Tomo 5

Page 290


Po1rtales, L. F. de. Illustr;1ted c;1talogue of the Museum of comparative zoologie.-Cambridge, 187 r.-G. 51.

Q Quijada B., Bernardino. Lecciones de Zoolojía, para el 4° año de humanidades.-Santiago, 1899.-R 312. Quijada B., Bemardino. Zoolojía práctica basada sobre el análisis ele 2 5 animales chilenos i estranje:ros ele interes jeneral.-Santiago, 1908 .-R. 31 3·

R Ramsay, .E. P. Catalogue of the Australian Bircls in the Australian Museum.-Part. III .-Psittaci.-Syclney, 189r.-K. 67. Id., E. P. On a new species of Petauricles from tbe Bellenclen.-Ker rauge.N. E. Queenslanci .-K. 52 . RECORD .

The zoological. - London , 1893, 1894, 1895, 1895, 1896, 1897.0. I 14.

Ric/tmrd, ')'. et JVeuville, H. Quelques cétacés observés penclant les campagne<; clu Yacht Princesse-Alice.-I. 365. Id. , Charles W. List of generic terrns proposed for birds dming the years 1890 to 1900, to which are adder names onictted by waterhouse in his «<nclex generum avium » (Proced. Un. St. Museum XXIV, p. p. 663-729).S. 265.

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