Issue 6

Page 35


Miracle Issue 6

seemed trite and derivative. In the last couple of years however, the Spirit has inspired a bold new style that has made celebratory poetry work better for me. During his recent visit to the U.K, Cliff was walking in the streets of London when he began to reminisce on a time when he lived there. His memories transported him back and in that moment he began to write some verses.

"Your grey paved streets invade my memory, reasons for leaving, forgetting, forgiving, the past, the present, the future revealing.”

"The coffee stain on the table, tell me more than you are able, you may be my executioner, but you can never be my judge." This particular one has eluded me, I've never been able to breathe more life into it, and it’s never become complete. Sometimes, for some reason, it just doesn't work”. Poetry is the music of life and music is poetry in motion. It is a universal language that speaks in the most profound ways. “For me poetry is to apply a rhythm to the memory or to the truth you wish to speak.” - Cliff Fielding

“Often these lines or phrases occur and eventually they become something. Years ago, in a cafe, the ring caused by an overflowing cup caught my attention and I wrote the lines:

Writing Idea: Stay at Your Computer Okay, so you want to switch things up, but you just can’t pry yourself away from your beloved computer. You can still get creative. Try writing in white text on a black background. Or try lime green on a dark purple background. Mix up your colors, make them bold, or put them in italics, and get busy writing.


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