Project Cristian Travel Broadens the mind

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Travelling broadens the mind When you travel around the world , you can visit incredible and exotics places . There´s the possibility of learn about new cultures and traditions from every country

Pentecost Isaland Pentecost is a small island in the Pacific Ocean

Pentecost Island has five indigenous languages, Raga (North Pentecost language), Apma (Central Pentecost language), Sowa (a recently-extinct language of south-central Pentecost), Ske(a small and endangered language of south-western Pentecost), and Sa (South Pentecost language). Apma and Sa have multiple dialects.

In this coutry the boys have to do something special when they became an adult. Every year in April or may , an importand ceremony is held there. The ceremony is called N´gol. This ceremony is described below First, Bambo trees are cut down and a Bambo tower , about 25 metrehigh, is built. A plataform of leaves and branches is made, and this is put at the bamboo tower. The boys then go into the forestto find lianas. Each boys must find, cut and measure his own liana beacuse the older mendo not help him. The boys clims to the top of the tower, where he ties one end of the liana to the tower and the other end to his foot.Then he jumps from the top of the tower. If the liana breaks, or is too long, the boys might die. A boy cannot became a men until he has jumped from the tower. Sometimes, the N´gol ceremony is watches by tourists. A few years ago a group of British people watched it, and it gave them the idea for a new sport called BUNGEE JUMPING

CZECH REPUBLIC The Czech Republic is a country of Central Europe, surrounded by Poland, Germany, Austria and Slovakia. The capital is Prague, the biggest city with more than 1 million of persons, and there people celebrate lots of traditional holidays like: St Joseph´s Day on March 19th The Burning of Witches on April 30th St Nicholas Tradition on December 5th

TRADITIONS IN CZECH REPUBLIC The last of these holidays is exciting holidays for children and interesting for turists, it reminds people that Christmas is near to come. If you find yourself walking the streets on that day, you may find a group of strange characters: St. Nicholas, the Angel who represents the Good, and the Devil representing the Evil. Mikuláš (the name of St Nicholas in Czech) looks a bit like Santa Claus (who it´s supposedly inspired by this character). The three characters walk the streets, stopping children and asking them if they were good in the past year. Most children say yes and they sing a song or read a short poem. Then the Angel gives children sweets or other treats. Bad kids would be put in the Devil's sack and taken to hell, or would only get a sack of potatoes instead of candy. Of course it does not really happen! This celebrations reminds me to Halloween, but in this case who uses the costumes are the adults, not kids and they don´t ask for sweets !

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