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drugs USED in the last 12 months WE asked respondents which drugs they had tried in the past year

Founder and director of Global Drug Survey: Dr Adam Winstock

This year’s Global Drug Survey was the biggest so far, with over 22,000 responses from all over the world. It featured responses from the widest range of people so far, of all ages, backgrounds and nationalities. To keep it relevant to the dancefloor, we’ve concentrated mostly on results from regular clubbers – ie respondents who have been clubbing in the last month. For more statistics, stories, videos and info from the survey, go online to www.mixmag.net

More UK clubbers have tried MDMA or cannabis than have ever tried tobacco or energy drinks

95.1% 78.8%

Cannabis (any type)

67.7% 67% 60.8% 57.7%

19.8% of respondents had had sex on MDMA in the past 12 months

62.4% 60.9%

Tobacco MDMA(all)




Energy drinks

42.4% 41.5%

37.3% 34.2%

MDMA(pills) Cocaine

31.5% 26.9%

US clubbers are less likely to have tried cocaine and ketamine, and far less likely to have tried mephedrone, though more likely to have tried LSD or magic mushrooms

97.1% 88.4%


Ketamine Nitrous oxide

17.2% 16.5% 14.5% 13.8% 13.6% 13.6%


Caffeine tablets

15.4% 20.7% 11.5% 40.7% 44.3%

Magic mushrooms LSD


5% 5%

Mephedrone Poppers



drugs and pleasure

We asked respondents to rate drugs out of 10 in terms of positive and negative effects

UK vs US: drugs ever tried

We asked respondents to indicate which drugs they had ever tried


99.2% 95.4%



Cannabis (any type)

79% 77.5% 73.2% 71.8% 69.7% 67.8% 64.3% 60.8% 59.9%

Tobacco Cannabis (hash)

[[1L]] may 2013

75.6% 80.2%

Caffeine energy drinks Cannabis (skunk)

Cannabis (other grass)





Magic mushrooms




MDMA (all)


Nitrous oxide




Caffeine tablets






We asked respondents to rate drugs by their value for money 10 = excellent, 0 = very poor

60.4% 65.3%

MDMA (pills)

43.1% 41.3% 40.1% 39.9% 36.1% 34.9% 31.2%

Use of mephedrone and poppers in the past year was negligible for US clubbers, but 17.8% of them said they’d used DMTand 11.8% had used Ritalin


MDMA (crystals)



73.7% 75.2% 71.8%

MDMA (any type)

Drugs that didn’t make it into the top 20 (tried by less than 3% of UK clubbers) included Benzo Fury, methoxetamine, anabolic steroids, mescaline, heroin and GBL/GHB

5.3% 41.7% 61.6%

US www.mixmag.net

MDMA (crystals) GHB Ketamine Mephedrone


5.3 6.3 6.4 2.7 7.2 7.6 6.8 6 5.8

positive effects Improvement in mood / confidence

Increased pleasure from social interactions

Increased ability to relax

Increased capacity for sex / physical activity

Increase in energy / alertness

Increase in self awareness / understanding:

Relief from pain / worries

Help in coping with life



1 Cannabis


1 Amphetamine



1 Tobacco

2 Mushrooms

2 Mephedrone


2 Cocaine


2 Mushrooms

2 Cannabis


3 Cocaine



3 Alcohol



3 Cocaine



3 Alcohol

Negative effects on your physical health

Negative effects on your mental health

negative effects Unpleasant physical effects when intoxicated

Unpleasant psychological effects when intoxicated

Doing things that place you or others in harm’s way

Not being able to function normally in the days after use

Negative effects on ability to work / study / progress

1 Alcohol

1 Ketamine

1 Alocohol

1 Mephedrone

1 Alcohol

1 Alcohol

1 Mephedrone

1 Tobacco

2 Ketamine

2 Alcohol

2 Ketamine

2 Alcohol

2 Mephedrone

2 Mephedrone

2 Amphetamine

2 Alcohol

3 Mephedrone

3 Mephedrone

3 Cocaine





3 Alcohol

3 Cocaine

Money problems

may 2013 [[2R]]


crystals continue to replace pills as the preferred form


the most popular illegal drug in the survey

Cannabis is the most popular illicit drug among people who filled in the survey – 70.8% of UK respondents had used it in the past year (78.8% for regular clubbers). The figures that follow are based on all UK respondents who had used cannabis in the past year

58% usually buy their own weed

Methods respondents usually use to take cannabis

3% grow their own

How much cannabis do respondents typically use in a day?

83% smoke joints

1/4 of a gram 48% or less

5% smoke pipes

33% 05-1gm

5% smoke bongs

13% 1.5-2gm

3% vaporiser

more than 6% 2 grams

2% eat it

Most users mix cannabis with tobacco

1% smoke blunts 1% other


67% of UK regular clubbers and 60.9% of US clubbers who took the survey had used MDMA in the past 12 months. In both the UK and the US, MDMA powder/crystals are far more popular than pills among regular clubbers. Previous work by GDS has shown that users prefer crystals because of the ease of dose and the perception that it’s of higher quality.

60% of people pay £10 per gram


MDMA pills

have injected it


MDMA crystals

MDMA pills


the typical price for a gram of ketamine is £20

50.6% 96%

of regular UK clubbers who took the survey have tried ketamine, compared to 26.3% of regular US clubbers

snort it


MDMA crystals

4% have taken it via their rectum


usually take MDMA orally


usually snort it

Luxury pills 56% of people who buy their own pills have been offered higher priced, ‘better’ pills. The typical price was £10. 64% bought them; 75% thought they were better

of people who buy MDMA powder usually buy one gram at a time. The typical price is £40/gram 85% usually use half a gram or less in a session 15% have ever taken more than 2 grams in a session 0.3% of UK respondents who’d used MDMA in the past 12 months had sought emergency medical attention 75% of them had taken alcohol as well. The most common symptoms were (in order): anxiety/panic, extreme sweating, seeing/hearing things, confusion 82% said they were back to normal within 48 hours 50% cut down or stopped using MDMA afterwards


the ‘two tier’ market for cocaine is growing

42% always or usually drink alcohol

Previous work done by GDS has identified that one in four users of ketamine have reported urinary symptoms such as pain when passing water, blood in urine or abdominal pain. Drinking alcohol seems to make this more likely. If you experience any of these symptoms, stop using ketamine and see your doctor [[1L]] may 2013

have ever smoked it


its use continues to fall among clubbers

Ketamine use (in the last 12 months) among regular UK clubbers came down from 40% in 2012’s survey to 31.5% this year



drugs meter

Global Drug Survey has developed the cannabis drugs meter. It allows you to work out how much you are smoking and spending and compare it to thousands of other users. It’s free, anonymous and totally confidential: www.drugsmeter.com

of UK respondents who used MDMA have ever snorted it



are given it by friends

The typical price of a pill in the UK is £10, though 40% of people usually pay £5 or less



Last 12 months’ use


There is no relationship between strength/purity and the appearance of MDMA (ie crystals or powder)


Figures based on UK respondents who have used cocaine in the past 12 months: Only 45% usually buy their own cocaine. 58% of those usually buy a gram. 10% usually buy three grams or more. 75% usually pay between £40-60; the typical price is £50. Cocaine is considered the worst value for money of all commonly used drugs in the UK www.mixmag.net

We asked respondents what they thought had happened to the quality of cocaine in the past year: 4% thought it had gone up 44% thought it had gone down 16% thought it had stayed the same 36% didn’t know

LUXURY COKE 65% have been offered higher priced cocaine (typically £80, but in 25% of cases £100 or more) with the promise of better quality. 60% bought it. 67% thought it was better 96% of respondents usually snorted cocaine. 26% had ever smoked it 65% always drink alcohol when they take cocaine may 2013 [[2R]]

mystery powder

One in five regular uk clubbers has snorted or swallowed a mystery powder

14% of all respondents had taken a powder without knowing what it was in the past 12 months. For regular speed/cocaine/ ketamine/MDMA users, it was 32%. 20% of regular clubbers had taken a mystery powder in the past year


use is falling among clubbers, possibly due to comedown effects

Among regular UK clubbers, mephedrone use in the past 12 months has fallen from 19.5% in the 2012 survey to 13.8% this year. Mephedrone is rated by respondents as the worst drug in terms of feeling lousy/ not being able to function the next day, and unwanted effects on mental health

The typical price of a gram of mephedrone is


...though 47% of UK users normally pay less

56% of people usually use 1/4-1 gram in a typical session. 10% usually use more than 2 grams

86% of users usually snort it. 12% usually swallow

We asked respondents what they thought the mystery powder was:

of respondents who took a mystery powder were intoxicated at the time

33% of mephedrone users have done more than 2 grams in a single session. 11% have done more than 7 grams in a session


research chemicals

over 1 in 10 uk respondents have experimented with them

12% 43% 53% 18%

of UK respondents have bought drugs promoted as bath salts, legal highs or research chemicals in the past 12 months


took it at a party. 23% at home, 25% at a club, 17.8% elsewhere 23% cocaine 15% ketamine 16% mephedrone 10% MDMA 6% legal high 23% research chemical 16% bath salt 10% don’t know 6% other

bought them from a shop

from the internet

from a friend

from a dealer


TOP five drugs bought over the internet MDMA Cannabis Ketamine DMT

of respondents had bought drugs over the internet in the past 12 months [[1L]] may 2013


54% 50% 16% 12% 10%

70% said the powder gave them a good buzz. 10% felt sick, 20% felt no effect

48% of respondents had been worried by a friend’s use of drugs or alcohol in the past 12 months

Drugs that caused most worry: Alcohol










drugs meter

For expert advice about how to talk to your friends if you’re worried about their drug use, to see how your own drug use compares to others and for general information and advice about drug use, visit www.drugsmeter.com, Global Drugs Survey’s independent, confidential and highly recommended website and app.

sexual vulnerability and drugs

buying drugs over the internet sites like the silk road are growing in popularity


Worries about your mates


of respondents had heard of the online drug market place Silk Road. 14% had accessed the website. 3% had bought and taken drugs from Silk Road. 3% had taken drugs bought by a friend from Silk Road www.mixmag.net

worrying evidence of the link between drug use and sexual predation

We asked if respondents had ever been taken advantage of sexually because they were vulnerable as the result of alcohol or drugs they had taken:

20% 23% said yes

of those happened in the last year

Compare your alcohol use with the drinks meter at www.drinksmeter.com www.mixmag.net

We asked respondents if they’d ever been given drugs or alcohol by someone who had the intention of taking advantage of them sexually. 14% said yes. 24% of those happened in the past year We asked respondents if they’d ever had sex without their consent after being drugged by someone. 2.4% said yes. 15% happened in the last year

Certain respondents were more likely to be sexually taken advantage of than others: Young: 16-20 year olds Women Illegal drug users (in the past year) Clubbers

7x 3x 2x 3x

Over 30s Men Non-recent drug users Nonclubbers

may 2013 [[2R]]

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