reminder of the unique characteristics each jurisdiction brings to our

The largest gathering of sitting Grand Masters in history. HRH Prince Edward, Duke of Kent, Grand Master of the United Grand Lodge of England is front and center. Can you find MWB Ronald D Jones, Grand Master of Missouri? Photo credit: Chris Allerton Photography/UGLE

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great fraternity. Of course, the regalia was beautifully varied, and the languages and accents were diverse, but another important distinction loomed large as 2017 was significant for UGLE for more than one reason. You see, 2017 also marked HRH The Duke of Kent’s 50th year as Grand Master of UGLE. Grand Masters from across the world, serving terms of various lengths, joined one who has given 50 years of service, not just to Masonry, but to the Grand Lodge in the ultimate sense. And looking back, I have to say that the respect and gratitude shown by all present was one of the most enjoyable aspects of the trip by far. Of course, this was not the only Masonic history and fellowship we en- HRH The Duke of Kent, GM of the UGLE, enters Freemasons Hall, on the occasion of the joyed on our visit. As many of you 300th Anniversary of the UGLE, and his 50th Anniversary as Grand Master. Photo credit: Chris know, I lived in London for several Allerton Photography/UGLE years and was a member and officer of St Mary’s Lodge 63, one of the oldest Lodges under the jurisdiction of UGLE. I developed many friendships over the course of those years, and I would be remiss if I did not thank WB Niall Johnston (Secretary) and the Brethren of St Mary’s for the hospitality they showed us during our visit. In fact, the fellowship we enjoyed with my lodge in London, and similar fellowship that we enjoy in Lodges across Missouri in our travels across the state was on full display on a very grand scale for the main event of the week as Grand Masters and 4,000 other Masons from across the world gathered for the formal Tercentenary Celebrations at the Royal Albert Hall, one of London’s largest and oldest concert venues. Nothing can quite prepare one for the sight of 4,000 Master Masons from every corner of the globe in morning suits and full regalia, joining in one accord to remember and celebrate the successes of the past 300 years, offer their thanks to God in prayer and song for his many blessings, and revive ancient traditions for the years to come. Of course, there was a full stage production retelling the storied history of Freemasonry for the last 300 years, formal recognition of the Grand Master for his many years of service and even a dinner and reception for over 2,000 of the visiting Grand Masters and other guests, but this all paled in comparison to the true Friendship and Brotherly Love that shone on every face as Brethren from across the globe joined in that age-old refrain, “Happy to meet, sorry to part, and happy to meet again.” As I am sure we have all noticed by now, the question, “Whence came you?” is one that has taken on particular significance in Missouri Masonry over the last few months. As DDGMs across the state are sharing with their lodges, it is the motto of our Grand Master, and little reminders of that motto are popping up across the state, from the Grand Master’s lapel pin, to his coin, to the lodge histories that secretaries are being asked to submit as a part of the upcoming issuance of a statewide Masonic directory. Shared experience and history is everywhere in Freemasonry. For me, and for many of you I am sure, this is what Freemasonry has always been about. We all have stories of the humble beginnings of our Masonic journey and enjoy hearing the stories of other Brethren and distant Lodges in our travels. Like any other trip, this one provided the Grand Master and I the opportunity to participate in that great Masonic pastime with a great many Brethren from throughout the habitable earth, but more than that, it gave us a chance to shine the light that Missouri Masonry brings to our shared Masonic history. So, as you go about your work this year and continue searching for the many and varied answers to that question of, “Whence Came You?”, remember that we are a part of tomorrow’s history now. The actions of our forbears brought us to this time and place and give us reason for celebrations such as this, so don’t forget to have fun, enjoy the fellowship, and be part of those stories that will provide part of the answer for generations to come. Winter 2018

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Missouri Lodge of Research

MWB John Hess, Worshipful Master Our Grand Master has asked us this year to consider “Whence Came You”. On a sojourn to the Harry S Truman Presidential Library in search of information for upcoming Missouri Lodge of Research books. We found in the Truman-Denslow file a five page handwritten letter from President Truman from the White House telling his story from “whence he came”. The story starts in a field on a farm in Belton and ends in the White House. A copy of the letter is attached to this article. The original resides in the archives of the Truman Library.

THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON Dec 31 ‘52 One day I was in the farm lot at home on the farm at Grandview discussing things with a cousin of my mother. I told him that I was interested in Masonry and hoped to become a Mason some day. This was is November 1908. A short time after I received an application for membership in Belton Lodge 450 AF&AM of Missouri. I signed it and was elected for initiation, which happened on Feb. 9, 1909. I studied faithfully and was given the 3rd Degree on March 9, 1909.

Shortly after receiving the 3rd Degree, the Grand Lecturer, James R. McLachlan came to Belton to hold a lodge of instruction. I attended all three days and then accompanied Bro. McLachlan to Holden and St. Joseph for more instruction, becoming pro-ficient in all three degrees. I was elected Junior Warden of Belton Lodge in 1910. In 1911 I sent a petition to the Grand Master asking for the establishment of a Missouri Lodge at Grandview. A Lodge U.D. was set up at

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Grandview with myself as Master U.D. in the spring of 1911. At the fall meeting of the Grand Lodge in St. Louis, Grandview Lodge U.D. was granted a charter as Grandview Lodge 618. I was elected Master of the lodge. It was a very active organization and continued to grow. I became master a second time when the lodge was four years old and then secretary. World War I came along and I went to France. The lodge hall burned down, destroying all the

records. But the lodge continued to grow. When I returned from overseas after World War I I took an active interest in Masonic affairs in the whole county. When the District Deputy died I was appointed to the place in 1924. I entered politics in 1922 and was elected again in 1926 after a defeat in 1924. In 1930 William R. Gentry was elected Grand Master of Masons in Missouri. He appointed me to the grand Lodge line and in 1940 I was elected Grand Master of Masons

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Missouri Lodge of Research

of the Grand Lodge of Missouri. In the study of the masonic lectures and the reading of the Biblical references I was impressed with the moral code taught by the lectures and the Bible. I always tried to live and act by this moral code.


Every Mason takes a different road through his Masonic travels, but like MWB Truman, “We all seek light to carry into our own lives.”

On June 9, 2018 at the Annual Communication of the Grand York Rite, the Lodge of Research will hold its

semi-annual meeting and will be featuring RWB John Bridegroom as the Truman lecturer. The subject will be “Masonic Aprons”. Please register for the lunch and lecture through the Grand York Rite website. Our Missouri Masonic Research Library continues to grow with over 13,000 books and other items cataloged. In addition to general Masonic and Missouri material in the library, the Lodge of Research has also undertaken the cataloging of the annual returns of the York Rite bodies of Missouri. At the present time, over 275 Chapters, Council and Commandery returns have been cataloged, at least in part, listing the High Priest, Ill Master or Commander for each annual return that has been cataloged. This part of recording our history was started a year ago and there is at least one more year of work to complete the project. Please continue to support the efforts of the Missouri Lodge of Research by paying your dues, becoming a new member or continuing to support the efforts of the Library by becoming part of the Denslow Society or obtaining a Masonic License Plate. Page 8

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Missouri Children’s Foundation

Written by RWB Rick Kaeser This year, I have the privilege of serving as the Chairman of the Missouri Children’s Foundation, which is funded in large measure by the Freemasons of the State of Missouri, and which we all know from its flagship program, the Missouri Child Identification and Protection Program, or MOChip. We all know what MOChip is and what it does. If you don’t, check out our website, www.mochip.org. What you might not know is that MOChip has been going through some changes recently. All of our teams have new laptops, cameras and fingerprint scanners to make the process faster for the families we serve, but also for the volunteers who help us run each event. We have a brand new member on the board overseeing the Foundation, RWB Emmett Bryson, who, by virtue of his appointment this last September as Senior Grand Marshal of the Grand Lodge, serves on our board, and is a most-welcome addition. We are in the process of searching for a new State Coordinator for the program and, in the meantime, we have called on RWB Nick Cichielo to come out of retirement

and help us on an interim basis. Nick and his wife, Lori, were the catalysts for the program through most of its life and were instrumental in growing it from a single team with borrowed equipment to a program with seven teams around the state, and IDing over 200,000 kids in just ten years. We’re excited to have Nick back, even if it is only temporary. But with all of these changes, what has remained the same is the Foundation’s commitment to the children of the State of Missouri. We are excited for the future of our program. We have 7 amazing teams around the state, headed up by some of the finest, most committed individuals you could ask for as Regional Coordinators. We have a board that is committed to the success and growth of the program. And most of all, we are improving our communities by protecting children. What could be more Masonic than that? “Every human being has a claim upon your kind offices. Do good unto all.”

Solomon Lodge 271 participated in a MOChip event at the Springfield Carnegie Midtown Branch Library on February 17, 2018. 51 children were made a little safer! Winter 2018

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This year I have the privilege of serving as the Chairman of the Scholarship Selection Committee that selects the recipients of the several Masonic Scholarships. Our Scholarship Program is one of the Crown Jewels of the fraternity in the State of Missouri. It is a program that allows the fraternity to help members of our community and not only Freemasons and members of their family. There are three scholarships programs managed by the Grand Lodge. The Samuel Stewart Smith Scholarship, the value of which changes with the market, but presently it is over $12,000 per year, renewable for up to 4 years; the Ruth Lutz Backman Scholarship, which is for students pursuing careers in nursing or teaching and pays $1,000 per year, renewable for 4 years; and the Masonic Merit Scholarship, which is not limited to a particular subject matter and pays $1,000 per year, renewable for up to 4 years. The scholarships are available to any Missouri high school senior who meets the criteria provided with the scholarship application. A copy of that application is sent to all lodges in the November packet and is also available at www.momason.org under the programs tab. Many scholarships are submitted each year and the Scholarship Selection Committee has the difficult job of reviewing the applications and determining who will receive the scholarships. The number of scholarships awarded each year under each program may vary depending upon available funds.

Masonic Scholarships

While many high school counselors are aware of the Masonic Scholarship Programs, we encourage the local lodges to make sure that the high schools in their area have current scholarship applications. Each year the application may be refined to better focus on the essential qualities the Scholarship Section Committee has deemed important. Additionally, there is a deadline for application each year which is generally the last of March. The Samuel Stewart Smith and Ruth Lutz Bachman Scholarships are provided by the generous donations of their founders. The Masonic Merit Scholarship is provided by an endowment created by the Grand Lodge and, depending upon the market yield, we are not able to give a Masonic Merit Scholarship every year. The kind donations of members of the fraternity help build this fund, making this scholarship more available to students in Missouri. Additionally, 25 cents of your assessment by the Grand Lodge each year is used to help fund our scholarship program. The Masonic Scholarship Programs are indeed one of the Crown Jewels of Freemasonry and a notable way for our fraternity to benefit youth in our communities. We strongly encourage each Mason to support the scholarship programs by donation but also by making them well known and encouraging qualified students to apply.

“Freemasonry is an order whose leading star is philanthropy, and whose principles inculcate an unceasing devotion to the cause of virtue and morality.” – The Marquis de Lafayette Page 10

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Masonic Home of Missouri

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Membership Pins


The officers of the Grand Lodge of Missouri A.F. & A.M. would like to congratulate the following recipients of membership service pins. It is a great honor to bestow these membership pins on our Brothers and to acknowledge the community service of our Lodges.

New Master Masons Laclede Lodge 83

Brother James B. Kolb 25-Year Membership Pin

These are the youngest and newest Master Masons of Laclede Lodge 83, Brothers Quinton Stokes, Justin Martin, and Cody Martin. Each is 18 years old and a senior in high school. They were raised in December, 2017. What better way to start adulthood! Also pictured are Brother Jeff Stokes and WB Alan Martin.

Brother James B. Kolb was presented his 25-year certificate and pin by WB Bill Frazier on February 22 during the stated meeting of Strafford Lodge 608 in Strafford, MO. Brother Kolb is a valued member of the lodge and continues to help in many ways. He expressed his gratitude and sincere willingness to be of service to our fraternity as long as he can.

Brother Joseph Kipp & Brother Rodney Clevenger 50-Year Membership Pins

Polo Lodge 232 presented 2 50-yr pins to Brothers Joseph Kipp and Rodney Clevenger on November 22, 2017 with WM Ronnie Gorham and WB Don Griffin presiding. From left to right are Brother Clevenger, Brother Kipp, WB Griffin and WM Gorham.

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LODGE & DISTRICT NEWS Brother Edwin Lee Roberts 50-Year Membership Pin

On January 18, 2018, before our regular stated communication, Cass Lodge 147 presented Brother Edwin Lee Roberts with his 50-year service pin. Presenting his pin was Past Grand Master MWB Rocky Weaver. Brother Roberts is pictured with his wife and MWB Weaver.

WB Richard Anderson 25-Year Membership Pin

WB Richard Anderson was presented his 25-year certificate and pin by WM Ryan Cooksey on December 28, 2017 during the stated meeting at Strafford Lodge 608. WB Anderson is the Past Master of both Webster Lodge 98 in Marshfield, MO and Strafford Lodge 608 in Strafford, MO. He is currently the Treasurer of Strafford Lodge 608. WB Anderson continues to serve our lodge, and has expressed his gratitude and willingness to serve our fraternity when needed.

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Membership Pins Brother Charles Grosse 50-Year Membership Pin

Pictured are Brother Charles Grosse, his wife and WB Leo Hendricks from Hermann 123.

Brother Charles Grosse was presented with his 50-yr pin by WB Kenneth Brundege on October 23, 2017, at Montgomery 246.

Brother Lawrence Barton 50-Year Membership Pin

On January 16, 2018, at Fraternal Lodge 363 in Robertsville, Brother Lawrence Barton was presented with his 50-Year pin and certificate by RWB Richard Weible, PDDGM of the 24th District. Brother Barton’s wife, Kay, who is at his right, pinned her husband.

The Freemason

Membership Pins

Brother Gene Bach 50-Year Membership Pin

Pictured are L-R: Brother Kenneth Swope, Gene’s daughter Donna Leonard, wife Annabell, Brother Bach,, Brother Roy Cary and DDGM Richard Smith.

On January 23, 2018, Brother Gene Bach received a 50-year membership pin at Cooper Lodge 36. The crowd enjoyed a dinner before the ceremony.

WB Ernie Phelan 50-Year Membership Pin

Poplar Bluff Lodge 209 was proud to honor WB Ernie Phelan with a 50-yr member ceremony on February 13, 2018. After our annual Valentine Dinner, the crowd assembled in the Lodge room where RWB Bill A. Humble performed the ceremony and WB Phelan’s wife Donna pinned the 50-yr pin on his lapel. Brother Phelan was also presented with a plaque from Poplar Bluff Chapter 344 OES and a Certificate of Appreciation from the Poplar Bluff DeMolay and Rainbow for Girls.

LODGE & DISTRICT NEWS Brother Roy Gilkey 50-Year Membership Pin

Pictured from left to right: RWB Roy Gilkey, RWB Kenneth O’Dell.

On February 21, 2018, Iberia Lodge 410 hosted a dinner for RWB Roy Gilkey for achieving 50-years in Freemasonry. He was recognized by RWB Kenneth O’Dell, DDGM of the 30th Masonic District.

Brother Roger Henson 50-Year Membership Pin

On December 14, 2017, Bell City Lodge presented Brother Roger Henson with his 50-year pin. RWB Randy Jennings, RGL, officiated the ceremony. Brother Henson’s wife, Sue, is pictured pinning his lapel.

“The grand object of Masonry is to promote the happiness of the human race.” – George Washington Winter 2018

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LODGE & DISTRICT NEWS Brother Eugene A. Withrow 50-Year Membership Pin

Brother Eugene A. Withrow is shown receiving his certificate for 50 years of service to Freemasonry. The pin and certificate were presented by WM Eugene O. Righter, at Union Masonic Lodge 593 on January 26, 2018.

Membership Pins

Brother Barney Munhollon 50-Year Membership Pin

Pictured is WB James Munsey, Brother Munhollon, and his daughter, Angela.

At United Lodge 5 in Springfield, MO, Brother Barney Munhollon received his 50-Year pin on January 15, 2018.

Brother Floyd E. “Buddy” Scowden 50-Year Membership Pin

Brother Joseph Coble 50-Year Membership Pin Brother Floyd E. “Buddy” Scowden, of Lowndes, MO, received his 50-year Masonic Pin and certificate on Tuesday, November 21, at Zalma Lodge 545 in Zalma, MO. Brother Scowden was raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason on November 26, 1967 in Occidental Lodge 163 in St. Louis. He transferred his Masonic membership from Overland-Occidental Lodge 623 to Zalma Lodge 545 on July 1, 2014. He became a dual member with Greenville Lodge 107 on January 15, 2015. Buddy is a 1955 graduate of Greenville High School and attends Berrong General Baptist Church near Zalma. He was married to the late Ima Jean Scowden (1936-2013). He resides on the family farm at Lowndes, and is the current Tiler for both the Zalma and Greenville Lodges. Brother Scowden (center) is pictured with (left) RWB Ty G. Trutelaar, SGD of Missouri and (right) RWB Richard W. Kaeser, JGD of Missouri, who both presided at the ceremony Page 22

On February 12, Solomon Lodge 271 in Springfield, MO, presented a 50-yr pin to Brother Joseph Coble. RWB Carlin Smittle presided over the ceremony. The Freemason

Membership Piins RWB Keith Beasley 50-Year Membership Pin

The 61st annual Communication of the 20th Masonic District of Missouri was held on January 27, at Jewel Lodge 480 in Pleasant Hill, Missouri. MWB Ronald D. Jones presented RWB Keith Beasley with his 50-year service pin. During the meeting, the Grand Master received a Gavel from RWB Dave Cogburn and a picture from WB Larry Walters and, of course, a raccoon hat. After the meeting, all present enjoyed a great meal of Coon and BBQ. Photos courtesy of Larry Walters.

On March 13, 2018 RWB James McManigle was presented his 50-year pin at Bolivar Lodge 195 by DGM, RWB Tim Thomas. Winter 2018

LODGE & DISTRICT NEWS Brother Patrick West 50-Year Membership Pin

Pictured are (l to r): RWB Mike Apple, Brother Patrick West, and WB Dwight Wyatt.

At the regular stated communication of Algabil-Freedom 636 on November 21, 2017, Brother Patrick West was awarded his 50-year pin and certificate. Brother West was raised in Freedom Lodge 636 on November 11, 1967.

Father-Daughter Dance

Grand Master, Most Worshipful Brother Ronald D. Jones, with his daughter, Missy, and granddaughter, Trinity, at the Father Daughter Ball, put on by the Masonic Youth of Poplar Bluff, with the help of Poplar Bluff Lodge 209.

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On November 16, 2017, Pauldingville Lodge 11 in Wright City held a dedication ceremony to name our lodge building The Conley E. DePriest Masonic Temple. RWB DePriest (pictured) has been a member of the lodge for over 46 years and this honor was given to our Brother who has dedicated his entire Masonic career to the service of the Craft.

On December 2, 2017, Greenville Lodge 107 held its annual Installation of Officers. WB Jamie Garris was installed as Worshipful Master by WB Jerry Gowan.

Mt. Vernon Lodge 99 held its annual Installation of Officers on September 5, 2017 with Brother Jonathan “JJ” Waters being installed as Worshipful Master. RWB Bill Spooner, DDGL of the 9th Masonic District, was caught speechless on Saturday, February 10, at the Polo Lodge 232 Fish Fry, when WB Dale Matthews of Angerona Lodge 193 presented him with a Masonic Cane. WB Matthews made the cane himself! When RWB Spooner got his voice back, he stated “This is an excellent example that Brotherly Love and Friendship is still alive and well in our Masonic Fraternity.” Page 24

This was a very special installation as the 2017-2018 year is both our 150th and 170th anniversaries. Mt. Vernon #99 was chartered on May 11, 1848 but surrendered its charter in 1865 when Mt. Vernon became a Union held town. On Oct. 19, 1867, the Lodge was re-chartered and was granted the same name and number. So the 2017-2018 Masonic year is both our 150th and 170th anniversaries.

The Freemason


The Installation of Officers for Solomon Lodge 271 for 2017-2018 was held in September of 2017. Pictured are (l to r), front row: SS-James Arnold, JD-Charles Koonce, Chaplain-Rob Robertson and in the back row: SW-Bob Curtis, WMCharles Dixon, and JW-Greg Walker.

A longstanding tradition of Greenville Lodge 107 is delivering fruit baskets to their local Lodge widows at Christmas time. Members of the Lodge met on December 13, 2017 and surprised several ladies with their Christmas gift. The baskets were prepared by Mary Ann Crites at Richard’s Supermarket in Greenville. McLane Trucking of Poplar Bluff donated towards the event. Those members present to participate were (from left), WB Lavern Daves, RWB Ted Marlow, WB Junior Wilson and WB David Bollinger.

Solomon Lodge 271 sponsored a C2A Class on November 18, 2017, that was held at Gate of the Temple Lodge 422. There were 39 newly Raised Master Masons that day, of which 9 were from Solomon 271.

On December 16, members of California Lodge 183 met to put together and deliver Christmas Baskets of staple foods and gifts for 11 families. This has been an activity of California Lodge for over 20 years. Pictured are: Front Row- Brother Kyle Wirts, WB David Bledsoe, RWB Stuart Inglish, WB Sam Blades, Brother Kade Franks, Brother Dale Ratcliff. Back Row- Brother Jared Hagenhoff, RWB Steve Liebi, EA Daniel Blanke, WB Jim Dearing.

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Community Involvement

On March 3, 2018, the officers of Palmyra Chapter No. 2 opened the 8th Annual Grand Master’s Royal Arch Day in due and proper form at the Jefferson City Masonic Lodge, Jefferson City, MO. Officers present were Most Excellent Companions (Past Grand High Priests) Ralph S. Cantrell, Jr. – High Priest; Harley L. Kropf – King; E. Allen Kohler – Scribe; Donald L. Trabue – Treasurer; Kevin B. Sample – Secretary/Royal Arch Captain; Roy N. Thomas – Captain of the Host; Ronald L. Barrett – Principal Sojourner; John W. Siscel, III – Master of the 3rd Veil; William E. Brenneman – Master of the 2nd Veil; Loren D. Lloyd – Master of the 1st Veil; and VEC Don Vandergriffe – Sentinel. MEC Cantrell thanked everyone for their attendance, received and introduced MEC Ronald L. Barrett, Grand High Priest of the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of the State of Missouri and Companion and Most Worshipful Brother Ronald D. Jones, Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons of the State of Missouri. There were forty companions in attendance including ten Grand Chapter Officers and one additional Grand Lodge Officer – RWB Stanton T. Brown, II, Senior Grand Warden. Two candidates were present, Brothers Travis Wayne Knapp and Cecil Gail Brown, both of Shelbina Chapter No. 99, and received the degrees of Most Excellent Master and the Royal Arch. MWB Jones addressed the Companions prior to lunch and expressed his appreciation of the York Rite, the impressive commitment that many make to the fraternity and his pledge to try to get involved more after next September. The companions also enjoyed an excellent luncheon provided by the young ladies of Columbia Assembly No. 18 Rainbow for Girls. MWB Jones was presented with a gift from MEC Barrett, a beautiful mantle clock. A very special acknowledgement and appreciation to REC Jerry L. Miles who developed the cast for both degrees and the Companions of Jefferson City Chapter No. 34 for hosting the event and provided setup/tear down for both degrees.

The Brethren of Angerona Lodge 193, in Missouri City, Missouri had a George Washington Day Celebration open communication on February 21 and held a supper to raise money for the Masonic Home and to donate a check to the Kansas City Honor Flight in the amount of 6632.00 that the lodge raised by hosting a Texas Hold’em tournament.

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On February 22, the WM of Central Crossing Lodge 674, WB Larry Neukirch, the Shell Knob Shrine Club Rajah, Austin Cross, and the Local High Twelve President, Ken Ballard, came together for the annual George Washington Birthday Celebration Dinner held at the Shell Knob Shrine Club. Numerous Brothers of the 44th district as well as local citizens from the Shell Knob community were in attendance. The theme of the Birthday celebration was “First in War – First in Peace – First in the Hearts of His Countrymen”. Dr. Chris Conyac, Principal/PreSchool Director of the Shell Knob school system spoke to the audience about the theme of the celebration. She told details of the essay competition within the Shell Knob School concerning the theme. Dr. Conyac was accompanied by several teachers of the school system. The essay winner, Emily Escalante, was also in attendance and presented her essay to the audience. After her presentation, the 3 Masonic Organizations awarded Ms. Escalante and her family an all expense paid trip to Mount Vernon – George Washington’s home in Virginia. Several students where in dress from the era of George Washington while portraying different historical figures. Brother Cecil Morris served up a meal fit for Revolutionaries, Continentals & Patriots with cherry pie for dessert.

Solomon Lodge 271 actively supports the Boys and Girls Clubs in Springfield. On October 31, 2017, they participated in their “Trunk or Treat” event, then, on November 17, they provided Thanksgiving Dinner for children and families of the Boys and Girls Club, and they also attended the Boys and Girls Club Futures Dinner in February where the Lodge presented the Boy and Girls Club with the “Volunteer Group of the Year Award.”

Pictured are left to right, Brothers Michael Spence, Greg Walker, Jess Hennel, and Max Gray.

Winter 2018

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Missouri DeMolay

Missouri DeMolay A Tradition of Excellence

Change - it’s inevitable. Lives around us, including our very own, are constantly changing. Evolution is a vital function when change is underway. Joining the Masonic community has set us all on a path of evolution - some evolve to be incredible leaders; some to be great craftsmen of our tools; others to be important pieces of our ever-changing fraternal landscape. When I knelt at the DeMolay altar just over three years ago, it was in that very moment that change - this evolution of leadership development and service to my fellow men - began. I knew little then, but looking back today - what a proud decision that was to join this incredible brotherhood. My invitation to join the Masonic community through DeMolay has truly been life-changing. The day I took my obligations as a DeMolay I was welcomed into a family The 2017-2018 Jurisdictional Officers of Missouri DeMolay, together with Miss Alissa - the vastness of which I didn’t realize at Austin, State Sweetheart, and Miss Madisyn Dodson, Associate State Sweetheart. the time. Since becoming a DeMolay, I’ve joined the Blue Lodge and the Scottish Rite and it is the lessons in DeMolay which helped me It is an honor to have the privilege to serve my fellow realize the importance of the greater good of our beloved men in the Order of DeMolay in this great capacity. Masonic family. I encourage each of you to reach out to More honorable than my position of leadership, it is an our youth - the only future our Craft has - and get them honor to call each of you my Brother. I look forward to each of you making a difference in the life of a youth by involved in our family. introducing them to our greater good. Brotherhood and toleration, loyalty and servant leadership - it is these lessons for which I am thankful. Above these Sincerely and Fraternally, lessons however, above the titles and accolades, above the adornments of our offices - we must remember we Nicholas G. Cova, 32° joined a fraternity - a group of people organized for a State Master Councilor common purpose. Let us never forget our common St. Louis #1, A.F. & A.M. purposes of Brotherly Love, Relief, and Truth; let us never forget that we are a brotherhood; let us never forget Whence We Came.

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The Freemason

Missouri Job’s Daughters


Missouri Job’s Daughters Today’s Leaders, Tomorrow’s Future

Missouri Job’s Daughters would like to invite you to the 2nd Annual Last Dinner on the Titanic. The stately Titanic will once again set sail on April 14th, 2018. This time rather than the Atlantic Ocean we will be sailing on the Mighty Mississippi. Missouri Job’s Daughters is working with St. Louis Riverboat Cruises to help re-create the last dinner on the Titanic on the 106th Anniversary of it’s striking the iceberg that caused it to sink in the early morning hours of April 15th 1912. Boarding begins at 6:00 p.m. with leaving port at precisely 6:30 p.m. This has been brought about through the collaboration of many people who have dedicated many hours of research and planning so that we can bring a truly wonderful dining experience. Tickets are $90.00 per person and includes: 3 course dinner, 3 hour cruise up and down the Mississippi and full open bar. Music will be provided by Ashley Underwood. If you would like more information please go to our website www.titanicdinnerrevisited.com.

Mini Session was on every Missouri Jobie’s mind! Mini Session is a weekend set aside solely for the purpose of fun and building sisterhood and teamwork within our members. For this year’s Mini Session, we decided to go somewhere new! We held this year’s Mini Session at Camp Mihaska, a Salvation Army sponsored camp down in beautiful Bourbon, MO. This year’s theme was Survivor: Trials of Job Edition. The girls did many tiki-themed challenges and participated in many Bethel and individual competitions that were all based off the popular TV show “Survivor”. We had a lot of fun and all of our girls were worn out by the time it was over! Jobie Love and ALL of Mine, Erin Howard, PHQ Grand Bethel Honored Queen Missouri Job’s Daughters Winter 2018

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Missouri Rainbow Girls

Hello, Missouri Masons! I hope you are all doing well and life is going swell. I’m ready for winter to move on and, watching Facebook posts, Weather Alerts and School Closings, know most of you are, too! I have been traveling a lot since October, after attending the amazing State Halloween Party and District 3 Grand Worthy Advisor Visit on October 28-29. On November 4, I was a part of Debi Olson’s reception as she celebrated being Grand Conductress of OES. On November 11, I went to the Lee’s Summit’s Holly Fest to help Service Assembly at a MoCHIP event. On November 18, I helped my local Assembly and then jumped in my car to go to the Missouri DeMolay Installation, where Alissa Austin and Madi Dodson did a great job as Missouri’s State Sweetheart and Associate State Sweetheart. December 2 was our ugly sweater State Christmas Party at Ashland, and December 16 was my District’s Christmas Party with the GWA of Iowa, Janelle Engelbrecht, as our special guest. After our Christmas Party, I took a carload of items to Hope House! Thanks to everyone! On January 27, I jumped in my car (again) and went to the Scottish Rite Knighthood Youth Ball, where Anna Folkerts became the Youth Ball Queen. Raytown’s Mayor, Michael McDonough, joined us at Service Assembly’s Pancake Breakfast in February, which benefited the American Red Cross.

The picture is me taking many items to our local Hope House. The items included winter coats, clothes, games, toys, books and more.

There isn’t enough room to list everything I’ve done and everywhere I’ve gone! I just want to thank every Missouri Mason who attended these and other events with me. I am gaining amazing memories and I cannot wait to see what is in store for me from now until the end of June.

Being BRAVE takes a little bit of courage...but it’ll mean a lot to those you are helping AND, especially, it will mean a lot to YOU! So, BE BRAVE! Alexis Hartenstein, Grand Worthy Advisor 2017-2018 State of Missouri, International Order of the Rainbow for Girls

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The Freemason


By RWB John W. Siscel, III There are many who, when they read this article’s title, know EXACTLY where they were when they FIRST heard those words. I certainly do! More to the point, I know exactly how those nine words have affected my subsequent life. While that, in a nutshell, is the theme of this humble effort it by no means is all I hope it will be to the reader. The over-all purpose is to call to all of our minds the real effect Freemasonry can and DOES have over us. This is the subject I seek to address (through these few words). Our Masonic journey as a Master Mason takes a monumental turn when we hear those words. That journey, for each of us, takes and/or has taken us hither and yon; it makes choices evident and opportunities clearer. Why? How? The answers are obvious in the words that follow”... on whom you can with CONFIDENCE RELY”. These are strong words, real words, masculine words. They point the way to our futures, be they what they may. Let us explore those words and their potential meanings for all of us. Confidence and reliance leave no doubt to any man, let alone those of us who are Freemasons. The beauty of this Fraternity is that it sets a floor yes, a level playing field, where Kings (and their gardeners), Presidents (and their Secret Service details) and every day men can, and do, meet, act and part on the level. While this is earth shattering in its importance to all its disciples, it has a far wider significance. Who is to define the true value of those words? It is for each and every one of us to make the choices of our lives and it is those series of choices which introduce us to those words, confidence and reliance. There really is only one practical way to do this and that is to provide concrete examples of just what I mean. As you might have deduced, I have just recently passed the 50-year milestone. It was at that presentation that these concepts came back to mind. As that ceremony progressed those twin terms, confidence and reliance, kept resurfacing. They surfaced, however, in tandem with the skills of leadership, strength of character, loyalty and, above all, friendship. Earlier, we asked those questions of how and who? Let us explore these concepts exemplified in real life. Life, and Freemasonry, bring cream to the top. The cream referenced here is the cream of honor, of strength of character, and that cream which causes a man to stand for what is right. Four great Freemasons (yes and great men!) rise, like that cream, to the top of the list that I have of those “friends Winter 2018

on whom I did with confidence rely”. When I reflect upon it, however, I know I am NOT alone in my awe, respect & fidelity to these four giants who, in all kinds of weather, displayed the aforesaid qualities of strength of character, honor, loyalty & standing tall for what is right, regardless of the cost. These four “giants” are MW Brothers Vern H. Schneider, P. Vincent Kinkead, and RW Brothers Walter C. Ploeser and Leslie F. Denney AND why and how they fit the mold I have, for the purposes of this article, listed. Freemasonry and, indeed, the world at large is fortunate to have been blessed by the Supreme Architect of the Universe by his sending each and every one of them to earth. Each of them displayed “in spades” the qualities I earlier called out. Brothers Kinkead and Schneider, by personal example, presented example after example of personal integrity, courage and just plain good leadership over and over but none better than in their devotion to Masonic Education in the Subordinate Lodges of Missouri. Make no mistake about it, they called for and they GOT the quality program they demanded AND so did all of us!! The extent of their strength of character was boundless and known and respected by all who fol-lowed them. Without question they were living examples of the friend on whom you could with confidence rely and still are. RW Brothers Denney and Ploeser are also personal examples of men of quality and purpose that will stand the test of time. In the early 1990’s there was a popular country and western song with these words,”You’ve got to stand for something or you’ll fall for anything; you’ve got to be your own man not a pup-pet on a string”. RW Brothers Ploeser and Denney lived and died those words a hundred times over for the world to see. All four of these men either are or were men of clay, real men of bone and sinew and were there for ANYONE. They are the living and breathing examples of the thesis of this article. 50 years of Freemasonry is a plateau to be sure, but Brethren, our fraternity is much more. These friends are there for YOU as they were for me and will be so till time shall be no more. “I place you in the hands of a friend”; so shall it ever be.

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Grand Master’s Calendar of Events April 2018

May 2018

April 5 • 6:30 p.m. Mt. Hope Lodge 476, 3rd Degree (Odessa) April 6 • 6:30 p.m. Southwest Baptist Dinner (Bolivar) April 7 • 12 p.m. Fenton Lodge 281, 50-year pin (Fenton) April 10 • 7:30 p.m. Bethany Lodge 97, Fraternal Visit (Bethany) April 12 • 6 p.m. Order of Amaranth (Springfield) April 13 • Temperance Lodge 438 @ Crows Creek Campground, BBQ Contest (Smithville) April 14 • 8 a.m. Grand Masters Scottish Rite Class, Valley of Kansas City April 19 • 7 p.m. Mt. Hope Lodge 476, 50-year pin (Odessa) April 20 • 10 a.m. Masonic Home Board Meeting (St. Louis) April 21 • 9 a.m. Grand Masters Breakfast @ Moolah Shrine (St. Louis) April 24 • 7:30 p.m. Friend Lodge 352, 1st Degree (Ozark) April 28 • 11 a.m. Whole Hog Roast @ Osage Lodge 303 (Nevada) April 30 • 7:30 p.m. District 10 Meeting @ Callao Lodge 38 (Callao)

May 1 • 6 p.m. White Shrine (Springfield) May 2 • 6 p.m. Wentzville Lodge 46, 60-year pin (Wentzville) May 3 • 7:30 p.m. Mt. Hope 476, 1st Degree (Odessa) May 5 • 9 a.m Richmond Lodge 57, 175th Rededication (Richmond May 12 • 10 a.m.Mt. Vernon Lodge 99, 150th Rededication (Mt. Vernon) May 17 • 7:30 p.m. Mt. Hope 476, 2nd Degree (Odessa) May 19 • 10 a.m. Masonic Home Board Meeting (Columbia) May 24 • 7 p.m. Swope Park 617, Chair of Remembrance Ceremony (Kansas City) May 27 • 5 p.m. DeMolay Conclave (Jefferson City)

June 2018

June 2 • 8 a.m. Grand Masters C2A Class, Sedalia Lodge 236 (Sedalia) June 7 • 6:30 p.m. Mt. Hope Lodge 476, 3rd Degree (Odessa) June 8 • 9 a.m. Grand York Rite (Jefferson City) June 9 • 1 p.m. Lodge of Research Meeting (Jefferson City)

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