DMLC Yearbook 1980-1981

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FOOTBALL: The Team Sport

Playing footbaU Is not easy. Personal and team pride are developed by accomplishing something d1fficuh. Teams respec1ed us. We respected other teams. Mos1 of all, we respected each other for the effort given. for the saalfien made, for the faith we •hare. We believe. We believe In OUNelves. we believe in each other. Together we believe in the hope of eterNI vic tory. We were a team. We won as a team. We lose as a ream. I greatly enjoyed being a member of the team. We were a single unit. There were no individuals.









Th<! 1980 Women·s Volleyball season has much to say about th<! lancerettes. Our talented and aggressive team decided to take the challenge and turn ot Into a succen. As Coach Wade nated. ' This season is something to be proud ot:• We showed progress ln offensive power early in the season and finished strong with greatly Improved defensive play. Our accomplishments cannot be overlooked, I) We established a fine record above .500. 17·11 in match play. ~5 in overall games. l ) We took first at the Hamline University Invitat ional 3) We received seventh seed in the MAIAW State Tournament. 4) Al our players should be returning next season. In 1981 I know "'e w1U be ready to take on anyone. The J.V.s also had a succ.e uful ffitSOn lhey can be proud of. Their record of I0-6 showed much hard

work and improvement. We had the best J.V. team aroundo the matches they lo•t were all very clooe ones - they never gave up. Th<!ir talent should prove interesting and helpful ne><t yearl

3-1 w ().3 l ().3 l 3-0W 1-3 l

V«ti1y Resuht

0\11.C OW.C DW.C D'v1LC D\\LC 3-l w D'v1LC 3-0 w D'v1LC 3-0 w O'v1LC 1-l l 0\1LC l -1 w DMLC 3-0W OMLC 2·3 l D'v1LC 2·3 l DMLC D'IALC 1·3 l 3·1 w D'IALC 3.0 w O\.\LC 1-3 l D'IALC

vs vs vs vs vs vs vs vs

Southwes1 S1ate S1. Thomas Macalester St. 8eMd1c1 St. Olaf Augsburs St. Mary's St. Theresa vs Manka10 S1ate vs Sou1h Dakora U. vs Bethany vs Gusravu• vs Nor1hwes1ern vs Carle1on vs Be1hd VO c""',,.-dio, 51 . Poul vs St. Catherine's

Morris Invitational • 3rd place St. Mary's lnvitati<>MI • 3rd place Hamllne U. lnv1rat1onal • Isl plau


MEN'S BASKETBALL The lancer's season started on a rather dismal no1e u the squad traveled 10 Oord1 and were soundly defeated 81-42. The home court proved 10 be somewhat more 10 the players' liking as the host Lancers defeated Trinity Bible College 68-61. Two days later. again on the Luther gym. OMLC defeated North Central 89-75. Upon returning from Thanksgiving vaca1 Ion. the Lancer cagers traveled to Rochester for a contest against Minnesota Bible, and defeared 1he home school by a score of 76-64.

Couch Oenn11 Gorsline and 1he squad are se11lng a goal for about a .500 season. which doesn't look to be 100 outlandish. II everyone plays to their capabilities. we look for a succeuful year, fuD of fun and excne路 ment.



~ --

Sports Scores!

Women'• Cross COUMry Stout Stat• ~ OMlC :JI ll«heAer CC M DMlC lt UM' Waseca l6 ~Vftllh ur ltm11t'I':" ., ~·u Sul-e-

. '

SL ~··JO DULC ~ T•<lith of r_,_ ot ~

Men"s Cross Cou.nrry

Golden Valley ln\lltatlonal W«thington Turkey Trot St. Paul Blble Dual 1st place In dual Waseca Invitational lnd of five teams Pillsbury Invitational 1st of three teams Northwestern ln•itatlonal lnd of four reams Lanett lnvlta1ional 1$1 of four teams hncen \If NWC-Watenown DMLC 20 NWC 35 Twin Rivers Conference l\.1eet

Nlnth of ck-wtl it StJiitf',_ Mldwl< Hon..... "'1arlc. JM~ Jamee kiint

RKMI '--"• Wendt P.intta11 Kelly sn.....u OonMUye.




lnd Northern District Champion of NLCAA

FOOTBALL Upp« Iowa Unnrenh y OMLC

NWC Roseville DMLC

9 14


Plhbury Bible College


Mt. Senarlo




St. Paul Conc0<dla





lO 9

Mlrq11e11e U. DMl.C

Sports Scores! Nov. lS DMLC Mankato State



D«. l


84 II

St. lhoma1 Dec. 8 OMlC Bethany,

74 44

Nov. 19

DMlC Oordt

Nft.ll DMLC Trinity

Nov. l4


Northc--.1 Dec. 2 DMLC

MN B!hle

• 61

89 75

76 64

Dec. 5 DMLC


88 69



Trinity ClrittlM

44 51




Art Club members have had a busy yearl During the llrst semester, they had a chance to work on calligfaphy and wateffdlor proiects. Also, new contributions graced this year'• Christmas cardsl After Chris1mas. Individual members were respon1lble for doing an art project and teaching it ro other members. Altogether. the year has held many learning and sharing experiences for members!



This year was a rebuilding year for the DMLC Science Club. Students are no doubt familiar with our boxes (or atuminum cans located

around campus. Because of the profits gained from the aluminum collecting. we were able to sponsor s,even special feature movies, along with free popcorn and door prizes to boot. The highlight of the year was the 15th Annual Grade School-High School Science fair, held on campus on March JI. It proved to be a rewarding experience for all

who partklpated. We hope to continue and increase our service to the campus family In the coming years.

JUNTO Jun10 is DMLC' • c1J1"ren1 eve nu discussion sroup. h mee1s sevcral 1imes a year 10 discuu curron1 1opl<t of lnler· est from 1he ouulde world. S1uden1t com.? to dlscuu. and 01 hen come Just 10 learn • lutlc more abou1 what"• goIns on around them. Dlscuulon• are lively and are often quhe heated.




Camera Club ls 1hc campus organl:tatlon In which members 1ake. develop. and display their own plc1ure1. The orsanlza1lon It open 10 all facuhy and studenlt of DMLC. This year is a year of chanse for Camera Club. Our membership lotl motl of 1he old members bu1 wu replenished with a fine group of newcomers. Also. lhi• year (whh a groclous gnn1 from Collegiate Council) we have been 1ble 10 set up our own darkroom. So. whh things soing up. we look f0< many ..-e successful inn





lu I look back on this KhooC year. I H'e Or;ing an otpruuoon 1Nt )o.Qk.-d ~I th« ..... .,.~ ~kt not • - b y . - lln OlW oev4!'f')'d.ay ltle A Jooa.. _.., t»cen In on• blmd i"°l •doctor-~ thi:lu9ht hl'I ('c.'luld dtt'W 10 Uve! « cW:. a boy who w.u nOC -norm.a." the Uvn of bbd tbvn tht Sou1h..1he ptorformer• on a "'~t. md a c_,.,t.,tnof 1he ~Jhowboat

who,.,. •n

A "'"" •sp&."CI of dr.wM pret.en1rd by tM club. An atea •-hue '"""''f"'C'll\~ rtadine ~ dw ma1n fOCU"S rill~ than 1tw KT'"I. This .-ca o' Reade-r's Thtarre un\tiffod nlilfe ttlml

Throu8h all the pctformanttt- and produc1~ ot Dr1ma 1tw pnnc. . ot u•ing God"t e•ll• 10 Hts l'°'l .... P«"f"'Vtd. God hi• ns His grxc- Md lo\.: 1hrou~ ctv gdts: _.nd 1a1.mtt Hit hat bn1~ed upon us. Meow lrut ii IJ. "Whitt«" 1"0 or thn!~ arr 1.11.htr~ lottthtor ln my nanw, thttc .ain ' '" tht medtt or thrn1."


Whit c.1n be~ ban:Hd Ind God plc:a.-••ne 11\&n 1he sound of d\lldr~ ~11'11 ..ud having funJ fbtore's ~ group on ttMt ctmpuJ 1M1 c~1tr1 •ound 1hoe- ldto.a o( brwtgmg toy Into thr dwld't Ufc That eroup it a..trrn' t TI1eatroe. We hiw big plaM few tho ye.v- illnd our goal it to 1.-t fl'C'O'Pk- lnvok.~d tn ~~adJng lh'!!' py ha:,4! O• ('(U"'t.t. -.·e have OW"" s~t• on our big 5P"'"'8 productton. Th•• year •r pbn 1i>do:. fairy r * ~ hopt"fully be ablit to tn'\d 10th.: Twin Ctta

10 pniorm l11n ~of our t<hooh t~t We .ak.o h•vt our Ctwtstmas ••• winrh wr put on for 1tw c01mpu• f..,,.ay. I don't know who ~nfOYs tlwit more. the C"lub or tht .udK>nct-1 Tht'tt K • p.att In evrry one of us llvl M'\Cf" growJ old.. N whh lhlt In mlnd 'At' h11.t: Jet up "-.ioi.rf sroupt to arr•n&f: mta1Ml'lm('f'lt for

1hc: R"fiekntl of H1shbnd &1.anor,

nw )"e• SS0-81.aunds111.t It wil bt- • producrh·r year for 011ldrm s 0

Thf-•u•t. and I ;1 wtl


a fun one for neryone lnvol\-ed.




COLOR GUARD You may not have recognrud this group on campus this year. With an expensive purchase of MIO< uniforms and marcl11111l boots. the Colar Guard Is marching proud. This year. the Color Guard has represented their school by pre1enllng lhe American Flag al twelve home foo1ball and basketball games. and by performing four half· lime drdls. This year, the Col« Guard has tried a new s1yle of marching. The flags have Incorporated different 1ypes of ma·

ne1.-ers and 1worls, and the guns have been able 10 perfect many dofferenl gun movements •nd flips. These new 1echnlqt...s. plus lou of hard w«k. have given the fifteen ,,,.,mbeu who perfOf'm In the Color Guard something 10 be proud of.


WINTER CARNIVAL BROOMHALL This year's Winier Carnival once agafn brought out the broomball players. Th" contesu Wl!re held on the Saturdaiy lusl ~fore carnlva1 besan. In the men·t

cont<"at, first place was toed between two teams. The ladies' contest was taken by Tammy Anschuetz's team.




Program COME. YOUR HEARTS AND VOICES RAISING December 18 and 19. 1980 Prelude by the Symphonic Concert Band

Nativity Songs for Band Hosanna! (Thrtt C hrisrmas Chorales) Variat ion$ on an Echo Carol Coventry Ca rol Hosanna In Excels1s (A Concert of Carols) Processional of the Choirs Your Hearl• and Vo ices ing Wa ke, Awake


I. WE SING OF HIS COMING The Advent hhortatton The Advent Prayer The Advent Message 0 lord. How Shall I Mttl Thtt The Advent Hymn n WE $ING OF HIS BIRTH

Prelude in C

Jesus. Je-. Rest Your Head Break forth. 0 Beauteou• Heavenly light from Heaven's Heights Mary'• lullaby to the Infant King Glory lo God In the follsl!est A Boy w... Born A Virgln Most Pure A Chrislm..s Mnsage Chrlt1mas Hymn At This Joyous Christmas Time A Joyous Glad Noel lo, How a R<ISe O. C.ime. Al Ye Children A Carol for Chrlflmat Chrl11mas Hymn Saund the Trumpet A Joyous Chr111m..s Song

Gloria f our Carols for A•tembly wtlh Brass Choir and Timpani Hallelujah Chorus

C'1ri11mas Prayer Nunc Dimlll is Recessional Silent Ni8ht


Familiar Places The plcturn included In this sect10n •how places many of Iii Meounter in the'"'""" of a week Some are memonbw. bttauoe of their artistic beillUty, others are mrmonble becillUoe they are famlltM t..ndmarks we pass u we ..... downto..n. Stil others are plKH we go to rela:x or placH "'here 0\1LC students are employed. We hope that .,e·•e Included sonw of your fnorlle pt..ces.

lww Ulm Publi< Unry

r r ~

New llfn Thettrf'

H•ppy Joe'• Plz.t• PM'lor

Ct'ntl'f St and Br.,ad.... ay

RadiQ S111tlon kNUJ'• Trant1nll1~r

.J Thr Way of thC' Cross



Uln1 In door Swimming Pool

N<w Ulm ~4c00001kt'•




f ,, •

Theo 8oilcr of lhc

Otlt!r -

th<' latl tte.ambo•I to tcrrvc

Rlvt'f'tidc P.,.k Hlt1orlclJ Milrkcr



Clty Hall

St-arllte Orlvt'..l:n Theatet

St. P.ul't




Cap1aln!IC''• Re-stauranl

Down1own Chriumas Ot'ccwa1ion1

Hardee:'• Rntaunnl


P'11mi:da Oitcounl S1ore

View of HermaM from Exctblor

. -· •



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- ·.

••• •• •• • • ••



FACULTY P~•ldrnt H~bM<



- BA. M01v


John Isch BS. MEd. PhD Wrlllam Arras - BS. MA Robert Averback - BS. MS Gt..nn Barnn - BS. MS. EdO Elalne Barrel BS. MA. PhD Gerhard Bauer BS. MS Gtlber1 F11cher BS. MA fr.W"I Gnm• 8A, MA, MEd, EdD Beverlee Hatt - BS, MS Mervtn lnaebruson - BA. MS Roaer Klockiwm BS. MAT George la&-°'"' BS. MEd Roland JI.~ - BS. MS Irma Paap - BS. MA Arthur Schulz - BS. BS, MS Erich Sievert - BS, MA Oavtd Wendltt - BS, MS Howard Wes~ BS, MA. MS Engli1h Martin Schr~der - BA. BS. MA Richard Buss BA. MOlv Gerald Jacobt0n - BS. MA. MA Arlen K~tler - BS. MS Thomas Kuster - BA. M01v. MA. PhD Morron Schroeder - BS

Edward Meyer BS. B\1us. MCM Arnn And4non BA. MA. OMA Bruce Bicker BA. MD1v, MMus Fred Bartel SS. MEd Brenda Black AA Mark OeGarmo BS James Enael BS. MMu• Roaer Herman1on - BA Juduh Kresnlcka - B\1us Chaoo l~d1ke BS. MA. MFA &,r,rudc l';ohc WaldetNr Nohe - BS, \l\1us Judith Ozburn BS M.vtotie Rau B\1us 0110 Schenk - BS. B\1us. \1A lots Schr~der - BS fr•ncts Schubkegel - BS. M\'lus Joyce Schubkegel - BS, \1.\'lus Ronald SchrUlng BS. \'l.\1us Waynt' Wagner - BS Clara Wichmann BS Phl"•r•I Edur•tlon Gary Dallmann - BS. MS Dennis Gorshnc BS Barbara Leopold BS Judith Wade BS

6dJiion - Socu/ S1ud1n Theodore Har1w1a - BA. MOiv LC!'Roy Boernt'ke - BA. MOlv. \1A,

PhD Delmar Brick BA. MOlv. MA John Brug - BA. MOlv George Heckmann - BA. MS Arnold Koelpin BA. MDlv Robert Krueger BA. M01v l yle Lange BA. MOiv LeRoy levorson AA. BS. MA Marw111 Mell!Ak BS. MS Kenneth PHch AA. BA. M01" Oan1n Radda11 BA. M01v Frrder1ck Wulff BS. MS ~s Zarhna BA. MOiv M.ilhem•liCI - Xf,,IU Harold Yo11tt - es. MS Paul Boehlke BS. MS. MST G.vy Carmichael - BS John Mlcheel BS, MS John Oldlleld BA John Paul1en - BS. MA Ralph Swann BA, MA umes Wandersee BS. MS. PhD

Primary respons1b1fi1y for the 1n11ruc1lonal proaram rests w11h the memben of 1he faculty who hold their ofllce at accountable 10 God throush a divine call administered undc-r the tupc:rinte.ndc:nce of th< church. In dltchargiog thit tl'W.I. tlte f•cuhy r-cco¥nl; n

continuing ri!sponsibility for Improvement 1hrough pr1va1e Sludy. through further 11udy 11 other places of learn1ng, 1hrough a11endance al meetings of scholarly 10clelles. and through par1lcipa1ion 1n "arious in· •ervlc" proar•m• on the campus. The<e are encourased nor only for pttsonal sat1.sfact1on but •Isa for rffrct1Vf" cla.ssroom inslructton. By demonttrJ111tna J11 rnpecl for conunued scholarsh19 and by 1he example of personal dedkauon. 1he faculty hopes 10 encounige among the 11udert11 the love f« leMM1ng. the spiru of Inquiry. 111'<1 the ~ul11vallon of wider intell~lual hor11ons 1tu1 chanc1erize a wholesome collC!'ge a1mosphef"~




GRADUATING CLASS OF 1981 Pamela Abraham

Hazel. SD

Ba.rbara B.ecker Fhnt. Ml

Michelle Blodc Saginaw, Ml

Doris Becker Maribel. WI

Julie Soeder Wiiton, WI

Paula Arndt Combined locks. WI

Raena Becker

Phoenix, AZ

Susan Babier Van Dyne. WI

Deborah Beckmann Annandale, VI

Rebecca Br•ndt

Peggy Brenden

Readfield, WI

Sedan. MN



AVAILABLE Karen Dahlke Montello, WI


Densie Dankers Red Wing, MN

David Degner Jellerson. WI

Lindy Dietze Medford. WI

··~ ., ;

• Thomas Bakjian New Ulm. MN

Leanne Bartel New Ulm. MN

Karen Bauer Zeeland. ND

Mary Bauer Two Rivers. WI



NO PHOTO Joel Be.-ger Miiwaukee, WI

Sharon 8ros1ro1n DakoLa, MN

Ruth Bethke Lorello, MN

Donna Capek Campbellsport. WI

Cindy Birkholz Be•ver Dam, WI

Liu Carmichael Dakota, MN

Sharon Birkholz New Ulm. MN

David Covach Plymouth. Ml

CLASS VERSE: I can do aU things through Christ which SLrengtheneth me. - Philippian• 4ol3

Wendy Dorn Winona, MN

Jill Douglas Neenah. WI

Linda Duehlmeyer Hayfield. MN


Audrey Eckelberg KendaD. WI

Cynthia Geiger Marathon. WI

Tdl Haanlng Miiwaukee. WI

Margaret Enderle Slinger. WI

fliubeth Geisert Ogallala. NE

Tamara Hadler Sylas, AZ

Rebecca Henke Montdo. WI

Catherine Felsong Saginaw. Ml

Nancy Giese Pompano Beach. Fl

David Hagen Manitowoc, WI

Donna Heup Appleton. WI

Sharon Fickau Hartland. WI

Helene Grambow Melvin, Ml

Cynthia Hammer 5-0othgate, Ml

Kurt Heyer

Fort Wayne. IN

Rachel Freier S1 . Joseph. Ml

Steven Groening

Columbus. WI

Janice Frir• Waukesha. WI

Steven Groslnske Baraboo. WI

Eliubeth Gehl New Ulm. MN

Cynthia Gross Menomonee Falls, WI

Amanda Grosse Morton Grove. IL



-- .?

Brian Hampton New Ulm. MN

Anna Hoenec:ke Del Mar. CA

.A. •

Stacie Hartman Pigeon. Ml

Randy Hoffmann South Milwaukee, WI

Brenda Hass Genoa. WI

Ann Hohen11~in

Lake City. MN

Kellie Headrick Saginaw. Ml

Michelle Horneber Bancroft. Ml


CLASS HYMN: Dear Lwd. You tauglH our Fathers 1he way which leads to You. and 1hrough Your grace 1herr children lear-ncd of •alvat ion. too. But soon tha1 generation wlll be al home above. and who will teach the chi~ dren of Your undyjng Lo•e? Marie Jaeckel For1 Atkinson. WI

John Kanter Hales Corners. WI

Jeffrey Kurbis Benton Harbor. Ml

Rachel Luetke New Ulm, MN

Anneue Kiehler Memphis. Ml

Laurie Landry South Haven. Ml

Joni Lu1ze Manitowoc, WI

Ta mara Joeckel fort Atkinson. WI

Becky Klukas Balalon. MN

John Lange Wa1ertown. WI

laurel Maerlz MarshaD. MN

Roselyn Jankowski Milwaukee. WI

RendeU Koeppel Wa1er1own. WI

Debra Leitzke Manitowoc, WI

Helen Malchow Prairie du Chien, WI

Dean Johnson Miiwaukee. WI

John Kolander WI


Ela1ne Lemke Cudahy, WI

Susan Manthe Ber.Lon Harbor, Ml

Paul Kaiser Milwaukee. WI

Kris1in KolLz Beaver Dam, WI

Debra Lewi$ Lewoston. \1N

Nolan Marshall Fond du lac, WI

Beth Kamin New Ulm. MN

Dame! Kuehl Hanford. WI

Beth lolvnlller Henry. SO

Becky Marton Midland. Ml

James kaniess Appleton. WI

Kathy Kuhlmann Hollah. MN

Luann Luedtke Jefferson. WI

Darci Martin Mequon. WI

Craig Morgan Wate.rtown, WI

David Paustian Watertown. WI

Carrie Melcher Watertown, WI

Cynthia Most Pres<ott. WI

Gene Pfeifer Fort Atkinson. WI

Lana Punk• Brookfield. WI


Deborah Mlckettl Seattle. WA

JUI Nass

Watertown, WI

Michael Pfeifer Helenvllle, WI

John Ray Carlsbad, CA

Denise MIUer Elroy. Wl

Sandra Nell Green Bay. WI

Edith Pingel Lansing. Ml

Connie Reiter

Wiiimar. MN

Oh. grant that .,., Your shephttds be faithful u we ought. "'""" teach· Ing Your young lambs 1he truths .,.hlch we wrre taught lord. (!Ive us courage. pa1lence, lull s1reng1h 10 1rus1 In You. ond bless our every effort in all we say and do. Je IItry MIller

0.h~oth. WI

Thomas Neuman Shelby. Ml

David Popp Appleton. WI

Phkhp MoU Oshkosh. WI

David Niemi New Ulm. MN

Anne Preis Pls•on. Ml

Giselle Rhoades

Rhonda R1chgruber

fort lup1on, CO

Rhineland..-. WI

Cheryl Moore Ktnosrn.. WI

Marie Otchler Kenosha, WI

Natalie Prlour ~dna,


Randy Ristow Goodrich. Ml

Oak! Oppttmann kflerson, WI

Kevin Proeber Cudahy. WI

C yn1hla Roemhild I Milw1ukee, WI

Vet, soon our generation w1ll be at home abo•e. and then new llocks of lamb• will need to know Your lo•e. Lord. Rrant that then Your shepherds be faithful as they ought while teach mg. '111 the e nd of time those truths wh1ch they were taught. Brian Root Pontiac. Ml

Reniece Schneidere1t B<~Wt\ti?r. NE

Rebecca Schroeder N~w Ulm, MN

Cynthia Ross Winona, MN

Debra Schuh z Mnn1Plln ,


Vivian Rugen North Massapequa. NV

Janis Schultz N<'"I Ulm, MN


Susan Seidel Wauwatosa. WI

Lm Tacke New Ulm. MN


Peggy Sockmann ArUngton. MN

Amy Templin Glencoe. MN

Rebecca Smilh Milwaukee. WI

Sandra Teu1n St . Charles. Ml

Julie Sorenson Climax. MN

Kama Tessmer Rogers. MN

Paul Ryder New Ulm. MN

Mark Schuln

Durand. Ml

Ma11hew Schlawon Kirkwood. MS

Kadeen Schmelter Remus, \Al

Cindy Schulz Oshkosh, WI

Natahe Schulu Wausau. WI

Kim Schmidt Wausau, WI

Cynthia Schulz Akaska. SD



~ -¥,)·~·


ABSENT ... PHOTO NOT AVAILABLE Loos Spaude Water1own. WI

Debot"ah Tetzlaff Milwaukee. WI

Paul Steinbach Tucson. A:J.

Susan Teuteberg Menomonee Falls, WI

Douglas Stellick Monroe. \Al

Wendy St~lie• New Wm. MN

Ruth Thierfelder West Palm Beach. fl





~路 "~ Shella Toil Fond du lac. WI

Vicki Vance Hales Comers. WI

Laurie Whilby Oa.k Creek. WI


Steven Toth

Rachel Turany

Timothy Ulrich

Bay Chy. Ml

Phoenix. AZ

BurnsviUe. MN

Susan Veller Eau Claire, WI

Monica Wiebusch

Vancouver. WA

Robert Waedekm Miiwaukee, WI

Michael Wilde Milwaukee, WI

Dannette Ware Milwaukee, WI

.\1ary Wiii Ann Arbor. Ml


.f ,

Susan Yan.t New Ulm. MN


Jane Zutrow lake Mills. WI

Randall Zeamer Greenleaf, WI


Donna Was1rack Green lake. WI

Cheryl Uphoff Payette, ID

Joel Welke Water1own. WI

Susan Wendorf la Crosse. WI

Jane Wen1tel Inver Grove He1ghu. MN


NO PHOTO AVAILABLE Suzanne WiU West S1. Paul. MN

Carrie Ziellow Anchorage. ALA

Jonathan Wlllln Spring Valley, WI

Debra Zietlow Milwaukee. WI

Emlly Winkler Green leal, WI

Rulh Z1mpelmann Eagle River, WI

Krls1en Wood Kenosha, WI

Susan Zink Hales Corner" WI





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